parallel.compute: Function to parallelize computation with various methods

View source: R/functions_for_RGWAS.R

parallel.computeR Documentation

Function to parallelize computation with various methods


Function to parallelize computation with various methods


  n.core = 2,
  parallel.method = "mclapply",
  count = TRUE



Numeric vector including the values that are computed in parallel.


The function to be applied to each element of 'vec' argument. This function must only have one argument.


Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores. This argument is not valid when 'parallel.method = "furrr"'.


Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".

When 'parallel.method = "mclapply"', we utilize pbmclapply function in the 'pbmcapply' package with 'count = TRUE' and mclapply function in the 'parallel' package with 'count = FALSE'.

When 'parallel.method = "furrr"', we utilize future_map function in the 'furrr' package. With 'count = TRUE', we also utilize progressor function in the 'progressr' package to show the progress bar, so please install the 'progressr' package from github ( For 'parallel.method = "furrr"', you can perform multi-thread parallelization by sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to 'parallel.method = "mclapply"'.

When 'parallel.method = "foreach"', we utilize foreach function in the 'foreach' package with the utilization of makeCluster function in 'parallel' package, and registerDoParallel function in 'doParallel' package. With 'count = TRUE', we also utilize setTxtProgressBar and txtProgressBar functions in the 'utils' package to show the progress bar.

We recommend that you use the option 'parallel.method = "mclapply"', but for Windows users, this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user, we recommend that you use the option 'parallel.method = "foreach"'.


When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.


List of the results for each element of 'vec' argument.

RAINBOWR documentation built on July 4, 2024, 1:11 a.m.