#' PLmixed: A package for estimating GLMMs with factor structures.
#' The \code{PLmixed} package's main function is \code{\link{PLmixed}}, which estimates
#' the model through nested maximizations using the \pkg{\link{lme4}} and \pkg{\link{optimx}} packages
#' (previously the \code{\link{optim}} function). This extends the capabilities of \pkg{\link{lme4}}
#' to allow for estimated factor structures, making it useful for estimating multilevel
#' factor analysis and item response theory models with an arbitrary number of hierarchical
#' levels or crossed random effects.
#' @docType package
#' @name PLmixed-package
#' @references
#' Rockwood, N. J., & Jeon, M. (2019). Estimating complex measurement and growth models
#' using the R package PLmixed.\emph{Multivariate Behavioral Research, 54}(2), 288-306.
#' Jeon, M., & Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2012). Profile-likelihood approach for estimating
#' generalized linear mixed models with factor structures. \emph{Journal of Educational
#' and Behavioral Statistics, 37}(4), 518-542.
#' Fit GLMM with Factor Structure
#' Fit a (generalized) linear mixed effects model (GLMM) with factor structures. Utilizes both the
#' \pkg{\link{lme4}} package and \code{\link{optim}} function for estimation using a profile-likelihood based
#' approach.
#' @param formula A formula following that of \pkg{\link{lme4}}, with the addition that factors can be specified
#' as random effects. Factor names should not be names of variables in the data set, and are instead
#' defined with the \code{factor} argument.
#' @seealso \pkg{\link{lme4}}
#' @param data A data frame containing the variables used in the model (but not factor names).
#' @param family A GLM family, see \code{\link{glm}} and \code{\link{family}}.
#' @param load.var A variable in the dataframe identifying what the factors load onto. Each unique element in \code{load.var} will have
#' a unique factor loading. All rows in the dataset with the same value for \code{load.var} will have the same factor loading.
#' @param lambda A matrix or list of matrices corresponding to the loading matrices. A value of NA
#' indicates the loading is freely estimated, while a numeric entry indicates a constraint.
#' @param factor A list of factors corresponding to the loading matrices and factors specified in model.
#' @param init A scalar (default = \code{1}) or vector of initial lambda values. If a scalar, the value is applied to all lambda parameters.
#' If a vector, the values apply in row by column by matrix order.
#' @param nlp A character vector containing the names of additional nonlinear parameters that are in the model formula.
#' @param init.nlp A scalar (default = \code{1}) or vector of initial nlp values. If a scalar, the value is applied to all nlp parameters.
#' If a vector, the values apply in the order listed.
#' @param nAGQ If family is non-gaussian, the number of points per axis for evaluating the adaptive
#' Gauss-Hermite approximation to the log-likelihood. Defaults to \code{1}, corresponding to the Laplace approximation.
#' See \code{\link{glmer}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{glmer}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lmer}}
#' @param method The \code{\link{optimx}} optimization method. Defaults to \code{L-BFGS-B}.
#' @param lower Lower bound on lambda parameters if applicable.
#' @param upper Upper bound on lambda parameters if applicable.
#' @param lme4.optimizer The \pkg{\link{lme4}} optimization method.
#' @param lme4.start Start values used for \pkg{\link{lme4}}.
#' @param lme4.optCtrl A list controlling the lme4 optimization. See \code{\link{lmerControl}}
#' or \code{\link{glmerControl}}
#' @param opt.control Controls for the \code{\link{optimx}} optimization.
#' @param REML Use REML if model is linear? Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param SE Method of calculating standard errors for fixed effects.
#' @param ND.method Method of calculating numerical derivatives.
#' @param check Check number of observations vs. levels and number of observations vd. random effects.
#' @param est Return parameter estimates.
#' @param iter.count Print the iteration counter during optimization.
#' @return An object of class \code{PLmod}, which contains an object of class \code{merMod} as one of its elements.
#' Some functions for class \code{merMod} have been adapted to work with class \code{PLmod}. Others can be utilized
#' using \code{object$'lme4 Model'}, where \code{object} is an object of class \code{PLmod}.
