
Defines functions outlierStats .convSs ghq lmrob.E lmrob.rweights .MrhoInf MrhoInf .Mwgt.psi1 .Mwgt Mwgt .Mchi Mchi .Mpsi Mpsi .psi.const .psi.lqq.findc lmrob.bp lmrob.efficiency .psi.ggw.findc .psi.ggw.bp .psi.ggw.eff .psi.ggw.finda .psi.ggw.ms .psi.ggw.mxs .psi.conv.cc .psi2ipsi hatvalues.lmrob .lmrob.hat lmrob.hatmatrix lmrob.tau.fast.coefs lmrob.tau lmrob.kappa lmrob..D..fit .vcov.avar1 .vcov.w lmrob.fit lmrob.fit.MM lmrob.control.neededOnly lmrob.control .Mchi.tuning.default .Mpsi.tuning.default .regularize.Mpsi

.Mpsi.R.names <- c('bisquare', 'lqq', 'welsh', 'opt', 'hampel', 'ggw', 'mopt', 'optv0', 'moptv0')

.Mpsi.M.names <- c('huber') ## .M: the monotone ones:

.Mpsi.names <- c(R= .Mpsi.R.names, M= .Mpsi.M.names)

.regularize.Mpsi <- function(psi, redescending = TRUE) {
    stopifnot(is.character(psi), length(psi) == 1)
    psi <- tolower(psi)
    psi <- switch(psi,
		  'tukey'= , 'biweight'= "bisquare",
		  ## otherwise keep
    nms <- if(redescending) .Mpsi.R.names else .Mpsi.names
    # nms <- .Mpsi.names
    if (is.na(i <- pmatch(psi, nms)))
	stop(gettextf("'psi' should be one of %s", paste(dQuote(nms), collapse=", ")),
	     domain = NA)

.Mpsi.tuning.defaults <- list(
    'huber' = 1.345
    , 'bisquare' = 4.685061
    , 'welsh' = 2.11
    , 'ggw' = c(-0.5, 1.5, .95, NA) ## (min{slope}, b ,  eff, bp)
    , 'lqq' = c(-0.5, 1.5, .95, NA) ## (min{slope}, b/c, eff, bp)
    , 'opt' = c(a = 0.01317965, 
                lower = 0.0330545361, 
                upper = 3.0032809058, 
                c = 1.0, 
                "Psi_Opt(lower)" = -0.0005459033, 
                "rho(Inf)" = 3.3313697802, 
                p1 = -0.0104368977, 
                p2 = 0.3157778511, 
                p3 = -0.0274957016, 
                p4 = 0.0078039757, 
                p5 = -0.0009528411, 
                lop = 0.0330545361, 
                upp = 3.0032809058, 
                c2 = 1.0,
                u1 = -0.0001724852, 
                u2 = 0.9996474329 )
    , 'hampel' = c(1.5, 3.5, 8) * 0.9016085 ## a, b, r
    , 'mopt' = c(a = 0.01316352,
                  normConst = 1.05753107,
                  upper = 3.00373940,
                  c = 1.0,
                  "Psi_Opt(1)" = 0.46057111,
                  "rho(Inf)" = 3.53690811)
    , 'optv0' = c(a = 0.01317965,
                  lower = 0.03305454,
                  upper = 3.003281,
                  c = 1.0,
                  "Psi_Opt(lower)" = -0.0005459033,
                  "rho(Inf)" = 3.331370), 
    'moptv0' = c(a = 0.01316352,
                 normConst = 1.05753107,
                 upper = 3.00373940,
                 c = 0.38124404,
                 "Psi_Opt(1)" = 0.46057111,
                 "rho(Inf)" = 3.53690811)

.Mpsi.tuning.default <- function(psi) {
    if(is.null(p <- .Mpsi.tuning.defaults[[psi]]))
        stop(gettextf("invalid 'psi'=%s; possibly use .regularize.Mpsi(%s)",
                      psi, "psi, redescending=FALSE"), domain=NA)

.Mchi.tuning.defaults <- list(
    ## Here, psi must be redescending! -> 'huber' not possible
    # 'huber' = 1.345, 
    'bisquare' = 1.54764
    , 'welsh' = 0.5773502
    , 'ggw' = c(-0.5, 1.5, NA, .50) ## (min{slope}, b ,  eff, bp)
    , 'lqq' = c(-0.5, 1.5, NA, .50) ## (min{slope}, b/c, eff, bp)
    , 'optv0' = c(a = 0.01317965,
                    lower = 0.03305454,
                    upper = 3.003281,
                    c = 0.2618571,
                    "Psi_Opt(lower)" = -0.0005459033,
                    "rho(Inf)" = 3.331370)
    , 'hampel' = c(1.5, 3.5, 8) * 0.2119163 ## a, b, r
    , 'moptv0' = c(a = 0.01316352,
                             normConst = 1.05753107,
                             upper = 3.00373940,
                             c = 0.38124404,
                             "Psi_Opt(1)" = 0.46057111,
                             "rho(Inf)" = 3.53690811)
    , 'opt' = c(a = 0.01317965, 
                lower = 0.0330545361, 
                upper = 3.0032809058, 
                c = 0.3824666599, 
                "Psi_Opt(lower)" = -0.0005459033, 
                "rho(Inf)" = 3.3313697802, 
                p1 = -0.0104368977, 
                p2 = 0.3157778511, 
                p3 = -0.0274957016, 
                p4 = 0.0078039757, 
                p5 = -0.0009528411, 
                lop = 0.0330545361, 
                upp = 3.0032809058, 
                c2 = 0.3836642866,
                u1 = -0.0001724852, 
                u2 = 0.9996474329 )
    , 'mopt' = c(a = 0.01316352,
                   normConst = 1.05753107,
                   upper = 3.00373940,
                   c = 0.38124404,
                   "Psi_Opt(1)" = 0.46057111,
                   "rho(Inf)" = 3.53690811)

.Mchi.tuning.default <- function(psi) {
    if(is.null(p <- .Mchi.tuning.defaults[[psi]]))
	stop(gettextf("invalid 'psi'=%s; possibly use .regularize.Mpsi(%s)",
		      psi, "psi"), domain=NA)

lmrob.control <-
    function(seed = NULL, nResample = 500,
	     tuning.chi = NULL, bb = 0.5,
	     tuning.psi = NULL, max.it = 50,
	     groups = 5, n.group = 400, k.fast.s = 1, best.r.s = 2,
	     k.max = 200, maxit.scale = 200, k.m_s = 20,
	     ##           ^^^^^^^^^^^ had MAX_ITER_FIND_SCALE 200 in ../src/lmrob.c
	     refine.tol = 1e-7, rel.tol = 1e-7,
	     solve.tol = 1e-7,
	     ## had  ^^^^^^^^  TOL_INVERSE 1e-7 in ../src/lmrob.c
	     trace.lev = 0, mts = 1000,
	     subsampling = c("nonsingular", "simple"),
	     compute.rd = FALSE,
	     method = 'MM',
	     psi = 'bisquare',
	     numpoints = 10, cov = NULL,
	     split.type = c("f", "fi", "fii"),
	     fast.s.large.n = 2000,
             eps.outlier = function(nobs) 0.1 / nobs,
             eps.x = function(maxx) .Machine$double.eps^(.75)*maxx,
             compute.outlier.stats = method,
             warn.limit.reject = 0.5,
             warn.limit.meanrw = 0.5,
    p.ok <- missing(psi) # if(p.ok) psi does not need regularization
#     if (!missing(setting)) {
#         if (setting %in% c('KS2011', 'KS2014')) {
#             if (missing(method)) method <- 'SMDM'
# 	    psi <- if(p.ok) 'lqq' else .regularize.Mpsi(psi) ; p.ok <- TRUE
#             if (missing(max.it)) max.it <- 500
#             if (missing(k.max)) k.max <- 2000
#             if (missing(cov) || is.null(cov)) cov <- '.vcov.w'
#             if (setting == 'KS2014') {
#                 if (missing(best.r.s)) best.r.s <- 20
#                 if (missing(k.fast.s)) k.fast.s <- 2
#                 if (missing(nResample)) nResample <- 1000
#             }
#         } else {
#             warning("Unknown setting '", setting, "'. Using defaults.")
#         }
#     } else {
# 	if(p.ok && grepl('D', method)) psi <- 'lqq'
# 	if (missing(cov) || is.null(cov))
# 	    cov <- if(method %in% c('SM', 'MM')) ".vcov.avar1" else ".vcov.w"
#     }
    if (missing(cov) || is.null(cov))
      cov <- if(method %in% c('SM', 'MM')) ".vcov.avar1" else ".vcov.w"
    if(!p.ok) psi <- .regularize.Mpsi(psi)
    subsampling <- match.arg(subsampling)
    ## in ggw, lqq:  if tuning.{psi|chi}  are non-standard, calculate coefficients:
    compute.const <- (psi %in% c('ggw', 'lqq'))

