
Defines functions VDJ_alpha_beta_Vgene_circos

Documented in VDJ_alpha_beta_Vgene_circos

#'Produces a Circos plot from the VDJ_analyze output. Connects the V-alpha with the corresponding V-beta gene for each clonotype.
#' @param VGM The output of the VDJ_GEX_matrix function (VDJ_GEX_matrix.output[[1]]) has to be supplied. For Platypus v2: The output of the VDJ_GEX_integrate function (Platypus platypus.version v2). A list of data frames for each sample containing the clonotype information and cluster membership information.
#' @param V.or.J Determines whether to plot the alpha beta gene pairing of the V or J genes. "V", "J" or "both" as possible inputs. Default: "both".
#' @param B.or.Tcells Specify whether B or T cells are being analyzed ("B" or "T"). If not specified, function attempts to decide based on gene names.
#' @param label.threshold Genes are only labeled if the count is larger then the label.threshold. By default all label.threshold = 0 (all genes are labeled).
#' @param c.count.label Boolean, lets the user decide if the gene and count labels should be plotted or not. Default = T.
#' @param c.count.label.size Determines the font size of the gene labels. By default the font size for count labels is 0.6.
#' @param gene.label Boolean, lets the user decide if the gene labels should be plotted or not.
#' @param gene.label.size Determines the font size of the gene labels. By default the labelsize is automatically adjusted to 0.7 for labels with two or less digits, 0.6 for labels between 2 and 6 digits, and 0.4 for all longer labels. A manually defined font size will be the same for all labels!
#' @param platy.theme Allows plotting in the new "pretty" theme or the older "spiky" theme without group labels and radial arrangement of gene.labels. Default = "pretty".
#' @param arr.col Data.frame with three columns where the first two indicate the names of genes, clonotypes or clusters to be connected, and the third corresponds to the color of the arrow. Default set to data.frame(c("dummy.clonotype"), c("dummy.cluster"), c("dummy.color")), so no arrow is drawn.
#' @param arr.direction Either 1 or -1 and determines the direction of the arrow. Default=1.
#' @param c.threshold Only clonotypes are considered with a frequency higher then c.threshold. Allows to filter for only highly expanded clonotypes.
#' @param topX Filters for the top X clonotypes and only plots the respective gene combinations or cluster memberships.
#' @param clonotype.per.gene.threshold How many clonotypes are required to plot a sector for a gene. Filters the rows and colums of the final adjacency matrix.
#' @param filter1H1L Whether to filter the input VGM in "v3" to only include cells with 1 VDJ and 1 VJ chain. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param clonotype.column Which column in VGM contains the clonotyping information? Default="clonotype_id_10X".
#' @param cell.level Logical, defines whether weight of connection should be based on number of clonotypes of number of cells. Default: number of clonotypes.
#' @param platypus.version Which platypus.version of platypus is being used. Default = v3. Set to v3 if VDJ_GEX_matrix.output[[1]] is used
#' @return Returns a circos plot and a list object with the following elememts for N samples: [[1 to N]] The first N listelements corresponds to the recorded circos plots for N beeing the number or samples in the VGM. Since Circlize uses the R base plotting funciton, this is not a ggplot object but can still be replotted by calling the first list element. [[N+1]] Adjacency matrix forwarded to VDJ_circos(). This Matrix contains the counts and can be used for manual replotting using VDJ_circos directly. [[N+2]] Contains a named list with colors for each connection drawn and can be used for manual replotting using VDJ_circos directly. [[N+3]] Contains a named list with grouping information and can be used for manual replotting using VDJ_circos directly.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  alpha_beta_VJgene <- VDJ_alpha_beta_Vgene_circos(vgm[[1]])
#'  # print circos plot:
#'  alpha_beta_VJgene[[1]]