#' @details Factors are listed within the \code{formula} in the same way that random effects are specified
#' in \pkg{\link{lme4}}. The grouping variable listed after \code{|} defines what the factor values randomly
#' vary over, just as \code{|} does for other random effects. The names of factors and other random
#' effect terms can be listed within the same set of parentheses, allowing the covariance between the
#' factor(s) and random effect(s) to be estimated. The same factor may be specified for multiple grouping
#' variables, allowing for multilevel or crossed effects.
#' The \code{factor} argument must list any factor that appears in the \code{formula}. The ordering will
#' depend on the ordering of the matrices listed within \code{lambda}. The matrices in \code{lambda}
#' specify the factor loading matrices. The number of matrices in \code{lambda} should equal the number
#' of character vectors in \code{factor} and the number of elements in \code{load.var}. The number of
#' rows in the \emph{k}th matrix listed in \code{lambda} should correspond to the number of unique elements
#' in the dataset for the \emph{k}th variable listed in \code{load.var}, and the number of columns in the \emph{k}th
#' matrix should correspond to the number of factors listed in the \emph{k}th character vector of \code{factor}.
#' Within the \emph{k}th matrix, the \emph{(i, j)} cell corresponds to the factor loading for the \emph{i}th unique element
#' of the \emph{k}th variable listed in \code{load.var} on the \emph{j}th factor listed in the \emph{k}th character vector
#' of \code{factor}. Each element of the matrix should be either a number or \code{NA}. If the element is a
#' number, the loading will be constrained to that value. If the element is an \code{NA}, the loading will
#' be freely estimated. For identification, it is necessary (but not sufficient) for at least one element in
#' each column to be constrained.
#' The \code{nlp} argument can be viewed as a special case of the \code{factor} argument, where the character vector
#' listed in \code{nlp} is automatically linked to 1 x p lambda matrix, where p is the number of elements in \code{nlp}.
#' The \code{load.var} for these parameters is viewed as a constant, so that the \code{nlp} parameters are equivalent for
#' all rows in the dataset. Thus, \code{nlp} simplifies the process of adding additional nonlinear parameters to the model
#' without having to specify corresponding \code{lambda} and \code{load.var} values.
#' @references
#' Rockwood, N. J., & Jeon, M. (2019). Estimating complex measurement and growth models
#' using the R package PLmixed.\emph{Multivariate Behavioral Research, 54}(2), 288-306.
#' Jeon, M., & Rabe-Hesketh, S. (2012). Profile-likelihood approach for estimating
#' generalized linear mixed models with factor structures. \emph{Journal of Educational
#' and Behavioral Statistics, 37}(4), 518-542.
#' @keywords GLMM GLLAMM IRT Factor
#' @export
#' @import lme4 numDeriv Matrix optimx
#' @importFrom stats df.residual gaussian logLik optim vcov AIC BIC coef deviance family fitted
#' nobs pnorm predict residuals simulate
#' @importFrom graphics par plot points
#' @examples
#' data("IRTsim") # Load the IRTsim data
#' IRTsub <- IRTsim[IRTsim$item < 4, ] # Select items 1-3
#' set.seed(12345)
#' IRTsub <- IRTsub[sample(nrow(IRTsub), 300), ] # Randomly sample 300 responses
#' IRTsub <- IRTsub[order(IRTsub$item), ] # Order by item
#' irt.lam = c(1, NA, NA) # Specify the lambda matrix
#' # Below, the # in front of family = binomial can be removed to change the response distribution
#' # to binomial, where the default link function is logit.
#' irt.model <- PLmixed(y ~ 0 + as.factor(item) + (0 + abil.sid |sid) +(0 + abil.sid |school),
#' data = IRTsub, load.var = c("item"), # family = binomial,
#' factor = list(c("abil.sid")), lambda = list(irt.lam))
#' summary(irt.model)
#' \dontrun{
#' # A more time-consuming example.
