
Defines functions NoCite ClearLabs TextCite Citet AutoCite Citep PrintBibliography AddCitationPunct MakeCiteHyperlink MakePandocCitation authorList shortName Cite AddCite

Documented in AutoCite Cite Citep Citet NoCite PrintBibliography TextCite

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
AddCite <- function(index, use.hyper = TRUE){
  new.ind <- logical(length(index))
             if (use.hyper)
               new.ind <- !new.ind
  names(new.ind) <- index
  # .cites$indices <- unique(c(.cites$indices, index))
  tmp <- c(.cites$indices, new.ind)
  .cites$indices <- tmp[!duplicated(names(tmp))]

#' Cite a BibEntry object in text and print all citations
#' The \code{Cite} functions allow for citing a \code{BibEntry} object in text.  The
#' \code{PrintBibliography} function allows for printing the bibliography of all
#' the cited entries.  The \code{NoCite} function adds references to the bibliography
#' without including a citation.  These functions are most useful when used in,
#' e.g., a RMarkdown or RHTML document.
#' @param bib a \code{BibEntry} or \code{bibentry} object
#' @param ... passed to \code{\link{SearchBib}} for indexing into bib.  A character
#' vector of keys, for example.
#' @param textual logical; if TRUE, a \dQuote{textual} citation is produced, i.e.
#' what is produced by \\citet in \code{natbib} and \\textcite in \code{BibLaTeX};
#' otherwise, a parenthetical citation as \\citep and \\autocite.
#' @param before string; optional text to display before the citation.
#' @param after string; optional text to display after the citation.
#' @param .opts list; See the relevant section in \code{\link{BibOptions}} for a
#' description of all valid options for these functions.
#' @details See the package vignettes and execute the examples below.
#' @return For the cite functions: a character string containing the citation
#' @rdname Cite
#' @export
#' @aliases PrintBibliography
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("bibtex")) {
#'     file <- system.file("Bib", "biblatexExamples.bib", package = "RefManageR")
#'     BibOptions(check.entries = FALSE)
#'     bib <- ReadBib(file)
#'     Citet(bib, 12)
#'     NoCite(bib, title = "Alkanethiolate")
#'     PrintBibliography(bib, .opts = list(style = "latex",
#'                       bib.style = "authoryear"))
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#'   if (requireNamespace("bibtex")){
#'     Citep(bib, c("loh", "geer"), .opts = list(cite.style = "numeric"),
#'           before = "see e.g., ")
#'     Citet(bib, "loh", .opts = list(cite.style = "numeric", super = TRUE))
#'     AutoCite(bib, eprinttype = "arxiv", .opts = list(cite.style = "authoryear"))
#'     AutoCite(bib, eprinttype = "arxiv", .opts = list(cite.style = "pandoc"))
#'     Citep(bib, author = "kant")
#'     ## shorthand field in both entries gets used for numeric and alphabetic labels
#'     TextCite(bib, author = "kant", .opts = list(cite.style = "alphabetic"))
#'     TextCite(bib, author = "kant", .opts = list(cite.style = "numeric"))
#'     TextCite(bib, author = "kant", .opts = list(cite.style = "alphabetic",
#'              style = "html"))
#'     punct <- unlist(BibOptions("bibpunct"))
#'     punct[3:4] <- c("(", ")")
#'     TextCite(bib, 33, .opts = list(bibpunct = punct, cite.style = "alphabetic"))
#'     BibOptions(restore.defaults = TRUE)
#'   }
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' library(knitr)
#' ## See also TestNumeric.Rmd and TestAlphabetic.Rmd for more examples
#' old.dir <- setwd(tdir <- tempdir())
#' doc <- system.file("Rmd", "TestRmd.Rmd", package = "RefManageR")
#' file.show(doc)
#' tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".html", tmpdir = tdir)
#' knit2html(doc, tmpfile)
#' browseURL(tmpfile)
#' doc <- system.file("Rhtml", "TestAuthorYear.Rhtml", package = "RefManageR")
#' file.show(doc)
#' tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".html", tmpdir = tdir)
#' knit2html(doc, tmpfile)
#' browseURL(tmpfile)
#' setwd(old.dir)
#' unlink(tdir)
#' }
Cite <- function(bib, ..., textual = FALSE, before = NULL, after = NULL,
                 .opts = list()){
    if (length(.opts)){
      old.opts <- BibOptions(.opts)

    if (identical(class(bib), "bibentry"))
      bib <- as.BibEntry(bib)

