#' Radiometric Calibration and Correction
#' Implements several different methods for radiometric calibration and correction of Landsat data.
#' You can either specify a metadata file, or supply all neccesary values manually.
#' With proper parametrization apref and sdos should work for other sensors as well.
#' @param img SpatRaster
#' @param metaData object of class ImageMetaData or a path to the meta data (MTL) file.
#' @param method Radiometric conversion/correction method to be used. There are currently four methods available (see Details):
#' "rad", "apref", "sdos", "dos", "costz".
#' @param bandSet Numeric or character. original Landsat band numbers or names in the form of ("B1", "B2" etc). If set to 'full' all bands in the solar (optical) region will be processed.
#' @param hazeValues Numeric. Either a vector with dark DNs per \code{hazeBand} (method = 'sdos'); possibly estimated using \link{estimateHaze}.
#' Or the 'starting haze value' (DN) for the relative scattering models in \code{method = 'dos' or 'costz'}. If not provided, hazeValues will be estimated in an automated fashion for all \code{hazeBands}.
#' Argument only applies to methods 'sdos', 'dos' and 'costz'.
#' @param hazeBands Character or integer. Bands corresponding to \code{hazeValues} (method = 'sdos') or band to select starting haze value from ('dos' or 'costz').
#' @param atmosphere Character. Atmospheric characteristics. Will be estimated if not expicilty provided. Must be one of \code{"veryClear", "clear", "moderate", "hazy"} or \code{"veryHazy"}.
#' @param darkProp Numeric. Estimated proportion of dark pixels in the scene. Used only for automatic guessing of hazeValues (typically one would choose 1 or 2\%).
#' @param clamp Logical. Enforce valid value range. By default reflectance will be forced to stay within [0,1] and radiance >= 0 by replacing invalid values with the correspinding boundary, e.g. -0.1 will become 0.
#' @param verbose Logical. Print status information.
#' @note This was originally a fork of randcorr() function in the landsat package. This version works on SpatRasters and hence is suitable for large rasters.
#' @return
#' SpatRaster with top-of-atmosphere radiance (\eqn{W/(m^2 * srad * \mu m)}), at-satellite brightness temperature (K),
#' top-of-atmosphere reflectance (unitless) corrected for the sun angle or at-surface reflectance (unitless).
#' @details
#' The atmospheric correction methods (sdos, dos and costz) apply to the optical (solar) region of the spectrum and do not affect the thermal band.
#' Dark object subtraction approaches rely on the estimation of atmospheric haze based on *dark* pixels. Dark pixels are assumed to have zero reflectance, hence the name.
#' It is then assumed further that any radiation originating from such *dark* pixels is due to atmospheric haze and
#' not the reflectance of the surface itself.
#' The folloiwing \code{methods} are available:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' rad \tab Radiance \cr
#' apref \tab Apparent reflectance (top-of-atmosphere reflectance) \cr
#' dos \tab Dark object subtratction following Chavez (1989) \cr
#' costz \tab Dark object subtraction following Chavez (1996) \cr
#' sdos \tab Simple dark object subtraction. Classical DOS, Lhaze must be estimated for each band separately.
#' }
#' If either "dos" or "costz" are selected, radCor will use the atmospheric haze decay model described by Chavez (1989).
#' Depending on the \code{atmosphere} the following coefficients are used:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' veryClear \tab \eqn{\lambda^{-4.0}} \cr
#' clear \tab \eqn{\lambda^{-2.0}} \cr
#' moderate \tab \eqn{\lambda^{-1.0}} \cr
#' hazy \tab \eqn{\lambda^{-0.7}} \cr
#' veryHazy \tab \eqn{\lambda^{-0.5}}
#' }
#' For Landsat 8, no values for extra-terrestrial irradiation (esun) are provided by NASA. These are, however, neccessary for DOS-based approaches.
#' Therefore, these values were derived from a standard reference spectrum published by Thuillier et al. (2003) using the Landsat 8 OLI spectral response functions
#' The implemented sun-earth distances neglect the earth's eccentricity. Instead we use a 100 year daily average (1979-2070).