VDJ_alpha_beta_Vgene_circos <- function(VGM,

  if(missing(V.or.J)){V.or.J <- "both"}
  if(missing(label.threshold)){label.threshold <- 0}
  if(missing(c.threshold)){c.threshold <- 0}
  if(missing(cell.level)){cell.level <- F}
  if(missing(clonotype.per.gene.threshold)){clonotype.per.gene.threshold <- 0}
  if(missing(c.count.label)){c.count.label <- T}
  if(missing(c.count.label.size)){c.count.label.size <- 0.6}
  if(missing(platypus.version)){platypus.version ="v3"}
  if(missing(filter1H1L)){filter1H1L <- T}
  if(missing(gene.label)){gene.label <- T}
  if(missing(gene.label.size)){gene.label.size <- "undef"}
  if(missing(arr.col)){arr.col <- data.frame(c("dummy1"), c("dummy2"), c(""))}
  if(missing(arr.direction)){arr.direction <- 1}
  if(missing(topX)){topX <- "all"}
  if(missing(platy.theme)){platy.theme <- "pretty"}
  if(missing(clonotype.column)){clonotype.column <- "clonotype_id_10x"}

#define Variables

  clonotype <- NULL
  bk <- NULL
  VDJ.GEX.matrix <- NULL
  VDJ.GEX_list <- NULL
  plot <- NULL
  alpha_beta_Vgene <- NULL
  alpha_beta_Jgene <- NULL
  Vgene_usage_matrix <- NULL
  dummy_Vgene_df <- NULL
  dummy_Jgene_df <- NULL
  count <- NULL
  gene <- NULL
  grid.col <- NULL
  nm <- NULL
  group <- NULL
  level <- NULL
  clonotypes_topX <- NULL
  clonotype.frequency <- NULL



  #swapping to a list to not change the whole function
  bk <- VGM
  VDJ.GEX.matrix <- list()
  VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]] <- bk
  bk <- NULL

    for(i in 1:nrow(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]])){
      if(substr(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VDJ_vgene[[i]],start=1, stop = 2)=="IG"){
        B.or.Tcells <- "B"
      if(substr(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VDJ_vgene[[1]],start=1, stop = 2)=="TR"){
        B.or.Tcells <- "T"
      if(i == nrow(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]])){
        message("Please specify whether B or T cells are beeing analyzed (Parameter B.or.Tcells)")

  plot <- list()

  # filter for 1H1L

    VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]<-VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]][VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$Nr_of_VDJ_chains==1 &VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$Nr_of_VJ_chains==1,]

  clonotype.frequency <- paste0("clonotype_frequency_", stringr::str_split(clonotype.column, pattern="_")[[1]][3])

  #filter out clonotypes with less then c.threshold cells
  if(clonotype.frequency %in% colnames(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]])){ #check if 10x frequency already exists... will only be created after reclonotyping.
    VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]] <-VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]][which(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]][[clonotype.frequency]] >= c.threshold),]
    message(paste("Chosen clonotype.frequency column: ", clonotype.frequency))
    VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]] <-VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]][which(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]][["clonotype_frequency"]] >= c.threshold),]
    message(paste("Chosen clonotype.frequency column: ", "clonotype_frequency"))

  #replace empty fields "" with "None"
  VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VJ_vgene[which(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VJ_vgene == "")] <- "None"
  VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VJ_jgene[which(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VJ_jgene == "")] <- "None"
  VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VDJ_vgene[which(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VDJ_vgene == "")] <- "None"
  VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VDJ_jgene[which(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$VDJ_jgene == "")] <- "None"

  TRBV <- c()
  TRAV <- c()
  TRBJ <- c()
  TRAJ <- c()

  #split up into samples to plot individually
  VDJ.GEX_list <- list()
  for (i in 1:length(unique(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$sample_id))){
    VDJ.GEX_list[[i]] <- VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]][which(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$sample_id== unique(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$sample_id)[i]),]

