
Defines functions sech lnbinary_iv mdydx.ivpml getSummary.effect.ivpml getSummary.ivpml predict.ivpml print.summary.ivpml summary.ivpml print.ivpml logLik.ivpml coef.ivpml df.residual.ivpml vcov.ivpml bread.ivpml estfun.ivpml model.matrix.ivpml terms.ivpml ivpml

Documented in bread.ivpml coef.ivpml df.residual.ivpml estfun.ivpml getSummary.effect.ivpml getSummary.ivpml ivpml logLik.ivpml model.matrix.ivpml predict.ivpml print.ivpml print.summary.ivpml summary.ivpml terms.ivpml vcov.ivpml

#' Estimate Instrumental Variable Probit model by Maximum Likelihood.
#' Estimation of Probit model with one endogenous and continuous variable by Maximum Likelihood. 
#' @name ivpml
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model of the form \code{y ~ x | z} where \code{y} is the binary dependent variable, \code{x} includes the exogenous and the endogenous continuous variable, and \code{z} is the complete set of instruments.  
#' @param data the data of class \code{data.frame}.
#' @param messages if \code{TRUE}, then additional messages for the estimation procedure are displayed. 
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{maxLik}.
#' @param x,object an object of class \code{ivpml}.
#' @param digits the number of digits.
#' @param eigentol the standard errors are only calculated if the ratio of the smallest and largest eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix is less than \code{eigentol}.  Otherwise the Hessian is treated as singular. 
#' @param newdata optionally, a data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict.
#' @param type the type of prediction required. The default, \code{type = xb}, is on the linear prediction. If \code{type = pr}, the predicted probabilities of a positive outcome is returned. Finally, if \code{type = stdp} the standard errors of the linear predictions for each individual is returned.
#' @param asf  if \code{TRUE}, the average structural function is used. This option is not allowed with \code{xb} or \code{stdp}.
#' @author Mauricio Sarrias.
#' @details 
#' The IV probit for cross-sectional data has the following structure:
#' \deqn{
#' y_{1i}^*  = x_i^\top\beta + \gamma y_{2i}+ \epsilon_i,
#' }
#' with
#' \deqn{
#'  y_{2i}  = z_i^\top\delta +  \upsilon_i,   
#' }
#' where \eqn{y_{1i}^*} is the latent (unobserved) dependent variable for individual \eqn{i = 1,...,N}; 
#' \eqn{y_{2i}} is the endogenous continuous variable; \eqn{z_i} is the vector of exogenous variables 
#' which also includes the instruments for \eqn{y_{2i}}; 
#' and \eqn{(\epsilon, \upsilon)} are normal jointly distributed.
#' The model is estimated using the \code{maxLik} function from \code{\link[maxLik]{maxLik}} package using 
#' analytic gradient.
#' @references
#' Greene, W. H. (2012). Econometric Analysis. 7 edition. Prentice Hall.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ 
#' # Data
#' library("AER")
#' data("PSID1976")
#' PSID1976$lfp  <- as.numeric(PSID1976$participation == "yes")
#' PSID1976$kids <- with(PSID1976, factor((youngkids + oldkids) > 0,
#'                                       levels = c(FALSE, TRUE), 
#'                                       labels = c("no", "yes")))
#' # IV probit model by MLE
#' # (nwincome is endogenous and heducation is the additional instrument)
#' PSID1976$nwincome <- with(PSID1976, (fincome - hours * wage)/1000)
#' fiml.probit <- ivpml(lfp ~  education + experience + I(experience^2) + age + 
#'                             youngkids + oldkids + nwincome |
#'                             education + experience + I(experience^2) + age + 
#'                             youngkids + oldkids + heducation, 
#'                      data = PSID1976)
#' summary(fiml.probit)
#' }
#' @import Formula maxLik stats
#' @keywords models
#' @export
ivpml <- function(formula, data, messages = TRUE, ...){
  callT  <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
  callF  <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  nframe <- length(sys.calls())
  # ============================-
  # 1. Model frame ----
  # ============================-
  mf         <- callT
  m          <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), 0)
  mf         <- mf[c(1, m)]
  f          <- Formula(formula)
  if (length(f)[2L] < 2L) stop("No instruments in the second part of formula")
  mf$formula <- f
  mf[[1]]    <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf         <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  # ============================-
  # 2. Variables----
  # ============================-
  y1    <- model.response(mf)
  y.var <- f[[2]]
  X     <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 1)
  Z     <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 2)
  y2    <- X[, !(colnames(X) %in% colnames(Z)), drop = FALSE]
  if (ncol(Z) < ncol(X)) stop("Model underidentified: check your variables in formula")
  if (messages && (ncol(Z) == ncol(X))) cat("\nEstimating a just identified model....\n")
  if (messages && (ncol(Z) > ncol(X)))  cat("\nEstimating an overidentified model....\n")
  end.var     <- colnames(y2)
  instruments <- colnames(Z)
  if (length(end.var) > 1L) stop("ivpml only works with one endogenous variable")
  # Check dependent variable
  if (!all(y1 %in% c( 0, 1, TRUE, FALSE))){
    stop( "all dependent variables must be either 0, 1, TRUE, or FALSE")
  if (!is.numeric(y1)) y1 <- as.numeric(y1) 
  # ============================-
  # 3. Initial values----
  # ============================-
  # These are different as those in STATA for the first equation
  if (messages) cat("\nObtaining starting values from probit and linear model...\n")
  probit       <- glm.fit(X, y1,  family = binomial("probit"))
  linear       <- lm.fit(Z, y2)
  sigma2       <- sum(resid(linear) ^ 2) / linear$df.residual
  lnsigma      <- log(sqrt(sigma2))
  rho          <- cor(resid(linear), resid(probit))
  athrho       <- 0.5 * log((1 + rho)/(1 - rho))
  start        <- c(coef(probit), coef(linear), lnsigma, athrho)
  nam_prob     <- paste(y.var, colnames(X), sep = ":")
  nam_lin      <- paste(end.var, colnames(Z), sep = ":")
  names(start) <- c(nam_prob, nam_lin,  "lnsigma", "atanhrho")
  # ============================-
  # 4. Optimization----
  # ============================-
  if (is.null(callT$method))  callT$method   <- 'nr'
  opt <- callT
  m   <- match(c("print.level", "ftol", "tol", "reltol",
                 "gradtol", "steptol", "lambdatol", "qrtol",
                 "iterlim", "fixed", "activePar", "method", "control", "constraints", "gradient", "hessian"),
               names(opt), 0L)
  opt        <- opt[c(1L, m)]
  opt$start  <- start
  opt[[1]]   <- as.name('maxLik')
  opt$logLik <- as.name('lnbinary_iv')
  opt[c('y1', 'y2', 'X', 'Z')] <- list(as.name('y1'), as.name('y2'), as.name('X'), as.name('Z'))
  out <- eval(opt, sys.frame(which = nframe))
  # ============================-
  # 5. Save results----
  # ============================-
  out$end.var     <- end.var
  out$y.var       <- y.var
  out$instruments <- instruments
  out$formula     <- f
  out$mf          <- mf
  out$call        <- callT
  #class(out)      <- c("ivpml", "maxLik", class(out))
  class(out)      <- c("ivpml", class(out)) # JSS reviewer

