plotHaploNetwork: Function to plot haplotype network from the estimated results

View source: R/other_useful_functions.R

plotHaploNetworkR Documentation

Function to plot haplotype network from the estimated results


Function to plot haplotype network from the estimated results


  traitName = NULL,
  blockName = NULL,
  plotNetwork = TRUE,
  subpopInfo = estNetworkRes$subpopInfo,
  saveName = NULL,
  saveStyle = "png",
  plotWhichMDS = 1:2,
  colConnection = c("grey40", "grey60"),
  ltyConnection = c("solid", "dashed"),
  lwdConnection = c(1.5, 0.8),
  pchBase = c(1, 16),
  colCompBase = c(2, 4),
  colHaploBase = c(3, 5, 6),
  cexMax = 2,
  cexMin = 0.7,
  ggPlotNetwork = FALSE,
  cexMaxForGG = 0.025,
  cexMinForGG = 0.008,
  alphaBase = c(0.9, 0.3)



The estimated results of haplotype network by 'estNetwork' function for one


Name of trait of interest. This will be used in the title of the plots.


You can specify the haplotype block (or gene set, SNP-set) of interest by the name of haplotype block in 'geno'. This will be used in the title of the plots.


If TRUE, the function will return the plot of haplotype network.


The information of subpopulations.


When drawing any plot, you can save plots in png format. In saveName, you should substitute the name you want to save. When saveName = NULL, the plot is not saved.


This argument specifies how to save the plot of phylogenetic tree. The function offers 'png', 'pdf', 'jpg', and 'tiff'.


We will show the MDS (multi-dimensional scaling) plot, and this argument is a vector of two integers specifying that will define which MDS dimension will be plotted. The first and second integers correspond to the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively.


A vector of two integers or characters specifying the colors of connection between nodes for the original and complemented haplotypes, respectively.


A vector of two characters specifying the line types of connection between nodes for the original and complemented haplotypes, respectively.


A vector of two integers specifying the line widths of connection between nodes for the original and complemented haplotypes, respectively.


A vector of two integers specifying the plot types for the positive and negative genotypic values respectively.


A vector of two integers or characters specifying color of complemented haplotypes for the positive and negative genotypic values respectively.


A vector of integers or characters specifying color of original haplotypes for the positive and negative genotypic values respectively. The length of the vector should equal to the number of subpopulations.


A numeric specifying the maximum point size of the plot.


A numeric specifying the minimum point size of the plot.


If TRUE, the function will return the ggplot version of haplotype network. It offers the precise information on subgroups for each haplotype.


A numeric specifying the maximum point size of the plot for the ggplot version of haplotype network, relative to the range of x and y-axes (0 < cexMaxForGG <= 1).


A numeric specifying the minimum point size of the plot for the ggplot version of haplotype network, relative to the range of x and y-axes (0 < cexMaxForGG <= 1).


alpha (parameter that indicates the opacity of a geom) for original haplotype with positive / negative effects. alpha for complemented haplotype will be same as the alpha for original haplotype with negative effects.


Draw plot of haplotype network.

RAINBOWR documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:11 a.m.