
Defines functions RDS.bootstrap.intervals RDS.bootstrap.intervals.local

Documented in RDS.bootstrap.intervals

RDS.bootstrap.intervals.local <- function(rds.data,
                                          confidence.level = .95,
                                          control = control.rds.estimates(),
                                          fast = FALSE,
                                          useC = FALSE,
                                          csubset = "",
                                          ci.type = "t",
                                          cont.breaks = 3,
                                          ...) {
  if (is(rds.data, "rds.data.frame")) {
    if (!(outcome.variable %in% names(rds.data))) {
        "No variable called %s appears in the data.",
    network.size <- attr(rds.data, "network.size.variable")
    if (!(network.size %in% names(rds.data)))
      stop("invalid network size variable")
    rds.data[[network.size]] <- as.numeric(rds.data[[network.size]])
  else {
    stop("rds.data must be of type rds.data.frame")
  if (is.null(weight.type)) {
    weight.type <- "Gile's SS"
  weight.type <- match.arg(
      "Gile's SS",
      "RDS-I (DS)",
      "Arithmetic Mean"
  if (is.na(weight.type)) {
    # User typed an unrecognizable name
        'You must specify a valid weight.type. The valid types are "Gile\'s SS","RDS-I", "RDS-II", "RDS-I (DS)", "HCG", and "Arithmetic Mean"'
      call. = FALSE
  if (is.null(uncertainty)) {
    if (weight.type == "Gile's SS") {
      uncertainty <- "Gile"
    } else if (weight.type %in% c("RDS-I", "RDS-I (DS)", "RDS-II")) {
      uncertainty <- "Salganik"
    } else if (weight.type == "Arithmetic Mean") {
      uncertainty <- "SRS"
    } else if (weight.type == "HCG"){
      uncertainty <- "HCG"
  uncertainty <-
    match.arg(uncertainty, c("Treeboot", "Gile", "Salganik", "SRS", "HCG"))
  if (is.null(N)) {
    N <- attr(rds.data, "population.size.mid")
    if (is.null(N) && uncertainty == "Gile") {
        "N not specified with no default in the data. N is required for Gile's SS estimator and bootstrap"
    if (!is.null(N))
      cat("\nNote: Using the data's mid population size estimate: N =",
  # Check for missing values and warn the user if any are removed.   This should really taken
  # care of elsewhere.  NB: It is also worth considering the semantics of the message
  # "values were missing and were removed".
  remvalues <-
    rds.data[[network.size]] == 0 | is.na(rds.data[[network.size]])
  if (any(remvalues)) {
        "network sizes were missing or zero. The estimator will presume these are",
        max(rds.data[[network.size]], na.rm = TRUE)
      call. = FALSE
    rds.data[[network.size]][remvalues] <-
      max(rds.data[[network.size]], na.rm = TRUE)
  rds.data.nomiss <- rds.data
  se <- substitute(subset)
  subset <- eval(se, rds.data, parent.frame())
  if (is.null(se) | is.null(subset)) {
    subset <- rep(TRUE, length = nrow(rds.data.nomiss))
  } else{
    subset[is.na(subset)] <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(N)) {
      #use VH estimator to adjust population size to sub-population
      # defined by subset
      tmp.wts <- vh.weights(rds.data.nomiss[[network.size]])
      tmp.wts <- tmp.wts / sum(tmp.wts)
      prop <- sum(tmp.wts * subset)
      N <- N * prop
      if (N < sum(subset))
        stop(sprintf("Estimated sub-population size, %f, smaller than subsets size, %f.", N, sum(subset)))
    #This subsets setting orphaned children to be seeds
    #in order to maintain a valid recruitment tree.
    rds.data.nomiss <- rds.data.nomiss[subset, , warn = FALSE]
    #drop 0 count levels
    if (is.factor(rds.data[[outcome.variable]])) {
      outcome <- factor(rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]])
      # 			Make sure the factor labels are alphabetic!
      outcome <- factor(outcome, levels = levels(outcome)[order(levels(outcome))])
      rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]] <- outcome
  #if (mean(duplicated(rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]], na.rm = TRUE)) < control$discrete.cutoff) {
  #  is.cts <- TRUE
  outcome <- rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]]
  is.cts <- is.numeric(outcome) & !to.factor
  #only categorical estimates are supported
    outcome <- factor(rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]])
           #Make sure the factor labels are alphabetic!
