
#' @title Retrieve the environment settings to run QGIS from within R
#' @description `set_env` tries to find all the paths necessary to run QGIS from
#'   within R.
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
#' @param root Root path to the QGIS-installation. If left empty, the function
#'   looks for `qgis.bat` first in the most likely locations (C:/OSGEO4~1,
#'   C:/OSGEO4~2), and secondly on the C: drive under Windows. On a Mac, it
#'   looks for `QGIS.app` under "Applications" and "/usr/local/Cellar/". On
#'   Linux, `set_env` assumes that the root path is "/usr".
#' @param new When called for the first time in an R session, `set_env` caches
#'   its output. Setting `new` to `TRUE` resets the cache when calling `set_env`
#'   again. Otherwise, the cached output will be loaded back into R even if you
#'   used new values for function arguments `root` and/or `dev`.
#' @param dev If set to `TRUE`, `set_env` will use the development version of
#'   QGIS (if available). Since RQGIS so far does not support QGIS 3 (developer
#'   version), setting `dev` to TRUE will result in an error message under
#'   Windows.
#' @param ... Currently not in use.
#' @return The function returns a list containing all the path necessary to run
#'   QGIS from within R. This is the root path, the QGIS prefix path and the
#'   path to the Python plugins.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Letting set_env look for the QGIS installation might take a while depending
#' # on how full the C: drive is (Windows)
#' set_env()
#' # It is much faster (0 sec) to explicitly state the root path to the QGIS
#' # installation
#' set_env("C:/OSGEO4~1")  # Windows example
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Jannes Muenchow, Patrick Schratz
set_env <- function(root = NULL, new = FALSE, dev = FALSE, ...) {
  # ok, let's try to find QGIS first in the most likely place!
  dots <- list(...)
  # load cached qgis_env if possible
  if ("qgis_env" %in% ls(.RQGIS_cache) && new == FALSE) {
    return(get("qgis_env", envir = .RQGIS_cache))

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    if (is.null(root)) {
      # raw command
      # change to C: drive and (&) list all subfolders of C:
      # /b bare format (no heading, file sizes or summary)
      # /s include all subfolders
      # findstr allows you to use regular expressions
      # raw <- "C: & dir /s /b | findstr"

      # ok, it's better to just set the working directory and change it back
      # to the directory when exiting the function
      cwd <- getwd()
      # Look first in the most likely location
      osgeo <- c("C:/OSGEO4~1", "C:/OSGEO4~2")
      ind <- dir.exists(osgeo)
      # just keep the existing directories
      osgeo <- osgeo[ind]
      # if there in fact is a 32- and a 64-bit version, take the 64-bit
      # ("C:/OSGEO~1")
      # search LTR and DEV QGIS version in the C: or C:/OSGeo4W drive
      wd <- ifelse(length(osgeo) > 0, osgeo[1], "C:/")
      message(sprintf("Trying to find QGIS LTR in %s", wd))
      # raw <- "dir /s /b | findstr"
      # make it more general, since C:/WINDOWS/System32 might not be part of
      # PATH on every Windows machine
      raw <- "dir /s /b | %SystemRoot%\\System32\\findstr /r"
      cmd <- paste(raw, shQuote("bin\\\\qgis.bat$ | bin\\\\qgis-ltr.bat$"))
      root <- shell(cmd, intern = TRUE)

      if (length(root) == 0) {
          "Sorry, we could not find QGIS on your C: drive. ",
          "Please specify the root to your QGIS-installation ",
        # > 2 because we are looking for qgis.bat and qgis-ltr.bat
        # and in OSGeo4W64, we find both of them
        } else if (length(root) > 2) {
          "There are several QGIS installations on your system. ",
          "Please choose one of them:\n",
          paste(unique(gsub("\\\\bin.*", "", root)), collapse = "\n")
      } else {
        # define root, i.e. OSGeo4W-installation here, we only define the root
        # path, and this is the same for LTR and DEV, therefore, we can choose
        # the first element without worrying since ltr will then be chosen in
        # check_apps()
        root <- gsub("\\\\bin.*", "", root[1])
    # harmonize root syntax
    root <- normalizePath(root, winslash = "/")
    # make sure that the root path does not end with some sort of slash
    root <- gsub("/{1,}$", "", root)

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
    if (is.null(root)) {
      message("Checking for homebrew osgeo4mac installation on your system. \n")
      # check for homebrew QGIS installation
      path <- suppressWarnings(
          "find", c("/usr/local/Cellar", "-name", "QGIS.app"),
          stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE
      no_homebrew <- str_detect(path, "find: /usr/local")
      if (is.na(no_homebrew[1])) {
          "Found no QGIS homebrew installation. ",
          "Checking for QGIS Kyngchaos version now."
      if (no_homebrew == FALSE && length(path) == 1) {
        root <- path
        message("Found QGIS osgeo4mac installation. Setting environment...")
      # check for multiple homebrew installations
      if (length(path) >= 2) {
        # extract version out of root path
        path1 <-
          as.numeric(regmatches(path[1], gregexpr("[0-9]+", path[1]))[[1]][3])
        path2 <-
          as.numeric(regmatches(path[2], gregexpr("[0-9]+", path[2]))[[1]][3])
        if (length(path) == 3) {
          path3 <-
            as.numeric(regmatches(path[3], gregexpr("[0-9]+", path[3]))[[1]][3])
        # account for 'dev' arg installations are not constant within path ->
        # depend on which version was installed first/last hence we have to
        # catch all possibilites
        if (dev == TRUE && path1 > path2) {
          root <- path[1]
          message("Found QGIS osgeo4mac DEV installation. Setting environment...")
        } else if (dev == TRUE && path1 < path2) {
          root <- path[2]
          message("Found QGIS osgeo4mac DEV installation. Setting environment...")
        } else if (dev == FALSE && path1 > path2) {
          root <- path[2]
          message("Found QGIS osgeo4mac LTR installation. Setting environment...")
        } else if (dev == FALSE && path1 < path2) {
          root <- path[1]
          message("Found QGIS osgeo4mac LTR installation. Setting environment...")
      # check for Kyngchaos installation
      if (is.null(root)) {
        path <- system("find /Applications -name 'QGIS.app'", intern = TRUE)
        if (length(path) > 0) {
          root <- path
          message("Found QGIS Kyngchaos installation. Setting environment...")

