
powcomp.fast <- function(law.indices, stat.indices, vectn = c(20, 50, 100), M = 10 ^ 3, levels = c(0.05, 0.1), critval = NULL,
                         alter = create.alter(stat.indices), parlaws = NULL, parstats = NULL, nbclus = 1, model = NULL,
                         null.law.index = 2, null.law.pars = NULL, Rlaws = NULL, Rstats = NULL, center = FALSE, scale = FALSE) {

    compquant <- 0L # This argument should only be used when one wants to compute the critical values (quantiles) of some test statistics,
                    # through the function many.crit(). The values of the statistics will be returned through the critvalL argument (of size M*vectnlen*statslen*lawlen)
    if (any(stat.indices == 0) & is.null(Rstats)) stop("'Rstats' should be a list whose components are R functions.")
    if (any(stat.indices == 0)) {
        if (!is.list(Rstats)) stop("'Rstats' should be a list whose components are R functions.")
        for (i in 1:length(stat.indices)) if ((stat.indices[i] == 0) & !is.function(Rstats[[i]])) stop(paste("The ", i, "th component of 'Rstats' should be an R function", sep = ""))
    if (is.null(Rstats)) Rstats <- list(NULL)
    Rcpp <- any(law.indices == 0)
    if (Rcpp) {
        if (length(Rlaws) != length(law.indices)) stop("When some law indices in 'law.indices' are equal to 0, this means that you will be using some R random generators. In that case, you should provide the names of the random generation functions in the corresponding components of 'Rlaws' list, the other components should be set to NULL.")
        tmp <- gsub(" ", "", paste(text = match.call()$Rlaws))[-1]
        tmpnames <- tmp
        for (i in 1:length(law.indices)) {
            if (!is.null(Rlaws[[i]])) {
                if (class(Rlaws[[i]]) != "function") stop("Each non-null compoment of the list 'Rlaws' should be a (random generation) R function.")
                if (law.indices[i] != 0) stop(paste("law.indices[", i, "] should be set to 0.", sep = ""))
            } else {
                Rlaws[[i]] <- function(){}
    if (getRversion() < "3.1.0") dontCheck <- identity
    if (nbclus > 1) {
#    suppressWarnings(parallel.pkg.present <- require(parallel))
        parallel.pkg.present <- "package:parallel" %in% search()
        Rmpi.pkg.present <- "package:Rmpi" %in% search()
        if (all(!c(parallel.pkg.present, Rmpi.pkg.present))) stop("Either package parallel or Rmpi should be installed!")
#    suppressWarnings(rsprng.pkg.present <- require(rsprng))
#    if (!rsprng.pkg.present) stop("Package rsprng is not installed!")
        cluster.type <- if (parallel.pkg.present) "PSOCK" else "MPI" # We prefer to use "PSOCK" (i.e. parallel) because it's easier.
    vectn.len <- length(vectn)
    stats.len <- length(stat.indices)
    laws.len  <- length(law.indices)
    nblevel   <- length(levels)  
# Management of critval and creation of critvalL, critvalR  and usecrit
# If we provide a single value in critval$statj then it is critvalR
# If we provide two values in critval$statj then it is c(critvalL,critvalR)  ... IN THAT ORDER!!
    critvalL <- critvalR <- rep(0, vectn.len * stats.len * nblevel)
    usecrit <- rep(0, vectn.len * stats.len)
    if (is.null(critval)) {
        warning(paste("'critval' has been computed internally using function many.crit() with the value of 'law.index'=",null.law.index," (i.e. ",law.cstr(null.law.index)$name,")",sep=""))
        if (is.null(null.law.pars)) {
          ## EDITED
          # WAS:
          #             tmp2 <- law.cstr(null.law.index)$law.pars
          #             null.law.pars <- c(tmp2, rep(0.0, 4 - length(tmp2)))

