
Defines functions score.calc.LR.int.MC score.calc.LR.int score.calc.int.MC score.calc.int score.calc.epistasis.score.MC score.calc.epistasis.score score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC score.calc.epistasis.LR score.calc.score.MC score.calc.score score.calc.LR.MC score.calc.LR make.full score.calc.MC score.calc qq manhattan3 manhattan2 manhattan.plus manhattan genesetmap cumsumPos modify.data design.Z adjustGRM calcGRM CalcThreshold is.diag parallel.compute welcome_to_RGWAS

Documented in adjustGRM calcGRM CalcThreshold cumsumPos design.Z genesetmap is.diag make.full manhattan manhattan2 manhattan3 manhattan.plus modify.data parallel.compute qq score.calc score.calc.epistasis.LR score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC score.calc.epistasis.score score.calc.epistasis.score.MC score.calc.int score.calc.int.MC score.calc.LR score.calc.LR.int score.calc.LR.int.MC score.calc.LR.MC score.calc.MC score.calc.score score.calc.score.MC welcome_to_RGWAS

#' Function to greet to users
#' @return Show welcome messages
# welcome_to_RGWAS <- function() {
#   cat("#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# \n")
#   cat("#          ^   ^   - - - -\\       Welcome to RAINBOWR GWAS!!!                                      #\n")
#   cat("#        ( -   - )      (@_/      Reliable Association INference By Optimizing the Weight         #\n")
#   cat("#       //   -   \\\\  - - -        Function for performing normal and kernel-based GWAS.           #\n")
#   cat("#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# \n")
# }
welcome_to_RGWAS <- function() {
  if (getPackageName() == ".GlobalEnv") {
    version <- "devel"
  else {
    version <- as.character(packageVersion(getPackageName()))

  cat("#------------------------ Reliable Association INference By Optimizing Weights -------------------------#\n")
  cat("#  _____         --      _____  __      _  ____     __    _     _     _                                 #\n")
  cat("#  |  __ \\      /  \\    |_   _||  \\    | ||  _ \\ /  __ \\ | |   | |   | |  Welcome to RAINBOW GWAS!!!    #\n")
  cat("#  | |__) |    / __ \\     | |  | |\\ \\  | || |_) || |  | || |   | |   | |  Version:",
      version, "               #\n")
  cat("#  |  ___/    / /__\\ \\    | |  | | \\ \\ | ||  _ <|| |  | | \\ \\  | |  / /                                 #\n")
  cat("#  | |  \\ \\  / ______ \\  _| |_ | |  \\ \\| || |_) || |__| |  | |_| |_| |    email: hamazaki@ut-biomet.org #\n")
  cat("#  |_|   \\_\\/ /      \\ \\|_____||_|   \\ __||____/  \\ __ /    \\ _ _ _ /                                   #\n")
  cat("#--------------------- Function for performing normal and kernel-based SNP-set GWAS --------------------#\n")

#' Function to parallelize computation with various methods
#' @param vec Numeric vector including the values that are computed in parallel.
#' @param func The function to be applied to each element of `vec` argument.
#' This function must only have one argument.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' This argument is not valid when `parallel.method = "furrr"`.
#' @param parallel.method Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".
#' When `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, we utilize \code{\link[pbmcapply]{pbmclapply}} function in the `pbmcapply` package
#' with `count = TRUE` and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} function in the `parallel` package with `count = FALSE`.
#' When `parallel.method = "furrr"`, we utilize \code{\link[furrr]{future_map}} function in the `furrr` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[progressr]{progressor}} function in the `progressr` package to show the progress bar,
#' so please install the `progressr` package from github (\url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/progressr}).
#' For `parallel.method = "furrr"`, you can perform multi-thread parallelization by
#' sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to `parallel.method = "mclapply"`.
#' When `parallel.method = "foreach"`, we utilize \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function in the `foreach` package
#' with the utilization of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} function in `parallel` package,
#' and \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} function in `doParallel` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}} and
#' \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} functions in the `utils` package to show the progress bar.
#' We recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, but for Windows users,
#' this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user,
#' we recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "foreach"`.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return List of the results for each element of `vec` argument.
parallel.compute <- function(vec,
                             n.core = 2,
                             parallel.method = "mclapply",
                             count = TRUE) {
  isWindows <- .Platform$OS.type == "windows"
  if (parallel.method == "furrr") {
    if (requireNamespace("furrr", quietly = TRUE) &
        requireNamespace("future", quietly = TRUE)) {
      parallel.method <- parallel.method

      if (requireNamespace("progressr", quietly = TRUE)) {
        count <- count
      } else {
        warning(paste0("If you want to use 'furrr' with progress bar, please install `progressr` package! \n",
                       "We switched `count = FALSE`."))
        count <- FALSE
    } else {
      parallel.method <- ifelse(test = isWindows,
                                yes = "foreach",
                                no = "mclapply")
      warning(paste0("If you want to use 'furrr', please install `furrr` and `future` packages from Bioconductor! \n",
                     "We switched `parallel.method = ",
                     parallel.method, "`."))

  if (isWindows & (parallel.method == "mclapply")) {
    warning(paste0("'mclapply' method is not offered for Windows OS. \n",
                   "`parallel.method` is switched to 'foreach'."))
    parallel.method <- "foreach"

  if (parallel.method == "foreach") {
    if (requireNamespace("foreach", quietly = TRUE) &
        requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE)) {
      parallel.method <- parallel.method
    } else {
      if (isWindows) {
        stop("You have to install `foreach` and `doParallel` packages if you're Windows user!!")
      } else {
        parallel.method <- "mclapply"
        warning(paste0("If you want to use 'foreach', please install `foreach` and `doParallel` packages! \n",
                       "We switched `parallel.method = ",
                       parallel.method, "`."))

  if (parallel.method == "mclapply") {
    if (count) {
      all.res <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(X = vec,
                                       FUN = func,
                                       mc.cores = n.core)
    } else {
      all.res <- parallel::mclapply(X = vec,
                                    FUN = func,
                                    mc.cores = n.core)
  } else if (parallel.method == "furrr") {
        gc = TRUE

    func.pb <- function(xs) {
      if (count) {
        p <- progressr::progressor(along = xs)
      all.res.pb <- suppressWarnings(
          .x = xs,
          .f = function(x) {
            if (count) {



    if (count) {
      progressr::handlers(global = TRUE)
      progressr::handlers("progress", "beepr")

    all.res <- func.pb(xs = vec)
  } else if (parallel.method == "foreach") {
    i <- 0
    clust <- parallel::makeCluster(spec = n.core)
    doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = clust)
    `%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`

    if (count) {
      count.func <- function() {
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = length(vec) - 1,
                                    style = 3)
        count.no <- 0
        function(...) {
          assign(x = "count.no",
                 value = count.no + length(list(...)) - 1,
                 envir = parent.env(env = environment()))
          utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, count.no)
      all.res <- foreach::foreach(i = vec,
                                  .combine = count.func()) %dopar% {
    } else {
      all.res <- foreach::foreach(i = vec) %dopar% {


    parallel::stopCluster(cl = clust)

    all.res <- lapply(X = 1:length(all.res),
                      FUN = function(x) {
    if (count) {

  } else {
    stop("We only offer the three methods for `parallel.method`: 'mclapply', 'furrr', and 'foreach' !")


#' Function to judge the square matrix whether it is diagonal matrix or not
#' @param x Square matrix.
#' @return If `x` is diagonal matrix, `TRUE`. Otherwise the function returns `FALSE`.
is.diag <- function(x) {
  stopifnot(nrow(x) == ncol(x))

  diagX <- diag(diag(x))
  dimnames(diagX) <- dimnames(x)

  return(identical(x, diagX))

#' Function to calculate threshold for GWAS
#' @description Calculate thresholds for the given GWAS (genome-wide association studies) result by the Benjamini-Hochberg method or Bonferroni method.
#' @param input Data frame of GWAS results where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param sig.level  Significance level for the threshold. The default is 0.05. You can also assign vector of sinificance levels.
#' @param method Three methods are offered:
#' "BH": Benjamini-Hochberg method. To control FDR, use this method.
#' "Bonf": Bonferroni method. To perform simple correction of multiple testing, use this method.
#' "Sidak": Sidak method.
#' You can also assign two of them by 'method = c("BH", "Bonf")'
#' @return The value of the threshold. If there is no threshold, it returns NA.
#' @references Benjamini, Y. and Hochberg, Y. (1995) Controlling the false discovery rate:
#'  a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing. J R Stat Soc. 57(1): 289-300.
#' Storey, J.D. and Tibshirani, R. (2003) Statistical significance for genomewide studies. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 100(16): 9440-9445.
CalcThreshold <- function(input, sig.level = 0.05, method = "BH") {
  # define a function
  qvalue_tmp <- function(p) {
    smooth.df <- 3

    if (min(p) < 0 || max(p) > 1) {
      stop("P-values not in valid range.")

    lambda <- seq(0, 0.90, 0.05)
    m <- length(p)

    pi0 <- rep(0, length(lambda))
    for (i in 1:length(lambda)) {
      pi0[i] <- mean(p >= lambda[i]) / (1 - lambda[i])

    spi0 <- smooth.spline(lambda, pi0, df = smooth.df)
    pi0 <- predict(spi0, x = max(lambda))$y
    pi0 <- min(pi0, 1)

    if (pi0 <= 0) {
      stop("The estimated pi0 <= 0. Check that you have valid p-values.")

    #The estimated q-values calculated here
    u <- order(p)

    # ranking function which returns number of observations less than or equal
    qvalue.rank <- function(x) {
      idx <- sort.list(x)

      fc <- factor(x)
      nl <- length(levels(fc))
      bin <- as.integer(fc)
      tbl <- tabulate(bin)
      cs <- cumsum(tbl)

      tbl <- rep(cs, tbl)
      tbl[idx] <- tbl


    v <- qvalue.rank(p)

    qvalue <- pi0 * m * p / v
    qvalue[u[m]] <- min(qvalue[u[m]], 1)
    for (i in (m - 1):1) {
      qvalue[u[i]] <- min(qvalue[u[i]], qvalue[u[i + 1]], 1)


  input <- input[!is.na(input[, 4]), , drop = FALSE]
  input <- input[order(input[, 2], input[, 3]), ]

  method[!(method %in% c("BH", "Bonf"))] <- "BH"
  methods <- rep(method, each = length(sig.level))
  sig.levels <- rep(sig.level, length(method))

  n.thres <- length(methods)

  thresholds <- rep(NA, n.thres)
  for (thres.no in 1:n.thres) {
    method.now <- methods[thres.no]
    sig.level.now <- sig.levels[thres.no]

    if (method.now == "BH") {
      # input should be a result object of GWAS in {rrBLUP} package
      q.ans <- qvalue_tmp(10 ^ (- input[, 4]))
      temp <- cbind(q.ans, input[, 4])
      temp <- temp[order(temp[, 1]), ]
      if (temp[1, 1] < sig.level.now) {
        temp2 <- tapply(temp[, 2], temp[, 1], mean)
        qvals <- as.numeric(rownames(temp2))
        x <- which.min(abs(qvals - sig.level.now))
        first <- max(1, x - 2)
        last <- min(x + 2, length(qvals))
        if ((last - first) < 4) {
          last <- first + 3

        if (sum(is.na(qvals[first:last])) == 1) {
          qvals[last] <- mean(qvals[first + 1] + qvals[first + 2])
          temp2[last] <- mean(temp2[first + 1] + temp2[first + 2])

        if (sum(is.na(qvals[first:last])) == 2) {
          qvals[(last - 1):last] <- quantile(qvals[first:(first + 1)], probs = c(1 / 3, 2 / 3))
          temp2[(last - 1):last] <- quantile(temp2[first:(first + 1)], probs = c(1 / 3, 2 / 3))

        qvals <- sort(qvals)
        temp2 <- temp2[order(qvals)]

        splin <- smooth.spline(x = qvals[first:last],
                               y = temp2[first:last], df = 3)
        threshold <- predict(splin, x = sig.level.now)$y
      } else {
        threshold <- NA

    if (method.now == "Bonf") {
      n.mark <- nrow(input)
      threshold <- -log10(sig.level.now / n.mark)

    if (method.now == "Sidak") {
      n.mark <- nrow(input)
      threshold <- -log10(x = 1 - (1 - sig.level.now) ^ (1 / n.mark))

    thresholds[thres.no] <- threshold
  names(thresholds) <- paste0(methods, "_", sig.levels)

#' Function to calculate genomic relationship matrix (GRM)
#' @param genoMat A \eqn{N \times M} matrix of marker genotype
#' @param methodGRM Method to calculate genomic relationship matrix (GRM). We offer the following methods;
#' "addNOIA", "domNOIA", "A.mat", "linear", "gaussian", "exponential", "correlation".
#' For NOIA methods, please refer to Vitezica et al. 2017.
#' @param subpop Sub-population names corresponding to each individual.
#' By utilizing `subpop` argument, you can consider the difference of allele frequencies
#' between sub-populations when computing the genomic relationship matrix. This argument is only valid when NOIA methods are selected.
#' @param kernel.h The hyper parameter for gaussian or exponential kernel.
#' If kernel.h = "tuned", this hyper parameter is calculated as the median of off-diagonals of distance matrix of genotype data.
#' @param returnWMat  If this argument is TRUE, we will return W matrix instead of GRM.
#' Here, W satisfies \eqn{GRM = W W ^ {T}}. W corresponds to H matix in Vitezica et al. 2017.
#' @param probaa Probability of being homozygous for the reference allele for each marker.
#' If NULL (default), it will be calculated from genoMat.
#' @param probAa Probability of being heterozygous for the reference and alternative alleles for each marker
#' If NULL (default), it will be calculated from genoMat.
#' @return genomic relationship matrix (GRM)
#' @references
#' Vitezica, Z.G., Legarra, A., Toro, M.A. and Varona, L. (2017) Orthogonal Estimates of Variances for Additive, Dominance, and Epistatic Effects in Populations. Genetics. 206(3): 1297-1307.
#' Endelman, J.B. and Jannink, J.L. (2012) Shrinkage Estimation of the Realized Relationship Matrix. G3 Genes, Genomes, Genet. 2(11): 1405-1413.
calcGRM <- function(genoMat,
                    methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                    subpop = NULL,
                    kernel.h = "tuned",
                    returnWMat = FALSE,
                    probaa = NULL,
                    probAa = NULL) {
  supportedMethods <- c("addNOIA", "domNOIA", "A.mat", "linear",
                        "gaussian", "exponential", "correlation")
  stopifnot(methodGRM %in% supportedMethods)

  genoMatUniq <- sort(unique(c(genoMat)), decreasing = FALSE)
  genoMatUniqLen <- length(genoMatUniq)

  if (genoMatUniqLen == 2) {
    isScoring1 <- all(genoMatUniq == c(-1, 1))
    isScoring2 <- all(genoMatUniq == c(0, 2))
  } else {
    if (genoMatUniqLen == 3) {
      isScoring1 <- all(genoMatUniq == c(-1, 0, 1))
      isScoring2 <- all(genoMatUniq == c(0, 1, 2))
    } else {
      stop("Something wrong with your genotype data!!")

  if (isScoring1) {
    genoMat <- genoMat
  } else {
    if (isScoring2) {
      genoMat <- genoMat - 1
    } else {
      stop("Genotype data should be scored with (-1, 0, 1) or (0, 1, 2)!!")

  nInd <- nrow(genoMat)
  nMarkers <- ncol(genoMat)
  mrkNames <- colnames(genoMat)

  methodNOIA <- stringr::str_detect(string = methodGRM,
                                    pattern = "NOIA")
  if ((!methodNOIA) & (!is.null(subpop))) {
    message("`subpop` information is utilized only when you use `NOIA` methods ('addNOIA' & 'domNOIA') !")
  if (methodNOIA) {
    if (is.null(subpop)) {
      if (is.null(probaa)) {
        probaa <- apply(genoMat == -1, 2, mean)
      if (is.null(probAa)) {
        probAa <- apply(genoMat == 0, 2, mean)
      if (methodGRM == "addNOIA") {
        replaceaa <- - (2 - probAa - 2 * probaa)
        replaceAa <- - (1 - probAa - 2 * probaa)
        replaceAA <- - (- probAa - 2 * probaa)
      } else if (methodGRM == "domNOIA") {
        probAA <- 1 - probaa - probAa
        denominator <- probAA + probaa - (probAA - probaa) ^ 2
        replaceaa <- - 2 * probAA * probAa / denominator
        replaceAa <- 4 * probAA * probaa / denominator
        replaceAA <- - 2 * probaa * probAa / denominator

      HMat <- sapply(1:nMarkers, function(mrkNo) {
        HMatEachMrk <- genoMat[, mrkNo]
        HMatEachMrk[HMatEachMrk == -1] <- replaceaa[mrkNo]
        HMatEachMrk[HMatEachMrk == 0] <- replaceAa[mrkNo]
        HMatEachMrk[HMatEachMrk == 1] <- replaceAA[mrkNo]

      colnames(HMat) <- mrkNames
    } else {
      stopifnot(length(subpop) == nInd)

      probaa <- do.call(
        what = rbind,
        args = sapply(X = unique(subpop),
                      FUN = function(subpopEach) {
                        genoMatSubpop <- genoMat[subpop %in% subpopEach, , drop = FALSE]
                        probaaSubpop <- apply(genoMatSubpop == -1, 2, mean)
                      simplify = FALSE)
      )[subpop, , drop = FALSE]
      rownames(probaa) <- rownames(genoMat)

      probAa <- do.call(
        what = rbind,
        args = sapply(X = unique(subpop),
                      FUN = function(subpopEach) {
                        genoMatSubpop <- genoMat[subpop %in% subpopEach, , drop = FALSE]
                        probAaSubpop <- apply(genoMatSubpop == 0, 2, mean)
                      simplify = FALSE)
      )[subpop, , drop = FALSE]
      rownames(probAa) <- rownames(genoMat)

      if (methodGRM == "addNOIA") {
        replaceaa <- - (2 - probAa - 2 * probaa)
        replaceAa <- - (1 - probAa - 2 * probaa)
        replaceAA <- - (- probAa - 2 * probaa)
      } else if (methodGRM == "domNOIA") {
        probAA <- 1 - probaa - probAa
        denominator <- probAA + probaa - (probAA - probaa) ^ 2
        replaceaa <- - 2 * probAA * probAa / denominator
        replaceAa <- 4 * probAA * probaa / denominator
        replaceAA <- - 2 * probaa * probAa / denominator

      HMat <- genoMat
      HMat[HMat == -1] <- replaceaa[HMat == -1]
      HMat[HMat == 0] <- replaceAa[HMat == 0]
      HMat[HMat == 1] <- replaceAA[HMat == 1]
    HHt <- tcrossprod(HMat)
    GRM <- HHt * nInd / sum(diag(HHt))
  } else if (methodGRM == "A.mat") {
    GRM <- rrBLUP::A.mat(X = genoMat)
  } else if (methodGRM == "linear") {
    HHt <- tcrossprod(genoMat)
    GRM <- HHt * nInd / sum(diag(HHt))
  } else if (methodGRM == "gaussian") {
    distMat <- Rfast::Dist(x = genoMat) / sqrt(ncol(genoMat))
    rownames(distMat) <- colnames(distMat) <- rownames(genoMat)
    if ("character" %in% class(kernel.h)) {
      hinv <- median((distMat ^ 2)[upper.tri(distMat ^ 2)])
      h <- 1 / hinv
    } else if ("numeric" %in% class(kernel.h)) {
      h <- kernel.h

    GRM <- exp(- h * distMat ^ 2)
  } else if (methodGRM == "exponential") {
    distMat <- Rfast::Dist(x = genoMat) / sqrt(ncol(genoMat))
    rownames(distMat) <- colnames(distMat) <- rownames(genoMat)
    if ("character" %in% class(kernel.h)) {
      hinv <- median((distMat ^ 2)[upper.tri(distMat ^ 2)])
      h <- 1 / hinv
    } else if ("numeric" %in% class(kernel.h)) {
      h <- kernel.h

    GRM <- exp(- h * distMat)
  } else if (methodGRM == "correlation") {
    GRM <- cor(t(genoMat))

  if (methodNOIA & returnWMat) {
    WMat <- HMat * sqrt(nInd / sum(HMat * HMat))
    rownames(WMat) <- rownames(genoMat)
  } else {
    rownames(GRM) <- colnames(GRM) <- rownames(genoMat)

#' Function to adjust genomic relationship matrix (GRM) with subpopulations
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA A list of variance matrices and its design matrices of random effects.
#' You can use only one kernel matrix for this function.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z.A, K = K.A)) (A for additive)
#' Please set names of lists "Z" and "K"!
#' @param subpopInfo The information on group memberships (e.g., subgroups for the population) will be required.
#' You can set a vector of group names (or clustering ids) for each genotype as this argument. This vector should be factor.
#' @param nSubpop When `subpopInfo = NULL`, `subpopInfo` will be automatically determined by using \code{\link[adegenet]{find.clusters}} function.
#' You should specify the number of groups by this argument to decide `subpopInfo`.
#' @param nPcsFindCluster Number of principal components to be used for `adegenet::find.clusters`.
#' This argument is used inly when `subpopInfo` is `NULL`.
#' @param include.epistasis Whether or not including the genome-wide epistastic effects into the model
#' to adjust ZETA.
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @return
#' \describe{ A List of
#' \item{$ZETAAdjust}{Adjusted ZETA including only one kernel.}
#' \item{$subpopInfo}{A vector of `subpopInfo` used in this function.}
#' \item{$covariates}{A matrix of covariates used in the mixed effects model.}
#'  #' \item{$nullModel}{Results of mixed-effects model for multiple kernels.}
#' \item{$nSubpop}{`nSubpop` used in this function.}
#' \item{$include.epistasis}{`include.epistasis` used in this function.}
#' }
#' @references
#' Rio S, Mary-Huard T, Moreau L, Bauland C, Palaffre C, et al. (2020)
#' Disentangling group specific QTL allele effects from
#' genetic background epistasis using admixed individuals in GWAS:
#' An application to maize flowering. PLOS Genetics 16(3): e1008241.

adjustGRM <- function(y,
                      X = NULL,
                      subpopInfo = NULL,
                      nSubpop = 5,
                      nPcsFindCluster = 10,
                      include.epistasis = FALSE,
                      package.MM = "gaston") {
  y <- as.matrix(y)
  Z <- ZETA[[1]]$Z
  K <- ZETA[[1]]$K
  nGeno <- nrow(K)
  stopifnot(length(ZETA) == 1)

  if (is.null(subpopInfo)) {
    if (nSubpop == 1) {
      if (!include.epistasis) {
        stop("You should set `nSubpop` >= 2 or `include.epistasis = TRUE`!")
      subpopNames <- 1
      subpopInfo <- factor(rep(subpopNames, nGeno))
    } else if (nSubpop >= 2) {
      fcRes <- adegenet::find.clusters(x = K,
                                       n.pca = nPcsFindCluster,
                                       n.clust = nSubpop)
      subpopInfo <- fcRes$grp
      subpopNames <- levels(subpopInfo)
    } else {
      stop("You should set `nSubpop` >= 2 or `include.epistasis = TRUE`!")
  } else {
    stopifnot(length(subpopInfo) == nGeno)
    subpopInfo <- factor(subpopInfo)
    subpopNames <- levels(subpopInfo)
    nSubpop <- length(subpopNames)

  subpopNamesComb <- split(x = subpopNames,
                           f = 1:nSubpop)
  if (nSubpop >= 3) {
    subpopNamesComb <- c(subpopNamesComb,
                         unlist(x = sapply(X = 2:(nSubpop - 1),
                                           FUN = function(subpopNos) {
                                             subpopCombNow <- combn(x = subpopNames, m = subpopNos)
                                             subpopCombNow <- subpopCombNow[, -ncol(subpopCombNow)]
                                             subpopCombNowList <- lapply(X = 1:ncol(subpopCombNow),
                                                                         FUN = function(i) {
                                                                           subpopCombNow[, i]

                                           }, simplify = FALSE), recursive = FALSE)

  ZETANull <- ZETA
  if (include.epistasis) {
    ZETANull <- c(ZETANull,
                  list(list(Z = Z,
                            K = K ^ 2)))

  if (length(subpopNamesComb) >= 1) {
    K0 <- matrix(data = 0,
                 nrow = nGeno, ncol = nGeno,
                 dimnames = dimnames(K))
    for (subpopNamesEach in subpopNamesComb) {
      KSubpops <- K0
      KSubpops[subpopInfo %in% subpopNamesEach,
               subpopInfo %in% subpopNamesEach] <-
        K[subpopInfo %in% subpopNamesEach,
          subpopInfo %in% subpopNamesEach]

