#' @title Estimate abundance from distance-sampling data
#' @description Estimate abundance (or density) given an estimated detection
#' function and supplemental information on observed group sizes, transect
#' lengths, area surveyed, etc. Also computes confidence intervals on
#' abundance (or density) using a the bias corrected bootstrap method.
#' @param dfunc An estimated 'dfunc' object produced by \code{dfuncEstim}.
#' @inheritParams dfuncEstim
#' @param area A scalar containing the total area of
#' inference. Commonly, this is study area size.
#' If \code{area} is NULL (the default),
#' \code{area} will be set to 1 square unit of the output units and this
#' produces abundance estimates equal density estimates.
#' If \code{area} is not NULL, it must have measurement units
#' assigned by the \code{units} package.
#' The units on \code{area} must be convertible
#' to squared output units. Units
#' on \code{area} must be two-dimensional.
#' For example, if output units are "foo",
#' units on area must be convertible to "foo^2" by the \code{units}
#' package.
#' Units of "km^2", "cm^2", "ha", "m^2", "acre", "mi^2", and many
#' others are acceptable.
#' @param singleSided Logical scaler. If only one side of the transect was
#' observed, set \code{singleSided} = TRUE. If both sides of line-transects were
#' observed, \code{singleSided} = FALSE. Some surveys
#' observe only one side of transect lines for a variety of logistical reasons.
#' For example, some aerial line-transect surveys place observers on only one
#' side of the aircraft. This parameter effects only line-transects. When
#' \code{singleSided} = TRUE, surveyed area is halved and the density
#' estimator's denominator (see \bold{Details})
#' is \eqn{(ESW)(L)}, not \eqn{2(ESW)(L)}.
#' @param ci A scalar indicating the confidence level of confidence intervals.
#' Confidence intervals are computed using a bias corrected bootstrap
#' method. If \code{ci = NULL}, confidence intervals are not computed.
#' @param R The number of bootstrap iterations to conduct when \code{ci} is not
#' NULL.
#' @param lengthColumn Character string specifying the (single) column in
#' \code{siteData} that contains transect lengths. This is ignored if
#' \code{pointSurvey} = TRUE. This column must have measurement units.
#' @param A logical scalar indicating whether to plot individual
#' bootstrap iterations.
#' @param showProgress A logical indicating whether to show a text-based
#' progress bar during bootstrapping. Default is \code{TRUE}.
#' It is handy to shut off the
#' progress bar if running this within another function. Otherwise,
#' it is handy to see progress of the bootstrap iterations.
#' @details The abundance estimate for line-transect surveys (if no covariates
#' are included in the detection function and both sides of the transect
#' were observed) is
#' \deqn{N =\frac{n(A)}{2(ESW)(L)}}{%
#' N = n*A / (2*ESW*L)}
#' where \emph{n} is total number of sighted individuals
#' (i.e., \code{sum(dfunc$detections$groupSizes)}), \emph{L} is the total length of
#' surveyed transect (i.e., \code{sum(siteData[,lengthColumn])}),
#' and \emph{ESW} is effective strip width
#' computed from the estimated distance function (i.e., \code{ESW(dfunc)}).
#' If only one side of transects were observed, the "2" in the denominator
#' is not present (or, replaced with a "1").
#' The abundance estimate for point transect surveys (if no covariates are
#' included) is
#' \deqn{N =\frac{n(A)}{\pi(ESR^2)(P)}}{%
#' N = n*A / ((3.1415)*ESR^2*(P))}
#' where \emph{n} is total number of sighted individuals,
#' \emph{P} is the total number of surveyed points,
#' and \emph{ESR} is effective search radius
#' computed from the estimated distance function (i.e., \code{ESR(dfunc)}).
#' Setting \code{} and \code{showProgress=FALSE}
#' suppresses all intermediate output.