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
    if (is.null(root)) {
      message("Assuming that your root path is '/usr'!")
      root <- "/usr"
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "FreeBSD") {
    if (is.null(root)) {
      message("Assuming that your root path is '/usr/local'!")
      root <- "/usr/local"
  qgis_env <- list(root = root)
  qgis_env <- c(qgis_env, check_apps(root = root, dev = dev))
  assign("qgis_env", qgis_env, envir = .RQGIS_cache)

  # write warning if Kyngchaos QGIS for Mac is installed
  if (any(grepl("/Applications", qgis_env))) {
        "We recognized that you are using the Kyngchaos QGIS binary.\n",
        "Please consider installing QGIS from homebrew:",
        " Run 'vignette(install_guide)' for installation instructions.\n",
        "The Kyngchaos installation throws some warnings during ",
        "processing. However, usage/outcome is not affected and you can ",
        "continue using the Kyngchaos installation."

  # return your result

#' @title Open a QGIS application
#' @description `open_app` first sets all the correct paths to the QGIS Python
#'   binary, and secondly opens a QGIS application while importing the most
#'   common Python modules.
#' @note Please note that the function changes your environment settings via
#'   [base::Sys.getenv()] which is necessary to run the QGIS Python API.
#' @param qgis_env Environment settings containing all the paths to run the QGIS
#'   API. For more information, refer to [set_env()]. Basically, the function
#'   defines a few new environment variables which should not interfere with
#'   other settings.
#' @return The function enables a 'tunnel' to the Python QGIS API.
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' open_app()
#' }
#' @export
open_app <- function(qgis_env = set_env()) {

  # check for server infrastructure

  # be a good citizen and restore the PATH
  settings <- as.list(Sys.getenv())
  # since we are adding quite a few new environment variables these will remain
  # (PYTHONPATH, QT_PLUGIN_PATH, etc.). We could unset these before exiting the
  # function but I am not sure if this is necessary

  # Well, well, not sure if we should change it back or if we at least have to
  # get rid off Anaconda Python or other Python binaries - yes, we do, otherwise
  # reticulate might run into problems when loading modules because it might try
  # to load them first from the other binaries indicated in PATH

  # on.exit(do.call(Sys.setenv, settings))

  # resetting system settings on exit causes that SAGA algorithms cannot be
  # processed anymore, find out why this is!!!

  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    # run Windows setup
    setup_win(qgis_env = qgis_env)

    # Ok, basically, we added a few new paths (especially under Windows) but
    # that's about it, we don't have to change that back. Only under Windows we
    # start with a clean, i.e. empty PATH, and delete everything what was in
    # there before, so we should at least add the old PATH to our newly created
    # one
  } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux" | Sys.info()["sysname"] == "FreeBSD") {
    setup_linux(qgis_env = qgis_env)
  } else if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Darwin") {
    setup_mac(qgis_env = qgis_env)

  # make sure that QGIS is not already running (this would crash R) app =
  # QgsApplication([], True)  # see below
  # We can only run the test after we have set all the paths. Otherwise
  # reticulate would use another Python interpreter (e.g, Anaconda Python
  # instead of the Python interpreter delivered with QGIS) when running open_app
  # for the first time
  tmp <- try(
    expr = py_run_string("app")$app,
    silent = TRUE
  if (!inherits(tmp, "try-error")) {
    stop("Python QGIS application is already running.")

  py_run_string("import os, sys, re, webbrowser")
  py_run_string("from qgis.core import *")
  py_run_string("from osgeo import ogr")
  py_run_string("from PyQt4.QtCore import *")
  py_run_string("from PyQt4.QtGui import *")
  py_run_string("from qgis.gui import *")
  # interestingly, under Linux the app would start also without running the next
  # two lines
  set_prefix <- paste0(
    qgis_env$qgis_prefix_path, "', True)"
  # not running the next line will produce following error message under Linux
  # QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
  # QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
  # ERROR: Opening of authentication db FAILED
  # QSqlQuery::prepare: database not open
  # WARNING: Auth db query exec() FAILED
  py_run_string("app = QgsApplication([], True)")
  code <- paste0("sys.path.append(r'", qgis_env$python_plugins, "')")

  # starting from 2.14.17 and 2.18.11, QgsApplication.setPrefixPath changes the
  # decimal separator, I don't know why...
  # the next line should turn off locale-specific separators
  Sys.setlocale("LC_NUMERIC", "C")

