Man pages for RAM
R for Amplicon-Sequencing-Based Microbial-Ecology

alignmentSample Alignment
assist.adoPerform ADONIS Analysis for OTU Tables Or Taxonomic Abundance...
assist.NBNegative Binomial Test For OTUID or Taxon
assist.ordinationPerform CCA and RDA Analysis for OTU Tables
col.splitupSplit Column Of Data Frame
combine.OTUCombine Non Overlapped OTU tables From The Same Community
core.OTUSummary Of Core OTUs
core.OTU.rankSummary Of Core OTUs
core.TaxaShow Summary of Core Taxa
correlationPlot Of Correlation Coefficient
data.clustPlot Hierarchical Cluster Of Samples Based on OTU Table or...
data.revampTransform OTU Table
dissimCalculate Dissimilarity Matrix Data
dissim.heatmapPlot Distance Matrix Heatmap for OTU Samples
dissim.plotPlot Dissimilarity Matrix Data for Different Methods
diversity.indicesCalculate True Diversity and Evenness
envis.NBVisualize The Negative Binomial Model OF A Given Taxon OR...
factor.abundancePlot the Abundance of OTUs by Classification at a Given...
filter.METASelect METADATA Variables
filter.OTUFilter OTU
filter.TaxaFilter Taxonomic Abundance Matrix by Total Counts Or Maximum...
fread.metaLoad Metadata Table
fread.OTUFast Load Large OTU Table
get.rankGet OTUs Classified at Taxonomic Rank(s)
group.abundancePlot the Abundance of OTUs by Classification at a Given...
group.abundance.metaPlot the Abundance of OTUs by Classification at a Given...
group.abund.TaxaBarplot Of Distribution Of Taxa In Groups
group.diversityBoxplot To Compare Diversity Indices Among Groups
group.heatmapPlot OTU Abundance at a Given Rank with Metadata Annotation
group.heatmap.simplePlot a Heatmap Showing OTU Abundance by Taxonomic...
group.indicatorsPlot Indicator Taxon Groups for Metadata Trends
group.OTUPlot Distribution of OTUs
group.richBarplot Of Richness For Each Level Of A Given Metadata...
group.spatialPlot Spatial Collection Trends for Taxon Groups
group.specBoxplot Of Richness For Each Level Of A Given Metadata...
group.Taxa.barBarplot Of Taxa Distribution In Groups
group.Taxa.boxBoxplot Of Taxa In Each Level of A Metadata Variable
group.temporalPlot Temporal Trends for Metadata and Taxon Groups
group.vennPlot Venn Diagram For Two To Five Sets With Item Labels
ITS1_and_ITS2Sample ITS1 and ITS2 Data
LCA.OTULowest Common Ancestor (LCA) OF EACH OTU
location.formattingLocation Formatting
match.dataMatch Samples In Ecology Data Sets and Metadata
metaSample Metadata for ITS1/ITS2
META.clustPlot Hierarchical Cluster Of Metadata
network_dataCreates Nodes and Edge-List For An OTU Table
OTU.diversitySummarize Diversity Indices for OTU Tables
OTU.ordOrdination Plot For OTUs Using CCA or RDA Analysis
OTU.rarefyCreate Rarefied OTU Tables
OTU.recapSummarize OTU
OTU.subsetsSubset OTU And Metadata
pcoa.plotCreate a PCoA plot for an OTU Table
percent.classifiedCalculate Percent of OTUs Classified at a Given Taxonomic...
phylog_taxonomyPlot Hierarchical Taxonomic Tree
phylo_taxonomyPlot Hierarchical Taxonomic Tree with Relative Abundance
RAM.datesDate Formatting for RAM
RAM.factorsFactor Formatting for RAM
RAM.input.formattingData Input Formatting
RAM-packageAnalysis of Amplicon-Based Metagenomic Data
RAM.palCreat Color Palette
RAM.plottingCreating Plots with RAM
RAM.rank.formattingTaxonomic Rank Formatting
read.metaOpen Metadata Table
read.OTUOpen OTU Table
reset.METAReset OTU
sample.locationsPlot the Geographic Location of Samples
sample.mapPlot The Geographic Location of Samples
sample.sitesPlot The Geographic Location of Samples
seq_varPlot Intra And Inter Specific Variation For An Alignment
shared.OTUSummary of Shared OTUs Across ALL Subjects
shared.TaxaSummary of Shared Taxa Across ALL Subjects
tax.abundAggregate OTU Data Based on Taxonomy
Taxa.ordOrdination Plot For Taxa Groups Using CCA or RDA Analysis
tax.fillFill Missing Taxonomic Information
tax.splitSplit OTU Tables By Taxonomic Rank
theme_ggplotCustomized Themes For GGPLOT
top.groups.plotPlot the Top Taxon Groups
transpose.LCATranspose OTU Tables With LCA Annotation For Each OTU
transpose.OTUTake the Transpose of an OTU Table
valid.OTUValidate an OTU Table
valid.taxonomyValidate And Reformat The OTU Taxonomy Column
write.dataWrite Data To CSV File
RAM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:04 p.m.