#' @section Bootstrap Confidence Intervals:
#' The bootstrap confidence interval for abundance
#' assumes that the fundamental units of
#' replication (lines or points, hereafter "sites") are independent.
#' The bias corrected bootstrap
#' method used here resamples the units of replication (sites),
#' refits the distance function, and estimates abundance using
#' the resampled counts and re-estimated distance function.
#' The original data frames, \code{detectionData} and \code{siteData},
#' are needed here for bootstrapping because they contain the transect
#' and detection information.
#' If a double-observer data
#' frame is included in \code{dfunc}, rows of the double-observer data frame
#' are re-sampled each bootstrap iteration.
#' This routine does not
#' re-select the distance model fitted to resampled data. The
#' model in the input object is re-fitted every iteration.
#' By default, \code{R} = 500 iterations are performed, after which the bias
#' corrected confidence intervals are computed (Manly, 1997, section 3.4).
#' During bootstrap iterations, the distance function can fail
#' to converge on the resampled data. An iteration can fail
#' to converge for a two reasons:
#' (1) no detections on the iteration, and (2) bad configuration
#' of distances on the iteration which pushes parameters to their
#' bounds. When an iteration fails to produce a valid
#' distance function, \code{Rdistance}
#' simply skips the intration, effectively ignoring these
#' non-convergent iterations.
#' If the proportion of non-convergent iterations is small
#' (less than 20% by default), the resulting confidence interval
#' on abundance is
#' probably valid. If the proportion of non-convergent iterations
#' is not small (exceeds 20% by default), a warning is issued.
#' The print method (\code{print.abund}) is the routine that issues this
#' warning. The warning can be
#' turned off by setting \code{maxBSFailPropForWarning} in the
#' print method to 1.0, or by modifying the code in \code{RdistanceControls()}
#' to re-set the default threshold and storing the modified
#' function in your \code{.GlobalEnv}. Additional iterations may be needed
#' to achieve an adequate number. Check number of convergent iterations by
#' counting non-NA rows in output data frame 'B'.
#' @section Missing Transect Lengths:
#' \bold{Line transects}: The transect length column of \code{siteData} can contain missing values.
#' NA length transects are equivalent
#' to 0 [m] transects and do not count toward total surveyed units. NA length
#' transects are handy if some off-transect distance observations should be included
#' when estimating the distance function, but not when estimating abundance.
#' To do this, include the "extra" distance observations in the detection data frame, with valid
#' site IDs, but set the length of those site IDs to NA in the site data frame.
#' Group sizes associated with NA length transects are dropped and not counted toward density
#' or abundance. Among other things, this allows estimation of abundance on one
#' study area using off-transect distance observations from another.
#' \bold{Point transects}: Point transects do not have length. The "length" of point transects
#' is the number of points on the transect. \code{Rdistance} treats individual points as independent
#' and bootstrap resampmles them to estimate variance. To include distance obervations
#' from some points but not the number of targets seen, include a separate "length" column
#' in the site data frame with NA for the "extra" points. Like NA length line transects,
#' NA "length" point transects are dropped from the count of points and group sizes on these
#' transects are dropped from the counts of targets. This allows users to estimate their distance
#' function on one set of observations while inflating counts from another set of observations.
#' A transect "length" column is not required for point transects. Values in the \code{lengthColumn}
#' do not matter except for NA (e.g., a column of 1's mixed with NA's is acceptable).