  # attach further modules, our RQGIS class (needed for alglist, algoptions,
  # alghelp)
  py_file <- system.file("python", "python_funs.py", package = "RQGIS")
  # initialize our RQGIS class
  py_run_string("RQGIS = RQGIS()")

#' @title QGIS session info
#' @description `qgis_session_info` reports the version of QGIS and
#'   installed third-party providers (so far GRASS 6, GRASS 7, and SAGA).
#'   Additionally, it figures out with which SAGA versions the QGIS installation
#'   is compatible.
#' @param qgis_env Environment settings containing all the paths to run the QGIS
#'   API. For more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @return The function returns a list with following elements:
#' \enumerate{
#'  \item{qgis_version: Name and version of QGIS used by RQGIS.}
#'  \item{grass6: GRASS 6 version number, if installed to use with QGIS.}
#'  \item{grass7: GRASS 7 version number, if installed to use with QGIS.}
#'  \item{saga: The installed SAGA version used by QGIS.}
#'  \item{supported_saga_versions: character vector representing the SAGA
#'  versions supported by the QGIS installation.}
#' }
#' @author Jannes Muenchow, Victor Olaya, QGIS core team
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' qgis_session_info()
#' }
qgis_session_info <- function(qgis_env = set_env()) {
  tmp <- try(expr = open_app(qgis_env = qgis_env), silent = TRUE)

  # retrieve the output
    out <-
      py_run_string("my_session_info = RQGIS.qgis_session_info()")$my_session_info
  # clean up after yourself!!
    "try:\n  del(my_session_info)\nexcept:\  pass"

  if ((Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux" | Sys.info()["sysname"] == "FreeBSD") &&
    (out$grass6 | out$grass7)) {
    # find out which GRASS version is available
    # inspired by link2GI::searchGRASSX
    # Problem: sometimes the batch command is interrupted or does not finish...
    # my_grass <- searchGRASSX()

    # Problem: sometimes the shell command is interrupted, therefore run it
    # 15 times to make sure to retrieve a result (not the most elegant solution)
    cmd <- paste0(
      "find /usr ! -readable -prune -o -type f ",
      "-executable -iname 'grass??' -print"
      my_grass <- system(cmd, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE)
    iter <- 15
    while (length(my_grass) == 0 && iter > 0) {
        my_grass <-
          try(system(cmd, intern = TRUE, ignore.stderr = TRUE), silent = TRUE)

    # QGIS developer team took care of this issue, so we can eventually delete
    # it
    # if (grepl("72", my_grass)) {
    #   warning(paste0("QGIS might be still pointing to grass70. In this case ",
    #                  "you might want to consider using a softlink by running: ",
    #                  "'sudo ln -s /usr/bin/grass72 /usr/bin/grass70' on the ",
    #                  "commandline. See also ",
    #                  "'https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-user/2017-",
    #                  "January/038907.html'. Then restart R again."))
    # }

    if (length(my_grass) > 0) {
      my_grass <- lapply(seq(length(my_grass)), function(i) {
        version <- grep(
          readLines(my_grass), pattern = "grass_version = \"",
          value = TRUE
        version <- paste(
          unlist(stringr::str_extract_all(version, "\\d(\\.)?")),
          collapse = ""
      my_grass <- unlist(my_grass)
      grass6 <- grep("6", my_grass, value = TRUE)
      out$grass6 <- ifelse(length(grass6) == 0, out$grass6, grass6)
      grass7 <- grep("7", my_grass, value = TRUE)
      out$grass7 <- ifelse(length(grass7) == 0, out$grass7, grass7)

  # sort it again since Python dictionary sorting is random
  out = out[c("qgis_version", "gdal", "grass6", "grass7", "saga",
  # if supported_saga_versions is empty (since 2.18) don't return it
  if (length(out$supported_saga_versions) == 1 && 
             out$supported_saga_versions == "") {
    out[names(out) != "supported_saga_versions"]
  } else {

#' @title Find and list available QGIS algorithms
#' @description `find_algorithms` lists or queries all QGIS algorithms which can
#'   be accessed via the QGIS Python API.
#' @param search_term If (`NULL`), the default, all available functions will be
#'   returned. If `search_term` is a character, all available functions will be
#'   queried accordingly. The character string might also contain a regular
#'   expression (see examples).
#' @param name_only If `TRUE`, the function returns only the name(s) of the
#'   found algorithms. Otherwise, a short function description will be returned
#'   as well (default).
#' @param qgis_env Environment settings containing all the paths to run the QGIS
#'   API. For more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @details Function `find_algorithms` simply calls `processing.alglist` using
#'   Python.
#' @return The function returns QGIS function names and short descriptions as an
#'   R character vector.
#' @author Jannes Muenchow, Victor Olaya, QGIS core team
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # list all available QGIS algorithms on your system
#' algs <- find_algorithms()
#' algs[1:15]
#' # find a function which adds coordinates
#' find_algorithms(search_term = "add")
#' # find only QGIS functions
#' find_algorithms(search_term = "qgis:")
#' # find QGIS and SAGA functions related to centroid computations
#' find_algorithms(search_term = "centroid.+(qgis:|saga:)")
#' }
#' @export

find_algorithms <- function(search_term = NULL, name_only = FALSE,
                            qgis_env = set_env()) {
  # check if the QGIS application has already been started
  tmp <- try(expr = open_app(qgis_env = qgis_env), silent = TRUE)

