if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
# Accessed: 8 October 2014
# General form:
# jdbc:jtds:<server_type>://<server>[:<port>][/<database>][;<property>=<value>[;...]]
# where:
# <server_type> is one of either 'sqlserver' or 'sybase' (their meaning is
# quite obvious),
# <port> is the port the database server is listening to (default is 1433 for
# SQL Server and 7100 for Sybase)
# <database> is the database name -- JDBC term: catalog -- (if not specified,
# the user's default database is used).
# More on FAQ about available properties.
OPTIONAL_JTDS_FIELDS <- c("port", "database", "appName", "autoCommit",
"batchSize", "bindAddress", "bufferDir", "bufferMaxMemory", "bufferMinPackets",
"cacheMetaData", "charset", "domain", "instance", "lastUpdateCount",
"lobBuffer", "loginTimeout", "macAddress", "maxStatements", "namedPipe",
"packetSize", "password", "prepareSQL", "progName", "processId",
"sendStringParametersAsUnicode", "socketTimeout", "socketKeepAlive",
"ssl", "tcpNoDelay", "TDS", "useCursors", "useJCIFS", "useLOBs",
"useNTLMv2", "user", "wsid", "xaEmulation")
jtds_url <- function (server, type = "sqlserver", port = "", database = "",
properties = list()) {
assertthat::assert_that(type %in% c("sqlserver", "sybase"))
url <- paste0('jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://', server)
if (!identical(port, ""))
url <- paste0(url, ':', port)
if (!identical(database, ""))
url <- paste0(url, '/', database)
if (!identical(properties, list())) {
assertthat::assert_that(all(names(properties) %in% OPTIONAL_JTDS_FIELDS))
properties <- paste0(paste0(";", names(properties)), '=',
unlist(properties, use.names = FALSE), collapse='')
url <- paste0(url, properties)
#' Get server details from YAML file
#' The \code{sql.yaml} file in a user's \code{HOME} directory can store
#' server details and login credentials (in plain text). This works around
#' the instability associated with jTDS's single-sign on functionality.
#' The YAML file format is documented in this package's \code{README} file, while
#' an example is provided in \code{extdata/sql.yaml} (see example). At a
#' high level, each server should be documented in its own associative array
#' with each aspect of the server documented in an associative array.
#' @param server corresponds to the server name key in the YAML \code{file} and
#' should be a string.
#' @param file defaults to \code{NULL} which means that it will use
#' \code{$HOME/sql.yaml}.
#' @return a named list of \code{server} details if this is specified in the
#' \code{file}. It stops and returns an error if \code{port} and \code{type}
#' keys are not specified for found \code{server}. \code{NULL} is returned if
#' the \code{file} does not contain the \code{server} key
#' @examples
#' # See link below
#' \dontrun{
#' aw <- dbConnect(RSQLServer::SQLServer(), server = "",
#' database = 'AdventureWorks2012',
#' properties = list(user = "sqlfamily", password = "sqlf@@m1ly"))
#' dbListTables(aw)
#' }
#' @seealso
#' \href{}{RSQLServer README}
#' \href{}{YAML}
#' \href{}{Example SQL Server instance}
#' @keywords internal
get_server_details <- function (server, file = NULL) {
server_details <- yaml::yaml.load_file(file)
if (assertthat::has_name(server_details, server)) {
server_detail <- server_details[[server]]
} else {
#' Checks availability of TEST server
#' SQL Server details can be specified in a \code{~/sql.yaml} file.
#' To be able to run examples and some tests in the package, it is necessary for
#' there to be a valid server with name TEST in this file.