          tmp2 <- law.cstr(null.law.index)
          if (tmp2$nbparams > 0) {
            tmp2 <- tmp2$law.pars
            null.law.pars <- c(tmp2, rep(0.0, 4 - length(tmp2)))
          ## END EDITING
        critval <- many.crit(law.index = null.law.index, stat.indices, M, vectn, levels, alter, null.law.pars, parstats, center = center, scale = scale)
    if (!is.list(critval)) stop("'critval' should be a list")
    if (is.null(names(critval))) stop("'critval' should be a named list")
    if (any(is.na(names(critval)))) stop("'critval' names should all be defined")
    if (length(critval) != length(stat.indices)) stop("'critval' and 'stat.indices' should have the same length")
    for (s in 1:stats.len) {
        crittmp <- as.matrix(critval[[s]][,-3])
        if (ncol(crittmp) == 1) crittmp <- t(crittmp)
        for (l in 1:nblevel) {
            vals <- crittmp[crittmp[,"level"] == levels[l],]
            for (k in 1:vectn.len) {
                if (vectn.len == 1) {
                    vals2 <- vals[-(1:2)]
                } else {
                    vals2 <- vals[vals[, "n"] == vectn[k], -(1:2)]
                if (length(vals2) != 0) {
                    usecrit[k + vectn.len * (s - 1)] <- 1 # I CHANGED HERE!! IF THERE IS A BUG, check here ...
                    critvalL[k + vectn.len * (l - 1) + nblevel * vectn.len * (s - 1)] <- vals2[1]
                    critvalR[k + vectn.len * (l - 1) + nblevel * vectn.len * (s - 1)] <- vals2[2]
# Management of alter
    if (!is.null(alter)) {
        if (!is.list(alter)) stop("'alter' should be a list")
        if (is.null(names(alter))) stop("'alter' should be a named list")
        if (any(is.na(names(alter)))) stop("'alter' names should all be defined")
        if (length(alter) != length(stat.indices)) stop("'alter' and 'stat.indices' should have the same length")
        for (s in 1:stats.len) {
            if (stat.indices[s] != 0) {
                if (names(alter)[s] != paste("stat", stat.indices[s], sep = "")) stop(paste("Name of 'alter'[[", s, "]] should be equal to 'stat", stat.indices[s], sep = ""))
                if (!(alter[[s]] %in% 0:4)) stop(paste("'alter'[[", s, "]] should be in  {0,1,2,3,4}.", sep = ""))
                Cstat.name <- "tmp" # To remove a NOTE at R CMD check
                Cstat.name <- paste("stat", as.character(stat.indices[s]), sep = "")
                alter.true <- .C(dontCheck(Cstat.name), as.double(0.0), 1L, 0.05, 1L, rep(" ", 50), 1L, 0.0, 0L, 0.0, 0.0,
                                 0.0, 0L, alter = as.integer(alter[s]), 0L, rep(0.0, 4), 0L, PACKAGE = "PoweR")$alter
                if (alter[[s]] != alter.true) {
                    warning(paste("'alter'[[", s, "]] should be set to ", alter.true, ". We have done this for you!"), sep = "")
                    alter[[s]] <- alter.true
        alter <- unlist(alter)
    } else { # alter is NULL
        alter <- rep(0, stats.len)
        names(alter) <- paste("stat", stat.indices, sep = "")

# Management of parlaws
    parlawtmp <- nbparlaws <- c()
    if (!is.null(parlaws)) {
        if (!is.list(parlaws)) stop("'parlaws' should be a list")
        if (is.null(names(parlaws))) stop("'parlaws' should be a named list")
        if (any(is.na(names(parlaws)))) stop("'parlaws' names should all be defined")
        if (length(parlaws) != length(law.indices)) stop("'parlaws' and 'law.indices' should have the same length")
        for (s in 1:laws.len) {
            if (law.indices[s] != 0) {
                if (names(parlaws)[s] != paste("law", law.indices[s], sep = "")) stop(paste("Name of 'parlaws'[[", s, "]] should be equal to 'law", law.indices[s], sep = ""))
                if (length(parlaws[[s]]) > 4) stop(paste("Length of 'parlaws'[[", s, "]] should not exceed 4.", sep = ""))
                if ((length(parlaws[[s]]) > 1) && any(is.na(parlaws[[s]]))) stop(paste("'parlaws'[[", s, "]] cannot contain NA values unless its length is 1.", sep = ""))
                nbparlaws <- c(nbparlaws, length(na.omit(parlaws[[s]])))
                parlawtmp <- c(parlawtmp, c(parlaws[[s]], rep(0.0, 4 - nbparlaws[s])))
            } else {
                if (!all(is.na(parlaws[[s]]))) {
                    npartmp <- length(unlist(formals(eval(parse(text = tmp[s])))[-1]))
                    if (sum(!is.na(parlaws[[s]])) !=  npartmp) stop(paste("The number of law parameters set for ", i, "th component of 'parlaws' should be ", npartmp, sep = ""))
                    nbparlaws <- c(nbparlaws, npartmp)
                    parlawtmp <- c(parlawtmp, c(parlaws[[s]], rep(0.0, 4 - nbparlaws[s])))
    } else {
        for (s in 1:laws.len) {
            if (law.indices[s] != 0) {
                tmp <- law.cstr(law.indices[s])
                nbparlaws <- c(nbparlaws, tmp$nbparams)
                if (tmp$nbparams > 0) { #EDITED
                  parlawtmp <- c(parlawtmp, c(tmp$law.pars, rep(0.0, 4 - nbparlaws[s]))) #EDITED
                  } else {parlawtmp <- c(parlawtmp, rep(0.0, 4 - nbparlaws[s]))} #EDITED
            } else {
                npartmp <- length(unlist(formals(eval(parse(text = tmp[s])))[-1]))
                nbparlaws <- c(nbparlaws, npartmp)
                parlawtmp <- c(parlawtmp, c(unlist(formals(eval(parse(text = tmp[s])))[-1]), rep(0.0, 4 - nbparlaws[s])))
    parlaws <- parlawtmp

