
Defines functions orderedGroupTerms getGroupVarNames isNested orderByGranularity getPrevalence.brmsfit getPrevalence.glmerMod getPrevalence.glm getPrevalence

Documented in getPrevalence

#' Predicting Prevalence from a Mixed or Fixed Effect Logistic Regression with
#' Presence/Absence Tests on Pooled Samples
#' This function works somewhat like a \code{predict} or \code{fitted} generic
#' function returning the model predicted prevalence for a given set of data;
#' however, as the quantity of interest (prevalence) is neither on the response
#' or link scale we do not use either of these generic functions. Further, when
#' the model accounts for the hierarchical structure of the sampling frame (e.g.
#' Region/Village/Site), it is common to want to know the predicted values at
#' each level of sampling (e.g. Prevalence at each region, village or site) so
#' these are calculated automatically.
#' @export
#' @param model An object returned by [PoolReg()] or [PoolRegBayes()]
#' @param newdata The data for which prevalence needs to be estimated/predicted.
#'   If not provided, defaults to using the data used to train the model (i.e.
#'   returns the fitted values of the prevalence)
#' @param re.form A description of which random effects to include in the
#'   prediction. If omitted, getPrevalence automatically tests to see if there
#'   are any random effect terms. If not, it just returns the estimates based on
#'   population effects. If there are random effects, it tests to see if the
#'   random effect variables form a nested hierarchical structure. If so, in
#'   addition to the estimates based on population effects only, it will
#'   estimate at different levels of the nested hierarchical structure in order
#'   of increasing granularity. For manual control you can set to NA for
#'   population effects only, or a one-sided formula specifying the form of the
#'   random effects to include in estimates, or a list of such objects.
#' @param robust Currently only relevant for brmsfit objects (returned by
#'   PoolRegBayes). If \code{FALSE} (default) the point estimate of prevalence
#'   is the mean over the posterior. If \code{TRUE}, the median over the
#'   posterior is used instead.
#' @param level Defines the confidence level to be used for the confidence and
#'   credible intervals. Defaults to 0.95 (i.e. 95\% intervals).
#' @return A \code{list} with at least one field \code{PopulationEffects} and an
#'   additional field for every random/group effect variable. The field
#'   \code{PopulationEffects} contains a \code{data.frame} with the prevalence
#'   estimated based only the fixed/population effects. When the intercept is
#'   the only fixed/population effect, this is just the population mean
#'   (possibly adjusted for random/group effects). When there are group effects
#'   terms, \code{getPrevalence} attempts to order these with respect to
#'   'granularity' and extract the prevalence estimates for these random
#'   effects; e.g. if the random/group effects included are there to account for
#'   a hierarchical sampling frame with levels 'Village' and 'Site' with a
#'   formula like \code{Result ~ Cov1 + Cov2 + (1|Village/Site)}, then
#'   getPrevalence will be a list of three data frames: estimates for every
#'   combination of covariates, estimates for every combination of covariates
#'   and village, and estimates for every combination of covariates, village,
#'   and site.
#' @seealso
#'   \code{\link{PoolReg}},
#'    \code{\link{PoolRegBayes}}
#' @example examples/LogisticRegression.R

getPrevalence <- function(model, newdata = NULL, re.form = NULL, robust = FALSE, level = 0.95){
  out <- switch(class(model)[1],
                brmsfit = getPrevalence.brmsfit(model, newdata, re.form, robust, level),
                glm = getPrevalence.glm(model, newdata, level),
                glmerMod = getPrevalence.glmerMod(model, newdata, re.form),
                stop('The provided model must be the output of either PoolReg or PoolRegBayes'))

getPrevalence.glm <- function(model, newdata = NULL, level = 0.95){
    newdata <- model$data
  PoolSizeName <- attr(model,'PoolSizeName')
  invlink <- switch(attr(model,'link'),
                    logit = stats::plogis,
                    cloglog = function(x){-expm1(-exp(x))})

  s <- stats::qt((1-level)/2, df = stats::df.residual(model), lower.tail = FALSE)