  # filter topX clonotypes

  if(topX != "all"){
    for(k in 1:length(VDJ.GEX_list)){
      clonotypes_topX <- names(utils::head(sort(table(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]][[clonotype.column]]),decreasing = T),topX))
      #filter and keep only cells of topX clonotypes
      VDJ.GEX_list[[k]] <- VDJ.GEX_list[[k]][which(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]][[clonotype.column]] %in% clonotypes_topX),]

  for (i in 1:length(VDJ.GEX_list)){

    message(paste0("Plotting for sample ", unique(VDJ.GEX.matrix[[1]]$sample_id)[i]))

    VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$alpha_beta_Vgene <- paste(VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$VJ_vgene, VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$VDJ_vgene, sep = "_")
    VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$alpha_beta_Jgene <- paste(VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$VJ_jgene, VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$VDJ_jgene, sep = "_")

    #get all V and J genes across all samples
    c <- unique(VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$VJ_vgene)
    TRBV <- append(TRBV,c)
    d <- unique(VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$VDJ_vgene)
    TRAV <- append(TRAV,d)
    e <- unique(VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$VJ_jgene)
    TRBJ<- append(TRBJ,e)
    f <- unique(VDJ.GEX_list[[i]]$VDJ_jgene)
    TRAJ <- append(TRAJ,f)
  #make two branches for matrix alpha vs beta genes
  if(V.or.J == "both"){
    TRA <- append(TRAV, TRAJ)
    TRB <- append(TRBV, TRBJ)
  }else if(V.or.J == "V"){
    TRA <- TRAV
    TRB <- TRBV
  }else if(V.or.J == "J"){
    TRA <- TRAJ
    TRB <- TRBJ
    message("Please specify V.or.J as 'V' or 'J'. Leave empty to plot both")

  # create matrix alpha vs beta
  Vgene_usage_matrix <- list()
  dummy_Vgene_df <- list()
  dummy_Jgene_df <- list()

  for (k in 1:length(VDJ.GEX_list)){
    #Create a matrix with rows being heavy chain and columns being light chain v genes
    Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]] <- matrix(nrow = length(unique(TRA)), ncol = length(unique(TRB)))

    #give the row names and col names
    rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]]) <- unique(TRA)
    colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]]) <- unique(TRB)

  if(cell.level == F){
    message("WARNING: If clonotype strategy is not based on unique V or J genes per clonotype, this setting [cell.level=F] might be questionable. One clonotype might then be represented in several Circos connections between V or J genes. The names of genes of simulatneously used chains will be pasted together.")
    message(paste("Chosen clonotype column: ", clonotype.column))

  for (k in 1:length(VDJ.GEX_list)){

    #create dummy df which will contain the counts for each combination

    if(cell.level == T){
      dummy_Vgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]]$alpha_beta_Vgene))
      colnames(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "count")
      dummy_Jgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]]$alpha_beta_Jgene))
      colnames(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "count")
      message(paste0("Processing sample ", k))
      dummy <- as.data.frame(unique(paste(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]][[clonotype.column]],VDJ.GEX_list[[k]]$alpha_beta_Vgene, sep="/and/")))
      colnames(dummy) <- c("pasted")
      dummy$clonotype <- stringr::str_split_fixed(dummy$pasted, "/and/", 2)
      dummy$gene <- stringr::str_split_fixed(dummy$pasted, "/and/", 2)[,2]

      dummy_Vgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(dummy$gene))
      colnames(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "count")

      dummy <- as.data.frame(unique(paste(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]][[clonotype.column]],VDJ.GEX_list[[k]]$alpha_beta_Jgene, sep="/and/")))
      colnames(dummy) <- c("pasted")
      dummy$clonotype <- stringr::str_split_fixed(dummy$pasted, "/and/", 2)[,1]
      dummy$gene <- stringr::str_split_fixed(dummy$pasted, "/and/", 2)[,2]

      dummy_Jgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(dummy$gene))
      colnames(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "count")