    outcome <-
      factor(outcome, levels = levels(outcome)[order(levels(outcome))])
    rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]] <- outcome
    outclasses <- levels(outcome)
    nsamplesbyoutcome <- table(as.numeric(outcome))
    nsamplesbyoutcome <- length(outcome)
  g <- length(stats::na.omit(unique(rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]])))
  if (g == 1) {
    warning(paste(outcome.variable, "has only one level. Skipping..."))
  nsamples <- sum(!is.na(as.vector(outcome)))
  rds <- RDS.estimates.local(
    rds.data = rds.data.nomiss,
    outcome.variable = outcome.variable,
    N = N,
    weight.type = weight.type,
    control = control,
    empir.lik = TRUE,
    useC = useC,
  if (is.rds.interval.estimate(rds)) {
    observed.estimate <- rds$estimate
    weights.all <- rds$weights
  } else{
    observed.estimate <- rds@estimate
    weights.all <- rds@weights
  # outcome variance 
    varoutcome <- observed.estimate * (1 - observed.estimate) 
    varoutcome <- wtd.var(rds.data.nomiss[[outcome.variable]], weights = weights.all)
  if (is.null(number.of.bootstrap.samples) ||
      number.of.bootstrap.samples < 10) {
    if (is.rds.interval.estimate(rds)) {
      EL.se <- matrix(rds$interval, ncol = 6, byrow = FALSE)[1, 5]
    } else{
      EL.se <-
        sqrt(varoutcome / length(weights.all))
    number.of.bootstrap.samples <-
      min(500, max(20, ceiling(0.5 * (EL.se / 0.002) ^ 2 + 1)))
    if (!is.numeric(number.of.bootstrap.samples)) {
      number.of.bootstrap.samples <- 500
      "Using %d bootstrap samples.\n",
  #  Confidence intervals
  crit <- stats::qnorm((1 - confidence.level) / 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
  if (uncertainty == "Salganik") {
    bs <- salganik.bootstrap.se(
      rds.data = rds.data.nomiss,
      group.variable = outcome.variable,
      number.of.bootstrap.samples = number.of.bootstrap.samples,
      estimator.name = weight.type,
      N = N,
    attr(bs, "is.cts") <- is.cts
    #attr(bs, "is.quantile") <- is.quantile
    attr(bs, "mu") <- observed.estimate
      bso <- bs[match(names(bs), outclasses)]
      bso <- bs
    estimate <-
            observed.estimate - crit * bso,
            observed.estimate + crit * bso)
    colnames(estimate) <- c("point", "lower", "upper")
    estimate = switch(
      "pivotal" = {
        bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
        bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- 2 * observed.estimate - qcrit
        #	  	  estimate[, 1] <- 2*observed.estimate-apply(bsests,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "quantile" = {
        bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
        bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- qcrit[, 2:1]
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "proportion" = {
        if (all(observed.estimate >= 0) &
            (any(observed.estimate < 0.15) |
             any(estimate[, 2:3] < 0 | estimate[, 2:3] > 1))) {
          bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
          bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
          qcrit <-
            t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                                 confidence.level) / 2
            ), na.rm = TRUE))
          estimate[, 2:3] <- qcrit[, 2:1]
        estimate[estimate[, 2] < 0, 2] <- 0
        estimate[estimate[, 3] < 0, 3] <- 0
        estimate[estimate[, 2] > 1, 2] <- 1
        estimate[estimate[, 3] > 1, 3] <- 1
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
        # t (the default)
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
  } else if (uncertainty == "HCG") {

    bs <- HCG.bootstrap.se(
      rds.data = rds.data.nomiss,
      group.variable = outcome.variable,
      number.of.bootstrap.samples = number.of.bootstrap.samples,
      estimator.name = weight.type,
      N = N,
      control = control,
    attr(bs, "is.cts") <- is.cts
    #attr(bs, "is.quantile") <- is.quantile
    attr(bs, "mu") <- observed.estimate
      bso <- bs
      outclasses <- outcome.variable
      bso <- bs[match(names(bs), outclasses)]
    estimate <-