	tuning.chi <- .Mchi.tuning.default(psi)
    else if(compute.const)
	tuning.chi <- .psi.const(tuning.chi, psi)

	tuning.psi <- .Mpsi.tuning.default(psi)
    else if(compute.const)
	tuning.psi <- .psi.const(tuning.psi, psi)

    c(list(setting = NULL, #setting = if (missing(setting)) NULL else setting,
           seed = as.integer(seed), nResample=nResample, psi=psi,
           tuning.chi=tuning.chi, bb=bb, tuning.psi=tuning.psi,
           max.it=max.it, groups=groups, n.group=n.group,
           best.r.s=best.r.s, k.fast.s=k.fast.s,
           k.max=k.max, maxit.scale=maxit.scale, k.m_s=k.m_s, refine.tol=refine.tol,
           rel.tol=rel.tol, solve.tol=solve.tol, trace.lev=trace.lev, mts=mts,
           compute.rd=compute.rd, method=method, numpoints=numpoints,
           cov=cov, split.type = match.arg(split.type),
           eps.outlier = eps.outlier, eps.x = eps.x,
           compute.outlier.stats = sub("^MM$", "SM", compute.outlier.stats),
           warn.limit.reject = warn.limit.reject,
           warn.limit.meanrw = warn.limit.meanrw),

lmrob.control.neededOnly <- function(control) {
    if(is.null(control)) return(control)
    switch(sub("^(S|M-S).*", "\\1", control$method),
	   S = {                       # remove all M-S specific control pars
	       control$k.m_s <- NULL
	       control$split.type <- NULL
					# if large_n is not used, remove corresp control pars
	       if (length(residuals) <= control$fast.s.large.n) {
		   control$groups <- NULL
		   control$n.group <- NULL
	   `M-S` = {                # remove all fast S specific control pars
	       control$refine.tol <- NULL
	       control$groups <- NULL
	       control$n.group <- NULL
	       control$best.r.s <- NULL
	       control$k.fast.s <- NULL
	   }, { # else: do not keep parameters used by initial ests. only
	       control$tuning.chi <- NULL
	       control$bb <- NULL
	       control$refine.tol <- NULL
	       control$nResample <- NULL
	       control$groups <- NULL
	       control$n.group <- NULL
	       control$best.r.s <- NULL
	       control$k.fast.s <- NULL
	       control$k.max <- NULL
	       control$k.m_s <- NULL
	       control$split.type <- NULL
	       control$mts <- NULL
	       control$subsampling <- NULL
	   } )
    if (!grepl("D", control$method)) control$numpoints <- NULL
    if (control$method == 'SM') control$method <- 'MM'

lmrob.fit.MM <- function(x, y, control) ## defunct
    .Defunct("lmrob.fit(*, control) with control$method = 'SM'")
## .Deprecated() till robustbase 0.92-6 (2016-05-28)

lmrob.fit <- function(x, y, control, init=NULL, mf=NULL) {
    if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    ## old notation: MM -> SM
    if (control$method == "MM") control$method <- "SM"
    ## Assumption:  if(is.null(init))  method = "S..."   else  method = "..."
    ## ---------    where "..." consists of letters {"M", "D"}
    est <- if (is.null(init)) {
        ## --- initial S estimator
        if ((M1 <- substr(control$method,1,1)) != 'S') {
	    warning(gettextf("Initial estimator '%s' not supported; using S-estimator instead",
			     M1), domain = NA)
            substr(control$method,1,1) <- 'S'
        init <- lmrob.S(x, y, control = control, mf = mf)
    } else {
        if (is.null(init$converged)) init$converged <- TRUE
	if (is.null(init$control)) {
	    init$control <- control
	    M <- init$control$method <- 'l'
	} else if(!length(M <- init$control$method) || !nzchar(M))
	    M <- "l"
    stopifnot(is.numeric(init$coef), length(init$coef) == ncol(x),
              is.numeric(init$scale), init$scale >= 0)
    if (est != 'S' && control$cov == '.vcov.avar1') {
	".vcov.avar1 can only be used when initial estimator is S; using .vcov.w instead")
        control$cov <- ".vcov.w"
    trace.lev <- control$trace.lev
    if (init$converged) {
        ## --- loop through the other estimators; build up 'est' string
        method <- sub(paste0("^", est), '', control$method)
	if(trace.lev) {
	    cat(sprintf("init converged (remaining method = \"%s\") -> coef=\n", method))
	    print(init$coef) }
        for (step in strsplit(method,'')[[1]]) {
            ## now we have either M or D steps
            est <- paste0(est, step)
            init <- switch(step, ## 'control' may differ from 'init$control' when both (init, control) are spec.
                           ## D(AS)-Step
			   D = lmrob..D..fit(init, x, mf = mf,
					     control=control, method = init$control$method),
			   ## M-Step
			   M = lmrob..M..fit(x = x, y = y, obj = init, mf = mf,
					     control=control, method = init$control$method),
                           stop('only M and D are steps supported after "init" computation'))
	    if(trace.lev) { cat(sprintf("step \"%s\" -> new coef=\n", step)); print(init$coef) }
            ## break if an estimator did not converge
            if (!init$converged) {
		    "%s-step did NOT converge. Returning unconverged %s-estimate",
		    step, est),
			domain = NA)
                # break # now we return unconverged estimator with all associated inference
    ## << FIXME? qr(.)  should be available from earlier
    if (is.null(init$qr)) init$qr <- qr(x * sqrt(init$rweights))
    if (is.null(init$rank)) init$rank <- init$qr$rank
    control$method <- est ## ~= original 'method', but only with the steps executed.
    init$control <- control
    ## --- covariance estimate
    init$cov <-
	if (init$scale == 0) { ## exact fit
	    matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(x),
		   dimnames=list(colnames(x), colnames(x)))
	} else if (is.null(x)) { #!init$converged || is.null(x)) {
	} else {
	    if (is.null(control$cov) || control$cov == "none")
	    else {
		lf.cov <- if (!is.function(control$cov))
		    get(control$cov, mode='function') else control$cov
		lf.cov(init, x)
    df <- NROW(y) - init$rank ## sum(init$r?weights)-init$rank
    init$degree.freedom <- init$df.residual <- df

globalVariables("r", add=TRUE) ## below and in other lmrob.E() expressions

.vcov.w <- function(obj, x=obj$x, scale=obj$scale, cov.hubercorr=ctrl$cov.hubercorr,
                    cov.dfcorr=ctrl$cov.dfcorr, cov.resid=ctrl$cov.resid,
    ## set defaults
    ctrl <- obj$control
    if (is.null(cov.hubercorr)) cov.hubercorr <- !grepl('D', ctrl$method)
    else if (!is.logical(cov.hubercorr))
        stop(':.vcov.w: cov.hubercorr must be logical (or NULL)')
    valid.corrfact <- c('tau', 'empirical', 'asympt', 'hybrid', 'tauold')
    if (is.null(cov.corrfact)) {
        cov.corrfact <- if (cov.hubercorr) 'empirical' else 'tau'
    } else if(length(cov.corrfact) != 1 || is.na(match(cov.corrfact, valid.corrfact)))
	stop(":.vcov.w: cov.corrfact must be one of ", paste(dQuote(valid.corrfact), collapse=', '))

