Defines functions plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertaintiesBetatest plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertainties plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceByScenario plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceDecomposition printMessageDimension plotQUALYPSOeffect plotQUALYPSOgrandmean plotQUALYPSOclimateChangeResponse plotQUALYPSOclimateResponse QUALYPSO lm.ANOVA QUALYPSO.ANOVA QUALYPSO.check.option QUALYPSO.process.scenario QUALYPSO.ANOVA.i fit.climate.response get.Qmat get.Qstar.mat

Documented in fit.climate.response get.Qmat get.Qstar.mat lm.ANOVA plotQUALYPSOclimateChangeResponse plotQUALYPSOclimateResponse plotQUALYPSOeffect plotQUALYPSOgrandmean plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertainties plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertaintiesBetatest plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceByScenario plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceDecomposition QUALYPSO QUALYPSO.ANOVA QUALYPSO.ANOVA.i QUALYPSO.check.option QUALYPSO.process.scenario

### Guillaume Evin
### 30/06/2022, Grenoble
###  INRAE
### guillaume.evin@inrae.fr
### These functions use data augmentation and Bayesian techniques for the assessment
### of single-member and incomplete ensembles of climate projections.
### It provides unbiased estimates of climate change responses of all
### simulation chains and of all uncertainty variables. It additionally propagates
### uncertainty due to missing information in the estimates.
### references Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie (2020)
### Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections Using Data Augmentation.
### Journal of Climate. J. Climate, 32, 2423–2440. <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.

#' get.Qstar.mat
#' Provide matrix containing Helmert contrasts (see Eq. A7 in Evin et al., 2019).
#' @references Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie (2020) <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.
#' @param p integer
#' @return \item{matrix}{p x (p-1) matrix containing Helmert contrasts}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
#' @references Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie (2020)
#' Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections Using Data Augmentation.
#' Journal of Climate. J. Climate, 32, 2423–2440. <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.
get.Qstar.mat = function(p){
  # initialize matrix
  M = matrix(NA,nrow=p,ncol=(p-1))

  for(i in 1:p){ # by row
    for(j in 1:(p-1)){ # by column
        M[i,j] = 0
      }else if((i+j)==p){
        M[i,j] = -j
        M[i,j] = 1

  # return matrix

#' get.Qmat
#' Provide matrix Q derived from a matrix Q* of Helmert contrasts: \deqn{Q = Q^* (Q^{*T} Q^*)^{-1/2}}
#' See Eq. A6 in Evin et al., 2019.
#' @param p integer
#' @return \item{matrix}{p x p matrix}
#' @author Guillaume Evin
#' @references Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie (2020)
#' Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections Using Data Augmentation.
#' Journal of Climate. J. Climate, 32, 2423–2440. <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.
get.Qmat = function(p){
  # get Qstar
  Qstar = get.Qstar.mat(p)

  # get Q: Eq. A6 in Evin et al. (2019)
  Q = Qstar %*% MASS::ginv(expm::sqrtm(t(Qstar) %*% Qstar))


#' fit.climate.response
#' Fit trends for each simulation chain of an ensemble of \code{nS} projections. Each simulation chain is a time series
#' of \code{nY} time steps (e.g. number of years).
#' @param Y matrix of simulation chains: \code{nS} x \code{nY}
#' @param args.smooth.spline list of arguments to be passed to \code{\link[stats]{smooth.spline}}.
#' The \code{names} attribute of \code{args.smooth.spline} gives the argument
#' names (see \code{\link[base]{do.call}}).
#' @param Xmat matrix of predictors corresponding to the projections, e.g. time or global temperature.
#' @param Xfut values of the predictor over which the ANOVA will be applied.
#' @param typeChangeVariable type of change variable: "abs" (absolute, value by default) or "rel" (relative)
#' @return list with the following fields for each simulation chain:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{YStar}: \code{nS x nY}, change variable
#'   \item \strong{phiStar}: \code{nS x nF}, climate change responses
#'   \item \strong{etaStar}: \code{nS x nY}, deviation from the climate change response
#'   due to the internal variability, for \code{Xmat}
#'   \item \strong{phi}: \code{nS x nF}, raw trends obtained using \link[stats]{smooth.spline}
#'   \item \strong{climateResponse}: output from \link[stats]{smooth.spline}
#'   \item \strong{varInterVariability}: scalar, internal variability component of the MME
#' }
#' @details
#' See \code{\link{QUALYPSO}} for further information on arguments \code{indexReferenceYear} and \code{typeChangeVariable}.
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
#' @references Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie (2020)
#' Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections Using Data Augmentation.
#' Journal of Climate. J. Climate, 32, 2423–2440. <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.
fit.climate.response = function(Y, args.smooth.spline, Xmat, Xfut, typeChangeVariable){

  # number of simulation chains
  nS = nrow(Y)

  # length of the simulation chains
  nY = ncol(Y)

  # number of future time/global.tas
  nFut = length(Xfut)

  # Xref is the reference value for X used to compute absolute or relative changes
  # usually indicating the reference (control) period of the current climate
  # For simplicity, we consider that it is the first Xfut value (i.e. first year
  # in Xfut or minimum global temperature)
  Xref = Xfut[1]

  # prepare outputs
  phiStar = phi = matrix(nrow=nS,ncol=nFut)
  etaStar = YStar = matrix(nrow=nS,ncol=nY)
  climateResponse = list()

  for(iS in 1:nS){
    # projection for this simulation chain
    Ys = Y[iS,]
    Xs = Xmat[iS,]

    # fit a smooth signal (smooth cubic splines)
    zz = !is.na(Ys)
    smooth.spline.out<-do.call(what = stats::smooth.spline,

    # store spline object
    climateResponse[[iS]] = smooth.spline.out

    # fitted responses at the points of the fit (for etaStar)
    phiY = predict(smooth.spline.out, Xs)$y

    # fitted responses at unknown points ("Xfut")
    phiS = predict(smooth.spline.out, Xfut)$y

    # climate response of the reference/control time/global tas
    phiC = predict(smooth.spline.out, Xref)$y

    # store climate response for this simulation chain
    phi[iS,] = phiS

    # Climate change response: phiStar, and internal variability expressed as a change: etaStar
      # Eq. 5
      phiStar[iS,] = phiS-phiC
      etaStar[iS,] = Ys-phiY
      YStar[iS,] = Ys-phiC
    }else if(typeChangeVariable=='rel'){
      # Eq. 6
      phiStar[iS,] = phiS/phiC-1
      etaStar[iS,] = (Ys-phiY)/phiC
      YStar[iS,] = (Ys-phiC)/phiC
      stop("fit.climate.response: argument type.change.var must be equal to 'abs' (absolute changes) or 'rel' (relative changes)")

  # Variance related to the internal variability: considered constant over the time period
  # (see Eq. 22 and 23 in Hingray and Said, 2014). We use a direct empirical estimate
  # of the variance of eta for each simulation chain and take the mean, see Eq. 19
  varInterVariability = mean(apply(etaStar,2,var,na.rm=T),na.rm=T)

  # return objects

#' Partition sources of uncertainty in climate change responses for one lead time or one grid point.
#' @param phiStar.i vector of \code{nS} climate change response for one lead time or for one grid point: \code{nS x 1}
#' @param nMCMC number of MCMC simulation required
#' @param listScenarioInput list containing specifications, provided by \code{\link{QUALYPSO.process.scenario}}
#' @return  list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{mu}: vector of length \code{nMCMC}, mean climate change response
#'   \item \strong{sigma2}: vector of length \code{nMCMC}, variance of the residual terms
#'   \item \strong{effect}: list with \code{nTypeEff} elements, where each element corresponds to a different type of effect (e.g. alpha, beta, gamma in Eq. 7)
#'   Each element is a matrix \code{nMCMC} x \code{nMaineff}, and \code{nMaineff} is the number of main effects (e.g. number of GCMs, RCMs, etc.)
#' }
#' @references Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie (2020)
#' Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections Using Data Augmentation.
#' Journal of Climate. <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.
#' @author Guillaume Evin
QUALYPSO.ANOVA.i = function(phiStar.i, nMCMC, listScenarioInput){
  #============= retrieve objects related to the scenarios =====

  #=============  initialize effects =================
  effect.POST = list()

    # when i corresponds to the reference period, phiStar.i = 0 and no ANOVA can be performed
    # return 0 instead of NA for representations
    mu.POST = sigma2.POST = rep(0,nMCMC)
    for(i.eff in 1:nEff) effect.POST[[i.eff]] = matrix(0,nrow=nMCMC,ncol=nTypeEff[i.eff])

