
Defines functions directed_network_plot graph.plot.presets return_network_aggregate network_aggregate only_first_match filter_window show_window plot_doc_net document_network_plot create_document_network as_document_network

Documented in as_document_network create_document_network directed_network_plot document_network_plot filter_window network_aggregate only_first_match show_window

#' Create a document similarity network
#' This function can be used to structure the output of the \link[RNewsflow]{compare_documents} function as an igraph network.
#' @param el  An RNewsflow_edgelist object, as created with \link[RNewsflow]{compare_documents}.
#' @return A network/graph in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dtm = quanteda::dfm_tfidf(rnewsflow_dfm)
#' el = compare_documents(dtm, date_var='date', hour_window = c(0.1, 36))
#' g = as_document_network(el)
#' g
as_document_network <- function(el){
  el = as_rnewsflow_edgelist(el)
  g = igraph::graph.data.frame(el$d[,c('from','to')])
  e_attr = setdiff(colnames(el$d), c('from','to'))
  for (attrib in e_attr) {
    g = igraph::set_edge_attr(g, attrib, value = el$d[[attrib]])
  if (nrow(el$d) > 0)
    if (!all(igraph::V(g)$name %in% c(el$from_meta$document_id, el$to_meta$document_id))) stop("Not all documents in d match with an 'id' in the meta information")
  meta = merge(el$from_meta, el$to_meta, by = intersect(colnames(el$from_meta), colnames(el$to_meta)), all = T)
  ## add documents in meta data.frame that do not appear in the edgelist (in other words, isolates)
  missingmeta = as.character(meta$document_id[!meta$document_id %in% igraph::V(g)$name])
  g = igraph::add.vertices(g, nv = length(missingmeta), attr = list(name=missingmeta))
  meta = meta[list(igraph::V(g)$name),,on='document_id']
  m_attr = setdiff(colnames(meta), 'document_id')
  for(attrib in m_attr){
    g = igraph::set.vertex.attribute(g, attrib, value= if (is.numeric(meta[[attrib]])) meta[[attrib]] else as.character(meta[[attrib]]))

#' Create a document similarity network
#' Combines document similarity data (d) with document meta data (meta) into an \link[igraph]{igraph} network/graph.
#' This function is mainly offered to mimic the output of the \link[RNewsflow]{as_document_network} function when using imported document similarity data.
#' This way the functions for transforming, aggregating and visualizing the document similarity data can be used.
#' @param d              A data.frame with three columns, that represents an edgelist with weight values. 
#'                       The first and second column represent the names/ids of the 'from' and 'to' documents/vertices. 
#'                       The third column represents the similarity score. Column names are ignored
#' @param meta           A data.frame where rows are documents and columns are document meta information. 
#'                       Should at least contain 2 columns: the document name/id and date. 
#'                       The name/id column should match the document names/ids of the edgelist, and its label is specified in the `id_var` argument. 
#'                       The date column should be intepretable with \link[base]{as.POSIXct}, and its label is specified in the `date_var` argument.            
#' @param id_var         The label for the document name/id column in the `meta` data.frame. Default is "document_id"
#' @param date_var       The label for the document date column in the `meta` data.frame . default is "date"
#' @param min_similarity For convenience, ignore all edges where the weight is below `min_similarity`. 
#' @return A network/graph in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d = data.frame(x = c(1,1,1,2,2,3),
#'                y = c(2,3,5,4,5,6),
#'                v = c(0.3,0.4,0.7,0.5,0.2,0.9))
#' meta = data.frame(document_id = 1:8,
#'                   date = seq.POSIXt(from = as.POSIXct('2010-01-01 12:00:00'), 
#'                          by='hour', length.out = 8),
#'                   medium = c(rep('Newspapers', 4), rep('Blog', 4)))
#' g = create_document_network(d, meta)
#' igraph::get.data.frame(g, 'both')
#' igraph::plot.igraph(g)
create_document_network <- function(d, meta, id_var='document_id', date_var='date', min_similarity=NA){
  if (!date_var %in% colnames(meta)) stop('The name specified in date_var is not a column in meta')
  if (!id_var %in% colnames(meta)) stop('The name specified in id_var is not a column in meta')
  if (nrow(d) == 0) d = data.frame(x=numeric(), y=numeric(), similarity=numeric())
  colnames(d) = c('x','y','similarity')
  if (!is.na(min_similarity)) d = d[d$similarity >= min_similarity, c('x','y','similarity')]
  if (is.data.table(d)) {
    d = data.table::setorderv(d, cols='similarity', order = -1)
  } else {
    d = d[order(-d$similarity),]
  g = igraph::graph.data.frame(d[,c('x','y')])
  igraph::E(g)$weight = d$similarity
  if (nrow(d) > 0)
    if (!all(igraph::V(g)$name %in% meta[[id_var]])) stop("Not all documents in d match with an 'id' in the meta information")
  ## add documents in meta data.frame that do not appear in the edgelist (in other words, isolates)
  missingmeta = as.character(meta[!meta[,id_var] %in% igraph::V(g)$name, id_var])
  g = igraph::add.vertices(g, nv = length(missingmeta), attr = list(name=missingmeta))
  meta = meta[match(igraph::V(g)$name, meta[,id_var]),]
  attribs = colnames(meta)[!colnames(meta) == id_var]
  for(attrib in attribs){
    g = igraph::set.vertex.attribute(g, attrib, value= if (is.numeric(meta[[attrib]])) meta[[attrib]] else as.character(meta[[attrib]]))
  edgelist = igraph::get.edges(g, igraph::E(g))
  dates = as.POSIXct(igraph::V(g)$date) 
  #igraph::E(g)$hourdiff = round(difftime(dates[edgelist[,2]], dates[edgelist[,1]], units = 'hours'),3)
  dates = as.numeric(dates)
  igraph::E(g)$hourdiff = round((dates[edgelist[,2]] - dates[edgelist[,1]]) / (60*60), 3)

