#' Unsupervised Classification
#' Unsupervised clustering of SpatRaster data using kmeans clustering
#' @param img SpatRaster.
#' @param nSamples Integer. Number of random samples to draw to fit cluster map. Only relevant if clusterMap = TRUE.
#' @param nClasses Integer. Number of classes.
#' @param nStarts Integer. Number of random starts for kmeans algorithm.
#' @param nIter Integer. Maximal number of iterations allowed.
#' @param norm Logical. If \code{TRUE} will normalize img first using \link{normImage}. Normalizing is beneficial if your predictors have different scales.
#' @param clusterMap Logical. Fit kmeans model to a random subset of the img (see Details).
#' @param algorithm Character. \link[stats]{kmeans} algorithm. One of c("Hartigan-Wong", "Lloyd", "MacQueen")
#' @param output Character. Either 'classes' (kmeans class; default) or 'distances' (euclidean distance to each cluster center).
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to \link[terra]{writeRaster}, e.g. filename
#' @details
#' Clustering is done using \code{\link[stats]{kmeans}}. This can be done for all pixels of the image (\code{clusterMap=FALSE}), however this can be slow and is
#' not memory safe. Therefore if you have large raster data (> memory), as is typically the case with remote sensing imagery it is advisable to choose clusterMap=TRUE (the default).
#' This means that a kmeans cluster model is calculated based on a random subset of pixels (\code{nSamples}). Then the distance of *all* pixels to the cluster centers
#' is calculated in a stepwise fashion using \code{\link[terra]{predict}}. Class assignment is based on minimum euclidean distance to the cluster centers.
#' The solution of the kmeans algorithm often depends on the initial configuration of class centers which is chosen randomly.
#' Therefore, kmeans is usually run with multiple random starting configurations in order to find a convergent solution from different starting configurations.
#' The \code{nStarts} argument allows to specify how many random starts are conducted.
#' @return
#' Returns an RStoolbox::unsuperClass object, which is a list containing the kmeans model ($model) and the raster map ($map).
#' For output = "classes", $map contains a SpatRaster with discrete classes (kmeans clusters); for output = "distances" $map contains
#' a SpatRaster, with `nClasses` layers, where each layer maps the euclidean distance to the corresponding class centroid.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(terra)
#' input <- rlogo
#' ## Plot
#' olpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # back-up par
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plotRGB(input)
#' ## Run classification
#' set.seed(25)
#' unC <- unsuperClass(input, nSamples = 100, nClasses = 5, nStarts = 5)
#' unC
#' ## Plots
#' colors <- rainbow(5)
#' plot(unC$map, col = colors, legend = FALSE, axes = FALSE, box = FALSE)
#' legend(1,1, legend = paste0("C",1:5), fill = colors, title = "Classes", horiz = TRUE, bty = "n")
#' ## Return the distance of each pixel to each class centroid
#' unC <- unsuperClass(input, nSamples = 100, nClasses = 3, output = "distances")
#' unC
#' ggR(unC$map, 1:3, geom_raster = TRUE)
#' par(olpar) # reset par
#' }
unsuperClass <- function(img, nSamples = 10000, nClasses = 5, nStarts = 25, nIter = 100, norm = FALSE,
clusterMap = TRUE, algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong", output = "classes", ...){
## TODO: check outermost prediction (cpp)
img <- .toTerra(img)
if(atMax <- nSamples > ncell(img)) nSamples <- ncell(img)
if(norm) img <- terra::scale(img, TRUE, TRUE)
if(!output[1] %in% c("classes", "distances")) {
stop("`output` must be either 'classes' or 'distances'")
returnDistances <- FALSE
if(output == "distances") {
returnDistances <- TRUE
FULL <- !clusterMap | atMax && .canProcInMem(img, n = 4)
if(!inMemory(img)).vMessage("Loading full raster into memory")
trainData <- img[]
complete <- complete.cases(trainData)
trainData <- trainData[complete,]
} else {
if(!clusterMap) warning("Raster size is > memory. Resetting clusterMap to TRUE")
.vMessage("Starting random sampling")
trainData <- .iterativeRandomSample(img, nSamples, xy = FALSE)
.vMessage("Starting kmeans fitting")
model <- tryCatch(kmeans(trainData, centers = nClasses, nstart = nStarts, iter.max = nIter, algorithm = algorithm))
if (!is.null(model$ifault)) {
if(model$ifault == 4 && algorithm == "Hartigan-Wong") {
warning("The Harian-Wong algorithm doesn't converge properly.",
"\nConsider setting algorithm to 'Lloyd' or 'MacQueen' and/or increase nStarts", call. = FALSE)
} else if (model$ifault==2) {
warning("The kmeans algorithm did not converge. Try increasing nIter.", call. = FALSE)
.vMessage("Starting spatial prediction")
if(FULL && !returnDistances){
out <- rast(img, vals = NA, nlyrs = 1)
out[complete] <- model$cluster
names(out) <- "class"
if("filename" %in% list(...)) out <- terra::writeRaster(out, ...)
} else {
out <- app(img, fun = function(x, kmeans= model){
predKmeansCpp(x, centers=kmeans$centers, returnDistances)}, ...)
names(out) <- if(returnDistances) paste0("dist_c", 1:nClasses) else "class_unsupervised"
model$cluster <- NULL
structure(list(call =, model = model, map = out), class = c("unsuperClass", "RStoolbox"))
#' Predict a raster map based on a unsuperClass model fit.
#' applies a kmeans cluster model to all pixels of a raster.
#' Useful if you want to apply a kmeans model of scene A to scene B.
#' @method predict unsuperClass
#' @param object unsuperClass object
#' @param img Raster object. Layernames must correspond to layernames used to train the superClass model, i.e. layernames in the original raster image.
#' @param output Character. Either 'classes' (kmeans class; default) or 'distances' (euclidean distance to each cluster center).
#' @param ... further arguments to be passed to \link[terra]{writeRaster}, e.g. filename
#' @export
#' @return
#' Returns a raster with the K-means distances base on your object passed in the arguments.
#' @examples
#' ## Load training data
#' ## Perform unsupervised classification
#' uc <- unsuperClass(rlogo, nClasses = 10)
#' ## Apply the model to another raster
#' map <- predict(uc, rlogo)
predict.unsuperClass <- function(object, img, output = "classes", ...){
img <- .toTerra(img)
stopifnot(inherits(object, c("RStoolbox", "unsuperClass")))
if(!output[1] %in% c("classes", "distances")) {
stop("`output` must be either 'classes' or 'distances'")
returnDistances <- FALSE
if(output == "distances") {
returnDistances <- TRUE
out <- app(img, fun = function(x, kmeans= object$model){
predKmeansCpp(x, centers=kmeans$centers, returnDistances)}, ...)
names(out) <- if(returnDistances) paste0("dist_c", 1:nlyr(out)) else "class"
#' @method print unsuperClass
#' @export
print.unsuperClass <- function(x, ...){
cat("unsuperClass results\n")
cat ("\n*************** Model ******************\n")
cat ("$model\n")
cat("K-means clustering with ", length(x$model$size), " clusters of sizes ",
paste(x$model$size, collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
cat("\nCluster centroids:\n")
print(x$model$centers, ...)
cat("\nWithin cluster sum of squares by cluster:\n")
print(x$model$withinss, ...)
ratio <- sprintf(" (between_SS / total_SS = %5.1f %%)\n",
100 * x$model$betweenss/x$model$totss)
if(!is.null(x$model$ifault) && x$model$ifault == 2L)
cat("Warning: did *not* converge in specified number of iterations\n")
cat("\n*************** Map ******************\n")
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