
Defines functions glcTree print.glcTree plot.glcTree plotTree.glcTree glcSubTree glcTreeApply glcTreeLeafMatrix glcTreeLeafClasses glcInitializeSplitFanny glcInitializeSplitHClust glcInitializeSplitEigen glcSplitCriterionBIC glcSplitCriterionLevelWtdBIC glcSplitCriterionBICICL glcSplitCriterionLRT glcSplitCriterionJustRecordEverything glcTreeOverallBIC gaussEstMultiple

Documented in gaussEstMultiple glcInitializeSplitEigen glcInitializeSplitFanny glcInitializeSplitHClust glcSplitCriterionBIC glcSplitCriterionBICICL glcSplitCriterionJustRecordEverything glcSplitCriterionLevelWtdBIC glcSplitCriterionLRT glcSubTree glcTree glcTreeApply glcTreeLeafClasses glcTreeLeafMatrix glcTreeOverallBIC plot.glcTree plotTree.glcTree print.glcTree

#  betaRPMM - Recursively Partitioned Mixture Model for Beta Mixtures
#  AUTHOR:  E. Andres Houseman, Sc.D.
#  CREATED:        July, 2008
#  LAST MODIFIED:  March, 2012

# Required library
# library(cluster)

# FUNCTION:  glcTree
#    Performs gaussian mixture modeling using 
#    recursive partitioning
#    x:              Data matrix (n x j) on which to perform clustering
#                    Missing values are currently not supported
#    initFunctions:  Function of type "glcInitialize..." for initializing
#                    latent class model.  See glcInitializeFanny() for an
#                    example of arguments and return values
#    weight:         Weight corresponding to the indices passed (see "index").
#                    Defaults to 1 for all indices
#    index:          Row indices of data matrix to include.
#                    Defaults to all (1 to n).
#    wthresh:        Weight threshold for filtering data to children.
#                    Indices having weight less than this value will not be
#                    passed to children nodes.  Default=1E-8.
#    maxlevel:       Maximum depth to recurse.  Default=Inf.
#    verbose:        Level of verbosity.  Default=2 (too much).  0 for quiet.
#    nthresh:        Total weight in node required for node to be a candidate
#                    for splitting.  Nodes with weight less than this value
#                    will never split.  Defaults to 5.
#    ICL:            Boolean:  use ICL-BIC (i.e. consider entropy in BIC)?
#                              See Ji et al. (2005) for definition of ICL-BIC
#    env:            Object of class "glcTree" to store tree data.
#                    Defaults to a new object.  USER SHOULD NOT SET THIS.
#    nodename:       Name of object that will reprsent node in tree data object.
#                    Defaults to "root".  USER SHOULD NOT SET THIS.
#    level:          Current level.  Defaults to 0.  USER SHUOLD NOT SET THIS.
#    unsplit:        Latent class parameters from parent, to store in current node.
#                    Defaults to NULL for root.  This is used in plotting functions.
#                    USER SHOULD NOT SET THIS.
# RETURNS:   Object of class "glcTree"
#   The class "glcTree" is currently implemented as an environment object with
#   nodes represented flatly, with name indicating positition in hierarchy
#   (e.g. "rLLR" = "right child of left child of left child of root")
#   This implementation is to make certain plotting and update functions simpler
#   than would be required if the data were stored in a more natural "list of list"
#   format.
#   The following error may appear during the course of the algorithm:
#      Error in optim(logab, betaObjf, ydata = y, wdata = w, weights = weights,  : 
#           non-finite value supplied by optim
#   This is merely an indication that the node being split is too small, in which case
#      the splitting will terminate at that node; in other words, it is nothing 
#      to worry about.