    valid.dfcorr <- c("mean", "none", "mn.vc", "varc", "mn.df")
    ## old: cov.dfcorr = -1 |  0    |   1    |  2    |   3
    if (is.null(cov.dfcorr)) {
        cov.dfcorr <- if (cov.hubercorr || cov.corrfact %in% c('tau', 'hybrid')) "mn.vc" else "mean"
    } else if(length(cov.dfcorr) != 1 || is.na(match(cov.dfcorr, valid.dfcorr)))
        stop(":.vcov.w: cov.dfcorr must be one of ", paste(dQuote(valid.dfcorr), collapse=', '))

    valid.cov.resid <- c('final', 'initial', 'trick')
    if (is.null(cov.resid)) cov.resid <- 'final'
    else if (length(cov.resid) != 1 || is.na(match(cov.resid, valid.cov.resid)))
	stop(":.vcov.w: cov.resid must be one of ", paste(dQuote(valid.cov.resid), collapse=', '))
    if (is.null(cov.xwx)) cov.xwx <- TRUE
    else if (!is.logical(cov.xwx))
	stop(':.vcov.w: cov.xwx must be logical (or NULL)')
    if (is.null(x))  x <- model.matrix(obj)
    ## set psi and c.psi
    psi <- ctrl$psi
    if (is.null(psi)) stop('parameter psi is not defined')
    c.psi <- if (cov.resid == 'initial')
             else if (ctrl$method %in% c('S', 'SD'))
             else ctrl$tuning.psi
    if (!is.numeric(c.psi)) stop("parameter 'tuning.psi' is not numeric")
    if (cov.resid == 'final' && (class(obj)[1] == 'lmrob.S'))
        warning(":.vcov.w: ignoring cov.resid == final since est != final")
    if (is.null(scale)) {
        warning(":.vcov.w: scale missing, using D scale")
        scale <- lmrob..D..fit(obj)$scale
    n <- NROW(x)
    ## --- calculations: matrix part
    ## weighted xtx.inv matrix
    w <- if (cov.xwx) obj$rweights else rep(1,n)
    ## use qr-decomposition from lm.wfit (this already includes the robustness weights)
    ## update qr decomposition if it is missing or we don't want the robustness weights
    if (!is.qr(obj$qr) || !cov.xwx) obj$qr <- qr(x * sqrt(w))
    p <- if (is.null(obj$rank)) obj$qr$rank else obj$rank
    cinv <- if(is.qr(obj$qr)) tryCatch(tcrossprod(solve(qr.R(obj$qr))),
				       error = function(e)e)
    if(inherits(cinv, 'error')) cinv <- matrix(NA,p,p)
    ## --- calculation: correction factor
    if (cov.corrfact == 'asympt') { ## asympt correction factor
	    warning("option 'cov.hubercorr' is ignored for cov.corrfact = \"asympt\"")
        ## precalculated default values if applicable
        corrfact <-
            if (psi == 'ggw') {
                if (     isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.0, 0.95, NA)))) 1.052619
                else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA)))) 1.0525888644
                else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.0, 0.85, NA)))) 1.176479
                else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.85, NA)))) 1.176464
                else lmrob.E(psi(r)^2, ctrl) / lmrob.E(r*psi(r), ctrl)^2
                ## MK: using r*psi(r) instead of psi'(r) is much more accurate
                ##     when using Gauss-Hermite quadrature (= default in lmrob.E())
                ## but integrate(.) is more accurate
            } else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, .Mpsi.tuning.default(psi)))) {
                       bisquare = 1.0526317574,
                       welsh    = 1.0526704649,
                       opt  = 1.0526419204,
                       hampel   = 1.0526016980,
                       lqq      = 1.0526365291,
                       stop(':.vcov.w: unsupported psi function'))
            } else lmrob.E(psi(r)^2, ctrl) / lmrob.E(r*psi(r), ctrl)^2 ## r*psi(r): see above
        varcorr <- 1
    } else { ## empirical, approx or hybrid correction factor
	rstand <- if (cov.resid == 'initial') {
	    ## if the last estimator was a D or T estimator
	    ## then use obj$init$init otherwise use obj$init
	    ## that way for SMD we use the S residuals (and S scale)
	    ## and for SMDM we use the M residuals (and D scale)
	    lobj <-
		if (grepl('[DT]$',ctrl$method)) obj$init$init else obj$init
	    resid(lobj) / lobj$scale
	} else if (cov.resid == 'trick') {
	    ## residuals are in fact from earlier estimator, use its scale to standardize them
	    obj$init$resid / obj$init$scale
	} else obj$resid / scale

        tau <- if (cov.corrfact %in% c('tau', 'hybrid', 'tauold')) { ## added hybrid here
            if (!is.null(obj$tau)) obj$tau
            else if (!is.null(obj$init$tau)) obj$init$tau
            else stop("(tau / hybrid / tauold): tau not found in 'obj'") } else rep(1,n)
	rstand <- rstand / tau
        r.psi   <- Mpsi(rstand, c.psi, psi)
        r.psipr <- Mpsi(rstand, c.psi, psi, deriv = 1)
        if (any(is.na(r.psipr))) warning(":.vcov.w: Caution. Some psi'() are NA")
        ## mpp = E[ psi'(.) ]   mpp2 = mpp^2
        mpp2 <- (mpp <- mean(r.psipr, na.rm=TRUE))^2
        ## Huber's correction
        hcorr <-
            if (cov.hubercorr) {
                vpp <- sum((r.psipr - mpp)^2) / n # vpp := var[psi.prime]
                ## ~= var(r.psipr, na.rm=TRUE) ~= Var[ psi'( e_i / (sigma * tau_i) ) ]
                (1 + p/n * vpp/mpp2)^2
            } else 1
        ## sample size correction for var(r.psi^2)
        ## use tau if 'tau' correction factor, but only if it is available
        varcorr <- if (cov.corrfact == 'tau' && any(tau != 1))
            1 / mean(tau^2) else n / (n - p) ## changed from 1 / mean(tau)
        ## if hybrid: replace B^2 (= mpp2) by asymptotic value
        if (cov.corrfact == 'hybrid') {
            mpp2 <- if (psi == 'ggw') {
                if (     isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.0, 0.95, NA)))) 0.7598857
                else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA)))) 0.6817983
                else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.0, 0.85, NA)))) 0.4811596
                else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.85, NA)))) 0.411581
                else lmrob.E(r*psi(r), ctrl)^2 ## more accurate than psi'(r)
            } else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, .Mpsi.tuning.default(psi))))
                       bisquare = 0.5742327, welsh = 0.5445068, opt = 0.8598825,
                       hampel = 0.6775217, lqq = 0.6883393,
                       stop(':.vcov.w: unsupported psi for "hybrid" correction factor'))
            else lmrob.E(r*psi(r), ctrl)^2 ## more accurate than psi'(r)
        ## A / B^2  * Huber.corr :
        corrfact <- mean({ if (cov.corrfact == 'tauold') 1 else tau^2 } * r.psi^2)/mpp2 * hcorr
    ## simple sample size correction
    sscorr <- switch(cov.dfcorr, # old: codes in {-1, 0, 1,2,3 }
                     "mean"  = mean(w), # -1
                     "mn.vc" = mean(w) * varcorr,  # 1
                     "none"  = 1,       #  0
                     "varc"  = varcorr, #  2
                     "mn.df" = mean(w)^2 / (1 - p / sum(w)), # 3
                     stop("invalid 'cov.dfcorr': ", cov.dfcorr))

    structure(scale^2 * sscorr * corrfact * cinv,
	      ## scale^2 * a/b2 * Huber's correction * Cinv  -- with attributes
	      weights = w,
	      scale = scale,
	      scorr = sscorr,
	      corrfact = corrfact)