    with(BibOptions(), {
      style <- .BibEntry_match_format_style(style)
      papers <- suppressMessages(do.call(`[.BibEntry`, list(x = bib, ...)))
      keys <- unlist(papers$key)
      if (!length(papers))
      if (cite.style == "pandoc"){
        MakePandocCitation(papers, keys, textual, bibpunct, before, after)
        numeric <- "numeric" %in% cite.style
        alphabetic <- "alphabetic" %in% cite.style
        if (cite.style != .cites$sty)
        n <- length(papers)
        cited <- names(.cites$indices)
        first <- !(keys %in% cited)

        if (cite.style != "numeric"){
          if (any(!names(bib) %in% names(.cites$labs))){
            ## some entries in bib have note been seen before
            ## note we use bib here instead of papers (the subset) in case
            ## a possible "duplicate" in bib is cited in the future. want
            ## to disambiguate. By duplicate, I mean we want to
            ## distinguish Smith 2008a and Smith 2008b
            bibstyle <- switch(cite.style, authortitle = "authoryear",
            bib <- sort(bib, sorting = "none", .bibstyle = bibstyle,
                        return.labs = TRUE)
            newinds <- bib$.index
            if (is.null(names(newinds)))  # key/name missing if bib has length 1 #60
              names(newinds) <- names(bib)
            .labs <- newinds[keys]
            .cites$labs <- c(.cites$labs, newinds)
            ## all entries in bib seen before, get label from .cites env.
            .labs <- .cites$labs[keys]
          first.ind <- if (!length(.cites$labs))  # cite.style has changed,
                         seq_along(papers)        #   labs have been reset
                       else which(first | !keys %in% names(.cites$labs))
          if (length(first.ind)){
            shorthands <- unlist(papers$shorthand)
            max.ind <- suppressWarnings(sum(!is.na(as.numeric(.cites$labs))))
            newinds <- seq.int(max.ind+1L, length.out = length(first.ind))
            names(newinds) <- keys[first.ind]
            if (length(shorthands))
              newinds[names(shorthands)] <- shorthands
            .cites$labs <- c(.cites$labs, newinds)
          .labs <- .cites$labs[keys]

        AddCite(keys, !identical(hyperlink, FALSE))
        year <- match(keys, names(.cites$indices))
        if (alphabetic || numeric){
          year <- structure(.labs, names = NULL)
          year <- structure(unlist(lapply(papers$dateobj,
                            names = NULL)

          if (any(.labs %in% letters)) # make sure labels are authoryear labels
            year <- paste0(year, .labs)

        if (textual || (!numeric && !alphabetic)){
            auth <- character(n)
            authorLists <- lapply(papers, authorList)
            lastAuthors <- NULL
            for (i in seq_len(n)) {
              authors <- authorLists[[i]]
              if (length(authors) > max.names && !(first[i]  &&
                authors <- authors[seq_len(max.names)]
                authors[length(authors)] <- paste0(authors[length(authors)],
                                                   " et al.")
                if (length(authors) > 1L)
                  authors[length(authors)] <- paste("and",
              if (length(authors) > 2L)
                auth[i] <- paste(authors, collapse = ", ")
              else auth[i] <- paste(authors, collapse = " ")
    # attempt to combine Smith 2008, Smith 2010 into Smith 2008, 2010.
    #         suppressauth <- which(!nzchar(auth))
    #         if (length(suppressauth)) {
    #             for (i in suppressauth) year[i - 1L] <- paste0(year[i -
    #                 1L], bibpunct[6L], " ", year[i])
    #             auth <- auth[-suppressauth]
    #             year <- year[-suppressauth]
    #         }
        make.hyper <- !identical(hyperlink, FALSE)

        if (textual) {
          if (numeric || alphabetic){
            result <- paste0(bibpunct[3L], before, year, after, bibpunct[4L])
            result <- paste0(bibpunct[1L], before, year, after, bibpunct[2L])
          if (super && numeric && (!style %in% c("markdown", "html") ||
              result <- paste0(auth, "^{", result, "}")
          else if (!super || !numeric) result <- paste0(auth, " ", result)
        }else if (numeric || alphabetic) {
          result <- year
        }else {
            result <- paste0(auth, bibpunct[6L], " ", year)
        result <- if (make.hyper)
                      MakeCiteHyperlink(result, papers, hyperlink, keys,
                                        auth, style, first, numeric,
                                        alphabetic, super, textual,
                                        bibpunct, before, after)
                      AddCitationPunct(result, bibpunct, before, after,
                                       textual, numeric, alphabetic, super)
      }  # end else for if cite.style == "pandoc"
    })  # end with for BibOptions