#' @return An 'abundance estimate' object, which is a list of
#' class \code{c("abund", "dfunc")}, containing all the components of a "dfunc"
#' object (see \code{\link{dfuncEstim}}), plus the following:
#' \item{density}{Estimated density on the sampled area with units. The \emph{effectively}
#' sampled area is 2*L*ESW (not 2*L*w.hi). Density has squared units of the
#' requested output units. Convert density to other units with
#' \code{units::set_units(x$density, "<units>").}}
#' \item{n.hat}{Estimated abundance on the study area (if \code{area} >
#' 1) or estimated density on the study area (if \code{area} = 1), without units.}
#' \item{n}{The number of detections (not individuals, unless all group sizes = 1)
#' on non-NA length transects
#' used to compute density and abundance.}
#' \item{n.seen}{The total number of individuals seen on transects with non-NA
#' length. Sum of group sizes used
#' to estimate density and abundance.}
#' \item{area}{Total area of inference in squared output units.}
#' \item{surveyedUnits}{The total length of sampled transect with units. This is the sum
#' of the \code{lengthColumn} column of \code{siteData}. }
#' \item{}{Average group size on transects with non-NA length transects.}
#' \item{}{Minimum and maximum groupsizes observed on non-NA length transects.}
#' \item{effDistance}{A vector containing effective sample distance. If covariates
#' are not included, length of this vector is 1 because effective sampling distance
#' is constant over detections. If covariates are included, this vector has length
#' equal to the number of detections (i.e., \code{x$n}). This vector was produced
#' by a call to \code{effectiveDistance()} with \code{newdata} set to NULL.}
#' \item{}{A vector containing the lower and upper limits of the
#' bias corrected bootstrap confidence interval for
#' abundance. }
#' \item{}{A vector containing the lower and upper limits of the
#' bias corrected bootstrap confidence interval for
#' density, with units.
#' }
#' \item{}{A vector containing the lower and upper limits of the
#' bias corrected bootstrap confidence interval for \emph{average}
#' effective sampling distance.
#' }
#' \item{B}{A data frame containing bootstrap values of coefficients,
#' density, and effective distances. Number of rows is always
#' \code{R}, the requested number of bootstrap
#' iterations. If a particular iteration did not converge, the
#' corresponding row in \code{B} is \code{NA} (hence, use 'na.rm = TRUE'
#' when computing summaries). Columns 1 through \code{length(coef(dfunc))}
#' contain bootstrap realizations of the distance function's coefficients.
#' The second to last column contains bootstrap values of
#' density (with units). The last column of B contains bootstrap
#' values of effective sampling distance or radius (with units). If the
#' distance function contains covariates,
#' the effective sampling distance column is the average
#' effective distance over detections
#' used during the associated bootstrap iteration. }
#' \item{nItersConverged}{The number of bootstrap iterations that converged. }
#' \item{alpha}{The (scalar) confidence level of the
#' confidence interval for \code{n.hat}.}
#' @references Manly, B.F.J. (1997) \emph{Randomization, bootstrap, and
#' Monte-Carlo methods in biology}, London: Chapman and Hall.
#' Buckland, S.T., D.R. Anderson, K.P. Burnham, J.L. Laake, D.L. Borchers,
#' and L. Thomas. (2001) \emph{Introduction to distance sampling: estimating
#' abundance of biological populations}. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
#' @seealso \code{\link{dfuncEstim}}, \code{\link{autoDistSamp}}.
#' @examples
#' # Load example sparrow data (line transect survey type)
#' data(sparrowDetectionData)
#' data(sparrowSiteData)
#' # Fit half-normal detection function
#' dfunc <- dfuncEstim(formula=dist ~ groupsize(groupsize)
#' , detectionData=sparrowDetectionData
#' , likelihood="halfnorm"
#' , w.hi=units::set_units(100, "m")
#' )
#' # Estimate abundance given a detection function
#' # No variance on density or abundance estimated here
#' # due to time constraints. Set ci=0.95 (or another value)
#' # to estimate bootstrap variances on ESW, density, and abundance.