      ZETANull <- c(ZETANull,
                    list(list(Z = Z,
                              K = KSubpops)))
      if (include.epistasis) {
        ZETANull <- c(ZETANull,
                      list(list(Z = Z,
                                K = KSubpops ^ 2)))


  if (nSubpop >= 2) {
    covaraitesSubpop <- model.matrix(object = ~ subpopInfo - 1)
    XNow <- cbind(X, Z %*% covaraitesSubpop)
    XNow <- make.full(XNow)
  } else {
    covaraitesSubpop <- NULL
    XNow <- NULL

  nullModel <- try(EM3.general(y = y,
                               X0 = XNow,
                               ZETA = ZETANull,
                               package = package.MM), silent = TRUE)

  if ("try-error" %in% class(nullModel)) {
    message("Failed to adjust GRM, thus we return the original GRM !")
    ZETAAdjust <- ZETA
  } else {
    KAdjust <- Reduce(f = "+",
                      x = lapply(X = 1:length(ZETANull),
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   nullModel$Vu * nullModel$weights[i] *

    KAdjust <- KAdjust / (sum(diag(KAdjust)) / nGeno)
    ZETAAdjust <- list(Adjust = list(Z = Z, K = KAdjust))

  return(list(ZETAAdjust = ZETAAdjust,
              subpopInfo = subpopInfo,
              covariates = XNow,
              nullModel = nullModel,
              nSubpop = nSubpop,
              include.epistasis = include.epistasis))

#' Function to generate design matrix (Z)
#' @param pheno.labels A vector of genotype (line; accesion; variety) names which correpond to phenotypic values.
#' @param geno.names  A vector of genotype (line; accesion; variety) names for marker genotype data (duplication is not recommended).
#' @return Z of \eqn{y = X\beta + Zu + e}. Design matrix, which is useful for GS or GWAS.
design.Z <- function(pheno.labels, geno.names) {
  pheno.labels <- as.character(pheno.labels)
  geno.names <- as.character(geno.names)
  n.geno <- length(geno.names)

  match.pheno_geno <- match(pheno.labels, geno.names)

  if (any(is.na(match.pheno_geno))) {
    warning(paste("The following lines have phenotypes but no genotypes: ",
                  paste(pheno.labels[is.na(match.pheno_geno)], collapse = ", ")))

  match.pheno_geno.nonNA <- match.pheno_geno[!is.na(match.pheno_geno)]
  n.pheno.nonNA <- length(match.pheno_geno.nonNA)

  Z <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:n.pheno.nonNA,
                                      j = match.pheno_geno.nonNA,
                                      x = rep(1, n.pheno.nonNA),
                                      dims = c(n.pheno.nonNA, n.geno)))
  rownames(Z) <- pheno.labels[!is.na(match.pheno_geno)]
  colnames(Z) <- geno.names


#' Function to modify genotype and phenotype data to match
#' @param pheno.mat A \eqn{n _ 1 \times p} matrix of phenotype data. rownames(pheno.mat) should be genotype (line; accesion; variety) names.
#' @param geno.mat A \eqn{n _ 2 \times m} matrix of marker genotype data. rownames(geno.mat) should be genotype (line; accesion; variety) names.
#' @param pheno.labels A vector of genotype (line; accesion; variety) names which correpond to phenotypic values.
#' @param geno.names  A vector of genotype (line; accesion; variety) names for marker genotype data (duplication is not recommended).
#' @param map Data frame with the marker names in the first column. The second and third columns contain the chromosome and map position.
#' @param return.ZETA If this argument is TRUE, the list for mixed model equation (ZETA) will be returned.
#' @param return.GWAS.format If this argument is TRUE, phenotype and genotype data for GWAS will be returned.
#' @return
#' \describe{
#' \item{$geno.modi}{The modified marker genotype data.}
#' \item{$pheno.modi}{The modified phenotype data.}
#' \item{$ZETA}{The list for mixed model equation (ZETA).}
#' \item{$pheno.GWAS}{GWAS formatted phenotype data.}
#' \item{$geno.GWAS}{GWAS formatted marker genotype data.}
#' }
modify.data <- function(pheno.mat, geno.mat, pheno.labels = NULL, geno.names = NULL, map = NULL,
                        return.ZETA = TRUE, return.GWAS.format = FALSE) {
  pheno.mat <- as.matrix(pheno.mat)

  if (is.null(pheno.labels)) {
    pheno.labels <- as.character(rownames(pheno.mat))
  } else {
    pheno.labels <- as.character(pheno.labels)
    rownames(pheno.mat) <- pheno.labels

  if (is.null(geno.names)) {
    geno.names <- as.character(rownames(geno.mat))
  } else {
    geno.names <- as.character(geno.names)
    rownames(geno.mat) <- geno.names
  both.names <- Reduce(intersect, list(pheno.labels, geno.names))

  match.pheno <- match(pheno.labels, both.names)
  match.geno <- match(geno.names, both.names)

  if (any(is.na(match.pheno))) {
    warning(paste("The following lines have phenotypes but no genotypes: ",
                  paste(pheno.labels[is.na(match.pheno)], collapse = ", ")))

  pheno.mat.match <- pheno.mat[!is.na(match.pheno), , drop = FALSE]
  pheno.mat.modi <- pheno.mat.match[order(match.pheno[!is.na(match.pheno)]), , drop = FALSE]
  pheno.labels.modi <- rownames(pheno.mat.modi)

  geno.mat.match <- geno.mat[!is.na(match.geno), , drop = FALSE]
  geno.mat.modi <- geno.mat.match[order(match.geno[!is.na(match.geno)]), , drop = FALSE]
  geno.names.modi <- rownames(geno.mat.modi)

  if (return.ZETA) {
    K.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = geno.mat.modi)
    Z.A <- design.Z(pheno.labels = pheno.labels.modi, geno.names = geno.names.modi)

    ZETA <- list(A = list(Z = Z.A, K = K.A))
  } else {
    ZETA <- NULL

  if (return.GWAS.format & (!is.null(map))) {
    pheno.GWAS <- data.frame(Sample_names = pheno.labels.modi, pheno.mat.modi)

    geno.GWAS <- data.frame(map, t(geno.mat.modi))
    rownames(geno.GWAS) <- 1:ncol(geno.mat.modi)
    colnames(geno.GWAS) <- c("marker", "chrom", "pos", geno.names.modi)
  } else {
    pheno.GWAS <- geno.GWAS <- NULL

  return(list(geno.modi = geno.mat.modi, pheno.modi = pheno.mat.modi,
              ZETA = ZETA, pheno.GWAS = pheno.GWAS, geno.GWAS = geno.GWAS))

#' Function to calculate cumulative position (beyond chromosome)
#' @param map Data frame with the marker names in the first column. The second and third columns contain the chromosome and map position.
#' @return Cumulative position (beyond chromosome) will be returned.
cumsumPos <- function(map) {
  marker <- as.character(map[, 1])
  chr <- map[, 2]
  if (!is.numeric(chr)) {
    stop("Chromosome numbers should be `numeric` (not `character`) !!")
  pos <- as.double(map[, 3])

  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  cum.pos <- pos
  if (length(chr.tab) != 1) {
    for (i in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
      cum.pos[(chr.cum[i] + 1):(chr.cum[i + 1])] <-
        pos[(chr.cum[i] + 1):(chr.cum[i + 1])] + cum.pos[chr.cum[i]]


#' Function to generate map for gene set
#' @param map Data frame with the marker names in the first column. The second and third columns contain the chromosome and map position.
#' @param gene.set Gene information with the format of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "map" argument.
#' @param cumulative If this argument is TRUE, cumulative position will be returned.
#' @return Map for gene set.
genesetmap <- function(map, gene.set, cumulative = FALSE) {
  marker <- as.character(map[, 1])
  chr <- map[, 2]
  if (!is.numeric(chr)) {
    stop("Chromosome numbers should be `numeric` (not `character`) !!")
  pos <- as.double(map[, 3])

  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  cum.pos <- cumsumPos(map)

  gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
  mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
  gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
  n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))
  chr.set.mean <- pos.set.mean <- cum.pos.set.mean <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  ids <- as.data.frame(matrix(rep(NA, n.scores * 2), ncol = 2))

  marker.now <- gene.name
  for (k in 1:n.scores) {
    id <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[k]]
    ids[k, ] <- c(as.character(id[1]), as.character(id[length(id)]))
    num.sel <- match(id, map[, 1])
    num.sel <- num.sel[!is.na(num.sel)]
    chr.sel <- map[num.sel, 2]
    pos.sel <- map[num.sel, 3]
    cum.pos.sel <- cum.pos[num.sel]
    chr.set.mean[k] <- chr.sel[1]
    pos.set.mean[k] <- mean(pos.sel)
    cum.pos.set.mean[k] <- mean(cum.pos.sel)

  if (!cumulative) {
    map2 <- data.frame(marker = marker.now,
                       chr = chr.set.mean,
                       pos = pos.set.mean)
  } else {
    map2 <- data.frame(marker = marker.now,
                       chr = chr.set.mean,
                       pos = pos.set.mean,
                       cum.pos = cum.pos.set.mean)


#' Draw manhattan plot
#' @param input Data frame of GWAS results where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param sig.level Significance level for the threshold. The default is 0.05.
#' @param method.thres Method for detemining threshold of significance. "BH" and "Bonferroni are offered.
#' @param y.max The maximum value for the vertical axis of manhattan plot. If NULL, automatically determined.
#' @param cex A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default.
#' @param cex.lab The font size of the labels.
#' @param lwd.thres The line width for the threshold.
#' @param plot.col1 This argument determines the color of the manhattan plot.
#'  You should substitute this argument as color vector whose length is 2.
#'  plot.col1[1] for odd chromosomes and plot.col1[2] for even chromosomes.
#' @param cex.axis.x The font size of the x axis.
#' @param cex.axis.y The font size of the y axis.
#' @param plot.type  This argument determines the type of the manhattan plot. See the help page of "plot".
#' @param plot.pch This argument determines the shape of the dot of the manhattan plot. See the help page of "plot".
#' @return Draw manhttan plot
manhattan <- function(input, sig.level = 0.05, method.thres = "BH",
                      y.max = NULL, cex = 1, cex.lab = 1, lwd.thres = 1,
                      plot.col1 = c("dark blue", "cornflowerblue"),
                      cex.axis.x = 1, cex.axis.y = 1, plot.type = "p", plot.pch = 16) {
  input <- input[!is.na(input[, 4]), , drop = FALSE]
  input <- input[order(input[, 2], input[, 3]), ]
  chroms <- unique(input[, 2])
  n.chrom <- length(chroms)
  chrom.start <- rep(0, n.chrom)
  chrom.mid <- rep(0, n.chrom)
  if (n.chrom > 1) {
    for (i in 1:(n.chrom - 1)) {
      chrom.start[i + 1] <- chrom.start[i] + max(input[which(input[, 2] == chroms[i]), 3]) + 1
  x.max <- chrom.start[n.chrom] + max(input[which(input[, 2] == chroms[n.chrom]), 3])
  if (is.null(y.max)) {
    y.max <- max(input[, 4]) + 1
  plot(0, 0, type = "n", xlim = c(0, x.max), ylim = c(0, y.max), ylab = expression(-log[10](italic(p))),
       xlab = "Chromosome", xaxt = "n", cex = cex, cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis.y)
  for (i in seq(1, n.chrom, by = 2)) {
    ix <- which(input[, 2] == chroms[i])
    chrom.mid[i] <- median(chrom.start[i] + input[ix, 3])
    points(chrom.start[i] + input[ix, 3], input[ix, 4], cex = cex,
           col = plot.col1[1], type = plot.type, pch = plot.pch)
  if (n.chrom > 1) {
    for (i in seq(2, n.chrom, by = 2)) {
      ix <- which(input[, 2] == chroms[i])
      chrom.mid[i] <- median(chrom.start[i] + input[ix, 3])
      points(chrom.start[i] + input[ix, 3], input[ix, 4], cex = cex,
             col = plot.col1[2], type = plot.type, pch = plot.pch)

  threshold <- try(CalcThreshold(input, sig.level = sig.level, method = method.thres), silent = TRUE)
  if ((!("try-error" %in% class(threshold))) & (!is.na(threshold))) {
    lines(x = c(0, x.max), y = rep(threshold, 2), lty = 2, lwd = lwd.thres)
  axis(side = 1, at = chrom.mid, labels = chroms, cex.axis = cex.axis.x)

#' Add points of -log10(p) corrected by kernel methods to manhattan plot
#' @param input Data frame of GWAS results where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param checks The marker numbers whose -log10(p)s are corrected by kernel methods.
#' @param cex A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default.
#' @param plot.col1 This argument determines the color of the manhattan plot.
#'  You should substitute this argument as a color vector whose length is 2.
#'  plot.col1[1] for odd chromosomes and plot.col1[2] for even chromosomes.
#' @param plot.col3 Color of -log10(p) corrected by kernel methods. plot.col3[1] for odd chromosomes and plot.col3[2] for even chromosomes
#' @param plot.type  This argument determines the type of the manhattan plot. See the help page of "plot".
#' @param plot.pch This argument determines the shape of the dot of the manhattan plot. See the help page of "plot".
#' @return Draw manhttan plot

manhattan.plus <- function(input, checks, cex = 1, plot.col1 = c("dark blue", "cornflowerblue"),
                           plot.col3 = c("red3", "orange3"), plot.type = "p", plot.pch = 16) {
  input <- input[!is.na(input[, 4]), , drop = FALSE]
  input <- input[order(input[, 2], input[, 3]), ]
  chroms <- unique(input[, 2])
  n.chrom <- length(chroms)
  chrom.start <- rep(0, n.chrom)
  chrom.mid <- rep(0, n.chrom)
  if (n.chrom > 1) {
    for (i in 1:(n.chrom - 1)) {
      chrom.start[i + 1] <- chrom.start[i] + max(input[which(input[, 2] == chroms[i]), 3]) + 1
  x.max <- chrom.start[n.chrom] + max(input[which(input[, 2] == chroms[n.chrom]), 3])
  for (i in seq(1, n.chrom, by = 2)) {
    ix <- checks[which(input[checks, 2] == chroms[i])]
    chrom.mid[i] <- median(chrom.start[i] + input[ix, 3])
    points(chrom.start[i] + input[ix, 3], input[ix, 4], cex = cex,
           col = plot.col3[1], type = plot.type, pch = plot.pch)
  if (n.chrom > 1) {
    for (i in seq(2, n.chrom, by = 2)) {
      ix <- checks[which(input[checks, 2] == chroms[i])]
      chrom.mid[i] <- median(chrom.start[i] + input[ix, 3])
      points(chrom.start[i] + input[ix, 3], input[ix, 4], cex = cex,
             col = plot.col3[2], type = plot.type, pch = plot.pch)

#' Draw manhattan plot (another method)
#' @param input Data frame of GWAS results where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param sig.level Siginifincance level for the threshold. The default is 0.05.
#' @param method.thres Method for detemining threshold of significance. "BH" and "Bonferroni are offered.
#' @param cex A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default.
#' @param plot.col2 Color of the manhattan plot. color changes with chromosome and it starts from plot.col2 + 1
#' (so plot.col2 = 1 means color starts from red.)
#' @param plot.type  This argument determines the type of the manhattan plot. See the help page of "plot".
#' @param plot.pch This argument determines the shape of the dot of the manhattan plot. See the help page of "plot".
#' @param cum.pos Cumulative position (over chromosomes) of each marker
#' @param lwd.thres The line width for the threshold.
#' @param cex.lab The font size of the labels.
#' @param cex.axis The font size of the axes.
#' @return Draw manhttan plot
manhattan2 <- function(input, sig.level = 0.05, method.thres = "BH", cex = 1, plot.col2 = 1,
                       plot.type = "p", plot.pch = 16, cum.pos = NULL, lwd.thres = 1,
                       cex.lab = 1, cex.axis = 1) {
  input <- input[!is.na(input[, 4]), , drop = FALSE]
  chr <- input[, 2]
  pos <- input[, 3]
  input <- input[order(chr, pos), ]
  chroms <- unique(chr)
  n.chrom <- length(chroms)
  chrom.start <- rep(0, n.chrom)
  chrom.mid <- rep(0, n.chrom)
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  if (is.null(cum.pos)) {
    cum.pos <- pos
    if (length(chr.tab) != 1) {
      for (i in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        cum.pos[(chr.cum[i] + 1):(chr.cum[i + 1])] <- pos[(chr.cum[i] + 1):(chr.cum[i + 1])] + cum.pos[chr.cum[i]]
  plot(cum.pos, input[, 4], col = chr + plot.col2, type = plot.type,
       pch = plot.pch, xlab = "Position (bp)", ylab = "-log10(p)",
       cex.lab = cex.lab, cex.axis = cex.axis, cex = cex)

  threshold <- try(CalcThreshold(input, sig.level = sig.level, method = method.thres), silent = TRUE)
  if ((!("try-error" %in% class(threshold))) & (!is.na(threshold))) {
    lines(x = c(0, max(cum.pos)), y = rep(threshold, 2), lty = 2, lwd = lwd.thres)

#' Draw the effects of epistasis (3d plot and 2d plot)
#' @param input List of results of RGWAS.epistasis / RGWAS.twostep.epi. If the output of `RGWAS.epistasis` is `res`,
#' `input` corresponds to `res$scores`. If the output of `RGWAS.twostep.epi.` is `res`,
#' `input` corresponds to `res$epistasis$scores`. See: Value of \link[RAINBOWR]{RGWAS.epistasis}
#' @param map Data frame with the marker names in the first column. The second and third columns contain the chromosome and map position.
#' This is map information for SNPs which are tested epistatic effects.
#' @param cum.pos Cumulative position (over chromosomes) of each marker
#' @param plot.epi.3d If TRUE, draw 3d plot
#' @param plot.epi.2d If TRUE, draw 2d plot
#' @param main.epi.3d The title of 3d plot. If this argument is NULL, trait name is set as the title.
#' @param main.epi.2d The title of 2d plot. If this argument is NULL, trait name is set as the title.
#' @param saveName When drawing any plot, you can save plots in png format. In saveName, you should substitute the name you want to save.
#' When saveAt = NULL, the plot is not saved.
#' @return Draw 3d plot and 2d plot to show epistatic effects

manhattan3 <- function(input, map, cum.pos, plot.epi.3d = TRUE,
                       plot.epi.2d = TRUE, main.epi.3d = NULL,
                       main.epi.2d = NULL, saveName = NULL) {
  x <- input[[2]]
  y <- input[[3]]
  z <- input[[4]]
  col.id <- rainbow(n = 7, alpha = 1)
  quan <- seq(0, max(z, na.rm = TRUE), length = 8)
  col.num <- rep(NA, length(z))
  for (j in 1:length(z)) {
    if (z[j] != 0) {
      col.num[j] <- max(which(z[j] - quan > 0))
    } else {
      col.num[j] <- 1

  if (plot.epi.3d) {
    xPlotly <- rep(x, each = 3)
    xPlotly[(1:length(xPlotly)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA
    yPlotly <- rep(y, each = 3)
    yPlotly[(1:length(yPlotly)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA
    zPlotly <- rep(z, each = 3)
    zPlotly[(1:length(zPlotly)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA
    zPlotly[(1:length(zPlotly)) %% 2 == 0] <- 0
    colPlotly <- factor(rep(col.num, each = 3),
                        levels = 1:7,
                        labels = rev(paste(round(rev(quan)[-1], 1), "~", round(rev(quan[-1]), 1))))

    mrkNamesPlotlyX0 <- rep(map[, 1], nrow(map))
    mrkNamesPlotlyX <- rep(mrkNamesPlotlyX0, each = 3)
    mrkNamesPlotlyX[(1:length(mrkNamesPlotlyX)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA

    mrkNamesPlotlyY0 <- rep(map[, 1], each = nrow(map))
    mrkNamesPlotlyY <- rep(mrkNamesPlotlyY0, each = 3)
    mrkNamesPlotlyY[(1:length(mrkNamesPlotlyY)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA

    chrPlotlyX0 <- rep(map[, 2], nrow(map))
    chrPlotlyX <- rep(chrPlotlyX0, each = 3)
    chrPlotlyX[(1:length(chrPlotlyX)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA

    chrPlotlyY0 <- rep(map[, 2], each = nrow(map))
    chrPlotlyY <- rep(chrPlotlyY0, each = 3)
    chrPlotlyY[(1:length(chrPlotlyY)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA

    posPlotlyX0 <- rep(map[, 3], nrow(map))
    posPlotlyX <- rep(posPlotlyX0, each = 3)
    posPlotlyX[(1:length(posPlotlyX)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA

    posPlotlyY0 <- rep(map[, 3], each = nrow(map))
    posPlotlyY <- rep(posPlotlyY0, each = 3)
    posPlotlyY[(1:length(posPlotlyY)) %% 3 == 0] <- NA

    dataPlotly <- data.frame(minuslog10p = zPlotly,
                             markerNameX = mrkNamesPlotlyX,
                             chrX = chrPlotlyX,
                             posX = posPlotlyX,
                             cumsumPosX = xPlotly,
                             markerNameY = mrkNamesPlotlyY,
                             chrY = chrPlotlyY,
                             posY = posPlotlyY,
                             cumsumPosY = yPlotly,
                             col = colPlotly)
    dataPlotly$minuslog10p <- round(dataPlotly$minuslog10p, 2)

    if (requireNamespace("plotly", quietly = TRUE)) {
      plt <- plotly::plot_ly(data = dataPlotly,
                             color = ~ col,
                             colors = col.id,
                             hoverinfo = "text",
                             text = paste0(apply(dataPlotly[, - ncol(dataPlotly)], 1, function(l) {
                               paste(names(l), ":", l, collapse = "\n")
                             }))) %>%
        plotly::add_paths(data = dataPlotly,
                          x = ~ cumsumPosX,
                          y = ~ cumsumPosY,
                          z = ~ minuslog10p) %>%
        plotly::layout(title = list(text = main.epi.3d))

      if (!is.null(saveName)) {
        saveFileEpistasis3d <- here::here(paste0(saveName, "_epistasis_3d_plotly"))
        saveFileEpistasis3dHtml <- paste0(saveFileEpistasis3d, ".html")
        saveFileEpistasis3dFiles <- paste0(saveFileEpistasis3d, "_files")
        htmlwidgets::saveWidget(widget = plotly::partial_bundle(plt),
                                file = saveFileEpistasis3dHtml)

        unlink(x = saveFileEpistasis3dFiles,
               recursive = TRUE)
      } else {
    } else {
      warning("R package `plotly` should be correctly installed when you use the option `plot.epi.3d = TRUE` !")

  if (plot.epi.2d) {
    pl.size <- 10 * z / max(z)

    if (!is.null(saveName)) {
      png(paste0(saveName, "_epistasis_2d_plot.png"), width = 600, height = 500)

    oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(3, 3, 3, 6), xpd = T)
    plot(x, y, cex = pl.size, xlim = c(0, max(cum.pos)), ylim = c(0, max(cum.pos)), col = col.id[col.num], pch = 1)
    segments(0, 0, max(cum.pos), max(cum.pos), lty = "dotted")
    legend(oldpar$usr[2], oldpar$usr[4],
           legend = paste(round(rev(quan)[-1], 1), "~", round(rev(quan[-1]), 1)),
           pch = 1, col = rev(col.id), cex = 1)
    title(main = main.epi.2d)

    if (!is.null(saveName)) {

#' Draw qq plot
#' @param scores A vector of -log10(p) for each marker
#' @return Draw qq plot
qq <- function(scores) {
  remove <- which(scores == 0)
  if (length(remove) > 0) {
    x <- sort(scores[-remove], decreasing = TRUE)
  else {
    x <- sort(scores, decreasing = TRUE)
  n <- length(x)
  unif.p <- -log10(ppoints(n))
  plot(unif.p, x, pch = 16, xlab = "Expected -log(p)",
       ylab = "Observed -log(p)")
  lines(c(0, max(unif.p)), c(0, max(unif.p)), lty = 2)