# S3 method for ivpml class ----

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method terms ivpml
#' @export
terms.ivpml <- function(x, ...){

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method model.matrix ivpml
#' @import stats
#' @export
model.matrix.ivpml <- function(object, ...){
  f   <- object$formula
  mf  <- object$mf
  X   <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 1)
  Z   <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 2)
  y2  <- X[, !(colnames(X) %in% colnames(Z)), drop = FALSE]
  out <- list(X = X, Z = Z, y2 = y2)

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method estfun ivpml
#' @importFrom sandwich estfun
#' @export estfun.ivpml
estfun.ivpml <- function(x, ...){
  class(x) <- c("maxLik", "maxim")
  estfun(x, ...)

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method bread ivpml
#' @importFrom sandwich bread
#' @export bread.ivpml
bread.ivpml <- function(x, ...){
  class(x) <- c("maxLik", "maxim")
  bread(x, ...)

# #' @rdname ivpml
# #' @import stats
# #' @method AIC ivpml
# #' @export
# AIC.ivpml <- function(object, k = 2, ...){
#   -2*logLik(object) + k * length(coef(object))
# }
# #' @rdname ivpml
# #' @import stats
# #' @method BIC ivpml
# #' @export
# BIC.ivpml <- function(object, ...){
#   AIC(object, k = log(nrow(object$gradientObs)), ...)
# }

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method vcov ivpml
#' @import stats
#' @export 
vcov.ivpml <- function(object, ...){
  class(object) <- c("maxLik", "maxim")
  vcov(object, ...)