#' @param type specifies whether the server type is \code{"sqlserver"} (default)
#' or \code{"sybase"}
#' @return boolean \code{TRUE} if TEST server details are available. Otherwise,
#' \code{FALSE}
#' @examples
#' have_test_server()
#' @seealso \code{\link{get_server_details}} \code{\link{dbConnect,SQLServerDriver-method}}
#' @export
have_test_server <- function (type = 'sqlserver') {
yaml_file <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "sql.yaml")
if (file.exists(yaml_file)) {
server_details <- yaml::yaml.load_file(yaml_file)
res <- assertthat::has_name(server_details, "TEST")
return(isTRUE(res & identical(server_details[["TEST"]]$type, type)))
} else {
jtds_class_path <- function () {
file.path(system.file('java', package = 'RSQLServer'), 'jtds-1.2.8.jar')
pull_class_path <- function () {
file.path(system.file('java', package = 'RSQLServer'), "MSSQLRequestPull.jar")
# Fetch helpers ----------------------------------------------------------
ff <- function (res, empty_vector) {
# Where rp_* return null because for example, you have requested to fetch
# n = 0 records, DBItest expects an empty data frame will all the right
# column names and types. This function ensures this is the case, and
if (rJava::is.jnull(res)) {
} else {
rp_getDoubles <- function (rp, i) {
res <- rJava::.jcall(rp, "[D", "getDoubles", i, check = FALSE)
ff(res, double())
rp_getInts <- function (rp, i) {
res <- rJava::.jcall(rp, "[I", "getInts", i, check = FALSE)
ff(res, integer())
rp_getDates <- function (rp, i) {
res <- rJava::.jcall(rp, "[Ljava/lang/String;", "getStrings", i, check = FALSE)
ff(res, character())
rp_getTimestamps <- function (rp, i) {
res <- rJava::.jcall(rp, "[Ljava/lang/String;", "getStrings", i, check = FALSE)
ff(res, character())
rp_getStrings <- function (rp, i) {
res <- rJava::.jcall(rp, "[Ljava/lang/String;", "getStrings", i, check = FALSE)
ff(res, character())
fetch_rp <- function (rp, out, cts = NULL) {
cts <- cts %||% rJava::.jcall(rp, "[I", "mapColumns")
for (i in seq_along(cts)) {
new_res <- switch(as.character(cts[i]),
"1" = rp_getDoubles(rp, i),
"2" = rp_getInts(rp, i),
"3" = rp_getDates(rp, i),
"4" = rp_getTimestamps(rp, i),
rp_getStrings(rp, i))
out[[i]] <- c(out[[i]], new_res)
rp_to_r_type_map <- function (ctypes) {
rp_to_r <- purrr::set_names(0:5,
c("character", "numeric", "integer", "character", "character", "logical"))
assertthat::assert_that(all(ctypes %in% rp_to_r))
names(rp_to_r)[match(ctypes, rp_to_r)]
create_empty_lst <- function (types, names, n = 0L) {
assertthat::assert_that(length(types) == length(names),
n == 0L || assertthat::is.count(n))
purrr::map(types, vector, length = n) %>%
# Bindings ----------------------------------------------------------------
rs_bind_all <- function(params, rs, batch = TRUE) {
ps_bind_all(params, rs@stat, batch = batch)
ps_bind_all <- function(params, ps, batch = TRUE) {
nparams <- length(params)
if (is.null(params) || nparams == 0L) return()
qry_nparams <- num_parameters(ps)
if (qry_nparams == 0L) return()
paramlengths <- vapply(params, length, integer(1L))
if (!batch && any(paramlengths > 1L)) {
warning("'batch' disabled with multi-row params, only first of each param applied",
call. = FALSE)
is_na <- lapply(params,
is_logical <- vapply(params, is.logical, logical(1))
is_integer <- vapply(params, is.integer, logical(1))
is_numeric <- vapply(params, is.numeric, logical(1))
is_date <- vapply(params, inherits, logical(1), "Date")
is_posix <- vapply(params, inherits, logical(1), "POSIXct")
is_other <- !(is_logical | is_numeric | is_date | is_posix)
jtypes <- rToJdbcType(vapply(params, function(a) class(a)[1], character(1)))
for (j in seq_len(max(1L, batch * max(paramlengths)))) {