  # Advantage of this approach: we are using directly alglist and do not have to
  # save it in inst
  # Disadvantage: more processing
  algs <- py_capture_output(py_run_string("processing.alglist()"))
  algs <- gsub("\n", "', '", algs)
  algs <- unlist(strsplit(algs, "', |, '"))
  algs <- unlist(strsplit(algs, '", '))
  algs <- gsub("\\['|'\\]|'", "", algs)

  # quick-and-dirty, maybe there is a more elegant approach...
  if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
    algs <- gsub('\\\\|"', "", shQuote(algs))
  } else {
    algs <- gsub('\\\\|"', "", algs)
  algs <- algs[algs != ""]

  # use regular expressions to query all available algorithms
  if (!is.null(search_term)) {
    algs <- grep(search_term, algs, value = TRUE)

  if (name_only) {
    algs <- gsub(".*>", "", algs)
  # return your result

#' @title Get usage of a specific QGIS geoalgorithm
#' @description `get_usage` lists all function parameters of a specific
#'   QGIS geoalgorithm.
#' @param alg Name of the function whose parameters are being searched for.
#' @param intern Logical, if `TRUE` the function captures the command line
#'   output as an `R` character vector`. If `FALSE`, the default, the output is
#'   printed to the console in a pretty way.
#' @param qgis_env Environment containing all the paths to run the QGIS API. For
#'   more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @details Function `get_usage` simply calls
#'   `processing.alghelp` of the QGIS Python API.
#' @author Jannes Muenchow, Victor Olaya, QGIS core team
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # find a function which adds coordinates
#' find_algorithms(search_term = "add")
#' # find function arguments of saga:addcoordinatestopoints
#' get_usage(alg = "saga:addcoordinatestopoints")
#' }

get_usage <- function(alg = NULL, intern = FALSE,
                      qgis_env = set_env()) {
  tmp <- try(expr = open_app(qgis_env = qgis_env), silent = TRUE)
  out <-
    py_capture_output(py_run_string(sprintf("processing.alghelp('%s')", alg)))
  out <- gsub("^\\[|\\]$|'", "", out)
  out <- gsub(", ", "\n", out)
  if (intern) {
  } else {
    cat(gsub("\\\\t", "\t", out))

#' @title Get options of parameters for a specific GIS option
#' @description `get_options` lists all available parameter options for the
#'   required GIS function.
#' @param alg Name of the GIS function for which options should be returned.
#' @param intern Logical, if `TRUE` the function captures the command line
#'   output as an `R` character vector. If `FALSE`, the default, the output is
#'   printed to the console in a pretty way.
#' @param qgis_env Environment containing all the paths to run the QGIS API. For
#'   more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @details Function `get_options` simply calls `processing.algoptions` of the
#'   QGIS Python API.
#' @author Jannes Muenchow, Victor Olaya, QGIS core team
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_options(alg = "saga:slopeaspectcurvature")
#' }
#' @export
get_options <- function(alg = "", intern = FALSE,
                        qgis_env = set_env()) {
  tmp <- try(expr = open_app(qgis_env = qgis_env), silent = TRUE)
  out <-
      sprintf("processing.algoptions('%s')", alg)
  out <- gsub("^\\[|\\]$|'", "", out)
  out <- gsub(", ", "\n", out)
  if (intern) {
  } else {
    cat(gsub("\\\\t", "\t", out))

#' @title Access the QGIS/GRASS online help for a specific (Q)GIS geoalgorithm
#' @description `open_help` opens the online help for a specific (Q)GIS
#'   geoalgorithm. This is the online help one also encounters in the QGIS GUI.
#'   In the case of GRASS algorithms this is actually the GRASS online
#'   documentation.
#' @param alg The name of the algorithm for which one wishes to retrieve
#'   arguments and default values.
#' @param qgis_env Environment containing all the paths to run the QGIS API. For
#'   more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @details Bar a few exceptions `open_help` works for all QGIS, GRASS and
#'   SAGA geoalgorithms. The online help of other third-party providers,
#'   however, has not been tested so far.
#' @return The function opens the default web browser, and displays the help for
#'   the specified algorithm.
#' @note Please note that `open_help` requires a \strong{working Internet
#'   connection}.
#' @author Jannes Muenchow, Victor Olaya, QGIS core team
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # QGIS example
#' open_help(alg = "qgis:addfieldtoattributestable")
#' # GRASS example
#' open_help(alg = "grass:v.overlay")
#' }
open_help <- function(alg = "", qgis_env = set_env()) {

  # check if the QGIS application has already been started
  tmp <- try(expr = open_app(qgis_env = qgis_env), silent = TRUE)

  algs <- find_algorithms(name_only = TRUE, qgis_env = qgis_env)
  if (!alg %in% algs) {
    stop("The specified algorithm ", alg, " does not exist.")

  if (grepl("grass", alg)) {
    # open GRASS online help
  } else {
    algName <- alg
    # open the QGIS online help
    py_run_string(sprintf("RQGIS.open_help('%s')", algName))