            observed.estimate - crit * bso,
            observed.estimate + crit * bso)
    colnames(estimate) <- c("point", "lower", "upper")
    estimate = switch(
      "pivotal" = {
        bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
        bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- 2 * observed.estimate - qcrit
        #	  	  estimate[, 1] <- 2*observed.estimate-apply(bsests,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "quantile" = {
        bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
        bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- qcrit[, 2:1]
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "proportion" = {
        if (all(observed.estimate >= 0) &
            (any(observed.estimate < 0.15) |
             any(estimate[, 2:3] < 0 | estimate[, 2:3] > 1))) {
          bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
          bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
          qcrit <-
            t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                                 confidence.level) / 2
            ), na.rm = TRUE))
          estimate[, 2:3] <- qcrit[, 2:1]
        estimate[estimate[, 2] < 0, 2] <- 0
        estimate[estimate[, 3] < 0, 3] <- 0
        estimate[estimate[, 2] > 1, 2] <- 1
        estimate[estimate[, 3] > 1, 3] <- 1
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
        # t (the default)
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
  } else if (uncertainty == "Treeboot") {
    bs <- treeboot.bootstrap.se(
      rds.data = rds.data.nomiss,
      group.variable = outcome.variable,
      number.of.bootstrap.samples = number.of.bootstrap.samples,
      estimator.name = weight.type,
      N = N,
    attr(bs, "is.cts") <- is.cts
    #attr(bs, "is.quantile") <- is.quantile
    attr(bs, "mu") <- observed.estimate
    bso <- bs[match(names(bs), outclasses)]
    estimate <-
            observed.estimate - crit * bso,
            observed.estimate + crit * bso)
    colnames(estimate) <- c("point", "lower", "upper")
    estimate = switch(
      "pivotal" = {
        bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
        bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- 2 * observed.estimate - qcrit
        #	  	  estimate[, 1] <- 2*observed.estimate-apply(bsests,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "quantile" = {
        bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
        bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- qcrit[, 2:1]
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "proportion" = {
        if (all(observed.estimate >= 0) &
            (any(observed.estimate < 0.15) |
             any(estimate[, 2:3] < 0 | estimate[, 2:3] > 1))) {
          bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
          bsests <- bsests[, match(names(bs), outclasses)]
          qcrit <-
            t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                                 confidence.level) / 2
            ), na.rm = TRUE))
          estimate[, 2:3] <- qcrit[, 2:1]
        estimate[estimate[, 2] < 0, 2] <- 0
        estimate[estimate[, 3] < 0, 3] <- 0
        estimate[estimate[, 2] > 1, 2] <- 1
        estimate[estimate[, 3] > 1, 3] <- 1
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
        # t (the default)
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
  } else if (uncertainty == "SRS") {
    varsrs <- observed.estimate * (1 - observed.estimate) / nsamples
    if (!is.null(N))
      varsrs <- ((N - nsamples) / (N - 1)) * varsrs
    estimate <- cbind(
      observed.estimate -
        crit * sqrt(varsrs),
      observed.estimate + crit * sqrt(varsrs)
    colnames(estimate) <- c("point", "lower", "upper")
    bs <- varsrs
    attr(bs, "is.cts") <- is.cts
    #attr(bs, "is.quantile") <- is.quantile
    attr(bs, "mu") <- observed.estimate
  } else if (uncertainty == "Gile") {
    bs <- SSBS.estimates(
      confidence.level = confidence.level,
      N = N,
      weight.type = weight.type,
      number.of.bootstrap.samples = number.of.bootstrap.samples,
      control = control,
      fast = fast,
      useC = useC,