#' fit <- abundEstim(dfunc
#' , detectionData = sparrowDetectionData
#' , siteData = sparrowSiteData
#' , area = units::set_units(4105, "km^2")
#' , ci = NULL
#' )
#' @keywords model
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats coef qnorm pnorm quantile
#' @importFrom graphics lines par
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
abundEstim <- function(dfunc
, detectionData
, siteData
, area=NULL
, singleSided = FALSE
, ci=0.95
, R=500
, lengthColumn = "length"
, showProgress=TRUE
, control = RdistanceControls()
# A note on 'bysite' ----
# I left vestages of the 'bysite' code in this function because I may want
# to re-include bysite capabilities in a future release. For now, can't do
# bysite = TRUE.
# Check for transectID columns (specified in dfuncEstim) ----
siteID.cols <- dfunc$siteID.cols
if(!all(siteID.cols %in% names(detectionData))) {
mess <- paste0("Transect ID column(s) '"
, paste( siteID.cols[!(siteID.cols %in% names(detectionData))], collapse = ", ")
, "' not found in data frame "
, deparse(substitute(detectionData))
if(!all(siteID.cols %in% names(siteData))) {
mess <- paste0("Transect ID column(s) '"
, paste( siteID.cols[!(siteID.cols %in% names(siteData))], collapse = ", ")
, "' not found in data frame "
, deparse(substitute(siteData))
# It is okay to have NA in distance column
# Check for NA in transect id columns of detectionData
if(any([, siteID.cols]))){
stop(paste0("Please remove NA rows from transect ID column(s) "
, paste(siteID.cols, collapse = ", ")
, " in data frame "
, deparse(substitute(detectionData))
, "."))
# Check for NA in transect id columns of siteData
if(any([, siteID.cols]))){
stop(paste0("Please remove NA rows from transect ID column(s) "
, paste(siteID.cols, collapse = ", ")
, " in data frame "
, deparse(substitute(siteData))
, "."))
# Check for presence of length column and NA's ----
if(!(lengthColumn %in% names(siteData))){
stop(paste0("Transect length column, '"
, lengthColumn
, "', is not present in data frame "
, deparse(substitute(siteData))
, ". Did you forget to specify 'lengthColumn'?"
# Check if siteIDs are unique
if((d <- anyDuplicated(siteData[, siteID.cols])) > 0){
stop(paste0("Site IDs must be unique in data frame "
, deparse(substitute(siteData))
, ". Values on row "
, d
, " are duplicated somewhere."))
# ---- Check CI - bySite combination ----
# (jdc) this function isn't setup to generate bootstrap CIs of site-level abundance
# (jdc) so allowing bySite=TRUE and !is.null(ci) is misleading, and throws an error
# (jdc) in the bias-correction stage because ans$n.hat has the wrong dimensions
if (bySite & !is.null(ci)) {
warning("The CI option in this function generates CIs for an overall
abundance estimate, not CIs for site-level abundance estimates.
If you specify bySite = TRUE, ci must equal NULL.
ci has been set to NULL.")
ci <- NULL
if ( {
like <-$like.form, ".like", sep = ""))
par( xpd=TRUE )
plotObj <- plot(dfunc)
# Site-specific abundance
# No option to bootstrap, and simplified data.frame returned from estimateN
# is all that needs to be returned
if (bySite) {
# Estimate abundance
# abund <- estimateN(dfunc=dfunc, detectionData=detectionData,
# siteData=siteData, area=area, bySite=bySite)
# ans <- abund
} else {
# Overall abundance, possibly with bootstrap
# ---- Make new composite siteID, and name it 'siteID' for convenience in bootstrap ----
# Next version, use tidyr::unite() here
siteID <- as.character(detectionData[, siteID.cols[1] ])
if( length(siteID.cols) > 1){
for(j in 2:length(siteID.cols) ){
siteID <- paste(siteID, detectionData[, siteID.cols[j] ], sep = "_")
detectionData$siteID <- siteID
siteID <- as.character(siteData[, siteID.cols[1] ])
if( length(siteID.cols) > 1){
for(j in 2:length(siteID.cols) ){
siteID <- paste(siteID, siteData[, siteID.cols[j] ], sep = "_")
siteData$siteID <- siteID
# ---- Set number of sides ----
surveyedSides <- as.numeric(!singleSided) + 1 # 2 = dbl sided; 1 = single
# ---- Merge detections and sites, make sure to preserve sites without detections ----
# Sites without detections get assigned distance = NA, which is okay. dfuncEstim takes
# missing distances (i.e., it drops them)
mergeData <- merge(detectionData, siteData, by="siteID", all.y = TRUE)