      # dummy_Vgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]]$alpha_beta_Vgene))
      # colnames(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "clonotype_counts")
      # for(i in 1:nrow(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]])){
      #   dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]$count[i] <- sum(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]][which(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]]$alpha_beta_Vgene==dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]$gene[i]),"frequency"])
      # }
      # dummy_Jgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]]$alpha_beta_Jgene))
      # colnames(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "clonotype_counts")
      # for(i in 1:nrow(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]])){
      #   dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]$count[i] <- sum(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]][which(VDJ.GEX_list[[k]]$alpha_beta_Jgene==dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]$gene[i]),"frequency"])
      # }

    #go elementwise in the matrix and count the occurancies of each combination
    for (i in 1:nrow(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
      for (j in 1:ncol(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
        if (paste0(colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j], "_",rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i]) %in% dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]$gene){
          Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- dummy_Vgene_df[[k]][which(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]$gene == paste0(colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j], "_",rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i])),"count"]
        } else {
          Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- 0


    #go elementwise in the matrix and count the occurancies of each combination in the VDJ.clonotype.output$vgenes column
    for (i in 1:nrow(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
      for (j in 1:ncol(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
        if (paste0(colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j], "_",rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i]) %in% dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]$gene){
          Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- dummy_Jgene_df[[k]][which(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]$gene == paste0(colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j], "_",rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i])),"count"]
        #no else clause. would overwrite alpha chain genes in matrix    }


  #set colors: same color across all samples
  grid.col <- stats::setNames(grDevices::rainbow(length(union(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[1]]), colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[1]])))),sample(union(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[1]]), colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[1]]))))

  for (i in 1:length(Vgene_usage_matrix)){
    # filter out genes which have fewer clonotypes then clonotype.per.gene.threshold
    Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]] <- Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]][which(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])>=clonotype.per.gene.threshold),]
    Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]] <- Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]][,which(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])>=clonotype.per.gene.threshold)]

    nm = unique(unlist(dimnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])))
    group = structure(stringr::str_sub(nm, 1,4), names = nm)

    #set levels for grouping.
    #Differentiate whether B or T cells are analyzed

    #Differentiate whether "None" has to be included as its own group for unpaired clonotypes.
    if(B.or.Tcells == "T"){
      if(V.or.J == "both"){
        if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
          levels <- c("TRAV", "TRBV", "TRAJ","TRBJ","None")
          levels <- c("TRAV", "TRBV", "TRAJ","TRBJ")
      }else if(V.or.J == "V"){
        if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
          levels <- c("TRAV", "TRBV","None")
          levels <- c("TRAV", "TRBV")
      }else if(V.or.J == "J"){
        if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
          levels <- c("TRAJ","TRBJ","None")
          levels <- c("TRAJ", "TRBJ")
    }else if(B.or.Tcells == "B"){
      if(V.or.J == "both"){
        if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
          levels <- c("IGHV","IGLV","IGKV","IGHJ","IGLJ","IGKJ","None")
          levels <- c("IGHV","IGLV","IGKV","IGHJ","IGLJ","IGKJ")
      }else if(V.or.J == "V"){
        if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
          levels <- c("IGHV","IGLV","IGKV","None")
          levels <- c("IGHV","IGLV","IGKV")
      }else if(V.or.J == "J"){
        if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
          levels <- c("IGHJ","IGLJ","IGKJ","None")
          levels <- c("IGHJ","IGLJ","IGKJ")
     message("Please specify whether B or T cells are analyzed. (Parameter B.or.Tcells)")

    # Set grouping factors based on previously defined levels. Order of levels defines order of groups in Circos plot.
    group = factor(group[sample(length(group), length(group))], levels = levels)

