
Defines functions RCircos.Get.Arrow.Shape RCircos.Get.Link.Colors RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors RCircos.Multiple.Species.Core.Components RCircos.Set.Plot.Area RCircos.Get.Default.Text.Size RCircos.Get.Default.Char.Width RCircos.Get.Supported.Plot.Types RCircos.Get.Supported.HeatmapColors RCircos.Get.Padding.Constant RCircos.Get.Default.Chrom.Padding RCircos.Get.Default.Base.Per.Units RCircos.Get.Default.Circos.Units RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters RCircos.Set.Core.Components RCircos.Workflow

Documented in RCircos.Get.Arrow.Shape RCircos.Get.Default.Base.Per.Units RCircos.Get.Default.Char.Width RCircos.Get.Default.Chrom.Padding RCircos.Get.Default.Circos.Units RCircos.Get.Default.Text.Size RCircos.Get.Link.Colors RCircos.Get.Padding.Constant RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions RCircos.Get.Supported.HeatmapColors RCircos.Get.Supported.Plot.Types RCircos.Multiple.Species.Core.Components RCircos.Set.Core.Components RCircos.Set.Plot.Area RCircos.Workflow

#   Source code for RCircos package
#   Date created:   January 2, 2013
#   Version:        RCircos v.1.0.0
#   Hongen Zhang, Ph.D. (hzhang@mail.nih.gov)
#   Genetics Branch
#   Center for Cancer Research 
#   US National Cancer Institute
#   US National Institutes of Health
#   Bethesda, Maryland 20892
#   Last debug done on September 14, 2016
#   Version:    RCircos v.1.2
#   =================================================
#   Functions in this file:
#   1.  RCircos.Workflow()
#   2.  RCircos.Set.Core.Components()
#   3.  RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters()
#   4.  RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram()
#   5.  RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions()
#   6.  RCircos.Get.Default.Circos.Units()
#   7.  RCircos.Get.Default.Base.Per.Units()
#   8.  RCircos.Get.Padding.Constant()
#   9.  RCircos.Get.Supported.HeatmapColors()
#   10. RCircos.Get.Supported.Plot.Types()
#   11. RCircos.Get.Default.Char.Width()
#   12. RCircos.Get.Default.Text.Size()
#   13. RCircos.Set.Plot.Area()
#   14. RCircos.Multiple.Species.Core.Components()
#   15. RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors()
#   16. RCircos.Get.Link.Colors()
#   17. RCircos.Get.Arrow.Shape()
#   ________________________________________________________________________
#   <RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos>

#   ========================================================================
#   Working environment for RCircos to hold RCircos core components and other
#   default global variables

RCircos.Env <- new.env();
RCircos.defaultCircosUnits <- 103190;
RCircos.defaultBasePerUnits <- 30000;
RCircos.defaultChromPadding <- 300;
RCircos.paddingConst     <- 300/103190;
RCircos.defaultCharWidth <- 500;
RCircos.defaultTextSize  <- 0.4;

RCircos.heatmapColors <- c("BlueWhiteRed", "GreenWhiteRed", "GreenYellowRed",
                        "GreenBlackRed", "YellowToRed", "BlackOnly");

RCircos.plotTypes <- c("link", "ribbon", "pLink", "polygon", "tile", "ideogram",  
                        "heatmap", "bar", "histogram", "cLine", "vLine",
                        "points",  "connector", "ticks",  "text", "area");

#   ========================================================================
#   1.  RCircos.Workflow()
#   Print out work flow on screen as a quick guide.
#   Argument:       None
#   Return value:   None
#   Example:    library(RCircos);
#               RCircos.Workflow();

