# Tests for balanceTest function
if (!exists('nreps_')) nreps_ <- 10L
context("balanceTest Function")
test_that("balT univariate descriptive means agree w/ reference calculations",{
n <- 7
dat <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(n), x2=rnorm(n),
s=rep(c("a", "b"), c(floor(n/2), ceiling(n/2))),
while (with(dat, any(tapply(z, s, var)==0)))
dat <- transform(dat, z=as.numeric( (x1+x2+2*rnorm(n))>0 ) )
lm1 <- lm(x1~z, data=dat)
xb1 <- balanceTest(z~x1+strata(s), data=dat)
expect_equal(xb1$results["x1", "adj.diff", "--"], coef(lm1)["z"], check.attributes=F)
## try to match default ETT weighting
pihat <- fitted(lm(z~s, data=dat))
lm2a <- lm(x1~z+s, data=dat, weights=ifelse(pihat==1,1, (1-pihat)^-1))
expect_equivalent(xb1$results["x1", "adj.diff", "s"], coef(lm2a)["z"])
## a little more explicitly:
d <- split(dat, dat$s)
mndiffs <- sapply(d, function(Data) {with(Data, mean(x1[z==1]) - mean(x1[z==0]))})
cmndiff <- weighted.mean(mndiffs, w = sapply(d, function(Data) sum(Data$z==1)))
expect_equivalent(xb1$results["x1", "adj.diff", "s"], cmndiff)
test_that("Consistency between lm() and balTest()", {
## working with aggregated cluster totals already
n <- 100
## we lose the treated in the first block
dta.all <- data.frame(z = rep(c(1,1,0,0), n/4),
x1 = rnorm(n),
blk = rep(1:(n/4), each = 4),
size = rpois(n = n, lambda = 200))
dta.lost <- dta.all[3:n, ]
bt.all <- balanceTest(z ~ x1 + strata(blk) - 1,
data = dta.all,
unit.weights = size) # weighted by cluster size
## we don't further test these values, but we should handle this situation
expect_warning(bt.lost <- balanceTest(z ~ x1 + strata(blk) - 1,
data = dta.lost,
unit.weights = size)) # weighted by cluster size
dta.all$zerosize <- c(0,0, dta.all$size[3:n])
bt.zeroed <- balanceTest(z ~ x1 + strata(blk) - 1,
data = dta.all,
unit.weights = zerosize) # weighted by cluster size
## everyone has prob 1/2 of assignment, so inv. prob. is 2
lm.all <- lm(x1 ~ z, weights = 2 * dta.all$size, data = dta.all)
lm.lost <- lm(x1 ~ z, weights = 2 * dta.lost$size, data = dta.lost)
## compute a Hajek estimator
hajek <- function(x, z, weight, prob) {
ipw <- 1/prob
a <- sum(z * ipw * x * weight) / sum(z * ipw * weight)
b <- sum((1 - z) * ipw * x * weight) / sum((1 - z) * ipw * weight)
return(c(a, b, a - b))
hh.all <- hajek(dta.all$x1, dta.all$z, dta.all$size, 1/2)
hh.lost <- hajek(dta.lost$x1, dta.lost$z, dta.lost$size, 1/2)
## first, confirm that lm agrees with the hajek estimator:
expect_equivalent(coef(lm.all), c(hh.all[2], hh.all[3]))
expect_equivalent(coef(lm.lost), c(hh.lost[2], hh.lost[3]))
## now check that balance test gives us the same answers
expect_equivalent(coef(lm.all)["z"], bt.all$results["x1", "adj.diff", ])
expect_equivalent(coef(lm.lost)["z"], bt.zeroed$results["x1", "adj.diff", ])
test_that("balT inferentials, incl. agreement w/ Rao score test for cond'l logistic regr",{
n <- 51 # increase at your peril -- clogit can suddenly get slow as stratum size increases
dat <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(n), x2=rnorm(n),
s=rep(c("a", "b"), c(floor(n/2), ceiling(n/2))),
while (with(dat, any(tapply(z, s, var)==0)))
dat <- transform(dat, z=as.numeric( (x1+rnorm(n))>0 ) )
xb1 <- balanceTest(z~x1+strata(s), data=dat)
cl1a <- suppressWarnings( # may warn about non-convergence