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @import stats
df.residual.ivpml <- function(object, ...){
  return(row(object$gradientObs) - length(coef(object)))

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @export
coef.ivpml <- function(object, ...){
  class(object) <- c("maxLik", "maxim")
  coef(object, ...)

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @export 
logLik.ivpml <- function(object, ...){
  structure(object$maximum, df = length(coef(object)), nobs = nrow(object$gradientObs), class = "logLik")

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method print ivpml
#' @import stats
#' @export 
print.ivpml <- function(x, ...){
  cat("Maximum Likelihood estimation\n")
  cat(maximType(x), ", ", nIter(x), " iterations\n", sep = "")
  cat("Return code ", returnCode(x), ": ", returnMessage(x), 
      "\n", sep = "")
  if (!is.null(x$estimate)) {
    cat("Log-Likelihood:", x$maximum)
    cat(" (", sum(activePar(x)), " free parameter(s))\n", 
        sep = "")
    cat("Estimate(s):", x$estimate, "\n")

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method summary ivpml
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom miscTools stdEr
#' @export
summary.ivpml <- function(object, eigentol = 1e-12, ...){
  result <- object$maxim
  nParam <- length(coef(object))
  activePar <- activePar(object)
  if ((object$code < 100) & !is.null(coef(object))) {
    t <- coef(object)/stdEr(object, eigentol = eigentol)
    p <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(t))
    t[!activePar(object)] <- NA
    p[!activePar(object)] <- NA
    results <- cbind(Estimate = coef(object), `Std. error` = stdEr(object, 
                                                                   eigentol = eigentol), `z value` = t, `Pr(> z)` = p)
  else {
    results <- NULL
  summary <- list(maximType = object$type, iterations = object$iterations, 
                  returnCode = object$code, returnMessage = object$message, 
                  loglik = object$maximum, estimate = results, fixed = !activePar, 
                  NActivePar = sum(activePar), constraints = object$constraints, 
                  end.var = object$end.var, instruments = object$instruments)
  class(summary) <- "summary.ivpml"

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method print summary.ivpml
#' @import stats
#' @export
print.summary.ivpml <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),
  cat("Maximum Likelihood estimation of IV Probit model \n")
  cat(maximType(x), ", ", nIter(x), " iterations\n", sep = "")
  cat("Return code ", returnCode(x), ": ", returnMessage(x), 
      "\n", sep = "")
  if (!is.null(x$estimate)) {
    cat("Log-Likelihood:", x$loglik, "\n")
    cat(x$NActivePar, " free parameters\n")
    printCoefmat(x$estimate, digits = digits)
    cat("\nInstrumented:", x$end.var)
    cat("\nInstruments:",  x$instruments, "\n")
    cat("Wald test of exogeneity (corr = 0): chi2", round(x$estimate["atanhrho",3]^2, 2),
        "with 1 df. Prob > chi2 = ", round(pchisq(x$estimate["atanhrho",3]^2,1, lower.tail =  FALSE), 4), "\n")
  if (!is.null(x$constraints)) {
    cat("\nWarning: constrained likelihood estimation.", 
        "Inference is probably wrong\n")
    cat("Constrained optimization based on", x$constraints$type, 
    if (!is.null(x$constraints$code)) 
      cat("Return code:", x$constraints$code, "\n")
    if (!is.null(x$constraints$message)) 
      cat(x$constraints$message, "\n")
    cat(x$constraints$outer.iterations, " outer iterations, barrier value", 
        x$constraints$barrier.value, "\n")