#' Visualize (a subcomponent) of the document similarity network 
#' @param g                 A document similarity network, as created with \link[RNewsflow]{newsflow_compare} or \link[RNewsflow]{create_document_network}
#' @param date_attribute    The label of the vertex/document date attribute. Default is "date"
#' @param source_attribute  The label of the vertex/document source attribute. Default is "source"
#' @param subcomp_i         Optional. If an integer is given, the network is decomposed into subcomponents (i.e. unconnected components) and only the i-th component is visualized.
#' @param dtm               Optional. If a document-term matrix that contains the documents in g is given, a wordcloud with the most common words of the network is added. 
#' @param sources           Optional. Use a character vector to select only certain sources
#' @param only_outer_date   If TRUE, only the labels for the first and last date are reported on the x-axis
#' @param date_format       The date format of the date labels (see \link[base]{format.POSIXct})
#' @param margins           The margins of the network plot. The four values represent bottom, left, top and right margin. 
#' @param isolate_color     Optional. Set a custom color for isolates
#' @param source_loops      If set to FALSE, all edges between vertices/documents of the same source are ignored.
#' @param ...               Additional arguments for the network plotting function \link[igraph]{plot.igraph} 
#' @return Nothing. 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' docnet = docnet
#' dtm = rnewsflow_dfm
#' docnet_comps = igraph::decompose.graph(docnet) # get subcomponents
#' # subcomponent 1
#' document_network_plot(docnet_comps[[1]]) 
#' # subcomponent 2 with wordcloud
#' document_network_plot(docnet_comps[[2]], dtm=dtm) 
#' # subcomponent 3 with additional arguments passed to plot.igraph 
#' document_network_plot(docnet_comps[[3]], dtm=dtm, vertex.color='red') 
document_network_plot <- function(g, date_attribute='date', source_attribute='source', subcomp_i=NULL, dtm=NULL, sources=NULL, only_outer_date=FALSE, date_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', margins=c(5,8,1,13), isolate_color=NULL, source_loops=TRUE, ...){
  g = igraph::set.vertex.attribute(g, 'date', value= igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, date_attribute))
  g = igraph::set.vertex.attribute(g, 'source', value= igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, source_attribute))
    cluster = g
  } else {
    clusters = igraph::decompose.graph(g)
    cluster = clusters[[subcomp_i]]
  if(is.null(sources)) sources = sort(unique(igraph::V(cluster)$source))
  cluster = igraph::delete.vertices(cluster, which(!igraph::V(cluster)$source %in% sources))
    dtm = quanteda::as.dfm(dtm)
    graphics::layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 2, 2), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths = c(1.5, 2.5), heights = c(1, 2))  
    topwords = Matrix::colSums(dtm[rownames(dtm) %in% igraph::V(cluster)$name,])
    topwords = topwords[topwords > 0, drop=FALSE]
    topwords = head(topwords[order(-topwords)], 10)
    graphics::par(mar = c(0,0,0,0))
    wordcloud::wordcloud(names(topwords), sqrt(as.numeric(topwords)), scale=c(2,0.7))
  plot_doc_net(cluster, sources, only_outer_date, date_format, margins, isolate_color=NULL, source_loops=TRUE, ...)
  if(!is.null(dtm)) graphics::layout(matrix(c(1, 1, 1, 1), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))