#' # ~ 5-10 minutes
#' data("KYPSsim") # Load the KYPSsim data
#' kyps.lam <- rbind(c( 1, 0), # Specify the lambda matrix
#' c(NA, 0),
#' c(NA, 1),
#' c(NA, NA))
#' kyps.model <- PLmixed(esteem ~ as.factor(time) + (0 + hs | hid)
#' + (0 + ms | mid) + (1 | sid), data = KYPSsim,
#' factor = list(c("ms", "hs")), load.var = c("time"),
#' lambda = list(kyps.lam))
#' summary(kyps.model)
#' data("JUDGEsim")
#' JUDGEsim <- JUDGEsim[order(JUDGEsim$item), ] # Order by item
#' unique(JUDGEsim$item)
#' # Specify Lambda matrix
#' judge.lam <- rbind(c( 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0),
#' c(NA, 0, NA, 0, 0, 0),
#' c(NA, 0, NA, 0, 0, 0),
#' c( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0),
#' c( 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, 0),
#' c( 0, NA, 0, NA, 0, 0),
#' c( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0),
#' c( 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, 0),
#' c( 0, 0, 0, 0, NA, 0),
#' c( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
#' c( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA),
#' c( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NA))
#' # Conduct analysis
#' judge.example <- PLmixed(response ~ 0 + as.factor(item) + (1 | class)
#' + (0 + trait1.t + trait2.t + trait1.s + trait2.s | stu)
#' + (0 + teacher1 + teacher2 | tch), data = JUDGEsim,
#' lambda = list(judge.lam), load.var = "item",
#' factor = list(c("teacher1", "teacher2", "trait1.t",
#' "trait2.t", "trait1.s", "trait2.s")))
#' summary(judge.example)
#' data("KYPSitemsim")
#' time.lam <- rbind(c( 1, 0), # Specify time lambda matrix
#' c(NA, 0),
#' c(NA, 1),
#' c(NA, NA))
#' item.lam <- c(1, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA) # Specify item lambda matrix
#' KYPSitemsim$time2 <- (KYPSitemsim$time == 2) * 1
#' KYPSitemsim$time3 <- (KYPSitemsim$time == 3) * 1
#' KYPSitemsim$time4 <- (KYPSitemsim$time == 4) * 1
#' kyps.item.model <- PLmixed(response ~ 0 + as.factor(item) + lat.var:time2
#' + lat.var:time3 + lat.var:time4 + (0 + hs:lat.var | hid)
#' + (0 + ms:lat.var | mid) + (0 + lat.var:as.factor(time) | id),
#' data = KYPSitemsim, lambda = list(time.lam, item.lam),
#' factor = list(c("ms", "hs"), "lat.var"),
#' load.var = c("time", "item"))
#' summary(kyps.item.model)
#' }
################## PLmixed Function ######################
PLmixed <- function(formula, data, family = gaussian, load.var = NULL, lambda = NULL, factor = NULL, init = 1,
nlp = NULL, init.nlp = 1, nAGQ = 1, method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = -Inf, upper = Inf,
lme4.optimizer = "bobyqa", lme4.start = NULL, lme4.optCtrl = list(), opt.control = NULL,
REML = FALSE, SE = 1, ND.method = "simple", check = "stop", est = TRUE, iter.count = TRUE) {
start.time <- proc.time() <- 0
lme4.initial.theta.values <- lme4.start
stop.iter.counter <- NULL
model <- formula <- deparse(substitute(data))
if(inherits(data, "tbl_df")) data <-
# For Iteration Summary <- NULL <- NULL <- NULL <- NULL <- NULL
new.lambda <- vector("list", length(load.var))
new.factor <- vector("list", length(load.var))
lambda <- list(NA)
if(length(load.var) > length(lambda)){
warning("More load.var listed than lambda matrices.",
immediate. = TRUE)
for (i in ((length(lambda) + 1):length(load.var))){
lambda[i] = NA
factor <- list(NA)
factors <- rep(NA, length(load.var))
col.vec <- rep(NA, length(load.var))
uniq.list <- vector("list", length(load.var))
num.vec <- rep(NA, length(load.var))
tot.est <- 0
if (!is.null(load.var)){
for (l in 1:length(load.var)){
# Determine column of load.var, which are unique, and number of unique
col <- which(colnames(data) == load.var[l])
col.vec[l] <- col
uniq <- unique(data[, col])
uniq.list[[l]] <- uniq
num <- length(uniq)
