
Defines functions loess.psa

Documented in loess.psa

#' Graphic for data and loess-based estimate of effect size after propensity
#' score adjustment
#' Plots data points using propesity scores vs. the response, separately for
#' treatment and control groups; points are distinguished by both type and
#' color for the two groups.  Also shows (non-linear, loess-based) regression
#' curves for both groups.  The loess regresion curves are then used to derive
#' an overall estimate of effect size (based on number and/or location of
#' strata as set by the user).  Several other statistics are also provided, for
#' both description and inference.  Graphic motivated by a suggestion of R. L.
#' Obenchain.
#' @param response Either a numeric vector containing the response of interest
#' in a propensity score analysis, or a three column array containing response,
#' treatment and strata.
#' @param treatment Binary variable of same length as \code{response}; 0 for
#' 'control,' 1 for 'treatment.'
#' @param propensity Numeric vector of estimated propensity scores.
#' @param family Passed to loess. Either \code{"gaussian"} (default) or
#' \code{"symmetric"}.
#' @param span Parameter passed to loess governing degree of smoothing.
#' Default = 0.7.
#' @param degree Parameter passed to loess governing degree of polynomials
#' used.  Default = 1
#' @param minsize Integer.  Determines the minimum number of observations in
#' each stratum treatment group allowed.  If one of the treatment groups in a
#' given statum does not meet this minsize, then all observations in this
#' stratum are ignored as far as the effect size calculation is concerned.
#' @param xlim Binary vector \code{(min, max)} providing the horizontal axis
#' minimum and maximum.  Default is \code{c(0, 1)}.
#' @param colors List of four colors used for control points, treatment points,
#' control loess line, treatment loess line respectively.  Default =
#' \code{c("seagreen3", "goldenrod1", "seagreen4", "goldenrod3")}.
#' @param legend.xy Coordinates for legend box, see \code{legend}.  Default =
#' \code{"topleft"}.
#' @param legend Binary character vector containing the text of the legend.
#' Default is taken from \code{treatment}.
#' @param int Integer or ordered vector.  If an integer is used, it represents
#' the maximum number of equally sized strata.  Alternatively, it may be a
#' vector of cuts of the unit interval. Lower and upper ends need not be
#' included.  See examples. Default = 10.
#' @param lines Logical; fitted loess values are plotted by default as points.
#' If true, values are plotted as two lines.
#' @param strata.lines Logical; default = \code{TRUE}.  Creates light vertical
#' lines that delineate strata.
#' @param rg Logical; if \code{TRUE} (default) then rug plots are given for
#' treatment and control propensity score and response distributions.
#' @param xlab X axis label, default = \code{"Estimated Propensity Scores"}.
#' @param ylab Y axis label, default = \code{"Response"}.
#' @param pch Character types for plotted points, default = \code{c(16, 1)}.
#' Note: must be of length 2 to allow different plotting points for each
#' treatment.
#' @param \dots Optional parameters passed to points command.
#' @return In addition to the plot, the function returns a list with the
#' following components: \item{ATE}{Estimated effect size based upon (number
#' of) strata defined by \code{int}; that is, this is the Average Treatment
#' Effect, after propensity-based adjustment.} \item{se.wtd}{Weighted standard
#' error based on pooling of within-strata variance estimates.}
#' \item{CI.95}{Approximate 95\% confidence interval for the overall effect
#' size (conditional on the specification of \code{int}).}
#' \item{summary.strata}{A table with rows corresponding to strata; first two
#' columns show counts (by statum) for both control and treatment; followed by
#' mean differences for all strata.  for control and treatment, followed by
#' mean differences for all strata.  The weighted average difference yields the
#' effect size noted above.}
#' @author James E. Helmreich \email{James.Helmreich@@Marist.edu}
#' Robert M. Pruzek \email{RMPruzek@@yahoo.com}
#' @seealso \code{\link{circ.psa}}
#' @keywords hplot
#' @examples
#' #Artificial example where ATE should be 1 over all of (0,1).
#' response1 <- c(rep(1, 100), rep(2, 100), rep(3, 100)) + rnorm(300, 0, .5)
#' response0 <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1, 100), rep(2, 100)) + rnorm(300, 0, .5)
#' response <- c(response1, response0)
#' treatment <- c(rep(1, 300), rep(0, 300))
#' propensity <- rep(seq(.01, .99, (.98/299)), 2)
#' a <- data.frame(response, treatment, propensity)
#' loess.psa(a, span = .15, degree = 1, int = c(0, .33, .67, 1))
#' #Artificial example where estimates are unstable with varying
#' #numbers of strata. Note: sometimes get empty treatment/strata error.
#' rr <- c(rnorm(150, 3, .75), rnorm(700, 0, .75), rnorm(150, 3, .75),
#'      rnorm(150, -3, .75), rnorm(700, 0, .75), rnorm(150, -3, .75))
#' tt <- c(rep(1, 1000),rep(0, 1000))
#' pp <- NULL
#' for(i in 1:1000){pp <- c(pp, rnorm(1, 0, .05) + .00045*i + .25)}
#' for(i in 1:1000){pp <- c(pp, rnorm(1, 0, .05) + .00045*i + .4)}
#' a <- data.frame(rr, tt, pp)
#' loess.psa(a, span=.5, cex = .6)
#' #Using strata of possible interest as determined by loess lines.
#' data(lindner)
#' attach(lindner)
#' lindner.ps <- glm(abcix ~ stent + height + female +
#'       diabetic + acutemi + ejecfrac + ves1proc,
#'       data = lindner, family = binomial)
#' loess.psa(log(cardbill), abcix, lindner.ps$fitted,
#'          int = c(.37, .56, .87, 1), lines = TRUE)
#'          abline(v=c(.37, 56, .87))
#' @export loess.psa
loess.psa <- function(response,
					  treatment = NULL,
					  propensity = NULL,
					  family = "gaussian",
					  span = .7,
					  degree = 1,
					  minsize = 5,
					  xlim = c(0, 1),
					  colors = c('dark blue', 'dark green', 'blue', 'dark green'),
					  legend.xy = "topleft",
					  legend = NULL,
					  int = 10,
					  lines = TRUE,
					  strata.lines = TRUE,
					  rg = TRUE,
					  xlab = "Estimated Propensity Scores",
					  ylab = "Response",
					  pch = c(16, 1),
					  ...) {
	#Creating a data frame to allow subsetting.