plot_doc_net <- function(cluster, sources=NULL, only_outer_date=FALSE, date_format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', margins=c(5,8,1,13), isolate_color=NULL, source_loops=TRUE, ...){
  graphics::par(mar = margins)
  if(is.null(sources)) sources = sort(unique(igraph::V(cluster)$source))
  igraph::E(cluster)$width = scales::rescale(igraph::E(cluster)$weight, c(2,4), from = c(0,1))
  igraph::E(cluster)$arrow.size = 0.45
  igraph::E(cluster)$color = grDevices::grey(scales::rescale(igraph::E(cluster)$weight, c(0.8,0.2), from = c(0,1)))
    edgelist = igraph::get.edgelist(cluster)
    xmatch = match(edgelist[,1], igraph::V(cluster)$name)
    ymatch = match(edgelist[,2], igraph::V(cluster)$name)
    sourceloop = which(igraph::V(cluster)$source[xmatch] == igraph::V(cluster)$source[ymatch])
    cluster = igraph::delete.edges(cluster, sourceloop)
  igraph::V(cluster)$x = as.POSIXct(igraph::V(cluster)$date)
  igraph::V(cluster)$y = length(sources) + 1 - match(igraph::V(cluster)$source, sources)
  vertex.atts = names(igraph::vertex.attributes(cluster))
  if(!'size' %in% vertex.atts) igraph::V(cluster)$size = 7.5
  if(!'color' %in% vertex.atts) igraph::V(cluster)$color = 'lightgrey'   
  if(!'label' %in% vertex.atts) igraph::V(cluster)$label = ''
  if(!'label.color' %in% vertex.atts) igraph::V(cluster)$label.color = 'black'
  if(!is.null(isolate_color)) igraph::V(cluster)$color[igraph::degree(cluster) == 0] = isolate_color
  ymin = 1 - max(igraph::V(cluster)$y)*(1/max(igraph::V(cluster)$y))
  cluster$layout = igraph::layout.norm(cbind(as.numeric(igraph::V(cluster)$x), igraph::V(cluster)$y), -1, 1, ymin, 1)
  if(length(unique(igraph::V(cluster)$x)) == 1) cluster$layout[,1] = 0
  igraph::plot.igraph(cluster, rescale=FALSE, asp=0, ...)