abund <- estimateN(dfunc = dfunc
, data = mergeData
, area = area
, surveyedSides = surveyedSides
, lengthColumn = lengthColumn
, control = control
# store output returned by this function
# (will be added to in later sections)
# dfunc is already stored in abund returned above,
# but the print.abund and print.dfunc were not working
# when I just stored ans <- abund. This is clunky, but resolves the issue.
ans <- dfunc
ans$density <- abund$density
ans$n.hat <- abund$abundance
ans$n <- abund$n.groups
ans$n.seen <- abund$n.seen
ans$area <- abund$area
ans$surveyedUnits <- abund$surveyedUnits
ans$ <- abund$
ans$ <- abund$
# Note: could call effectiveDistance(dfunc) here, but that does the
# integration over and is slightly less efficient
ans$effDistance <- sqrt(abund$w^2 * abund$pDetection) # for points
} else {
ans$effDistance <- abund$pDetection * abund$w # for lines
if (!is.null(ci)) {
# Compute bootstrap CI by resampling transects
g.x.scl.orig <- dfunc$call.g.x.scl # g(0) or g(x) estimate
B <- rep(NA, R) # preallocate space for bootstrap replicates of nhat
coefCols <- 1:length(coef(dfunc))
coefB <- data.frame(matrix(B, nrow=R, ncol=max(coefCols)))
names(coefB) <- names(coef(dfunc))
B <- data.frame(
, density = B
, effDistance = B)
# now including utils as import,
pb <- txtProgressBar(1, R, style=3)
cat("Computing bootstrap confidence interval on N...\n")
# Bootstrap
lastConvergentDfunc <- dfunc
convergedCount <- 0
nTransects <- nrow(siteData)
for (i in 1:R) {
# sample rows, with replacement, from transect data
new.siteData <- siteData[sample(nTransects, nTransects, replace=TRUE),,drop=FALSE]
new.trans <- as.character(new.siteData$siteID) # which transects were sampled?
trans.freq <- data.frame(table(new.trans)) # how many times was each represented in the new sample?
# subset distance data from these transects
if ( inherits(new.siteData$siteID, "factor") ) {
# this never happens because we convert siteID to character before bootstrap loop
new.trans <- unique(droplevels(new.siteData$siteID))
} else {
new.trans <- unique(new.siteData$siteID)
new.detectionData <- detectionData[detectionData$siteID %in% new.trans, ] # this is incomplete, since some transects were represented > once
# It is possible that we detected no targets on these BS transects.
# Fine, but we need to check cause the rep statement below throws an error
# if there are no detections
if(nrow(new.detectionData) > 0) {
# If we have detections on this iteration, replicate according
# to frequency of transects in new BS sample
# First, merge to add Freq column to indicate how many times to repeat each row
red <- merge(new.detectionData, trans.freq, by.x = "siteID", by.y = "new.trans")
# expand this reduced set by replicating rows
new.detectionData <- red[rep(, nrow(red)), red$Freq), -ncol(red)]
# And merge on site-level covariates
# Not needed if no covars, but cost in time should be negligible
# Need to merge now to get covars in siteData that has unduplicated siteID.
new.mergeData <- merge(new.detectionData, siteData, by="siteID", all.y = TRUE)
#update g(0) or g(x) estimate.