# Management of parstats     pas tres bien gere quand stat.indices[s] = 0 ? .....
    nbparstats <- rep(0, length(stat.indices))
    nbparstats[stat.indices != 0] <- getnbparstats(stat.indices[stat.indices != 0])
    parstatstmp <- c()
    if (!is.null(parstats)) {
        if (!is.list(parstats)) stop("'parstats' should be a list")
        if (is.null(names(parstats))) stop("'parstats' should be a named list")
        if (any(is.na(names(parstats)))) stop("'parstats' names should all be defined")
        if (length(parstats) != length(stat.indices)) stop("'parstats' and 'stat.indices' should have the same length")
        for (s in 1:stats.len) {
            if (stat.indices[s] != 0) {
                if (names(parstats)[s] != paste("stat", stat.indices[s], sep = "")) stop(paste("Name of 'parstats'[[", s, "]] should be equal to 'stat", stat.indices[s], sep = ""))
                if (!is.na(parstats[[s]]) && (nbparstats[s] == 0)) stop(paste("'parstats[['", s, "]] should be equal to NA", sep = ""))
                if ((nbparstats[s] != 0) && (length(parstats[[s]]) != nbparstats[s])) stop(paste("The length of parstats[[", s, "]] should be ", nbparstats[s], sep = ""))
                parstatstmp <- c(parstatstmp, parstats[[s]])
    } else {
        for (s in 1:stats.len) {
            if (stat.indices[s] != 0) {parstatstmp <- c(parstatstmp, stat.cstr(stat.indices[s])$stat.pars)}
    parstats <- parstatstmp
#  parstats[is.na(parstats)] <- 0
    parstats <- parstats[!is.na(parstats)]

# Management of model
    if (is.double(model) || is.integer(model)) {
        modelnum <- model
        funclist <- list(function(){})
        thetavec <- 0
        xvec <- 0
        p <- length(thetavec)
        np <- length(xvec)
    } else {
        if (is.null(model)) {
            modelnum <- 1
            funclist <- list(function(){})
            thetavec <- 0
            xvec <- 0
            p <- length(thetavec)
            np <- length(xvec)
        } else { # model should be a list (function(x,thetavec,xvec),theta,xvec)
            modelnum <- 0
            funclist <- list(model[[1]])
            thetavec <- model[[2]]
            xvec <- model[[3]]
            p <- length(thetavec)
            np <- length(xvec)     

# We perform the computations

    decision.len <- stats.len * vectn.len * laws.len * nblevel
    decision <- rep(0, decision.len)

    if (Rcpp | any(stat.indices == 0)) {
        if (nbclus > 1) { # We start the cluster
    # makeCluster = Create a set of copies of R running in parallel and communicating over sockets or using MPI.
            cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nbclus, type = cluster.type)		
#    clusterSetupSPRNG(cl)
            myfunc <- function(M) {
                .Call("powcompfastRcpp", M = as.integer(M), law.indices = as.integer(law.indices), laws.len = as.integer(laws.len),
                      vectn = as.integer(vectn), vectn.len = as.integer(vectn.len), stat.indices = as.integer(stat.indices),
                      stats.len = as.integer(stats.len), decision = as.integer(decision), decision.len = as.integer(decision.len),
                      levels = as.double(levels), nblevel = as.integer(nblevel), cL = as.double(critvalL), cR = as.double(critvalR),
                      usecrit = as.integer(usecrit), alter = as.integer(alter), nbparlaws = as.integer(nbparlaws), parlaws = as.double(parlaws),
                      nbparstats = as.integer(nbparstats), parstats = as.double(parstats), as.integer(modelnum), funclist, as.double(thetavec),
                      as.double(xvec), as.integer(p), as.integer(np), as.list(Rlaws), Rstats, as.integer(center), as.integer(scale), as.integer(compquant),
                      PACKAGE = "PoweR", NAOK = TRUE)
            out <- parallel::clusterCall(cl, myfunc, round(M / nbclus)) # M/nbclus iterations are performed on each core
      # We stop the cluster
        } else {

