RMmodelsAdvanced: Advanced features of the models

Description Details Note Author(s) References See Also Examples


Here, further models and advanced comments for RMmodel are given. See also RFgetModelNames.


Further stationary and isotropic models

RMaskey Askey model (generalized test or triangle model)
RMbcw bridging model between RMcauchy and RMgenfbm
RMbessel Bessel family
RMcircular circular model
RMconstant spatially constant model
RMcubic cubic model (see Chiles and Delfiner)
RMdagum Dagum model
RMdampedcos exponentially damped cosine
RMqexp variant of the exponential model
RMfractdiff fractionally differenced process
RMfractgauss fractional Gaussian noise
RMgengneiting generalized Gneiting model
RMgneitingdiff Gneiting model for tapering
RMhyperbolic generalized hyperbolic model
RMlgd Gneiting's local-global distinguisher
RMlsfbm locally stationary fractal Brownian motion
RMpenta penta model (see Chiles and Delfiner)
RMpower Golubov's model
RMwave cardinal sine

Variogram models (stationary increments/intrinsically stationary)

RMbcw bridging model between RMcauchy and RMgenfbm
RMdewijsian generalized version of the DeWijsian model
RMgenfbm generalized fractal Brownian motion
RMflatpower similar to fractal Brownian motion but always smooth at the origin

General composed models (operators)

Here, composed models are given that can be of any kind (stationary/non-stationary), depending on the submodel.

RMbernoulli Correlation function of a binary field based on a Gaussian field
RMexponential exponential of a covariance model
RMintexp integrated exponential of a covariance model (INCLUDES ma2)
RMpower powered variograms
RMqam Porcu's quasi-arithmetic-mean model
RMS details on the optional transformation arguments (var, scale, Aniso, proj)

Stationary and isotropic composed models (operators)

RMcutoff Gneiting's modification towards finite range
RMintrinsic Stein's modification towards finite range
RMnatsc practical range
RMstein Stein's modification towards finite range
RMtbm Turning bands operator

Stationary space-time models
See RMmodelsSpaceTime.

Non-stationary models
See RMmodelsNonstationary.

Negative definite models that are not variograms

RMsum a non-stationary variogram model

Models related to max-stable random fields (tail correlation functions)
See RMmodelsTailCorrelation.

Other covariance models

RMcov covariance structure given by a variogram
RMfixcov User defined covariance structure
RMuser User defined model

Trend models

Aniso for space transformation (not really trend, but similar)
RMcovariate spatial covariates
RMprod to model variability of the variance
RMpolynome easy modelling of polynomial trends
RMtrend for explicit trend modelling
R.models for implicit trend modelling
R.c for multivariate trend modelling

Auxiliary models
See Auxiliary RMmodels.



Alexander Malinowski; \martin


See Also

RFformula, RM, RMmodels, RMmodelsAuxiliary.


RFoptions(seed=0) ## *ANY* simulation will have the random seed 0; set
##                   RFoptions(seed=NA) to make them all random again

## a non-stationary field with a sharp boundary
## of the differentiabilities
x <- seq(-0.6, 0.6, len=50)
model <- RMwhittle(nu=0.8 + 1.5 * R.is(R.p(new="isotropic"), "<=", 0.5))
z <- RFsimulate(model=model, x, x, n=4)

RandomFields documentation built on Jan. 19, 2022, 1:06 a.m.