clogit(z~x1, data=dat, iter.max=1) )
cl1b <- suppressWarnings( clogit(z~x1+strata(s), data=dat, iter.max=1) )
expect_equivalent(summary(cl1a)$sctest['test'],(xb1$results["x1", "z", "--"])^2 )
expect_equivalent(summary(cl1b)$sctest['test'],(xb1$results["x1", "z", "s"])^2 )
xb2 <- balanceTest(z~x1+x2+strata(s), data=dat)
cl2a <- suppressWarnings( # may warn about non-convergence
clogit(z~x1+x2, data=dat, iter.max=1) )
cl2b <- suppressWarnings( clogit(z~x1+x2+strata(s), data=dat, iter.max=1) )
expect_equivalent(summary(cl2a)$sctest['test'],(xb2$overall["--", "chisquare"]) )
expect_equivalent(summary(cl2b)$sctest['test'],(xb2$overall["s", "chisquare"]) )
xb3 <- balanceTest(z~w1+w2+strata(s),
data=transform(dat, w1=x2+.1*x1, w2=x2-.1*x1))
expect_equivalent(xb2$overall["--", "chisquare"], xb3$overall["--", "chisquare"])
expect_equivalent(xb2$overall["s", "chisquare"], xb3$overall["s", "chisquare"])
## the below documents how the chi-square statistic can be larger than the sum of squared z
## statistics. Unremarkable here, but can be alarming when you see it on the screen (cf #75 ).
## expect_true(all(colSums(xb3$results[,'z',]^2, na.rm=T) < xb3$overall[,'chisquare']))
test_that("balT returns covariance of tests", {
n <- 500
xs <- mvrnorm(n,
mu = c(1,2,3),
Sigma = matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.2,
0.5, 1, 0,
0.2, 0, 1), nrow = 3, byrow = T))
p <- plogis(xs[,1]- 0.25 * xs[,2] - 1)
z <- rbinom(n, p = p, size = 1)
s <- rep(c(0,1), each = n/2)
dat <- cbind(z, xs, s)
# we use ETT weighting here to correspond to the weighting scheme used
# in the descriptives section
res <- balanceTest(z ~ . + strata(s),
data =,
stratum.weights = RItools:::effectOfTreatmentOnTreated)
tcov <- attr(res$overall, "tcov")
expect_equal(length(tcov), 2)
## Developer note: to strip out entries corresponding to intercept -- which has var 0,
## except when there's variation in unit weights and/or cluster sizes --
## have to filter out rows and cols named "(Intercept)", separately for each
## entry in list tcov. (Recording while updating test that follows, `c(4,4)` --> `c(5,5)`)
expect_equal(dim(tcov[[1]]), c(5,5))
test_that("Passing post.alignment.transform, #26", {
# Identity shouldn't have an effect
res1 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data=nuclearplants)
res2 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data=nuclearplants, post.alignment.transform = function(x, y) x)
expect_true(all.equal(res1, res2)) ## allow for small numerical differences
rank_ <- function(x,y) rank(x)
res3 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data=nuclearplants, post.alignment.transform = rank_)
expect_true(all(dim(res1$results) == dim(res3$results)))
mean_ <- function(x,y) mean(x)
expect_error(balanceTest(pr ~ ., data=nuclearplants, post.alignment.transform = mean_),
"Invalid post.alignment.transform given")
res4 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data=nuclearplants, post.alignment.transform = rank_)
res5 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data=nuclearplants)
# a wilcoxon rank sum test, asymptotic and w/o continuity correction
res6 <- balanceTest(pr ~ cost, data=nuclearplants, post.alignment.transform = rank_,
expect_equal(res6$results["cost", "p", "--"],
wilcox.test(cost~pr, data=nuclearplants, exact=FALSE, correct=FALSE)$p.value)
