Defines functions cor.origin phylog.gls.fit matrix.D read.phylog.matrix plot.phylog.cancor print.summary.phylog.cancor summary.phylog.cancor cancor.phylog plot.phylog.prcomp print.summary.phylog.prcomp summary.phylog.prcomp prcomp.phylog lm.phylog plot.phylog.lm print.summary.phylog.lm summary.phylog.lm read.sim.data read.phylip.data read.inp.data read.pdi.data scan.pdi.file scan.inp.file scan.simulation.file num.sim.tips number.of.simulations tips.names.pdi tips.names.inp number.of.tips.pdi number.of.tips.inp number.of.tips.sim

Documented in cancor.phylog cor.origin lm.phylog matrix.D number.of.simulations number.of.tips.inp number.of.tips.pdi number.of.tips.sim num.sim.tips phylog.gls.fit plot.phylog.cancor plot.phylog.lm plot.phylog.prcomp prcomp.phylog print.summary.phylog.cancor print.summary.phylog.lm print.summary.phylog.prcomp read.inp.data read.pdi.data read.phylip.data read.phylog.matrix read.sim.data scan.inp.file scan.pdi.file scan.simulation.file summary.phylog.cancor summary.phylog.lm summary.phylog.prcomp tips.names.inp tips.names.pdi


number.of.tips.sim <- function(x){
  ## extracts number of tips from a simulation file
  scan(file = x, skip = 3, nlines = 1, what = list("", 0), strip.white = TRUE,
       sep = "=", quiet = TRUE)[[2]][1]

number.of.tips.inp <- function(x){
  ## extracts number of tips from an inp file
  scan(file = x, skip = 3, nlines = 1,
       what = list("", "", 0, "", "", "", "", "", ""), strip.white = TRUE,
       quiet = TRUE)[[3]][1]

number.of.tips.pdi <- function(x){
  ## extracts number of tips from a pdi file
  scan(file = x, skip = 0, nlines = 1, quiet = TRUE)

tips.names.inp <- function(x){
  ## extracts names of tips from an inp file
  scan(x, list("", 0, "", 0), skip = 8, nmax = number.of.tips.inp(x),
       quiet = TRUE)[[1]]

tips.names.pdi <- function(x){
  ## extracts names of tips from an pdi file
  scan(x, list("", 0, 0), skip = 1 + 2 * number.of.tips.pdi(x),
       quiet = TRUE)[[1]]

number.of.simulations <- function(x){
    ## number of simulations
    scan(file = x, skip = 17 + number.of.tips.sim(x), nlines = 1,
         what = list("", "", "", 0, "", ""), quiet = TRUE)[[4]][1]

num.sim.tips <- function(x){
          ##returns the number of tips and the number of simulations
    tips <- scan(file = x, skip = 3, nlines = 1, what = list("", 0),
                 strip.white = TRUE, sep = "=", quiet = TRUE)[[2]][1]
    c(tips, scan(file = x, skip = 17 + tips, nlines = 1,
                 what = list("", "", "", 0, "", ""), quiet = TRUE)[[4]][1])

scan.simulation.file <- function(x, max.num = 0){
  ## extract, from each simulation file,
    ##conly the two columns with simulated data
  num.tips <- number.of.tips.sim(x)
  matrix(unlist(scan(x, list("", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0), skip = 21 + num.tips,
                     nlines = max.num * num.tips, quiet = TRUE)[2:3]),
         ncol = 2)

scan.inp.file <- function(x){
  ## extract, form an inp file, the two columns with the data
  matrix(unlist(scan(x, list("", 0, "", 0), skip = 8,
                     nmax = number.of.tips.inp(x),
                     quiet = TRUE)[c(2, 4)]), ncol = 2)

scan.pdi.file <- function(x){
  ## extract, form a pdi file, the two columns with the data
  matrix(unlist(scan(x, list("", 0, 0), skip = 1 + 2 * number.of.tips.pdi(x),
                     quiet = TRUE)[c(2, 3)]), ncol = 2)

read.pdi.data <- function(input.pdi.files, variable.names = NULL){
  ## this function takes one or more pdi files and extracts
  ##  the tips names and character values
  ## you can provide a column of names for the variables
  ## error checks
  ## (they only apply when more than one inp file, but to make things
  ##  simpler I use the same code for all cases).
    numbers.tips.check <- as.vector(sapply(input.pdi.files,
        stop("Pdi files have different numbers of tips")
    tips.order.check <- sapply(input.pdi.files, tips.names.pdi)
    if(!all(apply(tips.order.check, 2,
                  function(x){tips.order.check[, 1] == x})))
        stop("Species names (and/or their order) are different")    

  ## Put the files together
  tmp <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(lapply(input.pdi.files, scan.pdi.file)),
                              ncol = 2 * length(input.pdi.files)))
    if(length(variable.names) != length(names(tmp)))
        warning("The vector of variable names is not of the \nsame length as the number of variables. \nVector of variable names not added") else names(tmp) <- variable.names
  tmp <- cbind(tips.order.check[, 1], tmp)
  names(tmp)[1] <- "Tips"
  class(tmp) <- c("pdi.file", "data.frame")

read.inp.data <- function(input.inp.files, variable.names = NULL){
  ## this function takes one or more inp files and extracts the tips
  ##  names and character values
  ## you can provide a column of names for the variables
  ## error checks
  ## (they only apply when more than one inp file, but to make
  ##  things simpler I use the same
  ## code for all cases).
    ##    numbers.tips.check <- t(sapply(input.inp.files, number.of.tips.inp)) #up to version 1.0.1

    numbers.tips.check <- as.vector(sapply(input.inp.files, number.of.tips.inp))
        stop("Inp files have different numbers of tips")
    tips.order.check <- sapply(input.inp.files, tips.names.inp)
    if(!all(apply(tips.order.check, 2,
                  function(x){tips.order.check[, 1] == x})))
        stop("Species names (and/or their order) are different")    