.vcov.avar1 <- function(obj, x=obj$x, posdef.meth = c("posdefify", "orig"))
{ ## was .vcov.MM
    stopifnot(is.list(ctrl <- obj$control))
    ## works only for MM & SM estimates:
    if (!is.null(ctrl$method) && !ctrl$method %in% c('SM', 'MM'))
        stop('.vcov.avar1() supports only SM or MM estimates')
    ## set psi and chi constants
    psi <- chi <- ctrl$psi
    if (is.null(psi)) stop('parameter psi is not defined')
    stopifnot(is.numeric(c.chi <- ctrl$tuning.chi),
	      is.numeric(c.psi <- ctrl$tuning.psi))

    ## need (r0, r, scale, x, c.psi,c.chi, bb)
    r0 <- obj$init$resid
    r <- resid(obj)
    scale <- obj$scale
    if (is.null(x))  x <- model.matrix(obj)
    bb <- 1/2 ## this is always 1/2 for S estimates by convention
### --- start code from .vcov.MM ---
    ## scaled residuals
    n <- length(r)
    stopifnot(n == length(r0), is.matrix(x), n == nrow(x))
    p <- ncol(x)
    r.s	 <- r / scale # final   scaled residuals
    r0.s <- r0 / scale # initial scaled residuals
    w  <- Mpsi(r.s,  cc = c.psi, psi = psi, deriv = 1)
    w0 <- Mchi(r0.s, cc = c.chi, psi = chi, deriv = 1)
    ## FIXME for multivariate y :
    x.wx <- crossprod(x, x * w)
    if(inherits(A <- tryCatch(solve(x.wx) * scale,
			      error=function(e)e), "error")) {
	warning("X'WX is almost singular. Consider rather using cov = \".vcov.w\"")
	A <- tryCatch(solve(x.wx, tol = 0) * scale, error=function(e)e)
	if(inherits(A, "error"))
	    stop("X'WX is singular. Rather use cov = \".vcov.w\"")
    a <- A %*% (crossprod(x, w * r.s) / mean(w0 * r0.s))
    w <- Mpsi( r.s, cc = c.psi, psi = psi)

    ## 3) now the standard part  (w, x, r0.s,  n, A,a, c.chi, bb)
    w0 <- Mchi(r0.s, cc = c.chi, psi = chi)
    Xww <- crossprod(x, w*w0)
    u1 <- A %*% crossprod(x, x * w^2) %*% (n * A)
    u2 <- a %*% crossprod(Xww, A)
    u3 <- A %*% tcrossprod(Xww, a)
    u4 <- mean(w0^2 - bb^2) * tcrossprod(a)

    ## list(cov = matrix((u1 - u2 - u3 + u4)/n, p, p),
    ##      wt = w / r.s, a = a)
### --- end code from .vcov.MM ---
    ret <- (u1 - u2 - u3 + u4)/n

    ## this might not be a positive definite matrix
    ## check eigenvalues (symmetric: ensure non-complex)
    ev <- eigen(ret, symmetric = TRUE)
    if (any(neg.ev <- ev$values < 0)) { ## there's a problem
	posdef.meth <- match.arg(posdef.meth)
	    message("fixing ", sum(neg.ev),
		    " negative eigen([",p,"])values")
	Q <- ev$vectors
	       "orig" = {
		   ## remove negative eigenvalue:
		   ## transform covariance matrix into eigenbasis
		   levinv <- solve(Q)
		   cov.eb <- levinv %*% ret %*% Q
		   ## set vectors corresponding to negative ev to zero
		   cov.eb[, neg.ev] <- 0
		   ## cov.eb[cov.eb < 1e-16] <- 0
		   ## and transform back
		   ret <- Q %*% cov.eb %*% levinv
	       "posdefify" = {
		   ## Instead of using	require("sfsmisc") and
		   ## ret <- posdefify(ret, "someEVadd",eigen.m = ev,eps.ev = 0)
		   lam <- ev$values
		   lam[neg.ev] <- 0
		   o.diag <- diag(ret)# original one - for rescaling
		   ret <- Q %*% (lam * t(Q)) ## == Q %*% diag(lam) %*% t(Q)
		   ## rescale to the original diagonal values
		   ## D <- sqrt(o.diag/diag(ret))
		   ## where they are >= 0 :
		   D <- sqrt(pmax.int(0, o.diag)/diag(ret))
		   ret[] <- D * ret * rep(D, each = p) ## == diag(D) %*% m %*% diag(D)
	       stop("invalid 'posdef.meth': ", posdef.meth))
    attr(ret,"weights") <- w / r.s
    attr(ret,"eigen") <- ev
}## end{.vcov.avar1}

lmrob..M..fit <- function (x = obj$x, y = obj$y, beta.initial = obj$coef,
                           scale = obj$scale, control = obj$control,
                           mf = obj$model,
                           ##   ^^^^^^^^^ not model.frame(obj) to avoid errors.
			   method = obj$control$method) #<- also when 'control' is not obj$control
    c.psi <- .psi.conv.cc(control$psi, control$tuning.psi)
    ipsi <- .psi2ipsi(control$psi)
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)
    if (is.null(y) && !is.null(obj$model))
        y <- model.response(obj$model, "numeric")
    # Only optimal and modified.optimal have more than 4 tuning constants
    stopifnot(length(y) == n,
              length(c.psi) > 0, # c.psi[-5] >= 0, (polynomial approx has neg coeffients)
              scale >= 0, length(beta.initial) == p)

    ret <- .C(R_lmrob_MM,
              x = as.double(x),
              y = as.double(y),
              n = as.integer(n),
              p = as.integer(p),
              beta.initial = as.double(beta.initial),
              scale = as.double(scale),
              coefficients = double(p),
              residuals = double(n),
              iter = as.integer(control$max.it),
              c.psi = as.double(c.psi),
              ipsi = as.integer(ipsi),
              loss = double(1),
              rel.tol = as.double(control$rel.tol),
              converged = logical(1),
              trace.lev = as.integer(control$trace.lev),
              mts = as.integer(control$mts),
              ss =  .convSs(control$subsampling)
              )[c("coefficients",  "scale", "residuals", "loss", "converged", "iter")]
    ## FIXME?: Should rather warn *here* in case of non-convergence
    ret$fitted.values <- drop(x %*% ret$coefficients)
    names(ret$coefficients) <- colnames(x)
    names(ret$residuals) <- rownames(x)
    ret$rweights <- lmrob.rweights(ret$residuals, scale, control$tuning.psi, control$psi)
    ret$control <- control
    if (!missing(obj)) {
	if (!grepl('M$', method)) {
	    ## update method if it's not there already
	    method <- paste0(method, 'M')
        if (!is.null(obj$call)) {
            ret$call <- obj$call
            ret$call$method <- method
        if (method %in% c('SM', 'MM')) {
            ret$init.S <- obj
        } else {
            ret$init <-
                              c("coefficients", "scale", "residuals", "loss", "converged",
                                "iter", "rweights", "fitted.values", "control", "ostats",
                                "init.S", "init", "kappa", "tau"))]
            class(ret$init) <- 'lmrob'
            ret <- c(ret,
                                   c("df.residual", "degree.freedom",
                                     "xlevels", "terms", "model", "x", "y",
                                     "na.action", "contrasts", "MD"))])
        ret$qr <- qr(x * sqrt(ret$rweights))
        ret$rank <- ret$qr$rank
        ## if there is a covariance matrix estimate available in obj
        ## update it, if possible, else replace it by the default .vcov.w
	if (!is.null(obj$cov)) {
	    if (!method %in% c('SM', 'MM') &&
		ret$control$cov == '.vcov.avar1')
		ret$control$cov <- '.vcov.w'
	    lf.cov <- if (!is.function(ret$control$cov))
		get(ret$control$cov, mode='function') else ret$control$cov
	    ret$cov <- lf.cov(ret, x)
        if (!is.null(obj$assign)) ret$assign <- obj$assign
        if (method %in% control$compute.outlier.stats)
            ret$ostats <- outlierStats(ret, x, control)
    class(ret) <- "lmrob"