    if (attr(bs, "is.cts")) {
      observed.estimate <- bs[1]
      outclasses <- outcome.variable
      nsamplesbyoutcome <- nrow(rds.data.nomiss)
      estimate <- bs
      estimate <- bs[match(rownames(bs), outclasses), , drop = FALSE]
    colnames(estimate) <- c("point", "lower", "upper")
    bsests <- attr(bs, "bsresult")$bsests
    bsests <- bsests[, match(rownames(bs), outclasses)]
    estimate = switch(
      "pivotal" = {
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- 2 * observed.estimate - qcrit
        #	  	  estimate[, 1] <- 2*observed.estimate-apply(bsests,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "quantile" = {
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- qcrit[, 2:1]
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "proportion" = {
        if (all(observed.estimate >= 0) &
            (any(observed.estimate < 0.15) |
             any(estimate[, 2:3] < 0 | estimate[, 2:3] > 1))) {
          qcrit <-
            t(apply(bsests, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                                 confidence.level) / 2
            ), na.rm = TRUE))
          estimate[, 2:3] <- qcrit[, 2:1]
          #	  	    estimate[, 1] <- 2*observed.estimate-apply(bsests,2,mean,na.rm=TRUE)
        estimate[estimate[, 2] < 0, 2] <- 0
        estimate[estimate[, 3] < 0, 3] <- 0
        estimate[estimate[, 2] > 1, 2] <- 1
        estimate[estimate[, 3] > 1, 3] <- 1
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "hmg" = {
        nobs <- min(as.vector(nsamplesbyoutcome))
        dae <-
              rds.data = rds.data.nomiss,
              outcome.variable = outcome.variable,
              N = N,
              weight.type = weight.type
        if (nobs == as.vector(nsamplesbyoutcome)[1]) {
          dae <- 1 / dae
        if (nobs + control$lowprevalence[1] * dae < control$lowprevalence[2]) {
          #                  Apply the combined Agresti-Coull and the bootstrap-t interval of Mantalos and Zografos (2008)
          wbse <-
            (attr(bs, "bsresult")$bsnm * bsests + 2) / (attr(bs, "bsresult")$bsnm +
          nm <-
            sum(weights.all, na.rm = TRUE) ^ 2 / sum(weights.all ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)
          woe <- (nm * observed.estimate + 2) / (nm + 4)
          sigmamb <- sqrt(wbse * (1 - wbse) / attr(bs, "bsresult")$bsnm)
          tstarn <- sweep(wbse, 2, woe, "-") / sigmamb
          tstarn[is.infinite(tstarn)] <- NA
          qcrit <-
            t(apply(tstarn, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                                 confidence.level) / 2
            ), na.rm = TRUE))
          estimate[, 2:3] <- woe - qcrit * sqrt(woe * (1 - woe) / (nm + 4))
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
      "acbt" = {
        #                 Apply the combined Agresti-Coull and the bootstrap-t interval of Mantalos and Zografos (2008)
        wbse <-
          (attr(bs, "bsresult")$bsnm * bsests + 2) / (attr(bs, "bsresult")$bsnm +
        nm <-
          sum(weights.all, na.rm = TRUE) ^ 2 / sum(weights.all ^ 2, na.rm = TRUE)
        woe <- (nm * observed.estimate + 2) / (nm + 4)
        sigmamb <- sqrt(wbse * (1 - wbse) / attr(bs, "bsresult")$bsnm)
        tstarn <- sweep(wbse, 2, woe, "-") / sigmamb
        tstarn[is.infinite(tstarn)] <- NA
        qcrit <-
          t(apply(tstarn, 2, stats::quantile, c((confidence.level + 1) / 2, (1 -
                                                                               confidence.level) / 2
          ), na.rm = TRUE))
        estimate[, 2:3] <- woe - qcrit * sqrt(woe * (1 - woe) / (nm + 4))
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
        # t (normal;the default)
        #		  estimate[,2:3] <- estimate[,2:3]-matrix(apply(estimate[,2:3],1,mean),ncol=2,nrow=nrow(estimate)) + observed.estimate
        estimate[, 1] <- observed.estimate
  # Design effect (for factor outcomes)
  #if (attr(bs, "is.cts")) {
    #if (attr(bs, "is.quantile")) {
    #  varoutcome <-
    #    continuous * (1 - continuous) / (stats::dnorm(
    #      observed.estimate,
    #      mean = attr(bs, "mu"),
    #      sd = sqrt(attr(bs, "sigma2"))
    #    )) ^ 2