  # Put the files together
  tmp <- as.data.frame(matrix(unlist(lapply(input.inp.files, scan.inp.file)),
                              ncol = 2 * length(input.inp.files)))
    if(length(variable.names) != length(names(tmp)))
        warning("The vector of variable names is not of the \nsame length as the number of variables. \nVector of variable names not added") else names(tmp) <- variable.names
  tmp <- cbind(tips.order.check[, 1], tmp)
  names(tmp)[1] <- "Tips"
  class(tmp) <- c("inp.file", "data.frame")

read.phylip.data <- function(input.phylip.file, variable.names = NULL) {
    ## takes a data input file such as used by PHYLIP
    num.species.and.variables <- scan(file = input.phylip.file, n = 2,
                                      quiet = TRUE)
    dataB <- scan(file = input.phylip.file, what = "", skip = 1, quiet = TRUE)
    dataB <- matrix(dataB, ncol = num.species.and.variables[2] + 1, byrow = TRUE)
    species <- dataB[, 1]
    dataB <- dataB[, -1]
    dataB <- as.matrix(dataB)
    dataB <- as.data.frame(matrix(as.numeric(dataB),
                                  nrow = num.species.and.variables[1], byrow = FALSE))
    if(length(variable.names) != length(names(dataB)))
        warning("The vector of variable names is not of the \nsame length as the number of variables. \nVector of variable names not added") else names(dataB) <- variable.names
    dataB <- cbind(species, dataB)
    names(dataB)[1] <- "Tips"
    class(dataB) <- c("phylip.file", "data.frame")

read.sim.data <- function(sim.files, inp.files = NULL, pdi.files = NULL,
                          phylip.file = NULL, variable.names = NULL,
                          other.variables = NULL, max.num = 0){
  # can enter sim and inp file without using explicit arguments; otherwise, for pdi, 
  # have to make it explicit that is pdi.file.

  # inp: one inp file; can either be after reading it (use function read.inp.data)
  # or before having read it.
  # If the file has already been read, then it is just a regular
  # R data frame, and the name is NOT quoted.
  # IF the file has still not been read, its name is quoted, and you
  # need to specify the appropriate path.
  # IMPORTANT: the inp file, as output from read.inp.data, is just a data frame with
  # one column of tips names and columns (multiples of 2) of variables.
  # If the inp file is given it is added to the output file;

  # In most cases you will want to have it done this way
  # variable.names: names of variables
  # other.variables: a vector of other variables to be added, that were not originally on the
  # sim files
  # max.num: if given, the number of simulations to use 

  ## To improve: deal with both inp and pid, in any possible order.
  ## recognize that a certain file is pdi.

rep.matrix.data.frame <- function(x, times){
#  browser()
  if(is.matrix(x)) {
    dimnames(x) <- NULL
    structure(apply(x, 2, rep, times))

  else {as.data.frame(lapply(x, rep, times))}
##                                        # i.e., it is data.frame
##    tmp <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x) * times, ncol = ncol(x)))
##    for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {tmp[[i]] <- rep(as.matrix(x[[i]]), times)}                     
##    names(tmp) <- NULL
##    tmp}
  original.data.files <- NULL  
  number.sim.files <- length(sim.files)
  numbers.check <- t(sapply(sim.files, num.sim.tips))
  if(is.null(inp.files) & is.null(pdi.files) & is.null(phylip.file))
      start.seq <- 1 else start.seq <- 0
##used to determine how many copies of the sim.counter, tips, etc,
   ##vectors to make when producing the output
  #some error checks
  if(!is.null(inp.files) & !is.null(pdi.files) & !is.null(phylip.file))
      stop("Only reads either inp or pdi or phylip, not both")
  if(length(unique(numbers.check[, 1]))>1)
      stop("Simulation files have different numbers of tips")
  if(length(unique(numbers.check[, 2]))>1)
      stop("Simulation files have different numbers of simulations")
  number.of.tips <- numbers.check[1, 1]
  number.of.simulations <- numbers.check[1, 2]
  ### I could do without these, or make a single object,
     ##  but they are not a big deal, and greatly enhance readability of code.

  # get species ---tips--- names and simulation counter
  tips.in.simulation <- unlist(scan(sim.files[1], list("", 0, 0, "", 0, 0, 0),
                                    skip = 21 + number.of.tips, quiet = TRUE,
                                    nlines = number.of.tips)[1])

  # error check for inp & pdi files
  if( is.null(inp.files) & is.null(pdi.files) & is.null(phylip.file))
      name.of.columns <- paste("V", seq(1:(2 * number.sim.files)), sep = "")
  else { if(!is.null(inp.files)){
# first determine if inp.files have already been read or not,  and process accordingly
    if(!is.data.frame(inp.files)) inp.files <- read.inp.data(inp.files)
    else inp.files <- inp.files
    if(number.of.tips != length(inp.files[, 1]))
        stop("Number of tips of inp and simualtion file(s) differ")
    if(!all(inp.files[, 1] == tips.in.simulation))
        stop("Species names or their order in inp and sim are different")
#    sim.counter <- rep(0, length(inp.files[, 1]))
    inp.files <- cbind(sim.counter = rep(0, length(inp.files[, 1])), inp.files)
                         ## added the simulation counter, which takes value 0
    name.of.columns <- names(inp.files)[-c(1, 2)] # will use later