lmrob.S <- function (x, y, control, trace.lev = control$trace.lev, mf = NULL)
    if (!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    n <- nrow(x)
    p <- ncol(x)
    nResample <- as.integer(control$nResample)
    groups <- as.integer(control$groups)
    nGr <- as.integer(control$n.group)
    large_n <- (n > control$fast.s.large.n)
    if (large_n) {
        if (nGr <= p)
            stop("'control$n.group' must be larger than 'p' for 'large_n' algorithm")
        if (nGr * groups > n)
            stop("'groups * n.group' must be smaller than 'n' for 'large_n' algorithm")
        if (nGr <= p + 10) ## FIXME (be smarter ..)
            warning("'control$n.group' is not much larger than 'p', probably too small")
    if (length(seed <- control$seed) > 0) {
        if (exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) {
            seed.keep <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv,
                             inherits = FALSE)
            on.exit(assign(".Random.seed", seed.keep, envir = .GlobalEnv))
        assign(".Random.seed", seed, envir = .GlobalEnv) ## why not set.seed(seed)

    bb <- as.double(control$bb)
    c.chi <- .psi.conv.cc(control$psi, control$tuning.chi)
    best.r <- as.integer(control$best.r.s)
    #Only optimal and modified.optimal have more than 4 tuning constants
    stopifnot(length(c.chi) > 0, c.chi[-5] >= 0, length(bb) > 0,
              length(best.r) > 0, best.r >= 1, length(y) == n, n > 0)

    b <- .C(R_lmrob_S,
            x = as.double(x),
            y = as.double(y),
            n = as.integer(n),
            p = as.integer(p),
            nResample = nResample,
            scale = double(1),
            coefficients = double(p),
            best_r = best.r,
            groups = groups,
            n.group = nGr,
            k.fast.s = as.integer(control$k.fast.s),
            k.iter = as.integer(control$k.max),
            maxit.scale = as.integer(control$maxit.scale),
            refine.tol = as.double(control$refine.tol),
            inv.tol = as.double(control$solve.tol),
            converged = logical(1),
            trace.lev = as.integer(trace.lev),
            mts = as.integer(control$mts),
            ss = .convSs(control$subsampling),
            fast.s.large.n = as.integer(if (large_n) control$fast.s.large.n else n+1)
            ## avoids the use of NAOK = TRUE for control$fast.s.large.n == Inf
            )[c("coefficients", "scale", "k.iter", "converged")]
    scale <- b$scale
    if (scale < 0)
	stop("C function R_lmrob_S() exited prematurely")
    if (scale == 0)
	warning("S-estimated scale == 0:  Probably exact fit; check your data")
    ## FIXME: get 'res'iduals from C
    if(trace.lev) {
	cat(sprintf("lmrob.S(): scale = %g; coeff.=\n", scale)); print(b$coefficients) }
    b$fitted.values <- x %*% b$coefficients
    b$residuals <- setNames(drop(y - b$fitted.values), rownames(x))
    names(b$coefficients) <- colnames(x)
    ## robustness weights
    b$rweights <- lmrob.rweights(b$residuals, scale, control$tuning.chi, control$psi)
    ## set method argument in control
    control$method <- 'S'
    b$control <- control
    ## add call if called from toplevel
    if (identical(parent.frame(), .GlobalEnv))
        b$call <- match.call()
    class(b) <- 'lmrob.S'
    if ("S" %in% control$compute.outlier.stats)
        b$ostats <- outlierStats(b, x, control)

lmrob..D..fit <- function(obj, x=obj$x, control = obj$control, mf = obj$model,
			  method = obj$control$method) #<- also when 'control' is not obj$control
    if (is.null(control)) stop('lmrob..D..fit: control is missing')
    if (!obj$converged)
        stop('lmrob..D..fit: prior estimator did not converge, stopping')
    if (is.null(x)) x <- model.matrix(obj)
    w <- obj$rweights
    if (is.null(w)) stop('lmrob..D..fit: robustness weights undefined')
    if (is.null(obj$residuals)) stop('lmrob..D..fit: residuals undefined')
    r <- obj$residuals
    psi <- control$psi
    if (is.null(psi)) stop('lmrob..D..fit: parameter psi is not defined')
    c.psi <- .psi.conv.cc(psi, if (method %in% c('S', 'SD'))
                           control$tuning.chi else control$tuning.psi)
    if (!is.numeric(c.psi)) stop('lmrob..D..fit: parameter tuning.psi is not numeric')

    obj$init <- obj[names(obj)[na.omit(match(
        c("coefficients","scale", "residuals", "loss", "converged", "iter", "ostats",
	  "rweights", "fitted.values", "control", "init.S", "init"), names(obj)))]]
    obj$init.S <- NULL

    if (is.null(obj$kappa))
        obj$kappa <- lmrob.kappa(obj, control)
    kappa <- obj$kappa
    if (is.null(obj$tau))
        obj$tau <- lmrob.tau(obj, x, control)
    tau <- obj$tau

    ## get starting value for root search (to keep breakdown point!)
    scale.1 <- sqrt(sum(w * r^2) / kappa / sum(tau^2*w))
    ret <- .C(R_find_D_scale,
              r = as.double(r),
              kappa = as.double(kappa),
              tau = as.double(tau),
              length = as.integer(length(r)),
              scale = as.double(scale.1),
              c = as.double(c.psi),
              ipsi = .psi2ipsi(psi),
              type = 3L, ## dt1 as only remaining option
              rel.tol = as.double(control$rel.tol),
              k.max = as.integer(control$k.max),
              converged = logical(1))[c("converged", "scale")]
    obj$scale <- if(ret$converged) ret$scale else NA
    obj$converged <- ret$converged

    if (!grepl('D$', method)) {
        ## append "D"  to method if it's not there already
        method <- method
        if (method == 'MM') method <- 'SM'
        method <- paste0(method, 'D')
    ## update call
    if (!is.null(obj$call)) obj$call$method <- method
    obj$control <- control
    class(obj) <- "lmrob"

    ## if there is a covariance matrix estimate available in obj
    ## update it, if possible, else replace it by the default
    ## .vcov.w
    if (!is.null(obj$cov)) {
        if (control$cov == '.vcov.avar1')
            control$cov <- '.vcov.w'

        lf.cov <- if (!is.function(control$cov))
            get(control$cov, mode='function') else control$cov
        obj$cov <- lf.cov(obj, x)
    if (method %in% control$compute.outlier.stats)
        obj$ostats <- outlierStats(obj, x, control)

globalVariables(c("psi", "wgt", "r"), add=TRUE) ## <- lmrob.E( <expr> )

lmrob.kappa <- function(obj, control = obj$control)
    if (is.null(control)) stop('control is missing')
    if (control$method %in% c('S', 'SD')) control$tuning.psi <- control$tuning.chi

    fun.min <- function(kappa) lmrob.E(psi(r)*r - kappa*wgt(r), control = control)
    uniroot(fun.min, c(0.1, 1))$root

### @importFrom robustbase lmrob
lmrob.tau <- function(obj, x=obj$x, control = obj$control, h, fast = TRUE)
    if(is.null(control)) stop("'control' is missing")
	h <- if (is.null(obj$qr))
	    .lmrob.hat(x, obj$rweights)
	    .lmrob.hat(wqr = obj$qr)