  for(source in sources){
    ycoord = cluster$layout[igraph::V(cluster)$source == source,2][1]
    graphics::text(1.1, ycoord, source, adj=0)
  ## determine inner vertical lines (to indicate date)
  inner_date = seq.POSIXt(as.POSIXct(min(igraph::V(cluster)$date)), as.POSIXct(max(igraph::V(cluster)$date)), by='day')
  inner_date = as.POSIXct(as.Date(inner_date))
  inner_date = inner_date[as.numeric(inner_date) > min(igraph::V(cluster)$x) & as.numeric(inner_date) < max(igraph::V(cluster)$x)]
  inner_date_i = scales::rescale(as.numeric(inner_date), to=c(-1,1), from=as.numeric(c(min(igraph::V(cluster)$x), max(igraph::V(cluster)$x))))
  graphics::abline(h=unique(cluster$layout[,2]), col="grey10", lty='dotted')
  ## determine outer vertical lines
  outer_date_i = c(-1,1)
  outer_date = c(min(igraph::V(cluster)$date), max(igraph::V(cluster)$date))
  if(length(unique(outer_date)) == 1){
    outer_date_i = 0
    outer_date = outer_date[1]
  ## draw lines, add text
  graphics::abline(v=outer_date_i, col="grey10", lty='dotted')
  graphics::abline(v=inner_date_i, col="grey10", lty='dotted')
  outer_date_print = format(as.POSIXct(outer_date), date_format)
  if(!only_outer_date & length(inner_date) > 0){
    graphics::text(x=outer_date_i, y=ymin-0.2, label=outer_date_print, srt=30, adj=1) 
    inner_date_print = format(as.POSIXct(inner_date), date_format)
    graphics::text(x=inner_date_i, y=ymin-0.2, label=inner_date_print, srt=30, adj=1) 
  } else graphics::text(x=outer_date_i, y=ymin-0.2, label=outer_date_print, srt=30, adj=1) 

#' Show time window of document pairs 
#' This function aggregates the edges for all combinations of attributes specified in `from_attribute` and `to_attribute`, and shows the minimum and maximum hour difference for each combination.
#' The \link[RNewsflow]{filter_window} function can be used to filter edges that fall outside of the intended time window. 
#' @param g A document similarity network, as created with \link[RNewsflow]{newsflow_compare} or \link[RNewsflow]{create_document_network}  
#' @param to_attribute The vertex attribute to aggregate the `to` group of the edges
#' @param from_attribute The vertex attribute to aggregate the `from` group of the edges
#' @return A data.frame showing the left and right edges of the window for each unique group.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(docnet)
#' show_window(docnet, to_attribute = 'source')
#' show_window(docnet, to_attribute = 'sourcetype')
#' show_window(docnet, to_attribute = 'sourcetype', from_attribute = 'sourcetype')
show_window <- function(g, to_attribute=NULL, from_attribute=NULL){
  from_vertices = if(is.null(from_attribute)) rep('any document', igraph::vcount(g)) else igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, from_attribute)
  to_vertices = if(is.null(to_attribute)) rep('any document', igraph::vcount(g)) else igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, to_attribute)
  e = data.frame(igraph::get.edges(g, igraph::E(g)))
  medwindow = stats::aggregate(igraph::E(g)$hourdiff, by=list(from=from_vertices[e$X1], to=to_vertices[e$X2]), FUN = function(x) cbind(min(x), max(x)))
  d = data.frame(from = medwindow$from, to=medwindow$to, window.left=medwindow$x[,1], window.right=medwindow$x[,2])