#' @title Get GIS arguments and respective default values
#' @description`get_args_man` retrieves automatically function arguments and
#' respective default values for a given QGIS geoalgorithm.
#' @param alg The name of the algorithm for which one wishes to retrieve
#'   arguments and default values.
#' @param options Sometimes one can choose between various options for a
#'   function argument. Setting option to `TRUE`, the default,  will
#'   automatically assume one wishes to use the first option (QGIS GUI
#'   behavior).
#' @param qgis_env Environment containing all the paths to run the QGIS API. For
#'   more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @details `get_args_man` basically mimics the behavior of the QGIS GUI. That
#'   means, for a given GIS algorithm, it captures automatically all arguments
#'   and default values. In the case that a function argument has several
#'   options, one can indicate to use the first option (see also
#'   [get_options()]), which is the QGIS GUI default behavior.
#' @return The function returns a list whose names correspond to the function
#'   arguments one needs to specify. The list elements correspond to the
#'   argument specifications. The specified function arguments can serve as
#'   input for [run_qgis()]'s params argument. Please note that although
#'   `get_args_man` tries to retrieve default values, one still needs to specify
#'   some function arguments manually such as the input and the output layer.
#' @note Please note that some default values can only be set after the user's
#'   input. For instance, the GRASS region extent will be determined
#'   automatically by [run_qgis()] if left blank.
#' @export
#' @author Jannes Muenchow, Victor Olaya, QGIS core team
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_args_man(alg = "qgis:addfieldtoattributestable")
#' # and using the option argument
#' get_args_man(alg = "qgis:addfieldtoattributestable", options = TRUE)
#' }
get_args_man <- function(alg = "", options = TRUE,
                         qgis_env = set_env()) {
  # check if the QGIS application has already been started
  tmp <- try(expr = open_app(qgis_env = qgis_env), silent = TRUE)

  algs <- find_algorithms(name_only = TRUE, qgis_env = qgis_env)
  if (!alg %in% algs) {
    stop("The specified algorithm ", alg, " does not exist.")

  args <- py_run_string(
      "algorithm_params = RQGIS.get_args_man('%s')",

  # If desired, select the first option if a function argument has several
  # options to choose from
  if (options && length(args$vals[args$opts]) > 0) {
    args$vals[args$opts] <- "0"
    msg <- paste(paste0(args$params[args$opts], ": 0"), collapse = "\n")
      "Choosing default values for following parameters:\n", msg, "\n",
      "See get_options('", alg, "') for all available options."
  # clean up after yourself!!
    "try:\n  del(algorithm_params)\nexcept:\  pass"
  # return your result
  out <- as.list(args$vals)
  names(out) <- args$params

#' @title Specifying QGIS geoalgorithm parameters the R way
#' @description The function lets the user specify QGIS geoalgorithm parameters
#'   as R named arguments or a a parameter-argument list. When omitting required
#'   parameters, defaults will be used if available as derived from
#'   [get_args_man()]. Additionally, the function checks thoroughly the
#'   user-provided parameters and arguments.
#' @param alg The name of the geoalgorithm to use.
#' @param ... Triple dots can be used to specify QGIS geoalgorithm arguments as
#'   R named arguments.
#' @param params Parameter-argument list for a specific geoalgorithm, see
#'   [get_args_man()] for more details. Please note that you can either specify
#'   R arguments directly via the triple dots (see above) or via the
#'   parameter-argument list. However, you may not mix the two methods.
#' @param NA_flag Value used for NAs when exporting raster objects through
#'   [save_spatial_objects()] (default: -99999).
#' @param qgis_env Environment containing all the paths to run the QGIS API. For
#'   more information, refer to [set_env()].
#' @return The function returns the complete parameter-argument list for a given
#'   QGIS geoalgorithm. The list is constructed with the help of
#'   [get_args_man()] while considering the R named arguments or the
#'   `params`-parameter specified by the user as additional input. If available,
#'   the function returns the default values for all parameters which were not
#'   specified.
#' @details In detail, the function performs following actions and
#'   parameter-argument checks:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item Were the right parameter names used?
#'   \item Were the correct argument values provided?
#'   \item The function collects all necessary arguments (to run QGIS) and
#'   respective default values which were not set by the user with the help of
#'   [get_args_man()].
#'   \item If an argument value corresponds to a spatial object residing in R
#'   (`sp`-, `sf`- or `raster`-objects are supported), the function will save
#'   the spatial object to `tempdir()`, and use the corresponding file path to
#'   replace the spatial object in the parameter-argument list. If the QGIS
#'   geoalgorithm parameter belongs to the `ParameterMultipleInput`-instance
#'   class (see for example `get_usage(grass7:v.patch)`) you may either use a
#'   character-string containing the paths to the spatial objects separated by a
#'   semi-colon (e.g., "shape1.shp;shape2.shp;shape3.shp" - see also [QGIS
#'   documentation](https://docs.qgis.org/2.8/en/docs/user_manual/processing/console.html))
#'   or provide a [base::list()] where each spatial object corresponds to one
#'   list element.
#'   \item If a parameter accepts as arguments values from a selection, the
#'   function replaces verbal input by the corresponding number (required by the
#'   QGIS Python API). Please refer to the example section for more details, and
#'   to [get_options()] for valid options for a given geoalgorithm.
#'  \item If `GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER` is "None" (the QGIS default), `run_qgis`
#'   will automatically determine the region extent based on the user-specified
#'   input layers. If you do want to specify the `GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER`
#'   yourself, please do it in accordance with the [QGIS
#'   documentation](https://docs.qgis.org/2.8/en/docs/user_manual/processing/console.html),
#'   i.e., use a character string and separate the coordinates with a comma:
#'   "xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax".
#'   }
#' @note This function was inspired by [rgrass7::doGRASS()].
#' @author Jannes Muenchow
#' @export
#' @importFrom sp SpatialPointsDataFrame SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
#' @importFrom sp SpatialLinesDataFrame
#' @importFrom raster raster writeRaster extent
#' @importFrom sf write_sf st_as_sf
#' @importFrom rgdal ogrInfo writeOGR readOGR GDALinfo
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(dem, package = "RQGIS")
#' alg <- "grass7:r.slope.aspect"
#' get_usage(alg)
#' # 1. using R named arguments
#' pass_args(alg, elevation = dem, slope = "slope.asc")
#' # 2. doing the same with a parameter argument list
#' pass_args(alg, params = list(elevation = dem, slope = "slope.asc"))
#' # 3. verbal input replacement (note that "degrees" will be replaced by 0)
#' get_options(alg)
#' pass_args(alg, elevation = dem, format = "degrees")
#' }