RCircos.Workflow <- function()
    helpText <- c("\n1. Load RCircos library:\n\n",
        "   library(RCircos)\n\n",
        "2. Load chromosome cytoband data:\n\n",
        "   data(UCSC.HG19.Human.CytoBandIdeogram);\n",
        "   cyto.info <- UCSC.HG19.Human.CytoBandIdeogram;\n\n",
        "   # Other chromosome ideogram data installed:\n",
        "   # UCSC.Mouse.GRCm38.CytoBandIdeogram\n",
        "   # UCSC.Baylor.3.4.Rat.cytoBandIdeogram\n\n",
        "3. Setup RCircos core components:\n\n",
        "   RCircos.Set.Core.Components(cyto.info, chr.exclude=NULL,
                    tracks.inside=10, tracks.outside=0);\n\n",
        "4. Load input data:\n\n",
        "   heatmap.data <- read.table(\"/path/Heatmap.data.txt\", 
                        sep=\"\\t\", quote=\"\", head=T);\n",
        "   hist.data <- read.table(\"/path/histgram.data.txt\", 
                        sep=\"\\t\", quote=\"\", head=T);\n",
        "   link.data <- read.table(\"/path/link.data.txt\", 
                        sep=\"\\t\", quote=\"\", head=T);\n\n",
        "5. Modify plot parameters if necessary:\n\n",
        "   rcircos.params <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters()\n",
        "   rcircos.params$radiu.len <- 1.5;\n",
        "   RCircos.Reset.Plot.Parameters(rcircos.params);\n\n",
        "6. Open graphic device:\n\n",
        "   RCircos.Set.Plot.Area();\n\n",
        "   or submit your own code. For example: \n\n",
        "   par(mai=c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25));\n",
        "   plot.new();\n",
        "   plot.window(c(-2.5,2.5), c(-2.5, 2.5));\n\n",
        "7. Call plot function to plot each data track:\n\n",
        "   RCircos.Chromosome.Ideogram.Plot();\n",
        "   RCircos.Heatmap.Plot(heatmap.data, data.col=5, 
                        track.num=1, side=\"in\");\n",
        "   RCircos.Histogram.Plot(hist.data, data.col=4, 
                        track.num=4, side=\"in\");\n",
        "   RCircos.Link.Plot(link.data, track.num=5, 
        "8. Close the graphic device if you was plotting to file:\n\n",
        "   dev.off();\n\n"               


#   ========================================================================
#   2.  RCircos.Set.Core.Components()
#   Initialize RCircos core components including of:
#   1.  Data frame for chromosome ideogram data
#   2.  x and y coordinates for a circular line
#   3.  Parameters to control the RCircos plot
#   Argument:
#       cyto.info:      A data frame contains chromosome ideogram data
#       chr.exclude:    Character vector, chromosome name(s) to be excluded
#       tracks.inside:  Non-negative integer, number of data tracks inside of 
#                       chromosome ideogram
#       tracks.outside: Non-negative integer, number of data tracks outside of 
#                       chromosome ideogram
#   Return value:   None. 
#   Example:    library(RCircos);
#               RCircos.Set.Core.Components(cyto.info, chr.exclude=NULL, 
#                       tracks.inside=10, tracks.outside=0);

RCircos.Set.Core.Components<-function(cyto.info=NULL, chr.exclude=NULL, 
            tracks.inside=10, tracks.outside=0) {

    if(tracks.inside<0 || tracks.outside<0) 
    { stop("Track number cannot be smaller than 0.\n") }

    #   Step 1. validate cyto.info for correct chromosome start and
    #   end positions of each chromosome band. The data will not be 
    #   hold for the RCircos environment
    #   ===========================================================
    cytoBandData <- RCircos.Validate.Cyto.Info(cyto.info, chr.exclude)

    #   Step 2. Initialize RCircos core components
    #   ===========================================

    #   User friendly notice.
    #   ===============================================
    message("\nRCircos.Core.Components initialized.\n",
            "Type ?RCircos.Reset.Plot.Parameters to see",
            " how to modify the core components.\n\n");

#   ========================================================================
#   3 ~ 12. Methods to retrieve RCircos core components stored in RCircos 
#           environment. No calculations in each method.
#   Argument:       None
#   Return value:   Parameters, cytoband, or default plot positions stored in  
#                   RCircos environment.
#   Example:        plot.param <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();
#                   plot.cyto  <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Ideogram();
#                   plot.pos   <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Positions();

    RCircosEnvironment <- NULL;
    RCircosEnvironment <- get("RCircos.Env", envir=globalenv());
    return (RCircosEnvironment[["RCircos.PlotPar"]]);

    RCircosEnvironment <- NULL;
    RCircosEnvironment <- get("RCircos.Env", envir=globalenv());
    return (RCircosEnvironment[["RCircos.Cytoband"]]);