#' Convert one element of person object (i.e. a single person)
#' to character for printing citation
#' @noRd
shortName <- function(person){
    if (length(person$family))
        paste(cleanupLatex(person$family), collapse = " ")
    else paste(cleanupLatex(person$given), collapse = " ")

#' Convert person object with multiple persons to character
#' @noRd
authorList <- function(paper){
  names <- vapply(paper$author, shortName, "")
  if (!length(names))
    names <- vapply(paper$editor, shortName, "")
  if (!length(names))
    names <- paper$label
  if (!length(names))
    names <- vapply(paper$translator, shortName, "")

#' Print citation in pandoc format
#' @noRd
MakePandocCitation <- function(papers, keys, textual, bibpunct, before, after){
    result <- paste0(paste0("@", names(papers)),
                     collapse = paste0(bibpunct[5L], " "))
    result <- paste0(before, result, after)
    if (textual)
      result <- paste0(bibpunct[3L], result,
    AddCite(keys, FALSE)

#' Add hyperlink, punctuation, before and after text to citation
#' @noRd
MakeCiteHyperlink <- function(result, papers, hyperlink, keys, auth,
			      style, first, numeric, alphabetic, super,
			      textual, bibpunct, before, after){
    url <- switch(hyperlink, to.bib = paste0("#bib-",
                                             gsub("[^_a-zA-Z0-9-]", "",
                                                  useBytes = FALSE)),
               to.doc = vapply(papers, GetURL, "",
                               flds = c("url", "eprint", "doi"),
                               to.bib = TRUE),
    if (style == "html"){
      new.links <- if (any(first))
                       paste(paste("<a id='cite-", gsub("[^_a-zA-Z0-9-]",
                                                        "", keys[first],
                                                        useBytes = FALSE),
                                   "'></a>", sep = ""), collapse = "")
                   else ""
      result <- if (numeric && super && textual)
                  paste0(auth, "<sup><a href='", url, "'>", result,
                else paste0("<a href='", url, "'>", result, "</a>")
    }else if(style == "markdown"){
      new.links <- if(any(first))
                       paste(paste("<a name=cite-",
                                   gsub("[^_a-zA-Z0-9-]", "",
                                        keys[first], useBytes = FALSE),
                                   "></a>", sep = ""), collapse = "")
      else ""
      result <- if (numeric && super && textual)
                  paste0(auth, "^[", result, "](", url, ")")
                else paste0("[", result, "](", url, ")")
    result <- AddCitationPunct(result, bibpunct, before, after, textual,
			       numeric, alphabetic, super)

    if (style %in% c("html", "markdown"))
      result <- paste0(new.links, result)

#' Add punctions and before and after text to a citation
#' @noRd
AddCitationPunct <- function(result, bibpunct, before, after, textual,
			     numeric, alphabetic, super){
    result <- paste(result, collapse = paste0(bibpunct[5L], " "))
    if (!textual && (numeric || alphabetic)) {
      result <- paste0(bibpunct[3L], before, result, after,
      if (super && numeric)
	result <- paste0("^{", result, "}")
    }else if (!textual){
      result <- paste0(bibpunct[1L], before, result, after,

#' @return PrintBibliography: The formatted list of references.
#' @export
#' @aliases TextCite AutoCite Citep Citet
#' @param start Integer; specifying the index of the first citation to
#'     print. Useful for printing long bibliographies on multiple
#'     pages/slides.
#' @param end Integer; specifying the index of the last citation to
#'     print. Useful for printing long bibliographies on multiple
#'     pages/slides.
#' @details If \code{bib.style = "alphabetic"} or \code{bib.style =
#'     "numeric"}, then sorting needs to be done at the start of the
#'     document prior to using a cite function as sorting is not done
#'     by the \code{PrintBibliography} function for those styles (specifying
#'     \code{sorting} in \code{.opts} is ignored in this case).  If no
#'     sorting is done, the references are listed in the order they
#'     were cited in for those two styles.
#' If the \code{...} argument to NoCite is identical to \dQuote{*}, then all
#' references in \code{bib} are added to the bibliography without citations.
#' @seealso \code{\link{print.BibEntry}}, \code{\link{BibOptions}},
#' \code{\link[utils]{citeNatbib}}, the package vignettes
#' bib <-
#' @rdname Cite
PrintBibliography <- function(bib, .opts = list(), start = 1, end = length(bib)){

  bib <- sort(bib, decreasing = FALSE)

  if (!length(bib))
  if (identical(class(bib), "bibentry"))
    bib <- as.BibEntry(bib)
  keys <- unlist(bib$key)
  ind <- keys %in% names(.cites$indices)
  if (!any(ind)){
    message("You haven't cited any references in this bibliography yet.")