    # to allow to combine with the simulation files later
    # and to minimize memory use and using rbind and cbind on a data frame, 
    # I make inp.files a matrix
    inp.files <- as.matrix(inp.files[, -c(1, 2)])
    dimnames(inp.files) <- NULL
    original.data.files <- inp.files
# first determine if pdi.files have already been read or not, and process accordingly
        pdi.files <- read.pdi.data(pdi.files)
    else pdi.files <- pdi.files
    if(number.of.tips != length(pdi.files[, 1]))
        stop("Number of tips of pdi and simualtion file(s) differ")
    if(!all(pdi.files[, 1] == tips.in.simulation))
        stop("Species names or their order in pdi and sim are different")
#    sim.counter <- rep(0, length(inp.files[, 1]))
    pdi.files <- cbind(sim.counter = rep(0, length(pdi.files[, 1])), pdi.files)
         ## added the simulation counter, which takes value 0
    name.of.columns <- names(pdi.files)[-c(1, 2)] # will use later

    # to allow to combine with the simulation files later
    # and to minimize memory use and using rbind and cbind on a data frame, 
    # I make inp.files a matrix
    pdi.files <- as.matrix(pdi.files[, -c(1, 2)])
    dimnames(pdi.files) <- NULL
    original.data.files <- pdi.files
# first determine if phylip.file has already been read or not, and process accordingly
        phylip.file <- read.phylip.data(phylip.file)
    else phylip.file <- phylip.file
    if(number.of.tips != length(phylip.file[, 1]))
        stop("Number of tips of phylip and simualtion file(s) differ")
    if(!all(phylip.file[, 1] == tips.in.simulation))
        stop("Species names or their order in phylip and sim are different")
#    sim.counter <- rep(0, length(inp.files[, 1]))
    phylip.file <- cbind(sim.counter = rep(0, length(phylip.file[, 1])),
        ## added the simulation counter, which takes value 0
    name.of.columns <- names(phylip.file)[-c(1, 2)] # will use later

    # to allow to combine with the simulation files later
    # and to minimize memory use and using rbind and cbind on a data frame, 
    # I make inp.files a matrix
    phylip.file <- as.matrix(phylip.file[, -c(1, 2)])
    dimnames(phylip.file) <- NULL
    original.data.files <- phylip.file
  } }

##   names of columns:
##   if there is not, then name of columns is whatever was found above
##   (null if no inp file, inp cols otherwise); thus, no need to deal
##   with this case
##     if there is such a variable, check it is of the right size;
##      if it is, assign it to name of columns
##     if there is a variable.names vector, make this the name of
##       colums for the inp file (fi it exists)
##     and the simulation file; otherwise, use the col. names
##    from the the inp file, if it exists.

    if(length(variable.names) != (number.sim.files * 2))
        warning("The vector of variable names is not the same length as the number of variables. \nVector of variable names not added")
    else name.of.columns <- variable.names
  # now prepare the final name.of.columns
  name.of.columns <- c("sim.counter", "Tips", name.of.columns)
  if(max.num) number.of.simulations <- max.num
##   Create the return data frame by combining the above
##   what we do: rbind the inp to the simulation output; then cbind
##       the counter and tips; then we give the
##             columns their names.
##       This is a little bit hard to read, but avoids creating
##            intermediate objects.
##       The simulation files are read using lapply of the scan.simulation.file
##           on all sim files, and turning that into a matrix.
##     If there is the other.variables column, it is added here
##       too (after checking right length)
    if (is.null(other.variables)) 
        structure(data.frame(rep(seq(from = start.seq,
                                     to = number.of.simulations), 
            rep(number.of.tips, number.of.simulations + 1 - start.seq)), 
            rep(tips.in.simulation, number.of.simulations + 1 - start.seq), 
            rbind(original.data.files, matrix(unlist(lapply(sim.files, 
                scan.simulation.file, max.num = number.of.simulations)),
                                              ncol = 2 * number.sim.files))),
                  names = name.of.columns, 
            class = c("simul.phylog", "data.frame"))
    else {  # there are other variables
        if (is.null(ncol(other.variables))) {
            name.of.vector <- deparse(substitute(other.variables))
            dim(other.variables) <- c(length(other.variables), 
                1)  #always a matrix
            dimnames(other.variables) <- list(NULL, name.of.vector)
            ##but try to get name to something reasonable
        if (length(other.variables[, 1]) == number.of.tips) {
            if (is.data.frame(other.variables)) 
                name.of.columns <- c(name.of.columns, names(other.variables))
            else name.of.columns <- c(name.of.columns,
            structure(data.frame(rep(seq(from = start.seq,
                                         to = number.of.simulations), 
                rep(number.of.tips, number.of.simulations + 1-start.seq)), 
                rep(tips.in.simulation, number.of.simulations + 1-start.seq),
                                                            max.num = number.of.simulations)), 
                                              ncol = 2 * number.sim.files)),
                                                       number.of.simulations + 1-start.seq)),
                      names = name.of.columns, 
                      class = c("simul.phylog", "data.frame"))
        else {
            warning("The length of the 'other variables' is different from the number of tips; the 'other variables' have not been added")
            structure(data.frame(rep(seq(from = start.seq,
                                         to = number.of.simulations), 
                                         number.of.simulations + 1-start.seq)), 
                                     number.of.simulations + 1-start.seq),
                                                      max.num =
                                                      number.of.simulations +
                                        ncol = 2 * number.sim.files))),
                      names = name.of.columns, 
                      class = c("simul.phylog", "data.frame"))