    ## speed up: use approximation if possible
    if (fast && !control$method %in% c('S', 'SD')) {
        c.psi <- control$tuning.psi
        tfact <- tcorr <- NA
               opt = if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, 1.060158))) {
                   tfact <- 0.94735878
                   tcorr <- -0.09444537
               bisquare = if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, 4.685061))) {
                   tfact <- 0.9473684
                   tcorr <- -0.0900833
               welsh = if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, 2.11))) {
                   tfact <- 0.94732953
                   tcorr <- -0.07569506
               ggw = if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.0, 0.95, NA)))) {
                   tfact <- 0.9473787
                    tcorr <- -0.1143846
               } else if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA)))) {
                   tfact <- 0.94741036
                   tcorr <- -0.08424648
               lqq = if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA)))) {
                   tfact <- 0.94736359
                   tcorr <- -0.08594805
               hampel = if (isTRUE(all.equal(c.psi, c(1.35241275, 3.15562975, 7.212868)))) {
                   tfact <- 0.94739770
                   tcorr <- -0.04103958
        if (!is.na(tfact))
            return(sqrt(1 - tfact*h) * (tcorr*h + 1))
    ## else "non-fast" -- need to compute the integrals :

    ## kappa
    kappa <- if(is.null(obj$kappa)) lmrob.kappa(obj, control) else obj$kappa
    ## local variables
    ## n <- length(h)
    ## set psi and cpsi
    psi <- control$psi
    if (is.null(psi)) stop('parameter psi is not defined')
    cpsi <- if (control$method %in% c('S', 'SD'))
        control$tuning.chi else control$tuning.psi
    cpsi <- .psi.conv.cc(psi, cpsi)# has its test
    ipsi <- .psi2ipsi(psi)

    ## constant for stderr of u_{-i} part and other constants
    inta <- function(r) .Mpsi(r, cpsi, ipsi)^2          * dnorm(r)
    intb <- function(r) .Mpsi(r, cpsi, ipsi, deriv = 1) * dnorm(r)
    ## intc <- function(r) .Mpsi(r, cpsi, ipsi) * r        * dnorm(r)
                                        # changed from psi/e to psi*e
    ta <- integrate(inta, -Inf,Inf)$value
    tb <- integrate(intb, -Inf,Inf)$value
    ## tE <- integrate(intc, -Inf,Inf)$value

    ## calculate tau for unique h
    hu <- unique(h)
    nu <- length(hu)

    ## Initialize tau vector
    tau <- numeric(length=nu)

    tc <- ta/tb^2
    ## --- Gauss-Hermite integration
    gh <- ghq(control$numpoints)
    ghz <- gh$nodes
    ghw <- gh$weights
    ## Calulate each tau_i
    for (i in 1:nu) {
        ## stderr of u_{-i} part
        s <- sqrt(tc*(hu[i]-hu[i]^2))
        tc2 <- hu[i]/tb
        ## function to be integrated
        fun <- function(w, v, sigma.i) {
	    t <- (v - tc2*.Mpsi(v, cpsi, ipsi) + w*s)/sigma.i
	    psi.t <- .Mpsi(t, cpsi, ipsi)
	    (psi.t*t - kappa*psi.t/t) * dnorm(v)*dnorm(w)
        ## integrate over w
        wint <- function(v, sigma.i) {
            ## sapply(v,function(v.j) integrate(fun,-Inf,Inf,v.j,sigma.i)$value)
            sapply(v, function(v.j) sum(fun(ghz, v.j, sigma.i)*ghw))
        ## integrate over v
        vint <- function(sigma.i) {
            ## integrate(wint,-Inf,Inf,sigma.i)$value
            sum(wint(ghz, sigma.i)*ghw)

        ## find tau
        tau[i] <- uniroot(vint, c(if (hu[i] < 0.9) 3/20 else 1/16, 1.1))$root

    tau[match(h, hu)]

lmrob.tau.fast.coefs <- function(cc, psi) {
    ## function that calculates the coefficients for 'fast' mode of lmrob.tau
    ctrl <- lmrob.control(tuning.psi = cc, psi = psi)
    levs <- seq(0, 0.8, length.out = 80)
    ## calculate taus
    taus <- lmrob.tau(list(), control=ctrl, h=levs, fast=FALSE)
    ## calculate asymptotic approximation of taus
    ta <- lmrob.E(psi(r)^2,  ctrl, use.integrate = TRUE)
    tb <- lmrob.E(psi(r, 1), ctrl, use.integrate = TRUE)
    tfact <- 2 - ta/tb^2
    taus.0 <- sqrt(1 - tfact * levs)
    ## calculate correction factor
    tcorr <- coef(robustbase::lmrob(taus / taus.0 - 1 ~ levs - 1))
    c(tfact = tfact, tcorr = tcorr)

lmrob.hatmatrix <- function(x, w = rep(1, NROW(x)), wqr = qr(sqrt(w) * x), names = FALSE)
    H <- tcrossprod(qr.qy(wqr, diag(1, NROW(x), x$rank)))
    if(names && !is.null(rnms <- dimnames(wqr$qr)[[1L]]))
	dimnames(H) <- list(rnms,rnms)

.lmrob.hat <- function(x, w = rep(1, NROW(x)), wqr = qr(sqrt(w) * x), names = TRUE)
    if (missing(wqr) && !is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x)
    ## Faster than computing the whole hat matrix, and then diag(.) :
    ## == diag(lmrob.hatmatrix(x, w, ...))
    h <- pmin(1, rowSums(qr.qy(wqr, diag(1, NROW(wqr$qr), wqr$rank))^2))
    if(names && !is.null(rnms <- dimnames(wqr$qr)[[1L]]))
	names(h) <- rnms

hatvalues.lmrob <- function(model, ...)
    if (is.null(wqr <- model$qr))
	.lmrob.hat(model$x, model$rweights)
	.lmrob.hat(wqr = wqr)

.psi2ipsi <- function(psi)
    psi <- .regularize.Mpsi(psi, redescending=FALSE)
    i <- match(psi, c(
	'huber', 'bisquare', 'welsh', 'opt',
	## 0	    1	        2	 3
	'hampel', 'ggw', 'lqq', 'mopt', 'optv0', 'moptv0'
	## 4	    5	   6      7       8          9
    if(is.na(i)) stop("internal logic error in psi() function name: ", psi,
		      "  Please report!")
    i - 1L

.psi.conv.cc <- function(psi, cc)
  if (!is.character(psi) || length(psi) != 1)
    stop("argument 'psi' must be a string (denoting a psi function)")
    stop("tuning constant 'cc' is not numeric")
  ## "FIXME": For (ggw, lqq) this is much related to  .psi.const() below
         'ggw' = {
           ## Input: 4 parameters, (minimal slope, b, efficiency, breakdown point) _or_ c(0, a,b,c, m.rho)
           ## Output 'k': either k in {1:6} or  k = c(0, k[2:5])
           ## prespecified 6 cases all treated in C ( ../src/lmrob.c ) :
           if (     isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1  , 0.95, NA)))) return(1)
           else if (isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1  , 0.85, NA)))) return(2)
           else if (isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1. , NA, 0.5)))) return(3)
           else if (isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA)))) return(4)
           else if (isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.85, NA)))) return(5)
           else if (isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, NA, 0.5)))) return(6)
           else if (length(cc) == 5 && cc[1] == 0 ||
                    (length(cc <- attr(cc, 'constants')) == 5 && cc[1] == 0))
           else stop('Coefficients for ',psi,' function incorrectly specified.\n',
                     'Use c(minimal slope, b, efficiency, breakdown point) or c(0, a,b,c, max_rho).')
         'lqq' = {
           ## Input: 4 parameters, (minimal slope, b/c, efficiency, breakdown point) _or_ (b, c, s) [length 3]
           ## Output: k[1:3] = (b, c, s)
           if (isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA))))
             return(c(1.4734061, 0.9822707, 1.5))
           else if (isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, NA, 0.5))))
             return(c(0.4015457, 0.2676971, 1.5))
           else if (length(cc) == 3 || length(cc <- attr(cc, 'constants')) == 3)
           else stop('Coefficients for ',psi,' function incorrectly specified.\n',
                     'Use c(minimal slope, b, efficiency, breakdown point) [2 cases only] or  c(b, c, s)')
         'hampel' = {
           ## just check length of coefficients
           if (length(cc) != 3)
             stop('Coef. for Hampel psi function not of length 3')
         'opt' = {
           ## just check length of coefficients
           if (length(cc) != 16)
             stop('Coef. for Optimal psi function not of length 16')
         'mopt' = {
           ## just check length of coefficients
           if (length(cc) != 16)
             stop('Coef. for Modified Optimal psi function not of length 6')
         'optv0' = {
           ## just check length of coefficients
           if (length(cc) != 6)
             stop('Coef. for Optimalv0 psi function not of length 6')
         'moptv0' = {
           ## just check length of coefficients
           if (length(cc) != 6)
             stop('Coef. for Modified Optimalv0 psi function not of length 6')
         }, {
           ## otherwise: should have length 1
           if (length(cc) != 1)
             stop('Coef. for psi function ', psi,' not of length 1')