#' Filter edges from the document similarity network based on hour difference
#' The `filter_window` function can be used to filter the document pairs (i.e. edges) using the `hour_window` parameter, which works identical to the `hour_window` parameter in the `newsflow_compare` function. 
#' In addition, the `from_vertices` and `to_vertices` parameters can be used to select the vertices (i.e. documents) for which this filter is applied.
#' It is recommended to use the \link[RNewsflow]{show_window} function to verify whether the hour windows are correct according to the assumptions and focus of the study.
#' @param g A document similarity network, as created with \link[RNewsflow]{newsflow_compare} or \link[RNewsflow]{create_document_network}  
#' @param hour_window A vector of length 2, in which the first and second value determine the left and right side of the window, respectively. For example, c(-10, 36) will compare each document to all documents between the previous 10 and the next 36 hours.
#' @param to_vertices A filter to select the vertices `to` which an edge is filtered. 
#' For example, if `V(g)$sourcetype == "newspaper"` is used, then the hour_window filter is only applied for edges `to` newspaper documents (specifically, where the sourcetype attribute is "newspaper"). 
#' @param from_vertices A filter to select the vertices `from` which an edge is filtered. 
#' Works identical to `to_vertices`.  
#' @return A network/graph in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(docnet)
#' show_window(docnet, to_attribute = 'source') # before filtering
#' docnet = filter_window(docnet, hour_window = c(0.1,24))
#' docnet = filter_window(docnet, hour_window = c(6,36), 
#'                        to_vertices = V(docnet)$sourcetype == 'Print NP')
#' show_window(docnet, to_attribute = 'sourcetype') # after filtering per sourcetype
#' show_window(docnet, to_attribute = 'source') # after filtering per source
filter_window <- function(g, hour_window, to_vertices=NULL, from_vertices=NULL){
  if(is.null(from_vertices)) from_vertices = rep(TRUE, igraph::vcount(g))
  if(is.null(to_vertices)) to_vertices = rep(TRUE, igraph::vcount(g))
  # get vector indicating which edges are selected given the vertex.filter
  from.edge.i = igraph::get.edges(g, igraph::E(g))[,1]
  to.edge.i = igraph::get.edges(g, igraph::E(g))[,2]
  selected_edge = from_vertices[from.edge.i] & to_vertices[to.edge.i]
  # filter the selected edges
  delete.i = selected_edge & (igraph::E(g)$hourdiff < hour_window[1] | igraph::E(g)$hourdiff > hour_window[2])
  igraph::delete.edges(g, which(delete.i))


#' Transform document network so that each document only matches the earliest dated matching document
#' Transforms the network so that a document only has an edge to the earliest dated document it matches within the specified time window[^duplicate].
#' If there are multiple earliest dated documents (that is, having the same publication date) then edges to all earliest dated documents are kept.
#' @param g A document similarity network, as created with \link[RNewsflow]{newsflow_compare} or \link[RNewsflow]{create_document_network}  
#' @return A network/graph in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(docnet)
#' subcomp1 = igraph::decompose.graph(docnet)[[2]]
#' subcomp2 = only_first_match(subcomp1)
#' igraph::get.data.frame(subcomp1)
#' igraph::get.data.frame(subcomp2)
#' graphics::par(mfrow=c(2,1))
#' document_network_plot(subcomp1, main='All matches')
#' document_network_plot(subcomp2, main='Only first match')
#' graphics::par(mfrow=c(1,1))
only_first_match <- function(g){
  e = data.frame(igraph::get.edges(g, igraph::E(g)))
  # first make from and to columns of same temporal order (from before to) by switching columns with negative hourdiff.
  switch_from.to = igraph::get.data.frame(g, 'edges')$hourdiff < 0
  e = data.frame(from = ifelse(switch_from.to, e$X2, e$X1),
                 to   = ifelse(switch_from.to, e$X1, e$X2))
  e$i = 1:nrow(e)
  e$from.date = igraph::V(g)$date[e$from]
  e = e[order(e$from.date),]
  first = !duplicated(e$to)
  first = paste(e$to, e$from.date, sep='.') %in% paste(e$to[first], e$from.date[first], sep='.') # also first if same date as first
  igraph::delete.edges(g, e$i[!first])