pass_args <- function(alg, ..., params = NULL, NA_flag = -99999, 
                      qgis_env = set_env()) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(params) && (length(dots) > 0)) {
      "Use either QGIS parameters as R arguments,",
      "or as a parameter argument list object, but not both"
  if (length(dots) > 0) {
    params <- dots

  dups <- duplicated(names(params))
  if (any(dups)) {
      "You have specified following parameter(s) more than once: ",
      paste(names(params)[dups], collapse = ", ")

  # collect all the function arguments and respective default values for the
  # specified geoalgorithm we need to suppress the message here, otherwise
  # default values will be printed to the console. Before printing such a
  # message we have to check if the user has specified some optional parameters
  # via ... or if he left optional parameters unspecified in a
  # parameter-argument list(see a bit below)
    params_all <- get_args_man(alg, options = TRUE)

  # check if there are too few/many function arguments
  ind <- setdiff(names(params), names(params_all))
  if (length(ind) > 0) {
      paste(sprintf("'%s'", ind), collapse = ", "),
      " is/are (an) invalid function argument(s). \n\n",
      sprintf("'%s'", alg), " allows following function arguments: ",
      paste(sprintf("'%s'", names(params_all)), collapse = ", ")

  # if function arguments are missing, QGIS will use the default since we submit
  # our parameter-arguments as a Python-dictionary (see Processing.runAlgorithm)
  # nevertheless, we will indicate them already here since we have already
  # retrieved them, it makes our processing more transparent, and it makes life
  # easier in run_qgis (additionally, we make sure here to use the correct
  # parameter order)
  params_2 <- params_all
  params_2[names(params)] <- params
  params <- params_2

  # print a message if default values have been automatically chosen. This will
  # happen if the user has specified not all arguments via ... or if he used a
  # parameter-argument list without indicating an optional parameter.
  args <- py_run_string(
      "algorithm_params = RQGIS.get_args_man('%s')",
  ind_2 <- args$params[args$opts] %in% ind
  if (any(ind_2)) {
    msg <- paste(paste0(args$params[args$opts][ind_2], ": 0"), collapse = "\n")
      "Choosing default values for following parameters:\n", msg, "\n",
      "See get_options('", alg, "') for all available options."

  # retrieve the options for a specific parameter
  opts <- py_run_string(sprintf("opts = RQGIS.get_options('%s')", alg))$opts
  # add number notation in Python lingo, i.e. count from 0 to the length of the
  # vector minus 1
  opts <- lapply(opts, function(x) {
    data.frame(name = x, number = 0:(length(x) - 1), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  int <- intersect(names(params), names(opts))
  ls_1 <- lapply(int, function(x) {
    # if the user specified a named notation replace it by number notation if
    # the option does not appear in the dictionary due to a typo (e.g., area2
    # instead of area), Python will inform the user that area2 is a wrong
    # parameter value
    if (grepl("saga:", alg)) {
      saga_test <- gsub("\\[\\d\\] ", "", opts[[x]]$name)
    } else {
      # otherwise just duplicate the possible argument values
      saga_test <- opts[[x]]$name
    # replace verbal notation by number notation
    if (params[[x]] %in% c(opts[[x]]$name, saga_test)) {
        opts[[x]]$name == params[[x]] | saga_test == params[[x]],
    } else {
      # otherwise return the user input but check if the number is ok given the
      # user has specified a number
      test <- suppressWarnings(try(as.numeric(params[[x]]), silent = TRUE))
      if (!is.na(test)) {
        if (!test %in% opts[[x]]$number) {
            x, " only accepts these values: ",
            paste(opts[[x]]$number, collapse = ", "),
            "\nYou specified: ", test
  # replace the named input by number input in the parameter-argument list
  params[int] <- ls_1

  # Save Spatial-Objects (sp, sf and raster)
  # here, we would like to retrieve the type type of the argument (which is list
  # element 4)
  out <- py_run_string(sprintf("out = RQGIS.get_args_man('%s')", alg))$out
  # just run through list elements which might be an input file (i.e. which are
  # certainly not an output file)
  params[!out$output] <- save_spatial_objects(
    params = params[!out$output],
    type_name = out$type_name,
    NA_flag = NA_flag