# Effects and other functions ----

#' @rdname ivpml
#' @method predict ivpml
#' @export
predict.ivpml <- function(object, newdata = NULL, 
                          type = c("xb", "pr", "stdp"), 
                          asf = TRUE, 
  # xb: linear prediction excluding endogeneity; the default
  # pr: probability of a positive outcome
  # stdp: standard error of the linear prediction
  # asf: average structural function; the default. This option
  #     is not allowed with xb or stdp
  type  <- match.arg(type)
  mf    <- if (is.null(newdata)) object$mf else newdata
  f     <- object$formula
  X     <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 1)
  Z     <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 2)
  y2    <- X[, !(colnames(X) %in% colnames(Z)), drop = FALSE]
  K        <- ncol(X)
  P        <- ncol(Z)
  param    <- coef(object)
  beta     <- param[1L:K]
  delta    <- param[(K + 1L):(K + P)]
  lnsigma  <- param[(K + P + 1L)]
  atanhrho <- tail(param, n = 1L)
  sigma    <- exp(lnsigma)
  rho      <- tanh(atanhrho)
  index1   <- crossprod(t(X), beta)
  index2   <- crossprod(t(Z), delta)
  mi       <- (index1 + (rho / sigma) * (y2 - index2)) / sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)
  if (type == "pr"){
    if (asf){
      out <- as.vector(pnorm(mi))
    } else {
      out <- as.vector(pnorm(index1))
  if (type == "xb"){
     out <- as.vector(index1)
  if (type == "stdp"){
     out <- c()
     for (i in 1:nrow(X)){
       out <- c(out, sqrt(X[i, , drop = F]%*% vcov(object)[1:K, 1:K] %*% t(X[i, , drop = F])))

#' Get Model Summaries for use with "mtable" for objects of class ivpml
#' A generic function to collect coefficients and summary statistics from a \code{ivpml} object. It is used in \code{mtable}
#' @param obj a \code{ivpml} object,
#' @param alpha level of the confidence intervals,
#' @param ... further arguments,
#' @details For more details see package \pkg{memisc}.
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom memisc getSummary
#' @export 
getSummary.ivpml <- function(obj, alpha = 0.05, ...){
  s       <- summary(obj)$estimate
  f       <- obj$formula
  mf      <- obj$mf
  X       <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 1)
  Z       <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 2)
  end.var <- obj$end.var
  y.var   <- obj$y.var
  cf.eq1  <- s[rownames(s) %in% c(paste(y.var, colnames(X), sep = ":"), "lnsigma", "atanhrho"), ]
  cf.eq2  <- s[rownames(s) %in%  paste(end.var, colnames(Z), sep = ":"), ]
  cval    <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
  cf.eq1  <- cbind(cf.eq1, cf.eq1[, 1] - cval * cf.eq1[, 2], cf.eq1[, 1] + cval * cf.eq1[, 2])
  cf.eq2  <- cbind(cf.eq2, cf.eq2[, 1] - cval * cf.eq2[, 2], cf.eq2[, 1] + cval * cf.eq2[, 2])
  rownames(cf.eq1) <- c(colnames(X), "lnsigma", "atanhrho")
  rownames(cf.eq2) <- colnames(Z)
  all.vars    <- unique(c(colnames(X), colnames(Z), "lnsigma", "atanhrho"))
  # Make Table
  coef        <- array(dim = c(length(all.vars), 6, 2), 
                       dimnames = list(all.vars, c("est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr"), c(y.var, end.var)))
  coef[rownames(cf.eq1),,1]    <- cf.eq1
  coef[rownames(cf.eq2),,2]    <- cf.eq2
  # Statistics
  sumstat <- c(logLik = logLik(obj), deviance = NA, AIC = AIC(obj), BIC = BIC(obj), N = nrow(obj$gradientObs), 
               LR = NA, df = NA, p = NA, Aldrich.Nelson = NA, McFadden = NA, Cox.Snell = NA)
  list(coef = coef, sumstat = sumstat, contrasts = obj$contrasts, xlevels = obj$xlevels, call = obj$call)

#### Effects

#' Get Model Summaries for use with "mtable" for objects of class effect.ivpml
#' A generic function to collect coefficients and summary statistics from a \code{effect.ivpml} object. It is used in \code{mtable}
#' @param obj an \code{effect.ivpml} object,
#' @param alpha level of the confidence intervals,
#' @param ... further arguments,
#' @details For more details see package \pkg{memisc}.
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom memisc getSummary
#' @export
getSummary.effect.ivpml <- function(obj, alpha = 0.05, ...){
  cf             <- summary(obj)$CoefTable
  cval           <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)
  coef           <- cbind(cf, cf[, 1] - cval * cf[, 2], cf[, 1] + cval * cf[, 2])
  dim(coef)      <- c(dim(coef)[1], dim(coef)[2], 1)
  dimnames(coef) <- list(rownames(cf), c("est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr"), all.vars(obj$formula)[1])
  #colnames(coef) <- c("est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr")
  # Statistics
  sumstat <- c(logLik = obj$maximum, deviance = NA, AIC = NA, BIC = NA, N = nrow(obj$gradientObs), 
               LR = NA, df = NA, p = NA, Aldrich.Nelson = NA, McFadden = NA, Cox.Snell = NA)
  list(coef = coef, sumstat = sumstat, contrasts = NULL, xlevels = NULL, call = obj$call)