# summary.simul.phylog <- function(x){}

# plot.simul.phylog <- function(x){}

summary.phylog.lm <- function(object, ...){

## note: we use quantile, so there is linear interpolation to find quantiles
##  if(class(object) != "phylog.lm")
## stop("Object mas be of class phylog.lm,
    ##such as obtained from the lm.phylog function")
  num.simul <- dim(object$MarginalTests)[1]-1
  F.value.sim <- as.matrix(object$MarginalTests[-1, ][-1])
  F.value.original <- object$MarginalTests[1, ][-1]
  ## make that into a matrix by repeating the value as many times as needed
  ## takes up space but seems more efficient than other solutions
  F.value.original <- matrix(rep(as.matrix(F.value.original), num.simul),
                             nrow = num.simul, byrow = TRUE)
##  sim.larger <- F.value.sim>F.value.original
##  count.larger <- apply(sim.larger, 2, function(object)
        ##{length(object[object == TRUE])})
##  count.larger <- apply(F.value.sim>F.value.original, 2, sum)
##  p.value <- (count.larger + 1)/(num.simul + 1)

## this is what p-value does: count the number of cases where the simulated F is
## larger than the one from inp, add one, and divide by num.simulations + 1.
  p.value <- (apply(F.value.sim>F.value.original, 2, sum) + 1)/(num.simul + 1) 
  quant.F.value <- apply(F.value.sim, 2, quantile,
                         probs = c(.5, .9, .95, .99, .999))
  structure(list(call = object$call, original.model = object$Fits[1, ][-1],
                 original.Fvalue = object$MarginalTests[1, ][-1], 
                 p.value = p.value, quant.Fvalue = quant.F.value,
                 num.simul = num.simul), class = "summary.phylog.lm")
print.summary.phylog.lm <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\nCall: \n")
  cat("\nModel from inp data:\n")
  cat("\nF-test's from inp data:\n")
  cat("\nQuantiles of F-value distribution:\n")
  cat("\nNumber of simulations used in analyses: ",
      format(x$num.simul, ...), "\n")

plot.phylog.lm <- function(x, ...){
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  num.plot.fit <- length(names(x$Fits))-1
  num.plot.F <- length(names(x$MarginalTest))-1
  num.simul <- dim(x$MarginalTests)[1]-1

  figs.to.plot <- num.plot.fit + num.plot.F
  nb.fig <- prod(par("mfcol"))
  par(ask = interactive() && nb.fig < figs.to.plot)

  par(las = 1)
  for(i in 1:num.plot.fit) {
    hist(x$Fits[, i + 1], xlab = names(x$Fits)[i + 1], main = "Histogram of model terms")
    abline(v = x$Fits[1, i + 1])}
  for(j in 1:num.plot.F) {
    p.value <-
        (sum(x$MarginalTest[-1, j + 1] > x$MarginalTest[1, j + 1]) + 1) /
            (num.simul + 1)
    hist(x$MarginalTest[, j + 1],
         xlab = paste(names(x$MarginalTest)[j + 1], " (p = ",
         format.pval(p.value), ")", sep = ""),
         main = "Histogram of marginal F-values")
    abline(v = x$MarginalTest[1, j + 1])}

lm.phylog <- function(formula, data, max.num = 0, weights = NULL,
                      exclude.tips = NULL, lapply.size = 100){
    ## using looping over lapply and keeping my.drop outside  
    my.drop <- function (object) 
## Returns ONLY the marginal F's.
## This function is based on drop1 (a function in the R base distribution),
## by B.D. Ripley;
## all I have done here is eliminate things I didn't need.

        ## From R-1.9.0 deviance.lm no longer available. Kludge here:
        deviance.lm <- function(object, ...)
            sum(weighted.residuals(object)^2, na.rm=TRUE)
        x <- model.matrix(object)
        iswt <- !is.null(wt <- object$weights)
        n <- nrow(x)
        asgn <- attr(x, "assign")
        tl <- attr(object$terms, "term.labels")
        scope <- drop.scope(object)
        ndrop <- match(scope, tl)
        ns <- length(scope)
        rdf <- object$df.resid
        chisq <- deviance.lm(object)
        dfs <- numeric(ns)
        RSS <- numeric(ns)
        y <- object$residuals + predict(object)
        rank <- object$rank
        for (i in 1:ns) {
            ii <- seq(along = asgn)[asgn == ndrop[i]]
            jj <- setdiff(seq(ncol(x)), ii)        
            z <- if (iswt) 
                lm.wfit(x[, jj, drop = FALSE], y, wt)
            else lm.fit(x[, jj, drop = FALSE], y)
            dfs[i] <- z$rank
            RSS[i] <- deviance.lm(z)
        ##   scope <- c("<none>", scope)
        dfs <- c(object$rank, dfs)
        RSS <- c(chisq, RSS)
        dfs <- (dfs[1] - dfs)[-1]
        rdf <- object$df.resid
        dev <- RSS[-1]-RSS[1]
        rms <- RSS[1]/rdf
        Fs <- (dev/dfs)/rms
    if(min(data$sim.counter) == 1)
        stop("You need the input file to include original data from an inp or similar file; these are the data whose coefficients you are trying to test")