    #} else{
    #varoutcome <- attr(bs, "sigma2")
  #} else{
    #varoutcome <- estimate[, 1] * (1 - estimate[, 1])
  #       Note the finite sample correction factor
  if (!is.null(N)) {
    varsrs <- (((N - nsamples) / (N - 1)) * varoutcome / nsamples)
  } else{
    varsrs <- varoutcome / nsamples
  de <- ((estimate[, 3] - estimate[, 2]) / (crit * 2)) ^ 2 / varsrs
  estimate <-
          (estimate[, 3] - estimate[, 2]) / (crit * 2),
  colnames(estimate)[c(4, 5, 6)] <- c("Design Effect", "s.e.", "n")
  if (attr(bs, "is.cts")) {
    rownames(estimate) <- outcome.variable
  } else{
    outclasses <-
    outclasses[outclasses == "NA.NA"] <- "NA"
    rownames(estimate) <- outclasses[1:nrow(estimate)]
    estimate <- as.numeric(estimate)
    names(estimate)[1:g] <- outclasses[1:g]
  if (exists("bs")){
    attr(estimate, "bsresult") <- attr(bs, "bsresult")
    attr(estimate, "is.cts") <- attr(bs, "is.cts")
  result <- rds.interval.estimate(
    N = N,
    csubset = csubset,
    conf.level = confidence.level
  attr(result, "bsresult") <- attr(estimate, "bsresult")
  attr(result, "is.cts") <- attr(estimate, "is.cts")

#' RDS Bootstrap Interval Estimates
#' This function computes an interval estimate for one or more categorical
#' variables. It optionally uses attributes of the RDS data set to determine
#' the type of estimator and type of uncertainty estimate to use.
# Note that the current estimator only works on binary outcome variables. (I think this cane be removed now--non-binary categorical outcome variables work.)
#' @param rds.data An \code{rds.data.frame} that indicates recruitment patterns
#' by a pair of attributes named ``id'' and ``recruiter.id''.
#' @param outcome.variable A string giving the name of the variable in the
#' \code{rds.data} that contains a categorical or numeric variable to be
#' analyzed.
#' @param weight.type A string giving the type of estimator to use. The options
#' are \code{"Gile's SS"}, \code{"RDS-I"}, \code{"RDS-II"}, \code{"RDS-I (DS)"},
#' and \code{"Arithemic Mean"}. If \code{NULL} it defaults to \code{"Gile's
#' SS"}.
#' @param uncertainty A string giving the type of uncertainty estimator to use.
#' The options are \code{"SRS"}, \code{"Gile"} and \code{"Salganik"}. This is usually
#' determined by \code{weight.type} to be consistent with the estimator's
#' origins. The estimators RDS-I, RDS-I (DS), and RDS-II default to \code{"Salganik"},  "Arithmetic
#' Mean" defaults to \code{"SRS"} and "Gile's SS" defaults to the \code{"Gile"} bootstrap.
#' @param N An estimate of the number of members of the population being
#' sampled. If \code{NULL} it is read as the \code{population.size.mid} attribute of
#' the \code{rds.data} frame. If that is missing it defaults to 1000.
#' @param subset An optional criterion to subset \code{rds.data} by. It is a
#' character string giving an R expression which, when evaluated, subset the
#' data. In plain English, it can be something like \code{"seed > 0"} to
#' exclude seeds. It can be the name of a logical vector of the same length of
#' the outcome variable where TRUE means include it in the analysis. If
#' \code{NULL} then no subsetting is done.
#' @param confidence.level The confidence level for the confidence intervals.
#' The default is 0.95 for 95\%.
#' @param number.of.bootstrap.samples The number of bootstrap samples to take
#' in estimating the uncertainty of the estimator. If \code{NULL} it defaults
#' to the number necessary to compute the standard error to accuracy 0.001.
#' \code{outcome.variable}. Otherwise it will compute the population frequencies of each value of the \code{outcome.variable}.
#' @param fast Use a fast bootstrap where the weights are reused from the
#' estimator rather than being recomputed for each bootstrap sample.
#' @param useC Use a C-level implementation of Gile's bootstrap (rather than
#' the R level). The implementations should be a computational
#' equivalent estimator (except for speed).
#' @param ci.type Type of confidence interval to use, if possible. If "t", use lower and upper confidence
#' interval values based on the standard deviation of the bootstrapped values and a t multiplier.