  PopTerms <- attr(stats::terms(model$formula),"term.labels")
  PredData <- newdata[,PopTerms,drop = FALSE] %>% unique
  row.names(PredData) <- NULL
  PredData[,PoolSizeName] <- 1
  Prev <- stats::predict(model,
                         newdata = PredData,
                         type = "link",
                         se.fit = TRUE)[1:2] %>%
  Prev <- cbind(PredData[,names(PredData) != PoolSizeName],
                  Estimate = invlink(Prev$fit),
                  CILow = invlink(Prev$fit - s * Prev$se.fit),
                  CIHigh = invlink(Prev$fit + s * Prev$se.fit)
  predlist <- list(PopulationEffects = Prev)

getPrevalence.glmerMod <- function(model, newdata = NULL, re.form = NULL){

    newdata <- attr(model,'frame')

  invlink <- switch(attr(model,"link"),
                    logit = stats::plogis,
                    cloglog = function(x){-expm1(-exp(x))})

  formula <- attr(model,'call')$formula
  PoolSizeName <- attr(model,'PoolSizeName')

  #Get the the random/group effect terms names
  GroupVarNames <- getGroupVarNames(formula)
  #Order group terms in order of the number of unique values (i.e. coarsest first)
  GroupVarNames <- orderByGranularity(newdata,GroupVarNames)
  NGroupVars <- length(GroupVarNames)

  #set up default re.form list - and if an NA or a single formula wrap in a list
         NULL = {
             GroupTerms <- lme4::findbars(formula)
             re.form <- c(list(PopulationEffects = NA),
             re.form <- list(PopulationEffects = NA)
         list = {},
         logical = {re.form <- list(PopulationEffects = NA)},
         formula = {re.form <- list(re.form)},
         stop('re.form must be a list of random effect formulas, NA (for no random effect terms)')

  AllTerms <- setdiff(all.vars(formula), all.vars(formula[[2]]))
  PopTerms <- setdiff(AllTerms,GroupVarNames)

  predlist <- list()
  #Make predictions based on group effects
  for(n in 1:length(re.form)){
    re <- re.form[[n]]
    if(inherits(re, 'formula')){
      SubGroupVarNames <- all.vars(re)
        SubGroupVarNames <- NULL
        stop('re.form must be a list of random effect formulas or NA (for no random effect terms)')

    #We just want to predict for unique combinations of the relevant variables
    PredDataSub <-  newdata[,unique(c(PopTerms,SubGroupVarNames)),drop = FALSE] %>%
      dplyr::mutate(DummyVar = 1) %>% #guarantees that the PredDataSub is non-empty
    rownames(PredDataSub) <- NULL
    PredDataSub[,PoolSizeName] <- 1
    Prev <- stats::predict(model,
                           type = 'link',
                           re.form = re,
                           newdata = PredDataSub) %>%
      invlink() %>%
    colnames(Prev) <- "Estimate"
    predlist[[n]] <- cbind(PredDataSub[,!names(PredDataSub) %in% c("DummyVar", PoolSizeName), drop = FALSE],

  names(predlist) <- names(re.form)


getPrevalence.brmsfit <- function(model, newdata = NULL, re.form = NULL, robust = FALSE, level = 0.95){
    newdata <- model$data

  formula <- model$formula$formula

  PoolSizeName <- model$PoolSizeName

  #Get the the random/group effect terms names
  GroupVarNames <- getGroupVarNames(formula)
  #Order group terms in order of the number of unique values (i.e. coarsest first)
  NGroupVars <- length(GroupVarNames)

