Defines functions R2GUESS

Documented in R2GUESS


##   for (i in c(1:length(.libPaths()))) {
##     if ( file.exists(paste(.libPaths()[i],"R2GUESS",sep="/")) )
##       which.lib <- i
##   }
  # Setup file paths
  pack.root <- system.file(package = "R2GUESS")
  ESS.directory <- file.path(pack.root, "bin", .Platform$r_arch)

if(burn.in>nsweep) stop("the number of burnin should be lower than the number of sweep (nsweep)")

### read data
  X <- dataX
  p <- dim(X)[2]
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  newdataX <- "data-X-C-CODE.txt"
  name.X <- file.path(path.expand(path.input),newdataX)
  write(t(X), ncolumns=p,append = TRUE,file=name.X,sep="\t")
  info <- readLines(file.path(path.expand(path.input),dataX),n=2)
  n <- as.integer(info[1])
  p <- as.integer(info[2])
  newdataX <- dataX

#  q <- length(choice.Y)
  if(is.data.frame(dataY)) {
  Y <- dataY
  q0 <- dim(Y)[2]
  label.Y <- colnames(Y)
  file.Y <- FALSE
  if(is.null(choice.Y)) choice.Y <- 1:q0
  q <- length(choice.Y)
  info <- readLines(file.path(path.expand(path.input),dataY),n=2)
  ny <- as.integer(info[1])
  q0 <- as.integer(info[2])
  Y <- read.table(file.path(path.expand(path.input),dataY),skip=2)
  if(is.null(choice.Y)) choice.Y <- 1:q0
  q <- length(choice.Y)
  if(ny!=dim(Y)[1]) stop("number of subject has to be specified in the first row of the txt file")
  if(q0!=dim(Y)[2]) stop("dimension of the phenotype has to be specified in the second row of the txt file")
  if(n!=ny) stop("the two data set (predictors and phenotype) have not compatible regarding the number of subject")
  colnames(Y) <- label.Y
  if(q==q0){ file.Y <- TRUE
             newdataY <- dataY

if(is.null(label.Y))  label.Y <- paste("Y",1:q0,sep=".")
if(is.null(colnames(Y))) colnames(Y) <- label.Y

if(q==q0) nameY <- "ALL" else{
if(is.numeric(choice.Y)) choice.Y <- label.Y[choice.Y]
nameY <- paste(choice.Y,collapse="-")}
newdataY <- paste("data-Y-",nameY,"-C-CODE.txt",sep="")
name.Y <- file.path(path.expand(path.input),newdataY)
### Choice of the component of Y to be analysed
Y <- Y[,choice.Y]
label.Y <- colnames(Y)
### write data in txt file for C++ code
write(t(Y), ncolumns=q,append = TRUE,file=name.Y,sep="\t")

  Z <- conf
  k <- dim(Z)[2]
  n <- dim(Z)[1]
  newdataZ <- "data-Z-C-CODE.txt"
  name.Z <- file.path(path.expand(path.input),newdataZ)
  write(t(Z), ncolumns=k,append = TRUE,file=name.Z,sep="\t")
  info.Z <- readLines(file.path(path.expand(path.input),conf),n=2)
  n <- as.integer(info.Z[1])
  k <- as.integer(info.Z[2])
  Z <- read.table(file.path(path.expand(path.input),conf),skip=2)
Z <- as.matrix(Z)
beta <- (solve(t(Z)%*%Z)%*%t(Z))%*%as.matrix(Y)
residu <- as.matrix(Y)-Z%*%beta
newdataY <- paste("residu-",newdataY,sep="")
name.conf <- file.path(path.expand(path.input),newdataY)
write(t(residu), ncolumns=q,append = TRUE,file=name.conf,sep="\t")
#conf <- k

if(time==TRUE) time1 <- " -time " else time1 <- NULL
top1 <- paste(" -top ",top,sep="")
burn.in1 <- paste(" -burn_in ",burn.in,sep="")
if(history==TRUE) history1 <- " -history " else history1 <- NULL