    RCircosEnvironment <- NULL;
    RCircosEnvironment <- get("RCircos.Env", envir=globalenv());
    return (RCircosEnvironment[["RCircos.Base.Position"]]);

RCircos.Get.Default.Circos.Units <- function()
    return (RCircos.defaultCircosUnits);

RCircos.Get.Default.Base.Per.Units <- function()
    return (RCircos.defaultBasePerUnits);

RCircos.Get.Default.Chrom.Padding <- function()

RCircos.Get.Padding.Constant <- function()
    return (RCircos.paddingConst);

RCircos.Get.Supported.HeatmapColors <- function()
    return (RCircos.heatmapColors);

RCircos.Get.Supported.Plot.Types <- function()
    return (RCircos.plotTypes);

RCircos.Get.Default.Char.Width <- function()
    return (RCircos.defaultCharWidth);

RCircos.Get.Default.Text.Size <- function()
    return (RCircos.defaultTextSize);

#   =========================================================================
#   13. RCircos.Set.Plot.Area()
#   Open a new graphic device with the build-in plot.radius. If user want an 
#   image file, correct image type must be created and closed from command
#   line or other script. This function call can also be replaced with script
#   from command line if user known how much of area are needed.
#   Argument:       None
#   Return value:   None
#   Example:    RCircos.Set.Plot.Area();

RCircos.Set.Plot.Area <- function(margins=0.25, ...)
    if(!is.numeric(margins) || margins < 0)
        stop("Incorrect margins value.\n");
    RCircos.Par <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Parameters();

    par(mai=c(margins, margins, margins, margins));
    plot.window(c(-1*RCircos.Par$plot.radius, RCircos.Par$plot.radius), 
                c(-1*RCircos.Par$plot.radius, RCircos.Par$plot.radius));

#   ========================================================================
#   14. RCircos.Multiple.Species.Core.Components()
#   Generate customized RCircos core components for multiple species plot 
#   with all or part of chromosomes
#   Arguments:
#       cyto.info.list: List of multiple chromosome ideogram data 
#       species:        Character vector for prefix of chromosome names to 
#                       identify different species
#       chr.exclude:    Chromosomes which should be excluded from dataset
#       tracks.inside:  Non-negative integer, number of data tracks inside 
#                       of chromosome ideogram
#       tracks.outside: Non-negative integer, number of data tracks outside 
#                       of chromosome ideogram
#   Return value:   None
#   Example:    ideos <- list(mouse.cyto, rat.cyto);
#               species   <- c("m", "r");
#               RCircos.Multipl.Species.Core.Components(cyto.info.list=ideos, 
#                            species.list=species, chr.exclude=NULL, 
#                            tracks.inside=10, tracks.outside=0);

RCircos.Multiple.Species.Core.Components <- function(cyto.info.list=NULL, 
    species.list=NULL, chr.exclude=NULL, tracks.inside=10, tracks.outside=0)
    #   cyto.info.list and species must have same length
    #   ================================================
    if(is.null(cyto.info.list) || is.null(species.list))
        stop("Missing cyto info or species list.\n");
    if(length(cyto.info.list) != length(species.list)) 
        stop("Number of cyto band data and species must be same");

    if(!is.numeric(tracks.inside) || !is.numeric(tracks.outside))
        stop("tracks.inside and tracks.outside must be numeric.\n");
    if(tracks.inside<0 || tracks.outside<0) 
        stop("Track.inside and track.outside cannot be negative.\n");

    #   Validte each chromosome ideogram data then combine them as one
    #   ==============================================================
    numOfSpecies <- length(cyto.info.list);
    for(aCyto in seq_len(numOfSpecies))
        cytoInfo <- data.frame(cyto.info.list[aCyto]);
        prefix <- species.list[aCyto];

        cytoInfo <- RCircos.Validate.Cyto.Info(cytoInfo, NULL);
        cytoInfo$Chromosome <- paste(prefix, cytoInfo$Chromosome, sep="");

        if(aCyto==1) { 
            newCytoInfo <- cytoInfo;
        } else {
            newCytoInfo <- rbind(newCytoInfo, cytoInfo);

    #   Initialize RCircos core components
    #   ==================================

#   ========================================================================
#   15. RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors()
#   Retrieve plot color for each data point which is stored in plot data
#   Arguments:
#       plot.data:  Data frame of genomic data
#       color:      character vector, default color names
#   Returned value: Vector of color names with length same as number of rows 
#                   of plot data
#   Example:    plotColors <- RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors(plotData, "red")
#   Last modified on June 30, 2015

RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors <- function(plot.data=NULL, color="black")
        stop("Missing argument in RCircos.Get.Plot.Colors().\n");
    colorCol <- grep("PlotColor", colnames(plot.data));

    if(length(colorCol)==0) {
        plotColors <- rep(color, nrow(plot.data));
    } else if(length(colorCol)==1) {
        plotColors <- as.character(plot.data[, colorCol]);
    } else {
        stop("Incorrect plot colors defined in dataset.\n"); 
    return (plotColors)

#   ========================================================================
#   16. RCircos.Get.Link.Colors()
#   Get plot color for each link line or ribbon
#   Arguments:
#       plot.data:      Data frame of paired genomic position data
#       chrom.columns:  Numeric vector of 2, column numbers for chromosome
#                       names in link data.
#       by.chromosome:  Logic, if TRUE, read color is used for links on same 
#                       chromosome and blue color is used for link between 
#                       different chromosomes. If FALSE, user defined colors 
#                       or rainbow colors will be used.
#   Returned value:     vector of color names with length same as number of 
#                       rows in input data
#   Example:        linkColor <- RCircos.Get.Link.Colors(link.data, TRUE)

RCircos.Get.Link.Colors <- function(link.data, genomic.columns=3,
    if(is.null(link.data)) stop("Missing link data.\n");
    if(genomic.columns < 2 || genomic.columns > 3)
        stop("Genomic position columns must be 2 or 3.\n")

    redColor  <- rgb(1, 0, 0, alpha=0.5);
    blueColor <- rgb(0, 0, 1, alpha=0.5);

    #   Default colors
    #   =======================================
    linkColors <- rep(blueColor, nrow(link.data));

    #   If by.chromosome is set to true, red color will be used 
    #   for links in same chromosome and blue color for links 
    #   between different chromosomes
    #   =======================================================
        if(genomic.columns == 2) {
            chromColumns <- c(1, 3)
        } else { chromColumns <- c(1, 4); }

        startChroms <- as.character(link.data[, chromColumns[1]]);
        endChroms   <- as.character(link.data[, chromColumns[2]]);

        for(aRow in seq_len(nrow(link.data)))
            if(startChroms[aRow] == endChroms[aRow]) 
                linkColors[aRow] <- redColor;
        #   If the plot color is provided in dataset, use it to
        #   replace the default one (rainbow)
        #   ====================================================
        } else {
            colorCol <- grep("PlotColor", colnames(link.data));

                theColor <- as.character(link.data[, colorCol]);
                for(aRow in seq_len(length(theColor)))
                    rgbVal <- as.vector(col2rgb(theColor[aRow]))/255;
                    linkColors[aRow] <- rgb(red=rgbVal[1], 
                        green=rgbVal[2], blue=rgbVal[3], alpha=0.5);
            } else {
                for(aRow in seq_len(nrow(link.data)))
                    rgbVal <- as.vector(col2rgb(aRow+1))/255;
                    linkColors[aRow] <- rgb(red=rgbVal[1], 
                        green=rgbVal[2], blue=rgbVal[3], alpha=0.5);

        return (linkColors);

#   ========================================================================
#   17. RCircos.Get.Arrow.Shape()
#   Get default coordinates for an arrow shape. The arrow is represented
#   as a polygon inside of a circle with radius of 1.
#   Argument:       None
#   Return value:   A two dimensional numeric matrix for x and y coordinates
#                   of polygon.
#   example:    arrow <- RCircos.Get.Arrow.Shape()
#   Last updated on July 15, 2015

RCircos.Get.Arrow.Shape <- function(side="in")
    coor.x <- c( 0, -0.7, -0.2,  -0.2,  0.2, 0.2,  0.7,  0);
    coor.y <- c(-1,  0.7,  0.4,   1,    1,    0.4,  0.7, -1);
    if(side == "in") coor.y <- coor.y*-1;
    arrow <- cbind(coor.x, coor.y);
    return (arrow);

#   End of RCircosMain.R
#   ________________________________________________________________________
#   <RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos><RCircos>

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RCircos documentation built on March 18, 2022, 7:59 p.m.