Bayesian | Bayesian Spatial Modelling |
BRmethods | Simulation methods for Brown-Resnick processes |
ca20 | Calcium content in soil samples |
Changings | Documentation of some further changings |
conventional2RFspDataFrame | Coercion to class 'RFsp' objects |
CoordinateSystems | Coordinate systems |
fitgauss | Details on fitting Gaussian random fields, including Box-Cox... |
GaussianFields | Methods for Gaussian Random Fields |
internal | Internal functions |
MajorRevisions | Documentation of major changings |
obsolete2 | Obsolete functions Version 2 |
obsolete3 | Obsolete functions Version 3 |
papers | Papers involving 'RandomFields' and co-authored by M.... |
papers.GSPSJ06 | Fast and Exact Simulation of Large Gaussian Lattice Systems... |
papers.jss14 | Covariance models for multivariate and vector-valued fields |
papers.S02 | Models for stationary max-stable random fields |
papers.S10 | On some covariance models based on normal scale mixtures |
papers.SBS14 | Systematic co-occurrence of tail correlation functions among... |
papers.SS11 | Covariance Models for Random Vector Fields |
plot-method | Methods for function 'plot' in package 'RandomFields' |
PrintModelList | Information about the implemented covariance models |
QMath | Transformation of coordinate systems |
RandomFields | Simulation and Analysis of Random Fields |
RC | Constants used in RandomFields (RC constants) |
RF | Evaluation operators (RF commands) |
RFboxcox | Linear part of 'RMmodel' |
RFcov | (Cross-)Covariance function |
RFcovmatrix | Covariance matrix |
RFcrossvalidate | Fitting model parameters to spatial data (regionalised... |
RFdistr | Evaluating distribution families |
RFempVariog-class | Class 'RFempVariog' |
RFfctn | Evaluate Covariance and Variogram Functions |
RFfit | Fitting model parameters to spatial data (regionalised... |
RFfit-class | Class 'RFfit' |
RFfitOptimiser | Optimisers for fitting model parameters to spatial data |
RFformula | RFformula - syntax to design random field models with trend... |
RFformulaAdvanced | Advanced RFformula |
RFfractaldim | RFfractaldimension |
RFgetMethodNames | Simulation Techniques |
RFgetModel | Internally stored model |
RFgetModelInfo | Information on RMmodels |
RFgetModelNames | Names of implemented covariance and variogram models |
RFgridDataFrame-class | Class 'RFgridDataFrame' |
RFgui | Graphical User Interface For Fitting Covariance Models And... |
RFhurst | Hurst coefficient |
RFinterpolate | Interpolation methods |
RFlinearpart | Linear part of 'RMmodel' |
RFloglikelihood | Likelihood and estimation of linear models |
RFmadogram | Empirical (Cross-)Madogram |
RFoldstyle | RFoldstyle |
RFoptions | Setting control arguments |
RFoptionsAdvanced | Setting control arguments of 'RandomFields' - advanced... |
RFpar | Graphical parameters for plots |
RFpointsDataFrame-class | Class 'RFpointsDataFrame' |
RFpseudomadogram | Empirical Pseudomadogram |
RFpseudovariogram | Pseudovariogram |
RFratiotest | Likelihood ratio test |
RFsimulate | Simulation of Random Fields |
RFsimulateAdvanced | Simulation of Random Fields - Advanced |
RFsimulate.more.examples | Further Examples for the Simulation of Random Fields |
RFsimulate.sophisticated.examples | Sophisticated Examples for the Simulation of Random Fields |
RFspatialGridDataFrame-class | Class "RFspatialGridDataFrame" |
RFspatialPointsDataFrame-class | Class "RFspatialPointsDataFrame" |
RFsp-class | Class 'RFsp' |
RFvariogram | Empirical (Cross-)Variogram |
RM | Overview over classes of 'RMmodels' |
RMangle | Anisotropy matrix given by angle |