#' @references
#' S. Goslee (2011): Analyzing Remote Sensing Data in R: The landsat Package. Journal of Statistical Software 43(4).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' ## Import meta-data and bands based on MTL file
#' mtlFile <- system.file("external/landsat/LT52240631988227CUB02_MTL.txt", package="RStoolbox")
#' metaData <- readMeta(mtlFile)
#' lsat_t <- stackMeta(mtlFile)
#' ## Convert DN to top of atmosphere reflectance and brightness temperature
#' lsat_ref <- radCor(lsat_t, metaData = metaData, method = "apref")
#' ## Correct DN to at-surface-reflecatance with DOS (Chavez decay model)
#' \donttest{lsat_sref <- radCor(lsat_t, metaData = metaData)}
#' ## Correct DN to at-surface-reflecatance with simple DOS
#' ## Automatic haze estimation
#' hazeDN <- estimateHaze(lsat_t, hazeBands = 1:4, darkProp = 0.01, plot = FALSE)
#' lsat_sref <- radCor(lsat_t, metaData = metaData, method = "sdos",
#' hazeValues = hazeDN, hazeBands = 1:4)
radCor <- function(img, metaData, method = "apref", bandSet = "full", hazeValues, hazeBands, atmosphere, darkProp = 0.01, clamp = TRUE, verbose){
img <- .toTerra(img)
if(!missing("verbose")) .initVerbose(verbose)
if(!method %in% c("rad", "apref", "dos", "costz", "sdos")) stop("method must be one of 'rad' 'apref', 'dos', 'costz' 'sdos'", call.=FALSE)
## Read metadata from file
if(is.character(metaData)) {
if(!grepl("MTL", metaData)) stop("The metadata file must be the original MTL file")
metaData <- readMeta(metaData)
} else if (!inherits(metaData, "ImageMetaData")){
stop("metaData must be a path to the MTL file or an ImageMetaData object (see readMeta)")
sat <- metaData$SATELLITE
sensor <- metaData$SENSOR
d <- metaData$SOLAR_PARAMETERS["distance"]
sunElev <- metaData$SOLAR_PARAMETERS["elevation"]
satZenith <- 1
satZenith <- satZenith * pi / 180
satphi <- cos(satZenith)
suntheta <- cos((90 - sunElev) * pi / 180)
## Query internal db
# TODO: add support for non-landsat data
# The present implementation is geared towards use with Landsat 4:8 data. However, radCor can be used with other sensors as well (currently methods 'rad','apref','sdos' only).
# To do so create an \link{ImageMetaData} object containing the following information:
sDB <- .LANDSATdb[[sat]][[sensor]]
if(any(bandSet == "full")) {
bandSet <- names(img)
} else {
if(is.numeric(bandSet)) bandSet <- names(img)[bandSet]
origBands <- names(img)
tirBands <- list(LANDSAT4="B6_dn", LANDSAT5 = "B6_dn", LANDSAT7 = c("B6_dn", "B6_VCID_1_dn", "B6_VCID_2_dn"), LANDSAT8 = c("B10_dn", "B11_dn") )[[sat]]
tirBands <- origBands[origBands %in% tirBands]
tirBands <- tirBands[tirBands %in% bandSet]
if(length(tirBands) == 0) tirBands <- NULL
corBands <- sDB[!sDB$bandtype %in% c("TIR", "PAN"), "band"]
bandSet <- bandSet[bandSet %in% corBands]
exclBands <- origBands[!origBands %in% c(bandSet, tirBands)]
excl <- if(length(exclBands) > 0) img[[exclBands]] else NULL
if(method == "rad") {
bandSet <- c(bandSet, tirBands)
.vMessage("Bands to convert to toa radiance: ", paste(bandSet, collapse = ", "))
} else {
.vMessage("Bands to convert to reflectance: ", paste(bandSet, collapse = ", "))
if(length(tirBands) > 0) .vMessage("Thermal bands to convert to brightness temperature: ", paste(tirBands, collapse=", "))
if(length(exclBands) > 0) .vMessage("Excluding bands: ", paste(exclBands, collapse = ", "))
## Thermal processing
if((method != "rad") & (length(tirBands) > 0)) {
.vMessage("Processing thermal band(s)")
K1 <- metaData$CALBT[tirBands, "K1"]
K2 <- metaData$CALBT[tirBands, "K2"]
GAIN <- metaData$CALRAD[tirBands,"gain"]
OFFSET <- metaData$CALRAD[tirBands,"offset"]
xtir <- .paraRasterFun(raster = img[[tirBands]], rasterFun = app, args = list(fun = function(x) {
if(length(GAIN) > 1) {
for(i in seq_along(GAIN)){
suppressWarnings(x[,i] <- K2[i] / log(K1[i] / (GAIN[i] * x[,i] + OFFSET[i]) +1))
} else {
return(suppressWarnings(K2 / log(K1 / (GAIN * x + OFFSET) + 1)))
names(xtir) <- gsub("dn", "bt", tirBands)
} else {
xtir <- NULL
## Radiance and reflectance processing
GAIN <- metaData$CALRAD[bandSet,"gain"]
OFFSET <- metaData$CALRAD[bandSet,"offset"]
TAUz <- 1
TAUv <- 1
Edown <- 0
Lhaze <- 0
if(!method %in% c("apref", "rad")) {