    # when i corresponds to the reference period, phiStar.i = 0 and no ANOVA can be performed
    # return 0 instead of NA for representations
    mu.POST = sigma2.POST = rep(0,nMCMC)
    for(i.eff in 1:nEff) effect.POST[[i.eff]] = matrix(0,nrow=nMCMC,ncol=nTypeEff[i.eff])
    # phi to complete
    phi2comp = phiStar.i[iMatchScen]
    # initialise matrix and arrays
    mu.POST = sigma2.POST = vector(length=nMCMC)
    for(i.eff in 1:nEff) effect.POST[[i.eff]] = matrix(nrow=nMCMC,ncol=nTypeEff[i.eff])

  # Bayesian sampling is done with Gibbs algorithm. Details about the choice of the prior distributions,
  # the hyperparameters, and full conditional posterior distributions are given in Appendix in Evin et al. (2019)

  #============= hyper-parameters: see Appendix A, section g. =============
  mu.mu = mean(phiStar.i,na.rm=T)
  largevar = 16*var(as.vector(phiStar.i),na.rm=T)
  sig2.mu = largevar
  lam.sig = 0.5
  X.diff = phiStar.i-mean(phiStar.i,na.rm=T)
  for(i.eff in 1:nEff){
    eff.hat = aggregate(x = X.diff, by = list(scenAvail[,i.eff]), FUN = "mean")
    X.diff = X.diff - eff.hat$x[match(scenAvail[,i.eff],eff.hat$Group.1)]
  nu.sig = 0.5*var(as.vector(X.diff),na.rm=T)
  s2eff = largevar

  #============ first iteration ===============

  # we sample from the prior distributions

  # error variance
  s2 = 1/rgamma(n=1, shape=lam.sig, rate=nu.sig) # Eq. A3
  sigma2.POST[1] = s2

  # grand mean
  mu = rnorm(n=1, mean=mu.mu, sd=sqrt(sig2.mu)) # Eq. A1
  mu.POST[1] = mu

  # main effects
  mat.eff = matrix(nrow=nComp,ncol=nEff)
  for(i.eff in 1:nEff){
    n = nTypeEff[i.eff]
    eff.star = rnorm(n=(n-1),sd=sqrt(s2eff)) # Eq. A8
    eff = Qmat[[i.eff]] %*% eff.star # linear transform, see Appendix A for the parameter beta
    mat.eff[,i.eff] = eff[indexEffInCompScen[,i.eff]]
    effect.POST[[i.eff]][1,] = eff

  # missing values: sample from posterior
  mean.X = mu + Rfast::rowsums(mat.eff)
  sd.X = sqrt(s2)
  phi2comp[isMissing] = rnorm(n=nMissing, mean=mean.X[isMissing], sd=rep(sd.X,nMissing)) # Eq A14

  #============ iteration 2,... ===============
  for(i.MCMC in 2:nMCMC){

    #_________________ error variance ____________________
    sum.diff2 = sum((phi2comp - mu - Rfast::rowsums(mat.eff))^2)
    s2 = 1/rgamma(n=1, shape=nComp/2+lam.sig, rate=sum.diff2/2+nu.sig) # Eq. A5
    sigma2.POST[i.MCMC] = s2

    #__________________ grand mean _______________________
    mu.V = (1/s2)*sum(phi2comp) + mu.mu/sig2.mu
    mu.PSi = 1/(nComp/s2 + 1/sig2.mu)
    mu = rnorm(n=1, mean=mu.V*mu.PSi, sd=sqrt(mu.PSi)) # Eq. A2
    mu.POST[i.MCMC] = mu

    #________________ main effects _______________________
    # remove global mean: main effects + residual term
    X.shift = phi2comp-mu

    for(i.eff in 1:nEff){
      # number of factors for each type of effect (i.e. number of GCMs, RCMs)
      n = nTypeEff[i.eff]
      # marginal sums
      mar.diff = Rfast::group(X.shift,indexEffInCompScen[,i.eff],method="sum")
      # arguments of full conditional posterior distribution
      V = as.numeric((1/s2)*(t(Qmat[[i.eff]]) %*% mar.diff))
      Psi = 1/(nComp/(s2*n)+1/s2eff)
      eff.star = Psi*V+rnorm(n=(n-1))*sqrt(Psi) # Eq A9
      eff = Qmat[[i.eff]] %*% eff.star
      mat.eff[,i.eff] = eff[indexEffInCompScen[,i.eff]]
      effect.POST[[i.eff]][i.MCMC,] = eff

    #_____ missing values: sample from posterior ________
    mean.X = mu + Rfast::rowsums(mat.eff)
    sd.X = sqrt(s2)
    phi2comp[isMissing] = rnorm(n=nMissing, mean=mean.X[isMissing], sd=rep(sd.X,nMissing)) # Eq A14

  # return MCM samples from the posterior

#' QUALYPSO.process.scenario
#' Process input scenarios.
#' @param scenAvail data.frame \code{nS} x \code{nEff} with the \code{nEff} characteristics (e.g. type of GCM) for each of the \code{nS} x \code{nS} scenarios
#' @return list of preprocessed objects (\code{listEff, scenAvail, scenComp, nEff, nTypeEff, nComp, isMissing, nMissing, iMatchScen,
#' indexEffInCompScen, Qmat})
#' @author Guillaume Evin
QUALYPSO.process.scenario = function(scenAvail){
  # number of scenarios
  nS = nrow(scenAvail)

  # list of effects
  nEff = ncol(scenAvail)
  listEff = list()
  for(i in 1:nEff) listEff[[i]] = unique(scenAvail[,i])
  nTypeEff = unlist(lapply(listEff,length))

  # possible combinations of main effects
  scenComp = expand.grid(listEff)
  nComp = nrow(scenComp)

  #########  Missing scenarios   #########
  vScenComp <- apply(scenComp, 1, paste, collapse='.')
  vScenAvail <- apply(scenAvail, 1, paste, collapse='.')
  isMissing = !vScenComp%in%vScenAvail
  nMissing = sum(isMissing)

  #########   vector of projections to complete with data augmentation   #########
  iMatchScen = match(vScenComp,vScenAvail)

  #########   matrix of effect index: for each main effect, index of 'scenComp' (combinations of scenarios) related to listEff   #########
  indexEffInCompScen = matrix(nrow=nComp,ncol=nEff)
  for(i.eff in 1:nEff){
    indexEffInCompScen[,i.eff] = match(scenComp[,i.eff],listEff[[i.eff]])

  #########   transformation matrices Q  #########
  Qmat = list()
  for(i.eff in 1:nEff){
    Qmat[[i.eff]] = get.Qmat(nTypeEff[i.eff])

              scenAvail=scenAvail, scenComp=scenComp,
              nEff=nEff, nTypeEff=nTypeEff, nComp=nComp,
              isMissing=isMissing, nMissing=nMissing,

#' QUALYPSO.check.option
#' Check if input options provided in \code{\link{QUALYPSO}} are valid and assigned default values if missing.
#' @param listOption list of options
#' @return List containing the complete set of options.
#' @author Guillaume Evin
QUALYPSO.check.option = function(listOption){
    listOption = list()

  # args.smooth.spline
  if('args.smooth.spline' %in% names(listOption)){
    args.smooth.spline = listOption[['args.smooth.spline']]
    listOption[['args.smooth.spline']] = list(spar=1)

  # ANOVAmethod
  if('ANOVAmethod' %in% names(listOption)){
    ANOVAmethod = listOption[['ANOVAmethod']]
    if(!(ANOVAmethod%in%c('QUALYPSO','lm'))) stop("ANOVAmethod must be equal to 'QUALYPSO' or 'lm'")
    listOption[['ANOVAmethod']] = 'lm'

  # typeChangeVariable
  if('typeChangeVariable' %in% names(listOption)){
    typeChangeVariable = listOption[['typeChangeVariable']]
    if(!(typeChangeVariable%in%c('abs','rel'))) stop("typeChangeVariable must be equal to 'abs' or 'rel'")
    listOption[['typeChangeVariable']] = 'abs'

  # nBurn
  if('nBurn' %in% names(listOption)){
    nBurn = listOption[['nBurn']]
    if(!(is.numeric(nBurn)&(nBurn>=0))) stop('wrong value for nBurn')
    listOption[['nBurn']] = 1000