	if (is.vector(response)) {
		rtp <- data.frame(response, treatment, propensity)
	} else{
		rtp <- as.data.frame(response)
		dimnames(rtp)[2] <- list(c("response", "treatment", "propensity"))

	if (is.null(treatment)) {
		treatment <- response[, 2]
	sut <- sort(unique(treatment))

	response <- rtp[, 1]
	treatment <- rtp[, 2]
	propensity <- rtp[, 3]

	#Getting the loess estimates of response
	loess.0 <-
			rtp$r ~ rtp$p,
			subset = treatment == sut[1],
			family = family,
			span = span,
			degree = degree
	loess.1 <-
			rtp$r ~ rtp$p,
			subset = treatment == sut[2],
			family = family,
			span = span,
			degree = degree

	#Plotting points (propensity,response) by treatment levels 0 and 1
		type = "n",
		xlim = range(rtp$p),
		xlab = xlab,
		ylab = ylab
	points(rtp$p[treatment == sut[1]], rtp$r[treatment == sut[1]], col = colors[1], pch = pch[1], ...)
	points(rtp$p[treatment == sut[2]], rtp$r[treatment == sut[2]], col = colors[2], pch = pch[2], ...)
	li <- length(int)
	if (strata.lines) {
		int2 <- int
		if (li == 1) {
			int2 <- quantile(propensity, seq(0, 1, 1 / int))
			li <- length(int2)
		for (i in 1:li) {
				v = int2[i],
				lwd = .5,
				lty =  3,
				col = "dark grey"

	n0 <- length(rtp$p[treatment == sut[1]])
	n1 <- length(rtp$p[treatment == sut[2]])
	rtp.p.0 <- rtp$p[treatment == sut[1]]
	rtp.p.1 <- rtp$p[treatment == sut[2]]

	if (lines) {
		ord.0 <- order(rtp.p.0)
		ord.1 <- order(rtp.p.1)
			cex = .6,
			col = colors[3],
			lwd = 1.5,
			lty = 1
			col = colors[4],
			lwd = 1.5,
			lty = 2
			rtp$p[treatment == sut[1]],
			pch = 3,
			cex = .6,
			col = colors[3]
			rtp$p[treatment == sut[2]],
			pch = 4,
			cex = .6,
			col = colors[4]

	if (is.null(legend)) {
		legend <- sut
		x = legend.xy,
		y = NULL,
		legend = legend,
		fill = colors[1:2],
		bty = "n"