if ( { <- g.x.scl.orig[sample(1:nrow(g.x.scl.orig),
replace = TRUE), ]
} else { <- g.x.scl.orig
# Eventually, we will get smoothed the function into
# dfuncEstim or one function.
# This if statement is kluncky
if( dfunc$like.form == "smu" ){ <- dfuncSmu(dfunc$formula,
w.lo = dfunc$w.lo,
w.hi = dfunc$w.hi,
bw = dfunc$fit$call[["bw"]],
adjust = dfunc$fit$call[["adjust"]],
kernel = dfunc$fit$call[["kernel"]],
x.scl = dfunc$call.x.scl,
g.x.scl =,
observer = dfunc$,
pointSurvey = dfunc$pointSurvey,
warn = FALSE )
} else { <- dfuncEstim(formula = dfunc$formula,
detectionData = new.mergeData,
likelihood = dfunc$like.form,
w.lo = dfunc$w.lo,
w.hi = dfunc$w.hi,
expansions = dfunc$expansions,
series = dfunc$series,
x.scl = dfunc$call.x.scl,
g.x.scl =,
observer = dfunc$,
pointSurvey = dfunc$pointSurvey,
outputUnits = dfunc$outputUnits,
warn = FALSE)
# Store ESW if it converged
if(dfunc$like.form == "smu" ||$convergence == 0) {
convergedCount <- convergedCount + 1
# Note: there are duplicate siteID's in newSiteData. This is okay
# because number of unique siteIDs is never computed in estimateN.
# Number of sites in estiamteN is nrow(newSiteData)
# Estimate Bootstrap abundance <- estimateN(dfunc =
, data = new.mergeData
, area = area
, surveyedSides = surveyedSides
, lengthColumn = lengthColumn
, control = control
efd <-$w * sqrt($pDetection) # for points
} else {
efd <-$w *$pDetection # for lines
B[i,coefCols] <- coef(
B$effDistance[i] <- mean(efd, na.rm = TRUE)
B$density[i] <-$density
if ( ) {
, newdata = plotObj$predCovValues
, col = "blue"
, lwd = 0.5
} # end if smu or converged
if (showProgress){
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
} # end bootstrap
# close progress bar
if (showProgress) {
# plot red line of original fit again (over bs lines)
if ( {
, newdata = plotObj$predCovValues
, col = "red"
, lwd = 3)
# Density units do not get assigned to B. Assign them now
B$density <- units::set_units(B$density, units(ans$density), mode = "standard")
B$effDistance <- units::set_units(B$effDistance, units(ans$effDistance), mode = "standard")
# function to calculate CI from bootstrap replicates using bias-corrected bootstrap method in Manly text
bcCI <- function(, x, ci){
p <- mean( > x, na.rm = TRUE)
z.0 <- qnorm(1 - p)
z.alpha <- qnorm(1 - ((1 - ci)/2))
p.L <- pnorm(2 * z.0 - z.alpha)
p.H <- pnorm(2 * z.0 + z.alpha)
ans <- quantile([!], p = c(p.L, p.H))
names(ans) <- paste0(100*c( (1 - ci)/2, 1 - (1-ci)/2 ), "%")
# abundance estimates are unitless, counts
abundEsts <- units::drop_units(B$density * ans$area)
ans$ <- bcCI(abundEsts, ans$n.hat, ci)
ans$ <- bcCI(B$density, ans$density, ci)
ans$ <- bcCI(B$effDistance, mean(ans$effDistance, na.rm = TRUE), ci)
ans$B <- B
ans$nItersConverged <- convergedCount
if (!(dfunc$like.form=="smu") && (convergedCount < R) && showProgress){
cat(paste( R - convergedCount, "of", R, "iterations did not converge.\n"))
} else {
# Don't compute CI if ci is null
ans$B <- NULL
ans$ <- NULL
ans$ <- NULL
ans$ <- NULL
ans$nItersConverged <- NULL
} # end else
# Output
ans$alpha <- ci
class(ans) <- c("abund", class(dfunc))
} # end else of if (bySite)
} # end function
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