
Defines functions plot_roc plot_class_allocation plot_class_seq plot_trace plot_mixture_contour plot_mixture_marginal plot_acf plot.RprobitB_fit plot.RprobitB_data

Documented in plot_acf plot_class_allocation plot_class_seq plot_mixture_contour plot_mixture_marginal plot_roc plot.RprobitB_data plot.RprobitB_fit plot_trace

#' Visualize choice data
#' @description
#' This function is the plot method for an object of class \code{RprobitB_data}.
#' @param x
#' An object of class \code{RprobitB_data}.
#' @param by_choice
#' Set to \code{TRUE} to group the covariates by the chosen alternatives.
#' @param alpha,position
#' Passed to \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}}.
#' @param ...
#' Ignored.
#' @return
#' No return value. Draws a plot to the current device.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- simulate_choices(
#'   form = choice ~ cost | 0,
#'   N = 100,
#'   T = 10,
#'   J = 2,
#'   alternatives = c("bus", "car"),
#'   true_parameter = list("alpha" = -1)
#' )
#' plot(data, by_choice = TRUE)

plot.RprobitB_data <- function(x, by_choice = FALSE, alpha = 1,
                               position = "dodge", ...) {
  ### extract the data to be plotted
  data_red <- x$choice_data[names(x$choice_data) %in%
    unlist(x$res_var_names[c("choice", "cov")])]

  ### transform covariates with less than 10 values to factors
  for (i in 1:ncol(data_red)) {
    if (length(unique(data_red[, i])) < 10) {
      data_red[, i] <- as.factor(data_red[, i])

  ### keep order of alternatives in case of the ordered probit model
  if (x$ordered) {
    data_red[[x$res_var_names$choice]] <- factor(
      levels = x$alternatives

  ### create basis of plot
  base_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data_red) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
    ggplot2::scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none") +
    ggplot2::labs(y = "")

  plots <- list()

  plots[[1]] <- base_plot + ggplot2::geom_bar(
    mapping = ggplot2::aes(
      x = .data[[x$res_var_names$choice]],
      fill = if (by_choice) .data[[x$res_var_names$choice]] else NULL
    position = position, alpha = alpha

  for (cov in setdiff(names(data_red), x$res_var_names$choice)) {
    if (is.factor(data_red[[cov]])) {
      p <- ggplot2::geom_bar(
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = .data[[cov]],
          fill = if (by_choice) .data[[x$res_var_names$choice]] else NULL
        position = position, alpha = alpha
    } else {
      p <- ggplot2::geom_freqpoly(
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(
          x = .data[[cov]],
          color = if (by_choice) .data[[x$res_var_names$choice]] else NULL
        alpha = alpha

    plots[[length(plots) + 1]] <- base_plot + p

  suppressMessages(gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = plots))

#' Visualize fitted probit model
#' @description
#' This function is the plot method for an object of class \code{RprobitB_fit}.
#' @param x
#' An object of class \code{\link{RprobitB_fit}}.
#' @param type
#' The type of plot, which can be one of:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{"mixture"} to visualize the mixing distribution,
#'   \item \code{"acf"} for autocorrelation plots of the Gibbs samples,
#'   \item \code{"trace"} for trace plots of the Gibbs samples,
#'   \item \code{"class_seq"} to visualize the sequence of class numbers.
#' }
#' See the details section for visualization options.
#' @param ignore
#' A character (vector) of covariate or parameter names that do not get
#' visualized.
#' @param ...
#' Ignored.
#' @return
#' No return value. Draws a plot to the current device.
#' @export

plot.RprobitB_fit <- function(x, type, ignore = NULL, ...) {
  ### check inputs
  if (!inherits(x, "RprobitB_fit")) {
    stop("Not of class 'RprobitB_fit'.")
  if (missing(type) ||
    !(is.character(type) && length(type) == 1) ||
    !type %in% c("mixture", "acf", "trace", "class_seq")) {
    stop("'type' must be one of\n",
      "- 'mixture' (to visualize the mixing distribution)\n",
      "- 'acf' (for autocorrelation plots of the Gibbs samples)\n",
      "- 'trace' (for trace plots of the Gibbs samples)\n",
      "- 'class_seq' (to visualize the sequence of class numbers)",
      call. = FALSE
  if (!type %in% c("mixture", "acf", "trace", "class_seq")) {
    stop("Unknown 'type'.", call. = FALSE)