num.vec[l] <- num
# If no lambda is given, and no factor names are given,
# Lambda will be a 1 by q matrix where q is the number
# of unique values in load.var.
# Lambda[1,1] is constrained to 1.
# If no lambda is given, but factor names are given,
# Lambda will be a f by q matrix were f is the number
# of factor names given, and q is the number of unique
# values in load.var.
# For each factor, one value in Lambda is constrained
# to 1.
# The exception is if the load.var contains only 1 unique element.
# This allows for constraints and nonlinear fixed effect parameters
# to be included in the model using a single element lambda matrix
# corresponding to a load.var with 1 unique element and a nonlinear parameter
# name given in factor, which is included in the model formula.
if([l]) & num > 1){
tmp.lambda <- NULL
tmp.lambda <- lambda[[l]]
tmp.factor <- NULL
tmp.factor <- factor[[l]]
warning("For load.var = ", paste(load.var[l]), "\nNo lambda and factor arguments specified.\n",
"Lambda will be a 1 x q matrix where q = length(unique(load.var)).\n",
"lambda[1,1] is constrained to 1.",
immediate. = TRUE)
tmp.lambda <- matrix(NA, nrow = num, ncol = 1)
tmp.lambda[1, 1] <- 1
warning("For load.var = ", paste(load.var[l]), "\nNo lambda matrix provided.\nLambda will be ",
"an f x q matrix where f is the number of factor names provided and q = length(unique(load.var)).\n",
"One element of each column in lambda is constrained to 1.",
immediate. = TRUE)
tmp.lambda <- matrix(NA, nrow = num, ncol = length(tmp.factor))
for(i in 1:length(tmp.factor)){
tmp.lambda[i, i] <- 1
num.est.par <- sum(
tot.est <- c(tot.est, num.est.par)
# Determines the number of factors specified. If factor
# names are provided, the number of factors is set equal to
# the number of names provided.
# If no names are provided, the number of factors is set to the
# number of columns in Lambda. Factor names are assigned column
# by column from lambda to lambda as f1.1, f2.1, f1.2, f2.2, etc.
if (!is.null(tmp.factor)){
factors[l] <- length(tmp.factor)
warning("For load.var = ", paste(load.var[l]), "\nNo factor names provided.\n",
"Factors named as fc.v, where c is the column number of the vth load.var.",
immediate. = TRUE)
factors[l] <- ncol(as.matrix(tmp.lambda))
tmp.factor <- paste("f", 1:factors[l],".",l, sep="")
tmp.lambda <- as.matrix(tmp.lambda)
new.lambda[[l]] <- tmp.lambda
new.factor[[l]] <- tmp.factor
# Determine how many parameters in Lambda must be estimated.
# For those that must be estimated, start values are assigned
# based on those provided by the user. If none are provided,
# the start values used are 1.
tot.est <- sum(tot.est)
if (length(init) == 1){
init.tot <- rep(init, tot.est)
init.tot <- c(init, rep(1, (tot.est - length(init))))
# Determine the number of parameters in nlp. Start values are assigned
# based on those provided by the user. If none are provided,
# the start values used are 1.
tot.est.nlp <- length(nlp)
if(tot.est.nlp > 0){
if (length(init.nlp) == 1){
init.tot.nlp <- rep(init.nlp, tot.est.nlp)
init.tot.nlp <- c(init.nlp, rep(1, (tot.est.nlp - length(init.nlp))))
} else {
init.tot.nlp <- NULL
init.tot <- c(init.tot.nlp, init.tot)