#' Calculate -log10(p) for single-SNP GWAS
#' @description Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP by the Wald test.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param Hinv The inverse of \eqn{H = ZKZ' + \lambda I} where \eqn{\lambda = \sigma^2_e / \sigma^2_u}.
#' @param P3D When P3D = TRUE, variance components are estimated by REML only once, without any markers in the model.
#' When P3D = FALSE, variance components are estimated by REML for each marker separately.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process.
#' We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' This argument is only valid when `package.MM = 'RAINBOWR'`.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each marker
#' @references Kennedy, B.W., Quinton, M. and van Arendonk, J.A. (1992)
#' Estimation of effects of single genes on quantitative traits. J Anim Sci. 70(7): 2000-2012.
#' Kang, H.M. et al. (2008) Efficient Control of Population Structure
#'  in Model Organism Association Mapping. Genetics. 178(3): 1709-1723.
#' Kang, H.M. et al. (2010) Variance component model to account for sample
#'   structure in genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 348-354.
#' Zhang, Z. et al. (2010) Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide
#'  association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 355-360.
score.calc <- function(M.now, ZETA.now, y, X.now, package.MM = "gaston",
                       Hinv, P3D = TRUE, eigen.G = NULL, optimizer = "nlminb",
                       n.core = 1, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {

  M.now.all <- M.now
  scores.all <- array(NA, ncol(M.now.all))
  names(scores.all) <- colnames(M.now.all)

  maf.cut.res <- MAF.cut(x.0 = M.now.all,
                         min.MAF = min.MAF,
                         return.MAF = FALSE)
  M.now <- maf.cut.res$x

  n.mark <- ncol(M.now)
  scores <- array(NA, n.mark)
  lz <- length(ZETA.now)
  ZKZt <- matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = length(y))
  for (list.no in lz) {
    ZKZt.now <- tcrossprod(ZETA.now[[list.no]]$Z %*% ZETA.now[[list.no]]$K, ZETA.now[[list.no]]$Z)
    ZKZt <- ZKZt + ZKZt.now
  rank.ZKZt <- Matrix::rankMatrix(ZKZt)[1]

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n.mark, style = 3)
  n.mark2 <- n.mark - n.mark %% 100
  start.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
  for (i in 1:n.mark) {
    if (count) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      if (n.mark > 100) {
        if (i == (n.mark2 / 100 + 1) | i == (n.mark2 / 10 + 1) | i == (n.mark2 / 2 + 1)) {
          end.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
          jikan.scorecalc <- (end.scorecalc - start.scorecalc) * (n.mark - i + 1) / (i - 1)
          print(paste0((i - 1) * 100 / n.mark2, "%...Done. ",
                       round(jikan.scorecalc, 2), " ", attr(jikan.scorecalc, "units"),
                       " to end.  Scheduled end time : ", end.scorecalc + jikan.scorecalc))

    Mi <- M.now[, i]

    not.NA.geno <- which(!is.na(Mi))

    ni <- as.integer(min(length(not.NA.geno), rank.ZKZt))
    yi <- as.matrix(y[not.NA.geno])
    Xi <- cbind(X.now[not.NA.geno, ], Mi[not.NA.geno])
    p <- (ncol(X.now) + 1):ncol(Xi)
    v1 <- length(p)
    v2 <- ni - ncol(Xi)

    if (!P3D) {
      Xi2 <- make.full(Xi)
      # if (length(ZETA.now) > 1) {
      #   EMM.res <- EM3.cpp(y = yi, X0 = Xi2, ZETA = ZETA.now, eigen.G = eigen.G,
      #                      n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
      #                      tol = NULL, n.thres = 450, REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE)
      # } else {
      #   EMM.res <- EMM.cpp(y = yi, X = Xi2, ZETA = ZETA.now, eigen.G = eigen.G,
      #                      n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
      #                      tol = NULL, n.thres = 450, REML = TRUE)
      # }
      EMM.res <- EM3.general(y = yi, X0 = Xi2, ZETA = ZETA.now,
                             eigen.G = eigen.G, package = package.MM,
                             n.core = n.core,  optimizer = optimizer,
                             tol = NULL, REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                             return.u.always = FALSE,
                             return.u.each = FALSE,
                             return.Hinv = TRUE)
      H2inv <- EMM.res$Hinv
    } else {
      H2inv <- Hinv[not.NA.geno, not.NA.geno]

    beta.stat <- try(GWAS_F_test(y = yi, x = Xi, hinv = H2inv,
                                 v1 = v1, v2 = v2, p = as.matrix(p)), silent = TRUE)

    if (!("try-error" %in% class(beta.stat))) {
      scores[i] <- -log10(pbeta(beta.stat, v2 / 2, v1 / 2))
  scores.all[colnames(M.now)] <- scores

  if (count) {


#' Calculate -log10(p) for single-SNP GWAS (multi-cores)
#' @description Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP by the Wald test.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param Hinv The inverse of \eqn{H = ZKZ' + \lambda I} where \eqn{\lambda = \sigma^2_e / \sigma^2_u}.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' This argument is not valid when `parallel.method = "furrr"`.
#' @param parallel.method Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".
#' When `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, we utilize \code{\link[pbmcapply]{pbmclapply}} function in the `pbmcapply` package
#' with `count = TRUE` and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} function in the `parallel` package with `count = FALSE`.
#' When `parallel.method = "furrr"`, we utilize \code{\link[furrr]{future_map}} function in the `furrr` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[progressr]{progressor}} function in the `progressr` package to show the progress bar,
#' so please install the `progressr` package from github (\url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/progressr}).
#' For `parallel.method = "furrr"`, you can perform multi-thread parallelization by
#' sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to `parallel.method = "mclapply"`.
#' When `parallel.method = "foreach"`, we utilize \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function in the `foreach` package
#' with the utilization of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} function in `parallel` package,
#' and \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} function in `doParallel` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}} and
#' \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} functions in the `utils` package to show the progress bar.
#' We recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, but for Windows users,
#' this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user,
#' we recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "foreach"`.
#' @param P3D When P3D = TRUE, variance components are estimated by REML only once, without any markers in the model.
#' When P3D = FALSE, variance components are estimated by REML for each marker separately.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process.
#' We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' This argument is only valid when `package.MM = 'RAINBOWR'`.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each marker
#' @references Kennedy, B.W., Quinton, M. and van Arendonk, J.A. (1992)
#' Estimation of effects of single genes on quantitative traits. J Anim Sci. 70(7): 2000-2012.
#' Kang, H.M. et al. (2008) Efficient Control of Population Structure
#'  in Model Organism Association Mapping. Genetics. 178(3): 1709-1723.
#' Kang, H.M. et al. (2010) Variance component model to account for sample
#'   structure in genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 348-354.
#' Zhang, Z. et al. (2010) Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide
#'  association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 355-360.
score.calc.MC <- function(M.now, ZETA.now, y, X.now,
                          package.MM = "gaston", Hinv,
                          n.core = 2, parallel.method = "mclapply",
                          P3D = TRUE, eigen.G = NULL, optimizer = "nlminb",
                          min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  M.now.all <- M.now
  scores.all <- array(NA, ncol(M.now.all))
  names(scores.all) <- colnames(M.now.all)

  maf.cut.res <- MAF.cut(x.0 = M.now.all,
                         min.MAF = min.MAF,
                         return.MAF = FALSE)
  M.now <- maf.cut.res$x
  n.mark <- ncol(M.now)

  lz <- length(ZETA.now)
  ZKZt <- matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = length(y))
  for (list.no in lz) {
    ZKZt.now <- tcrossprod(ZETA.now[[list.no]]$Z %*% ZETA.now[[list.no]]$K, ZETA.now[[list.no]]$Z)
    ZKZt <- ZKZt + ZKZt.now
  rank.ZKZt <- Matrix::rankMatrix(ZKZt)[1]

  score.calc.MC.oneSNP <- function(markNo) {
    Mi <- M.now[, markNo]

    if (markNo %% 1000 == 0) {
      gc(reset = TRUE); gc(reset = TRUE)

    not.NA.geno <- which(!is.na(Mi))

    ni <- as.integer(min(length(not.NA.geno), rank.ZKZt))
    yi <- as.matrix(y[not.NA.geno])
    Xi <- cbind(X.now[not.NA.geno, ], Mi[not.NA.geno])
    p <- (ncol(X.now) + 1):ncol(Xi)
    v1 <- length(p)
    v2 <- ni - ncol(Xi)

    if (!P3D) {
      Xi2 <- make.full(Xi)
      # if (length(ZETA.now) > 1) {
      #   EMM.res <- EM3.cpp(y = yi, X0 = Xi2, ZETA = ZETA.now, eigen.G = eigen.G,
      #                      n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
      #                      tol = NULL, n.thres = 450, REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE)
      # } else {
      #   EMM.res <- EMM.cpp(y = yi, X = Xi2, ZETA = ZETA.now, eigen.G = eigen.G,
      #                      n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
      #                      tol = NULL, n.thres = 450, REML = TRUE)
      # }
      EMM.res <- EM3.general(y = yi, X0 = Xi2, ZETA = ZETA.now,
                             eigen.G = eigen.G, package = package.MM,
                             n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
                             tol = NULL, REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                             return.u.always = FALSE,
                             return.u.each = FALSE,
                             return.Hinv = TRUE)
      H2inv <- EMM.res$Hinv
    } else {
      H2inv <- Hinv[not.NA.geno, not.NA.geno]

    beta.stat <- try(GWAS_F_test(y = yi, x = Xi, hinv = H2inv,
                                 v1 = v1, v2 = v2, p = as.matrix(p)), silent = TRUE)

    if (!("try-error" %in% class(beta.stat))) {
      scores.now <- -log10(pbeta(beta.stat, v2 / 2, v1 / 2))
    } else {
      scores.now <- NA


  scores.list <- parallel.compute(vec = 1:n.mark,
                                  func = score.calc.MC.oneSNP,
                                  n.core = n.core,
                                  parallel.method = parallel.method,
                                  count = count)
  scores <- unlist(scores.list)
  scores.all[colnames(M.now)] <- scores

  if (count) {


#' Change a matrix to full-rank matrix
#' @param X A \eqn{n \times p} matrix which you want to change into full-rank matrix.
#' @return A full-rank matrix
make.full <- function(X) {
  svd.X <- svd(X)
  r <- max(which(svd.X$d > 1e-08))
  if (r < ncol(X)) {
    newX <- svd.X$u[, 1:r, drop = FALSE]
    rownames(newX) <- rownames(X)
    colnames(newX) <- paste0("svd", 1:r)
  } else {
    newX <- X

#' Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP-set by the LR test
#' @description This function calculates -log10(p) of each SNP-set by the LR (likelihood-ratio) test.
#' First, the function solves the multi-kernel mixed model and calaculates the maximum restricted log likelihood.
#' Then it performs the LR test by using the fact that the deviance
#' \deqn{D = 2 \times (LL _ {alt} - LL _ {null})}
#' follows the chi-square distribution.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param LL0 The log-likelihood for the null model.
#' @param eigen.SGS A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eeigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{SGS}, where \eqn{S = I - X(X'X)^{-1}X'}, \eqn{G = ZKZ'}.
#' You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param kernel.method It determines how to calculate kernel. There are three methods.
#' \describe{
#' \item{"gaussian"}{It is the default method. Gaussian kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"exponential"}{When this method is selected, exponential kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"linear"}{When this method is selected, linear kernel is calculated by NOIA methods for additive GRM.}
#' @param kernel.h The hyper-parameter for gaussian or exponential kernel.
#' If kernel.h = "tuned", this hyper parameter is calculated as the median of off-diagonals of distance matrix of genotype data.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param test.effect Effect of each marker to test. You can choose "test.effect" from "additive", "dominance" and "additive+dominance".
#' You also can choose more than one effect, for example, test.effect = c("additive", "aditive+dominance")
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process. We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the deviance is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param weighting.center In kernel-based GWAS, weights according to the Gaussian distribution (centered on the tested SNP) are taken into account when calculating the kernel if Rainbow = TRUE.
#'           If weighting.center = FALSE, weights are not taken into account.
#' @param weighting.other You can set other weights in addition to weighting.center. The length of this argument should be equal to the number of SNPs.
#'           For example, you can assign SNP effects from the information of gene annotation.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
score.calc.LR <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now, package.MM = "gaston",
                          LL0, eigen.SGS = NULL, eigen.G = NULL,
                          n.core = 1, optimizer = "nlminb", map,
                          kernel.method = "linear", kernel.h = "tuned",
                          haplotype = TRUE, num.hap = NULL, test.effect = "additive",
                          window.size.half = 5, window.slide = 1, chi0.mixture = 0.5,
                          weighting.center = TRUE, weighting.other = NULL,
                          gene.set = NULL, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n <- length(y)

  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    scores <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.scores, ncol = length(test.effect))
  } else {
    scores <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.scores, ncol =  1)
  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)

  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n.scores, style = 3)
  n.scores2 <- n.scores - n.scores %% 100
  start.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
  for (i in 1:n.scores) {
    if (count) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      if (n.scores > 100) {
        if (i == (n.scores2 / 100 + 1) | i == (n.scores2 / 10 + 1) | i == (n.scores2 / 2 + 1)) {
          end.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
          jikan.scorecalc <- (end.scorecalc - start.scorecalc) * (n.scores - i + 1) / (i - 1)
          print(paste0((i - 1) * 100 / n.scores2, "%...Done. ",
                       round(jikan.scorecalc, 2), " ", attr(jikan.scorecalc, "units"),
                       " to end.  Scheduled end time : ", end.scorecalc + jikan.scorecalc))

    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      i.chr <- min(which(i - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (i.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - cum.n.scores[i.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[i.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- i.chr
      window.centers[i] <- window.center
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == i.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == i.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[i]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
        Mis.D.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]
            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        if (window.size != 1) {
          if (weighting.center) {
            weight.Mis <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
          } else {
            weight.Mis <- rep(1, window.size)
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
        } else {
          weight.Mis <- 1

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (window.size != 1) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              if (weighting.center) {
                weight.Mis.D <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
              } else {
                weight.Mis.D <- rep(1, window.size.D)
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
          } else {
            weight.Mis.D <- 1

        if (kernel.method != "linear") {
          if (ncol(Mis) != 1) {
            Mis.weighted <- t(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))
          } else {
            Mis.weighted <- as.matrix(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))

          K.SNP <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.weighted,
                           methodGRM = kernel.method,
                           kernel.h = kernel.h,
                           returnWMat = FALSE)

          # if (length(ZETA.now) == 1) {
          #   Gammas0 <- list(K = K.SNP)
          #   Ws0 <- list(W = Z.part)
          #   Zs0 <- list(Z = diag(nrow(Mis.0)))
          #   EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                  Zs0 = Zs0, Ws0 = Ws0, Gammas0 = Gammas0, n.core = n.core,
          #                                  gammas.diag = FALSE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
          #                                  eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
          #                                  REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #   if ("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2)) {
          #     ZETA.now2 <- c(ZETA.now, list(part = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.SNP)))
          #     EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2, tol = NULL,
          #                             n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                             REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #   }
          # } else {
          #   ZETA.now2 <- c(ZETA.now, list(part = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.SNP)))
          #   EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2, tol = NULL,
          #                           n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                           REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          # }

          perform.general <- FALSE
          if ((length(ZETA.now) == 1) & (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
            Gammas0 <- list(K = K.SNP)
            Ws0 <- list(W = Z.part)
            Zs0 <- list(Z = diag(nrow(Mis.0)))
            EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now, optimizer = optimizer,
                                           Zs0 = Zs0, Ws0 = Ws0, Gammas0 = Gammas0, n.core = n.core,
                                           gammas.diag = FALSE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
                                           eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
                                           REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE, return.u.always = FALSE,
                                           return.u.each = FALSE, return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
            if ("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2)) {
              perform.general <- TRUE
            } else if (is.infinite(EMM.res2$LL)) {
              perform.general <- TRUE
          } else {
            perform.general <- TRUE

          if (perform.general) {
            ZETA.now2 <- c(ZETA.now, list(part = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.SNP)))
            EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2,
                                        package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                        n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                        REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                        return.u.always = FALSE,
                                        return.u.each = FALSE,
                                        return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

          if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
            LL2s <- EMM.res2$LL
          } else {
            LL2s <- LL0

          df <- 1
        } else {
          test.no <- match(test.effect, c("additive", "dominance", "additive+dominance"))
          if (length(test.no) == 0) {
            stop("The effect to test should be 'additive', 'dominance' or 'additive+dominance'!")

          if (any(test.effect %in% c("additive", "additive+dominance"))) {
            W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                           methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range])

          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

          # if (length(ZETA.now) == 1) {
          #   if (1 %in% test.no) {
          #     Ws0.A <- list(W.A = W.A)
          #     Zs0.A <- list(W.A = Z.part)
          #     Gammas0.A <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2))
          #   }
          #   if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          #     if (2 %in% test.no) {
          #       Ws0.D <- list(W.D = W.D)
          #       Zs0.D <- list(W.D = Z.part.D)
          #       Gammas0.D <- list(W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))
          #     }
          #     if (3 %in% test.no) {
          #       Ws0.AD <- list(W.A = W.A, W.D = W.D)
          #       Zs0.AD <- list(W.A = Z.part, W.D = Z.part.D)
          #       Gammas0.AD <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2), W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))
          #     }
          #   }
          # } else {
          #   if (1 %in% test.no) {
          #     K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
          #     ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)))
          #   }
          #   if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          #     if (2 %in% test.no) {
          #       K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
          #       ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
          #     }
          #     if (3 %in% test.no) {
          #       K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
          #       K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
          #       ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)),
          #                         list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
          #     }
          #   }
          # }
          # LL2s <- df <- rep(NA, length(test.no))
          # test.names.now <- c("A", "D", "AD")
          # for (j in 1:length(test.no)) {
          #   test.no.now <- test.no[j]
          #   if (length(ZETA.now) == 1) {
          #     if (test.no.now == 1) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now,
          #                                      n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                      Zs0 = Zs0.A, Ws0 = Ws0.A, Gammas0 = Gammas0.A,
          #                                      gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
          #                                      eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
          #                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if (test.no.now == 2) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now,
          #                                      n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                      Zs0 = Zs0.D, Ws0 = Ws0.D, Gammas0 = Gammas0.D,
          #                                      gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
          #                                      eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
          #                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if (test.no.now == 3) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now,
          #                                      n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                      Zs0 = Zs0.AD, Ws0 = Ws0.AD, Gammas0 = Gammas0.AD,
          #                                      gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
          #                                      eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
          #                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if ("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2)) {
          #       if (1 %in% test.no) {
          #         K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
          #         ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)))
          #       }
          #       if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          #         if (2 %in% test.no) {
          #           K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
          #           ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
          #         }
          #         if (3 %in% test.no) {
          #           K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
          #           K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
          #           ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)),
          #                             list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
          #         }
          #       }
          #       if (test.no.now == 1) {
          #         EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.A, tol = NULL,
          #                                 n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                 REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #       }
          #       if (test.no.now == 2) {
          #         EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.D, tol = NULL,
          #                                 n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                 REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #       }
          #       if (test.no.now == 3) {
          #         EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.AD, tol = NULL,
          #                                 n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                 REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #       }
          #     }
          #   } else {
          #     if (test.no.now == 1) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.A, tol = NULL,
          #                               n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                               REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if (test.no.now == 2) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.D, tol = NULL,
          #                               n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                               REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if (test.no.now == 3) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.AD, tol = NULL,
          #                               n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                               REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #   }
          #   if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
          #     LL2 <- EMM.res2$LL
          #   } else {
          #     LL2 <- LL0
          #   }
          #   LL2s[j] <- LL2
          # }
          # df[test.no == 1] <- 1
          # df[test.no == 2] <- 1
          # df[test.no == 3] <- 2

          test.names <- c("A", "D", "AD")[test.no]

          if ((length(ZETA.now) == 1) & (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
            Zs0.A <- Zs0.D <- Zs0.AD <-
              Ws0.A <- Ws0.D <- Ws0.AD <-
              Gammas0.A <- Gammas0.D <- Gammas0.AD <- NULL
            if ("A" %in% test.names) {
              Ws0.A <- list(W.A = W.A)
              Zs0.A <- list(W.A = Z.part)
              Gammas0.A <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2))

            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if ("D" %in% test.names) {
                Ws0.D <- list(W.D = W.D)
                Zs0.D <- list(W.D = Z.part.D)
                Gammas0.D <- list(W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))

              if ("AD" %in% test.names) {
                Ws0.AD <- list(W.A = W.A, W.D = W.D)
                Zs0.AD <- list(W.A = Z.part, W.D = Z.part.D)
                Gammas0.AD <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2), W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))

            Zs0.list <- list(
              A = Zs0.A,
              D = Zs0.D,
              AD = Zs0.AD

            Ws0.list <- list(
              A = Ws0.A,
              D = Ws0.D,
              AD = Ws0.AD

            Gammas0.list <- list(
              A = Gammas0.A,
              D = Gammas0.D,
              AD = Gammas0.AD
          } else {
            ZETA.now2.A <- ZETA.now2.D <- ZETA.now2.AD <- NULL
            if ("A" %in% test.names) {
              K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
              ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)))

            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if ("D" %in% test.names) {
                K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))

              if ("AD" %in% test.names) {
                K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
                K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)),
                                  list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))

            ZETA.now2.list <- list(
              A = ZETA.now2.A,
              D = ZETA.now2.D,
              AD = ZETA.now2.AD

          df <- c(1, 1, 2)[test.no]
          LL2s <- sapply(X = test.names,
                         FUN = function(test.name.now) {

                           compute.LL <- TRUE
                           if (!any(MAF.cut.D)) {
                             if (test.name.now == "D") {
                               LL2 <- LL0
                               compute.LL <- FALSE
                             } else if (test.name.now == "AD") {
                               test.name.now <- "A"

                           if (compute.LL) {
                             perform.general <- FALSE
                             if ((length(ZETA.now) == 1) & (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
                               EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now,
                                                              ZETA = ZETA.now, optimizer = optimizer,
                                                              Zs0 = Zs0.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                              Ws0 = Ws0.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                              Gammas0 = Gammas0.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                              n.core = n.core, gammas.diag = FALSE,
                                                              X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
                                                              eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
                                                              REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE, return.u.always = FALSE,
                                                              return.u.each = FALSE, return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

                               if ("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2)) {
                                 perform.general <- TRUE
                               } else if (is.infinite(EMM.res2$LL)) {
                                 perform.general <- TRUE

                               if (perform.general) {
                                 ZETA.now2.A <- ZETA.now2.D <- ZETA.now2.AD <- NULL
                                 if ("A" %in% test.name.now) {
                                   K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
                                   ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)))

                                 if ("D" %in% test.name.now) {
                                   K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                                   ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))

                                 if ("AD" %in% test.name.now) {
                                   K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
                                   K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                                   ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)),
                                                     list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))

                                 ZETA.now2.list <- list(
                                   A = ZETA.now2.A,
                                   D = ZETA.now2.D,
                                   AD = ZETA.now2.AD
                             } else {
                               perform.general <- TRUE

                             if (perform.general) {
                               EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                           package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                                           n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                                           REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                                           return.u.always = FALSE,
                                                           return.u.each = FALSE,
                                                           return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

                             if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
                               LL2 <- EMM.res2$LL
                             } else {
                               LL2 <- LL0

                         }, simplify = TRUE)

        deviances <- 2 * (LL2s - LL0)
        scores.now <- ifelse(
          test = deviances <= 0, yes = 0,
          no = -log10((1 - chi0.mixture) *
                        pchisq(q = deviances, df = df,
                               lower.tail = FALSE))
        scores[i, ] <- scores.now

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    rownames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    colnames(scores) <- test.effect
  } else {
    colnames(scores) <- kernel.method