  ### read ellipsis arguments
  add_par <- list(...)

  ### make plot type 'mixture'
  if (type == "mixture") {
    if (x$data$P_r == 0) {
      stop("Cannot plot a mixing distribution because the model has no random effects.",
        call. = FALSE
    est <- point_estimates(x)
    est_b <- apply(est$b, 2, as.numeric, simplify = F)
    est_Omega <- apply(est$Omega, 2, matrix, nrow = x$data$P_r, simplify = F)
    est_s <- est$s
    cov_names <- x$data$effects[x$data$effects$random == TRUE, "effect"]
    plots <- list()
    for (p1 in 1:x$data$P_r) {
      for (p2 in 1:x$data$P_r) {
        if (any(cov_names[c(p1, p2)] %in% ignore)) next
        plots <- append(plots, list(if (p1 == p2) {
            mean = lapply(est_b, function(x) x[p1]),
            cov = lapply(est_Omega, function(x) x[p1, p1]),
            weights = est_s,
            name = cov_names[p1]
        } else {
            means = lapply(est_b, function(x) x[c(p1, p2)]),
            covs = lapply(est_Omega, function(x) x[c(p1, p2), c(p1, p2)]),
            weights = est_s,
            names = cov_names[c(p1, p2)]
    do.call(gridExtra::grid.arrange, c(plots, ncol = floor(sqrt(length(plots)))))

  ### make plot type 'acf' and 'trace'
  if (type == "acf" || type == "trace") {
    if (x$latent_classes$C == 1) ignore <- c(ignore, "s")
    gs <- filter_gibbs_samples(
      x = x$gibbs_samples, P_f = x$data$P_f, P_r = x$data$P_r, J = x$data$J,
      C = x$latent_classes$C, cov_sym = FALSE, drop_par = ignore
    pl <- parameter_labels(
      P_f = x$data$P_f, P_r = x$data$P_r, J = x$data$J, C = x$latent_classes$C,
      cov_sym = FALSE, drop_par = ignore
    for (par_name in names(gs)) {
      gibbs_samples <- gs[[par_name, drop = FALSE]]
      par_labels <- paste(par_name, colnames(gibbs_samples), sep = "_")
      ignore_tmp <- par_labels %in% ignore
      gibbs_samples <- gibbs_samples[, !ignore_tmp, drop = FALSE]
      par_labels <- par_labels[!ignore_tmp]
      if (type == "acf") {
        plot_acf(gibbs_samples, par_labels)
      if (type == "trace") {
        plot_trace(gibbs_samples, par_labels)

  ### make plot type 'class_seq'
  if (type == "class_seq") {
    if (x$data$P_r == 0) {
      stop("Cannot show the class sequence because the model has no random effect.",
        call. = FALSE
    plot_class_seq(x[["class_sequence"]], B = x$B)

#' Autocorrelation plot of Gibbs samples
#' @description
#' This function plots the autocorrelation of the Gibbs samples. The plots
#' include the total Gibbs sample size \code{TSS} and the effective sample size
#' \code{ESS}, see the details.
#' @details
#' The effective sample size is the value
#' \deqn{TSS / \sqrt{1 + 2\sum_{k\geq 1} \rho_k}},
#' where \eqn{\rho_k} is the auto correlation between the chain offset by
#' \eqn{k} positions. The auto correlations are estimated via
#' \code{\link[stats]{spec.ar}}.
#' @param gibbs_samples
#' A matrix of Gibbs samples.
#' @param par_labels
#' A character vector with labels for the Gibbs samples, of length equal to the
#' number of columns of \code{gibbs_samples}.
#' @return
#' No return value. Draws a plot to the current device.
#' @keywords
#' internal

plot_acf <- function(gibbs_samples, par_labels) {
  for (c in 1:ncol(gibbs_samples)) {
    x <- gibbs_samples[, c]
    sum_rho <- (stats::spec.ar(x, plot = F)$spec[1] / var(x) - 1) / 2
    stats::acf(x, las = 1, main = "")
    graphics::title(par_labels[c], line = 1)
    TSS <- length(x)
    ESS <- min(TSS / (1 + 2 * sum_rho), TSS)
      x.intersp = -0.5, bg = "white",
      legend = sprintf("%s %.0f", paste0(c("TSS", "ESS"), ":"), c(TSS, ESS))