glcTree <- function(x, initFunctions=list(glcInitializeSplitFanny(nu=1.5)),
  weight=NULL, index=NULL, wthresh=1E-8, nodename="root", 
  maxlevel=Inf, verbose=2, nthresh=5, 
  level=0, env=NULL, unsplit=NULL, splitCriterion=glcSplitCriterionBIC){

  n <- dim(x)[1]
  if(is.null(env)) env <- new.env()
  if(is.null(weight)) weight <- rep(1,n)
  if(is.null(index)) index <- 1:n

  if(verbose>0) print(nodename)  

  node <- glcSplit(x, initFunctions, weight, index, level,
     wthresh, verbose=verbose, nthresh=nthresh, splitCriterion=splitCriterion)
  node$unsplit <- unsplit
  node$split <- (node$split & (level<maxlevel))

  env[[nodename]] <- node

     if(nodename=="root") nodename <- "r"
     nodeleft <- paste(nodename,"L",sep="")
     noderight <- paste(nodename,"R",sep="")

     glcTree(node$x, initFunctions, node$ww[,1], node$index, wthresh,
        env=env, nodename=nodeleft, level=level+1, maxlevel=maxlevel, 
        verbose=verbose, nthresh=nthresh, 
        unsplit=list(mu=node$lco$mu[1,],sigma=node$lco$sigma[1,]), splitCriterion=splitCriterion)
     glcTree(node$x, initFunctions, node$ww[,2], node$index, wthresh,
        env=env, nodename=noderight, level=level+1, maxlevel=maxlevel, 
        verbose=verbose, nthresh=nthresh,
        unsplit=list(mu=node$lco$mu[2,],sigma=node$lco$sigma[2,]), splitCriterion=splitCriterion)

  class(env) <- "glcTree"

# FUNCTION:  print.glcTree
#    Print method for objects of type glcTree
#    tr:  Object to print

print.glcTree <- function(x,...){
  cat("Recursively partitioned beta mixture model:")
  cat("\t",length(objects(x)),"nodes, ")
  trms <- unlist(glcTreeApply(x,function(u) 1, terminalOnly=TRUE))
  if(length(trms)>0) trms <- sum(trms)
  else trms <- 0
  cat(trms, "terminal nodes.\n")

# FUNCTION:  plot.glcTree
#    Plot method for objects of type glcTree
#       Plots profiles of terminal nodes in color.
# MODIFIED 12-Sep-2014 to address changes in specification of graphical parameters to 'rect' function
#    env:       Object to print
#    method:    "weight" or "binary"
#      "weight":  width of column represents weight in node
#      "binary":  width of column represents depth of node (narrower=>deeper)
#    palette:   Color palette.  Defaults to green-black-red.
#    xorder:    Order of variables (can be useful for constant ordering across plots)
#       Defaults to ordering by hierarchical clustering (Euc. metric, average linkage).
#    dimensions:  Dimensions of source data to show.  Defaults to all.  Useful for subsets.
#    labelType:  "LR" or "01".
plot.glcTree <- function(x, ...) plotImage.glcTree(x, ...)