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP-set by the LR test (multi-cores)
#' @description This function calculates -log10(p) of each SNP-set by the LR (likelihood-ratio) test.
#' First, the function solves the multi-kernel mixed model and calaculates the maximum restricted log likelihood.
#' Then it performs the LR test by using the fact that the deviance
#' \deqn{D = 2 \times (LL _ {alt} - LL _ {null})}
#' follows the chi-square distribution.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param LL0 The log-likelihood for the null model.
#' @param eigen.SGS A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{SGS}, where \eqn{S = I - X(X'X)^{-1}X'}, \eqn{G = ZKZ'}.
#' You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' This argument is not valid when `parallel.method = "furrr"`.
#' @param parallel.method Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".
#' When `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, we utilize \code{\link[pbmcapply]{pbmclapply}} function in the `pbmcapply` package
#' with `count = TRUE` and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} function in the `parallel` package with `count = FALSE`.
#' When `parallel.method = "furrr"`, we utilize \code{\link[furrr]{future_map}} function in the `furrr` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[progressr]{progressor}} function in the `progressr` package to show the progress bar,
#' so please install the `progressr` package from github (\url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/progressr}).
#' For `parallel.method = "furrr"`, you can perform multi-thread parallelization by
#' sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to `parallel.method = "mclapply"`.
#' When `parallel.method = "foreach"`, we utilize \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function in the `foreach` package
#' with the utilization of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} function in `parallel` package,
#' and \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} function in `doParallel` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}} and
#' \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} functions in the `utils` package to show the progress bar.
#' We recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, but for Windows users,
#' this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user,
#' we recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "foreach"`.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param kernel.method It determines how to calculate kernel. There are three methods.
#' \describe{
#' \item{"gaussian"}{It is the default method. Gaussian kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"exponential"}{When this method is selected, exponential kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"linear"}{When this method is selected, linear kernel is calculated by NOIA methods for additive GRM.}
#' @param kernel.h The hyper parameter for gaussian or exponential kernel.
#' If kernel.h = "tuned", this hyper parameter is calculated as the median of off-diagonals of distance matrix of genotype data.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param test.effect Effect of each marker to test. You can choose "test.effect" from "additive", "dominance" and "additive+dominance".
#' You also can choose more than one effect, for example, test.effect = c("additive", "aditive+dominance")
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process. We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the deviance is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param weighting.center In kernel-based GWAS, weights according to the Gaussian distribution (centered on the tested SNP) are taken into account when calculating the kernel if Rainbow = TRUE.
#'           If weighting.center = FALSE, weights are not taken into account.
#' @param weighting.other You can set other weights in addition to weighting.center. The length of this argument should be equal to the number of SNPs.
#'           For example, you can assign SNP effects from the information of gene annotation.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
score.calc.LR.MC <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now,
                             package.MM = "gaston", LL0,
                             eigen.SGS = NULL, eigen.G = NULL,
                             n.core = 2, parallel.method = "mclapply",
                             map, kernel.method = "linear", kernel.h = "tuned",
                             haplotype = TRUE, num.hap = NULL,
                             test.effect = "additive", window.size.half = 5,
                             window.slide = 1, optimizer = "nlminb",
                             chi0.mixture = 0.5, weighting.center = TRUE,
                             weighting.other = NULL, gene.set = NULL,
                             min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n <- length(y)

  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    ncol.scores <- length(test.effect)
  } else {
    ncol.scores <- 1
  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  score.calc.LR.MC.oneSNP <- function(markNo) {
    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      markNo.chr <- min(which(markNo - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (markNo.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (markNo - cum.n.scores[markNo.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[markNo.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (markNo - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- markNo.chr
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == markNo.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == markNo.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[markNo]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
        Mis.D.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]
            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        if (window.size != 1) {
          if (weighting.center) {
            weight.Mis <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
          } else {
            weight.Mis <- rep(1, window.size)
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
        } else {
          weight.Mis <- 1

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (window.size != 1) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              if (weighting.center) {
                weight.Mis.D <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
              } else {
                weight.Mis.D <- rep(1, window.size.D)
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
          } else {
            weight.Mis.D <- 1

        if (kernel.method != "linear") {
          if (ncol(Mis) != 1) {
            Mis.weighted <- t(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))
          } else {
            Mis.weighted <- as.matrix(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))

          K.SNP <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.weighted,
                           methodGRM = kernel.method,
                           kernel.h = kernel.h,
                           returnWMat = FALSE)

          # if (length(ZETA.now) == 1) {
          #   Gammas0 <- list(K = K.SNP)
          #   Ws0 <- list(W = Z.part)
          #   Zs0 <- list(Z = diag(nrow(Mis.0)))
          #   EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now,
          #                                  n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                  Zs0 = Zs0, Ws0 = Ws0, Gammas0 = Gammas0,
          #                                  gammas.diag = FALSE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
          #                                  eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
          #                                  REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #   if ("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2)) {
          #     ZETA.now2 <- c(ZETA.now, list(part = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.SNP)))
          #     EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2, tol = NULL,
          #                             n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                             REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #   }
          # } else {
          #   ZETA.now2 <- c(ZETA.now, list(part = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.SNP)))
          #   EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2, tol = NULL,
          #                           n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                           REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          # }

          perform.general <- FALSE
          if ((length(ZETA.now) == 1) & (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
            Gammas0 <- list(K = K.SNP)
            Ws0 <- list(W = Z.part)
            Zs0 <- list(Z = diag(nrow(Mis.0)))
            EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now, optimizer = optimizer,
                                           Zs0 = Zs0, Ws0 = Ws0, Gammas0 = Gammas0, n.core = 1,
                                           gammas.diag = FALSE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
                                           eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
                                           REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE, return.u.always = FALSE,
                                           return.u.each = FALSE, return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
            if ("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2)) {
              perform.general <- TRUE
            } else if (is.infinite(EMM.res2$LL)) {
              perform.general <- TRUE
          } else {
            perform.general <- TRUE

          if (perform.general) {
            ZETA.now2 <- c(ZETA.now, list(part = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.SNP)))
            EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2,
                                        package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                        n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
                                        REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                        return.u.always = FALSE,
                                        return.u.each = FALSE,
                                        return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

          if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
            LL2s <- EMM.res2$LL
          } else {
            LL2s <- LL0
          df <- 1
        } else {
          test.no <- match(test.effect, c("additive", "dominance", "additive+dominance"))
          if (length(test.no) == 0) {
            stop("The effect to test should be 'additive', 'dominance' or 'additive+dominance'!")

          if (any(test.effect %in% c("additive", "additive+dominance"))) {
            W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                           methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range])

          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

          # if (length(ZETA.now) == 1) {
          #   if (1 %in% test.no) {
          #     Ws0.A <- list(W.A = W.A)
          #     Zs0.A <- list(W.A = Z.part)
          #     Gammas0.A <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2))
          #   }
          #   if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          #     if (2 %in% test.no) {
          #       Ws0.D <- list(W.D = W.D)
          #       Zs0.D <- list(W.D = Z.part.D)
          #       Gammas0.D <- list(W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))
          #     }
          #     if (3 %in% test.no) {
          #       Ws0.AD <- list(W.A = W.A, W.D = W.D)
          #       Zs0.AD <- list(W.A = Z.part, W.D = Z.part.D)
          #       Gammas0.AD <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2), W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))
          #     }
          #   }
          # } else {
          #   if (1 %in% test.no) {
          #     K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
          #     ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)))
          #   }
          #   if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          #     if (2 %in% test.no) {
          #       K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
          #       ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
          #     }
          #     if (3 %in% test.no) {
          #       K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
          #       K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
          #       ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)),
          #                         list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
          #     }
          #   }
          # }
          # LL2s <- df <- rep(NA, length(test.no))
          # for (j in 1:length(test.no)) {
          #   test.no.now <- test.no[j]
          #   if (length(ZETA.now) == 1) {
          #     if (test.no.now == 1) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now,
          #                                      n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                      Zs0 = Zs0.A, Ws0 = Ws0.A, Gammas0 = Gammas0.A,
          #                                      gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
          #                                      eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
          #                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if (test.no.now == 2) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now,
          #                                      n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                      Zs0 = Zs0.D, Ws0 = Ws0.D, Gammas0 = Gammas0.D,
          #                                      gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
          #                                      eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
          #                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if (test.no.now == 3) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now,
          #                                      n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                      Zs0 = Zs0.AD, Ws0 = Ws0.AD, Gammas0 = Gammas0.AD,
          #                                      gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
          #                                      eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
          #                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if ("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2)) {
          #       if (1 %in% test.no) {
          #         K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
          #         ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)))
          #       }
          #       if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          #         if (2 %in% test.no) {
          #           K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
          #           ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
          #         }
          #         if (3 %in% test.no) {
          #           K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
          #           K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
          #           ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)),
          #                             list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
          #         }
          #       }
          #       if (test.no.now == 1) {
          #         EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.A, tol = NULL,
          #                                 n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                 REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #       }
          #       if (test.no.now == 2) {
          #         EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.D, tol = NULL,
          #                                 n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                 REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #       }
          #       if (test.no.now == 3) {
          #         EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.AD, tol = NULL,
          #                                 n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                                 REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #       }
          #     }
          #   } else {
          #     if (test.no.now == 1) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.A, tol = NULL,
          #                               n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                               REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if (test.no.now == 2) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.D, tol = NULL,
          #                               n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                               REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #     if (test.no.now == 3) {
          #       EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.cpp(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.AD, tol = NULL,
          #                               n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
          #                               REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
          #     }
          #   }
          #   if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
          #     LL2 <- EMM.res2$LL
          #   } else {
          #     LL2 <- LL0
          #   }
          #   LL2s[j] <- LL2
          # }
          # df[test.no == 1] <- 1
          # df[test.no == 2] <- 1
          # df[test.no == 3] <- 2

          test.names <- c("A", "D", "AD")[test.no]

          if ((length(ZETA.now) == 1) & (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
            Zs0.A <- Zs0.D <- Zs0.AD <-
              Ws0.A <- Ws0.D <- Ws0.AD <-
              Gammas0.A <- Gammas0.D <- Gammas0.AD <- NULL
            if ("A" %in% test.names) {
              Ws0.A <- list(W.A = W.A)
              Zs0.A <- list(W.A = Z.part)
              Gammas0.A <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2))

            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if ("D" %in% test.names) {
                Ws0.D <- list(W.D = W.D)
                Zs0.D <- list(W.D = Z.part.D)
                Gammas0.D <- list(W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))

              if ("AD" %in% test.names) {
                Ws0.AD <- list(W.A = W.A, W.D = W.D)
                Zs0.AD <- list(W.A = Z.part, W.D = Z.part.D)
                Gammas0.AD <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2), W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))

            Zs0.list <- list(
              A = Zs0.A,
              D = Zs0.D,
              AD = Zs0.AD

            Ws0.list <- list(
              A = Ws0.A,
              D = Ws0.D,
              AD = Ws0.AD

            Gammas0.list <- list(
              A = Gammas0.A,
              D = Gammas0.D,
              AD = Gammas0.AD
          } else {
            ZETA.now2.A <- ZETA.now2.D <- ZETA.now2.AD <- NULL
            if ("A" %in% test.names) {
              K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
              ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)))

            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if ("D" %in% test.names) {
                K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))

              if ("AD" %in% test.names) {
                K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
                K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)),
                                  list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))

            ZETA.now2.list <- list(
              A = ZETA.now2.A,
              D = ZETA.now2.D,
              AD = ZETA.now2.AD

          df <- c(1, 1, 2)[test.no]
          LL2s <- sapply(X = test.names,
                         FUN = function(test.name.now) {

                           compute.LL <- TRUE
                           if (!any(MAF.cut.D)) {
                             if (test.name.now == "D") {
                               LL2 <- LL0
                               compute.LL <- FALSE
                             } else if (test.name.now == "AD") {
                               test.name.now <- "A"

                           if (compute.LL) {
                             perform.general <- FALSE
                             if ((length(ZETA.now) == 1) & (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
                               EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now,
                                                              ZETA = ZETA.now, optimizer = optimizer,
                                                              Zs0 = Zs0.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                              Ws0 = Ws0.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                              Gammas0 = Gammas0.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                              n.core = 1, gammas.diag = FALSE,
                                                              X.fix = TRUE, tol = NULL,
                                                              eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
                                                              REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE, return.u.always = FALSE,
                                                              return.u.each = FALSE, return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

                               if ("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2)) {
                                 perform.general <- TRUE
                               } else if (is.infinite(EMM.res2$LL)) {
                                 perform.general <- TRUE

                               if (perform.general) {
                                 ZETA.now2.A <- ZETA.now2.D <- ZETA.now2.AD <- NULL
                                 if ("A" %in% test.name.now) {
                                   K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
                                   ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)))

                                 if ("D" %in% test.name.now) {
                                   K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                                   ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))

                                 if ("AD" %in% test.name.now) {
                                   K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
                                   K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                                   ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part)),
                                                     list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))

                                 ZETA.now2.list <- list(
                                   A = ZETA.now2.A,
                                   D = ZETA.now2.D,
                                   AD = ZETA.now2.AD
                             } else {
                               perform.general <- TRUE

                             if (perform.general) {
                               EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                           package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                                           n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
                                                           REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                                           return.u.always = FALSE,
                                                           return.u.each = FALSE,
                                                           return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

                             if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
                               LL2 <- EMM.res2$LL
                             } else {
                               LL2 <- LL0

                         }, simplify = TRUE)


        deviances <- 2 * (LL2s - LL0)
        scores.now <- ifelse(
          test = deviances <= 0, yes = 0,
          no = -log10((1 - chi0.mixture) *
                        pchisq(q = deviances, df = df,
                               lower.tail = FALSE))
      } else {
        scores.now <- rep(NA, ncol.scores)
    } else {
      scores.now <- rep(NA, ncol.scores)

    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      return(list(scores = scores.now, window.center = window.center))
    } else {
      return(list(scores = scores.now))

  all.res <- parallel.compute(vec = 1:n.scores,
                              func = score.calc.LR.MC.oneSNP,
                              n.core = n.core,
                              parallel.method = parallel.method,
                              count = count)

  scores <- do.call(
    what = rbind,
    args = lapply(X = all.res,
                  FUN = function(x) {

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    window.centers <- unlist(
      x = lapply(X = all.res,
                 FUN = function(x) {
    rownames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    colnames(scores) <- test.effect
  } else {
    colnames(scores) <- kernel.method

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP-set by the score test
#' @description This function calculates -log10(p) of each SNP-set by the score test.
#' First, the function calculates the score statistic
#' without solving the multi-kernel mixed model for each SNP-set.
#' Then it performs the score test by using the fact that the score statistic follows the chi-square distribution.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param LL0 The log-likelihood for the null model.
#' @param Gu A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. You should assign \eqn{ZKZ'}, where K is covariance (relationship) matrix and Z is its design matrix.
#' @param Ge A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. You should assign identity matrix I (diag(n)).
#' @param P0 \eqn{n \times n} matrix. The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of \eqn{SV0S}, where \eqn{S = X(X'X)^{-1}X'} and
#' \eqn{V0 = \sigma^2_u Gu + \sigma^2_e Ge}. \eqn{\sigma^2_u} and \eqn{\sigma^2_e} are estimators of the null model.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param kernel.method It determines how to calculate kernel. There are three methods.
#' \describe{
#' \item{"gaussian"}{It is the default method. Gaussian kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"exponential"}{When this method is selected, exponential kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"linear"}{When this method is selected, linear kernel is calculated by NOIA methods for additive GRM.}
#' @param kernel.h The hyper parameter for gaussian or exponential kernel.
#' If kernel.h = "tuned", this hyper parameter is calculated as the median of off-diagonals of distance matrix of genotype data.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param test.effect Effect of each marker to test. You can choose "test.effect" from "additive", "dominance" and "additive+dominance".
#' You also can choose more than one effect, for example, test.effect = c("additive", "aditive+dominance")
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the test statistic \eqn{l1' F l1} is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where l1 is the first derivative of the log-likelihood and F is the Fisher information. And r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param weighting.center In kernel-based GWAS, weights according to the Gaussian distribution (centered on the tested SNP) are taken into account when calculating the kernel if Rainbow = TRUE.
#'           If weighting.center = FALSE, weights are not taken into account.
#' @param weighting.other You can set other weights in addition to weighting.center. The length of this argument should be equal to the number of SNPs.
#'           For example, you can assign SNP effects from the information of gene annotation.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
score.calc.score <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now, LL0, Gu, Ge, P0,
                             map, kernel.method = "linear", kernel.h = "tuned", haplotype = TRUE, num.hap = NULL,
                             test.effect = "additive", window.size.half = 5, window.slide = 1,
                             chi0.mixture = 0.5, weighting.center = TRUE, weighting.other = NULL,
                             gene.set = NULL, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    scores <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.scores, ncol = length(test.effect))
  } else {
    scores <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.scores, ncol =  1)

  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n.scores, style = 3)
  n.scores2 <- n.scores - n.scores %% 100
  start.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
  for (i in 1:n.scores) {
    if (count) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      if (n.scores > 100) {
        if (i == (n.scores2 / 100 + 1) | i == (n.scores2 / 10 + 1) | i == (n.scores2 / 2 + 1)) {
          end.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
          jikan.scorecalc <- (end.scorecalc - start.scorecalc) * (n.scores - i + 1) / (i - 1)
          print(paste0((i - 1) * 100 / n.scores2, "%...Done. ",
                       round(jikan.scorecalc, 2), " ", attr(jikan.scorecalc, "units"),
                       " to end.  Scheduled end time : ", end.scorecalc + jikan.scorecalc))

    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      i.chr <- min(which(i - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (i.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - cum.n.scores[i.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[i.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- i.chr
      window.centers[i] <- window.center
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == i.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == i.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[i]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
        Mis.D.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        if (window.size != 1) {
          if (weighting.center) {
            weight.Mis <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
          } else {
            weight.Mis <- rep(1, window.size)
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
        } else {
          weight.Mis <- 1

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (window.size != 1) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              if (weighting.center) {
                weight.Mis.D <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
              } else {
                weight.Mis.D <- rep(1, window.size.D)
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
          } else {
            weight.Mis.D <- 1

        if (kernel.method != "linear") {
          if (ncol(Mis) != 1) {
            Mis.weighted <- t(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))
          } else {
            Mis.weighted <- as.matrix(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))

          K.SNP <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.weighted,
                           methodGRM = kernel.method,
                           kernel.h = kernel.h,
                           returnWMat = FALSE)

          Ws <- list(W = Z.part)
          Gammas <- list(Gamma = K.SNP)
          scores.now <- score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws, Gammas = Gammas,
                                         gammas.diag = FALSE, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                         P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture)
        } else {
          test.no <- match(test.effect, c("additive", "dominance", "additive+dominance"))
          if (length(test.no) == 0) {
            stop("The effect to test should be 'additive', 'dominance' or 'additive+dominance'!")

          if (any(test.effect %in% c("additive", "additive+dominance"))) {
            W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                           methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range])
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

          if (1 %in% test.no) {
            Ws.A <- list(W.A = Z.part %*% W.A)
            Gammas.A <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2))

          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (2 %in% test.no) {
              Ws.D <- list(W.D = Z.part.D %*% W.D)
              Gammas.D <- list(W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))

            if (3 %in% test.no) {
              Ws.AD <- list(W.A = Z.part %*% W.A, Z.part.D %*% W.D)
              Gammas.AD <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2), W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))

          scores.now <- rep(NA, length(test.no))
          for (j in 1:length(test.no)) {
            test.no.now <- test.no[j]
            if (test.no.now == 1) {
              score.now <- score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.A, Gammas = Gammas.A,
                                            gammas.diag = TRUE, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                            P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture)

            if (test.no.now == 2) {
              if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
                score.now <- score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.D, Gammas = Gammas.D,
                                              gammas.diag = TRUE, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                              P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture)
              } else {
                score.now <- 0

            if (test.no.now == 3) {
              if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
                score.now <- score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.AD, Gammas = Gammas.AD,
                                              gammas.diag = TRUE, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                              P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture)
              } else {
                score.now <- 0

            scores.now[j] <- score.now
        scores[i, ] <- scores.now

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    rownames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    colnames(scores) <- test.effect
  } else {
    colnames(scores) <- kernel.method

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP-set by the score test (multi-cores)
#' @description This function calculates -log10(p) of each SNP-set by the score test.
#' First, the function calculates the score statistic
#' without solving the multi-kernel mixed model for each SNP-set.
#' Then it performs the score test by using the fact that the score statistic follows the chi-square distribution.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param LL0 The log-likelihood for the null model.
#' @param Gu A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. You should assign \eqn{ZKZ'}, where K is covariance (relationship) matrix and Z is its design matrix.
#' @param Ge A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. You should assign identity matrix I (diag(n)).
#' @param P0 A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of \eqn{SV0S}, where \eqn{S = X(X'X)^{-1}X'} and
#' \eqn{V0 = \sigma^2_u Gu + \sigma^2_e Ge}. \eqn{\sigma^2_u} and \eqn{\sigma^2_e} are estimators of the null model.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' This argument is not valid when `parallel.method = "furrr"`.
#' @param parallel.method Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".
#' When `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, we utilize \code{\link[pbmcapply]{pbmclapply}} function in the `pbmcapply` package
#' with `count = TRUE` and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} function in the `parallel` package with `count = FALSE`.
#' When `parallel.method = "furrr"`, we utilize \code{\link[furrr]{future_map}} function in the `furrr` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[progressr]{progressor}} function in the `progressr` package to show the progress bar,
#' so please install the `progressr` package from github (\url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/progressr}).
#' For `parallel.method = "furrr"`, you can perform multi-thread parallelization by
#' sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to `parallel.method = "mclapply"`.
#' When `parallel.method = "foreach"`, we utilize \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function in the `foreach` package
#' with the utilization of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} function in `parallel` package,
#' and \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} function in `doParallel` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}} and
#' \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} functions in the `utils` package to show the progress bar.
#' We recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, but for Windows users,
#' this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user,
#' we recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "foreach"`.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param kernel.method It determines how to calculate kernel. There are three methods.
#' \describe{
#' \item{"gaussian"}{It is the default method. Gaussian kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"exponential"}{When this method is selected, exponential kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"linear"}{When this method is selected, linear kernel is calculated by NOIA methods for additive GRM.}
#' @param kernel.h The hyper parameter for gaussian or exponential kernel.
#' If kernel.h = "tuned", this hyper parameter is calculated as the median of off-diagonals of distance matrix of genotype data.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param test.effect Effect of each marker to test. You can choose "test.effect" from "additive", "dominance" and "additive+dominance".
#' You also can choose more than one effect, for example, test.effect = c("additive", "aditive+dominance")
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the test statistic \eqn{l1' F l1} is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where l1 is the first derivative of the log-likelihood and F is the Fisher information. And r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param weighting.center In kernel-based GWAS, weights according to the Gaussian distribution (centered on the tested SNP) are taken into account when calculating the kernel if Rainbow = TRUE.
#'           If weighting.center = FALSE, weights are not taken into account.
#' @param weighting.other You can set other weights in addition to weighting.center. The length of this argument should be equal to the number of SNPs.
#'           For example, you can assign SNP effects from the information of gene annotation.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
score.calc.score.MC <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now, LL0, Gu, Ge, P0,
                                n.core = 2, parallel.method = "mclapply",
                                map, kernel.method = "linear", kernel.h = "tuned",
                                haplotype = TRUE, num.hap = NULL,
                                test.effect = "additive", window.size.half = 5,
                                window.slide = 1, chi0.mixture = 0.5,
                                weighting.center = TRUE, weighting.other = NULL,
                                gene.set = NULL, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    ncol.scores <- length(test.effect)
  } else {
    ncol.scores <- 1

  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  score.calc.score.MC.oneSNP <- function(markNo) {
    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      markNo.chr <- min(which(markNo - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (markNo.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (markNo - cum.n.scores[markNo.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[markNo.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (markNo - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- markNo.chr
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == markNo.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == markNo.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[markNo]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
        Mis.D.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        if (window.size != 1) {
          if (weighting.center) {
            weight.Mis <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
          } else {
            weight.Mis <- rep(1, window.size)
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
        } else {
          weight.Mis <- 1

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (window.size != 1) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              if (weighting.center) {
                weight.Mis.D <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
              } else {
                weight.Mis.D <- rep(1, window.size.D)
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
          } else {
            weight.Mis.D <- 1

        if (kernel.method != "linear") {
          if (ncol(Mis) != 1) {
            Mis.weighted <- t(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))
          } else {
            Mis.weighted <- as.matrix(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))

          K.SNP <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.weighted,
                           methodGRM = kernel.method,
                           kernel.h = kernel.h,
                           returnWMat = FALSE)

          Ws <- list(W = Z.part)
          Gammas <- list(Gamma = K.SNP)
          scores.now <- score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws, Gammas = Gammas,
                                         gammas.diag = FALSE, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                         P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture)
        } else {
          test.no <- match(test.effect, c("additive", "dominance", "additive+dominance"))
          if (length(test.no) == 0) {
            stop("The effect to test should be 'additive', 'dominance' or 'additive+dominance'!")

          if (any(test.effect %in% c("additive", "additive+dominance"))) {
            W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                           methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range])
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

          if (1 %in% test.no) {
            Ws.A <- list(W.A = Z.part %*% W.A)
            Gammas.A <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2))

