
Defines functions extractBoundsBoxplotCategoricalVble extractBoundsBoxplotNumericalVble extractBoxplotInfoOneVble extractCIFunctionnalVble functionalboundVal objectivefunctional2 objectivefunctional functionalmeanVal extractCIMultiVble extractCIWeibullVble extractCINegBinomialVble extractCIPoissonVble extractCIGaussianVble extractCIboundsOneVble

# MixtComp version 4 - july 2019
# Copyright (C) Inria - Université de Lille - CNRS

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

# Confidence Levels -------------------------------------------------------

## Get
# @author Matthieu Marbac
extractCIboundsOneVble <- function(var, data, class, grl) {
  type <- data$variable$type[[var]]
  out <- switch(type,
    "Gaussian" = extractCIGaussianVble(var, data, class, grl),
    "Weibull" = extractCIWeibullVble(var, data, class, grl),
    "Poisson" = extractCIPoissonVble(var, data, class, grl),
    "NegativeBinomial" = extractCINegBinomialVble(var, data, class, grl),
    "Multinomial" = extractCIMultiVble(var, data, class, grl),
    "Func_CS" = extractCIFunctionnalVble(var, data),
    "Func_SharedAlpha_CS" = extractCIFunctionnalVble(var, data)


## CI bounds for numerical variables (Gaussian or Poisson)
# @author Matthieu Marbac
extractCIGaussianVble <- function(var, data, class, grl) {
  theta <- matrix(data$variable$param[[var]]$stat[, 1], ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  means <- as.array(round(theta[, 1], 3))
  lowers <- as.array(round(qnorm(0.025, theta[, 1], theta[, 2]), 3))
  uppers <- as.array(round(qnorm(0.975, theta[, 1], theta[, 2]), 3))
  means <- means[class]
  lowers <- lowers[class]
  uppers <- uppers[class]
  if (grl) {
    means <- c(means, mean(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed))
    bounds <- ceiling(c(0.025, 0.975) * length(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed))
    tmp <- sort(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed)[bounds]
    lowers <- c(lowers, tmp[1])
    uppers <- c(uppers, tmp[2])
  return(list(mean = means, lower = lowers, uppers = uppers))

# @author Matthieu Marbac
extractCIPoissonVble <- function(var, data, class, grl) {
  theta <- as.array(data$variable$param[[var]]$stat[class, 1])
  if (grl) theta <- c(theta, mean(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed))
  return(list(mean = theta, lower = qpois(0.025, theta), uppers = qpois(0.975, theta)))

# @author Quentin Grimonprez, Matthieu Marbac
extractCINegBinomialVble <- function(var, data, class, grl) {
  theta <- matrix(data$variable$param[[var]]$stat[, 1], ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  means <- as.array(round(theta[, 1] * (1 - theta[, 2]) / theta[, 2], 3))
  lowers <- as.array(round(qnbinom(0.025, theta[, 1], theta[, 2]), 3))
  uppers <- as.array(round(qnbinom(0.975, theta[, 1], theta[, 2]), 3))
  means <- means[class]
  lowers <- lowers[class]
  uppers <- uppers[class]
  if (grl) {
    means <- c(means, mean(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed))
    bounds <- ceiling(c(0.025, 0.975) * length(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed))
    tmp <- sort(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed)[bounds]
    lowers <- c(lowers, tmp[1])
    uppers <- c(uppers, tmp[2])
  return(list(mean = means, lower = lowers, uppers = uppers))

# @author Quentin Grimonprez, Matthieu Marbac
extractCIWeibullVble <- function(var, data, class, grl) {
  theta <- matrix(data$variable$param[[var]]$stat[, 1], ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
  means <- as.array(round(theta[, 2] * gamma(1 + 1 / theta[, 1]), 3))
  lowers <- as.array(round(qweibull(0.025, theta[, 1], theta[, 2]), 3))
  uppers <- as.array(round(qweibull(0.975, theta[, 1], theta[, 2]), 3))
  means <- means[class]
  lowers <- lowers[class]
  uppers <- uppers[class]
  if (grl) {
    means <- c(means, mean(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed))
    bounds <- ceiling(c(0.025, 0.975) * length(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed))
    tmp <- sort(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed)[bounds]
    lowers <- c(lowers, tmp[1])
    uppers <- c(uppers, tmp[2])
  return(list(mean = means, lower = lowers, uppers = uppers))