# w/ one variable, chisquare p value should be same as p value on that variable
expect_equal(res6$results["cost", "p", "--"],
# to dos: test combo of a transform with non-default stratum weights.
test_that("Use of subset argument", {
xb1 <- balanceTest(pr ~ . - pt + strata(pt) - 1, data = nuclearplants)
xb2 <- balanceTest(pr ~ . - pt + strata(pt) - 1, data = nuclearplants, subset=pt<=1)
expect_equal(xb1, xb2)
n2 <- nuclearplants
n2 <- rbind(n2, n2[1,])
n2[nrow(nuclearplants)+1, "pt"] <- 2
expect_warning(xb3 <- balanceTest(pr ~ . - pt + strata(pt) - 1, data = n2, subset=pt<=1),
"did not include both treated and control units") #if we get rid of warning re dropping levels which did not include
#both treated and control, get rid of expect_warning here too
expect_equal(xb1, xb3)
test_that("unit.weights: NAs treated as 0, logicals coerced to numeric",{
nuclearplants$pt <- factor(nuclearplants$pt)
expect_warning(xb1 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data = nuclearplants, unit.weights=ifelse(pt=='0',1,NA)),
"NA unit.weights detected")
## confirm that we still see the '1' level, even if it receives no weight
expect_match(dimnames(xb1$results)[[1]], "pt1", all=FALSE)
xb2 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data = nuclearplants, unit.weights=(pt=='0'))
test_that("Observations not meeting subset condition are retained although downweighted to 0",{
## first, check assumptions about offsets that are made within the code
mf0 <- model.frame(cost~date + offset(date<68), data=nuclearplants, offset=(cap>1000))
expect_equal(sum(names(mf0)=='(offset)'), 1L)
expect_equivalent(mf0$'(offset)', nuclearplants$cap>1000)
n2 <- nuclearplants
nuclearplants$pt <- factor(nuclearplants$pt)
n2 <- rbind(n2, n2[1,])
n2[nrow(nuclearplants)+1, "pt"] <- 2
n2$pt <- factor(n2$pt)
## this indirect test relies on balT's dropping unused factor levels
xb1 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data = nuclearplants)
xb2 <- balanceTest(pr ~ ., data = n2, subset=pt!='2')
## confirm that we still see the '2' level, even if it receives no weight
expect_match(dimnames(xb2$results)[[1]], "pt2", all=FALSE)
expect_equivalent(xb1$results[,'std.diff',], #only the descriptives should be the same for
xb2$results[ dimnames(xb2$results)[[1]]!="pt2" ,'std.diff',]) #these two
expect_true($results[ "pt2" ,'std.diff',]) | # presently this is NA, but
xb2$results[ "pt2" ,'std.diff',]==0) # it might ideally be a 0
test_that("p.adjust.method argument", {
res.none <- balanceTest(pr ~ . + strata(pt),
data = nuclearplants,
p.adjust.method = "none")
# the default argument (holm) should cause the p-values to increase
res.holm <- balanceTest(pr ~ . + strata(pt),
data = nuclearplants)
T_or_NA <- function(vec) {ans <- as.logical(vec) ; ans[] <- TRUE; ans}
expect_true(all(T_or_NA(res.holm$result[, "p", ] >= res.none$result[, "p", ])))
expect_true(all(T_or_NA(res.holm$overall[, "p.value"] >= res.none$overall[, "p.value"])))
### with just one covar, holm should do the same as none
res1.none <- balanceTest(pr ~ cost + strata(pt),
data = nuclearplants,
p.adjust.method = "none")
res1.holm <- balanceTest(pr ~ cost + strata(pt),
data = nuclearplants)
expect_equal(res1.holm$result[, "p", ], res1.none$result[, "p", ])
expect_equal(res1.holm$overall[, "p.value"], res1.none$overall[, "p.value"])