.psi.ggw.mxs <- function(a, b, c, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) {
    ipsi <- .psi2ipsi('ggw')
    ccc <- c(0, a, b, c, 1) ## == .psi.conv.cc('ggw', cc=c(0, a, b, c, 1))
    optimize(.Mpsi, c(c, max(a+b+2*c, 0.5)), ccc=ccc, ipsi=ipsi, deriv = 1,
             tol = tol)

.psi.ggw.ms <- function(a, b, c, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25) ## find minimal slope
    .psi.ggw.mxs(a, b, c, tol=tol)[["objective"]]

.psi.ggw.finda <- function(ms, b, c, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, maxiter = 1000,
                            ms.tol = tol / 64,...) ## find constant 'a' (reparametrized to 1/o scale).
    val <- uniroot(function(a) .psi.ggw.ms(1/a, b, c, tol=ms.tol) - ms,
                   c(200, if (b > 1.4) 1/400 else if (b > 1.3) 1/50 else 1/20),
                   tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)

.psi.ggw.eff <- function(a, b, c) ## calculate asymptotic efficiency
    ipsi <- .psi2ipsi('ggw')
    ccc <- c(0, a, b, c, 1)
    lmrob.E(.Mpsi(r, ccc, ipsi, deriv=1), use.integrate = TRUE)^2 /
    lmrob.E(.Mpsi(r, ccc, ipsi) ^2,       use.integrate = TRUE)

.psi.ggw.bp <- function(a, b, c, ...) { ## calculate kappa
    ipsi <- .psi2ipsi('ggw')
    abc <- c(0, a, b, c)
    nc <- integrate(.Mpsi, 0, Inf, ccc = c(abc, 1), ipsi=ipsi, ...)$value
    lmrob.E(.Mchi(r, ccc = c(abc, nc), ipsi), use.integrate = TRUE)

.psi.ggw.findc <- function(ms, b, eff = NA, bp = NA,
                           subdivisions = 100L,
                           rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
                           tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, ms.tol = tol/64, maxiter = 1000) {
    ## find c by eff for bp
    c. <- if (!is.na(eff)) {
        if (!is.na(bp))
            warning('tuning constants for ggw psi: both eff and bp specified, ignoring bp')
        ## find c by eff
        tryCatch(uniroot(function(x) .psi.ggw.eff(.psi.ggw.finda(ms, b, x, ms.tol=ms.tol),
                                                  b, x) - eff,
                         c(0.15, if (b > 1.61) 1.4 else 1.9), tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)$root,
    } else {
        if (is.na(bp))
	    stop("neither breakdown point 'bp' nor efficiency 'eff' specified")
        ## find c by bp
        tryCatch(uniroot(function(x) .psi.ggw.bp(.psi.ggw.finda(ms, b, x, ms.tol=ms.tol),
                                                 b, x) - bp,
                c(0.08, if (ms < -0.4) 0.6 else 0.4), tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)$root,
    if (inherits(c., 'error'))
        stop(gettextf('unable to find constants for "ggw" psi function: %s',
                      c.$message), domain=NA)
    a <- .psi.ggw.finda(ms, b, c., ms.tol=ms.tol)
    nc <- integrate(.Mpsi, 0, Inf, ccc= c(0, a, b, c., 1), ipsi = .psi2ipsi('ggw'))$value
    ## return
    c(0, a, b, c., nc)

lmrob.efficiency <-  function(psi, cc, ...) {
    ipsi <- .psi2ipsi(psi)
    ccc <- .psi.conv.cc(psi, cc=cc)

    integrate(function(x) .Mpsi(x, ccc=ccc, ipsi=ipsi, deriv=1)*dnorm(x),
	      -Inf, Inf, ...)$value^2 /
    integrate(function(x) .Mpsi(x, ccc=ccc, ipsi=ipsi)^2 *dnorm(x),
	      -Inf, Inf, ...)$value

lmrob.bp <- function(psi, cc, ...)
  integrate(function(x) Mchi(x, cc, psi)*dnorm(x), -Inf, Inf, ...)$value

.psi.lqq.findc <-
    function(ms, b.c, eff = NA, bp = NA,
             interval = c(0.1, 4), subdivisions = 100L,
             rel.tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, abs.tol = rel.tol,
             tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, maxiter = 1000)
    ## b.c == b/c
    bcs <- function(cc) c(b.c*cc, cc, 1-ms)
    t.fun <- if (!is.na(eff)) { ## 'eff' specified
	if (!is.na(bp))
	    warning("tuning constants for \"lqq\" psi: both 'eff' and 'bp' specified, ignoring 'bp'")
	## find c by b, s and eff
	    lmrob.efficiency('lqq', bcs(c), subdivisions=subdivisions,
                             rel.tol=rel.tol, abs.tol=abs.tol) - eff
    } else {
	if (is.na(bp))
	    stop('Error: neither breakdown point nor efficiency specified')
        ## breakdown point  'bp' specified
	    lmrob.bp('lqq', bcs(c), subdivisions=subdivisions,
                     rel.tol=rel.tol, abs.tol=abs.tol) - bp
    c. <- tryCatch(uniroot(t.fun, interval=interval, tol=tol, maxiter=maxiter)$root,
    if (inherits(c., 'error'))
        stop(gettextf('unable to find constants for "lqq" psi function: %s',
                      c.$message), domain=NA)
    else bcs(c.)

.psi.const <- function(cc, psi)
           "ggw" = { ## only calculate for non-standard coefficients
               if (!(isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1,   0.95, NA))) ||
                     isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1,   0.85, NA))) ||
                     isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1,   NA,  0.5))) ||
                     isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA))) ||
                     isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.85, NA))) ||
                     isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, NA, 0.5))))) {
		   attr(cc, 'constants') <-
			.psi.ggw.findc(ms=cc[[1]], b=cc[[2]], eff=cc[[3]], bp=cc[[4]])
           "lqq" = { ## only calculate for non-standard coefficients
               if (!(isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, 0.95, NA))) ||
                     isTRUE(all.equal(cc, c(-.5, 1.5, NA, 0.5))))) {
		   attr(cc, 'constants') <-   ##  b.c :== b/c
		       .psi.lqq.findc(ms=cc[[1]], b.c=cc[[2]], eff=cc[[3]], bp=cc[[4]])
           stop("method for psi function ", psi, " not implemented"))

Mpsi <- function(x, cc, psi, deriv=0) {
    x[] <- .Call(R_psifun, x, .psi.conv.cc(psi, cc), .psi2ipsi(psi), deriv)
.Mpsi <- function(x, ccc, ipsi, deriv=0) .Call(R_psifun, x, ccc, ipsi, deriv)