#' If "pivotal", use lower and upper confidence interval values based on the
#' basic bootstrap (also called the pivotal confidence interval).
#' If "quantile", use lower and upper confidence interval values based on the
#' quantiles of the bootstrap sample.
#' If "proportion", use the "t" unless the estimated proportion is less than 0.15 or the bounds are
#' outside [0,1 . In this case, try the "quantile" and constrain the bounds to be compatible with [0,1].
#' @param control A list of control parameters for algorithm
#' tuning. Constructed using\cr
#' \code{\link{control.rds.estimates}}.
#' @param to.factor force variable to be a factor
#' @param cont.breaks For continuous variates, some bootstrap proceedures require categorical data.
#' In these cases, in order to contruct each bootstrap replicate, the outcome variable is split into
#' cont.breaks categories.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for RDS.*.estimates.
#' @return An object of class \code{rds.interval.estimate} summarizing the inference.
#' The confidence interval and standard error are based on the bootstrap procedure.
#' In additon, the object has attribute \code{bsresult} which provides details of the
#' bootstrap procedure. The contents of the \code{bsresult} attribute depends on the
#' \code{uncertainty} used. If \code{uncertainty=="Salganik"} then \code{bsresult} is a
#' vector of standard deviations of the bootstrap samples.
#' If \code{uncertainty=="Gile's SS"} then
#' \code{bsresult} is a list with components for the bootstrap point estimate,
#' the bootstrap
#' samples themselves and the standard deviations of the bootstrap samples.
#' If \code{uncertainty=="SRS"} then \code{bsresult} is NULL.
#' @references Gile, Krista J. 2011 \emph{Improved Inference for
#' Respondent-Driven Sampling Data with Application to HIV Prevalence
#' Estimation}, \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, 106,
#' 135-146.
#' Gile, Krista J., Handcock, Mark S., 2010. Respondent-driven Sampling:
#' An Assessment of Current Methodology, Sociological Methodology, 40,
#' 285-327. <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9531.2010.01223.x>
#' Gile, Krista J., Beaudry, Isabelle S. and Handcock, Mark S., 2018 
#' Methods for Inference from Respondent-Driven Sampling Data,
#' Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application
#' <doi:10.1146/annurev-statistics-031017-100704>.
#' @keywords survey manip
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(fauxmadrona)
#' RDS.bootstrap.intervals(rds.data=fauxmadrona,weight.type="RDS-II",
#'      uncertainty="Salganik",
#' 	outcome.variable="disease",N=1000,number.of.bootstrap.samples=50)
#' data(fauxtime)
#' RDS.bootstrap.intervals(rds.data=fauxtime,weight.type="HCG",
#'      uncertainty="HCG",
#' 	outcome.variable="var1",N=1000,number.of.bootstrap.samples=10)
#' }
#' @export
RDS.bootstrap.intervals <- function(rds.data,
                                    weight.type = NULL,
                                    uncertainty = NULL,
                                    N = NULL,
                                    subset = NULL,
                                    confidence.level = .95,
                                    number.of.bootstrap.samples = NULL,
                                    fast = TRUE,
                                    useC = TRUE,
                                    ci.type = "t",
                                    control = control.rds.estimates(),
                                    cont.breaks = 3,
                                    ...) {
  se <- substitute(subset)
  if (is.null(se)) {
    csubset <- ""
  } else{
    csubset <- as.character(enquote(substitute(subset)))[2]
  subset <- eval(se, rds.data, parent.frame())
  if (length(outcome.variable) == 1) {
    result <- RDS.bootstrap.intervals.local(
      number.of.bootstrap.samples = number.of.bootstrap.samples,
      control = control,
      fast = fast,
      useC = useC,
      ci.type = ci.type,
      csubset = csubset,
      to.factor = to.factor,
      cont.breaks = cont.breaks,
  else {
    result <- lapply(
      X = outcome.variable,
      FUN = function(g) {
          number.of.bootstrap.samples = number.of.bootstrap.samples,
          control = control,
          fast = fast,
          useC = useC,
          ci.type = ci.type,
          csubset = csubset,
          to.factor = to.factor,
          cont.breaks = cont.breaks,
    names(result) <- outcome.variable

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