lambda <- new.lambda
factor <- new.factor
# Prepare family argument for fitting with lme4
# Taken from glmer code to format the family
# argument correctly. Will be used to determine if
# lmer or glmer is used.
if (is.character(family)){
family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame(2))
if( is.function(family)){
family <- family()
################ La.load Function ########################
La.load <- function(start, model, data, load.var, factor = NULL, consts = NULL,
est = FALSE, lik = TRUE, delta = FALSE, k = 1, derivs = TRUE, nAGQ = 1) {
obs <- data
time.local <- proc.time()
### num.est is used to fill in the NAs from the start values in the next loop
num.est <- 1
if (is.null(stop.iter.counter)){
assign('', + 1, inherits = TRUE)
if (iter.count){
cat('\r',paste0('Iteration Number: ',
if (tot.est.nlp > 0){
nlp.vals <- start[1:tot.est.nlp]
for (p in 1:tot.est.nlp){
obs$place.holder.variable.for.nlp <- nlp.vals[p]
names(obs)[names(obs) == "place.holder.variable.for.nlp"] <- nlp[p]
if (tot.est > 0){
start <- start[(tot.est.nlp + 1): length(start)]
if (!is.null(load.var)){
for (h in 1:length(load.var)){
num.fac <- factors[h]
num <- num.vec[h]
col <- col.vec[h]
uniq <- uniq.list[[h]]
factor.2 <- factor[[h]]
consts.2 <- consts[[h]]
### Cycle through each column of the loading matrix
for(q in 1:num.fac){
### Apply contstraints and lambda values to weighted.var
for(i in 1:num){
if([i, q]) == 0){
obs$weighted.var[obs[, col] == uniq[i]] <- consts.2[i, q]
else {
obs$weighted.var[obs[, col] == uniq[i]] <- start[num.est]
num.est <- num.est + 1
names(obs)[names(obs) == "weighted.var"] <- factor.2[q]
if (is.null(lme4.initial.theta.values) == 0){
lme4.start.val <- lme4.initial.theta.values
else {
lme4.start.val <- NULL
### Estimate GLMM - Use lmer if family = gaussian(link = "identity") and glmer for others
if (isTRUE(all.equal(family, gaussian()))) {
lmer.result <- lme4::lmer(model, data = obs, REML = REML, start = lme4.start.val,
control = lmerControl(calc.derivs = derivs,
check.nobs.vs.nlev = check,
check.nobs.vs.nRE = check,
check.nlev.gtr.1 = check,
optimizer = lme4.optimizer,
optCtrl = lme4.optCtrl))
# Obtain estimates to use as lme4 starting values for next optim iteration
assign('lme4.initial.theta.values', lme4::getME(lmer.result, name = "theta"),
inherits = TRUE)
else {
lmer.result <- lme4::glmer(model, data = obs, family = family, start = lme4.start.val,
control = glmerControl(calc.derivs = derivs,
check.nobs.vs.nlev = check,
check.nobs.vs.nRE = check,
check.nlev.gtr.1 = check,
optimizer = lme4.optimizer,
optCtrl = lme4.optCtrl),
nAGQ = nAGQ)
# Obtain estimates to use as lme4 starting values for next optim iteration
if (nAGQ == 0){
assign('lme4.initial.theta.values',lme4::getME(lmer.result, name = "theta"),
inherits = TRUE)
assign('lme4.initial.theta.values', list(fixef = lme4::fixef(lmer.result),
theta=lme4::getME(lmer.result, name = "theta")),
inherits = TRUE)
ll <- as.numeric(logLik(lmer.result))
time.local.2 <- proc.time()
time.dif <- time.local.2 - time.local
assign('', rbind(,ll), inherits = TRUE)
assign('', rbind(,start), inherits = TRUE)
