RMmodelgenerator-class: Class 'RMmodelgenerator'

Description Creating Objects Slots Extends Methods Details Author(s) References See Also Examples


Class for all functions of this package with prefix RM, i.e. all functions that generate objects of class RMmodel; direct extension of class function.

Creating Objects

Objects should not be created by the user!



function; the genuine function that generates an object of class RMmodel


character string; specifies the category of RMmodel-function, see Details


character string; specifies whether the corresponding function(s) depend on 1 or 2 variables, see Details


character string; specifies the type of isotropy of the corresponding covariance model, see Details


logical; specifies whether the underlying covariance model is an operator, see Details


character string; specifies the kind of monotonicity of the model


logical; specifies whether the underlying covariance model has finite range, see Details


logical. If TRUE than all the parameters are real valued (or integer valued).


numeric; the maximal dimension, in which the corresponding model is a valid covariance model, see Details


numeric; dimension of the value of the random field at a single fixed location, equals 1 in most cases, see Details


Class function, directly.



signature(x = CLASS_CLIST): returns the structure of x


signature(x = CLASS_CLIST): identical with show-method


signature(x = CLASS_RM): enables accessing the slots via the "["-operator, e.g. x["maxdim"]


signature(x = CLASS_RM): enables replacing the slots via the "["-operator



can be one of the following strings:

'tail correlation function':

indicates that the function returns a tail correlation function (a subclass of the set of positive definite functions)

'positive definite':

indicates that the function returns a covariance function (positive definite function)

'negative definite':

indicates that the function returns a variogram model (negative definite function)


functions of that type determine the class of processes to be simulated

'method for Gauss processes':

methods to simulate Gaussian random fields

'method for Brown-Resnick processes':

methods to simulate Brown-Resnick fields

'point-shape function':

functions of that type determine the distribution of points in space

'distribution family':

e.g. (multivariate) uniform distribution, normal distribution, etc., defined in RandomFields. See RR for a complete list.

'shape function':

functions used in, e.g., M3 processes (RPsmith)


RMtrend or a mixed model


indicates internal models which are usually not visible for the users. These functions are the internal representations of RFsimulate, RFcov, etc. See RF for a complete list.


some models can take different types, depending on the parameter values and/or the submodels

'other type':

very very special internal functions, not belonging to any of the above types.


can be one of the following strings:

'single variable':

Function depending on a single variable


model refers to a kernel, e.g. a non-stationary covariance function

'framework dependent':

domain depends on the calling model


this option is used only internally and should never appear


can be one of the following strings:


indicates that the model is isotropic


indicates that the spatial part of a spatio-temporal model is isotropic


this property refers to space-time models; the model is called zerospaceisotropic if it is isotropic as soon as the time-component is zero


multivariate vector model (flow fields) have a different notion of isotropy


the most basic property of any covariance function or variogram model

'cartesian system', 'earth system', 'spherical system', 'cylinder system':

different coordinate systems


the property f(x) = f(-x)^\top does not hold

'parameter dependent':

indicates that the type of isotropy of the model depends on the parameters passed to the model; in particular parameters may be submodels if an operator model is considered


this option is used only internally and should never appear


if TRUE, the model requires at least one submodel

'mismatch in monotonicity':

used if a statement on the monotonocity does not make sense, e.g. for RRmodels

'submodel dependent monotonicity':

only for operators, e.g. RMS

'previous model dependent monotonicity':

internal; should not be used

'parameter dependent monotonicity':

some models change their properties according to the parameters

'not monotone':

none of the above categories; either the function is not monotone or properties are unknown


isotone or antitone

'Gneiting-Schaback class':

function belonging to Euclid's hat in Gneiting's 1999 paper

'normal mixture':

scale mixture of the Gaussian model

'completely monotone':

completely monotone function


Bernstein function

Note that

  • 'not monotone' includes 'monotone' and 'Bernstein'

  • 'monotone' includes 'Gneiting-Schaback class'

  • 'Gneiting-Schaback class' includes 'normal mixture'

  • 'normal mixture' includes 'completely monotone'


if TRUE, the covariance of the model has finite range


if a positive integer, maxdim gives the maximum dimension in which the model is a valid covariance model, can be Inf; maxdim=-1 means that the actual maxdim depends on the parameters; maxdim=-2 means that the actual maxdim depends on the submodel(s)


if a positive integer, vdim gives the dimension of the random field, i.e. univariate, bi-variate, ...; vdim=-1 means that the actual vdim depends on the parameters; vdim=-2 means that the actual vdim depends on the submodel(s)


Alexander Malinowski, \martin


See Also

RMmodel, RFgetModelNames


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

RandomFields documentation built on Jan. 19, 2022, 1:06 a.m.