Mchi <- function(x, cc, psi, deriv=0) {
    x[] <- .Call(R_chifun, x, .psi.conv.cc(psi, cc), .psi2ipsi(psi), deriv)
.Mchi <- function(x, ccc, ipsi, deriv=0) .Call(R_chifun, x, ccc, ipsi, deriv)

Mwgt <- function(x, cc, psi) {
    x[] <- .Call(R_wgtfun, x, .psi.conv.cc(psi, cc), .psi2ipsi(psi))
.Mwgt <- function(x, ccc, ipsi) .Call(R_wgtfun, x, ccc, ipsi)

## only for nlrob() -- and to use instead of MASS:::psi.huber etc:
## returns a *function* a la  psi.huber() :
.Mwgt.psi1 <- function(psi, cc = .Mpsi.tuning.default(psi)) {
    ipsi <- .psi2ipsi(psi)
    ccc <- .psi.conv.cc(psi, cc)
    ## return function *closure* :
    function(x, deriv = 0)
    if(deriv) .Mpsi(x, ccc, ipsi, deriv=deriv) else .Mwgt(x, ccc, ipsi)

# The normalizing constant for  rho(.) <--> rho~(.)
MrhoInf <- function(cc, psi) {
    cc <- .psi.conv.cc(psi, cc)
    .Call(R_rho_inf, cc, .psi2ipsi(psi))

.MrhoInf <- function(ccc, ipsi) .Call(R_rho_inf, ccc, ipsi)

lmrob.rweights <- function(resid, scale, cc, psi, eps = 16 * .Machine$double.eps) {
  if (scale == 0) { ## exact fit
	m <- max(ar <- abs(resid))
	if(m == 0) numeric(seq_len(ar)) else
	as.numeric(ar < eps * m)# 1 iff res ~= 0
    } else
	Mwgt(resid / scale, cc, psi)

lmrob.E <- function(expr, control, dfun = dnorm, use.integrate = FALSE, obj, ...)
    expr <- substitute(expr)
    if (missing(control) && !missing(obj))
        control <- obj$control

    lenvir <-
      if (!missing(control)) {
        psi <- control$psi
        if (is.null(psi)) stop('parameter psi is not defined')
	c.psi <- control[[if (control$method %in% c('S', 'SD'))
			  "tuning.chi" else "tuning.psi"]]
        if (!is.numeric(c.psi)) stop('tuning parameter (chi/psi) is not numeric')

        list(psi = function(r, deriv = 0) Mpsi(r, c.psi, psi, deriv),
             chi = function(r, deriv = 0) Mchi(r, c.psi, psi, deriv), ## change?
             wgt = function(r) Mwgt(r, c.psi, psi)) ## change?

      } else list()

    pf <- parent.frame()
    FF <- function(r)
	eval(expr, envir = c(list(r = r), lenvir), enclos = pf) * dfun(r)
    if (isTRUE(use.integrate)) {
	integrate(FF, -Inf,Inf, ...)$value
    ## This would be a bit more accurate .. *AND* faster notably for larger 'numpoints':
    ## } else if(use.integrate == "GQr") {
    ##     require("Gqr")# from R-forge [part of lme4 project]
    ##     ## initialize Gauss-Hermite Integration
    ##     GH <- GaussQuad(if(is.null(control$numpoints)) 13 else control$numpoints,
    ##                     "Hermite")
    ##     ## integrate
    ##     F. <- function(r) eval(expr, envir = c(list(r = r), lenvir), enclos = pf)
    ##     sum(GH$weights * F.(GH$knots))
    } else {
	## initialize Gauss-Hermite Integration
	gh <- ghq(if(is.null(control$numpoints)) 13 else control$numpoints)
	## integrate
	sum(gh$weights * FF(gh$nodes))

ghq <- function(n = 1, modify = TRUE) {
    ## Adapted from gauss.quad in statmod package
    ## which itself has been adapted from Netlib routine gaussq.f
    ## Gordon Smyth, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute

    n <- as.integer(n)
    if(n<0) stop("need non-negative number of nodes")
    if(n==0) return(list(nodes=numeric(0), weights=numeric(0)))
    ## i <- seq_len(n) # 1 .. n
    i1 <- seq_len(n-1L)

    muzero <- sqrt(pi)
    ## a <- numeric(n)
    b <- sqrt(i1/2)

    A <- numeric(n*n)
    ## A[(n+1)*(i-1)+1] <- a # already 0
    A[(n+1)*(i1-1)+2] <- b
    A[(n+1)*i1] <- b
    dim(A) <- c(n,n)
    vd <- eigen(A,symmetric=TRUE)
    n..1 <- n:1L
    w <- vd$vectors[1, n..1]
    w <- muzero * w^2
    x <- vd$values[n..1] # = rev(..)
    list(nodes=x, weights= if (modify) w*exp(x^2) else w)

.convSs <- function(ss)
           "simple"= 0L,
           "nonsingular"= 1L,
           stop("unknown setting for parameter ss"))

outlierStats <- function(object, x = object$x,
                         control = object$control,
                         epsw = control$eps.outlier,
                         epsx = control$eps.x,
                         warn.limit.reject = control$warn.limit.reject,
                         warn.limit.meanrw = control$warn.limit.meanrw
                         ) {
    ## look at all the factors in the model and count
    ## for each level how many observations were rejected.
    ## Issue a warning if there is any level where more than
    ## warn.limit.reject observations were rejected or
    ## the mean robustness weights was <= warn.limit.meanrw

    rw <- object$rweights
    ##    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not weights(..., type="robustness") as we
    ##                    don't want naresid() padding here.
    if (is.function(epsw)) epsw <- epsw(nobs(object, use.fallback = TRUE))
    if (!is.numeric(epsw) || length(epsw) != 1)
        stop("'epsw' must be numeric(1) or a function of nobs(obj.) which returns a numeric(1)")
    rj <- abs(rw) < epsw
    if (NROW(x) != length(rw))
        stop("number of rows in 'x' and length of 'object$rweights' must be the same")
    if (is.function(epsx)) epsx <- epsx(max(abs(x)))
    if (!is.numeric(epsx) || length(epsx) != 1)
        stop("'epsx' must be numeric(1) or a function of max(abs(x)) which returns a numeric(1)")
    xnz <- abs(x) > epsx

    cc <- function(idx) {
        nnz <- sum(idx) ## <- if this is zero, 'Ratio' and 'Mean.RobWeight' will be NaN
        Fr <- sum(rj[idx])
	c(N.nonzero = nnz,
	  N.rejected = Fr,
	  Ratio = Fr / nnz,
	  Mean.RobWeight = mean(rw[idx]))

    report <- t(apply(cbind(Overall=TRUE, xnz[, colSums(xnz) < NROW(xnz)]), 2, cc))

    shout <- FALSE # should we "shout"? -- scalar logical, never NA
    lbr <- rep.int(FALSE, nrow(report))
    if (!is.null(warn.limit.reject)) {
	lbr <- report[, "Ratio"] >= warn.limit.reject
	shout <- any(lbr & !is.na(lbr))
    if (!is.null(warn.limit.meanrw)) {
	lbr <- lbr | report[, "Mean.RobWeight"] <= warn.limit.meanrw
	shout <- shout || any(lbr & !is.na(lbr))
    if (shout) {
        nbr <- rownames(report)[lbr]
        attr(report, "warning") <- paste("Possible local breakdown of",
                                         paste0("'", nbr, "'", collapse=", "))
        warning("Detected possible local breakdown of ", control$method, "-estimate in ",
                if (length(nbr) > 1) paste(length(nbr), "coefficients") else "coefficient",
                " ", paste0("'", nbr, "'", collapse=", "), ".",
                if ("KS2014" %in% control$setting) "" else
                "\nUse lmrob argument 'setting=\"KS2014\"' to avoid this problem."


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