RMaskey | Askey model |
RMave | Space-time moving average model |
RMball | RMball |
RMbcw | Model bridging stationary and intrinsically stationary... |
RMbernoulli | Covariance Model for binary field based on a Gaussian field |
RMbessel | Bessel Family Covariance Model |
RMbicauchy | Bivariate Cauchy Model |
RMbigneiting | Gneiting-Wendland Covariance Models |
RMbistable | Bivariate stable Model |
RMbiwm | Full Bivariate Whittle Matern Model |
RMblend | Scale model for a few areas of different scales and/or... |
RMbr2bg | Transformation from Brown-Resnick to Bernoulli |
RMbr2eg | Transformation from Brown-Resnick to Gauss |
RMbrownresnick | Tail correlation function of the Brown-Resnick process |
RMbubble | Bubble model for arbitrary areas of scales |
RMcauchy | Cauchy Family Covariance Model |
RMcauchytbm | Modifications of the Cauchy Family Covariance Model |
RMchoquet | Schoenberg's representation for the classes psi_d and... |
RMcircular | Circular Covariance Model |
RMconstant | Covariance Matrix Constant in Space |
RMcov | Non-stationary covariance model corresponding to a variogram... |
RMcovariate | Model for covariates |
RMcoxisham | Cox Isham Covariance Model |
RMcubic | Cubic Covariance Model |
RMcurlfree | Curlfree Covariance Model |
RMcutoff | Gneiting's modification towards finite range |
RMdagum | Dagum Covariance Model Family |
RMdampedcos | Exponentially Damped Cosine |
RMdeclare | Declaration of dummy variables for statistical inference |
RMdelay | Bivariate Delay Effect |
RMderiv | Gradient of a field |
RMdewijsian | Modified De Wijsian Variogram Model |
RMdivfree | Divfree Covariance Model |
RMeaxxa | Special models for rotation like fields |
RMepscauchy | Generalized Cauchy Family Covariance Model |
RMexp | Exponential Covariance Model |
RMexponential | Exponential operator |
RMfbm | Variogram Model of Fractal Brownian Motion |
RMfix | Fixed Covariance Matrix |
RMfixed | Fixed Effect Model |
RMfractdiff | Fractionally Differenced Process Model |
RMfractgauss | Fractal Gaussian Model Family |
RMgauss | Gaussian Covariance Model |
RMgencauchy | Generalized Cauchy Family Covariance Model |
RMgenfbm | Generalized Fractal Brownian Motion Variogram Model |
RMgengneiting | Gneiting-Wendland Covariance Models |
RMgennsst | Non-Separable Space-Time model |
RMgneiting | Gneiting Covariance Model |
RMgneitingdiff | Gneiting Covariance Model Used as Tapering Function |
RMhyperbolic | Generalized Hyperbolic Covariance Model |
RMiaco | Iaco-Cesare model |
RMid | Identical Model |
RMidmodel | Identical Model |
RMintern | Internal models |
RMintexp | Integral exponential operator |
RMintrinsic | Intrinsic Embedding Covariance Model |
RMkolmogorov | Identical Model |
RMlgd | Local-Global Distinguisher Family Covariance Model |
RMlsfbm | Locally Positive Definite Function Given by the Fractal... |
RMma | Ma operator |
RMmastein | Ma-Stein operator |
RMmatern | Whittle-Matern Covariance Model |
RMmatrix | Matrix operator |
RMmodel | Covariance and Variogram Models in 'RandomFields' (RM... |
RMmodel-class | Class 'RMmodel' |
RMmodelExt-class | Class CLASS_FIT |
RMmodelgenerator-class | Class 'RMmodelgenerator' |
RMmodelsAdvanced | Advanced features of the models |
RMmodelsAuxiliary | Auxiliary and other Models |
RMmodelsMultivariate | Multivariate models |
RMmodelsNonstatationary | Non-stationary features of the models |
RMmodelsSpaceTime | Space-time Covariance Models |
RMmodelsSphere | Covariance models valid on a sphere |
RMmodelsTailcorrelation | Covariance models valid for max-stable random fields |