## "none" and null should do the same thing.
res.null <- balanceTest(pr ~ . + strata(pt),
data = nuclearplants,
p.adjust.method = NULL)
expect_equal(res.none$result[, "p", ], res.null$result[, "p", ])
test_that("NAs properly handled", {
n <- 20
df <- data.frame(Z = rep(c(0,1), n/2),
X1 = rnorm(n),
X2 = rnorm(n))
df$X1[1:3] <- NA
bt1 <- balanceTest(Z ~ X1, data = df)
expect_s3_class(bt1, "xbal")
expect_true("(_any Xs recorded_)" %in% dimnames(bt1[["results"]])[["vars"]])
## issue 92: the following fails
bt2 <- balanceTest(Z ~ X1 + X2, data = df)
expect_s3_class(bt2, "xbal")
expect_true("(X1)" %in% dimnames(bt2[["results"]])[["vars"]])
expect_false("(_any Xs recorded_)" %in% dimnames(bt2[["results"]])[["vars"]])
## To do: adapt the below to test print.xbal instead of lower level functions
##test_that("printing of NA comparisons is optional",
d <- data.frame(
x = rnorm(500),
f = factor(sample(c("A", "B", "C"), size = 500, replace = T)),
c = rep(1:100, 5),
s = rep(c(1:4, NA), 100),
paired = rep(c(0,1), each = 250),
z = rep(c(0,1), 250))
d$'(weights)' <- 1
d$x[, size = 10)] <- NA
design.flags <- RItools:::makeDesigns(z ~ x + f + strata(s) + cluster(c), data = d)
design.noFlags <- RItools:::makeDesigns(z ~ x + f + strata(s), data = d, include.NA.flags = FALSE)
expect_equal(dim(design.flags@Covariates)[2], 5)
expect_equal(dim(design.noFlags@Covariates)[2], 4)
test_that("balanceTest agrees with other methods where appropriate", {
library(survival) # for conditional logistic regression
n <- 100
x1 <- rnorm(n)
x2 <- rnorm(n)
x3 <- 0.5 + 0.25 * x1 - 0.25 * x2 + rnorm(n)
idx <- 0.25 + 0.1 * x1 + 0.2 * x2 - 0.5 * x3 + rnorm(n)
y <- sample(rep(c(1,0), n/2), prob = exp(idx) / (1 + exp(idx)))
xy <- data.frame(x1, x2, x3, idx, y)
xy$m[y == 1] <- order(idx[y == 1])
xy$m[y == 0] <- order(idx[y == 0])
## this mimics matched pairs:
expect_true(all(table(xy$y, xy$m)==1))
xb1 <- xBalance(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = xy, strata = list(unmatched = NULL, matched = ~ m), report = 'all')
bt1 <- balanceTest(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + strata(m), data = xy)
cr1 <- clogit(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + strata(m), data = xy)
expect_equivalent(xb1$overall$chisquare, bt1$overall[2:1, "chisquare"])
expect_equivalent(xb1$overall$p.value[2], summary(cr1)$sctest["pvalue"])
expect_equivalent(bt1$overall[1, "p.value"], summary(cr1)$sctest["pvalue"])
xy.wts <- xy
xy.wts$wts <- rpois(n, 7)
## in unstratified case we need covars to have weighted mean 0 in order to compare to xBal()
xy.wts <- transform(xy.wts, x1=x1-weighted.mean(x1, wts), x2=x2-weighted.mean(x2, wts), x3=x3-weighted.mean(x3, wts))
wts.scaled <- xy.wts$wts / mean(xy.wts$wts)
xy.wts.u <- data.frame(x1 = xy.wts$x1 * wts.scaled, x2 = xy.wts$x2 * wts.scaled, x3 = xy.wts$x3 * wts.scaled,
idx = xy.wts$idx, y = xy.wts$y, m = xy.wts$m)
xb2u <- xBalance(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 +w, data = xy.wts.u, strata = list(unmatched = NULL), report = 'all')
bt2u <- balanceTest(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = xy.wts, unit.weights = wts)
expect_equivalent(xb2u$overall$chisquare, bt2u$overall['--', "chisquare"])
## in stratified case, weighted/totals correspondence requires that weights don't vary within strata.
wtmeans <- tapply(xy.wts$wts, xy.wts$m, mean)
xy.wts$wts2 <- unsplit(wtmeans, xy.wts$m)
wts2.scaled <- xy.wts$wts2/mean(wtmeans)
xy.wts.m <- data.frame(x1 = xy.wts$x1 * wts2.scaled, x2 = xy.wts$x2 * wts2.scaled, x3 = xy.wts$x3 * wts2.scaled,
idx = xy.wts$idx, y = xy.wts$y, m = xy.wts$m)
xb2m <- xBalance(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = xy.wts.m, strata = list(matched = ~ m), report = 'all')
bt2m <- balanceTest(y ~ 0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + strata(m), data = xy.wts, unit.weights = wts2)
cr2 <- clogit(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + strata(m), data = xy.wts.m)
expect_equivalent(xb2m$overall$chisquare, bt2m$overall['m', "chisquare"])
expect_equivalent(xb2m$overall$p.value, summary(cr2)$sctest["pvalue"])
expect_equivalent(bt2m$overall[1, "p.value"], summary(cr2)$sctest[["pvalue"]])
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