  # if the user has only specified an output filename without a directory path,
  # make sure that the output will be saved to the current directory (R default)
  # if the user has not specified any output files, the QGIS temporary folder
  # will be used (if None is specified which is the QGIS default)
  params[out$output] <- lapply(params[out$output], function(x) {
    if (basename(x) != "None" && dirname(x) == ".") {
      tmp = normalizePath(getwd(), winslash = "/")
      # if a network folder is given, normalizePath will convert //, \\, \\\\
      # always into \\\\, however Python doesn't like it (well it would,
      # however, when passing e.g., "\\\\unstrut" through py_run_string this will
      # become "\\unstrut", however Python would require either "\\\\unstrut" or
      # r"\\unstrut")
      tmp = gsub("^\\\\\\\\", "//", tmp)
      file.path(tmp, x)
    } else if (basename(x) != "None") {
      # make sure the dir path exists
      normalizePath(dirname(x), winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
      tmp = normalizePath(x, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)
      gsub("^\\\\\\\\", "//", tmp)
    } else {

  # provide automatically extent objects in case the user has not specified them
  # (most often needed for the GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER)
  ind = out$type_name == "extent" & (params == "\"None\"" | params == "None")
  if (any(ind)) {
    # run through the arguments and check if we can extract a bbox. While doing
    # so, dismiss the output arguments. Not doing so could cause R to crash
    # since the output-file might already exist. For instance, the already
    # existing output might have another CRS.
    ext <- get_extent(
      params = params[!out$output],
      type_name = out$type_name[!out$output]
    # final bounding box in the QGIS/GRASS notation
    params[ind] <- paste(ext, collapse = ",")

  # make sure function again arguments are in the correct order is not srictly
  # necessary any longer since we use a Python dictionary to pass our arguments.
  # However, otherwise, the user might become confused... and for
  # RQGIS.check_args the correct order is important as well! Doing the check
  # here has also the advantage that the function tells the user all missing
  # function arguments, QGIS returns only one at a time
  params <- params[names(params_all)]

  check <- py_run_string(sprintf(
    "check = RQGIS.check_args('%s', %s)", alg,
  # stop the function if wrong arguments were supplied, e.g.,
  # 'grass7:r.slope.aspect":
  # format must be an integer, so you cannot supply "hallo", the same goes for
  # the precision and the the GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER
  if (length(check) > 0) {
      "Invalid argument value '%s' for parameter '%s'\n",
      check, names(check)
  # # clean up after yourself!!
    "try:\n  del(out, opts, check)\nexcept:\  pass"
  # return your result

#'@title Interface to QGIS commands
#'@description `run_qgis` calls QGIS algorithms from within R while passing the
#'  corresponding function arguments.
#'@param alg Name of the GIS function to be used (see [find_algorithms()]).
#'@param ... Triple dots can be used to specify QGIS geoalgorithm arguments as R
#'  named arguments. For more details, please refer to [pass_args()].
#'@param params Parameter-argument list for a specific geoalgorithm. Please note
#'  that you can either specify R named arguments directly via the triple dots
#'  (see above) or via a parameter-argument list. However, you may not mix the
#'  two methods. See the example section, [pass_args()] and [get_args_man()] for
#'  more details.
#'@param load_output If `TRUE`, all QGIS output files ([sf::sf()]-object in the
#'  case of vector data and [raster::raster()]-object in the case of a raster)
#'  specified by the user (i.e. the user has to indicate output files) will be
#'  loaded into R. A list will be returned if there is more than one output file
#'  (e.g., `grass7:r.slope.aspect`). See the example section for more details.
#'@param show_output_paths Logical. QGIS computes all possible output files for
#'  a given geoalgorithm, and saves them to a temporary location in case the
#'  user has not specified explicitly another output location. Setting
#'  `show_output` to `TRUE` (the default) will print all output paths to the
#'  console after the successful geoprocessing.
#'@param NA_flag Value used for NAs when exporting raster objects through
#'  [pass_args()] and [save_spatial_objects()] (default: -99999).
#'@param qgis_env Environment containing all the paths to run the QGIS API. For
#'  more information, refer to [set_env()].
#'@details This workhorse function calls the QGIS Python API, and specifically
#'  `processing.runalg`.
#'@return The function prints a list (named according to the output parameters)
#'  containing the paths to the files created by QGIS. If not otherwise
#'  specified, the function saves the QGIS generated output files to a temporary
#'  folder (created by QGIS). Optionally, function parameter `load_output` loads
#'  spatial QGIS output (vector and raster data) into R.
#'@note Please note that one can also pass spatial R objects as input parameters
#'  where suitable (e.g., input layer, input raster). Supported formats are
#'  [sp::SpatialPointsDataFrame()]-, [sp::SpatialLinesDataFrame()]-,
#'  [sp::SpatialPolygonsDataFrame()]-, [sf::sf()]- (of class `sf`, `sfc` as well
#'  as `sfg`), and [raster::raster()]-objects. See the example section for more
#'  details.
#'  GRASS users do not have to specify manually the GRASS region extent
#'  (function argument GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER). If "None" (the QGIS default),
#'  `run_qgis` (see [pass_args()] for more details) will automatically determine
#'  the region extent based on the user-specified input layers. If you do want
#'  to specify it yourself, please do it in accordance with the [QGIS
#'  documentation](https://docs.qgis.org/2.8/en/docs/user_manual/processing/console.html),
#'   i.e., use a character string and separate the coordinates with a comma:
#'  "xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax".
#'@author Jannes Muenchow, Victor Olaya, QGIS core team
#'@importFrom sf read_sf
#'@importFrom raster raster
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # calculate the slope of a DEM
#' # load dem - a raster object
#' data(dem, package = "RQGIS")
#' # find out the name of a GRASS function with which to calculate the slope
#' find_algorithms(search_term = "grass7.*slope")
#' # find out how to use the function
#' alg <- "grass7:r.slope.aspect"
#' get_usage(alg)
#' # 1. run QGIS using R named arguments, and load the QGIS output back into R
#' slope <- run_qgis(alg, elevation = dem, slope = "slope.asc",
#'                   load_output = TRUE)
#' # 2. doing the same with a parameter-argument list
#' params <- list(elevation = dem, slope = "slope.asc")
#' slope <- run_qgis(alg, params = params, load_output = TRUE)
#' # 3. calculate the slope, the aspect and the pcurvature.
#' terrain <- run_qgis(alg, elevation = dem, slope = "slope.asc",
#'                     aspect = "aspect.asc", pcurvature = "pcurv.asc",
#'                     load_output = TRUE)
#' # the three output rasters are returned in a list of length 3
#' terrain
#' }