RMmodelsTrend | Trend Modelling |
RMmppplus | Mixture of shape functions |
RMmqam | multivariate quasi-arithmetic mean |
RMmult | Multiplication of Random Field Models |
RMmultiquad | The Multiquadric Family Covariance Model on the Sphere |
RMnatsc | Natural scale |
RMnonstwm | Non-stationary Whittle-Matern Covariance Model |
RMnsst | Non-Separable Space-Time model |
RMnugget | Nugget Effect Covariance Model |
RMoesting | Variogram Model Similar to Fractal Brownian Motion |
RMparswm | Parsimonious Multivariate Whittle Matern Model |
RMpenta | Penta Covariance Model |
RMplus | Addition of Random Field Models |
RMpoissonpoly | RMpolygon |
RMpolynome | Creating polynomial models |
RMpower | Power operator for Variograms and Covariance functions |
RMprod | Plain scalar product |
RMqam | Quasi-arithmetic mean |
RMqexp | Variant of the exponential model |
RMrational | Rational function |
RMrotat | Rotation matrices |
RMS | Scaling operator |
RMSadvanced | Scaling operator - comments for advanced applications |
RMscale | Scale model for arbitrary areas of scales |
RMschlather | Covariance Model for binary field based on Gaussian field |
RMschur | Schur product |
RMsign | Random sign |
RMsinepower | The Sinepower Covariance Model on the Sphere |
RMspheric | The Spherical Covariance Model |
RMstable | Stable Family / Powered Exponential Model |
RMstein | Stein's non-separable space-time model |
RMstp | Single temporal process |
RMstrokorb | Tail correlation function of the Brown-Resnick process |
RMsum | Plain scalar product |
RMtbm | Turning Bands Method |
RMtrafo | Transformation of coordinate systems |
RMtrend | Trend Model |
RMtruncsupport | Truncating the Support of a Shape Function |
RMuser | User-Defined Function |
RMvector | Vector Covariance Model |
RMwave | Wave Covariance Model / Cardinal Sine |
RP | Models for classes of random fields (RP commands) |
RPbernoulli | Simulation of Binary Random Fields |
RPbrownresnick | Brown-Resnick process |
RPchi2 | Simulation of Chi2 Random Fields |
RPcirculant | Circulant Embedding methods |
RPcoin | Random coin method |
RPdirect | Methods relying on square roots of the covariance matrix |
RPgauss | Simulation of Gaussian Random Fields |
RPhyperplane | Hyperplane method |
RPmaxstable | Simulation of Max-Stable Random Fields |
RPmaxstableAdvanced | Simulation examples of advanced Max-Stable Random Fields |
RPnugget | Method to simulate the Nugget effect |
RPopitz | Extremal t process |
RPpoisson | Simulation of Poisson Random Fields |
RPschlather | Extremal Gaussian process |
RPsequential | Methods relying on square roots of the covariance matrix |
RPsmith | (Mixed) Moving Maxima |
RPspecific | Methods that are specific to certain covariance models |
RPspectral | Spectral turning bands method |
RPt | Simulation of T Random Fields |
RPtbm | Turning Bands method |
RR | Distribution families (RR commands) |
RRdeterm | Degenerate Distributions |
RRdistr | Definition of Distribution Families |
RRgauss | Vector Of Independent Gaussian Random Variables |
RRloc | Location and Scale Modification of A Distribution |
RRmcmc | Random Sample From The Modulus Of A Function |
RRrectangular | Random scaling used with balls |
RRspherical | Random scaling used with balls |
RRunif | Uniform Distribution in Higher Dimensions |
soil | Soil data of North Bavaria, Germany |
sp2RF | Transformation of an 'sp' object to an 'RFsp' object |
weather | Pressure and temperature forecast errors over the Pacific... |
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