  #set up default re.form list - and if an NA or a single formula wrap in a list
         NULL = {
           if(!all(GroupVarNames %in% colnames(newdata))){
             stop('Cannot calculate random effects for variables ',
                  paste(setdiff(GroupVarNames, colnames(newdata)),collapse = ', '),
                  ' as these have not been provided in `newdata`')

           if(NGroupVars >0){
             GroupVarNames <- orderByGranularity(newdata,GroupVarNames)

             re.form <- c(list(PopulationEffects = NA),
             re.form <- list(PopulationEffects = NA)
         list = {},
         logical = {re.form <- list(PopulationEffects = NA)},
         formula = {re.form <- list(re.form)},
         stop('re.form must be a list of random effect formulas, NA (for no random effect terms)')

  AllTerms <- setdiff(all.vars(formula), all.vars(formula[[2]]))
  PopTerms <- setdiff(AllTerms,GroupVarNames)

  predlist <- list()
  #Make predictions based on group effects
  for(n in 1:length(re.form)){
    re <- re.form[[n]]
    if(inherits(re, 'formula')){
      SubGroupVarNames <- all.vars(re)
        SubGroupVarNames <- NULL
        stop('re.form must be a list of random effect formulas or NA (for no random effect terms)')
    #We just want to predict for unique combinations of the relevant variables
    PredDataSub <-  newdata[,unique(c(PopTerms,SubGroupVarNames)),drop = FALSE] %>%
      dplyr::mutate(.DummyVar = 1) %>% #guarantees that the PredDataSub is non-empty
    rownames(PredDataSub) <- NULL
    PredDataSub[,PoolSizeName] <- 1
    Prev <- stats::fitted(model,
                         scale = 'response',
                         re_formula = re,
                         newdata = PredDataSub,
                         robust = robust,
                         probs = c((1-level)/2, (1+level)/2)) %>%
      as.data.frame %>%
      dplyr::select(-dplyr::any_of(c("Est.Error"))) %>%
      stats::setNames(c("Estimate", "CrILow", "CrIHigh"))
    predlist[[n]] <- cbind(PredDataSub[,!names(PredDataSub) %in% c(".DummyVar", PoolSizeName), drop = FALSE],

  names(predlist) <- names(re.form)


orderByGranularity <- function(df,Names = NULL){
  if(is.null(Names)) Names <- colnames(df)
  else if(is.character((Names)) & length(Names) == 0) return(Names)
  N <- length(Names)
  Levels <- rep(0,N)
  for(n in 1:N){
    Levels[n] <- length(unique(df[,Names[n]]))

isNested <- function(df, Names){
  N <- length(Names)
  if(N %in% c(0,1)){
  Names <- rev(orderByGranularity(df,Names))

  for(n in 1:(N-1)){
    Levels <- unique(df[,Names[n]])
    for(level in Levels){
      if(length(unique(df[df[,Names[n]] == level,Names[n+1]])) > 1){

getGroupVarNames <- function(formula){
  n <- length(formula)
                         "\\|\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\)")[[1]][,2] %>%
    strsplit(split = "[\\/\\+\\:\\*]") %>%
    unlist %>%

orderedGroupTerms <- function(formula,vars){
  if(length(vars) == 0 ) return(NULL)
  GroupTerms <- lme4::findbars(formula)
  if(is.null(GroupTerms)) return(NULL)
  NumTerms <- length(GroupTerms)
  NumVars <- length(vars)

  FinestVar <- rep(length(vars), NumTerms)
  for(n in 1:NumTerms){
    TermVars <- intersect(all.vars(stats::reformulate(as.character(GroupTerms[n]))),vars)
    FinestVar[n] <- max(match(TermVars,vars))

  out <- list()
  m <- 0
  for(n in sort(unique(FinestVar))){
    m <- m + 1
    out[[m]] <- stats::reformulate(paste0("(",as.character(GroupTerms[FinestVar <= n]),")"))
  names(out) <- vars[sort(unique(FinestVar))]

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PoolTestR documentation built on July 1, 2022, 9:06 a.m.