plotImage.glcTree <- function (env, start = "r", method = "weight", palette = colorRampPalette(c("yellow", 
    "black", "blue"), space = "Lab")(128), divcol = "red", xorder = NULL, 
    dimensions = NULL, labelType = "LR", muColorEps = 1e-08) {
    start2 <- ifelse(start == "r", "root", start)
    xdat <- env[[start2]]$x
    if (is.null(dimensions)) 
        dimensions <- 1:(dim(xdat)[2])
    if (is.null(xorder)) 
        xorder <- hclust(dist(t(xdat[, dimensions])), method = "average")$order
    nodes <- setdiff(objects(env), "root")
    levs <- max(sapply(nodes, nchar)) - nchar(start)
    offset <- nchar(start)
    K <- length(dimensions)
    if (method == "binary") {
        QQ <- levs - offset + 1
        QQ2 <- 2^QQ
        image(0:QQ2, 0:K, matrix(0, QQ2, K), xlab = "", ylab = "", 
            xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", col = "white")
        placement <- function(s, tree) {
            Q <- levs
            y <- strsplit(gsub("R", "1", gsub("L", "0", s)), 
            if (length(y) < Q) 
                y <- c(y, rep("0", Q - length(y)))
            sum(as.numeric(y) * 2^(levs:1 - 1))
        places <- c(unlist(glcTreeApply(env, placement, asObject = FALSE, 
            terminalOnly = TRUE)), QQ2)
        nmplaces <- names(places)
    else if (method == "weight") {
        placement <- function(s, tree) {
        places <- c(0, unlist(glcTreeApply(env, placement, terminalOnly = TRUE)))
        QQ2 <- round(sum(places), 0)
        places <- cumsum(places)
        nmplaces <- names(places)[-1]
        image(0:QQ2, 0:K, matrix(0, QQ2, K), xlab = "", ylab = "", 
            xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", col = "white")
    ncol <- length(palette)
    nplaces <- length(places) - 1
    lpos <- rep(NA, nplaces)
    for (i in 1:nplaces) {
        x0 <- places[i]
        x1 <- places[i + 1]
        muo <- env[[nmplaces[i]]]$unsplit
        mu <- muo$mu[dimensions][xorder]
        muMin <- min(mu)
        muColor <- (mu - muMin + muColorEps)/(max(mu) - muMin + 
        for (k in 1:K) {
            rect(x0, k - 1, x1, k, border = NA, density = NA, 
                col = palette[ceiling(muColor[k] * ncol)])
            lpos[i] <- (x0 + x1)/2
        abline(v = x1, col = divcol, lwd = 2)
    if (labelType == "LR") 
        labs <- gsub("^r", "", nmplaces[1:nplaces])
    else {
        labs <- gsub("^r", "", nmplaces[1:nplaces])
        labs <- gsub("L", "0", labs)
        labs <- gsub("R", "1", labs)
    axis(1, lpos, labs, las = 2)

# FUNCTION:  plotTree.glcTree
#    Alternate plot method for objects of type glcTree:  plots tree.
#    env:       Object to print
#    start:     Node to start.  Default="r" for "root".
#               Use is deprecated, subsumed by passing the result of "glcSubTree"
#    labelFunction:  Function for generating node labels.  See example.
#    labelAllNodes:  TRUE=All nodes will be labeled; FALSE=Terminal nodes only.
#    labelDigits:    ****TO DO****
#    ...:    ****TO DO****

plotTree.glcTree <- function(env,start="r",labelFunction=NULL,
  nodes <- setdiff(objects(env),"root")
  levs <- max(sapply(nodes,nchar))-nchar(start)
  levs2 <- 2^levs
  offset <- max(nchar(start)-1,1)

  placement <- function(s){
     Q <- nchar(s)-offset
     y <- as.numeric(strsplit(gsub("R","1",gsub("L","0",s)),"")[[1]][-(1:offset)])
     xpos <- (1+sum((2^(Q:1-1))*y))/(2^Q+1)

  if(is.null(labelFunction)) label <- function(s)s
  else label <- function(s) {
    x <- labelFunction(env[[s]],digits=labelDigits,...)
      x <- paste(paste(names(x),x,sep="="),collapse=",")
    else x <- round(x,labelDigits)

  pos1 <- placement(start)

  f <- function(nn,prnt){

    if(!(nn=="r"|nn==start)) {
      pos1 <- placement(prnt)
      pos2 <- placement(nn)

         lines(c(pos1[1],pos2[1]), c(pos1[2],pos1[2]))
         lines(c(pos2[1],pos2[1]), c(pos1[2],pos2[2]))
      else {
         lines(c(pos1[1],pos2[1]), c(pos1[2],pos2[2]))
         if(env[[nn]]$split) points(pos2[1],pos2[2],pch=19)

      else if(labelAllNodes) text(pos2[1],pos2[2],label(nn),srt=90,adj=1,cex=cex)