          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (2 %in% test.no) {
              Ws.D <- list(W.D = Z.part.D %*% W.D)
              Gammas.D <- list(W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))

            if (3 %in% test.no) {
              Ws.AD <- list(W.A = Z.part %*% W.A, Z.part.D %*% W.D)
              Gammas.AD <- list(W.A = diag(weight.Mis ^ 2), W.D = diag(weight.Mis.D ^ 2))

          scores.now <- rep(NA, length(test.no))
          for (j in 1:length(test.no)) {
            test.no.now <- test.no[j]
            if (test.no.now == 1) {
              score.now <- score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.A, Gammas = Gammas.A,
                                            gammas.diag = TRUE, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                            P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture)

            if (test.no.now == 2) {
              if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
                score.now <- score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.D, Gammas = Gammas.D,
                                              gammas.diag = TRUE, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                              P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture)
              } else {
                score.now <- 0

            if (test.no.now == 3) {
              if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
                score.now <- score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.AD, Gammas = Gammas.AD,
                                              gammas.diag = TRUE, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                              P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture)
              } else {
                score.now <- 0

            scores.now[j] <- score.now
      } else {
        scores.now <- rep(NA, ncol.scores)
    } else {
      scores.now <- rep(NA, ncol.scores)

    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      return(list(scores = scores.now, window.center = window.center))
    } else {
      return(list(scores = scores.now))

  all.res <- parallel.compute(vec = 1:n.scores,
                              func = score.calc.score.MC.oneSNP,
                              n.core = n.core,
                              parallel.method = parallel.method,
                              count = count)

  scores <- do.call(
    what = rbind,
    args = lapply(X = all.res,
                  FUN = function(x) {

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    window.centers <- unlist(
      x = lapply(X = all.res,
                 FUN = function(x) {
    rownames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    colnames(scores) <- test.effect
  } else {
    colnames(scores) <- kernel.method

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) of epistatic effects by LR test
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param eigen.SGS A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{SGS}, where \eqn{S = I - X(X'X)^{-1}X'}, \eqn{G = ZKZ'}.
#' You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process. We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the tdeviance is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param dominance.eff If this argument is TRUE, dominance effect is included in the model,
#' and additive x dominance and dominance x dominance are also tested as epistatic effects.
#' When you use inbred lines, please set this argument FALSE.
#' @param skip.self.int As default, the function also tests the self-interactions among the same SNP-sets.
#' If you want to avoid this, please set `skip.self.int = TRUE`.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) of epistatic effects for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
#' Jiang, Y. and Reif, J.C. (2015) Modeling epistasis in genomic selection. Genetics. 201(2): 759-768.
score.calc.epistasis.LR <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now, package.MM = "gaston",
                                    eigen.SGS = NULL, eigen.G = NULL,
                                    n.core = 1, optimizer = "nlminb", map, haplotype = TRUE,
                                    num.hap = NULL, window.size.half = 5, window.slide = 1,
                                    chi0.mixture = 0.5, gene.set = NULL, dominance.eff = TRUE,
                                    skip.self.int = FALSE, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n.line <- nrow(M.now)
  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  scores <- matrix(0, nrow = n.scores, ncol = n.scores)
  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  n.sample.now <- nrow(M.now)
  Z.normal <- diag(n.sample.now)
  W.A.list <- W.A.0.list  <- W.D.list <- W.D.0.list <-
    Z.A.part.list <- Z.D.part.list <- rep(list(NA), n.scores)
  n.scores2 <- n.scores - n.scores %% 100

  for (i in 1:n.scores) {
    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      i.chr <- min(which(i - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (i.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - cum.n.scores[i.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[i.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- i.chr
      window.centers[i] <- window.center
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == i.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == i.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[i]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (dominance.eff) {
        Mis.D.0.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (dominance.eff) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (dominance.eff) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (dominance.eff) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (dominance.eff) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                       methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                       returnWMat = TRUE,
                       probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                       probAa = probAa[Mis.range])

        W.A.0 <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.0.0,
                         methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                         returnWMat = TRUE,
                         probaa = probaa[Mis.range.0],
                         probAa = probAa[Mis.range.0])

        W.A.list[[i]] <- W.A
        Z.A.part.list[[i]] <- Z.part
        W.A.0.list[[i]] <- W.A.0

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (dominance.eff) {
            W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                           methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

            W.D.0 <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.0.0,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.0],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.0])

            W.D.list[[i]] <- W.D
            Z.D.part.list[[i]] <- Z.part.D
            W.D.0.list[[i]] <- W.D.0

  if (skip.self.int) {
    i.end <- n.scores - 1
    n.calc <- n.scores * (n.scores - 1) / 2
  } else {
    i.end <- n.scores
    n.calc <- n.scores * (n.scores + 1) / 2

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n.calc, style = 3)
  n.calc2 <- n.calc - n.calc %% 100
  start.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
  num.now <- 0
  for (i in 1:i.end) {
    W.A.1 <- W.A.list[[i]]
    Z.A.1.part <- Z.A.part.list[[i]]
    W.A.0.1 <- W.A.0.list[[i]]
    m.A.1 <- ncol(W.A.0.1)

    if (dominance.eff) {
      W.D.1 <- W.D.list[[i]]
      Z.D.1.part <- Z.D.part.list[[i]]
      W.D.0.1 <- W.D.0.list[[i]]
      isna.1 <- any(is.na(W.D.0.1))
      m.D.1 <- ncol(W.D.0.1)
    } else {
      isna.1 <- TRUE

    j.start <- ifelse(test = skip.self.int,
                      yes = i + 1, no = i)
    for (j in j.start:n.scores) {
      num.now <- num.now + 1
      if (count) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, num.now)
        if (n.calc > 100) {
          if (num.now == (n.calc2 / 100 + 1) | num.now == (n.calc2 / 10 + 1) | num.now == (n.calc2 / 2 + 1)) {
            end.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
            jikan.scorecalc <- (end.scorecalc - start.scorecalc) * (n.calc - num.now + 1) / (num.now - 1)
            print(paste0((num.now - 1) * 100 / n.calc2, "%...Done. ",
                         round(jikan.scorecalc, 2), " ", attr(jikan.scorecalc, "units"),
                         " to end.  Scheduled end time : ", end.scorecalc + jikan.scorecalc))

      if (i == j) {
        if ((!dominance.eff) | isna.1) {
          if (((ncol(W.A.1) ^ 2) < n.line) & (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
            W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.A.1),
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.1[i, ], W.A.1[i, ])
            W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            Ws0.null <- list(W.A = W.A.1)
            Ws0.alt <- list(W.A = W.A.1, W.AA = W.AA)

            Zs0.null <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part)
            Zs0.alt <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part, W.AA = Z.A.1.part)

            lin.method <- TRUE
          } else {
            K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)

            K.AA.part <- K.A.1.part ^ 2
            K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))

            ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)))

            ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                               list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.AA.part)))

            lin.method <- FALSE

          df <- 1
        } else {
          if (((ncol(W.A.1) ^ 2) < n.line) &
              ((ncol(W.D.1) ^ 2) < n.line) &
              ((m.A.1 * m.D.1) < n.line) &
              (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
            W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.A.1),
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.1[i, ], W.A.1[i, ])
            W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.1[i, ])
            W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            W.DD <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.D.1),
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.D.1[i, ], W.D.1[i, ])
            W.DD <- W.DD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DD,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            Ws0.null <- list(W.A = W.A.1, W.D = W.D.1)
            Ws0.alt <- list(W.A = W.A.1, W.D = W.D.1, W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD, W.DD = W.DD)
            Zs0.null <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part, W.D = Z.D.1.part)
            Zs0.alt <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part, W.D = Z.D.1.part, W.AA = Z.A.1.part,
                            W.AD = Z.normal, W.DD = Z.D.1.part)

            lin.method <- TRUE
          } else {
            K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
            K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)

            K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
            K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)

            K.AA.part <- K.A.1.part ^ 2
            K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
            K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.1.part
            K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))
            K.DD.part <- K.D.1.part ^ 2
            K.DD.part <- K.DD.part * nrow(K.DD.part) / sum(diag(K.DD.part))

            ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                list(D.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)))

            ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                               list(D.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)),
                               list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.AA.part)),
                               list(AD.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AD.part)),
                               list(DD.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.DD.part)))

            lin.method <- FALSE

          df <- 3
      } else {
        W.A.2 <- W.A.list[[j]]
        Z.A.2.part <- Z.A.part.list[[j]]
        W.A.0.2 <- W.A.0.list[[j]]
        m.A.2 <- ncol(W.A.0.2)

        if (dominance.eff) {
          W.D.2 <- W.D.list[[j]]
          Z.D.2.part <- Z.D.part.list[[j]]
          W.D.0.2 <- W.D.0.list[[j]]
          isna.2 <- any(is.na(W.D.0.2))
          m.D.2 <- ncol(W.D.0.2)
        } else {
          isna.2 <- TRUE
        isnas <- c(isna.1, isna.2)

        if ((!dominance.eff) | all(isnas)) {

          if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
              (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
            W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
            W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            Ws0.null <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2)
            Ws0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.AA = W.AA)

            Zs0.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part)
            Zs0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.AA = Z.normal)

            lin.method <- TRUE
          } else {
            K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
            K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)

            K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
            K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
            K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
            K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))

            ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)))
            ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                               list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                               list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AA.part)))

            lin.method <- FALSE

          df <- 1
        } else {
          if (isna.1) {
            if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.A.1 * m.D.2) < n.line) &
                (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
              W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
              W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              Ws0.null <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.2 = W.D.2)
              Ws0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.2 = W.D.2,
                              W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD)

              Zs0.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part)
              Zs0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part,
                              W.AA = Z.normal, W.AD = Z.normal)

              lin.method <- TRUE
            } else {
              K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
              K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
              K.D.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.2)

              K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
              K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
              K.D.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.2)
              K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
              K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
              K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))

              ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                  list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                  list(D.2.part = list(Z = Z.D.2.part, K = K.D.2.part)))

              ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                 list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                 list(D.2.part = list(Z = Z.D.2.part, K = K.D.2.part)),
                                 list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AA.part)),
                                 list(AD.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AD.part)))

              lin.method <- FALSE

            df <- 2
          } else {
            if (isna.2) {
              if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                  ((m.D.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                  (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
                W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
                W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                W.DA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
                W.DA <- W.DA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DA,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                Ws0.null <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.1 = W.D.1)
                Ws0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.1 = W.D.1,
                                W.AA = W.AA, W.DA = W.DA)

                Zs0.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part)
                Zs0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part,
                                W.AA = Z.normal, W.DA = Z.normal)

                lin.method <- TRUE
              } else {
                K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
                K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
                K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)

                K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
                K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
                K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
                K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
                K.DA.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
                K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
                K.DA.part <- K.DA.part * nrow(K.DA.part) / sum(diag(K.DA.part))

                ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                    list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                    list(D.1.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)))

                ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                   list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                   list(D.1.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)),
                                   list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AA.part)),
                                   list(DA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.DA.part)))

                lin.method <- FALSE

              df <- 2
            } else {
              if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                  ((m.A.1 * m.D.2) < n.line) &
                  ((m.D.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                  ((m.D.1 * m.D.2) < n.line) &
                  (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
                W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
                W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
                W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                W.DA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
                W.DA <- W.DA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DA,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                W.DD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
                W.DD <- W.DD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DD,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                Ws0.null <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.1 = W.D.1, W.D.2 = W.D.2)
                Ws0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.1 = W.D.1, W.D.2 = W.D.2,
                                W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD, W.DA = W.DA, W.DD = W.DD)

                Zs0.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                                 W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part)
                Zs0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                                W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part,
                                W.AA = Z.normal, W.AD = Z.normal,
                                W.DA = Z.normal, W.DD = Z.normal)

                lin.method <- TRUE
              } else {
                K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
                K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
                K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)
                K.D.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.2)

                K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
                K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
                K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
                K.D.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.2)
                K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
                K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
                K.DA.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
                K.DD.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
                K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
                K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))
                K.DA.part <- K.DA.part * nrow(K.DA.part) / sum(diag(K.DA.part))
                K.DD.part <- K.DD.part * nrow(K.DD.part) / sum(diag(K.DD.part))

                ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                    list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                    list(D.1.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)),
                                    list(D.2.part = list(Z = Z.D.2.part, K = K.D.2.part)))

                ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                   list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                   list(D.1.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)),
                                   list(D.2.part = list(Z = Z.D.2.part, K = K.D.2.part)),
                                   list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AA.part)),
                                   list(AD.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AD.part)),
                                   list(DA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.DA.part)),
                                   list(DD.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.DD.part)))

                lin.method <- FALSE

              df <- 4

      if (lin.method) {
        Gammas0.null <- lapply(Ws0.null, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
        EMM.res.null <-  try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now, tol = NULL,
                                            n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                            Zs0 = Zs0.null, Ws0 = Ws0.null, Gammas0 = Gammas0.null,
                                            gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE,
                                            eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
                                            REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                            return.u.always = FALSE,
                                            return.u.each = FALSE,
                                            return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

        Gammas0.alt <- lapply(Ws0.alt, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
        EMM.res.alt <-  try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now, tol = NULL,
                                           n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                           Zs0 = Zs0.alt, Ws0 = Ws0.alt, Gammas0 = Gammas0.alt,
                                           gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE,
                                           eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
                                           REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                           return.u.always = FALSE,
                                           return.u.each = FALSE,
                                           return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
      } else {
        EMM.res.null <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.null,
                                        package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                        n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                        REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                        return.u.always = FALSE,
                                        return.u.each = FALSE,
                                        return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

        EMM.res.alt <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.alt,
                                       package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                       n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                       REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                       return.u.always = FALSE,
                                       return.u.each = FALSE,
                                       return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

      if (!("try-error" %in% c(class(EMM.res.null), class(EMM.res.alt)))) {
        LL.null <- EMM.res.null$LL
        LL.alt <- EMM.res.alt$LL

        deviance <- 2 * (LL.alt - LL.null)
        score.now <- ifelse(deviance <= 0, 0, -log10((1 - chi0.mixture) *
                                                       pchisq(q = deviance, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)))

        scores[i, j] <- score.now
  scores <- scores + t(scores)
  diag(scores) <- diag(scores) / 2

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) of epistatic effects by LR test (multi-cores)
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param eigen.SGS A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{SGS}, where \eqn{S = I - X(X'X)^{-1}X'}, \eqn{G = ZKZ'}.
#' You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' This argument is not valid when `parallel.method = "furrr"`.
#' @param parallel.method Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".
#' When `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, we utilize \code{\link[pbmcapply]{pbmclapply}} function in the `pbmcapply` package
#' with `count = TRUE` and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} function in the `parallel` package with `count = FALSE`.
#' When `parallel.method = "furrr"`, we utilize \code{\link[furrr]{future_map}} function in the `furrr` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[progressr]{progressor}} function in the `progressr` package to show the progress bar,
#' so please install the `progressr` package from github (\url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/progressr}).
#' For `parallel.method = "furrr"`, you can perform multi-thread parallelization by
#' sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to `parallel.method = "mclapply"`.
#' When `parallel.method = "foreach"`, we utilize \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function in the `foreach` package
#' with the utilization of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} function in `parallel` package,
#' and \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} function in `doParallel` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}} and
#' \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} functions in the `utils` package to show the progress bar.
#' We recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, but for Windows users,
#' this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user,
#' we recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "foreach"`.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process. We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the tdeviance is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param dominance.eff If this argument is TRUE, dominance effect is included in the model,
#' and additive x dominance and dominance x dominance are also tested as epistatic effects.
#' When you use inbred lines, please set this argument FALSE.
#' @param skip.self.int As default, the function also tests the self-interactions among the same SNP-sets.
#' If you want to avoid this, please set `skip.self.int = TRUE`.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) of epistatic effects for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
#' Jiang, Y. and Reif, J.C. (2015) Modeling epistasis in genomic selection. Genetics. 201(2): 759-768.
score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now, package.MM = "gaston",
                                       eigen.SGS = NULL, eigen.G = NULL,
                                       n.core = 2, parallel.method = "mclapply",
                                       optimizer = "nlminb", map, haplotype = TRUE,
                                       num.hap = NULL, window.size.half = 5, window.slide = 1,
                                       chi0.mixture = 0.5, gene.set = NULL, dominance.eff = TRUE,
                                       skip.self.int = FALSE, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n.line <- nrow(M.now)
  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  scores <- matrix(0, nrow = n.scores, ncol = n.scores)
  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  n.sample.now <- nrow(M.now)
  Z.normal <- diag(n.sample.now)
  W.A.list <- W.A.0.list  <- W.D.list <- W.D.0.list <-
    Z.A.part.list <- Z.D.part.list <- rep(list(NA), n.scores)
  n.scores2 <- n.scores - n.scores %% 100

  for (i in 1:n.scores) {
    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      i.chr <- min(which(i - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (i.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - cum.n.scores[i.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[i.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- i.chr
      window.centers[i] <- window.center
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == i.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == i.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[i]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (dominance.eff) {
        Mis.D.0.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (dominance.eff) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (dominance.eff) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (dominance.eff) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (dominance.eff) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                       methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                       returnWMat = TRUE,
                       probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                       probAa = probAa[Mis.range])

        W.A.0 <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.0.0,
                         methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                         returnWMat = TRUE,
                         probaa = probaa[Mis.range.0],
                         probAa = probAa[Mis.range.0])

        W.A.list[[i]] <- W.A
        Z.A.part.list[[i]] <- Z.part
        W.A.0.list[[i]] <- W.A.0

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (dominance.eff) {
            W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                           methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

            W.D.0 <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.0.0,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.0],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.0])

            W.D.list[[i]] <- W.D
            Z.D.part.list[[i]] <- Z.part.D
            W.D.0.list[[i]] <- W.D.0

  test.cands.mat <- expand.grid(
    rep(list(1:n.scores), 2)
  test.cands.mat <- test.cands.mat[,c(2, 1)]

  if (skip.self.int) {
    test.cands.mat <- test.cands.mat[test.cands.mat[, 1] < test.cands.mat[, 2], ]
    i.end <- n.scores - 1
  } else {
    test.cands.mat <- test.cands.mat[test.cands.mat[, 1] <= test.cands.mat[, 2], ]
    i.end <- n.scores
    n.calc <- n.scores * (n.scores + 1) / 2
  n.calc <- nrow(test.cands.mat)

  score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC.oneInt <- function(k) {
    i <- test.cands.mat[k, 1]
    j <- test.cands.mat[k, 2]

    W.A.1 <- W.A.list[[i]]
    Z.A.1.part <- Z.A.part.list[[i]]
    W.A.0.1 <- W.A.0.list[[i]]
    m.A.1 <- ncol(W.A.0.1)

    if (dominance.eff) {
      W.D.1 <- W.D.list[[i]]
      Z.D.1.part <- Z.D.part.list[[i]]
      W.D.0.1 <- W.D.0.list[[i]]
      isna.1 <- any(is.na(W.D.0.1))
      m.D.1 <- ncol(W.D.0.1)
    } else {
      isna.1 <- TRUE

    if (i == j) {
      if ((!dominance.eff) | isna.1) {
        if (((ncol(W.A.1) ^ 2) < n.line) & (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
          W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.A.1),
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.A.1[i, ], W.A.1[i, ])
          W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          Ws0.null <- list(W.A = W.A.1)
          Ws0.alt <- list(W.A = W.A.1, W.AA = W.AA)

          Zs0.null <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part)
          Zs0.alt <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part, W.AA = Z.A.1.part)

          lin.method <- TRUE
        } else {
          K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)

          K.AA.part <- K.A.1.part ^ 2
          K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))

          ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)))

          ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                             list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.AA.part)))

          lin.method <- FALSE

        df <- 1
      } else {
        if (((ncol(W.A.1) ^ 2) < n.line) &
            ((ncol(W.D.1) ^ 2) < n.line) &
            ((m.A.1 * m.D.1) < n.line) &
            (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
          W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.A.1),
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.A.1[i, ], W.A.1[i, ])
          W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.1[i, ])
          W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          W.DD <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.D.1),
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.D.1[i, ], W.D.1[i, ])
          W.DD <- W.DD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DD,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          Ws0.null <- list(W.A = W.A.1, W.D = W.D.1)
          Ws0.alt <- list(W.A = W.A.1, W.D = W.D.1, W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD, W.DD = W.DD)
          Zs0.null <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part, W.D = Z.D.1.part)
          Zs0.alt <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part, W.D = Z.D.1.part, W.AA = Z.A.1.part,
                          W.AD = Z.normal, W.DD = Z.D.1.part)

          lin.method <- TRUE
        } else {
          K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
          K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)

          K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
          K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)

          K.AA.part <- K.A.1.part ^ 2
          K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
          K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.1.part
          K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))
          K.DD.part <- K.D.1.part ^ 2
          K.DD.part <- K.DD.part * nrow(K.DD.part) / sum(diag(K.DD.part))

          ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                              list(D.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)))

          ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                             list(D.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)),
                             list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.AA.part)),
                             list(AD.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AD.part)),
                             list(DD.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.DD.part)))

          lin.method <- FALSE

        df <- 3
    } else {
      W.A.2 <- W.A.list[[j]]
      Z.A.2.part <- Z.A.part.list[[j]]
      W.A.0.2 <- W.A.0.list[[j]]
      m.A.2 <- ncol(W.A.0.2)

      if (dominance.eff) {
        W.D.2 <- W.D.list[[j]]
        Z.D.2.part <- Z.D.part.list[[j]]
        W.D.0.2 <- W.D.0.list[[j]]
        isna.2 <- any(is.na(W.D.0.2))
        m.D.2 <- ncol(W.D.0.2)
      } else {
        isna.2 <- TRUE
      isnas <- c(isna.1, isna.2)

      if ((!dominance.eff) | all(isnas)) {

        if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
            (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
          W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
          W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          Ws0.null <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2)
          Ws0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.AA = W.AA)

          Zs0.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part)
          Zs0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.AA = Z.normal)

          lin.method <- TRUE
        } else {
          K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
          K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)

          K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
          K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
          K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
          K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))

          ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                              list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)))
          ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                             list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                             list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AA.part)))

          lin.method <- FALSE

        df <- 1
      } else {
        if (isna.1) {
          if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
              ((m.A.1 * m.D.2) < n.line) &
              (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
            W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
            W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
            W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            Ws0.null <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.2 = W.D.2)
            Ws0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.2 = W.D.2,
                            W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD)

            Zs0.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part)
            Zs0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part,
                            W.AA = Z.normal, W.AD = Z.normal)

            lin.method <- TRUE
          } else {
            K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
            K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
            K.D.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.2)

            K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
            K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
            K.D.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.2)
            K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
            K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
            K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
            K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))

            ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                list(D.2.part = list(Z = Z.D.2.part, K = K.D.2.part)))

            ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                               list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                               list(D.2.part = list(Z = Z.D.2.part, K = K.D.2.part)),
                               list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AA.part)),
                               list(AD.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AD.part)))

            lin.method <- FALSE

          df <- 2
        } else {
          if (isna.2) {
            if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.D.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
              W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.DA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.DA <- W.DA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              Ws0.null <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.1 = W.D.1)
              Ws0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.1 = W.D.1,
                              W.AA = W.AA, W.DA = W.DA)

              Zs0.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part)
              Zs0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part, W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part,
                              W.AA = Z.normal, W.DA = Z.normal)

              lin.method <- TRUE
            } else {
              K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
              K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
              K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)

              K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
              K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
              K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
              K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.DA.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
              K.DA.part <- K.DA.part * nrow(K.DA.part) / sum(diag(K.DA.part))

              ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                  list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                  list(D.1.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)))

              ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                 list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                 list(D.1.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)),
                                 list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AA.part)),
                                 list(DA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.DA.part)))

              lin.method <- FALSE

            df <- 2
          } else {
            if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.A.1 * m.D.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.D.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.D.1 * m.D.2) < n.line) &
                (package.MM == "RAINBOWR")) {
              W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
              W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.DA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.DA <- W.DA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.DD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
              W.DD <- W.DD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DD,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              Ws0.null <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.1 = W.D.1, W.D.2 = W.D.2)
              Ws0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = W.A.1, W.A.2 = W.A.2, W.D.1 = W.D.1, W.D.2 = W.D.2,
                              W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD, W.DA = W.DA, W.DD = W.DD)

              Zs0.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                               W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part)
              Zs0.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                              W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part,
                              W.AA = Z.normal, W.AD = Z.normal,
                              W.DA = Z.normal, W.DD = Z.normal)

              lin.method <- TRUE
            } else {
              K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
              K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
              K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)
              K.D.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.2)

              K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
              K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
              K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
              K.D.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.2)
              K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
              K.DA.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.DD.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
              K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
              K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))
              K.DA.part <- K.DA.part * nrow(K.DA.part) / sum(diag(K.DA.part))
              K.DD.part <- K.DD.part * nrow(K.DD.part) / sum(diag(K.DD.part))

              ZETA.now2.null <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                  list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                  list(D.1.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)),
                                  list(D.2.part = list(Z = Z.D.2.part, K = K.D.2.part)))