    VDJ_circos(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]], group = group, grid.col=grid.col, label.threshold = label.threshold, c.count.label = c.count.label, gene.label = gene.label, gene.label.size = gene.label.size, c.count.label.size = c.count.label.size, arr.col = arr.col, arr.direction = arr.direction, platy.theme = platy.theme)
    circos.recorded <- grDevices::recordPlot()
    plot[[i]] <- circos.recorded

  plot[[i+1]] <- Vgene_usage_matrix
  plot[[i+2]] <- grid.col
  plot[[i+3]] <- group

}else if(platypus.version=="v2"){
#### Platypus Version 2 ####

    for(i in 1:nrow(VDJ[[1]])){
      if(substr(VDJ[[1]]$HC_vgene[[i]],start=1, stop = 2)=="IG"){
        B.or.Tcells <- "B"
      if(substr(VDJ[[1]]$HC_vgene[[1]],start=1, stop = 2)=="TR"){
        B.or.Tcells <- "T"
      if(i == nrow(VDJ[[1]])){
        message("Please specify whether B or T cells are beeing analyzed (Parameter B.or.Tcells)")

      plot <- list()

      #filter out clonotypes with less then c.threshold cells
      for(i in 1:length(VDJ)){
        VDJ[[i]] <- VDJ[[i]][which(VDJ[[i]]$frequency >= c.threshold),]

      TRBV <- c()
      TRAV <- c()
      TRBJ <- c()
      TRAJ <- c()

      for (i in 1:length(VDJ)){

        VDJ[[i]]$alpha_beta_Vgene <- paste(VDJ[[i]]$LC_vgene, VDJ[[i]]$HC_vgene, sep = "_")
        VDJ[[i]]$alpha_beta_Jgene <- paste(VDJ[[i]]$LC_jgene, VDJ[[i]]$HC_jgene, sep = "_")

        #get all V and J genes across all samples
        c <- unique(VDJ[[i]]$HC_vgene)
        TRBV <- append(TRBV,c)
        d <- unique(VDJ[[i]]$LC_vgene)
        TRAV <- append(TRAV,d)
        e <- unique(VDJ[[i]]$HC_jgene)
        TRBJ<- append(TRBJ,e)
        f <- unique(VDJ[[i]]$LC_jgene)
        TRAJ <- append(TRAJ,f)
      #make two branches for matrix alpha vs beta genes
      if(V.or.J == "both"){
        TRA <- append(TRAV, TRAJ)
        TRB <- append(TRBV, TRBJ)
      }else if(V.or.J == "V"){
        TRA <- TRAV
        TRB <- TRBV
      }else if(V.or.J == "J"){
        TRA <- TRAJ
        TRB <- TRBJ
        message("Please specify V.or.J as 'V' or 'J'. Leave empty to plot both")

      # create matrix alpha vs beta
      Vgene_usage_matrix <- list()
      dummy_Vgene_df <- list()
      dummy_Jgene_df <- list()

      for (k in 1:length(VDJ)){
        #Create a matrix with rows being heavy chain and columns being light chain v genes
        Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]] <- matrix(nrow = length(unique(TRA)), ncol = length(unique(TRB)))

        #give the row names and col names
        rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]]) <- unique(TRA)
        colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]]) <- unique(TRB)

      for (k in 1:length(VDJ)){

        #create dummy df which will contain the counts for each combination

        if(cell.level == F){
          dummy_Vgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ[[k]]$alpha_beta_Vgene))
          colnames(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "count")
          dummy_Jgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ[[k]]$alpha_beta_Jgene))
          colnames(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "count")
          dummy_Vgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ[[k]]$alpha_beta_Vgene))
          colnames(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "clonotype_counts")
          for(i in 1:nrow(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]])){
            dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]$count[i] <- sum(VDJ[[k]][which(VDJ[[k]]$alpha_beta_Vgene==dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]$gene[i]),"frequency"])
          dummy_Jgene_df[[k]] <- as.data.frame(table(VDJ[[k]]$alpha_beta_Jgene))
          colnames(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]) <- c("gene", "clonotype_counts")
          for(i in 1:nrow(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]])){
            dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]$count[i] <- sum(VDJ[[k]][which(VDJ[[k]]$alpha_beta_Jgene==dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]$gene[i]),"frequency"])