#' Plot marginal mixing distributions
#' @description
#' This function plots an estimated marginal mixing distributions.
#' @param mean
#' The class means.
#' @param cov
#' The class covariances.
#' @param weights
#' The class weights.
#' @param name
#' The covariate name.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{ggplot}.
#' @keywords
#' internal

plot_mixture_marginal <- function(mean, cov, weights, name) {
  C <- length(weights)
  x_min <- min(mapply(function(x, y) x - 3 * y, mean, cov))
  x_max <- max(mapply(function(x, y) x + 3 * y, mean, cov))
  x <- seq(x_min, x_max, length.out = 200)
  y <- Reduce("+", sapply(1:C, function(c) {
    weights[c] *
      stats::dnorm(x, mean[[c]], sd = cov[[c]])
  simplify = FALSE

  xint <- grp <- NULL
  out <- ggplot2::ggplot(data = data.frame(x = x, y = y), ggplot2::aes(x, y)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line() +
    ggplot2::labs(x = bquote(beta[.(name)]), y = "")

  if (C > 1) {
    class_means <- data.frame(xint = unlist(mean), grp = factor(1:C))
    out <- out +
        data = class_means,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = xint, y = 0, label = grp, color = grp),
        size = 5,
        show.legend = FALSE


#' Plot bivariate contour of mixing distributions
#' @description
#' This function plots an estimated bivariate contour mixing distributions.
#' @param means
#' The class means.
#' @param covs
#' The class covariances.
#' @param weights
#' The class weights.
#' @param names
#' The covariate names.
#' @return
#' An object of class \code{ggplot}.
#' @keywords
#' internal

plot_mixture_contour <- function(means, covs, weights, names) {
  C <- length(weights)
  x_min <- min(mapply(function(x, y) x[1] - 5 * y[1, 1], means, covs))
  x_max <- max(mapply(function(x, y) x[1] + 5 * y[1, 1], means, covs))
  y_min <- min(mapply(function(x, y) x[2] - 5 * y[2, 2], means, covs))
  y_max <- max(mapply(function(x, y) x[2] + 5 * y[2, 2], means, covs))
  data.grid <- expand.grid(
    x = seq(x_min, x_max, length.out = 200),
    y = seq(y_min, y_max, length.out = 200)
  z <- Reduce("+", sapply(1:C, function(c) {
    mvtnorm::dmvnorm(data.grid, means[[c]], covs[[c]])
  }, simplify = FALSE))

  x <- y <- grp <- NULL
  out <- ggplot2::ggplot(
    data = cbind(data.grid, z),
    ggplot2::aes(x = .data$x, y = .data$y, z = .data$z)
  ) +
    ggplot2::geom_contour() +
    ggplot2::labs(x = bquote(beta[.(names[1])]), y = bquote(beta[.(names[2])]))

  if (C > 1) {
    class_means <- data.frame(
      x = sapply(means, "[[", 1), y = sapply(means, "[[", 2), z = 0,
      grp = factor(1:C)
    out <- out +
        data = class_means,
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, label = grp, color = grp),
        size = 5,
        show.legend = FALSE


#' Visualizing the trace of Gibbs samples.
#' @description
#' This function plots traces of the Gibbs samples.
#' @param gibbs_samples
#' A matrix of Gibbs samples.
#' @param par_labels
#' A character vector of length equal to the number of columns of
#' \code{gibbs_samples}, containing labels for the Gibbs samples.
#' @return
#' No return value. Draws a plot to the current device.
#' @keywords
#' internal

plot_trace <- function(gibbs_samples, par_labels) {
  ### define colors
  col <- viridis::magma(n = ncol(gibbs_samples), begin = 0.1, end = 0.9, alpha = 0.6)