  # nKeep
  if('nKeep' %in% names(listOption)){
    nKeep = listOption[['nKeep']]
    if(!(is.numeric(nKeep)&(nKeep>=0))) stop('wrong value for nKeep')
    listOption[['nKeep']] = 2000

  # nMCMC
  listOption$nMCMC = listOption$nKeep+listOption$nBurn

  # probCI
  if('probCI' %in% names(listOption)){
    probCI = listOption[['probCI']]
    if(!(is.numeric(probCI))) stop('wrong value for probCI')
    if(probCI<0|probCI>1) stop('wrong value for probCI: outside [0,1]')
    listOption[['probCI']] = 0.9

  # quantilePosterior
  if('quantilePosterior' %in% names(listOption)){
    quantilePosterior = listOption[['quantilePosterior']]
    if(!(is.numeric(quantilePosterior))) stop('wrong value for quantilePosterior')
    listOption[['quantilePosterior']] = c(0.005,0.025,0.05,0.1,0.25,0.33,0.5,0.66,0.75,0.9,0.95,0.975,0.995)

  # Version
  listOption[['version']] = 'v1.2'


#' Partition uncertainty in climate responses using an ANOVA inferred with a Bayesian approach.
#' @param phiStar matrix of climate change responses (absolute or relative changes): \code{nS} x \code{n}.
#' \code{n} can be the number of time steps or the number of grid points
#' @param scenAvail data.frame \code{nS} x \code{nEff} with the \code{nEff} characteristics (e.g. type of GCM) for each of the \code{nS} x \code{nS} scenarios
#' @param listOption list of options (see \code{\link{QUALYPSO}})
#' @param namesEff names of the main effects
#' @return  list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{GRANDMEAN}: List of estimates for the grand mean:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {strong}: MEAN: vector of length \code{n} of posterior means
#'      \item {strong}: SD: vector of length \code{n} of posterior standard dev.
#'      \item {strong}: CI: matrix \code{n} x 2 of credible intervals of
#'      probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption}.
#'      \item {strong}: QUANT: matrix \code{n} x \code{nQ} of quantiles related
#'      to the probabilities \code{quantilePosterior} given in \code{listOption}
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{RESIDUALVAR}: List of estimates for the variance of the
#'   residual errors:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {strong}: MEAN: vector of length \code{n} of posterior means
#'      \item {strong}: SD: vector of length \code{n} of posterior standard dev.
#'      \item {strong}: CI: matrix \code{n} x 2 of credible intervals of
#'      probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption}.
#'      \item {strong}: QUANT: matrix \code{n} x \code{nQ} of quantiles related
#'      to the probabilities \code{quantilePosterior} given in \code{listOption}
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{MAINEFFECT}: List of estimates for the main effects. For each
#'   main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each element of the list contains a list with:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {strong}: MEAN: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff} of posterior means
#'      \item {strong}: SD: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff} of posterior standard dev.
#'      \item {strong}: CI: array \code{n} x 2 x \code{nTypeEff} of credible
#'      intervals of probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption}.
#'      \item {strong}: QUANT: array \code{n} x \code{nQ} x \code{nTypeEff} of
#'      quantiles related to the probabilities \code{quantilePosterior} given in
#'      \code{listOption}
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{CHANGEBYEFFECT}: For each main effect, list of estimates for
#'   the mean change by main effect, i.e. mean change by scenario (RCP4.5). For
#'   each main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each element of the list contains a list with:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {strong}: MEAN: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff} of posterior means
#'      \item {strong}: SD: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff} of posterior standard dev.
#'      \item {strong}: CI: array \code{n} x 2 x \code{nTypeEff} of credible
#'      intervals of probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption}.
#'      \item {strong}: QUANT: array \code{n} x \code{nQ} x \code{nTypeEff} of
#'      quantiles related to the probabilities \code{quantilePosterior} given in
#'      \code{listOption}
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{EFFECTVAR}: variability related to the main effects (i.e.
#'   variability between the different RCMs, GCMs,..). Matrix \code{n} x
#'   \code{nTypeEff}
#'   \item \strong{CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT}: Contribution of each individual effect
#'   to its component (percentage), e.g. what is the contribution of GCM1 to the
#'    variability related to GCMs. For each main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each
#'    element of the list contains a matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff}
#'   \item \strong{listOption}: list of options used to obtained these results
#'    (obtained from \code{\link{QUALYPSO.check.option}})
#'   \item \strong{listScenarioInput}: list of scenario characteristics
#'    (obtained from \code{\link{QUALYPSO.process.scenario}})
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
#' @references Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie (2020)
#' Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections Using Data Augmentation.
#' Journal of Climate. <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.
QUALYPSO.ANOVA = function(phiStar,scenAvail,listOption=NULL,namesEff){
  #########  process input #########
  # number of grid points / years
  n = dim(phiStar)[2]

  # Check list of options
  listOption = QUALYPSO.check.option(listOption)

  # number of MCMC samples
  nKeep = listOption$nKeep
  vec.keep = (listOption$nBurn+1):listOption$nMCMC

  # Process scenarios data.frame to get different objects
  listScenarioInput = QUALYPSO.process.scenario(scenAvail = scenAvail)
  nEff = listScenarioInput$nEff
  nTypeEff = listScenarioInput$nTypeEff

  #########  Apply ANOVA for each time step: parallel computation over time steps #########
  # apply parallel computation only if more than one cluster has been indicated
  Anova.POST = list()
  for(i in 1:n){
    Anova.POST[[i]] = QUALYPSO.ANOVA.i(phiStar.i=phiStar[,i], nMCMC=listOption$nMCMC,listScenarioInput = listScenarioInput)

  qCI = c((1-listOption$probCI)/2,0.5+listOption$probCI/2)
  qPost = listOption$quantilePosterior

  GRANDMEAN = list()

  # extract posterior
  mu.POST = matrix(nrow=n,ncol=nKeep)
  for(i in 1:n) mu.POST[i,]=Anova.POST[[i]]$mu[vec.keep]

  # mean
  GRANDMEAN$MEAN = apply(mu.POST,1,mean)

  # sd
  GRANDMEAN$SD = apply(mu.POST,1,sd)

  # CI
  GRANDMEAN$CI = t(apply(mu.POST,1,quantile,probs=qCI))

  GRANDMEAN$QUANT = t(apply(mu.POST,1,quantile,probs=qPost))

  # variance of residual effects, With the Bayesian estimation, this variance
  # is part of the inference (sigma^2) and we take the mean of the posterior as the point estimate
  RESIDUALVAR = list()

  # extract posterior
  sigma2.POST = matrix(nrow=n,ncol=nKeep)
  for(i in 1:n) sigma2.POST[i,]=Anova.POST[[i]]$sigma2[vec.keep]

  # mean
  RESIDUALVAR$MEAN = apply(sigma2.POST,1,mean)

  # sd
  RESIDUALVAR$SD = apply(sigma2.POST,1,sd)

  # CI
  RESIDUALVAR$CI = t(apply(sigma2.POST,1,quantile,probs=qCI))

  RESIDUALVAR$QUANT = t(apply(sigma2.POST,1,quantile,probs=qPost))

  # main effects
  MAINEFFECT = list()

  # change by effect

  # variance of the main effects
  EFFECTVAR = matrix(nrow=n,ncol=nEff)

  # contribution to the variance of individual effects

  # main effects
  for(i.eff in 1:nEff){
    eff = namesEff[i.eff]
    # trim posterior distributions of the main effects
    eff.POST = array(dim=c(n,nKeep,nTypeEff[i.eff]))
    for(i in 1:n) eff.POST[i,,]=Anova.POST[[i]]$effect[[i.eff]][vec.keep,]

    # retrieve estimates for the main effects
    lHatMain =  list()
    lHatMain$MEAN = apply(eff.POST,c(1,3),mean)
    lHatMain$SD = apply(eff.POST,c(1,3),sd)
    eff.ci = apply(eff.POST,c(1,3),quantile,probs=qCI)
    lHatMain$CI = aperm(eff.ci, c(2,1,3))
    eff.quant = apply(eff.POST,c(1,3),quantile,probs=qPost)
    lHatMain$QUANT = aperm(eff.quant, c(2,1,3))
    MAINEFFECT[[eff]] = lHatMain

    # trim posterior distributions of the main effects
    meanChange.POST = array(dim=c(n,nKeep,nTypeEff[i.eff]))
    for(j in 1:nTypeEff[i.eff]) meanChange.POST[,,j]=eff.POST[,,j] + mu.POST