        #go elementwise in the matrix and count the occurancies of each combination
        for (i in 1:nrow(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
          for (j in 1:ncol(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
            if (paste0(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i], "_",colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j]) %in% dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]$gene){
              Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- dummy_Vgene_df[[k]][which(dummy_Vgene_df[[k]]$gene == paste0(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i], "_",colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j])),"count"]
            } else {
              Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- 0


        #go elementwise in the matrix and count the occurancies of each combination in the VDJ.clonotype.output$vgenes column
        for (i in 1:nrow(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
          for (j in 1:ncol(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])){
            if (paste0(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i], "_",colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j]) %in% dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]$gene){
              Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]][i,j] <- dummy_Jgene_df[[k]][which(dummy_Jgene_df[[k]]$gene == paste0(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[i], "_",colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[k]])[j])),"count"]
            #no else clause. would overwrite alpha chain genes in matrix    }


      #set colors: same color across all samples
      grid.col <- stats::setNames(grDevices::rainbow(length(union(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[1]]), colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[1]])))),sample(union(rownames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[1]]), colnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[1]]))))

      for (i in 1:length(Vgene_usage_matrix)){
        # filter out genes which have fewer clonotypes then clonotype.per.gene.threshold
        Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]] <- Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]][which(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])>=clonotype.per.gene.threshold),]
        Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]] <- Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]][,which(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])>=clonotype.per.gene.threshold)]

        nm = unique(unlist(dimnames(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])))
        group = structure(stringr::str_sub(nm, 1,4), names = nm)

        #set levels for grouping.
        #Differentiate whether B or T cells are analyzed

        #Differentiate whether "None" has to be included as its own group for unpaired clonotypes.
        if(B.or.Tcells == "T"){
            if(V.or.J == "both"){
            if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
              levels <- c("TRAV", "TRBV", "TRAJ","TRBJ","None")
              levels <- c("TRAV", "TRBV", "TRAJ","TRBJ")
          }else if(V.or.J == "V"){
            if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
              levels <- c("TRAV", "TRBV","None")
              levels <- c("TRAV", "TRBV")
          }else if(V.or.J == "J"){
            if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
              levels <- c("TRAJ","TRBJ","None")
              levels <- c("TRAJ", "TRBJ")
        }else if(B.or.Tcells == "B"){
          if(V.or.J == "both"){
            if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
              levels <- c("IGHV","IGLV","IGKV","IGHJ","IGLJ","IGKJ","None")
              levels <- c("IGHV","IGLV","IGKV","IGHJ","IGLJ","IGKJ")
          }else if(V.or.J == "V"){
            if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
              levels <- c("IGHV","IGLV","IGKV","None")
              levels <- c("IGHV","IGLV","IGKV")
          }else if(V.or.J == "J"){
            if(ifelse(is.na((colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0)),FALSE,(colSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))|ifelse(is.na(rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0), FALSE, (rowSums(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]])["None"]>0))){
              levels <- c("IGHJ","IGLJ","IGKJ","None")
              levels <- c("IGHJ","IGLJ","IGKJ")
          message("Please specify whether B or T cells are analyzed. (Parameter B.or.Tcells)")

        # Set grouping factors based on previously defined levels. Order of levels defines order of groups in Circos plot.
        group = factor(group[sample(length(group), length(group))], levels = levels)

        plot[[i]] <- VDJ_circos(Vgene_usage_matrix[[i]], group = group, grid.col=grid.col, label.threshold = label.threshold, c.count.label = c.count.label)
      plot[[i+1]] <- Vgene_usage_matrix
  stop("Please specify platypus platypus.version as either v2 or v3. v3 in case of VDJ_GEX_matrix input")

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Platypus documentation built on Aug. 15, 2022, 9:08 a.m.