if(cuda==TRUE) cuda1 <- " -cuda " else cuda1 <- NULL

#ESS.directory <- path.expand(ESS.directory)
path.input <- path.expand(path.input)
path.output <- path.expand(path.output)
path.par <- path.expand(path.par)
if(is.null(file.log)) {file.log <- root.file.output
                       log1 <- NULL} else{log1 <- " -log "}

if(!is.null(seed)) {seed.opt <- paste(" -seed ",seed,sep="")} else{seed.opt <- NULL}

if(is.null(time.limit)) time.limit <- 2000
confounder <- 0

if(is.null(time.limit)) option.timelimit <- NULL else option.timelimit <- paste(" -timeLimit ",time.limit," ",sep="")

guess.executable <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "unix", "GUESS", "GUESS.exe")
path.init <- path.expand(path.init)
command <- file.path(ESS.directory, paste(guess.executable, " -X \"",file.path(path.input,newdataX),"\" -Y \"",file.path(path.input,newdataY), "\" -par \"",file.path(path.par,file.par),"\" -init \"",file.path(path.init,file.init),"\" -nsweep ",nsweep,
burn.in1, " -out_full \"",file.path(path.output,root.file.output),"\" ",top1," -nconf ",confounder,cuda1,time1,history1,option.timelimit," -Egam ",Egam," -Sgam ",Sgam," -n_chain ",nb.chain,seed.opt,log1," > \"", file.path(path.output,file.log),"_log\"",sep=""))
command <- file.path(ESS.directory, paste(guess.executable, " -X \"",file.path(path.input,newdataX),"\" -Y \"",file.path(path.input,newdataY), "\" -par \"",file.path(path.par,file.par),"\" -nsweep ",nsweep,
burn.in1, " -out_full \"",file.path(path.output,root.file.output),"\" ",top1," -nconf ",confounder,cuda1,time1,history1,option.timelimit," -Egam ",Egam," -Sgam ",Sgam," -n_chain ",nb.chain,seed.opt,log1," > \"", file.path(path.output,file.log),"_log\"",sep=""))}

write(command,file=file.path(path.output, paste(root.file.output,"command-C.txt",sep="-")))
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
} else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {

Namefeatures <- file.path(path.output, paste(root.file.output,"features.txt",sep="_"))
features <- read.table(file=Namefeatures,header=TRUE)
rownames(features) <- features[,1]
BestModels <- get.best.models(path.output,path.input,root.file.output,label.X=label.X,p=p,MAP.file)

history.file <- file.path(
    path.output, paste(root.file.output, "output_models_history.txt", sep="_"))
model.history <- read.table(history.file, header=FALSE, sep="\t",
                            skip=burn.in + 1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
mppi.mc <- tabulate(
    as.integer(c(lapply(model.history[,5], strsplit, split=" ", fixed=TRUE),
) / (features["last_sweep","value"] - burn.in + 1)
mppi.file <- file.path(
    path.output, paste(root.file.output, "output_marg_prob_incl_mc.txt", sep="_"))
write.table(mppi.mc, mppi.file, quote=FALSE, sep="\t",

Finish <- TRUE
cat("The run is ok","\n")
cat("You can now analyse the results","\n")
cat("(i) The run time reaches the specified time limit","\n")
cat("(ii) You can use the function Resume.R2GUESS to resume the run ","\n")
cat("(iii) You can also use the function PostProcess.R2GUESS to post-process the current run ","\n")
cat("(iv) You have also the possibility to extend your run to reach the number of sweep you wanted ","\n")
BestModels <- NULL
Finish <- FALSE

res <- list(dataY = newdataY, dataX = newdataX, path.input = path.input,
        path.output = path.output, path.par=path.par, path.init=path.init, history = history, time = time, file.par =file.par,file.init=file.init,file.log=file.log,
        root.file.output = root.file.output, nsweep = features["last_sweep","value"],
        top = top, BestModels = BestModels, label.X = label.X,
        label.Y = label.Y, p = p, q = q, n=n, nb.chain = nb.chain,
        burn.in = burn.in,conf=conf,cuda=cuda,Egam=Egam,Sgam=Sgam,MAP.file=MAP.file,command=command,seed=features["seed","value"],Finish=Finish)
class(res) <- "ESS"

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R2GUESS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:47 p.m.