# FUNCTION:  glcSubTree
#    Subsets a "glcTree" object, i.e. considers the tree whose root is a given node.
#    tr:  "glcTree" object to subset
#    node:  Name of node to make root.
# RETURNS:   A "glcTree" object whose root is the given node of "tr"
#    This function creates a copy of the data

glcSubTree <- function(tr, node){
  nodeExp <- paste("^",node,sep="")
  os <- objects(tr)[grep(nodeExp,objects(tr))]
  os2 <- gsub(nodeExp,"r",os)
  os2[os2=="r"] <- "root"

  tr2 <- new.env()
  class(tr2) <- "glcTree"
  for (i in 1:length(os)) tr2[[os2[i]]] <- tr[[os[i]]]

# FUNCTION:  glcTreeApply
#    Applies a function to every [terminal] node in a glcTree object
#    tr:           "glcTree" object to recurse.
#    f:            Function to apply at every node.
#    start:        Starting node.  Default="root".
#    terminalOnly: TRUE=only terminal nodes, FALSE=all nodes.
#    asObject:     TRUE="f" accepts node as object
#                  FALSE="f" accepts node by node name and glcTree object, f(nn,tr)
#                     The latter is useful for certain operations requiring knowledge
#                     of tree depth.
#    ...           Additional arguments to pass to "f"
# RETURNS:   A list of results; names of elements are names of nodes.

glcTreeApply <- function(tr,f,start="root",terminalOnly=FALSE,asObject=TRUE,...){
  env <- new.env()
  env$result <- list()
  env$nodename <- character(0)
  env$n <- 0

  recurse <- function(nn){
      if(!terminalOnly) {
        env$n <- env$n+1
        if(asObject)  env$result[[env$n]] <- f(tr[[nn]],...) 
        else  env$result[[env$n]] <- f(nn,tree=tr,...) 
        env$nodename[env$n] <- nn 
    else {
      env$n <- env$n+1
      if(asObject) env$result[[env$n]] <- f(tr[[nn]],...) 
      else  env$result[[env$n]] <- f(nn,tree=tr,...) 
      env$nodename[env$n] <- nn

  names(env$result) <- env$nodename

# FUNCTION:  glcTreeLeafMatrix
#    Gets matrix of class membership weights for terminal nodes
#    hmObject:     "glcTree" object to recurse.
#    rounding:     # Digits to round.  Note that if this value is too large,
#           then some subjects will have fractional weight and the function will fail.

# RETURNS:   A factor corresponding to class assignments.

glcTreeLeafMatrix <- function(tr, rounding=3){
  N <- length(tr$root$index)
  CC <- data.frame(glcTreeApply(tr, function(u){
    x <- rep(0,N)
    x[u$index] <- round(u$weight, rounding)
  }, terminalOnly=TRUE))
  CC <- as.matrix(CC)
  CC <- (1/apply(CC,1,sum)) * CC

# FUNCTION:  glcTreeLeafClasses
#    Gets class assignments corresponding to tree
#    (Works only if terminal class membership weights are close to zero or one)
#    hmObject:     "glcTree" object to recurse.
#    rounding:     # Digits to round.  Note that if this value is too large,
#           then some subjects will have fractional weight and the function will fail.

# RETURNS:   A factor corresponding to class assignments.
# ADDITIONAL NOTES:  Use "glcTreeLeafMatrix" if subjects have fractional class membership

glcTreeLeafClasses <- function(tr){
  W = glcTreeLeafMatrix(tr)
  a = apply(W,1,which.max) 

# FUNCTION:  glcInitializeSplitFanny
#    Creates a function for initializing latent class model 
#     using "fanny"
#    nu:      Initial "memb.exp" parameter of "fanny" function
#    nufac:   Factor by which to multipy "memb.exp" and retry if "fanny" fails
#    metric:  Metric to use for fanny
# RETURNS:   A function that accepts an n x J data matrix and returns an n x 2 weight matrix
#    This function creates another function that performs the initialization.
#    Auxilary parameters for the initialization are passed here.

glcInitializeSplitFanny <- function(nu=2, nufac=0.875, metric="euclidean"){

    warn0 <- options()$warn
    fano <- try(fanny(xdat, 2, memb.exp=nu, metric=metric),silent=TRUE)

       wtmp <- runif(dim(xdat)[1])
       fano <- list(member=cbind(wtmp,1-wtmp))
    else while (abs(fano$coeff["normalized"]) < 1e-07){
      nu <- nu*nufac
      fano <- fanny(xdat, 2, memb.exp=nu)