	#Rug plots of propensity scores
	if (rg) {
		rug(rtp$p[treatment == sut[1]],
			ticksize = .02,
			side = 1,
			col = colors[1])
		rug(rtp$r[treatment == sut[1]],
			ticksize = .02,
			side = 2,
			col = colors[1])
		rug(rtp$p[treatment == sut[2]],
			ticksize = .02,
			side = 3,
			col = colors[2])
		rug(rtp$r[treatment == sut[2]],
			ticksize = .02,
			side = 4,
			col = colors[2])

	##Getting Loess based estimate of effect size.

	#Divide up (0,1) into int subintervals
	ed <- length(int)
	if (ed == 1) {
		prop.labels <-
				quantile(propensity, seq(0, 1, 1 / int)),
				include.lowest = TRUE,
				labels = FALSE
		nint <- int
		dp <- 0
	if (ed > 1) {
		if (int[1] == 0 & int[ed] == 1) {
			subints <- int
			nint <- ed - 1
			dp <- 0
		if (int[1] > 0 & int[ed] == 1) {
			subints <- c(0, int)
			nint <- ed
			dp <- 1
		if (int[1] == 0 & int[ed] < 1) {
			subints <- c(int, 1)
			nint <- ed
			dp <- 2
		if (int[1] > 0 &
			int[ed] < 1) {
			subints <- c(0, int, 1)
			nint <- ed + 1
			dp <- 3
		prop.labels <-
				breaks = subints,
				include.lowest = TRUE,
				labels = FALSE

	#Checking for empty T/C strata
	table.plt <- table(prop.labels, treatment)
	ttable.plt <- table.plt[, 1] * table.plt[, 2]
	flag.0 <- 1
	for (i in 1:nint) {
		flag.0 <- flag.0 * ttable.plt[i]
	if (flag.0 == 0)
		print("Warning: Some strata-treatment levels have no cases.  Redefine 'int'.")

	#Labels propensities as belonging to one of these subintervals
	o <- order(treatment)
	prop.labels <- prop.labels[o]
	resp.o <- response[o]
	ncontrol <- table(treatment)[1]
	ntreat <- table(treatment)[2]

	#Means for each of the subintervals; differences
	means.0 <- tapply(loess.0$fitted, prop.labels[1:ncontrol], mean)
	var.0 <- tapply(resp.o[1:ncontrol], prop.labels[1:ncontrol], var)
	ncp1 <- ncontrol + 1
	ncpnt <- ncontrol + ntreat
	means.1 <- tapply(loess.1$fitted, prop.labels[ncp1:ncpnt], mean)
	var.1 <- tapply(resp.o[ncp1:ncpnt], prop.labels[ncp1:ncpnt], var)
	diff.means <- means.1 - means.0

	#Creating the weights
	#Counts in each subinterval, treatment and control
	counts.0 <- table(prop.labels[1:ncontrol])
	counts.1 <- table(prop.labels[(ncontrol + 1):(ncontrol + ntreat)])
	#Indicator variable for nonempty subintervals by treatments
	indicator.0 <- NULL
	indicator.1 <- NULL
	for (i in 1:nint)
		if(as.logical(counts.0[i] < minsize)) {
			indicator.0 <- c(indicator.0, 0)
		} else{
			indicator.0 <- c(indicator.0, 1)
	for (i in 1:nint)
		if(as.logical(counts.1[i] < minsize)) {
			indicator.1 <- c(indicator.1, 0)
		} else{
			indicator.1 <- c(indicator.1, 1)
	#Now add counts and multiply by each indicator to get the weights of each subinterval
	wts <- (counts.0 + counts.1) * indicator.0 * indicator.1

	#Working on the sd estimator
	#First, get rid of potential NAs from var applied to strata with 1 case
	mash <- cbind(var.0, var.1, counts.0, counts.1, indicator.0, indicator.1)
	mash <- na.omit(mash)
	sum.wtd.var <-
		(mash[, 1] / mash[, 3] + mash[, 2] / mash[, 4]) * mash[, 5] * mash[, 6]
	nused.int <- sum(indicator.0 * indicator.1)