## Categorical variables
# @author Matthieu Marbac
extractCIMultiVble <- function(var, data, class, grl) {
  theta <- matrix(data$variable$param[[var]]$stat[, 1], nrow = data$algo$nClass, byrow = TRUE)
  theta <- theta[class, , drop = FALSE]
  if (grl) {
    tmp <- table(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed)
    theta <- rbind(theta, tmp / sum(tmp))
  for (k in seq_len(nrow(theta))) {
    orderk <- order(theta[k, ], decreasing = TRUE)
    keep <- orderk[1:which(cumsum(theta[k, orderk]) > 0.95)[1]]
    theta[k, -keep] <- 0

  theta <- round(theta, 2)
  out <- cbind(seq_len(ncol(theta)), t(theta))
  # drop the levels that do not belong to the CI of all the classes
  if (any(rowSums(out) == out[, 1])) out <- out[-which(rowSums(out) == out[, 1]), , drop = FALSE]

  lev <- gsub("k: [0-9]*, modality: ", "", rownames(data$variable$param[[var]]$stat))
  lev <- lev[out[, 1]]

  return(list(levels = lev, probs = t(out[, -1, drop = FALSE])))

## Functional variables
# To compute the mean curve per component
# @author Matthieu Marbac
functionalmeanVal <- function(Tt, alpha, beta) {
  weights <- alpha[, 2] * Tt + alpha[, 1]
  weights <- weights - max(weights)
  weights <- exp(weights) / sum(exp(weights)) # To avoid numerical problems
  weights <- weights / sum(weights)

  b <- 0
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(beta))) {
    b <- b + beta[, i] * Tt^(i - 1)

  sum(b * weights)

# Tool function for assessing the quantile for the functional model
# @author Matthieu Marbac
objectivefunctional <- function(x, pi, mu, s, seuil) {
  (sum(pi * pnorm(x, mu, s)) - seuil)**2
objectivefunctional2 <- function(x, pi, mu, s, seuil) {
  sum(pi * pnorm(x, mu, s)) - seuil

# To compute the lower/upper bound of the 95%-level confidence interval of the curve per component
# @author Matthieu Marbac
functionalboundVal <- function(Tt, borne, alpha, beta, sigma) {
  weights <- alpha[, 1] + alpha[, 2] * Tt
  weights <- weights - max(weights)
  weights <- exp(weights) / sum(exp(weights))
  # To avoid numerical problems
  weights <- weights / sum(weights)
  means <- 0
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(beta))) {
    means <- means + beta[, i] * Tt^(i - 1)

  # min1 <- optimize(objectivefunctional,
  #                      interval = range(qnorm(borne - 0.001, means, sigma)[which(weights != 0)],
  #                                       qnorm(borne + 0.001, means, sigma)[which(weights != 0)]),
  #                      pi = weights,
  #                      mu = means,
  #                      s = sigma,
  #                      seuil = borne)$minimum

  min2 <- uniroot(objectivefunctional2,
    interval = range(
      qnorm(borne - 0.001, means, sigma)[which(weights != 0)],
      qnorm(borne + 0.001, means, sigma)[which(weights != 0)]
    pi = weights,
    mu = means,
    s = sigma,
    seuil = borne


# @author Matthieu Marbac
extractCIFunctionnalVble <- function(var, data) {
  Tseq <- sort(unique(unlist(data$variable$data[[var]]$time)), decreasing = FALSE)
  param <- data$variable$param[[var]]
  G <- data$algo$nClass
  nSub <- length(param$sd$stat[, 1]) / G
  nCoeff <- length(param$beta$stat[, 1]) / G / nSub

  alpha <- lapply(seq_len(G), function(g) {
    matrix(param$alpha$stat[, 1], ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)[((g - 1) * nSub + 1):(g * nSub), , drop = FALSE]
  beta <- lapply(seq_len(G), function(g) {
    matrix(param$beta$stat[, 1], ncol = nCoeff, byrow = TRUE)[((g - 1) * nSub + 1):(g * nSub), , drop = FALSE]
  sigma <- matrix(param$sd$stat[, 1], nrow = G, ncol = nSub, byrow = TRUE)
  if (nSub > 1) {
    meancurve <- sapply(seq_len(G), function(k) sapply(Tseq, functionalmeanVal, alpha = alpha[[k]], beta = beta[[k]]))
    infcurve <- sapply(seq_len(G), function(k) {
      sapply(Tseq, functionalboundVal, borne = 0.025, alpha = alpha[[k]], beta = beta[[k]], sigma = sigma[k, , drop = FALSE])
    supcurve <- sapply(seq_len(G), function(k) {
      sapply(Tseq, functionalboundVal, borne = 0.975, alpha = alpha[[k]], beta = beta[[k]], sigma = sigma[k, , drop = FALSE])
  } else {
    meancurve <- sapply(seq_len(G), function(k) {
      b <- 0
      for (i in seq_len(nCoeff)) {
        b <- b + beta[[k]][i] * Tseq^(i - 1)