              ZETA.now2.alt <- c(ZETA.now, list(A.1.part = list(Z = Z.A.1.part, K = K.A.1.part)),
                                 list(A.2.part = list(Z = Z.A.2.part, K = K.A.2.part)),
                                 list(D.1.part = list(Z = Z.D.1.part, K = K.D.1.part)),
                                 list(D.2.part = list(Z = Z.D.2.part, K = K.D.2.part)),
                                 list(AA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AA.part)),
                                 list(AD.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.AD.part)),
                                 list(DA.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.DA.part)),
                                 list(DD.part = list(Z = Z.normal, K = K.DD.part)))

              lin.method <- FALSE

            df <- 4

    if (lin.method) {
      Gammas0.null <- lapply(Ws0.null, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
      EMM.res.null <-  try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now, tol = NULL,
                                          n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
                                          Zs0 = Zs0.null, Ws0 = Ws0.null, Gammas0 = Gammas0.null,
                                          gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE,
                                          eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
                                          REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                          return.u.always = FALSE,
                                          return.u.each = FALSE,
                                          return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

      Gammas0.alt <- lapply(Ws0.alt, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
      EMM.res.alt <-  try(EM3.linker.cpp(y0 = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now, tol = NULL,
                                         n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
                                         Zs0 = Zs0.alt, Ws0 = Ws0.alt, Gammas0 = Gammas0.alt,
                                         gammas.diag = TRUE, X.fix = TRUE,
                                         eigen.SGS = eigen.SGS, eigen.G = eigen.G,
                                         REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                         return.u.always = FALSE,
                                         return.u.each = FALSE,
                                         return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    } else {
      EMM.res.null <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.null,
                                      package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                      n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                      return.u.always = FALSE,
                                      return.u.each = FALSE,
                                      return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

      EMM.res.alt <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2.alt,
                                     package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                     n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
                                     REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                     return.u.always = FALSE,
                                     return.u.each = FALSE,
                                     return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

    if (!("try-error" %in% c(class(EMM.res.null), class(EMM.res.alt)))) {
      LL.null <- EMM.res.null$LL
      LL.alt <- EMM.res.alt$LL

      deviance <- 2 * (LL.alt - LL.null)
      score.now <- ifelse(deviance <= 0, 0, -log10((1 - chi0.mixture) *
                                                     pchisq(q = deviance, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)))

    } else {
      score.now <- 0


  scores.list <- parallel.compute(vec = 1:n.calc,
                                  func = score.calc.epistasis.LR.MC.oneInt,
                                  n.core = n.core,
                                  parallel.method = parallel.method,
                                  count = count)
  scores.vec <- unlist(scores.list)

  k <- 0
  for (i in 1:i.end) {
    j.start <- ifelse(test = skip.self.int,
                      yes = i + 1, no = i)
    for (j in j.start:n.scores) {
      k <- k + 1
      scores[i, j] <- scores.vec[k]

  scores <- scores + t(scores)
  diag(scores) <- diag(scores) / 2

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) of epistatic effects with score test
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param Gu A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. You should assign \eqn{ZKZ'}, where K is covariance (relationship) matrix and Z is its design matrix.
#' @param Ge A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. You should assign identity matrix I (diag(n)).
#' @param P0 A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of \eqn{SV0S}, where \eqn{S = X(X'X)^{-1}X'} and
#' \eqn{V0 = \sigma^2_u Gu + \sigma^2_e Ge}. \eqn{\sigma^2_u} and \eqn{\sigma^2_e} are estimators of the null model.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the test statistic \eqn{l1' F l1} is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where l1 is the first derivative of the log-likelihood and F is the Fisher information. And r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param dominance.eff If this argument is TRUE, dominance effect is included in the model,
#' and additive x dominance and dominance x dominance are also tested as epistatic effects.
#' When you use inbred lines, please set this argument FALSE.
#' @param skip.self.int As default, the function also tests the self-interactions among the same SNP-sets.
#' If you want to avoid this, please set `skip.self.int = TRUE`.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) of epistatic effects for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
#' Jiang, Y. and Reif, J.C. (2015) Modeling epistasis in genomic selection. Genetics. 201(2): 759-768.
score.calc.epistasis.score <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now, Gu, Ge, P0,
                                       map, haplotype = TRUE, num.hap = NULL, window.size.half = 5, window.slide = 1,
                                       chi0.mixture = 0.5, gene.set = NULL, dominance.eff = TRUE,
                                       skip.self.int = FALSE, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n.line <- nrow(M.now)
  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  scores <- matrix(0, nrow = n.scores, ncol = n.scores)
  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  n.sample.now <- nrow(M.now)
  Z.normal <- diag(n.sample.now)
  W.A.list <- W.A.0.list  <- W.D.list <- W.D.0.list <-
    Z.A.part.list <- Z.D.part.list <- rep(list(NA), n.scores)
  n.scores2 <- n.scores - n.scores %% 100

  for (i in 1:n.scores) {
    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      i.chr <- min(which(i - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (i.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - cum.n.scores[i.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[i.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- i.chr
      window.centers[i] <- window.center
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == i.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == i.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[i]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (dominance.eff) {
        Mis.D.0.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (dominance.eff) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]
            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (dominance.eff) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (dominance.eff) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (dominance.eff) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                       methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                       returnWMat = TRUE,
                       probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                       probAa = probAa[Mis.range])

        W.A.0 <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.0.0,
                         methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                         returnWMat = TRUE,
                         probaa = probaa[Mis.range.0],
                         probAa = probAa[Mis.range.0])

        W.A.list[[i]] <- W.A
        Z.A.part.list[[i]] <- Z.part
        W.A.0.list[[i]] <- W.A.0

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (dominance.eff) {
            W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                           methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

            W.D.0 <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.0.0,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.0],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.0])

            W.D.list[[i]] <- W.D
            Z.D.part.list[[i]] <- Z.part.D
            W.D.0.list[[i]] <- W.D.0

  if (skip.self.int) {
    i.end <- n.scores - 1
    n.calc <- n.scores * (n.scores - 1) / 2
  } else {
    i.end <- n.scores
    n.calc <- n.scores * (n.scores + 1) / 2

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n.calc, style = 3)
  n.calc2 <- n.calc - n.calc %% 100
  start.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
  num.now <- 0
  for (i in 1:i.end) {
    W.A.1 <- W.A.list[[i]]
    Z.A.1.part <- Z.A.part.list[[i]]
    W.A.0.1 <- W.A.0.list[[i]]
    m.A.1 <- ncol(W.A.0.1)

    if (dominance.eff) {
      W.D.1 <- W.D.list[[i]]
      Z.D.1.part <- Z.D.part.list[[i]]
      W.D.0.1 <- W.D.0.list[[i]]
      isna.1 <- any(is.na(W.D.0.1))
      m.D.1 <- ncol(W.D.0.1)
    } else {
      isna.1 <- TRUE

    j.start <- ifelse(test = skip.self.int,
                      yes = i + 1, no = i)
    for (j in j.start:n.scores) {
      num.now <- num.now + 1
      if (count) {
        setTxtProgressBar(pb, num.now)
        if (n.calc > 100) {
          if (num.now == (n.calc2 / 100 + 1) | num.now == (n.calc2 / 10 + 1) | num.now == (n.calc2 / 2 + 1)) {
            end.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
            jikan.scorecalc <- (end.scorecalc - start.scorecalc) * (n.calc - num.now + 1) / (num.now - 1)
            print(paste0((num.now - 1) * 100 / n.calc2, "%...Done. ",
                         round(jikan.scorecalc, 2), " ", attr(jikan.scorecalc, "units"),
                         " to end.  Scheduled end time : ", end.scorecalc + jikan.scorecalc))

      if (i == j) {
        if ((!dominance.eff) | isna.1) {
          if ((ncol(W.A.1) ^ 2) < n.line) {
            W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.A.1),
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.1[i, ], W.A.1[i, ])
            W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            Ws.null <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1)
            Ws.alt <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1,
                           W.AA = Z.A.1.part %*% W.AA)

            gammas.diag <- TRUE
          } else {
            K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)

            K.AA.part <- K.A.1.part ^ 2
            K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))

            Ws.null <- list(A.part = Z.A.1.part)
            Ws.alt <- list(A.part = Z.A.1.part,
                           AA.part = Z.A.1.part)

            Gammas.null <- list(A.part = K.A.1.part)
            Gammas.alt <- list(A.part = K.A.1.part,
                               AA.part = K.AA.part)
            gammas.diag <- FALSE

          df <- 1
        } else {
          if (((ncol(W.A.1) ^ 2) < n.line) &
              ((ncol(W.D.1) ^ 2) < n.line) &
              ((m.A.1 * m.D.1) < n.line)) {
            W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.A.1),
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.1[i, ], W.A.1[i, ])
            W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.1[i, ])
            W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            W.DD <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.D.1),
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.D.1[i, ], W.D.1[i, ])
            W.DD <- W.DD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DD,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            Ws.null <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.D = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1)
            Ws.alt <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.D = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1,
                           W.AA = Z.A.1.part %*% W.AA, W.AD = W.AD,
                           W.DD = Z.D.1.part %*% W.DD)

            gammas.diag <- TRUE
          } else {
            K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
            K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)

            K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
            K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
            K.AA.part <- K.A.1.part ^ 2
            K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.1.part
            K.DD.part <- K.D.1.part ^ 2
            K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
            K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))
            K.DD.part <- K.DD.part * nrow(K.DD.part) / sum(diag(K.DD.part))

            Ws.null <- list(A.part = Z.A.1.part, D.part = Z.D.1.part)
            Ws.alt <- list(A.part = Z.A.1.part, D.part = Z.D.1.part,
                           AA.part = Z.A.1.part, AD.part = Z.normal,
                           DD.part = Z.D.1.part)

            Gammas.null <- list(A.part = K.A.1.part, D.part = K.D.1.part)
            Gammas.alt <- list(A.part = K.A.1.part, D.part = K.D.1.part,
                               AA.part = K.AA.part, AD.part = K.AD.part,
                               DD.part = K.DD.part)

            gammas.diag <- FALSE

          df <- 3
      } else {
        W.A.2 <- W.A.list[[j]]
        Z.A.2.part <- Z.A.part.list[[j]]
        W.A.0.2 <- W.A.0.list[[j]]
        m.A.2 <- ncol(W.A.0.2)

        if (dominance.eff) {
          W.D.2 <- W.D.list[[j]]
          Z.D.2.part <- Z.D.part.list[[j]]
          W.D.0.2 <- W.D.0.list[[j]]
          isna.2 <- any(is.na(W.D.0.2))
          m.D.2 <- ncol(W.D.0.2)
        } else {
          isna.2 <- TRUE
        isnas <- c(isna.1, isna.2)

        if ((!dominance.eff) | all(isnas)) {
          if ((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) {
            W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
            W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            Ws.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2)
            Ws.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                           W.AA = W.AA)

            gammas.diag <- TRUE
          } else {
            K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
            K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)

            K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
            K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
            K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
            K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))

            Ws.null <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part)
            Ws.alt <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                           AA.part = Z.normal)

            Gammas.null <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part)
            Gammas.alt <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                               AA.part = K.AA.part)

            gammas.diag <- FALSE

          df <- 1
        } else {
          if (isna.1) {
            if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.A.1 * m.D.2) < n.line)) {
              W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
              W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              Ws.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                              W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part %*% W.D.2)
              Ws.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                             W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part %*% W.D.2, W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD)

              gammas.diag <- TRUE
            } else {
              K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
              K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
              K.D.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.2)

              K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
              K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
              K.D.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.2)
              K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
              K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
              K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))

              Ws.null <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                              D.part.2 = Z.D.2.part)
              Ws.alt <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                             D.part.2 = Z.D.2.part, AA.part = Z.normal, AD.part = Z.normal)

              Gammas.null <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                                  D.part.2 = K.D.2.part)
              Gammas.alt <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part, D.part.2 = K.D.2.part,
                                 AA.part = K.AA.part, AD.part = K.AD.part)

              gammas.diag <- FALSE

            df <- 2
          } else {
            if (isna.2) {
              if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                  ((m.D.1 * m.A.2) < n.line)) {
                W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
                W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                W.DA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
                W.DA <- W.DA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DA,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                Ws.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                                W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1)
                Ws.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                               W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1, W.AA = W.AA, W.DA = W.DA)

                gammas.diag <- TRUE
              } else {
                K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
                K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
                K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)

                K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
                K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
                K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
                K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
                K.DA.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
                K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
                K.DA.part <- K.DA.part * nrow(K.DA.part) / sum(diag(K.DA.part))

                Ws.null <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                                D.part.1 = Z.D.1.part)
                Ws.alt <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                               D.part.1 = Z.D.1.part, AA.part = Z.normal, DA.part = Z.normal)

                Gammas.null <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                                    D.part.1 = K.D.1.part)
                Gammas.alt <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part, D.part.1 = K.D.1.part,
                                   AA.part = K.AA.part, DA.part = K.DA.part)

                gammas.diag <- FALSE

              df <- 2
            } else {
              if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                  ((m.A.1 * m.D.2) < n.line) &
                  ((m.D.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                  ((m.D.1 * m.D.2) < n.line)) {
                W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
                W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
                W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                W.DA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
                W.DA <- W.DA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DA,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                W.DD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                                 FUN = function(i) {
                                   kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
                W.DD <- W.DD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DD,
                                               MARGIN = 1,
                                               FUN = function(x) {
                                                 sum(x ^ 2)

                Ws.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                                W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part %*% W.D.2)
                Ws.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                               W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part %*% W.D.2,
                               W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD, W.DA = W.DA, W.DD = W.DD)

                gammas.diag <- TRUE
              } else {
                K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
                K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
                K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)
                K.D.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.2)

                K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
                K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
                K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
                K.D.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.2)
                K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
                K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
                K.DA.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
                K.DD.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
                K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
                K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))
                K.DA.part <- K.DA.part * nrow(K.DA.part) / sum(diag(K.DA.part))
                K.DD.part <- K.DD.part * nrow(K.DD.part) / sum(diag(K.DD.part))

                Ws.null <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                                D.part.1 = Z.D.1.part, D.part.2 = Z.D.2.part)
                Ws.alt <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                               D.part.1 = Z.D.1.part, D.part.2 = Z.D.2.part,
                               AA.part = Z.normal, AD.part = Z.normal,
                               DA.part = Z.normal, DD.part = Z.normal)

                Gammas.null <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                                    D.part.1 = K.D.1.part, D.part.2 = K.D.2.part)
                Gammas.alt <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                                   D.part.1 = K.D.1.part, D.part.2 = K.D.2.part,
                                   AA.part = K.AA.part, AD.part = K.AD.part,
                                   DA.part = K.DA.part, DD.part = K.DD.part)

                gammas.diag <- FALSE

              df <- 4

      if (gammas.diag) {
        Gammas.null <- lapply(Ws.null, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
        Gammas.alt <- lapply(Ws.alt, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
      score.null <- try(score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.null, Gammas = Gammas.null,
                                         gammas.diag = gammas.diag, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                         P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture), silent = TRUE)

      score.alt <- try(score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.alt, Gammas = Gammas.alt,
                                        gammas.diag = gammas.diag, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                        P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture), silent = TRUE)

      if (!("try-error" %in% c(class(score.null), class(score.alt)))) {
        stat.null <- qchisq(p = 10 ^ (-score.null) / (1 - chi0.mixture),
                            df = length(Ws.null), lower.tail = FALSE)
        stat.alt <- qchisq(p = 10 ^ (-score.alt) / (1 - chi0.mixture),
                           df = length(Ws.alt), lower.tail = FALSE)
        deviance <- stat.alt - stat.null
        score.now <- ifelse(deviance <= 0, 0, -log10((1 - chi0.mixture) *
                                                       pchisq(q = deviance, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)))

        scores[i, j] <- score.now
  scores <- scores + t(scores)
  diag(scores) <- diag(scores) / 2

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) of epistatic effects with score test (multi-cores)
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' This argument is not valid when `parallel.method = "furrr"`.
#' @param parallel.method Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".
#' When `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, we utilize \code{\link[pbmcapply]{pbmclapply}} function in the `pbmcapply` package
#' with `count = TRUE` and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} function in the `parallel` package with `count = FALSE`.
#' When `parallel.method = "furrr"`, we utilize \code{\link[furrr]{future_map}} function in the `furrr` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[progressr]{progressor}} function in the `progressr` package to show the progress bar,
#' so please install the `progressr` package from github (\url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/progressr}).
#' For `parallel.method = "furrr"`, you can perform multi-thread parallelization by
#' sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to `parallel.method = "mclapply"`.
#' When `parallel.method = "foreach"`, we utilize \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function in the `foreach` package
#' with the utilization of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} function in `parallel` package,
#' and \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} function in `doParallel` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}} and
#' \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} functions in the `utils` package to show the progress bar.
#' We recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, but for Windows users,
#' this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user,
#' we recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "foreach"`.
#' @param Gu A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. You should assign \eqn{ZKZ'}, where K is covariance (relationship) matrix and Z is its design matrix.
#' @param Ge A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. You should assign identity matrix I (diag(n)).
#' @param P0 A \eqn{n \times n} matrix. The Moore-Penrose generalized inverse of \eqn{SV0S}, where \eqn{S = X(X'X)^{-1}X'} and
#' \eqn{V0 = \sigma^2_u Gu + \sigma^2_e Ge}. \eqn{\sigma^2_u} and \eqn{\sigma^2_e} are estimators of the null model.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the test statistic \eqn{l1' F l1} is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where l1 is the first derivative of the log-likelihood and F is the Fisher information. And r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param dominance.eff If this argument is TRUE, dominance effect is included in the model,
#' and additive x dominance and dominance x dominance are also tested as epistatic effects.
#' When you use inbred lines, please set this argument FALSE.
#' @param skip.self.int As default, the function also tests the self-interactions among the same SNP-sets.
#' If you want to avoid this, please set `skip.self.int = TRUE`.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) of epistatic effects for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
#' Jiang, Y. and Reif, J.C. (2015) Modeling epistasis in genomic selection. Genetics. 201(2): 759-768.
score.calc.epistasis.score.MC <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now,
                                          n.core = 2, parallel.method = "mclapply",
                                          Gu, Ge, P0, map, haplotype = TRUE,
                                          num.hap = NULL, window.size.half = 5, window.slide = 1,
                                          chi0.mixture = 0.5, gene.set = NULL, dominance.eff = TRUE,
                                          skip.self.int = FALSE, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n.line <- nrow(M.now)
  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  scores <- matrix(0, nrow = n.scores, ncol = n.scores)
  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  n.sample.now <- nrow(M.now)
  Z.normal <- diag(n.sample.now)
  W.A.list <- W.A.0.list  <- W.D.list <- W.D.0.list <-
    Z.A.part.list <- Z.D.part.list <- rep(list(NA), n.scores)
  n.scores2 <- n.scores - n.scores %% 100

  for (i in 1:n.scores) {
    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      i.chr <- min(which(i - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (i.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - cum.n.scores[i.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[i.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- i.chr
      window.centers[i] <- window.center
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == i.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == i.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[i]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (dominance.eff) {
        Mis.D.0.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (dominance.eff) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]
            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (dominance.eff) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (dominance.eff) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (dominance.eff) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                       methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                       returnWMat = TRUE,
                       probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                       probAa = probAa[Mis.range])

        W.A.0 <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.0.0,
                         methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                         returnWMat = TRUE,
                         probaa = probaa[Mis.range.0],
                         probAa = probAa[Mis.range.0])

        W.A.list[[i]] <- W.A
        Z.A.part.list[[i]] <- Z.part
        W.A.0.list[[i]] <- W.A.0

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (dominance.eff) {
            W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                           methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

            W.D.0 <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.0.0,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.0],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.0])

            W.D.list[[i]] <- W.D
            Z.D.part.list[[i]] <- Z.part.D
            W.D.0.list[[i]] <- W.D.0

  test.cands.mat <- expand.grid(
    rep(list(1:n.scores), 2)
  test.cands.mat <- test.cands.mat[,c(2, 1)]

  if (skip.self.int) {
    test.cands.mat <- test.cands.mat[test.cands.mat[, 1] < test.cands.mat[, 2], ]
    i.end <- n.scores - 1
  } else {
    test.cands.mat <- test.cands.mat[test.cands.mat[, 1] <= test.cands.mat[, 2], ]
    i.end <- n.scores
    n.calc <- n.scores * (n.scores + 1) / 2
  n.calc <- nrow(test.cands.mat)

  score.calc.epistasis.score.MC.oneInt <- function(k) {
    i <- test.cands.mat[k, 1]
    j <- test.cands.mat[k, 2]

    W.A.1 <- W.A.list[[i]]
    Z.A.1.part <- Z.A.part.list[[i]]
    W.A.0.1 <- W.A.0.list[[i]]
    m.A.1 <- ncol(W.A.0.1)

    if (dominance.eff) {
      W.D.1 <- W.D.list[[i]]
      Z.D.1.part <- Z.D.part.list[[i]]
      W.D.0.1 <- W.D.0.list[[i]]
      isna.1 <- any(is.na(W.D.0.1))
      m.D.1 <- ncol(W.D.0.1)
    } else {
      isna.1 <- TRUE

    if (i == j) {
      if ((!dominance.eff) | isna.1) {
        if ((ncol(W.A.1) ^ 2) < n.line) {
          W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.A.1),
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.A.1[i, ], W.A.1[i, ])
          W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          Ws.null <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1)
          Ws.alt <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1,
                         W.AA = Z.A.1.part %*% W.AA)

          gammas.diag <- TRUE
        } else {
          K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)

          K.AA.part <- K.A.1.part ^ 2
          K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))

          Ws.null <- list(A.part = Z.A.1.part)
          Ws.alt <- list(A.part = Z.A.1.part,
                         AA.part = Z.A.1.part)

          Gammas.null <- list(A.part = K.A.1.part)
          Gammas.alt <- list(A.part = K.A.1.part,
                             AA.part = K.AA.part)
          gammas.diag <- FALSE

        df <- 1
      } else {
        if (((ncol(W.A.1) ^ 2) < n.line) &
            ((ncol(W.D.1) ^ 2) < n.line) &
            ((m.A.1 * m.D.1) < n.line)) {
          W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.A.1),
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.A.1[i, ], W.A.1[i, ])
          W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.1[i, ])
          W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          W.DD <- t(sapply(X = 1:nrow(W.D.1),
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.D.1[i, ], W.D.1[i, ])
          W.DD <- W.DD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DD,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          Ws.null <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.D = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1)
          Ws.alt <- list(W.A = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.D = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1,
                         W.AA = Z.A.1.part %*% W.AA, W.AD = W.AD,
                         W.DD = Z.D.1.part %*% W.DD)

          gammas.diag <- TRUE
        } else {
          K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
          K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)

          K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
          K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
          K.AA.part <- K.A.1.part ^ 2
          K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.1.part
          K.DD.part <- K.D.1.part ^ 2
          K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
          K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))
          K.DD.part <- K.DD.part * nrow(K.DD.part) / sum(diag(K.DD.part))

          Ws.null <- list(A.part = Z.A.1.part, D.part = Z.D.1.part)
          Ws.alt <- list(A.part = Z.A.1.part, D.part = Z.D.1.part,
                         AA.part = Z.A.1.part, AD.part = Z.normal,
                         DD.part = Z.D.1.part)

          Gammas.null <- list(A.part = K.A.1.part, D.part = K.D.1.part)
          Gammas.alt <- list(A.part = K.A.1.part, D.part = K.D.1.part,
                             AA.part = K.AA.part, AD.part = K.AD.part,
                             DD.part = K.DD.part)

          gammas.diag <- FALSE

        df <- 3
    } else {
      W.A.2 <- W.A.list[[j]]
      Z.A.2.part <- Z.A.part.list[[j]]
      W.A.0.2 <- W.A.0.list[[j]]
      m.A.2 <- ncol(W.A.0.2)

      if (dominance.eff) {
        W.D.2 <- W.D.list[[j]]
        Z.D.2.part <- Z.D.part.list[[j]]
        W.D.0.2 <- W.D.0.list[[j]]
        isna.2 <- any(is.na(W.D.0.2))
        m.D.2 <- ncol(W.D.0.2)
      } else {
        isna.2 <- TRUE
      isnas <- c(isna.1, isna.2)

      if ((!dominance.eff) | all(isnas)) {
        if ((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) {
          W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                           FUN = function(i) {
                             kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
          W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                         MARGIN = 1,
                                         FUN = function(x) {
                                           sum(x ^ 2)

          Ws.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2)
          Ws.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                         W.AA = W.AA)

          gammas.diag <- TRUE
        } else {
          K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
          K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)