assign('', rbind(,lme4::fixef(lmer.result)),
inherits = TRUE)
assign('', rbind(,
lme4::getME(lmer.result, name = "theta")), inherits = TRUE)
assign('', rbind(,(time.dif[3])), inherits = TRUE)
if(lik == TRUE){
if(est == TRUE){
return(list(ll=-ll, total=lmer.result, degfree = df.residual(lmer.result)))
if(delta == TRUE){
fix.b <- fixef(lmer.result)[k]
########## End La.Load Function ##########
if (length(init.tot) > 0) {
opt.result <- optimx::optimx(par = init.tot, fn = La.load, hessian = TRUE, method = method, control = opt.control,
consts = lambda, factor = factor, data = data, load.var = load.var, lower = lower, upper = upper,
model = model, est = FALSE, lik = TRUE, delta = FALSE, derivs = FALSE, nAGQ = nAGQ)
# value 1
Est <- coef(opt.result)[1, ]
final.lik <- (opt.result[1, "value"]) * (-1)
#cov.mat <- solve(opt.result$hessian)
hess <- attr(opt.result, "details")[[3]]
cov.mat <- solve(hess) <- sqrt(diag(cov.mat))
table <- cbind(Est,
code <- opt.result[1, "convcode"]
else {
opt.result <- optim(par = init.tot, fn = La.load, hessian = TRUE, method = "L-BFGS-B", control = opt.control,
consts = lambda, factor = factor, data = data, load.var = load.var, lower = lower, upper = upper,
model = model, est = FALSE, lik = TRUE, delta = FALSE, derivs = FALSE, nAGQ = nAGQ)
final.lik <- (opt.result$value) * (-1)
Est <- opt.result$par
table <- Est
cov.mat <- NULL
code <- opt.result$convergence
method <- NA
tot.est.par <- length(Est)
total.iters <-
assign('stop.iter.counter', 1, inherits = TRUE)
# value 4
if (est == TRUE) {
final.model <- La.load(start = Est, consts = lambda, data = data,
factor = factor, load.var = load.var, model = model,
est = TRUE, lik = FALSE, nAGQ = nAGQ)
final <- final.model$total
# Needed for SE calculations
naive <- diag(lme4::vcov.merMod(final))
beta <- lme4::fixef(final)
num.fix.ef <- length(beta) <- rep(NA, num.fix.ef)
if(SE == 1 & tot.est.par > 0){
### Option 1 ###
#Direct numerical derivative
eps <- 10^(-4)
iden <- diag(1, nrow = tot.est.par, ncol = tot.est.par)
beta.ep <- matrix(0, num.fix.ef, tot.est.par)
rep.lam <- vector("list", length(lambda))
for(i in 1:tot.est.par){ <- Est + iden[, i]*eps
if (!is.null(load.var)){
if (tot.est.nlp > 0){ <-[(tot.est.nlp + 1):length(]
} else { <-
cycle <- 1
for(c in 1:length(lambda)){
n.lam <- lambda[[c]]
full.lam <- matrix(0,nrow = nrow(n.lam), ncol = ncol(n.lam))
for(p in 1:ncol(n.lam)){
for(q in 1:nrow(n.lam)){
if([q, p]) == 0){
full.lam[q, p] <- n.lam[q, p]
full.lam[q, p] <-[cycle]
cycle <- cycle + 1
rep.lam[[c]] <- full.lam
} <- La.load(start =, consts = rep.lam, data = data,
factor = factor, load.var = load.var, model = model,
est = TRUE, lik = FALSE, delta = FALSE, nAGQ = nAGQ)
beta.ep[, i] <- lme4::fixef($total)
grad.b <- (matrix(rep(beta, tot.est.par), num.fix.ef, tot.est.par, byrow = FALSE) - beta.ep)/ eps
#Adjusted standard errors for beta <- rep(0, num.fix.ef)
for(i in 1:num.fix.ef){[i] <- sqrt(naive[i] + t(grad.b[i, ]) %*% cov.mat %*% grad.b[i, ])
else if(SE == 2 & tot.est.par > 0){
### Option 2 ###
# Use R package numDeriv for numerical derivatives
grad.b2 <- matrix(0, num.fix.ef, tot.est.par)
for(i in 1:num.fix.ef){