# FUNCTION:  glcInitializeSplitHClust
#    Creates a function for initializing latent class model 
#     using hierarchical clustering
#    metric:  Metric to use for "dist" object passed to "hclust" function
#    method:  Clustering method used in "hclust" function
# RETURNS:   A function that accepts an n x J data matrix and returns an n x 2 weight matrix
#    This function creates another function that performs the initialization.
#    Auxilary parameters for the initialization are passed here.

glcInitializeSplitHClust <- function(metric="manhattan",method="ward"){

    hc <- hclust(dist(xdat,method=metric), method=method)
    hcc <- cutree(hc,k=2)

# FUNCTION:  glcInitializeSplitEigen
#    Creates a function for initializing latent class model 
#     using eigendecomposition
#    eigendim:  which eigenvector to use
#    assignmentf:  function that converts eigenvector to class probability
# RETURNS:   A function that accepts an n x J data matrix and returns an n x 2 weight matrix
#    This function creates another function that performs the initialization.
#    Auxilary parameters for the initialization are passed here.

glcInitializeSplitEigen <- function(
    z = scale(xdat)
    R = var(z,use="pair")
    s = z %*% eigen(R)$vec
    u = assignmentf(s[,eigendim])

#  (to be documented later)

# Use BIC
glcSplitCriterionBIC = function(llike1, llike2, weight, ww, J, level){
  out = list()
  effN = sum(weight)
  out$bic1 = log(effN)*2*J-2*llike1
  out$bic2 = log(effN)*(4*J+1)-2*llike2
  out$split = (out$bic2 < out$bic1)

# Use BIC-like quantity weighted by level
glcSplitCriterionLevelWtdBIC = function(llike1, llike2, weight, ww, J, level){
  out = list()
  effN = sum(weight)
  out$bic1 = level*log(effN)*2*J-2*llike1
  out$bic2 = level*log(effN)*(4*J+1)-2*llike2
  out$split = (out$bic2 < out$bic1)

# Use ICL-BIC (i.e. consider entropy in BIC)
# See Ji et al. (2005) for definition of ICL-BIC
glcSplitCriterionBICICL = function(llike1, llike2, weight, ww, J, level){
  out = list()
  effN = sum(weight)
  out$bic1 = log(effN)*2*J-2*llike1
  out$bic2 = log(effN)*(4*J+1)-2*llike2
  out$entropy <- -sum(ifelse(ww==0,0,ww*log(ww)))
  out$split = (out$bic2 + 2*out$entropy < out$bic1)

# Use likelihood ratio test p value
glcSplitCriterionLRT = function(llike1, llike2, weight, ww, J, level){
  glcSplitCriterionLRT_ALPHA = 0.05
  out = list()
  out$llike1 = llike1
  out$llike2 = llike2
  out$J = J
  out$ww = ww
  out$weight = weight
  out$degFreedom = 2*J+1
  out$chiSquareStat = 2*(llike2 - llike1)
  out$split = (pchisq(out$chiSquareStat,out$degFreedom)>1-glcSplitCriterionLRT_ALPHA)

# Always split, but record all the information as you go
glcSplitCriterionJustRecordEverything = function(llike1, llike2, weight, ww, J, level){
  out = list()
  out$llike1 = llike1
  out$llike2 = llike2
  out$J = J
  out$ww = ww
  out$weight = weight
  out$split = TRUE