#' Aggregate the edges of a network by vertex attributes 
#' This function offers a versatile way to aggregate the edges of a network based on the vertex attributes.
#' Although it was designed specifically for document similarity networks, it can be used for any network in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class.
#' The first argument is the network (in the `igraph` class). 
#' The second argument, for the `by` parameter, is a character vector to indicate one or more vertex attributes based on which the edges are aggregated.
#' Optionally, the `by` parameter can also be specified separately for `by_from` and `by_to`. 
#' By default, the function returns the aggregated network as an \link[igraph]{igraph} class.
#' The edges in the aggregated network have five standard attributes. 
#' The `edges` attribute counts the number of edges from the `from` group to the `to` group. 
#' The `from.V` attribute shows the number of vertices in the `from` group that matched with a vertex in the `to` group.
#' The `from.Vprop attribute shows this as the proportion of all vertices in the `from` group.
#' The `to.V` and `to.Vprop` attributes show the same for the `to` group.
#' In addition, one of the edge attributes of the original network can be aggregated with a given function.
#' These are specified in the `edge_attribute` and `agg_FUN` parameters.
#' @param g A network/graph in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class
#' @param by A character string indicating the vertex attributes by which the edges will be aggregated. 
#' @param by_from Optionally, specify different vertex attributes to aggregate the `from` side of edges 
#' @param by_to Optionally, specify different vertex attributes to aggregate the `to` side of edges 
#' @param edge_attribute Select an edge attribute to aggregate using the function specified in `agg_FUN`. Defaults to 'weight'
#' @param agg_FUN The function used to aggregate the edge attribute
#' @param return_df Optional. If TRUE, the results are returned as a data.frame. This can in particular be convenient if by_from and by_to are used.
#' @param keep_isolates if True, also return scores for isolates
#' @return A network/graph in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class, or a data.frame if return_df is TRUE.
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @examples
#' data(docnet)
#' aggdocnet = network_aggregate(docnet, by='sourcetype')
#' igraph::get.data.frame(aggdocnet, 'both')
#' aggdocdf = network_aggregate(docnet, by_from='sourcetype', by_to='source', return_df = TRUE)
#' head(aggdocdf)
network_aggregate <- function(g, by=NULL, by_from=by, by_to=by, edge_attribute='weight', agg_FUN=mean, return_df=FALSE, keep_isolates=T){
  igraph::V(g)$any_vertex = '---'
  if(is.null(by_from)) by_from = 'any_vertex'
  if(is.null(by_to)) by_to = 'any_vertex'
  e = data.frame(igraph::get.edges(g, igraph::E(g)))
  v = igraph::get.data.frame(g, 'vertices')  

  e = cbind(e, v[e$X1, by_from, drop=FALSE])
  e = cbind(e, v[e$X2, by_to, drop=FALSE])
  colnames(e) = c('from','to', paste('from', by_from, sep='.'), paste('to', by_to, sep='.'))
  aggvars = colnames(e)[3:ncol(e)]
  e$from_unique_match = as.numeric(!duplicated(e[,colnames(e)[-2]]))
  e$to_unique_match = as.numeric(!duplicated(e[,colnames(e)[-1]]))
  e$var = igraph::get.edge.attribute(g, edge_attribute)
  e = data.table::setDT(e)
  e = e[, list(edges=.N,
               edge_attribute=agg_FUN(get('var')), # note that get('var') is used because the CRAN check would otherwise wrongfully interpret 'var' as a global variable (yielding a NOTE)  
               by= eval(paste(aggvars, collapse=','))]
  e = as.data.frame(e)
  colnames(e)[colnames(e) == 'edge_attribute'] = paste('agg',edge_attribute, sep='.')
  # match total vertices
  v = data.table::setDT(v)
  from.totals = v[, list(from.N=.N), by= eval(paste(by_from, collapse=','))]
  to.totals = v[, list(to.N=.N), by= eval(paste(by_to, collapse=','))]
  e = merge(e, from.totals, by.x=paste('from', by_from, sep='.'), by.y=by_from, all.x=TRUE)
  e = merge(e, to.totals, by.x=paste('to', by_to, sep='.'), by.y=by_to, all.x=TRUE)
  e$from.Vprop = e$from.V / e$from.N
  e$to.Vprop = e$to.V / e$to.N
  if(!return_df) {
    e = return_network_aggregate(e, from.totals, to.totals, keep_isolates)
    if('any_vertex' %in% names(igraph::vertex.attributes(e))) e = igraph::delete_vertex_attr(e, 'any_vertex')
  if(return_df) {
    e = e[,!colnames(e) %in% c('from.N', 'to.N', 'from.any_vertex', 'to.any_vertex')]
    edge_col = which(colnames(e) == 'edges') # silly but necessary way to order the from and to attribute columns ()
    ord = c(order(colnames(e)[1:(edge_col-1)]), edge_col:ncol(e))