          K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
          K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
          K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
          K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))

          Ws.null <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part)
          Ws.alt <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                         AA.part = Z.normal)

          Gammas.null <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part)
          Gammas.alt <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                             AA.part = K.AA.part)

          gammas.diag <- FALSE

        df <- 1
      } else {
        if (isna.1) {
          if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
              ((m.A.1 * m.D.2) < n.line)) {
            W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
            W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                             FUN = function(i) {
                               kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
            W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                           MARGIN = 1,
                                           FUN = function(x) {
                                             sum(x ^ 2)

            Ws.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                            W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part %*% W.D.2)
            Ws.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                           W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part %*% W.D.2, W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD)

            gammas.diag <- TRUE
          } else {
            K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
            K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
            K.D.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.2)

            K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
            K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
            K.D.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.2)
            K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
            K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
            K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
            K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))

            Ws.null <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                            D.part.2 = Z.D.2.part)
            Ws.alt <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                           D.part.2 = Z.D.2.part, AA.part = Z.normal, AD.part = Z.normal)

            Gammas.null <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                                D.part.2 = K.D.2.part)
            Gammas.alt <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part, D.part.2 = K.D.2.part,
                               AA.part = K.AA.part, AD.part = K.AD.part)

            gammas.diag <- FALSE

          df <- 2
        } else {
          if (isna.2) {
            if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.D.1 * m.A.2) < n.line)) {
              W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.DA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.DA <- W.DA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              Ws.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                              W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1)
              Ws.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                             W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1, W.AA = W.AA, W.DA = W.DA)

              gammas.diag <- TRUE
            } else {
              K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
              K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
              K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)

              K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
              K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
              K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
              K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.DA.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
              K.DA.part <- K.DA.part * nrow(K.DA.part) / sum(diag(K.DA.part))

              Ws.null <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                              D.part.1 = Z.D.1.part)
              Ws.alt <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                             D.part.1 = Z.D.1.part, AA.part = Z.normal, DA.part = Z.normal)

              Gammas.null <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                                  D.part.1 = K.D.1.part)
              Gammas.alt <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part, D.part.1 = K.D.1.part,
                                 AA.part = K.AA.part, DA.part = K.DA.part)

              gammas.diag <- FALSE

            df <- 2
          } else {
            if (((m.A.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.A.1 * m.D.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.D.1 * m.A.2) < n.line) &
                ((m.D.1 * m.D.2) < n.line)) {
              W.AA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.AA <- W.AA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.AD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.A.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
              W.AD <- W.AD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.AD,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.DA <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.A.0.2[i, ])
              W.DA <- W.DA / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DA,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              W.DD <- t(sapply(X = 1:n.line,
                               FUN = function(i) {
                                 kronecker(W.D.0.1[i, ], W.D.0.2[i, ])
              W.DD <- W.DD / sqrt(mean(apply(X = W.DD,
                                             MARGIN = 1,
                                             FUN = function(x) {
                                               sum(x ^ 2)

              Ws.null <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                              W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part %*% W.D.2)
              Ws.alt <- list(W.A.1 = Z.A.1.part %*% W.A.1, W.A.2 = Z.A.2.part %*% W.A.2,
                             W.D.1 = Z.D.1.part %*% W.D.1, W.D.2 = Z.D.2.part %*% W.D.2,
                             W.AA = W.AA, W.AD = W.AD, W.DA = W.DA, W.DD = W.DD)

              gammas.diag <- TRUE
            } else {
              K.A.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.1)
              K.A.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.2)
              K.D.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.1)
              K.D.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.2)

              K.A.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.1)
              K.A.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.A.0.2)
              K.D.0.1.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.1)
              K.D.0.2.part <- tcrossprod(W.D.0.2)
              K.AA.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.AD.part <- K.A.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
              K.DA.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.A.0.2.part
              K.DD.part <- K.D.0.1.part * K.D.0.2.part
              K.AA.part <- K.AA.part * nrow(K.AA.part) / sum(diag(K.AA.part))
              K.AD.part <- K.AD.part * nrow(K.AD.part) / sum(diag(K.AD.part))
              K.DA.part <- K.DA.part * nrow(K.DA.part) / sum(diag(K.DA.part))
              K.DD.part <- K.DD.part * nrow(K.DD.part) / sum(diag(K.DD.part))

              Ws.null <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                              D.part.1 = Z.D.1.part, D.part.2 = Z.D.2.part)
              Ws.alt <- list(A.part.1 = Z.A.1.part, A.part.2 = Z.A.2.part,
                             D.part.1 = Z.D.1.part, D.part.2 = Z.D.2.part,
                             AA.part = Z.normal, AD.part = Z.normal,
                             DA.part = Z.normal, DD.part = Z.normal)

              Gammas.null <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                                  D.part.1 = K.D.1.part, D.part.2 = K.D.2.part)
              Gammas.alt <- list(A.part.1 = K.A.1.part, A.part.2 = K.A.2.part,
                                 D.part.1 = K.D.1.part, D.part.2 = K.D.2.part,
                                 AA.part = K.AA.part, AD.part = K.AD.part,
                                 DA.part = K.DA.part, DD.part = K.DD.part)

              gammas.diag <- FALSE

            df <- 4

    if (gammas.diag) {
      Gammas.null <- lapply(Ws.null, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
      Gammas.alt <- lapply(Ws.alt, function(x) diag(ncol(x)))
    score.null <- try(score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.null, Gammas = Gammas.null,
                                       gammas.diag = gammas.diag, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                       P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture), silent = TRUE)

    score.alt <- try(score.linker.cpp(y, Ws = Ws.alt, Gammas = Gammas.alt,
                                      gammas.diag = gammas.diag, Gu = Gu, Ge = Ge,
                                      P0 = P0, chi0.mixture = chi0.mixture), silent = TRUE)

    if (!("try-error" %in% c(class(score.null), class(score.alt)))) {
      stat.null <- qchisq(p = 10 ^ (-score.null) / (1 - chi0.mixture),
                          df = length(Ws.null), lower.tail = FALSE)
      stat.alt <- qchisq(p = 10 ^ (-score.alt) / (1 - chi0.mixture),
                         df = length(Ws.alt), lower.tail = FALSE)
      deviance <- stat.alt - stat.null
      score.now <- ifelse(deviance <= 0, 0, -log10((1 - chi0.mixture) *
                                                     pchisq(q = deviance, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)))
    } else {
      score.now <- 0


  scores.list <- parallel.compute(vec = 1:n.calc,
                                  func = score.calc.epistasis.score.MC.oneInt,
                                  n.core = n.core,
                                  parallel.method = parallel.method,
                                  count = count)
  scores.vec <- unlist(scores.list)

  k <- 0
  for (i in 1:i.end) {
    j.start <- ifelse(test = skip.self.int,
                      yes = i + 1, no = i)
    for (j in j.start:n.scores) {
      k <- k + 1
      scores[i, j] <- scores.vec[k]

  scores <- scores + t(scores)
  diag(scores) <- diag(scores) / 2

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- colnames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) for single-SNP GWAS with interaction
#' @description Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP by the Wald test for the model inluding interaction term.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param interaction.with.SNPs.now A \eqn{m \times q} matrix. Interaction between each SNP and this matrix will also be tested.
#' For example, principal components of genomic relationship matrix can be used as this matrix to test the interaction between SNPs and the genetic background.
#' @param test.method.interaction Method for how to test SNPs and the interactions between SNPs and the genetic background.
#' We offer three methods as follows:
#' "simultaneous": All effects (including SNP efects) are tested simultanously.
#' "snpSeparate": SNP effects are tested as one effect, and the other interaction effects are simulateneously.
#' "oneByOne": All efects are tested separately, one by one.
#' @param include.SNP.effect Whether or not including SNP effects into the tested effects.
#' @param Hinv The inverse of \eqn{H = ZKZ' + \lambda I} where \eqn{\lambda = \sigma^2_e / \sigma^2_u}.
#' @param P3D When P3D = TRUE, variance components are estimated by REML only once, without any markers in the model.
#' When P3D = FALSE, variance components are estimated by REML for each marker separately.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process.
#' We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' This argument is only valid when `package.MM = 'RAINBOWR'`.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each marker
#' @references Kennedy, B.W., Quinton, M. and van Arendonk, J.A. (1992)
#' Estimation of effects of single genes on quantitative traits. J Anim Sci. 70(7): 2000-2012.
#' Kang, H.M. et al. (2008) Efficient Control of Population Structure
#'  in Model Organism Association Mapping. Genetics. 178(3): 1709-1723.
#' Kang, H.M. et al. (2010) Variance component model to account for sample
#'   structure in genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 348-354.
#' Zhang, Z. et al. (2010) Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide
#'  association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 355-360.
score.calc.int <- function(M.now, ZETA.now, y, X.now,
                           package.MM = "gaston",
                           test.method.interaction = "simultaneous",
                           include.SNP.effect = TRUE,
                           Hinv, P3D = TRUE, eigen.G = NULL, optimizer = "nlminb",
                           n.core = 1, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  computePVals <- function(p) {
    v1 <- length(p)
    v2 <- ni - ncol(Xi)

    if (!P3D) {
      Xi2 <- make.full(Xi)
      EMM.res <- EM3.general(y = yi, X0 = Xi2, ZETA = ZETA.now,
                             eigen.G = eigen.G, package = package.MM,
                             n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                             tol = NULL, REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                             return.u.always = FALSE,
                             return.u.each = FALSE,
                             return.Hinv = TRUE)
      H2inv <- EMM.res$Hinv
    } else {
      H2inv <- Hinv[not.NA.geno, not.NA.geno]

    beta.stat <- try(GWAS_F_test(y = yi, x = Xi, hinv = H2inv,
                                 v1 = v1, v2 = v2, p = as.matrix(p)), silent = TRUE)

    if (!("try-error" %in% class(beta.stat))) {
      scoreNow <- -log10(pbeta(beta.stat, v2 / 2, v1 / 2))
    } else {
      scoreNow <- NA


  n.mark <- ncol(M.now)

  if (test.method.interaction == "simultaneous") {
    test.names <- "All"
  } else if (test.method.interaction == "snpSeparate") {
    if (include.SNP.effect) {
      test.names <- c("SNP", "Interaction")
    } else {
      test.method.interaction <- "simultaneous"
      test.names <- "All"

      message("`test.method.interaction` is replaced by 'simultaneous' since you use 'GROUP' method!")
  } else if (test.method.interaction == "oneByOne") {
    if (include.SNP.effect) {
      test.names <- c("SNP", colnames(interaction.with.SNPs.now))
    } else {
      test.names <- colnames(interaction.with.SNPs.now)

  n.test <- length(test.names)

  scores <- array(data = NA,
                  dim = c(n.mark, n.test),
                  dimnames = list(Marker = colnames(M.now),
                                  Test = test.names))

  lz <- length(ZETA.now)
  ZKZt <- matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = length(y))
  for (list.no in lz) {
    ZKZt.now <- tcrossprod(ZETA.now[[list.no]]$Z %*% ZETA.now[[list.no]]$K, ZETA.now[[list.no]]$Z)
    ZKZt <- ZKZt + ZKZt.now
  rank.ZKZt <- Matrix::rankMatrix(ZKZt)[1]

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n.mark, style = 3)
  n.mark2 <- n.mark - n.mark %% 100
  start.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
  for (i in 1:n.mark) {
    if (count) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      if (n.mark > 100) {
        if (i == (n.mark2 / 100 + 1) | i == (n.mark2 / 10 + 1) | i == (n.mark2 / 2 + 1)) {
          end.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
          jikan.scorecalc <- (end.scorecalc - start.scorecalc) * (n.mark - i + 1) / (i - 1)
          print(paste0((i - 1) * 100 / n.mark2, "%...Done. ",
                       round(jikan.scorecalc, 2), " ", attr(jikan.scorecalc, "units"),
                       " to end.  Scheduled end time : ", end.scorecalc + jikan.scorecalc))

    Mi <- M.now[, i]
    freq <- mean(Mi + 1, na.rm = TRUE) / 2
    MAF <- min(freq, 1 - freq)
    if (MAF >= min.MAF) {
      not.NA.geno <- which(!is.na(Mi))

      ni <- as.integer(min(length(not.NA.geno), rank.ZKZt))
      yi <- as.matrix(y[not.NA.geno])
      Xi <- X.now[not.NA.geno, , drop = FALSE]

      if (include.SNP.effect) {
        Xi <- cbind(Xi, Mi[not.NA.geno])

      Mi.interaction <- interaction.with.SNPs.now[not.NA.geno, ] *
        matrix(data = rep(Mi[not.NA.geno], ncol(interaction.with.SNPs.now)),
               ncol = ncol(interaction.with.SNPs.now))

      whichHighCor <- unique(which(abs(cor(interaction.with.SNPs.now,
                                           Mi.interaction)) >= 0.95,
                                   arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]) + ncol(Xi)

      Xi <- cbind(Xi, Mi.interaction)
      p <- (ncol(X.now) + 1):ncol(Xi)

      if (test.method.interaction != "oneByOne") {
        if (length(whichHighCor) >= 1) {
          Xi <- Xi[, -whichHighCor]
          p <- (ncol(X.now) + 1):max(ncol(Xi), (ncol(X.now) + 1))
        if (test.method.interaction == "simultaneous") {
          scores[i, ] <- computePVals(p)
        } else if (test.method.interaction == "snpSeparate") {
          scores[i, ] <- c(computePVals(p[1]), computePVals(p[-1]))
      } else {
        if (length(whichHighCor) >= 1) {
          scores.now <- rep(NA, length(p))
          whichNonZero <- !(p %in% whichHighCor)
          Xi <- Xi[, -whichHighCor]
          p <- (ncol(X.now) + 1):max(ncol(Xi), (ncol(X.now) + 1))

          scores.now[whichNonZero] <- sapply(X = p, FUN = computePVals)
        } else {
          scores.now <- sapply(X = p, FUN = computePVals)
        scores[i, ] <- scores.now

  if (count) {


#' Calculate -log10(p) for single-SNP GWAS with interaction (multi-cores)
#' @description Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP by the Wald test for the model inluding interaction term.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param interaction.with.SNPs.now A \eqn{m \times q} matrix. Interaction between each SNP and this matrix will also be tested.
#' For example, principal components of genomic relationship matrix can be used as this matrix to test the interaction between SNPs and the genetic background.
#' @param test.method.interaction Method for how to test SNPs and the interactions between SNPs and the genetic background.
#' We offer three methods as follows:
#' "simultaneous": All effects (including SNP efects) are tested simultanously.
#' "snpSeparate": SNP effects are tested as one effect, and the other interaction effects are simulateneously.
#' "oneByOne": All efects are tested separately, one by one.
#' @param include.SNP.effect Whether or not including SNP effects into the tested effects.
#' @param Hinv The inverse of \eqn{H = ZKZ' + \lambda I} where \eqn{\lambda = \sigma^2_e / \sigma^2_u}.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' This argument is not valid when `parallel.method = "furrr"`.
#' @param parallel.method Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".
#' When `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, we utilize \code{\link[pbmcapply]{pbmclapply}} function in the `pbmcapply` package
#' with `count = TRUE` and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} function in the `parallel` package with `count = FALSE`.
#' When `parallel.method = "furrr"`, we utilize \code{\link[furrr]{future_map}} function in the `furrr` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[progressr]{progressor}} function in the `progressr` package to show the progress bar,
#' so please install the `progressr` package from github (\url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/progressr}).
#' For `parallel.method = "furrr"`, you can perform multi-thread parallelization by
#' sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to `parallel.method = "mclapply"`.
#' When `parallel.method = "foreach"`, we utilize \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function in the `foreach` package
#' with the utilization of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} function in `parallel` package,
#' and \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} function in `doParallel` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}} and
#' \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} functions in the `utils` package to show the progress bar.
#' We recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, but for Windows users,
#' this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user,
#' we recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "foreach"`.
#' @param P3D When P3D = TRUE, variance components are estimated by REML only once, without any markers in the model.
#' When P3D = FALSE, variance components are estimated by REML for each marker separately.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process.
#' We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' This argument is only valid when `package.MM = 'RAINBOWR'`.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each marker
#' @references Kennedy, B.W., Quinton, M. and van Arendonk, J.A. (1992)
#' Estimation of effects of single genes on quantitative traits. J Anim Sci. 70(7): 2000-2012.
#' Kang, H.M. et al. (2008) Efficient Control of Population Structure
#'  in Model Organism Association Mapping. Genetics. 178(3): 1709-1723.
#' Kang, H.M. et al. (2010) Variance component model to account for sample
#'   structure in genome-wide association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 348-354.
#' Zhang, Z. et al. (2010) Mixed linear model approach adapted for genome-wide
#'  association studies. Nat Genet. 42(4): 355-360.
score.calc.int.MC <- function(M.now, ZETA.now, y, X.now,
                              package.MM = "gaston", interaction.with.SNPs.now,
                              test.method.interaction = "simultaneous",
                              include.SNP.effect = TRUE, Hinv,
                              n.core = 2, parallel.method = "mclapply",
                              P3D = TRUE, eigen.G = NULL, optimizer = "nlminb",
                              min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n.mark <- ncol(M.now)

  if (test.method.interaction == "simultaneous") {
    test.names <- "All"
  } else if (test.method.interaction == "snpSeparate") {
    if (include.SNP.effect) {
      test.names <- c("SNP", "Interaction")
    } else {
      test.method.interaction <- "simultaneous"
      test.names <- "All"

      message("`test.method.interaction` is replaced by 'simultaneous' since you use 'GROUP' method!")
  } else if (test.method.interaction == "oneByOne") {
    if (include.SNP.effect) {
      test.names <- c("SNP", colnames(interaction.with.SNPs.now))
    } else {
      test.names <- colnames(interaction.with.SNPs.now)

  n.test <- length(test.names)

  lz <- length(ZETA.now)
  ZKZt <- matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = length(y))
  for (list.no in lz) {
    ZKZt.now <- tcrossprod(ZETA.now[[list.no]]$Z %*% ZETA.now[[list.no]]$K, ZETA.now[[list.no]]$Z)
    ZKZt <- ZKZt + ZKZt.now
  rank.ZKZt <- Matrix::rankMatrix(ZKZt)[1]

  score.calc.int.MC.oneSNP <- function(markNo) {
    computePVals <- function(p) {
      v1 <- length(p)
      v2 <- ni - ncol(Xi)

      if (!P3D) {
        Xi2 <- make.full(Xi)
        EMM.res <- EM3.general(y = yi, X0 = Xi2, ZETA = ZETA.now,
                               eigen.G = eigen.G, package = package.MM,
                               n.core = 1, optimizer = optimizer,
                               tol = NULL, REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                               return.u.always = FALSE,
                               return.u.each = FALSE,
                               return.Hinv = TRUE)
        H2inv <- EMM.res$Hinv
      } else {
        H2inv <- Hinv[not.NA.geno, not.NA.geno]

      beta.stat <- try(GWAS_F_test(y = yi, x = Xi, hinv = H2inv,
                                   v1 = v1, v2 = v2, p = as.matrix(p)), silent = TRUE)

      if (!("try-error" %in% class(beta.stat))) {
        scoreNow <- -log10(pbeta(beta.stat, v2 / 2, v1 / 2))
      } else {
        scoreNow <- NA


    Mi <- M.now[, markNo]
    if (markNo %% 1000 == 0) {
      gc(reset = TRUE); gc(reset = TRUE)
    freq <- mean(Mi + 1, na.rm = TRUE) / 2
    MAF <- min(freq, 1 - freq)
    if (MAF >= min.MAF) {
      not.NA.geno <- which(!is.na(Mi))

      ni <- as.integer(min(length(not.NA.geno), rank.ZKZt))
      yi <- as.matrix(y[not.NA.geno])
      Xi <- X.now[not.NA.geno, , drop = FALSE]

      if (include.SNP.effect) {
        Xi <- cbind(Xi, Mi[not.NA.geno])

      Mi.interaction <- interaction.with.SNPs.now[not.NA.geno, ] *
        matrix(data = rep(Mi[not.NA.geno], ncol(interaction.with.SNPs.now)),
               ncol = ncol(interaction.with.SNPs.now))

      whichHighCor <- unique(which(abs(cor(interaction.with.SNPs.now,
                                           Mi.interaction)) >= 0.95,
                                   arr.ind = TRUE)[, 2]) + ncol(Xi)

      Xi <- cbind(Xi, Mi.interaction)
      p <- (ncol(X.now) + 1):ncol(Xi)

      if (test.method.interaction != "oneByOne") {
        if (length(whichHighCor) >= 1) {
          Xi <- Xi[, -whichHighCor]
          p <- (ncol(X.now) + 1):max(ncol(Xi), (ncol(X.now) + 1))
        if (test.method.interaction == "simultaneous") {
          scores.now <- computePVals(p)
        } else if (test.method.interaction == "snpSeparate") {
          scores.now <- c(computePVals(p[1]), computePVals(p[-1]))
      } else {
        if (length(whichHighCor) >= 1) {
          scores.now <- rep(NA, length(p))
          whichNonZero <- !(p %in% whichHighCor)
          Xi <- Xi[, -whichHighCor]
          p <- (ncol(X.now) + 1):max(ncol(Xi), (ncol(X.now) + 1))

          scores.now[whichNonZero] <- sapply(X = p, FUN = computePVals)
        } else {
          scores.now <- sapply(X = p, FUN = computePVals)
    } else {
      scores.now <- NA
  if (count) {

  scores.list <- parallel.compute(vec = 1:n.mark,
                                  func = score.calc.int.MC.oneSNP,
                                  n.core = n.core,
                                  parallel.method = parallel.method,
                                  count = count)

  scores <- do.call(what = rbind,
                    args = scores.list)
  dimnames(scores) <- list(Marker = colnames(M.now),
                           Test = test.names)
  if (count) {


#' Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP-set and its interaction with kernels by the LR test
#' @description This function calculates -log10(p) of each SNP-set and its interaction with kernels by the LR (likelihood-ratio) test.
#' First, the function solves the multi-kernel mixed model and calaculates the maximum restricted log likelihood.
#' Then it performs the LR test by using the fact that the deviance
#' \deqn{D = 2 \times (LL _ {alt} - LL _ {null})}
#' follows the chi-square distribution.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param interaction.kernel A \eqn{n \times n} Gram (kernel) matrix which may indicate some interaction with SNP-sets to be tested.
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param LL0 The log-likelihood for the null model.
#' @param eigen.SGS A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eeigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{SGS}, where \eqn{S = I - X(X'X)^{-1}X'}, \eqn{G = ZKZ'}.
#' You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param kernel.method It determines how to calculate kernel. There are three methods.
#' \describe{
#' \item{"gaussian"}{It is the default method. Gaussian kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"exponential"}{When this method is selected, exponential kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"linear"}{When this method is selected, linear kernel is calculated by NOIA methods for additive GRM.}
#' @param kernel.h The hyper-parameter for gaussian or exponential kernel.
#' If kernel.h = "tuned", this hyper parameter is calculated as the median of off-diagonals of distance matrix of genotype data.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param test.effect Effect of each marker to test. You can choose "test.effect" from "additive", "dominance" and "additive+dominance".
#' You also can choose more than one effect, for example, test.effect = c("additive", "aditive+dominance")
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process. We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the deviance is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param weighting.center In kernel-based GWAS, weights according to the Gaussian distribution (centered on the tested SNP) are taken into account when calculating the kernel if Rainbow = TRUE.
#'           If weighting.center = FALSE, weights are not taken into account.
#' @param weighting.other You can set other weights in addition to weighting.center. The length of this argument should be equal to the number of SNPs.
#'           For example, you can assign SNP effects from the information of gene annotation.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
score.calc.LR.int <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now,
                              interaction.kernel, package.MM = "gaston",
                              LL0, eigen.SGS = NULL, eigen.G = NULL,
                              n.core = 1, optimizer = "nlminb", map,
                              kernel.method = "linear", kernel.h = "tuned",
                              haplotype = TRUE, num.hap = NULL, test.effect = "additive",
                              window.size.half = 5, window.slide = 1, chi0.mixture = 0.5,
                              weighting.center = TRUE, weighting.other = NULL,
                              gene.set = NULL, min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n <- length(y)

  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    scores <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.scores, ncol = length(test.effect))
  } else {
    scores <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.scores, ncol =  1)
  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)