    # retrieve estimates for the mean change by effect
    lHatchange =  list()
    lHatchange$MEAN = apply(meanChange.POST,c(1,3),mean)
    lHatchange$SD = apply(meanChange.POST,c(1,3),sd)
    eff.ci = apply(meanChange.POST,c(1,3),quantile,probs=qCI)
    lHatchange$CI = aperm(eff.ci, c(2,1,3))
    eff.quant = apply(meanChange.POST,c(1,3),quantile,probs=qPost)
    lHatchange$QUANT = aperm(eff.quant, c(2,1,3))
    CHANGEBYEFFECT[[eff]] = lHatchange

    # predictive variance: mean of variances, which correspond to the mean of squares since the mean is 0 by constraint (see Eq 16, 17 and 18)
    EFFECTVAR[,i.eff] = apply(eff.POST^2,1,mean)

    matContrib = matrix(nrow=n,ncol=nTypeEff[i.eff])
    for(iIndEff in 1:nTypeEff[i.eff]){
      # individual effect squared
      indEff2 = apply(eff.POST[,,iIndEff]^2,1,mean)
      # variance of this main effect x number of factors
      infEff2Tot = (EFFECTVAR[,i.eff]*nTypeEff[i.eff])
      # contribution of this individual effect, as a percentage
      matContrib[,iIndEff] = indEff2/infEff2Tot
    CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT[[eff]] = matContrib

  # return results

#' lm.ANOVA
#' Partition uncertainty in climate responses using an ANOVA inferred with a Bayesian approach.
#' @param phiStar matrix of climate change responses (absolute or relative changes): \code{nS} x \code{n}. \code{n} can be the number of time steps or the number of grid points
#' @param scenAvail data.frame \code{nS} x \code{nEff} with the \code{nEff} characteristics (e.g. type of GCM) for each of the \code{nS} x \code{nS} scenarios
#' @param listOption list of options (see \code{\link{QUALYPSO}})
#' @param namesEff names of the main effects
#' @return  list with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{GRANDMEAN}: List of estimates for the grand mean:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {strong}: MEAN: vector of length \code{n} of means
#'      \item {strong}: SD: vector of length \code{n} of standard dev.
#'      \item {strong}: CI: matrix \code{n} x 2 of credible intervals of
#'      probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption}.
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{RESIDUALVAR}: List of estimates for the variance of the
#'   residual errors:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {strong}: MEAN: vector of length \code{n}
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{MAINEFFECT}: List of estimates for the main effects. For each
#'   main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each element of the list contains a list with:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {strong}: MEAN: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff}
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{CHANGEBYEFFECT}: For each main effect, list of estimates for
#'   the mean change by main effect, i.e. mean change by scenario (RCP4.5). For
#'   each main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each element of the list contains a list with:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item {strong}: MEAN: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff}
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{EFFECTVAR}: variability related to the main effects (i.e.
#'   variability between the different RCMs, GCMs,..). Matrix \code{n} x
#'   \code{nTypeEff}
#'   \item \strong{CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT}: Contribution of each individual effect
#'   to its component (percentage), e.g. what is the contribution of GCM1 to the
#'    variability related to GCMs. For each main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each
#'    element of the list contains a matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff}
#'   \item \strong{listOption}: list of options used to obtained these results
#'    (obtained from \code{\link{QUALYPSO.check.option}})
#'   \item \strong{listScenarioInput}: list of scenario characteristics
#'    (obtained from \code{\link{QUALYPSO.process.scenario}})
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
lm.ANOVA = function(phiStar,scenAvail,listOption=NULL,namesEff){
  #########  process input #########
  # number of grid points / years
  n = dim(phiStar)[2]

  # Check list of options
  listOption = QUALYPSO.check.option(listOption)

  # Process scenarios data.frame to get different objects
  listScenarioInput = QUALYPSO.process.scenario(scenAvail = scenAvail)
  nEff = listScenarioInput$nEff
  nTypeEff = listScenarioInput$nTypeEff
  listEff = listScenarioInput$listEff

  #########  Apply lm for each time step #########
  # contrasts
  list.contrasts = list()
  for(j in 1:length(namesEff)){
    list.contrasts[[namesEff[j]]] = contr.sum

  # formula
  formula = paste0("phiStar ~ ",paste0(namesEff,collapse = " + "))

  # build data for the call to the lm function
  lm.data = scenAvail

  lm.out = lm.sum = list()
  for(i in 1:n){
    lm.out[[i]] = lm(formula, lm.data,contrasts=list.contrasts)
      stop("Undefined effects probably due to an ill-posed ANOVA")
    lm.sum[[i]] = summary(lm.out[[i]])

  # list of effects
  listEff.LM = lm.out[[1]]$xlevels

  pCI = c((1-listOption$probCI)/2,0.5+listOption$probCI/2)
  qPost = listOption$quantilePosterior
  Qt <- qt(pCI, lm.out[[1]]$df.residual, lower.tail = TRUE)

  GRANDMEAN = list()
  GRANDMEAN$MEAN = rep(0,n)
  GRANDMEAN$SD = rep(0,n)
  GRANDMEAN$CI = matrix(data=0,nrow = n, ncol = 2)

  # extract estimates for each time/grid point
  for(i in 1:n){
    lm.sum.i = lm.sum[[i]]
    GRANDMEAN$MEAN[i] = lm.sum.i$coefficients[1,1]
    GRANDMEAN$SD[i] = lm.sum.i$coefficients[1,2]

  # variance of residual effects, With the Bayesian estimation, this variance
  # is part of the inference (sigma^2) and we take the mean of the posterior as the point estimate
  RESIDUALVAR = list()

  # extract estimates for each time/grid point
  for(i in 1:n){
    lm.sum.i = lm.sum[[i]]
    RESIDUALVAR$MEAN[i] = lm.sum.i$sigma^2

  # main effects
  MAINEFFECT = list()

  # change by effect

  # variance of the main effects
  EFFECTVAR = matrix(data=0,nrow=n,ncol=nEff)

  # contribution to the variance of individual effects

  # main effects
  for(i.eff in 1:nEff){
    eff = namesEff[i.eff]
    # retrieve estimates for the main effects
    lHat = list()
    lHat$MEAN = matrix(data = 0, nrow = n, ncol = nTypeEff[i.eff])
    for(i in 1:n){
      lm.out.i = lm.out[[i]]
      matchEff = match(listEff[[i.eff]],listEff.LM[[eff]])
      e.raw = lm.out.i$coefficients[lm.out.i$assign==i.eff]
      e.unsorted = c(e.raw,-sum(e.raw))
      lHat$MEAN[i,] = e.unsorted[matchEff]
    MAINEFFECT[[eff]] = lHat

    changeHat = list()
    changeHat$MEAN = MAINEFFECT[[eff]]$MEAN + replicate(nTypeEff[i.eff],GRANDMEAN$MEAN)
    CHANGEBYEFFECT[[eff]] = changeHat

    # predictive variance: mean of variances, which correspond to the mean of squares since the mean is 0 by constraint (see Eq 16, 17 and 18)
    EFFECTVAR[,i.eff] = apply(MAINEFFECT[[eff]]$MEAN^2,1,mean)

    matContrib = matrix(data=0,nrow=n,ncol=nTypeEff[i.eff])
    AllEff2 = MAINEFFECT[[eff]]$MEAN^2
    for(iIndEff in 1:nTypeEff[i.eff]){
      # individual effect squared
      indEff2 = AllEff2[,iIndEff]
      # variance of this main effect x number of factors
      infEff2Tot = (EFFECTVAR[,i.eff]*nTypeEff[i.eff])
      # contribution of this individual effect, as a percentage
      matContrib[,iIndEff] = indEff2/infEff2Tot
    CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT[[eff]] = matContrib