return_network_aggregate <- function(g.df, from.totals, to.totals, keep_isolates){
  vnames = colnames(g.df)[1:(grep('^edges$', colnames(g.df))-1)]
  # create network
  from.v = g.df[,grep('^from\\.', vnames), drop=FALSE]
  to.v = g.df[,grep('^to\\.', vnames), drop=FALSE]
  from.name = if(ncol(from.v) > 1) apply(from.v, MARGIN = 1, paste, collapse='; ') else from.v[,1]
  to.name = if(ncol(to.v) > 1) apply(to.v, MARGIN = 1, paste, collapse='; ') else to.v[,1]
  g.agg = igraph::graph.data.frame(cbind(from.name,to.name))
  aggvar = colnames(g.df)[grep('agg\\.', colnames(g.df))]
  for(edge.attrib in c('edges',aggvar,'from.V','from.Vprop','to.V','to.Vprop')){
    g.agg = igraph::set.edge.attribute(g.agg, edge.attrib, value=g.df[,edge.attrib])
  # create meta table
  from.v = cbind(from.name, from.v, from.N=g.df$from.N)
  to.v = cbind(to.name, to.v, to.N=g.df$to.N)
  colnames(from.v) = gsub('^from\\.', '', colnames(from.v))
  colnames(to.v) = gsub('^to\\.', '', colnames(to.v))
  metavars = unique(c(colnames(from.v), colnames(to.v)))
  for(metavar in metavars){
    if(!metavar %in% colnames(from.v)) from.v[,metavar] = NA
    if(!metavar %in% colnames(to.v)) to.v[,metavar] = NA

  meta = unique(rbind(from.v[,metavars], to.v[,metavars]))
  # add meta attributes
  meta_i = match(igraph::V(g.agg)$name, meta$name)
  for(metavar in metavars[!metavars == 'name']){
    g.agg = igraph::set.vertex.attribute(g.agg, metavar, value=meta[meta_i,metavar])
    v = get.data.frame(g.agg, 'vertices')
    colnames(from.totals) = gsub('from.N', 'N', colnames(from.totals), fixed=T)
    missing_from = merge(from.totals, v, by=colnames(from.totals), all.x=T)
    missing_from = data.frame(missing_from[is.na(missing_from$name),,drop=F])
    if(nrow(missing_from) > 0){
      namecols = colnames(from.totals)[!colnames(from.totals) == 'N']
      missing_from$name = if(ncol(missing_from[,namecols,drop=F]) > 1) apply(missing_from[,namecols,drop=F], MARGIN = 1, paste, collapse='; ') else missing_from[,1]
      g.agg = add.vertices(g.agg, nrow(missing_from), attr=as.list(missing_from))
    v = get.data.frame(g.agg, 'vertices')
    colnames(from.totals) = gsub('from.N', 'N', colnames(from.totals), fixed=T)
    missing_from = merge(from.totals, v, by=colnames(from.totals), all.x=T)
    missing_from = data.frame(missing_from[is.na(missing_from$name),,drop=F])
    if(nrow(missing_from) > 0){
      namecols = colnames(from.totals)[!colnames(from.totals) == 'N']
      missing_from$name = if(ncol(missing_from[,namecols,drop=F]) > 1) apply(missing_from[,namecols,drop=F], MARGIN = 1, paste, collapse='; ') else missing_from[,1]
      g.agg = add.vertices(g.agg, nrow(missing_from), attr=as.list(missing_from))

graph.plot.presets <- function(g){
  igraph::E(g)$curved = 0.2
  igraph::E(g)$width = igraph::E(g)$weight * 5
  igraph::E(g)$arrow.size = 0.7
  igraph::E(g)$label = round(igraph::E(g)$weight, 2)
  igraph::V(g)$label.color = 'black'
  igraph::V(g)$color = 'white'
  igraph::V(g)$size = 10