	#And finally the calculator of the direct effect estimator

	out.table <- cbind(counts.0, counts.1, means.0, means.1, diff.means)
	colnames(out.table) <-
			paste("counts.", sut[1], sep = ""),
			paste("counts.", sut[2], sep = ""),
			paste("means.", sut[1], sep = ""),
			paste("means.", sut[2], sep = ""),

	if (dp == 0) {
		dee <- sum((wts * diff.means), na.rm = TRUE) / sum(wts)
		sd.wt <- ((sum(sum.wtd.var)) ^ .5) / nused.int
	if (dp == 1) {
		dee <- sum((wts[-1] * diff.means[-1]), na.rm = TRUE) / sum(wts[-1])
		sd.wt <- ((sum(sum.wtd.var[-1])) ^ .5) / nused.int
		out.table <- out.table[-1, ]
		rownames(out.table) <- 1:(nint - 1)
	if (dp == 2) {
		dee <-
			sum((wts[-nint] * diff.means[-nint]), na.rm = TRUE) / sum(wts[-nint])
		sd.wt <- ((sum(sum.wtd.var[-nint])) ^ .5) / nused.int
		out.table <- out.table[-nint, ]
		rownames(out.table) <- 1:(nint - 1)
	if (dp == 3) {
		dee <-
			sum((wts[-c(1, nint)] * diff.means[-c(1, nint)]), na.rm = TRUE) / sum(wts[-c(1, nint)])
		sd.wt <- ((sum(sum.wtd.var[-c(1, nint)])) ^ .5) / nused.int
		out.table <- out.table[-c(1, nint), ]
		rownames(out.table) <- 1:(nint - 2)

	#Flag: Testing for large changes in dee for various strata sizes; only done with default int = 15.
	#Much of the code that follows is similar to above.
	int.test <- c(5, 10, 15)
	effect.test <- c(1, 1, dee)
	res <- cbind(int.test, effect.test)
	it <- 1
	if (ed == 1)
		it <- int[1]
	if (it == 15) {
		indx <- 0
		for (i in c(5, 10)) {
			indx <- indx + 1
			prop.labels <-
					quantile(propensity, seq(0, 1, 1 / i)),
					include.lowest = TRUE,
					labels = FALSE

			nint <- i

			#Flag: Labels propensities as belonging to one of these subintervals
			o <- order(treatment)
			prop.labels <- prop.labels[o]
			resp.o <- response[o]
			ncontrol <- table(treatment)[1]
			ntreat <- table(treatment)[2]

			#Flag: Means for each of the subintervals; differences
			means.0 <- tapply(loess.0$fitted, prop.labels[1:ncontrol], mean)
			ncp1 <- ncontrol + 1
			ncpnt <- ncontrol + ntreat
			means.1 <- tapply(loess.1$fitted, prop.labels[ncp1:ncpnt], mean)
			difff.means <- means.1 - means.0

			#Flag: Creating the weights
			#Counts in each subinterval, treatment and control
			counts.0 <- table(prop.labels[1:ncontrol])
			counts.1 <- table(prop.labels[(ncontrol + 1):(ncontrol + ntreat)])
			#Indicator variable for nonempty subintervals by treatments
			indicator.0 <- NULL
			indicator.1 <- NULL
			for (i in 1:nint)
				if(as.logical(counts.0[i] < minsize)) {
					indicator.0 <- c(indicator.0, 0)
				} else{
					indicator.0 <- c(indicator.0, 1)
			for (i in 1:nint)
				if(as.logical(counts.1[i] < minsize)) {
					indicator.1 <- c(indicator.1, 0)
				} else{
					indicator.1 <- c(indicator.1, 1)
			#Now add counts and multiply by each indicator to get the weights of each subinterval
			wtts <- (counts.0 + counts.1) * indicator.0 * indicator.1
			res[indx, 2] <- sum((wtts * difff.means), na.rm = TRUE) / sum(wtts)
		flag <- FALSE
		err <- .05 * (sd(response))
		if (abs(res[1, 2] - res[2, 2]) > err)
			flag <- TRUE
		if (abs(res[1, 2] - res[3, 2]) > err)
			flag <- TRUE
		if (abs(res[2, 2] - res[3, 2]) > err)
			flag <- TRUE
		if (flag)
			print("Warning: Effect size estimate unstable with changes in number of strata")
		if (flag)

	#Rough 95 CI
	CI95 <- c(dee - 2 * sd.wt, dee + 2 * sd.wt)

	out <- list(dee, sd.wt, CI95, out.table)
	names(out) <- c("ATE", "se.wtd", "CI95", "summary.strata")

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