  # return results
  list.output = list(GRANDMEAN=GRANDMEAN,

#' Partition uncertainty in climate responses using an ANOVA applied to climate change responses.
#' @param Y matrix \code{nS} x \code{nY} or array \code{nG} x \code{nS} x \code{nY} of climate projections.
#' @param scenAvail data.frame \code{nS} x \code{nEff} with the \code{nEff} characteristics
#' (e.g. type of GCM) for each of the \code{nS} scenarios. The number of characteristics
#'  \code{nEff} corresponds to the number of main effects that will be included in the ANOVA model.
#' @param X (optional) predictors corresponding to the projections, e.g. time or global temperature.
#' It can be a vector if the predictor is the same for all scenarios (e.g. \code{X=2001:2100}) or
#' a matrix of the same size as Y if these predictors are different for the scenarios. By default,
#' a vector \code{1:nY} is created.
#' @param Xfut (optional) \code{nF} values of the predictor over which the ANOVA will be applied. It must be
#' a vector of values within the range of values of X. By default, it corresponds to X if X is a vector,
#' \code{1:nY} if X is \code{NULL} or a vector of 10 values equally spaced between the minimum and
#' maximum values of X if X is a matrix.
#' @param iFut index in \code{1:nF} corresponding to a future predictor value . This index is
#' necessary when \code{Y} is an array \code{nG} x \code{nS} x \code{nY} available for \code{nG} grid points.
#' Indeed, in this case, we run QUALYPSO only for one future predictor. The first value defines the reference
#' period or warming level.
#' @param listOption (optional) list of options
#' \itemize{
#'    \item \strong{args.smooth.spline}: list of arguments to be passed to
#'    \code{\link[stats]{smooth.spline}}. The \code{names} attribute of
#'    \code{args.smooth.spline} gives the argument names (see \code{\link[base]{do.call}}).
#'    The default option runs \code{smooth.spline} with \code{spar}=1.
#'   \item \strong{typeChangeVariable}: type of change variable: "abs" (absolute, value by default) or "rel" (relative).
#'   \item \strong{ANOVAmethod}: ANOVA method: "QUALYPSO" applies the method described in Evin et al. (2020),
#'   "lm" applies a simple linear model to estimate the main effects.
#'   \item \strong{nBurn}: if \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}, number of burn-in samples (default: 1000).
#'   If \code{nBurn} is too small, the convergence of MCMC chains might not be obtained.
#'   \item \strong{nKeep}: if \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}, number of kept samples (default: 2000).
#'   If \code{nKeep} is too small, MCMC samples might not represent correctly the posterior
#'   distributions of inferred parameters.
#'   \item \strong{probCI}: probability (in [0,1]) for the confidence intervals, \code{probCI = 0.9} by default.
#'   \item \strong{quantilePosterior}: vector of probabilities (in [0,1]) for which
#'   we compute the quantiles from the posterior distributions
#'    \code{quantilePosterior = c(0.005,0.025,0.05,0.1,0.25,0.33,0.5,0.66,0.75,0.9,0.95,0.975,0.995)} by default.
#'   \item \strong{climResponse}: NULL by default. If it is provided, it must correspond to the outputs
#'   of \code{\link{fit.climate.response}}, i.e. a list with \code{YStar} [nS x nY], \code{phiStar} [nS x nF],
#'   \code{etaStar} [nS x nY], \code{phi} [nS x nF] and \code{varInterVariability} [scalar] if \code{Y} is a matrix [nS x nY],
#'    or a list with \code{phiStar} [nG x nS x nF], \code{etaStar} [nG x nS x nY], \code{phi} [nG x nS x nF] and
#'     \code{varInterVariability} vector of length \code{nG} if \code{Y} is an array [nG x nS x nY].
#' }
#' @return  List providing the results for each of the \code{n} values of \code{Xfut}
#' if \code{Y} is a matrix or for each grid point if \code{Y} is an array, with the following fields:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{CLIMATERESPONSE}: list of climate change responses and
#'  corresponding internal variability. Contains \code{phiStar} (climate change
#'  responses), \code{etaStar} (deviation from the climate change responses as
#'  a result of internal variability), \code{Ystar} (change variable from the
#'  projections),and \code{phi} (fitted climate responses).
#'   \item \strong{GRANDMEAN}: List of estimates for the grand mean:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item \strong{MEAN}: vector of length \code{n} of means.
#'      \item \strong{SD}: vector of length \code{n} of standard dev.
#'      if \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'      \item \strong{CI}: matrix \code{n} x 2 of credible intervals of
#'      probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption} if
#'      \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'      \item \strong{QUANT}: matrix \code{n} x \code{nQ} of quantiles of
#'      probability \code{quantilePosterior} given in \code{listOption} if
#'      \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{MAINEFFECT}: List of estimates for the main effects. For each
#'   main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each element of the list contains a list with:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item \strong{MEAN}: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff}
#'      \item \strong{SD}: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff} of standard dev.
#'      if \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'      \item \strong{CI}: array \code{n} x 2 x \code{nTypeEff} of credible
#'      intervals of probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption} if
#'      \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'      \item \strong{QUANT}: array \code{n} x \code{nQ} x \code{nTypeEff} of
#'      quantiles of probability \code{quantilePosterior} given in
#'      \code{listOption} if \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{CHANGEBYEFFECT}: For each main effect, list of estimates for
#'   the mean change by main effect, i.e. mean change by scenario. For
#'   each main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each element of the list contains a list with:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item \strong{MEAN}: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff}
#'      \item \strong{SD}: matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff} of standard dev.
#'      if \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'      \item \strong{CI}: array \code{n} x 2 x \code{nTypeEff} of credible
#'      intervals of probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption} if
#'      \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'      \item \strong{QUANT}: array \code{n} x \code{nQ} x \code{nTypeEff} of
#'      quantiles of probability \code{quantilePosterior} given in
#'      \code{listOption} if \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{EFFECTVAR}: Matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff} giving, for each
#'   time variability related to the main effects (i.e.
#'   variability between the different RCMs, GCMs,..).
#'   \item \strong{CONTRIB_EACH_EFFECT}: Contribution of each individual effect
#'   to its component (percentage), e.g. what is the contribution of GCM1 to the
#'    variability related to GCMs. For each main effect (GCM, RCM,..), each
#'    element of the list contains a matrix \code{n} x \code{nTypeEff}
#'   \item \strong{RESIDUALVAR}: List of estimates for the variance of the
#'   residual errors:
#'   \itemize{
#'      \item \strong{MEAN}: vector of length \code{n}.
#'      \item \strong{SD}: vector of length \code{n} of standard dev.
#'      if \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'      \item \strong{CI}: matrix \code{n} x 2 of credible intervals of
#'      probability \code{probCI} given in \code{listOption} if
#'      \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'      \item \strong{QUANT}: matrix \code{n} x \code{nQ} of quantiles of
#'      probability \code{quantilePosterior} given in \code{listOption} if
#'      \code{ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"}.
#'   }
#'   \item \strong{INTERNALVAR}: Internal variability (constant over time)
#'   \item \strong{TOTALVAR}: total variability, i.e. the sum of internal variability,
#'       residual variability and variability related to the main effects
#'   \item \strong{DECOMPVAR}: Decomposition of the total variability for each component
#'   \item \strong{RESERR}: differences between the climate change responses and the additive anova formula (grand mean + main effects)
#'   \item \strong{Xmat}: matrix of predictors
#'   \item \strong{Xfut}: future predictor values
#'   \item \strong{paralType}: type of parallelisation (Time or Grid)
#'   \item \strong{namesEff}: names of the main effects
#'   \item \strong{Y}: matrix of available combinations given as inputs
#'   \item \strong{listOption}: list of options used to obtained these results
#'   (obtained from \code{\link{QUALYPSO.check.option}})
#'   \item \strong{listScenarioInput}: list of scenario characteristics
#'   (obtained from \code{\link{QUALYPSO.process.scenario}})
#' }
#' @examples
#' ##########################################################################
#' ##########################################################################
#' # create nS=3 fictive climate scenarios with 2 GCMs and 2 RCMs, for a period of nY=20 years
#' n=20
#' t=1:n/n
#' # GCM effects (sums to 0 for each t)
#' effGCM1 = t*2
#' effGCM2 = t*-2
#' # RCM effects (sums to 0 for each t)
#' effRCM1 = t*1
#' effRCM2 = t*-1
#' # These climate scenarios are a sum of effects and a random gaussian noise
#' scenGCM1RCM1 = effGCM1 + effRCM1 + rnorm(n=n,sd=0.5)
#' scenGCM1RCM2 = effGCM1 + effRCM2 + rnorm(n=n,sd=0.5)
#' scenGCM2RCM1 = effGCM2 + effRCM1 + rnorm(n=n,sd=0.5)
#' Y.synth = rbind(scenGCM1RCM1,scenGCM1RCM2,scenGCM2RCM1)
#' # Here, scenAvail indicates that the first scenario is obtained with the combination of the
#' # GCM "GCM1" and RCM "RCM1", the second scenario is obtained with the combination of
#' # the GCM "GCM1" and RCM "RCM2" and the third scenario is obtained with the combination
#' # of the GCM "GCM2" and RCM "RCM1".
#' scenAvail.synth = data.frame(GCM=c('GCM1','GCM1','GCM2'),RCM=c('RCM1','RCM2','RCM1'))
#' ##########################################################################
#' ##########################################################################
#' # call main QUALYPSO function: two arguments are mandatory:
#' # - Y: Climate projections for nS scenarios and nY time steps. if Y is a matrix nS x nY, we
#' # run QUALYPSO nY times, for each time step. If Y is an array nG x nS x nY, for nG grid points,
#' # we run QUALYPSO nG times, for each grid point, for one time step specified using the argument
#' # iFut
#' # - scenAvail: matrix or data.frame of available combinations nS x nEff. The number of
#' # characteristics nEff corresponds to the number of main effects that will be included in the
#' # ANOVA model. In the following example, we have nEff=2 main effects corresponding to the GCMs
#' # and RCMs.
#' # Many options can be specified in the argument "listOption". When ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"
#' # a Bayesian inference is performed. Here, we change the default values for nBurn and nKeep
#' # in order to speed up computation time for this small example. However, it must be noticed
#' # that convergence and sampling of the posterior distributions often require higher values
#' #  for these two arguments.
#' listOption = list(nBurn=100,nKeep=100,ANOVAmethod="QUALYPSO",quantilePosterior=c(0.025,0.5,0.975))
#' # run QUALYPSO
#' QUALYPSO.synth = QUALYPSO(Y=Y.synth, scenAvail=scenAvail.synth, X=2001:2020, listOption=listOption)
#' ##########################################################################
#' ##########################################################################
#' # plot grand mean
#' plotQUALYPSOgrandmean(QUALYPSO.synth,xlab="Years")
#' # plot main GCM effects
#' plotQUALYPSOeffect(QUALYPSO.synth,nameEff="GCM",xlab="Years")
#' # plot main RCM effects
#' plotQUALYPSOeffect(QUALYPSO.synth,nameEff="RCM",xlab="Years")
#' # plot fraction of total variance for the differences sources of uncertainty
#' plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceDecomposition(QUALYPSO.synth,xlab="Years")
#' # plot mean prediction and total variance with the differences sources of uncertainty
#' plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertainties(QUALYPSO.synth,xlab="Years")
#' #____________________________________________________________
#' #____________________________________________________________
#' # list of options
#' listOption = list(typeChangeVariable='abs')
#' # call QUALYPSO
#' QUALYPSO.time = QUALYPSO(Y=Y,scenAvail=scenAvail,X=X_time_vec,
#'                          Xfut=Xfut_time,listOption=listOption)
#' # grand mean effect
#' plotQUALYPSOgrandmean(QUALYPSO.time,xlab="Years")
#' # main GCM effects
#' plotQUALYPSOeffect(QUALYPSO.time,nameEff="GCM",xlab="Years")
#' # main RCM effects
#' plotQUALYPSOeffect(QUALYPSO.time,nameEff="RCM",xlab="Years")
#' # mean change and associated uncertainties
#' plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertainties(QUALYPSO.time,xlab="Years")
#' # variance decomposition
#' plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceDecomposition(QUALYPSO.time,xlab="Years")
#' #____________________________________________________________
#' #____________________________________________________________
#' # list of options
#' listOption = list(typeChangeVariable='abs')
#' # call QUALYPSO
#' QUALYPSO.globaltas = QUALYPSO(Y=Y,scenAvail=scenAvail,X=X_globaltas,
#'                               Xfut=Xfut_globaltas,listOption=listOption)
#' # grand mean effect
#' plotQUALYPSOgrandmean(QUALYPSO.globaltas,xlab="Global warming (Celsius)")
#' # main GCM effects
#' plotQUALYPSOeffect(QUALYPSO.globaltas,nameEff="GCM",xlab="Global warming (Celsius)")
#' # main RCM effects
#' plotQUALYPSOeffect(QUALYPSO.globaltas,nameEff="RCM",xlab="Global warming (Celsius)")
#' # mean change and associated uncertainties
#' plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertainties(QUALYPSO.globaltas,xlab="Global warming (Celsius)")
#' # variance decomposition
#' plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceDecomposition(QUALYPSO.globaltas,xlab="Global warming (Celsius)")
#' @references Evin, G., B. Hingray, J. Blanchet, N. Eckert, S. Morin, and D. Verfaillie (2020)
#' Partitioning Uncertainty Components of an Incomplete Ensemble of Climate Projections Using Data Augmentation.
#' Journal of Climate. <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0606.1>.
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
QUALYPSO = function(Y,scenAvail,X=NULL,Xfut=NULL,iFut=NULL,listOption=NULL){
  ######### Check inputs and assign default values ##########