  #b) or without a cluster

            out <- list(.Call("powcompfastRcpp", M = as.integer(M), law.indices = as.integer(law.indices), laws.len = as.integer(laws.len),
                              vectn = as.integer(vectn), vectn.len = as.integer(vectn.len), stat.indices = as.integer(stat.indices), stats.len = as.integer(stats.len),
                              decision = as.integer(decision), decision.len = as.integer(decision.len), levels = as.double(levels), nblevel = as.integer(nblevel),
                              cL = as.double(critvalL), cR = as.double(critvalR), usecrit = as.integer(usecrit), alter = as.integer(alter), nbparlaws = as.integer(nbparlaws),
                              parlaws = as.double(parlaws), nbparstats = as.integer(nbparstats), parstats = as.double(parstats), as.integer(modelnum), funclist, as.double(thetavec),
                              as.double(xvec), as.integer(p), as.integer(np), as.list(Rlaws), Rstats, as.integer(center), as.integer(scale), as.integer(compquant),
                              PACKAGE = "PoweR", NAOK = TRUE))

    } else {
  # a) Using a cluster
        if (nbclus > 1) { # We start the cluster
    # makeCluster = Create a set of copies of R running in parallel and communicating over sockets or using MPI.
            cl <- parallel::makeCluster(nbclus, type = cluster.type)		
#    clusterSetupSPRNG(cl)
            myfunc <- function(M) {
                .C("powcompfast", M = as.integer(M), law.indices = as.integer(law.indices), laws.len = as.integer(laws.len), vectn = as.integer(vectn), vectn.len = as.integer(vectn.len),
                   stat.indices = as.integer(stat.indices), stats.len = as.integer(stats.len), decision = as.integer(decision), decision.len = as.integer(decision.len),
                   levels = as.double(levels), nblevel = as.integer(nblevel), cL = as.double(critvalL), cR = as.double(critvalR), usecrit = as.integer(usecrit),
                   alter = as.integer(alter), nbparlaws = as.integer(nbparlaws), parlaws = as.double(parlaws), nbparstats = as.integer(nbparstats), parstats = as.double(parstats),
                   as.integer(modelnum), funclist, as.double(thetavec), as.double(xvec), as.integer(p), as.integer(np), as.integer(center), as.integer(scale), as.integer(compquant),
                   PACKAGE = "PoweR", NAOK = TRUE)
            out <- parallel::clusterCall(cl, myfunc, round(M / nbclus)) # M/nbclus iterations are performed on each core
      # We stop the cluster
        } else {

  #b) or without a cluster

            out <- list(.C("powcompfast", M = as.integer(M), law.indices = as.integer(law.indices), laws.len = as.integer(laws.len), vectn = as.integer(vectn),
                           vectn.len = as.integer(vectn.len), stat.indices = as.integer(stat.indices), stats.len = as.integer(stats.len), decision = as.integer(decision),
                           decision.len = as.integer(decision.len), levels = as.double(levels), nblevel = as.integer(nblevel), cL = as.double(critvalL),
                           cR = as.double(critvalR), usecrit = as.integer(usecrit), alter = as.integer(alter), nbparlaws = as.integer(nbparlaws), parlaws = as.double(parlaws),
                           nbparstats = as.integer(nbparstats), parstats = as.double(parstats), as.integer(modelnum), funclist, as.double(thetavec), as.double(xvec),
                           as.integer(p), as.integer(np), as.integer(center), as.integer(scale), as.integer(compquant), PACKAGE = "PoweR", NAOK = TRUE))

    out[[1]] <- out[[1]][c("M", "law.indices", "vectn", "stat.indices", "decision", "levels", "cL", "cR", "usecrit", "alter", "nbparlaws", "parlaws", "nbparstats", "parstats")]

    if (nbclus > 1) {
        out[[1]]$M <- nbclus * round(M / nbclus)
        for (clus in 2:nbclus) {
            out[[1]]$decision <- out[[1]]$decision + out[[clus]]$decision
    out[[1]]$nbclus <- nbclus
    out[[1]]$Rlaws <- Rlaws
    if (Rcpp) names(out[[1]]$Rlaws) <- tmpnames
    k <- 1
    for (i in 1:length(out[[1]]$nbparstats)) {
        if (out[[1]]$nbparstats[i] == 0) {out[[1]]$parstats[k] <- NA ; k <- k + 1} else k <- k + out[[1]]$nbparstats[i]

  return(structure(out[[1]], class = c("power","list")))

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PoweR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:09 p.m.