    ## I do not use match.call, and evaluating it, to avoid creating a new mf,
    ##  which could be huge.
    ## weights, to make things comparable to other R functions,
    ## can either be a column
    ## in the data set data or something else in the parent environment.
    ## First look for it in "data"; if it is not there, go to parent environment
    ## Note, though, that if it is a vector in the parent environment it MUST have
    ## the same length as any column in data, before data is reduced with arguments
    ## max.num and exclude.tips.
    ## Things seem to work when weights is called as a function of a
    ## variable in data, 
    ## but the data frame needs to be given explicitly;
    ## ej: weights = sqrt(dataxx$variableyy)
    ## Note that there have been several changes, w.r.t.
    ## initial versions, because of
    ## scoping differences between R-1.1.1 and R-1.2.0; I have used a solution
    ## provided by P. Dalgaard (email of 12-Oct-2000)
        if(match(deparse(substitute(weights)), names(data), nomatch = 0))
            data$w <- eval(parse(text = paste(deparse(substitute(data)),
                                 "$", substitute(weights), sep = "")))
        else {if(length(weights) != length(data$sim.counter))
                  stop("Length of weights not equal to number of rows")
              data$w <- weights}
        if(any(data$w <= 0)) stop("Weights have to be positive") }
    else data$w <- NULL
    if(!is.null(exclude.tips)) data <-
        data[match(data$Tips, exclude.tips, nomatch = 0) == 0, ] 
    if(max.num) {
        max.num <- min(max(data$sim.counter), max.num)
        data <- data[data$sim.counter<max.num + 1, ]
    else max.num <- max(data$sim.counter)
    names.vars <- drop.scope(formula)
    ##  terms.in.model <- names(lm(formula = formula, data = data, weights = w, subset = sim.counter == 0)[[1]])
    ## there should be a simpler way
    ## terms.in.model <- names(lm(formula = formula, data = data,
    ##                            subset = sim.counter == 0)[[1]])

    ## I am getting a note: no visible binding for global variable sim.counter
    ## let's see if this solves it
    terms.in.model <- names(lm(formula = formula,
                               data = data[data$sim.counter == 0,])[[1]])

    ##note that there is no weights argument here; problems getting it to run
    ## in both R-1.1.1 and R-1.2.0; after all, the names are the same with or
    ##without weights. Still, there should be a simpler way!!
    if(terms.in.model[1] == "(Intercept)") terms.in.model[1] <- "Intercept"
    loop.counter <- (max.num + 1)%/%lapply.size
    rest.of.data <- (max.num + 1)%%lapply.size
    tmp <- matrix(nrow = max.num + 1,
                  ncol = length(names.vars) + length(terms.in.model) + 1)
    i <- 0
    if (loop.counter) { #only enter in the loop if needed
        for(i in 1:loop.counter){
            datai <-
                data[data$sim.counter <= ((i * lapply.size)-1) &
                     data$sim.counter >= ((i-1) * lapply.size), ]
            ## obtain output of interest ---fm[[1]], my.drop(fm)---
            ##by applying that function
            ## over the subset of data within loop; as result is list,
            ##unlist and turn into a matrix
            tmp[(((i-1) * lapply.size) + 1):(i * lapply.size), ] <-
                matrix(unlist(lapply(split(datai, datai$sim.counter), 
                                     function(datos, formula){
                                         environment(formula) <- environment()    
                                         fm <- lm(formula = formula,
                                                  data = datos, weights = datos$w);
                                         c(fm$coefficients, summary(fm)$fstatistic[[1]],
                                     formula = formula)), 
                       nrow = lapply.size, byrow = TRUE)
    if (rest.of.data){
        datai <- data[data$sim.counter >= (loop.counter * lapply.size), ]
        tmp[(((i * lapply.size) + 1):(max.num + 1)), ] <-
            matrix(unlist(lapply(split(datai, datai$sim.counter), 
                                 function(datos, formula){
                                     environment(formula) <- environment()  
                                     fm <- lm(formula = formula,
                                              data = datos, weights = datos$w);
                                     c(fm$coefficients, summary(fm)$fstatistic[[1]],
                                 formula = formula)), 
                   nrow = rest.of.data, byrow = TRUE)
    structure(list(call = match.call(), 
                   Fits = data.frame(structure(cbind(seq(from = 0, to = max.num), 
                   tmp[, c(1:length(terms.in.model))]),
                   dimnames = list(NULL, c("sim.counter", terms.in.model)))), 
                   MarginalTests =
                              (cbind(seq(from = 0, to = max.num), 
                                     tmp[, -c(1:length(terms.in.model))]),
                               dimnames = list(NULL, c("sim.counter",
                               "Overall F", names.vars))))), 
              class = c("phylog.lm", "list"))

prcomp.phylog <- function(x, max.num = 0, exclude.tips = NULL,
                          lapply.size = 100, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, ...){
##  require(mva, quietly = FALSE, warn.conflicts = TRUE) no longer needed
## pass as x the columns you want analyzed AND, as first column, sim.counter
    ## and as second columns Tips
## using looping over lapply and keeping my.drop outside  
  if(min(x$sim.counter) == 1)
      stop("You need the input file to include original x from an inp or similar file; these are the data whose coefficients you are trying to test")

  if(!is.null(exclude.tips)) x <-
      x[match(x$Tips, exclude.tips, nomatch = 0) == 0, ] 
  if(max.num) {max.num <- min(max(x$sim.counter), max.num)
               x <- x[x$sim.counter<max.num + 1, ] }
  else max.num <- max(x$sim.counter)

