
#' Visualize quartet difference on trees, by split
#' @param tree1,tree2 Trees of class `phylo`, with identical leaf labels.
#' @param setPar Logical specifying whether graphical parameters should be set
#'  to display trees side by side.
#' @param style Character string specifying split labels with an unambiguous 
#' abbreviation of:
#'  - `label`: Label stating proportion of resolved quartets in agreement,
#'  coloured accordingly;
#'  - `pie`: Pie chart showing proportion of quartets in agreement, sized
#'     according to number of quartets influenced by each split;
#'  - `bar`: Bar showing proportion of quartets in agreement, labelled;
#'  - `size`: Circle coloured according to proportion of quartets in agreement,
#'  with area corresponding to number of quartet statements associated with
#'  split.
#' @param precision Integer specifying number of significant figures to display
#' when reporting matching scores.
#' @param spectrum 101-element vector specifying a range of colours by which
#' to colour matches.
#' @param legend Logical specifying whether to display simple legend.
#' @param scale Numeric, enlargement factor for split labels.
#' @param Plot Function to use to plot trees.
#' @param \dots Additional parameters to send to `Plot()`.
#' @examples
#' library('TreeTools', quietly = TRUE, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' VisualizeQuartets(BalancedTree(10), CollapseNode(PectinateTree(10), 19),
#'                   style = 'label')
#' # Keep original plotting parameters:
#' origPar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
#' VisualizeQuartets(BalancedTree(10), CollapseNode(PectinateTree(10), 19),
#'                   setPar = FALSE)
#' VisualizeQuartets(BalancedTree(10), CollapseNode(PectinateTree(10), 19),
#'                   style = 'bar', legend = FALSE, setPar = FALSE)
#' par(origPar)
#' VisualizeQuartets(BalancedTree(20), CollapseNode(PectinateTree(20), 29:33),
#'                   style = 'size', scale = 2)
#' @template MRS
#' @importFrom ape plot.phylo
#' @importFrom viridisLite viridis
#' @export
VisualizeQuartets <- function (tree1, tree2, style = 'pie',
                               setPar = TRUE,
                               precision = 3L,
                               Plot = plot.phylo,
                               scale = 1L,
                               spectrum = viridisLite::viridis(101),
                               legend = TRUE,
                               ...) {
  if (setPar) {
    origPar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = rep(0.1, 4), cex = 0.8)
  Plot(tree1, ...)
  .VQPanel(tree1, tree2, style = style, scale = scale,
           precision = precision, spectrum = spectrum)
  if (isTRUE(legend)) {
    Legend2 <- function() {
      legend('topleft', c('Quartets match', 'Quartets differ'), bty = 'n',
             pch = 15, col = spectrum[c(101, 1)])
    Legend5 <- function() {
             c('100% quartets match', '75%', '50%', '25%', '100% differ'),
             bty = 'n', pch = 15, 
             col = spectrum[c(101, 76, 51, 26, 1)])
    switch(pmatch(style, c('label', 'bar', 'pie', 'size')),
           Legend5(), Legend2(), Legend2(), Legend5())
  Plot(tree2, ...)
  .VQPanel(tree2, tree1, style = style, scale = scale, 
           precision = precision, spectrum = spectrum)
  # Return:

#' @importFrom TreeTools as.Splits CollapseNode
#' @importFrom ape nodelabels
.VQPanel <- function (tr1, tr2, style, scale, precision, spectrum) {
  splits <- as.integer(names(as.Splits(tr1)))
  allNodes <- NTip(tr1) + seq_len(tr1$Nnode)[-1]
  oneNode <- lapply(splits, function (keep) {
    CollapseNode(tr1, allNodes[allNodes != keep])
  qs <- QuartetStatus(oneNode, tr2)
  resolved <- qs[, 's'] + qs[, 'd']
  sames <- qs[, 's'] / (qs[, 's'] + qs[, 'd'])
  switch(pmatch(style, c('label', 'bar', 'pie', 'size')),
         ## Coloured according to % same
         nodelabels(signif(sames, precision), splits, cex = scale,
                    bg = spectrum[1 + ceiling(100 * sames)]),
         ## Thermo bars
         nodelabels(signif(sames, precision), splits, cex = scale,
                    frame = 'n', adj = -0.1,
                    thermo = sames, piecol = spectrum[c(101, 1)]),
         ## Pie charts
         nodelabels('', splits, frame = 'n',
                    cex = sqrt(resolved / qs[1, 'N']) * 5L * scale,
                    pie = sames, piecol = spectrum[c(101, 1)]),
         ## Size according to total number of quartet statements
         nodelabels('', splits, pch = 16, frame = 'none',
                    col = spectrum[1 + ceiling(100 * sames)],
                    cex = sqrt(resolved / qs[1, 'N']) * 10L * scale)

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Quartet documentation built on July 8, 2022, 5:08 p.m.