for (i in seq_len(min(nparams, qry_nparams))) {
if (is_na[[i]][[j]]) {
ps_bind_null(i, NULL, ps, jtype = as.integer(jtypes[i]))
} else if (is_integer[i]) {
ps_bind_int(i, params[[i]][[j]], ps)
} else if (is_numeric[i]) {
ps_bind_dbl(i, params[[i]][[j]], ps)
} else if (is_logical[i]) {
ps_bind_bln(i, params[[i]][[j]], ps)
} else if (is_other[i]) {
ps_bind_str(i, params[[i]][[j]], ps)
} else if (is_posix[i]) {
ps_bind_tme(i, params[[i]][[j]], ps)
} else if (is_date[i]) {
ps_bind_dte(i, params[[i]][[j]], ps)
if (batch) rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "addBatch")
ps_bind_null <- function(i, param, ps, jtype = NULL) {
if (is.null(jtype)) jtype <- as.integer(rToJdbcType(class(param)))
rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "setNull", i, jtype)
ps_bind_int <- function(i, param, ps) {
rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "setInt", i, param)
ps_bind_dbl <- function(i, param, ps) {
rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "setDouble", i, param)
ps_bind_bln <- function(i, param, ps) {
rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "setBoolean", i, param)
ps_bind_dte <- function(i, param, ps) {
# as.POSIXlt sets time to midnight UTC whereas as.POSIXct sets time to
# local timezone. The tz argument is ignored when a Date is passed to
# either function
ms <- as.numeric(as.POSIXlt(param)) * 1000
rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "setDate", i,
rJava::.jnew("java/sql/Date", rJava::.jlong(ms)))
ps_bind_tme <- function(i, param, ps) {
# as.integer converts POSIXct to seconds since epoch. Timestamp
# constructor needs milliseconds so multiply by 1000
ms <- as.numeric(param) * 1000
rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "setTimestamp", i,
rJava::.jnew("java/sql/Timestamp", rJava::.jlong(ms)))
ps_bind_raw <- function(i, param, ps) {
rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "setByte", i, rJava::.jbyte(as.raw(param)))
ps_bind_str <- function(i, param, ps) {
rJava::.jcall(ps, "V", "setString", i, as.character(param))
is_parameterised <- function(ps) {
num_parameters(ps) > 0
num_parameters <- function(ps) {
md <- rJava::.jcall(ps, "Ljava/sql/ParameterMetaData;", "getParameterMetaData")
rJava::.jcall(md, "I", "getParameterCount")
# SQL types --------------------------------------------------------------
char_type <- function (x, con) {
# SQL Server 2000 does not support nvarchar(max) type.
# TEXT is being deprecated. Make sure SQL types are UNICODE variants
# (prefixed by N).
n <- max(max(nchar(as.character(x), keepNA = FALSE)), 1)
if (n > 4000) {
if (dbGetInfo(con)$db.version < 9) {
n <- "4000"
} else {
n <- "MAX"
paste0("NVARCHAR(", n, ")")
binary_type <- function (x, con) {
# SQL Server 2000 does not support varbinary(max) type.
n <- max(max(nchar(x, keepNA = FALSE)), 1)
if (n > 8000) {
if (dbGetInfo(con)$db.version < 9) {
n <- "8000"
} else {
n <- "MAX"
paste0("VARBINARY(", n, ")")
date_type <- function (x, con) {
if (dbGetInfo(con)$db.version < 10) {
# DATE available in >= SQL Server 2008 (>= v.10)
} else {
as_is_type <- function(x, con) {
class(x) <- class(x)[-1]
dbDataType(con, x)
data_frame_data_type <- function(x, con) {
vapply(x, dbDataType, FUN.VALUE = character(1), dbObj = con, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
# Needed to keep track of number of rows that have been fetched for
# dbGetRowCount as JDBC ResultSet class's getRow() method returns 0 when the
# fetch is completed.
RowCounter <- setRefClass(
Class = "RowCounter",
fields = list(count = "integer"),
methods = list(
add = function(increment) {
count <<- count + increment
show = function() {
cat("<RowCounter>:", count, "\n")
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