  x <- x[, -2]
  loop.counter <- (max.num + 1)%/%lapply.size
  rest.of.data <- (max.num + 1)%%lapply.size
  tmp <- matrix(nrow = max.num + 1, ncol = dim(x)[2]-1)
  i <- 0
  if (loop.counter) { #only enter in the loop if needed
      for(i in 1:loop.counter){
          xi <-
              x[x$sim.counter <= ((i * lapply.size)-1) &
                   x$sim.counter >= ((i-1) * lapply.size), ]  
          tmp[(((i-1) * lapply.size) + 1):(i * lapply.size), ] <- 
              matrix(unlist(lapply(split(xi, xi$sim.counter),
                                   function(datos, center, scale){
                                       (prcomp(datos[, -1], center = center,
                                               scale = scale)[[1]])^2
                                   center = center, scale = scale)),
                     nrow = lapply.size, byrow = TRUE)

  if (rest.of.data){
      xi <- x[x$sim.counter >= (loop.counter * lapply.size), ]
      tmp[(((i * lapply.size) + 1):(max.num + 1)), ] <-
          matrix(unlist(lapply(split(xi, xi$sim.counter),
                               function(datos, center, scale){
                                   (prcomp(datos[, -1], center = center,
                                           scale = scale)[[1]])^2
                               center = center, scale = scale)),
                 nrow = rest.of.data, byrow = TRUE)

  dimnames(tmp) <- list(NULL, paste("lambda", 1:(dim(x)[2]-1), sep = ""))  
  structure(list(call = match.call(), 
                 Eigenvalues =
                 data.frame("sim.counter" = seq(from = 0, to = max.num), tmp)), 
            class = c("phylog.prcomp", "list"))

summary.phylog.prcomp <- function(object, ...){

## note: we use quantile, so there is linear interpolation to find quantiles
##if(class(object) != "phylog.lm")
##stop("Object mas be of class phylog.lm, such as obtained from the lm.phylog function")
  num.simul <- dim(object$Eigenvalues)[1]-1
  eigenvalue.sim <- as.matrix(object$Eigenvalues[-1, ][-1])
  eigenvalue.original <- object$Eigenvalues[1, ][-1]
  # make that into a matrix by repeating the value as many times as needed
  # takes up space but seems more efficient than other solutions
  eigenvalue.original <-
      matrix(rep(as.matrix(eigenvalue.original), num.simul),
             nrow = num.simul, byrow = TRUE)

## this is what p-value does: count the number of cases where the simulated eigenvalue is
## larger than the one from inp, add one, and divide by num.simulations + 1.
  p.value <- (apply(eigenvalue.sim>eigenvalue.original, 2, sum) + 1)/(num.simul + 1)

## take into account that, to look whetehr the second eigenvalue
## is "significant" the first must have been to.
## thus, you get support agains the null hypothesis (that, say, lambda 2
## is really there) if BOTH the first and the second eigenvalues
## from the inp data are larger than most of the simulated ones.
## Thus, the p-value is computed as the number of simulations
## in which the second simulated eigenvalue is larger than the observed
## or the first simulated is larger than the observed, or both.
## In other words, the only cases that contribute to provide
## support against the null are simulations in which
## BOTH the first and the second eigenvalues are smaller
## than the observed ones.

## In this code, I first look at wheter (cell-wise, as above)
## the simulated is larger than the observed.
## Then, I go row by row and compute the cumulative sum
## so if I have FALSE TRUE that is a 0, 1, if I have FALSE FASLE that is 0, 0, 
## if I have TRUE, FALSE that is 1, 1, etc.
## But I don't care about the value of the sum, only whether or not it
## is larger than 0.
## Once in each cell I have a TRUE or FALSE again, 
## I add over columns to get the p-values.
  p.value2 <- (apply(t(apply(eigenvalue.sim>eigenvalue.original, 1,
                     2, sum) + 1)/(num.simul + 1)
  names(p.value2) <- names(p.value)
  mean.eigenvalue <- apply(eigenvalue.sim, 2, mean)
  quant.eigenvalue <- apply(eigenvalue.sim, 2, quantile,
                            probs = c(.5, .9, .95, .99, .999))
  structure(list(call = object$call,
                 original.eigenvalues = object$Eigenvalues[1, ][-1], 
                 p.value.component = p.value, p.value.multiple = p.value2,
                 mean.eigenvalue = mean.eigenvalue,
                 quant.eigenvalue = quant.eigenvalue,
                 num.simul = num.simul),
            class = "summary.phylog.prcomp")

print.summary.phylog.prcomp <- function(x, ...){
  cat("\nCall: \n")
  cat("\nEigenvalues from inp data:\n")
  cat("\n'Component-wise' P-value for eigenvalues:\n")
  cat("\n'Multiple eigenvalue' P-value:\n")
  cat("\nMean of simulated eigenvalues: \n")
  cat("\nQuantiles of eigenvalues' distributions:\n")
  cat("\nNumber of simulations used in analyses: ",
      format(x$num.simul, ...), "\n")

plot.phylog.prcomp <- function(x, ...){
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE, ...)
  num.plots <- dim(x$Eigenvalues)[2]-1
  num.simul <- dim(x$Eigenvalues)[1]-1

  nb.fig <- prod(par("mfcol"))
  par(ask = interactive() && nb.fig < num.plots)

  par(las = 1)
  mean.eigenvalue <- apply(as.matrix(x$Eigenvalues[-1, ][-1]), 2, mean)
  plot(c(1, num.plots), c(0, max(x$Eigenvalues[, -1])),
       type = "n", ylab = "Value of eigenvalue",
       xlab = "Eigenvalue", main = "Scree plot as in Horn (1965)")
  lines(c(1:num.plots), x$Eigenvalues[1, -1], lty = 1)
  lines(c(1:num.plots), mean.eigenvalue, lty = 2)
  legend(num.plots/2, max(x$Eigenvalues[, -1]), lty = c(1, 2),
         c("Observed", "Simulated"), bty = "n", xjust = 0)