  ######## Check list of options ########
  listOption = QUALYPSO.check.option(listOption)

  # dimensions
  d = dim(Y)

    # Y is an array: GridPoints x Scenario x Time
    nG = d[1]
    nS = d[2]
    nY = d[3]

    # parallelization over space (e.g. on a grid)
    paralType = 'Grid'
    # Y is a matrix: Scenario x Time
    nS = nrow(Y)
    nY = ncol(Y)

    # parallelization over time
    paralType = 'Time'

  # X is the explanatory (or dependent) variable against the evolution of trajectory
  # are assessed. It is usually the years corresponding to the climate simulations
  # but can also be the global temperature.
  # X can be:
  # - NULL: in that case, we create a simple index corresponding to the size of Y
  # - a vector: the same depending var. is used for all the climate simulations,
  # its length must correspond to the number of columns of Y.
  # - a matrix: same size as Y, each line indicates the depending var. for this simulation.
    Xmat = matrix(rep(1:nY,nS),byrow=T,nrow=nS,ncol=nY)
  }else if(is.vector(X)){
      stop('if X is provided as a vector, its length must equal the number of columns of Y')
      # repeat the vector to obtain a matrix
      Xmat = matrix(rep(X,nS),byrow=T,nrow=nS,ncol=nY)
  }else if(is.matrix(X)){
    Xmat = X
        stop('if X is provided as a matrix and Y as a grid, its size must match the size of Y')
    }else if(length(dim(Y))==3){
        stop('if X is provided as a matrix, its first dimension must match the second
             dimension of Y (number of scenarios) and and its second dimension must match
             the third dimension of Y (number of future predictions)')
    stop('X must be NULL, a vector or a matrix')

  # Xfut are the values for X used to compute absolute or relative changes
  # usually indicating the future periods. When a grid is provided for Y, it must
  # be a single value. Indeed, in this case, we run QUALYPSO only for one future
  # year/global temperature. Otherwise, it can be a vector.
  # if Xfut is provided, we check that is a single value within the values of X
      Xfut = 1:nY
    }else if(is.vector(X)){
      Xfut = X
    }else if(is.matrix(X)){
      Xfut = seq(from=min(X),to=max(X),length.out=10)
  }else if(!(is.vector(Xfut)&is.numeric(Xfut))){
    stop('Xfut must be a vector of numerical values')
  }else if(length(Xfut)==1){
    stop('Xfut must be a vector with a length greater than 1')
  }else if(min(Xfut)<min(Xmat)|max(Xfut)>max(Xmat)){
    stop('Xfut must be within the range of X')

  if(paralType == 'Grid'){
    # if Y is an array, iFut must be provided (we provide the ANOVA decomposition
    # only for one future time/global tas)
      stop('if Y is an array, iFut must be provided')
    }else if(length(iFut)!=1|!is.numeric(iFut)){
      stop('iFut must be a single numeric value')
    }else if(!any(iFut==1:length(Xfut))){
      stop(paste0('iFut must be an index of the vector Xfut, i.e. an integer between 1 and ',length(Xfut)))

  # check presence of NAs in climate projections
  if(paralType == 'Time'){
    # check is some simulation chains are entirely missing
    hasAllNa = apply(Y,1,function(x) all(is.na(x)))

      warning(paste0('Error in QUALYPSO: some projections have only NAs in Y: ',paste(which(hasAllNa),collapse = ',')))

  # extract climate response
  if(paralType == 'Time'){
      climResponse = fit.climate.response(Y,
                                          Xmat=Xmat, Xfut=Xfut,
      climResponse = listOption$climResponse

    # extract quantities from these fits
    phiStar = climResponse$phiStar
    etaStar = climResponse$etaStar
    YStar = climResponse$YStar
    phi = climResponse$phi

    # internal variability
    varInterVariability = rep(climResponse$varInterVariability,length(Xfut))

    # phiStar for the ANOVA
    phiStar.ANOVA = phiStar

  }else if(paralType == 'Grid'){
      # initialise outputs
      phiStar = phi = array(dim=c(nG,nS,length(Xfut)))
      etaStar = YStar = array(dim=d)
      varInterVariability = vector(length=nG)