# FUNCTION:  glcSplit
#    Splits a data set into two beta mixture models
#    x:              Data matrix (n x j) on which to perform clustering
#                    Missing values are currently not supported
#    initFunctions:  Function of type "glcInitialize..." for initializing
#                    latent class model.  See glcInitializeFanny() for an
#                    example of arguments and return values
#    weight:         Weight corresponding to the indices passed (see "index").
#                    Defaults to 1 for all indices
#    index:          Row indices of data matrix to include.
#                    Defaults to all (1 to n).
#    wthresh:        Weight threshold for filtering data to children.
#                    Indices having weight less than this value will not be
#                    passed to children nodes.  Default=1E-8.
#    ICL:            Boolean:  use ICL-BIC (i.e. consider entropy in BIC)?
#                              See Ji et al. (2005) for definition of ICL-BIC
#    verbose:        Level of verbosity.  Default=2 (too much).  0 for quiet.
#    nthresh:        Total weight in node required for node to be a candidate
#                    for splitting.  Nodes with weight less than this value
#                    will never split.  Defaults to 5.
# RETURNS:   A list of objects representing split

glcSplit <- 
function (x, initFunctions, weight = NULL, index = NULL, level = 0, 
    wthresh = 1e-09, verbose = TRUE, nthresh = 5, splitCriterion = glcSplitCriterionBIC) 
    n <- dim(x)[1]
    if (is.null(weight)) 
        weight <- rep(1, n)
    if (is.null(index)) 
        index <- 1:n
    flag <- weight > wthresh
    xdat <- x[flag, , drop = FALSE]
    index <- index[flag]
    weight <- weight[flag]
    n <- dim(xdat)[1]
    obs = !is.na(xdat)
    sumweight <- apply(weight*obs,2,sum)
    msumweight <- mean(sumweight)
    if (!is.null(splitCriterion)) {
        J <- dim(xdat)[2]
        llike1 <- 0
        for (j in 1:J) {
            wY <- weight * xdat[, j]
            mu <- sum(wY, na.rm=TRUE)/sumweight[j]
            sigma <- pmax(1e-08, sqrt(sum(wY * xdat[, j], na.rm=TRUE)/sumweight[j] - 
                mu * mu))
            llike1 <- try(llike1 + sum(weight * dnorm(xdat[, 
                j], mu, sigma, log = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE),silent=TRUE)
            if (inherits(llike1, "try-error")) 
    out <- list(index = index, weight = weight, x = xdat)
    lcoList <- list()
    nfits <- 0
    if (nthresh < msumweight) 
        for (s in 1:length(initFunctions)) {
            lco <- try(glc(xdat, w = initFunctions[[s]](xdat), 
                weights = weight, verbose = (verbose > 1)),silent=TRUE)
            if (!inherits(lco, "try-error")) {
                nfits <- nfits + 1
                lcoList[[nfits]] <- lco
    if (nfits > 0) {
        likes <- unlist(lapply(lcoList, function(u) u$llike))
        if (verbose > 0) 
        lco <- lcoList[[which.max(likes)]]
    else {
        out$split <- FALSE
    out$lco <- lco
    out$split <- TRUE
    out$ww <- weight * lco$w
    if (!is.null(splitCriterion)) {
        out$splitInfo <- splitCriterion(llike1, lco$llike, weight, 
            out$ww, J, level)
        out$split <- out$splitInfo$split

# FUNCTION:  glcTreeOverallBIC
#    Computes the BIC for the latent class model represented by terminal nodes.
#    tr:           "glcTree" object for which to compute overall BIC.
# RETURNS:   A double numeric value representing BIC.

glcTreeOverallBIC <- function(tr,ICL=FALSE){

  C <- unlist(glcTreeApply(tr,function(u,tree)u, 
  K <- length(C)
  J <- dim(tr$root$lco$mu)[2]
  L <- array(0,dim=c(length(tr$root$index),K,J))

  W <- array(0,dim=c(length(tr$root$index),K))
  dimnames(L) <- list(NULL, C, NULL)
  dimnames(W) <- list(NULL, C)

  f1 <- function(u,tree){
     n <- dim(tree[[u]]$x)[1]
     for(i in 1:n){
       L[tree[[u]]$index[i],u,] <<- 
     W[tree[[u]]$index,u] <<- tree[[u]]$weight