  bibstyle <- if (length(.opts$bib.style))
              else .BibOptions$bib.style
  citestyle <- if (length(.opts$cite.style))
  else .BibOptions$cite.style
  style <- if (length(.opts$style))
              else .BibOptions$style

  bib <- bib[[ind]]
  ## if bibstyle and citation style match, use citation labels, otherwise
  ##   recompute them
  if (bibstyle == citestyle){
    if (bibstyle == "numeric"){
      if (length(bib) == length(.cites$labs)){
        bib <- bib[[names(.cites$labs)]]
        .opts$sorting <- "none"
#         labs <- .cites$labs
#         bib.labs <- labs[order(match(keys, names(labs)))]
#         bib <- bib[names(bib.labs)] # sort
        bib$.index <- structure(.cites$labs, names = NULL)
    }else bib$.index <- .cites$labs[keys[ind]]

  if (length(.opts)){
    old.opts <- BibOptions(.opts)

  if (style == "yaml"){
    sQuote(paste0(paste0("@", names(.cites$indices)), collapse = ", ")))
    cat("\n...  \n\n")

  bib <- bib[start:end]

#' @export
#' @rdname Cite
Citep <- function(bib, ..., before = NULL, after = NULL,
                  .opts = list()){
  ## kall <- match.call()
  ## kall[[1L]] <- as.name("Cite")
  ## kall$textual <- FALSE
  ## eval(kall)
  Cite(bib, ..., textual = FALSE, before = before, after = after, .opts=.opts)

#' @export
#' @rdname Cite
AutoCite <- function(bib, ..., before = NULL, after = NULL,
                     .opts = list()){
  ## kall <- match.call()
  ## kall[[1L]] <- as.name("Cite")
  ## kall$textual <- FALSE
  ## eval(kall)
  Cite(bib, ..., textual = FALSE, before = before, after = after, .opts = .opts)

#' @export
#' @rdname Cite
Citet <- function(bib, ..., before = NULL, after = NULL,
                  .opts = list()){
  ## kall <- match.call()
  ## kall[[1L]] <- as.name("Cite")
  ## kall$textual <- TRUE
  ## eval(kall)
  Cite(bib, ..., textual = TRUE, before = before, after = after, .opts = .opts)

#' @export
#' @rdname Cite
TextCite <- function(bib, ..., before = NULL, after = NULL,
                     .opts = list()){
  ## kall <- match.call()
  ## kall[[1L]] <- as.name("Cite")
  ## kall$textual <- TRUE
  ## eval(kall)
  Cite(bib, ..., textual = TRUE, before = before, after = after, .opts = .opts)

#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
ClearLabs <- function(sty){
  .cites$labs <- character(0)
  .cites$sty <- sty

#' @rdname Cite
#' @aliases NoCite
#' @export
#' @keywords print methods
#' @return NoCite: no return value; invoked for its side-effect.
NoCite <- function(bib, ..., .opts = list()){
  if (length(.opts)){
    old.opts <- BibOptions(.opts)
  if (identical(c(...), "*")){
    papers <- bib
    papers <- suppressMessages(do.call(`[.BibEntry`, list(x = bib, ...)))

  if (!length(papers))
  keys <- unlist(papers$key)
  if (.BibOptions$cite.style != "numeric"){
    if (!all(names(bib) %in% names(.cites$labs))){
      ## some entries in bib have note been seen before
      ## note we use bib here instead of papers (the subset) in case
      ## a possible "duplicate" in bib is cited in the future. we want
      ## to disambiguate; by duplicate, I mean we want to distinguish
      ## Smith 2008a and Smith 2008b
      bibstyle <- switch(.BibOptions$cite.style, authortitle = "authoryear",
      bib <- sort(bib, sorting = "none", .bibstyle = bibstyle,
                  return.labs = TRUE)
      .cites$labs <- c(.cites$labs, bib$.index)
    cited <- names(.cites$indices)
    first <- !(keys %in% cited)
    first.ind <- which(first)
    if (length(first.ind)){
      shorthands <- unlist(papers$shorthand)
      max.ind <- suppressWarnings(sum(!is.na(as.numeric(.cites$labs))))
      newinds <- seq.int(max.ind+1L, length.out = length(first.ind))
      names(newinds) <- keys[first]
      if (length(shorthands))
        newinds[names(shorthands)] <- shorthands
      .cites$labs <- c(.cites$labs, newinds)
    .labs <- .cites$labs[keys]
  AddCite(keys, !identical(.BibOptions$hyperlink, FALSE))

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