      # parallelize if required
        for(g in 1:nG){
          # check is some simulation chains are entirely missing
          hasAllNa = apply(Y[g,,],1,function(x) all(is.na(x)))
            phiStar[g,,] = NA
            etaStar[g,,] = NA
            phi[g,,] = NA
            varInterVariability[g] = NA
            climResponse = fit.climate.response(Y[g,,],
                                                Xmat=Xmat, Xfut=Xfut,

            # extract quantities from these fits
            phiStar[g,,] = climResponse$phiStar
            etaStar[g,,] = climResponse$etaStar
            YStar[g,,] = climResponse$YStar
            phi[g,,] = climResponse$phi
            varInterVariability[g] = climResponse$varInterVariability
      climResponse = listOption$climResponse
      YStar = climResponse$YStar
      phiStar = climResponse$phiStar
      etaStar = climResponse$etaStar
      phi = climResponse$phi
      varInterVariability = climResponse$varInterVariability

    # phiStar for ANOVA
    phiStar.ANOVA = t(phiStar[,,iFut])

  # names of the main effect
    namesEff = paste0("Eff",1:ncol(scenAvail))
    namesEff = colnames(scenAvail)


  # Check for singularities

  # contrasts
  list.contrasts = list()
  for(j in 1:length(namesEff)){
    list.contrasts[[namesEff[j]]] = contr.sum
  # formula
  formula = paste0("phiStar ~ ",paste0(namesEff,collapse = " + "))
  lm.data = scenAvail
  lm.out = lm(formula, lm.data,contrasts=list.contrasts)
    stop("singular fit encountered: the effects cannot be estimated (ill-posed problem)")

  # ANOVA on phiStar
    anova = QUALYPSO.ANOVA(phiStar = phiStar.ANOVA, scenAvail = scenAvail, listOption = listOption, namesEff = namesEff)
    anova = lm.ANOVA(phiStar = phiStar.ANOVA, scenAvail = scenAvail, listOption = listOption, namesEff = namesEff)

  # further computation using point estimates

  # first retrieve point estimates and some quantities
  effhat = anova$MAINEFFECT
  muHat = anova$GRANDMEAN$MEAN
  listEff = anova$listScenarioInput$listEff
  nEff = length(effhat)
  nP = dim(phiStar.ANOVA)[2]

  # retrieve residual errors: differences between the climate change responses
  # and the additive effects (grand mean + main effect)
  mat.eff = matrix(nrow=nP,ncol=nEff)
  RESERR = matrix(nrow=nP,ncol=nS)
  for(iS in 1:nS){
    for(iE in 1:nEff){
      indE = which(scenAvail[iS,iE]==listEff[[iE]])
      mat.eff[,iE] = effhat[[namesEff[iE]]]$MEAN[,indE]
    RESERR[,iS] = phiStar.ANOVA[iS,1:nP] - muHat - Rfast::rowsums(mat.eff)

  # internal variability
  INTERNALVAR = varInterVariability

  # variance decomposition

  # Total variability
  TOTALVAR = Rfast::rowsums(Vbind)

  # Decomposition of the total uncertainty
  DECOMPVAR = Vbind/replicate(n = ncol(Vbind), TOTALVAR)
  colnames(DECOMPVAR) = c(namesEff,"ResidualVar","InternalVar")

  # return results

#' plotQUALYPSOclimateResponse
#' Plot the climate responses.
#' @param QUALYPSOOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSO}}
#' @param lim y-axis limits (default is NULL)
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOclimateResponse = function(QUALYPSOOUT,lim=NULL,xlab="X",ylab="Y",...){
  # vector of predictors

  # retrieve mean

  # list of scenarios
  scenAvail = QUALYPSOOUT$listScenarioInput$scenAvail

  # Xmat and Y arguments

  # number of scenarios
  nS = nrow(Y)

  for(iS in 1:nS){
    Ys = Y[iS,]
    Xs = Xmat[iS,]
    phis = phi[iS,]

    plot(-1, -1, xlim = range(c(Xs,Xfut)), ylim = range(c(Ys,phis)),
         main=paste0(scenAvail[iS,],collapse = " / "),
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)

    # add lines of raw projection and climate projection
    lines(Xs, Ys, lwd = 1)
    lines(Xfut, phis, lwd = 3)

    # add legend
    legend("topleft",legend = c("Raw projection", "Climate response"),

    readline(prompt = "Press Enter")

#' plotQUALYPSOclimateChangeResponse
#' Plot climate change responses.
#' @param QUALYPSOOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSO}}
#' @param lim y-axis limits (default is NULL)
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOclimateChangeResponse = function(QUALYPSOOUT,lim=NULL,xlab="",
                                             ylab="Climate change response",...){
  # vector of predictors

  # retrieve mean

  # initiate plot
  if(is.null(lim)) lim = range(phiStar)

  for(i in 1:nrow(phiStar)){

#' plotQUALYPSOgrandmean
#' Plot prediction of grand mean ensemble.
#' @param QUALYPSOOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSO}}
#' @param lim y-axis limits (default is NULL)
#' @param col color for the overall mean and the credible interval
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOgrandmean = function(QUALYPSOOUT,lim=NULL,col='black',xlab="",
                                 ylab="Grand mean",addLegend=T,...){
  # vector of predictors

  # retrieve mean

  # retrieve limits

  # colors polygon
  colPoly = adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=0.2)

  # initiate plot
  if(is.null(lim)) lim = range(c(binf,bsup),na.rm=TRUE)

  # add confidence interval

  # add median

  # legend
    pctCI = round(QUALYPSOOUT$listOption$probCI*100)

#' plotQUALYPSOeffect
#' Plot prediction of ANOVA effects for one main effect. By default, we plot we plot the credible intervals corresponding to a probability 0.95.
#' @param QUALYPSOOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSO}}
#' @param nameEff name of the main effect to be plotted in \code{QUALYPSOOUT$namesEff}
#' @param includeMean if TRUE, the grand mean is added to the main effect in the plot
#' @param lim y-axis limits (default is NULL)
#' @param col colors for each effect
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOeffect = function(QUALYPSOOUT,nameEff,includeMean=FALSE,lim=NULL,
  # vector of predictors

  # index of this effect
  iEff = which(QUALYPSOOUT$namesEff==nameEff)
  if(length(iEff)==0) stop("wrong value for nameEff")

  # retrieve effects
  nEff = dim(EffHat$MEAN)[2]

  # retrieve mean
  meanPred = EffHat$MEAN

  # add CI if the ANOVA method is QUALYPSO
  add.CI = QUALYPSOOUT$listOption$ANOVAmethod=="QUALYPSO"

  # initiate plot
      lim = range(EffHat$CI,na.rm=TRUE)
      lim = range(meanPred,na.rm=TRUE)

  for(i in 1:nEff){
    # colors polygon
    colPoly = adjustcolor(col[i],alpha.f=0.2)

    # add confidence interval

    # add median

  # legend
    pctCI = round(QUALYPSOOUT$listOption$probCI*100)


# printMessageDimension
printMessageDimension = function(Y, scenAvail, X){
  # Y
  dimY = dim(Y)
    print(paste0('Y is a matrix of dimension nS=',dimY[1],' projections x nY=',dimY[2],' years'))
  }else if(length(dimY)==3){
    print(paste0('Y is an array of dimension nG=',dimY[1],' grid points x nS=',dimY[2],
                 'projections x nY=',dimY[3],' years'))
  }else(stop('Y must be a matrix nS x nY or a 3-dimension array  nG x nS x nY'))

  # scenAvail
  dimscenAvail = dim(scenAvail)
    print(paste0('dimscenAvail is a matrix of dimension nS=',dimscenAvail[1],
                 ' projections x nEff=',dimscenAvail[2],' effects'))
  }else(stop('scenAvail must be a matrix nS x nEff'))

  # X
  print("X must be a vector/matrix of years or global temperatures corresponding to the dimension of Y:")

#' plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceDecomposition
#' Plot fraction of total variance explained by each source of uncertainty.
#' @param QUALYPSOOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSO}}
#' @param vecEff vector of indices corresponding to the main effects (NULL by default), so that the order of appearance in the plot can be modified
#' @param col colors for each source of uncertainty, the first two colors corresponding to internal variability and residual variability, respectively
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceDecomposition = function(QUALYPSOOUT,vecEff=NULL,
                                                  xlab="",ylab="% Total Variance",addLegend=TRUE,...){
  # future predictor values
  nFut = length(Xfut)
  nEff = QUALYPSOOUT$listScenarioInput$nEff

  # number of main effects
    vecEff = 1:nEff

  # Variance decomposition
  VARDECOMP[,1:nEff] = VARDECOMP[,vecEff]

  # figure
  col = col[1:(nEff+2)]
  for(i in 1:(nEff+2)){
    cumPrevious = cum
    cum = cum + VARDECOMP[,i]

  # legend
    legend('topleft',bty='n',cex=1.1, fill=rev(col),
           legend=c(QUALYPSOOUT$namesEff[vecEff],'Res. Var.','Int. Variab.'))

#' plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceByScenario
#' Plot fraction of total variance explained by each source of uncertainty.
#' @param QUALYPSOOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSO}}
#' @param nameEff name of the main effect to be plotted in \code{QUALYPSOOUT$namesEff}
#' @param nameScenario name of the scenario to be plotted (as provided in \code{scenAvail})
#' @param col colors for each source of uncertainty, the first two colors
#' corresponding to internal variability and residual variability, respectively
#' @param ylim y-axis limits
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOTotalVarianceByScenario = function(QUALYPSOOUT,nameEff,nameScenario,
                                               ylab="Change variable",
  # future predictor values
  nFut = length(Xfut)

  # which scenario
  iEff = which(QUALYPSOOUT$namesEff==nameEff)
  if(length(iEff)==0) stop("wrong value for nameEff")
  iScenario = which(QUALYPSOOUT$listScenarioInput$listEff[[iEff]] == nameScenario)

  # mean prediction
  meanPred = QUALYPSOOUT$CHANGEBYEFFECT[[nameEff]]$MEAN[,iScenario]

  # remove effect corresponding to the scenarios from the total variance

  # concatenate variances
  nEff = nrow(Vbind)-2
  Vtot = Rfast::colsums(Vbind)
  Vnorm = Vbind/t(replicate(n = nrow(Vbind), Vtot))

  # reverse
  vNormRev = apply(Vnorm,2,rev)

  # compute the lower bound if the distribution is gaussian
  probCI = QUALYPSOOUT$listOption$probCI
  binf = qnorm(p = (1-probCI)/2, mean = meanPred, sd = sqrt(Vtot))
  bsup = qnorm(p = 0.5+probCI/2, mean = meanPred, sd = sqrt(Vtot))

  # figure
    default.col = c("orange","yellow","cadetblue1","blue1","darkgreen","darkgoldenrod4","darkorchid1")
    col = default.col[1:(nEff+2)]

  # obtain limits of the intervals, proportion corresponds to the part of the variance, lower and upper than the mean
  limIntInf = limIntSup = matrix(nrow=nEff+2,ncol=nFut)
  limIntInf[1,] = binf
  limIntSup[1,] = bsup
  for(i in 1:(nEff+1)){
    limIntInf[i+1,] = limIntInf[i,]+vNormRev[i,]*(meanPred-binf)
    limIntSup[i+1,] = limIntSup[i,]-vNormRev[i,]*(bsup-meanPred)

  # figure
  if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(min(binf),max(bsup))
  for(i in 1:(nEff+2)){

  # add horizontal lines

  # legend
    namesEff = QUALYPSOOUT$namesEff[-iEff]

    legend('topleft',bty='n',cex=1.1, fill=rev(col), legend=c(namesEff,'Res. Var.','Int. Variab.'))

#' plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertainties
#' Plot fraction of total variance explained by each source of uncertainty.
#' @param QUALYPSOOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSO}}
#' @param col colors for each source of uncertainty, the first two colors corresponding to internal variability and residual variability, respectively
#' @param ylim y-axis limits
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertainties = function(QUALYPSOOUT,col=NULL,ylim=NULL,
                                                  xlab="",ylab="Change variable",addLegend=TRUE,...){

  # probCI
  probCI = QUALYPSOOUT$listOption$probCI

  # future predictor values
  nFut = length(Xfut)

  # mean prediction
  nEff = nrow(vNorm)-2

  # reverse
  vNormRev = apply(vNorm,2,rev)

  # compute the lower bound if the distribution is gaussian
  binf = qnorm(p = (1-probCI)/2, mean = meanPred, sd = sqrt(Vtot))
  bsup = qnorm(p = 0.5+probCI/2, mean = meanPred, sd = sqrt(Vtot))

  # figure
    default.col = c("orange","yellow","cadetblue1","blue1","darkgreen","darkgoldenrod4","darkorchid1")
    col = default.col[1:(nEff+2)]

  # obtain limits of the intervals, proportion corresponds to the part of the variance, lower and upper than the mean
  limIntInf = limIntSup = matrix(nrow=nEff+2,ncol=nFut)
  limIntInf[1,] = binf
  limIntSup[1,] = bsup
  for(i in 1:(nEff+1)){
    limIntInf[i+1,] = limIntInf[i,]+vNormRev[i,]*(meanPred-binf)
    limIntSup[i+1,] = limIntSup[i,]-vNormRev[i,]*(bsup-meanPred)

  # figure
  if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = c(min(binf),max(bsup))
  for(i in 1:(nEff+2)){

  # add horizontal lines

  # legend
    namesEff = QUALYPSOOUT$names
    legend('topleft',bty='n',cex=1.1, fill=rev(col), legend=c(namesEff,'Res. Var.','Int. Variab.'))

#' plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertaintiesBetatest
#' Plot fraction of total variance explained by each source of uncertainty.
#' @param QUALYPSOOUT output from \code{\link{QUALYPSO}}
#' @param col colors for each source of uncertainty, the first two colors corresponding to internal variability and residual variability, respectively
#' @param ylim y-axis limits
#' @param xlab x-axis label
#' @param ylab y-axis label
#' @param addLegend if TRUE, a legend is added
#' @param ... additional arguments to be passed to \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}
#' @export
#' @author Guillaume Evin
plotQUALYPSOMeanChangeAndUncertaintiesBetatest = function(QUALYPSOOUT,col=NULL,ylim=NULL,
                                                          xlab="",ylab="Change variable",addLegend=TRUE,...){

  # probCI
  probCI = QUALYPSOOUT$listOption$probCI

  # future predictor values
  nFut = length(Xfut)

  # phiStar

  # Ystar: change variable from the projection (Y(t)-phi(c))

  # compute a multiplicative factor SDtot/SD(phi*) to match the standard deviation
  # obtained from QUALYPSO
  sd.emp = apply(phiStar,2,sd)
  sd.emp[sd.emp==0] = 1 # avoid NaN for the reference year
  sd.corr = sd.qua/sd.emp
  phiStar.corr = phiStar*t(replicate(nrow(phiStar),sd.corr))

  # mean prediction

  # variance decomposition without the internal var.
  Vtot = Rfast::rowsums(Vbind)
  DECOMPVAR = Vbind/replicate(n = ncol(Vbind), Vtot)
  vNorm = t(DECOMPVAR)
  nEff = nrow(vNorm)-1
  vNormRev = apply(vNorm,2,rev)

  # compute the lower bound if the distribution is gaussian
  binf = apply(phiStar.corr,2,quantile,probs = (1-probCI)/2)
  bsup = apply(phiStar.corr,2,quantile,probs = 0.5+probCI/2)

  # obtain limits of the intervals, proportion corresponds to the part of the variance, lower and upper than the mean
  limIntInf = limIntSup = matrix(nrow=nEff+1,ncol=nFut)
  limIntInf[1,] = binf
  limIntSup[1,] = bsup
  for(i in 1:nEff){
    limIntInf[i+1,] = limIntInf[i,]+vNormRev[i,]*(meanPred-binf)
    limIntSup[i+1,] = limIntSup[i,]-vNormRev[i,]*(bsup-meanPred)

  # figure
    default.col = c("yellow","cadetblue1","blue1","darkgreen","darkgoldenrod4","darkorchid1")
    col = default.col[1:(nEff+1)]

  # start figure
  if(is.null(ylim)) ylim = range(YStar,na.rm=T)

  # add raw climate change projections
  for(iS in 1:nrow(YStar)){

  # add intervals
  for(i in 1:(nEff+1)){

  # mean climate change response

  # add horizontal lines

  # legend
    namesEff = QUALYPSOOUT$names
    legend('topleft',bty='n',cex=1.1, fill=rev(col), legend=c(namesEff,'Res. Var.'))

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QUALYPSO documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 9:07 a.m.