  for(i in 1:num.plots) {
    p.value <- (sum(x$Eigenvalues[-1, i + 1] > x$Eigenvalues[1, i + 1]) + 1) /
        (num.simul + 1)
    hist(x$Eigenvalues[, i + 1],
         xlab = paste(names(x$Eigenvalues)[i + 1], " (p = ",
         format.pval(p.value), ")", sep = ""),
         main = "Histogram of eigenvalues")
##hist(x$Eigenvalues[, i + 1], xlab = names(x$Eigenvalues)[i + 1], main = "Histogram of eigenvalues")
    abline(v = x$Eigenvalues[1, i + 1])}

cancor.phylog <- function(data1, data2, max.num = 0, exclude.tips = NULL,
                          lapply.size = 100,
                          xcenter = TRUE, ycenter = TRUE){

## pass as data the columns you want analyzed AND, as first column, sim.counter
## and as second columns Tips
## using looping over lapply and keeping my.drop outside  
  if(min(data1$sim.counter) == 1)
      stop("You need the input file to include original data from an inp or similar file; these are the data whose coefficients you are trying to test")

  if(!is.null(exclude.tips)) {
      data1 <- data1[match(data1$Tips, exclude.tips, nomatch = 0) == 0, ]
      data2 <- data2[match(data2$Tips, exclude.tips, nomatch = 0) == 0, ]
  if(max.num) {
      max.num <- min(max(data1$sim.counter), max.num)
      data1 <- data1[data1$sim.counter<max.num + 1, ]
      data2 <- data2[data2$sim.counter<max.num + 1, ]
  else max.num <- max(data1$sim.counter)
  if(!all(data1$Tips == data2$Tips))
      stop("Different Tips in the two data sets")
  if(max(data1$sim.counter) != max(data2$sim.counter))
      stop("Different number of simulations in the two data sets")

  vars.x1 <- dim(data1)[2]-2
  vars.x2 <- dim(data2)[2]-2
  data <- cbind(data1[, -2], data2[, -c(1, 2)])
  number.of.tips <- length(data1$Tips[data1$sim.counter == 0])
  rm(data1, data2)

  loop.counter <- (max.num + 1)%/%lapply.size
  rest.of.data <- (max.num + 1)%%lapply.size

  tmp <- matrix(nrow = max.num + 1, ncol = min(vars.x1, vars.x2))
  i <- 0
  if (loop.counter) { #only enter in the loop if needed
      for(i in 1:loop.counter){
          datai <-
              data[data$sim.counter <= ((i * lapply.size)-1) &
                   data$sim.counter >= ((i-1) * lapply.size), ]  
          tmp[(((i-1) * lapply.size) + 1):(i * lapply.size), ] <- 
              matrix(unlist(lapply(split(datai, datai$sim.counter),
                                   function(datos, xcenter, ycenter){
                                       cancor(datos[, 2:(vars.x1 + 1)],
                                              datos[, -(1:vars.x1 + 1)],
                                              xcenter = xcenter,
                                              ycenter = ycenter)[[1]]
                                   xcenter = xcenter,
                                   ycenter = ycenter)),
                     nrow = lapply.size, byrow = TRUE)
  if (rest.of.data){
      datai <-
          data[data$sim.counter >= (loop.counter * lapply.size), ]
      tmp[(((i * lapply.size) + 1):(max.num + 1)), ] <-
          matrix(unlist(lapply(split(datai, datai$sim.counter),
                               function(datos, xcenter, ycenter){
                                   cancor(datos[, 2:(vars.x1 + 1)],
                                          datos[, -(1:vars.x1 + 1)],
                                          xcenter = xcenter,
                                          ycenter = ycenter)[[1]]
                               xcenter = xcenter,
                               ycenter = ycenter)),
                 nrow = rest.of.data, byrow = TRUE)
  dimnames(tmp) <- list(NULL, paste("corr", 1:(dim(tmp)[2]), sep = ""))  
### for likelihood-ratio based test
 ## the LR.stat is from expression 14.23 in Krzanowski (p. 447)
  n.prime <- number.of.tips - 0.5 * (vars.x1 + vars.x2 + 3)
  ## for compacteness don't create an intermediate object to hold the LR statistic.
  structure(list(call = match.call(), 
                 CanonicalCorrelations =
                 data.frame("sim.counter" = seq(from = 0, to = max.num), tmp), 
                 LR.statistic =
                 data.frame("sim.counter" = seq(from = 0, to = max.num), 
                            lambda =
                            apply(tmp, 1,
                                  function(y) -n.prime * sum(log(1 - (y^2)))))), 
            class = c("phylog.cancor", "list"))

summary.phylog.cancor <- function(object, ...){
## note: we use quantile, so there is linear interpolation to find quantiles

  num.simul <- dim(object$CanonicalCorrelations)[1]-1
  cancor.sim <- as.matrix(object$CanonicalCorrelations[-1, ][-1])
  cancor.original <- object$CanonicalCorrelations[1, ][-1]
  overall.sim <- object$LR.statistic[-1, 2]
  overall.original <- object$LR.statistic[1, 2]

  ## make that into a matrix by repeating the value as many times as needed
  ## takes up space but seems more efficient than other solutions
  cancor.original <-
      matrix(rep(as.matrix(cancor.original), num.simul), nrow = num.simul,
             byrow = TRUE)

## this is what p-value does: count the number of cases where the
  ##simulated eigenvalue is
## larger than the one from inp, add one, and divide by num.simulations + 1.