  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = n.scores, style = 3)
  n.scores2 <- n.scores - n.scores %% 100
  start.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
  for (i in 1:n.scores) {
    if (count) {
      setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
      if (n.scores > 100) {
        if (i == (n.scores2 / 100 + 1) | i == (n.scores2 / 10 + 1) | i == (n.scores2 / 2 + 1)) {
          end.scorecalc <- Sys.time()
          jikan.scorecalc <- (end.scorecalc - start.scorecalc) * (n.scores - i + 1) / (i - 1)
          print(paste0((i - 1) * 100 / n.scores2, "%...Done. ",
                       round(jikan.scorecalc, 2), " ", attr(jikan.scorecalc, "units"),
                       " to end.  Scheduled end time : ", end.scorecalc + jikan.scorecalc))

    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      i.chr <- min(which(i - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (i.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - cum.n.scores[i.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[i.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- i.chr
      window.centers[i] <- window.center
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == i.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == i.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[i]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1) {
      Mis.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
        Mis.D.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]
            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        if (window.size != 1) {
          if (weighting.center) {
            weight.Mis <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
          } else {
            weight.Mis <- rep(1, window.size)
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
        } else {
          weight.Mis <- 1

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (window.size != 1) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              if (weighting.center) {
                weight.Mis.D <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
              } else {
                weight.Mis.D <- rep(1, window.size.D)
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
          } else {
            weight.Mis.D <- 1

        if (kernel.method != "linear") {
          if (ncol(Mis) != 1) {
            Mis.weighted <- t(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))
          } else {
            Mis.weighted <- as.matrix(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))

          K.SNP <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.weighted,
                           methodGRM = kernel.method,
                           kernel.h = kernel.h,
                           returnWMat = FALSE)

          Z.part.sp <- as(object = Z.part, Class = "sparseMatrix")
          Z.part.t.sp <- as(object = t(Z.part), Class = "sparseMatrix")
          K.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.SNP %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel
          Z.int <- diag(nrow(interaction.kernel))
          rownames(Z.int) <- colnames(Z.int) <- rownames(Z.part)

          ZETA.now2 <- c(ZETA.now, list(part = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.SNP),
                                        part.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.int)))
          EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2,
                                      package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                      n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                      return.u.always = FALSE,
                                      return.u.each = FALSE,
                                      return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

          if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
            LL2s <- EMM.res2$LL
          } else {
            LL2s <- LL0

          df <- 2
        } else {
          test.no <- match(test.effect, c("additive", "dominance", "additive+dominance"))
          if (length(test.no) == 0) {
            stop("The effect to test should be 'additive', 'dominance' or 'additive+dominance'!")

          if (any(test.effect %in% c("additive", "additive+dominance"))) {
            W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                           methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range])

          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

          test.names <- c("A", "D", "AD")[test.no]

          ZETA.now2.A <- ZETA.now2.D <- ZETA.now2.AD <- NULL
          Z.part.sp <- as(object = Z.part, Class = "sparseMatrix")
          Z.part.t.sp <- as(object = t(Z.part), Class = "sparseMatrix")
          Z.int <- diag(nrow(interaction.kernel))
          rownames(Z.int) <- colnames(Z.int) <- rownames(Z.part)

          if ("A" %in% test.names) {
            K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
            K.A.part.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.A.part %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel

            ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now,
                             list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part),
                                  part.A.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.A.part.int)))

          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if ("D" %in% test.names) {
              K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
              ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
              K.D.part.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.D.part %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel

              ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now,
                               list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.D.part),
                                    part.D.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.D.part.int)))

            if ("AD" %in% test.names) {
              if (!("A" %in% test.names)) {
                K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
                K.A.part.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.A.part %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel

              if (!("D" %in% test.names)) {
                K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                K.D.part.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.D.part %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel

              ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now,
                                list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part),
                                     part.A.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.A.part.int),
                                     part.D = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.D.part),
                                     part.D.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.D.part.int)))

          ZETA.now2.list <- list(
            A = ZETA.now2.A,
            D = ZETA.now2.D,
            AD = ZETA.now2.AD

          df <- c(2, 2, 4)[test.no]
          LL2s <- sapply(X = test.names,
                         FUN = function(test.name.now) {

                           compute.LL <- TRUE
                           if (!any(MAF.cut.D)) {
                             if (test.name.now == "D") {
                               LL2 <- LL0
                               compute.LL <- FALSE
                             } else if (test.name.now == "AD") {
                               test.name.now <- "A"

                           if (compute.LL) {
                             EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now,
                                                         ZETA = ZETA.now2.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                         package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                                         n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                                         REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                                         return.u.always = FALSE,
                                                         return.u.each = FALSE,
                                                         return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

                             if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
                               LL2 <- EMM.res2$LL
                             } else {
                               LL2 <- LL0

                         }, simplify = TRUE)

        deviances <- 2 * (LL2s - LL0)
        scores.now <- ifelse(
          test = deviances <= 0, yes = 0,
          no = -log10((1 - chi0.mixture) *
                        pchisq(q = deviances, df = df,
                               lower.tail = FALSE))
        scores[i, ] <- scores.now

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    rownames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    colnames(scores) <- test.effect
  } else {
    colnames(scores) <- kernel.method

  if (count) {

#' Calculate -log10(p) of each SNP-set and its interaction with kernels by the LR test (multi-cores)
#' @description This function calculates -log10(p) of each SNP-set and its interaction with kernels by the LR (likelihood-ratio) test.
#' First, the function solves the multi-kernel mixed model and calaculates the maximum restricted log likelihood.
#' Then it performs the LR test by using the fact that the deviance
#' \deqn{D = 2 \times (LL _ {alt} - LL _ {null})}
#' follows the chi-square distribution.
#' @param M.now A \eqn{n \times m} genotype matrix where \eqn{n} is sample size and \eqn{m} is the number of markers.
#' @param y A \eqn{n \times 1} vector. A vector of phenotypic values should be used. NA is allowed.
#' @param X.now A \eqn{n \times p} matrix. You should assign mean vector (rep(1, n)) and covariates. NA is not allowed.
#' @param ZETA.now A list of variance (relationship) matrix (K; \eqn{m \times m}) and its design matrix (Z; \eqn{n \times m}) of random effects. You can use only one kernel matrix.
#' For example, ZETA = list(A = list(Z = Z, K = K))
#' Please set names of list "Z" and "K"!
#' @param interaction.kernel A \eqn{n \times n} Gram (kernel) matrix which may indicate some interaction with SNP-sets to be tested.
#' @param package.MM The package name to be used when solving mixed-effects model. We only offer the following three packages:
#' "RAINBOWR", "MM4LMM" and "gaston". Default package is `gaston`.
#' See more details at \code{\link{EM3.general}}.
#' @param LL0 The log-likelihood for the null model.
#' @param eigen.SGS A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{SGS}, where \eqn{S = I - X(X'X)^{-1}X'}, \eqn{G = ZKZ'}.
#' You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param eigen.G A list with
#' \describe{
#' \item{$values}{Eigen values}
#' \item{$vectors}{Eigen vectors}
#' }
#' The result of the eigen decompsition of \eqn{G = ZKZ'}. You can use "spectralG.cpp" function in RAINBOWR.
#' If this argument is NULL, the eigen decomposition will be performed in this function.
#' We recommend you assign the result of the eigen decomposition beforehand for time saving.
#' @param n.core Setting n.core > 1 will enable parallel execution on a machine with multiple cores.
#' This argument is not valid when `parallel.method = "furrr"`.
#' @param parallel.method Method for parallel computation. We offer three methods, "mclapply", "furrr", and "foreach".
#' When `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, we utilize \code{\link[pbmcapply]{pbmclapply}} function in the `pbmcapply` package
#' with `count = TRUE` and \code{\link[parallel]{mclapply}} function in the `parallel` package with `count = FALSE`.
#' When `parallel.method = "furrr"`, we utilize \code{\link[furrr]{future_map}} function in the `furrr` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[progressr]{progressor}} function in the `progressr` package to show the progress bar,
#' so please install the `progressr` package from github (\url{https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/progressr}).
#' For `parallel.method = "furrr"`, you can perform multi-thread parallelization by
#' sharing memories, which results in saving your memory, but quite slower compared to `parallel.method = "mclapply"`.
#' When `parallel.method = "foreach"`, we utilize \code{\link[foreach]{foreach}} function in the `foreach` package
#' with the utilization of \code{\link[parallel]{makeCluster}} function in `parallel` package,
#' and \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} function in `doParallel` package.
#' With `count = TRUE`, we also utilize \code{\link[utils]{setTxtProgressBar}} and
#' \code{\link[utils]{txtProgressBar}} functions in the `utils` package to show the progress bar.
#' We recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "mclapply"`, but for Windows users,
#' this parallelization method is not supported. So, if you are Windows user,
#' we recommend that you use the option `parallel.method = "foreach"`.
#' @param map Data frame of map information where the first column is the marker names,
#' the second and third column is the chromosome amd map position, and the forth column is -log10(p) for each marker.
#' @param kernel.method It determines how to calculate kernel. There are three methods.
#' \describe{
#' \item{"gaussian"}{It is the default method. Gaussian kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"exponential"}{When this method is selected, exponential kernel is calculated by distance matrix.}
#' \item{"linear"}{When this method is selected, linear kernel is calculated by NOIA methods for additive GRM.}
#' @param kernel.h The hyper parameter for gaussian or exponential kernel.
#' If kernel.h = "tuned", this hyper parameter is calculated as the median of off-diagonals of distance matrix of genotype data.
#' @param haplotype If the number of lines of your data is large (maybe > 100), you should set haplotype = TRUE.
#'             When haplotype = TRUE, haplotype-based kernel will be used for calculating -log10(p).
#'             (So the dimension of this gram matrix will be smaller.)
#'             The result won't be changed, but the time for the calculation will be shorter.
#' @param num.hap When haplotype = TRUE, you can set the number of haplotypes which you expect.
#'           Then similar arrays are considered as the same haplotype, and then make kernel(K.SNP) whose dimension is num.hap x num.hap.
#'           When num.hap = NULL (default), num.hap will be set as the maximum number which reflects the difference between lines.
#' @param test.effect Effect of each marker to test. You can choose "test.effect" from "additive", "dominance" and "additive+dominance".
#' You also can choose more than one effect, for example, test.effect = c("additive", "aditive+dominance")
#' @param window.size.half This argument decides how many SNPs (around the SNP you want to test) are used to calculated K.SNP.
#' More precisely, the number of SNPs will be 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param window.slide This argument determines how often you test markers. If window.slide = 1, every marker will be tested.
#' If you want to perform SNP set by bins, please set window.slide = 2 * window.size.half + 1.
#' @param optimizer The function used in the optimization process. We offer "optim", "optimx", and "nlminb" functions.
#' @param chi0.mixture RAINBOWR assumes the deviance is considered to follow a x chisq(df = 0) + (1 - a) x chisq(df = r).
#' where r is the degree of freedom.
#' The argument chi0.mixture is a (0 <= a < 1), and default is 0.5.
#' @param weighting.center In kernel-based GWAS, weights according to the Gaussian distribution (centered on the tested SNP) are taken into account when calculating the kernel if Rainbow = TRUE.
#'           If weighting.center = FALSE, weights are not taken into account.
#' @param weighting.other You can set other weights in addition to weighting.center. The length of this argument should be equal to the number of SNPs.
#'           For example, you can assign SNP effects from the information of gene annotation.
#' @param gene.set If you have information of gene, you can use it to perform kernel-based GWAS.
#'            You should assign your gene information to gene.set in the form of a "data.frame" (whose dimension is (the number of gene) x 2).
#'            In the first column, you should assign the gene name. And in the second column, you should assign the names of each marker,
#'            which correspond to the marker names of "geno" argument.
#' @param min.MAF Specifies the minimum minor allele frequency (MAF).
#' If a marker has a MAF less than min.MAF, it is assigned a zero score.
#' @param count When count is TRUE, you can know how far RGWAS has ended with percent display.
#' @return -log10(p) for each SNP-set
#' @references Listgarten, J. et al. (2013) A powerful and efficient set test
#'  for genetic markers that handles confounders. Bioinformatics. 29(12): 1526-1533.
#' Lippert, C. et al. (2014) Greater power and computational efficiency for kernel-based
#'  association testing of sets of genetic variants. Bioinformatics. 30(22): 3206-3214.
score.calc.LR.int.MC <- function(M.now, y, X.now, ZETA.now,
                                 package.MM = "gaston", LL0,
                                 eigen.SGS = NULL, eigen.G = NULL,
                                 n.core = 2, parallel.method = "mclapply",
                                 map, kernel.method = "linear", kernel.h = "tuned",
                                 haplotype = TRUE, num.hap = NULL,
                                 test.effect = "additive", window.size.half = 5,
                                 window.slide = 1, optimizer = "nlminb",
                                 chi0.mixture = 0.5, weighting.center = TRUE,
                                 weighting.other = NULL, gene.set = NULL,
                                 min.MAF = 0.02, count = TRUE) {
  n <- length(y)

  chr <- map[, 2]
  chr.tab <- table(chr)
  chr.max <- length(chr.tab)
  chr.cum <- cumsum(chr.tab)
  n.scores.each <- (chr.tab + (window.slide - 1)) %/% window.slide
  cum.n.scores <- cumsum(n.scores.each)
  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    n.scores <- sum(n.scores.each)
  } else {
    gene.names <- as.character(gene.set[, 1])
    mark.id <- as.character(gene.set[, 2])
    gene.name <- as.character(unique(gene.names))
    n.scores <- length(unique(gene.set[, 1]))

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    ncol.scores <- length(test.effect)
  } else {
    ncol.scores <- 1
  window.centers <- rep(NA, n.scores)
  probaa <- apply(M.now == -1, 2, mean)
  probAa <- apply(M.now == 0, 2, mean)
  freq <- probaa + probAa / 2
  MAF <- pmin(freq, 1 - freq)
  MAF.D <- pmin(probAa, 1 - probAa)

  score.calc.LR.int.MC.oneSNP <- function(i) {
    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      i.chr <- min(which(i - cum.n.scores <= 0))
      if (i.chr >= 2) {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - cum.n.scores[i.chr - 1] - 1) + chr.cum[i.chr - 1] + 1
      } else {
        window.center <- window.slide * (i - 1) + 1
      names(window.center) <- i.chr
      window.centers[i] <- window.center
      Theories1 <-  window.center < window.size.half + 1
      for (r in 1:(chr.max - 1)) {
        Theory1 <- chr.cum[r] < window.center & window.center < window.size.half + 1 + chr.cum[r]
        Theories1 <- c(Theories1, Theory1)
      rule1 <- sum(Theories1) != 0

      Theories2  <- NULL
      for (r in 1:chr.max) {
        Theory2 <- chr.cum[r] - (window.size.half + 1) < window.center & window.center <= chr.cum[r]
        Theories2 <- c(Theories2, Theory2)
      rule2 <- sum(Theories2) != 0

      if (rule1 & rule2) {
        Mis.range.0 <- which(chr == i.chr)
        Mis.range.02 <- which(chr == i.chr) - window.center + 1 + window.size.half
      } else {
        if (rule1) {
          near.min <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
          Mis.range.0 <- (near.min + 1):(window.center + window.size.half)
          Mis.range.02 <- (2 * window.size.half + 2 - length(Mis.range.0)):(2 * window.size.half + 1)
        } else {
          if (rule2) {
            near.max <- c(0, chr.cum)[which.min(abs(window.center - c(0, chr.cum)))]
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):near.max
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
          } else {
            Mis.range.0 <- (window.center - window.size.half):(window.center + window.size.half)
            Mis.range.02 <- 1:(2 * window.size.half + 1)
    } else {
      mark.name.now <- mark.id[gene.names == gene.name[i]]
      Mis.range.0 <- match(mark.name.now, map[, 1])
      Mis.range.0 <- Mis.range.0[!is.na(Mis.range.0)]
      Mis.range.02 <- 1:length(Mis.range.0)
      weighting.center <- FALSE

    if (length(Mis.range.0) >= 1){
      Mis.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
      MAF.cut <- MAF[Mis.range.0] >= min.MAF
      if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
        Mis.D.0 <- M.now[, Mis.range.0, drop = FALSE]
        MAF.cut.D <- MAF.D[Mis.range.0] > 0
      } else {
        MAF.cut.D <- rep(TRUE, length(MAF.cut))

      if (any(MAF.cut)) {
        Mis.0 <- Mis.0[, MAF.cut, drop = FALSE]
        Mis.range <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut]
        Mis.range2 <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut]
        window.size <- ncol(Mis.0)
        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
            Mis.D.0 <- Mis.D.0[, MAF.cut.D, drop = FALSE]
            Mis.range.D <- Mis.range.0[MAF.cut.D]
            Mis.range2.D <- Mis.range.02[MAF.cut.D]
            window.size.D <- ncol(Mis.D.0)

        if (haplotype) {
          if (is.null(num.hap)) {
            Mis.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
            Mis <- Mis.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.fac)), , drop = FALSE]
            bango <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.fac))
            levels(bango) <- order(unique(bango))
            bango <- as.numeric(as.character(bango))
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                Mis.D.fac <- factor(apply(Mis.D.0, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse = "")))
                Mis.D <- Mis.D.0[!duplicated(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac)), , drop = FALSE]

                bango.D <- as.factor(as.numeric(Mis.D.fac))
                levels(bango.D) <- order(unique(bango.D))
                bango.D <- as.numeric(as.character(bango.D))
          } else {
            kmed.res <- cluster::pam(Mis.0, k = num.hap, pamonce = 5)
            Mis <- kmed.res$medoids
            bango <- kmed.res$clustering
            if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
              if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
                kmed.res.D <- cluster::pam(Mis.D.0, k = num.hap)
                Mis.D <- kmed.res.D$medoids
                bango.D <- kmed.res.D$clustering
          Z.part <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                   dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis))))
          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              Z.part.D <- as.matrix(Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = 1:nrow(M.now), j = bango.D, x = rep(1, nrow(M.now)),
                                                         dims = c(nrow(M.now), nrow(Mis.D))))
        } else {
          Mis <- Mis.0
          Mis.D <- Mis.D.0
          Z.part <- Z.part.D <- diag(nrow(M.now))

        if (window.size != 1) {
          if (weighting.center) {
            weight.Mis <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
          } else {
            weight.Mis <- rep(1, window.size)
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis / apply(Mis, 2, sd)
            if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
              weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * weighting.other[Mis.range]
            weight.Mis <- weight.Mis * window.size / sum(weight.Mis)
        } else {
          weight.Mis <- 1

        if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
          if (window.size != 1) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              if (weighting.center) {
                weight.Mis.D <- dnorm((-window.size.half):(window.size.half), 0, window.size.half / 2)[Mis.range2.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
              } else {
                weight.Mis.D <- rep(1, window.size.D)
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D / apply(Mis.D, 2, sd)
                if (!is.null(weighting.other)) {
                  weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * weighting.other[Mis.range.D]
                weight.Mis.D <- weight.Mis.D * window.size.D / sum(weight.Mis.D)
          } else {
            weight.Mis.D <- 1

        if (kernel.method != "linear") {
          if (ncol(Mis) != 1) {
            Mis.weighted <- t(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))
          } else {
            Mis.weighted <- as.matrix(apply(Mis, 1, function(x) x * weight.Mis))

          K.SNP <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.weighted,
                           methodGRM = kernel.method,
                           kernel.h = kernel.h,
                           returnWMat = FALSE)

          Z.part.sp <- as(object = Z.part, Class = "sparseMatrix")
          Z.part.t.sp <- as(object = t(Z.part), Class = "sparseMatrix")
          K.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.SNP %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel
          Z.int <- diag(nrow(interaction.kernel))
          rownames(Z.int) <- colnames(Z.int) <- rownames(Z.part)

          ZETA.now2 <- c(ZETA.now, list(part = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.SNP),
                                        part.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.int)))
          EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now, ZETA = ZETA.now2,
                                      package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                      n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                      REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                      return.u.always = FALSE,
                                      return.u.each = FALSE,
                                      return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

          if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
            LL2s <- EMM.res2$LL
          } else {
            LL2s <- LL0

          df <- 2
        } else {
          test.no <- match(test.effect, c("additive", "dominance", "additive+dominance"))
          if (length(test.no) == 0) {
            stop("The effect to test should be 'additive', 'dominance' or 'additive+dominance'!")

          if (any(test.effect %in% c("additive", "additive+dominance"))) {
            W.A <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis,
                           methodGRM = "addNOIA",
                           returnWMat = TRUE,
                           probaa = probaa[Mis.range],
                           probAa = probAa[Mis.range])

          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if (any(test.effect %in% c("dominance", "additive+dominance"))) {
              W.D <- calcGRM(genoMat = Mis.D,
                             methodGRM = "domNOIA",
                             returnWMat = TRUE,
                             probaa = probaa[Mis.range.D],
                             probAa = probAa[Mis.range.D])

          test.names <- c("A", "D", "AD")[test.no]

          ZETA.now2.A <- ZETA.now2.D <- ZETA.now2.AD <- NULL
          Z.part.sp <- as(object = Z.part, Class = "sparseMatrix")
          Z.part.t.sp <- as(object = t(Z.part), Class = "sparseMatrix")
          Z.int <- diag(nrow(interaction.kernel))
          rownames(Z.int) <- colnames(Z.int) <- rownames(Z.part)

          if ("A" %in% test.names) {
            K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
            K.A.part.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.A.part %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel

            ZETA.now2.A <- c(ZETA.now,
                             list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part),
                                  part.A.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.A.part.int)))

          if (any(MAF.cut.D)) {
            if ("D" %in% test.names) {
              K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
              ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now, list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part.D, K = K.D.part)))
              K.D.part.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.D.part %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel

              ZETA.now2.D <- c(ZETA.now,
                               list(part.D = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.D.part),
                                    part.D.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.D.part.int)))

            if ("AD" %in% test.names) {
              if (!("A" %in% test.names)) {
                K.A.part <- W.A %*% (t(W.A) * weight.Mis)
                K.A.part.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.A.part %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel

              if (!("D" %in% test.names)) {
                K.D.part <- W.D %*% (t(W.D) * weight.Mis.D)
                K.D.part.int <- as.matrix(Z.part.sp %*% K.D.part %*% Z.part.t.sp) * interaction.kernel

              ZETA.now2.AD <- c(ZETA.now,
                                list(part.A = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.A.part),
                                     part.A.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.A.part.int),
                                     part.D = list(Z = Z.part, K = K.D.part),
                                     part.D.int = list(Z = Z.int, K = K.D.part.int)))

          ZETA.now2.list <- list(
            A = ZETA.now2.A,
            D = ZETA.now2.D,
            AD = ZETA.now2.AD

          df <- c(2, 2, 4)[test.no]
          LL2s <- sapply(X = test.names,
                         FUN = function(test.name.now) {

                           compute.LL <- TRUE
                           if (!any(MAF.cut.D)) {
                             if (test.name.now == "D") {
                               LL2 <- LL0
                               compute.LL <- FALSE
                             } else if (test.name.now == "AD") {
                               test.name.now <- "A"

                           if (compute.LL) {
                             EMM.res2 <- try(EM3.general(y = y, X0 = X.now,
                                                         ZETA = ZETA.now2.list[[test.name.now]],
                                                         package = package.MM, tol = NULL,
                                                         n.core = n.core, optimizer = optimizer,
                                                         REML = TRUE, pred = FALSE,
                                                         return.u.always = FALSE,
                                                         return.u.each = FALSE,
                                                         return.Hinv = FALSE), silent = TRUE)

                             if (!("try-error" %in% class(EMM.res2))) {
                               LL2 <- EMM.res2$LL
                             } else {
                               LL2 <- LL0

                         }, simplify = TRUE)

        deviances <- 2 * (LL2s - LL0)
        scores.now <- ifelse(
          test = deviances <= 0, yes = 0,
          no = -log10((1 - chi0.mixture) *
                        pchisq(q = deviances, df = df,
                               lower.tail = FALSE))
      } else {
        scores.now <- rep(NA, ncol.scores)
    } else {
      scores.now <- rep(NA, ncol.scores)
    if (is.null(gene.set)) {
      return(list(scores = scores.now, window.center = window.center))
    } else {
      return(list(scores = scores.now))

  all.res <- parallel.compute(vec = 1:n.scores,
                              func = score.calc.LR.int.MC.oneSNP,
                              n.core = n.core,
                              parallel.method = parallel.method,
                              count = count)

  scores <- do.call(
    what = rbind,
    args = lapply(X = all.res,
                  FUN = function(x) {

  if (is.null(gene.set)) {
    window.centers <- unlist(
      x = lapply(X = all.res,
                 FUN = function(x) {
    rownames(scores) <- window.centers
  } else {
    rownames(scores) <- gene.name

  if (kernel.method == "linear") {
    colnames(scores) <- test.effect
  } else {
    colnames(scores) <- kernel.method

  if (count) {

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