#' A wrapper for \link[igraph]{plot.igraph} for visualizing directed networks.
#' This is a convenience function for visualizing directed networks with edge labels using \link[igraph]{plot.igraph}. 
#' It was designed specifically for visualizing aggregated document similarity networks in the RNewsflow package, but works with any network in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class.  
#' @param g A network/graph in the \link[igraph]{igraph} class 
#' @param weight_var The edge attribute that is used to specify the edges
#' @param weight_thres A threshold for weight. Edges below the threshold are ignored 
#' @param delete_isolates If TRUE, isolates (i.e. vertices without edges) are ignored.
#' @param vertex.size The size of the verticex/nodes. Defaults to 30. Can be a vector with values per vertex.
#' @param vertex.color Color of vertices/nodes. Default is lightblue. Can be a vector with values per vertex.
#' @param vertex.label.color Color of labels for vertices/nodes. Defaults to black. Can be a vector with values per vertex. 
#' @param vertex.label.cex Size of the labels for vertices/nodes. Defaults to 0.7. Can be a vector with values per vertex. 
#' @param edge.color Color of the edges. Defaults to grey. Can be a vector with values per edge.
#' @param show.edge.labels Logical. Should edge labels be displayed? Default is TRUE.
#' @param edge.label.color Color of the edge labels. Defaults to black. Can be a vector with values per edge. 
#' @param edge.label.cex Size of the edge labels. Defaults to 0.6. Can be a vector with values per edge. 
#' @param edge.arrow.size Size of the edge arrows. Defaults to 1. Can only be set globally (igraph might update this at some point)
#' @param layout The igraph layout used to plot the network. Defaults to \link[igraph]{layout.davidson.harel}
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to the \link[igraph]{plot.igraph} function. 
#' @return Nothing
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(docnet)
#' aggdocnet = network_aggregate(docnet, by='source')
#' directed_network_plot(aggdocnet, weight_var = 'to.Vprop', weight_thres = 0.2)
directed_network_plot <- function(g, weight_var='from.Vprop', weight_thres=NULL, delete_isolates=FALSE, 
                                   vertex.size=30, vertex.color='lightblue', vertex.label.color='black', vertex.label.cex=0.7, 
                                   edge.color = 'grey', show.edge.labels=TRUE, edge.label.color = 'black', edge.label.cex = 0.6, edge.arrow.size=1, 
                                   layout=igraph::layout.davidson.harel, ...){
  igraph::E(g)$weight = igraph::get.edge.attribute(g, weight_var)
  if(!is.null(weight_thres)) g = igraph::delete.edges(g, which(igraph::E(g)$weight < weight_thres))
  if(delete_isolates) g = igraph::delete.vertices(g, igraph::degree(g) == 0)
  argnames = names(list(...))  
  igraph::E(g)$color = edge.color
  igraph::E(g)$arrow.size = edge.arrow.size
  igraph::E(g)$label.cex = edge.label.cex
  igraph::E(g)$label.color = edge.label.color
  if(!'edge.width' %in% argnames) igraph::E(g)$width = scales::rescale(igraph::E(g)$weight, to = c(1,5))
  if(!'edge.label' %in% argnames & show.edge.labels) igraph::E(g)$label = round(igraph::E(g)$weight, 2)
  if(!'edge.label.font' %in% argnames) igraph::E(g)$label.font = 3
  if(!'edge.curved' %in% argnames) {
    e = igraph::get.edges(g, igraph::E(g))
    twoway = paste(e[,1], e[,2], sep='.') %in% paste(e[,2], e[,1], sep='.')
    igraph::E(g)$curved = ifelse(twoway, 0.35, 0.15)
  igraph::V(g)$size = vertex.size
  igraph::V(g)$label.cex = vertex.label.cex
  igraph::V(g)$color = vertex.color
  igraph::V(g)$label.color = vertex.label.color
  if(!'vertex.label' %in% argnames) igraph::V(g)$label = gsub(' ', '\n', igraph::V(g)$name)  
  if(!'vertex.frame.color' %in% argnames) igraph::V(g)$frame.color = igraph::V(g)$color
  g$layout = layout
  igraph::plot.igraph(g, ...)

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RNewsflow documentation built on May 31, 2023, 6:53 p.m.