  p.value <- (apply(cancor.sim >= cancor.original, 2, sum) + 1)/(num.simul + 1)

  ## the following is the same idea, but just for the LR overall statistic of
  # of hypothesis that all canonical corr. are zero
  overall.p.value <- (sum(overall.sim >= overall.original) + 1)/(num.simul + 1)
  names(overall.p.value) <- "P-value"

## see code for phylog.prcomp

  p.value2 <-
      (apply(t(apply(cancor.sim>cancor.original, 1,
                     function(x){as.logical(cumsum(x))})), 2, sum) + 1)/
                         (num.simul + 1)
  names(p.value2) <- names(p.value)
  names(overall.original) <- "lambda"
  quant.cancor <- apply(cancor.sim, 2, quantile,
                        probs = c(.5, .9, .95, .99, .999))
  structure(list(call = object$call,
                 original.LR.statistic = overall.original, 
                 original.canonicalcorrelations =
                 object$CanonicalCorrelations[1, ][-1], 
                 p.value.overall.test = overall.p.value, 
                 p.value.corwise = p.value, p.value.multiple = p.value2,
                 quant.canonicalcorrelations = quant.cancor,
                 num.simul = num.simul), class = "summary.phylog.cancor")

print.summary.phylog.cancor <- function(x, ...){
    cat("\nCall: \n")
    cat("\nCanonical correlations from original data:\n")
    cat("\nLR statistic from original data to test that all canonical correlations are zero:\n")
    cat("\nTest that all canonical correlations are zero:\n")
    cat("\n'Correlation-wise' P-value for canonical correlations:\n")
    cat("\n'Multiple' P-value for canonical correlations:\n")
    cat("\nQuantiles of canonical correlations' distributions:\n")
    cat("\nNumber of simulations used in analyses: ", format(x$num.simul, ...), "\n")

plot.phylog.cancor <- function(x, ...){
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE, ...)
  num.plots <- dim(x$CanonicalCorrelations)[2]-1
  num.simul <- dim(x$CanonicalCorrelations)[1]-1

  nb.fig <- prod(par("mfcol"))
  par(ask = interactive() && nb.fig < num.plots)

  par(las = 1)
  for(i in 1:num.plots) {
      p.value <- (sum(x$CanonicalCorrelations[-1, i + 1] >
                      x$CanonicalCorrelations[1, i + 1]) + 1) /
                          (num.simul + 1)
      hist(x$CanonicalCorrelations[, i + 1],
           xlab = paste(names(x$CanonicalCorrelations)[i + 1],
           " (p = ", format.pval(p.value), ")", sep = ""),
           main = "Histogram of canonical correlations")
## hist(x$CanonicalCorrelations[, i + 1],
      ##xlab = names(x$CanonicalCorrelations)[i + 1], main = "Histogram of canonical correlations")
      abline(v = x$CanonicalCorrelations[1, i + 1])}

read.phylog.matrix <- function(x){read.table(x, skip = 1, header = TRUE)}

matrix.D <- function(x){
  ## To obtain the matrix D in p. 361 of Garland & Ives, 2000.
  ## you don't need to call it directly. This function is called by other functions.
  ## In the terminology of Garland & Ives, 2000 we want D %*% C %*% D' = I
  ## We can follow Schott, 1997, "Matrix analysis for statistics", pp. 139 and 141.
  ## Let D = inverse of T.
  ## Then T is any square root matrix of C, s.t., T %*% T' = C.
  ## T can be obtained with an eigenvalue-eigenvector (spectral) decomposition
  ## where: T = P %*% sqrt(lambda) %*% t(P),
    ## with P eigenvector of C and lmbda the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues.

  eigx <- eigen(x)
  T <- eigx$vectors  %*%  diag(sqrt(eigx$values))  %*%  t(eigx$vectors)
  matrixD <- solve(T)
  dimnames(matrixD) <- dimnames(x)

phylog.gls.fit <- function(x, y, cov.matrix, intercept = TRUE, exclude.tips = NULL){
  # to fit a linear model using gls as in Garland & Ives, 2000.
  # the data have to be continuous variables. If you have a
  # factor, convert it to the appropriate dummy variables (you
  # can use function "contrasts").
  mD <- matrix.D(cov.matrix)
  y <- mD %*% y
  if(is.vector(x)) {
    tmp.name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    names(x) <- tmp.name
    else x <- as.data.frame(x)
  dimnames(x)[[1]] <- dimnames(y)[[1]] # to allow to select tips
  if(intercept){x1 <- mD %*% cbind(rep(1, length(y)), as.matrix(x))
                if(!is.null(exclude.tips)) {
                    x1 <- x1[match(dimnames(x1)[[1]], exclude.tips,
                                   nomatch = 0) == 0, ]
                  y <- y[match(dimnames(y)[[1]], exclude.tips,
                               nomatch = 0) == 0, ]
                fit1 <- lm(y ~ x1-1)
                names(fit1$coefficients) <- c("(Intercept)", names(x))
  else {x1 <- mD %*% as.matrix(x)
        if(!is.null(exclude.tips)) {
                  x1 <- x1[match(dimnames(x1)[[1]], exclude.tips,
                                 nomatch = 0) == 0, ]
                  y <- y[match(dimnames(y)[[1]], exclude.tips,
                               nomatch = 0) == 0, ]
        fit1 <- lm(y ~ x1-1)
        names(fit1$coefficients) <- names(x)  

cor.origin <- function(x, y){lm(y ~ x-1)$coefficients * sqrt(x %*% x)/sqrt(y %*% y)}

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