grad.b2[i, ] <- numDeriv::grad(La.load, method = ND.method, x = Est, consts = lambda, data = data,
factor = factor, load.var = load.var, model = model, lik = FALSE,
est = FALSE, delta = TRUE, k = i, nAGQ = nAGQ)
# Adjust standard errors <- rep(0,num.fix.ef)
for (i in 1:num.fix.ef){[i] <- sqrt(naive[i] + t(grad.b2[i, ]) %*% cov.mat %*% grad.b2[i, ])
else if(tot.est.par == 0){ <- sqrt(naive)
### Organize Output
cat('\r', " ","\n")
if (inherits(final, "lmerMod")){
fix <- cbind(beta,, beta/
colnames(fix) <- c("Beta", "SE", "t value")
fix <- cbind(beta,, beta/,
2*pnorm(abs(beta/, lower.tail = F))
colnames(fix) <- c("Beta", "SE", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
rand.ef <- lme4::VarCorr(final)
fin.lam <- vector("list", length(load.var))
if (tot.est.nlp > 0){
nlp.Est <- Est[1:tot.est.nlp] <-[1:tot.est.nlp] <- cbind(nlp.Est,
row.names( <- nlp
colnames( <- c("Estimate", "SE")
if (tot.est > 0){
Est <- Est[(tot.est.nlp + 1): length(Est)] <-[(tot.est.nlp + 1): length(]
} else {
Est <- NULL <- NULL
} else{
nlp.Est <- NULL <- NULL
fill <- 1
for (h in 1:length(load.var)){
num.fac <- factors[h]
num <- num.vec[h]
col <- col.vec[h]
uniq <- uniq.list[[h]]
factor.2 <- factor[[h]]
lambda.1 <- lambda[[h]]
final.lambda <- matrix(NA, nrow = num.vec[h], ncol = 2 * (length(factor.2)))
se.names <- rep("SE", length(factor.2))
comb <- rbind(factor.2, se.names)
comb <- matrix(comb, nrow = 1, ncol = 2 * length(factor.2), byrow = F)
rownames(final.lambda) <- uniq
colnames(final.lambda) <- comb
#for(i in 1:nrow(as.matrix(lambda.1))){
# for (j in 1:ncol(as.matrix(lambda.1))){
for (j in 1:ncol(as.matrix(lambda.1))){
for(i in 1:nrow(as.matrix(lambda.1))){
if([i, j]) == 1){
final.lambda[i, (j * 2 - 1)] <- Est[fill]
final.lambda[i, j * 2] <-[fill]
fill <- fill + 1
final.lambda[i, (j * 2 - 1)] <- lambda.1[i, j]
fin.lam[[h]] <- final.lambda
lam.names <- paste0("lambda.", load.var)
names(fin.lam) <- lam.names
} else{
fin.lam <- NULL
if (inherits(final, "lmerMod")){
reml <- REML
reml <- FALSE
optimizers <- list("lme4 Optimizer" = lme4.optimizer, "Optim Optimizer" = method)
finish.time <- proc.time()
total.estimation.time <- (finish.time-start.time)/60
total.estimation.time <- total.estimation.time[3]
iter.summary <- list("Log-Likelihood" =, "Lambda" =,
"Fixed Effects" =, "Random Effects" =,
"Time" =
final.object <- list("Log-Likelihood" = final.lik, "Fixed Effects" = fix, "Random Effects" = rand.ef, "Lambda" = fin.lam,
"nlp" =, "Cov Matrix" = cov.mat, "Error code" = code, "Total Iterations" = total.iters,
"lme4"= final, "Iteration Summary" = iter.summary, "Model" = model, "Family" = family(final),
"Data" =, "Load.Var" = load.var, "Factor" = factor, "nAGQ" = nAGQ,
"Lambda.raw" = new.lambda, "Param" = c(nlp.Est, Est), "Estimation Time" = total.estimation.time, "REML" = reml,
"Optimizer" = optimizers, "nlp.vars" = nlp)
class(final.object) <- append("PLmod", class(final.object))
return(list("Log-Likelihood" = final.lik, "Estimates"=table, "Cov matrix"=cov.mat,
"Error code"=code,"Optim Iterations"=total.iters))
########## End of PLmixed Function ##########
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