mdydx.ivpml <- function(coeff, object, asf){
  f     <- object$formula
  mf    <- object$mf
  X     <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 1)
  Z     <- model.matrix(f, data = mf, rhs = 2)
  y2    <- X[, !(colnames(X) %in% colnames(Z)), drop = FALSE]
  bhat  <- coeff
  sigma <- exp(bhat["lnsigma"])
  rho   <- tanh(bhat["atanhrho"])
  r     <- (rho / sigma)
  sr    <- sqrt(1 - rho^2)
  K     <- ncol(X)
  P     <- ncol(Z)
  beta  <- bhat[1L:K]
  delta <- bhat[(K + 1L):(K + P)]
  # Obtain classes    
  all.var  <- all.vars(formula(f, rhs = 1))[-1L]
  classes  <- rep("numeric", length(all.var))
  class.mf <- attributes(terms(mf))[["dataClasses"]][-1L]
  classes[paste0("factor(", all.var, ")") %in% names(class.mf)]  <- class.mf[names(class.mf) %in% paste0("factor(", all.var, ")")]
  names(beta) <- colnames(X)
  ## Compute marginal effects
  mes      <- c()
  mes.name <- c()
  for (k in 1:length(all.var)){
    if (classes[k] == "numeric") {
      xb       <- crossprod(t(X), beta)
      upsilon  <- y2 - crossprod(t(Z), delta)
      mi       <- (xb + r * upsilon) / sr
      bk       <- make.inter.num(all.var[k], names(beta), beta, X)
      if (asf) {
        me <- dnorm(mi) * bk / sr
      } else {
        me <- dnorm(xb) * bk
      mes     <- cbind(mes, me)
      mes.name <- c(mes.name, all.var[k])
    if (classes[k] == "factor"){
      levs <- attributes(mf[, paste0("factor(", all.var[k], ")")])$levels
      levs <- levs[-1L]
      ## Make P0
      beta.temp  <- beta
      vb <- make.inter.factor(all.var[k], names(beta), levs)
      if (any(vb$names %in% names(beta)))  beta.temp[names(beta)   %in% vb$names] <- 0
      xb       <- crossprod(t(X), beta.temp)
      upsilon  <- y2 - crossprod(t(Z), delta)
      mi       <- (xb + r * upsilon) / sr
      p0       <- pnorm(mi)
      for (j in 1:length(levs)){
        ## Make P1
        Xtemp  <- X
        if (any(vb$names %in% names(beta)))   Xtemp[, names(beta)  %in% vb$names] <- 0 
        vbj <- make.inter.factor(all.var[k], names(beta), levs[j])
        if (any(vbj$names %in% names(beta)))  Xtemp[, names(beta) %in% vbj$names] <- X[, vbj$names.inte] 
        if (vbj$names[1] %in% names(beta))    Xtemp[, names(beta) %in% vbj$names[1]] <- 1
        xbt <- crossprod(t(Xtemp), beta)
        mit <- (xbt + r * upsilon) / sr
        p1  <- pnorm(mit)
        me  <- p1 - p0
        mes <- cbind(mes, me)
        mes.name <- c(mes.name, paste0("factor(",all.var[k],")",levs[j], sep = ""))
  colnames(mes) <- mes.name 
  mes <- colMeans(mes)