  N <- sum(W)
  eta <- apply(W,2,sum)/N
  N <- round(N,0)
  like <- adjConst <- rep(0,N)

  for(i in 1:N){
     if(dim(L)[2]==1) Ltmp <- matrix(L[i,,],nrow=1)
     else Ltmp <- L[i,,]
     lltmp <- apply(Ltmp,1,sum)
     adjConst[i] <- max(lltmp)
     like[i] <- eta %*% exp(lltmp-adjConst[i])
    entrop <- -2*sum(ifelse(W==0,0,W*log(W)))
  else entrop <- 0

  log(N)*(2*K*J+K-1)-2*sum(log(like)+adjConst) + entrop


# FUNCTION:  glc
#    Fits a beta mixture model for any number of classes
#    Y:              Data matrix (n x j) on which to perform clustering
#                    Missing values are currently not supported
#    w:              Initial weight matrix representing classification
#    maxiter:        Maximum number of EM iterations
#    tol:            Convergence tolerance
#    weights:        Case weights
#    verbose:        Verbose output?
# RETURNS:   A list of parameters representing mixture model fit, including
#        posterior weights and log-likelihood

glc <- function (Y, w, maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-06, weights = NULL, verbose = TRUE) 
    J <- dim(Y)[2]
    K <- dim(w)[2]
    n <- dim(w)[1]
    obs <- !is.na(Y)

    if (n != dim(Y)[1]) 
        stop("Dimensions of w and Y do not agree")
    if (is.null(weights)) 
        weights <- rep(1, n)
    mu <- sigma <- matrix(Inf, K, J)
    crit <- Inf
    for (i in 1:maxiter) {
        warn0 <- options()$warn
        options(warn = -1)
        eta <- apply(weights * w, 2, sum)/sum(weights)
        mu0 <- mu
        for (k in 1:K) {
            wt <- w[, k] * weights
            #nn <- sum(wt)
            nn = apply(wt*obs,2,sum)

            wY <- wt * Y
            wY2 <- wY * Y
            mu[k, ] <- apply(wY, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)/nn
            sigma[k, ] <- pmax(1e-08, sqrt(apply(wY2, 2, sum, 
                na.rm = TRUE)/nn - mu[k, ] * mu[k, ]))
        ww <- array(NA, dim = c(n, J, K))
        for (k in 1:K) {
            for (j in 1:J) {
                ww[, j, k] <- dnorm(Y[, j], mu[k, j], sigma[k, 
                  j], log = TRUE)
        options(warn = warn0)
        w <- apply(ww, c(1, 3), sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        wmax <- apply(w, 1, max)
        for (k in 1:K) w[, k] <- w[, k] - wmax
        w <- t(eta * t(exp(w)))
        like <- apply(w, 1, sum)
        w <- (1/like) * w
        llike <- weights * (log(like) + wmax)
        crit <- max(abs(mu - mu0),na.rm=TRUE)
        if (verbose) 
        if (crit < tol) 
    return(list(mu = mu, sigma = sigma, eta = eta, w = w, llike = sum(llike)))

# FUNCTION:  betaEstMultiple
#    Maximum likelihood estimator for beta model on matrix of values
#    (columns having different, independent beta distributions)
#    Y:              data matrix
#    weights:        case weights
# RETURNS:  list of beta parameters and BIC

gaussEstMultiple <- function(Y, weights=NULL){
  J <- dim(Y)[2]
  n <- dim(Y)[1]
  mu <- sigma <- numeric(J)

  one <- rep(1,n)
  if(is.null(weights)) weights <- one

  like <- 0
  for(j in 1:J) {
    nn <- sum(weights)
    wY <- weights*Y[,j]
    wY2 <- wY*Y[,j]
    mu[j] <- sum(wY)/nn
    sigma[j] <- pmax(1E-8,sqrt(sum(wY2)/nn - mu[j]*mu[j]) )

    like <- like + sum(dnorm(Y[,j],mu[j],sigma[j],log=TRUE))

  bic <- 2*J*log(n) - 2*like

  list(mu=mu, sigma=sigma, bic=bic)

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RPMM documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:52 p.m.