run_qgis <- function(alg = NULL, ..., params = NULL, load_output = FALSE,
                     show_output_paths = TRUE, NA_flag = -99999,
                     qgis_env = set_env()) {

  # check if the QGIS application has already been started
  tmp <- try(expr = open_app(qgis_env = qgis_env), silent = TRUE)

  # check under Linux which GRASS version is in use. If its GRASS72 the user
  # might have to add a softlink due to as QGIS bug
  # QGIS developer core team took care of this issue (at least since QGIS
  # 2.14.13), so we can eventually delete this

  # if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux" & grepl("grass7", alg)) {
  #   qgis_session_info(qgis_env)
  # }

  # check if alg is qgis:vectorgrid
  if (alg == "qgis:vectorgrid") {
    stop("Please use qgis:creategrid instead of qgis:vectorgrid!")

  # check if alg belongs to the QGIS "select by.."-category
  if (grepl("^qgis\\:selectby", alg)) {
      "The 'Select by' operations of QGIS are interactive.",
      "Please use 'grass7:v.extract' instead."

  # construct a parameter-argument list using get_args_man and user input
  params <- pass_args(alg, ..., params = params, NA_flag = NA_flag,
                      qgis_env = qgis_env)

  # build the Python command
  # r_to_py(params) would also create a dictionary which would be a rather
  # elegant solution. But there are two problems: First, we did not get rid off
  # strange/incomplete shell quotes (though that might not be an issue here,
  # since we are going to use Python via the tunnel and the strange/incomplete
  # shellquotes were returned by Python). Secondly, True, False and None should
  # be unquoted which can be only achieved in R by collapsing all arguments into
  # one long string. Maybe it would work even if we did not explicitly take care
  # of this. But to be on the safe side, we proceed as follows:

  vals <- vapply(params, function(x) {
    # get rid off 'strange' or incomplete shellQuotes
    tmp <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), ""))
    tmp <- tmp[tmp != "\""]
    # paste the argument together again
    tmp <- paste(tmp, collapse = "")
    # shellQuote argument if is not True, False or None
    ifelse(grepl("True|False|None", tmp), tmp, shQuote(tmp))
  }, character(1))
  # paste the function arguments together
  args <- paste(vals, collapse = ", ")

  # convert R parameter-argument list into a Python dictionary
  py_run_string(paste("args = ", r_to_py(args)))
  py_run_string(paste0("params = ", py_unicode(r_to_py(names(params)))))
  py_run_string("params = dict((x, y) for x, y in zip(params, args))")

  cmd <- paste(sprintf("res = processing.runalg('%s', params)", alg))

  # run QGIS
  msg <- py_capture_output(py_run_string(cmd))
  # If QGIS produces an error message, stop and report it
  if (grepl("Unable to execute algorithm|Error", msg)) {
  # res contains all the output paths of the files created by QGIS
  res <- py_run_string("res")$res
  # show the output files to the user
  if (show_output_paths) {
  # if there is a message, show it
  if (msg != "") {
  # clean up after yourself!!
    "try:\n  del(res, args, params)\nexcept:\  pass"

  # load output
  if (load_output) {
    # just keep the output files
    # Find out what the output names are
    out_names <-
        sprintf("out_names = RQGIS.get_args_man('%s')", alg)
    out_names <- out_names$params[out_names$output]
    # clean up after yourself!!
      "try:\n  del(out_names)\nexcept:\  pass"
    params_out <- params[out_names]
    # just keep the files which were actually specified by the user
    out_files <- params_out[params_out != "None"]
    ls_1 <- lapply(out_files, function(x) {
      # even if the user only specified an output name without an output
      # directory, we have made sure above that the output is written to the
      # temporary folder
      if (!file.exists(x)) {
        stop("Unfortunately, QGIS did not produce: ", x)

      # capture.output is necessary, since sf always reports (supposedly via
      # C++) if the data source cannot be opened
        test <- try(expr = read_sf(x), silent = TRUE)
      # if the output exists and is not a vector try to load it as a raster
      if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
        # well, well, if this doesn't work, you need to do something...
      } else {
    # only return a list if the list contains several elements
    if (length(ls_1) == 1) {
    } else {

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RQGIS documentation built on May 2, 2019, 8:23 a.m.