## Estimate hazeValues automatically
if(missing(hazeBands) & method == "sdos") stop(" Please specify the bands to be corrected by the 'sdos' method. \nArguments: hazeBands, or hazeValues + hazeBands", call. = FALSE)
if(missing(hazeBands)) {
hazeBands <- names(img)[1]
} else if(is.numeric(hazeBands)) {
hazeBands <- names(img)[hazeBands]
.vMessage("hazeValues was not provided -> Estimating hazeValues automatically")
shvBands <- if(method != "costz") hazeBands else 1
hazeValues <- estimateHaze(img, hazeBands = shvBands, darkProp = darkProp , plot = FALSE, returnTables = FALSE)
.vMessage(paste0("hazeValues estimated as: ", hazeValues))
} else {
hazeBands <- intersect(names(hazeValues), names(img))
if(length(hazeBands) < length(hazeValues)) stop("Please specify hazeBands", call. = FALSE)
} else {
if(is.numeric(hazeBands)) hazeBands <- names(img)[hazeBands]
if(!is.null(names(hazeValues)) && any(!names(hazeValues) %in% hazeBands)) stop("Names of hazeValues do not correspond to hazeBands", call. = FALSE)
if(length(hazeBands) != length(hazeValues)) stop("hazeBands and hazeValues are not of the same length", call. = FALSE)
if(method == "sdos") {
hazeValuesdummy <- rep(0, length(bandSet))
names(hazeValuesdummy) <- bandSet
hazeValuesdummy[hazeBands] <- hazeValues[hazeBands]
hazeValues <- hazeValuesdummy
hazeBands <- bandSet
} else {
if(length(hazeValues) > 1) {
warning("Truncating hazeValues/hazeBands to band ", hazeBands[1], " (DN = ", hazeValues[1],"). Method '", method, "' expects only one 'starting haze value' ",
"for anchoring the atmospheric scattering model. \n The starting haze value is usually estimated from the blue band.", call. = FALSE)
hazeValues <- hazeValues[1]
hazeBands <- hazeBands[1]
if (method == "costz") {
TAUz <- suntheta
TAUv <- satphi
## 1% correction and conversion to radiance
esun <- sDB[hazeBands, "esun"]
GAIN_h <- metaData$CALRAD[hazeBands,"gain"]
OFFSET_h <- metaData$CALRAD[hazeBands,"offset"]
Ldo <- 0.01 * ((esun * suntheta * TAUz) + Edown) * TAUv / (pi * d ^ 2)
Lhaze <- (hazeValues * GAIN_h + OFFSET_h ) - Ldo
if(method %in% c("dos", "costz")) {
if(Lhaze[1] < 0) warning("Estimated Lhaze is < 0. DOS-based approaches don't make sense in this case.")
## Pick atmoshpere type
if(missing(atmosphere)) {
atmosphere.db <- data.frame(min = c(0,56,76,96,116),
max = c(55,75,95,115,255)) / 255 * (2^rad-1)
atmosphere <- c("veryClear", "clear", "moderate", "hazy", "veryHazy")[Lhaze > atmosphere.db[,1] & Lhaze <= atmosphere.db[,2]]
.vMessage("Selecting atmosphere: '", atmosphere, "'")
cols <- paste0(hazeBands,"_", atmosphere)
cols <- cols[cols %in% colnames(sDB)]
if(length(cols) != length(hazeBands)) stop(paste0("Method '", method, "' not yet supported for sensor ", sat))
## Calculated Lhaze based on powerlaw weights (Chavez)
Lhaze <- rep(Lhaze, length(bandSet))
names(Lhaze) <- bandSet
Lhaze <- Lhaze * sDB[bandSet, cols]
## Calculate corrected RAD_haze
Lhaze <- Lhaze * NORM + OFFSET
# In case Lhaze becomes negative we reset it to zero to prevent artefacts.
Lhaze [Lhaze < 0] <- 0
if(method == "rad") {
## Radiance
layernames <- gsub("_dn", "_tra", bandSet)
} else {
## Reflectance
if(inherits(metaData$CALREF, "data.frame") & method == "apref"){
GAIN <- metaData$CALREF[bandSet,"gain"] / suntheta
OFFSET <- metaData$CALREF[bandSet,"offset"] / suntheta
} else {
esun <- sDB[bandSet, "esun"]
C <- (pi * d ^ 2)/(TAUv * (esun * suntheta * TAUz + Edown))
OFFSET <- C * (OFFSET - Lhaze)
layernames <- if(method == "apref") gsub("_dn", "_tre", bandSet) else gsub("_dn", "_sre", bandSet)
.vMessage("Processing radiance / reflectance")
if(clamp & method == "rad") CLAMP <- c(TRUE,FALSE)
if(clamp & method != "rad") CLAMP <- c(TRUE,TRUE)
if(length(bandSet) > 1){
xref <- .paraRasterFun(img[[bandSet]], rasterFun = app, args = list(fun = function(x) {gainOffsetRescale(x,GAIN,OFFSET,CLAMP)}))
} else {
xref <- .paraRasterFun(img[[bandSet]], rasterFun = app, args = list(fun = function(x) {gainOffsetRescale(as.matrix(x),GAIN,OFFSET,CLAMP)}))
names(xref) <- layernames
## Re-combine thermal, solar and excluded imagery
out <- c(xref, xtir, excl)
bandOrder <- match(origBands, c(bandSet, tirBands))
out <- out[[na.omit(bandOrder)]]
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