    infcurve <- sapply(seq_len(G), function(k) qnorm(0.025, meancurve[, k, drop = FALSE], sigma[k, 1]))
    supcurve <- sapply(seq_len(G), function(k) qnorm(0.975, meancurve[, k, drop = FALSE], sigma[k, 1]))
  out <- list(time = Tseq, mean = t(meancurve), inf = t(infcurve), sup = t(supcurve))

# Boxplots ----------------------------------------------------------------

## Get
# @author Matthieu Marbac
extractBoxplotInfoOneVble <- function(var, data, class = seq_len(data$algo$nClass), grl = FALSE) {
  out <- NULL
  type <- data$variable$type[[var]]
  if (type %in% c("Gaussian", "Poisson", "NegativeBinomial", "Weibull")) {
    out <- extractBoundsBoxplotNumericalVble(var, data, class, grl)
  if (type == "Multinomial") {
    out <- extractBoundsBoxplotCategoricalVble(var, data, class, grl)
  if (type %in% c("Func_CS", "Func_SharedAlpha_CS")) {
    out <- extractCIFunctionnalVble(var, data)


## Numerical variables
# @author Matthieu Marbac
extractBoundsBoxplotNumericalVble <- function(var, data, class = seq_len(data$algo$nClass), grl = FALSE) {
  obs <- data$variable$data[[var]]$completed
  tik <- data$variable$data$z_class$stat
  orderedIndices <- order(obs)
  cumsums <- apply(tik[orderedIndices, , drop = FALSE], 2, cumsum)
  cumsums <- t(t(cumsums) / cumsums[nrow(cumsums), ])
  thresholds <- sapply(c(.05, .25, .5, .75, .95),
    function(threshold, cumsums) obs[orderedIndices[apply(abs(cumsums - threshold), 2, which.min)]],
    cumsums = cumsums
  thresholds <- matrix(thresholds, nrow = data$algo$nClass)
  thresholds <- thresholds[class, , drop = FALSE]

  if (is.null(data$algo$dictionary$z_class)) {
    rownames(thresholds) <- paste("Class", class)
  } else {
    rownames(thresholds) <- data$algo$dictionary$z_class$old[class]

  colnames(thresholds) <- paste("quantil.", c(.05, .25, .5, .75, .95))
  if (grl) {
    obs <- sort(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed, decreasing = FALSE)
    tmp <- round(c(.05, .25, .5, .75, .95) * length(obs))
    if (any(tmp == 0)) {
      tmp[which(tmp == 0)] <- 1
    if (any(tmp > length(obs))) {
      tmp[which(tmp > length(obs))] <- length(obs)
    thresholds <- rbind(thresholds, obs[tmp])
    rownames(thresholds)[nrow(thresholds)] <- "all"


## Categorical variables
# @author Matthieu Marbac
extractBoundsBoxplotCategoricalVble <- function(var, data, class = seq_len(data$algo$nClass), grl = FALSE) {
  obs <- data$variable$data[[var]]$completed
  tik <- data$variable$data$z_class$stat
  levels <- unique(obs)
  probs <- t(sapply(seq_len(data$algo$nClass),
    function(k, tik, obs) {
        function(w, obs, level) sum(w * (obs == level)),
        w = tik[, k],
        obs = obs
      ) / sum(tik[, k])
    tik = tik,
    obs = obs
  probs <- probs[class, , drop = FALSE]

  if (is.null(data$algo$dictionary$z_class)) {
    rownames(probs) <- paste("Class", class)
  } else {
    rownames(probs) <- data$algo$dictionary$z_class$old[class]
  colnames(probs) <- levels
  if (grl) {
    obs <- sort(table(data$variable$data[[var]]$completed), decreasing = TRUE)
    obs <- obs / sum(obs)
    probs <- rbind(probs, obs)
    rownames(probs)[nrow(probs)] <- "all"
  return(list(levels = levels, probs = probs))

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