#### Likelihood function ----
#' @importFrom utils tail
lnbinary_iv <- function(param, y1, y2, X, Z, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE){
  # Likelihood function for binary Probit IV model with cross-sectional 
  #   data and one continuous endogenous variable
  F        <- pnorm
  f        <- dnorm
  #ff       <- function(x) -x * dnorm(x)
  K        <- ncol(X)
  P        <- ncol(Z)
  beta     <- param[1L:K]
  delta    <- param[(K + 1L):(K + P)]
  lnsigma  <- param[(K + P + 1L)]
  atanhrho <- tail(param, n = 1L)
  sigma    <- exp(lnsigma)
  rho      <- tanh(atanhrho)
  index1   <- crossprod(t(X), beta)
  index2   <- crossprod(t(Z), delta)
  q        <- 2 * y1 - 1
  ai       <- as.numeric(q * (index1 + (rho / sigma) * (y2 - index2)) / sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2))
  P1       <- F(ai)
  bi       <- as.numeric((y2 - index2) / sigma)
  P2       <- (1 / sigma) * f(bi)
  Pi       <- pmax(P1 * P2, .Machine$double.eps)
  Li       <- log(Pi)
  if (gradient){
    m        <- function(x) f(x) / F(x)
    gb       <-  X * (m(ai) * q  / sqrt(1 - rho^2))
    gd       <-  Z * (- m(ai) * q * (rho / sigma) / sqrt(1 - rho^2) + (bi / sigma))
    glnsigma <- -(m(ai) * q * rho / sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)) * bi + bi^2 - 1
    gathrho  <- m(ai) * q * (index1 * rho + bi) / sqrt(sech(atanhrho)^2) 
    attr(Li,'gradient') <- cbind(gb, gd, glnsigma, gathrho)
  if (hessian){
    h <- function(x) - x * m(x) - m(x)^2
    H <- matrix(0, K + P + 2, K + P + 2)
    cqr <- q / sqrt(1 - rho^2)
    bb <- h(ai) * cqr^2
    H[1:K, 1:K] <- crossprod(bb * X, X)
    bd <- - h(ai) * cqr^2 * (rho / sigma)
    H[1:K, (K + 1):(K + P)] <- crossprod(bd * X, Z)
    bls <- -h(ai) * cqr^2 * rho * bi
    H[1:K, (K + P + 1)] <- colSums(bls * X)
    bt <- h(ai) * cqr * (q * (index1 * rho + bi) / sqrt(sech(atanhrho)^2))
    H[1:K, (K + P + 2)] <- colSums(as.numeric(bt) * X)
    H[(K + 1):(K + P), 1:K] <- t(H[1:K, (K + 1):(K + P)])
    cqr2 <- q  * (rho / sigma) / sqrt(1 - rho^2)
    dd <- h(ai) * cqr2^2 - (1 / sigma^2)
    H[(K + 1):(K + P), (K + 1):(K + P)] <- crossprod(dd * Z, Z)
    dls <- (bi / sigma)* (h(ai)* (q * rho / sqrt(1 - rho^2))^2 -2)      
    H[(K + 1):(K + P), (K + P + 1)] <- colSums(dls * Z)
    dt <- -h(ai) * cqr2 * (q * (index1 * rho + bi) / sqrt(sech(atanhrho)^2))
    H[(K + 1):(K + P), (K + P + 2)] <- colSums(as.numeric(dt) * Z)
    H[(K + P + 1), 1:K]<- t(H[1:K, (K + P + 1)])
    H[(K + P + 1), (K + 1):(K + P)] <- t(H[(K + 1):(K + P), (K + P + 1)]) 
    H[K + P  + 1, K + P + 1] <- sum(h(ai) * (q * rho * bi / sqrt(1 - rho^2))^2 + m(ai) * (q * rho * bi / sqrt(1 - rho^2)) - 2 * bi^2)
    H[K + P  + 1, K + P + 2] <- sum(- bi * (h(ai) * (q * rho / sqrt(1 - rho^2)) *  (q * (index1 * rho + bi) / sqrt(sech(atanhrho)^2)) + m(ai) * (q / sqrt(sech(atanhrho)^2))))
    H[K + P + 2, 1:K] <- t(H[1:K, (K + P + 2)])
    H[K + P + 2, (K + 1):(K + P)] <- t(H[(K + 1):(K + P), (K + P + 2)])
    H[K + P + 2, K + P + 1] <- H[K + P  + 1, K + P + 2]
    H[K + P + 2, K + P + 2] <- sum(h(ai) * (q * (index1 * rho + bi) / sqrt(sech(atanhrho)^2))^2 + q * m(ai) * (index1 + bi * rho)/sqrt(sech(atanhrho)^2))
    attr(Li, 'hessian') <- H

sech <- function(x) 1 / cosh(x)

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Rchoice documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:13 p.m.