  ### plot trace
    plot.type = "single",
    ylim = c(min(gibbs_samples), max(gibbs_samples)),
    col = col, xlab = "Iteration", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", main = "", las = 1

  ### add info
    side = 1, at = c(1, nrow(gibbs_samples)),
    labels = c("B+1", "R")
    legend = par_labels, lty = 1, col = col,
    cex = 0.75, bg = "white"

#' Visualizing the number of classes during Gibbs sampling
#' @description
#' This function plots the number of latent Glasses during Gibbs sampling
#' to visualize the class updating.
#' @inheritParams RprobitB_fit
#' @return
#' No return value. Draws a plot to the current device.
#' @keywords
#' internal

plot_class_seq <- function(class_sequence, B) {
  data <- data.frame(i = 1:length(class_sequence), c = class_sequence)
  plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(data, ggplot2::aes(x = .data$i, y = .data$c)) +
    ggplot2::geom_line() +
      title = "Number of classes during Gibbs sampling",
      subtitle = "The grey area shows the updating phase",
      x = "Iteration",
      y = ""
    ) +
    ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous() +
      breaks = 1:max(class_sequence),
      labels = as.character(1:max(class_sequence)),
      minor_breaks = NULL
    ) +
    ggplot2::expand_limits(y = 1) +
      geom = "rect",
      xmin = 0, xmax = B, ymin = -Inf, ymax = Inf,
      fill = "grey", alpha = 0.2

#' Plot class allocation (for \code{P_r = 2} only)
#' @description
#' This function plots the allocation of decision-maker specific coefficient vectors
#' \code{beta} given the allocation vector \code{z}, the class means \code{b},
#' and the class covariance matrices \code{Omega}.
#' @details
#' Only applicable in the two-dimensional case, i.e. only if \code{P_r = 2}.
#' @inheritParams RprobitB_parameter
#' @param ...
#' Optional visualization parameters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{colors}, a character vector of color specifications,
#'   \item \code{perc}, a numeric between 0 and 1 to draw the \code{perc} percentile
#'         ellipsoids for the underlying Gaussian distributions (\code{perc = 0.95} per default),
#'   \item \code{r}, the current iteration number of the Gibbs sampler to be displayed in the legend,
#'   \item \code{sleep}, the number of seconds to pause after plotting.
#' }
#' @return
#' No return value. Draws a plot to the current device.
#' @keywords
#' internal

plot_class_allocation <- function(beta, z, b, Omega, ...) {
  m <- as.vector(table(z))
  graphic_pars <- list(...)
  if (!is.null(graphic_pars[["colors"]])) {
    colors <- graphic_pars[["colors"]]
  } else {
    colors <- c(
      "black", "forestgreen", "red2", "orange", "cornflowerblue",
      "magenta", "darkolivegreen4", "indianred1", "tan4", "darkblue",
      "mediumorchid1", "firebrick4", "yellowgreen", "lightsalmon", "tan3",
      "tan1", "darkgray", "wheat4", "#DDAD4B", "chartreuse",
      "seagreen1", "moccasin", "mediumvioletred", "seagreen", "cadetblue1",
      "darkolivegreen1", "tan2", "tomato3", "#7CE3D8", "gainsboro"
  plot(t(beta), xlab = bquote(beta[1]), ylab = bquote(beta[2]))
  graphics::points(t(beta), col = colors[z], pch = 19)
  if (!is.null(graphic_pars[["perc"]])) {
    perc <- graphic_pars[["perc"]]
  } else {
    perc <- 0.95
  for (c in 1:length(m)) {
      mu = b[, c], sigma = matrix(Omega[, c], ncol = nrow(Omega) / 2),
      alpha = 1 - perc, npoints = 250, col = colors[c]
  if (!is.null(graphic_pars[["r"]])) {
    title <- paste("Iteration", graphic_pars[["r"]])
  } else {
    title <- NULL
    legend = paste0("class ", 1:length(m), " (", round(m / sum(m) * 100), "%)"),
    pch = 19, col = colors[1:length(m)], title = title
  if (!is.null(graphic_pars[["sleep"]])) {

#' Plot ROC curve
#' @description
#' This function draws receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.
#' @param ...
#' One or more \code{RprobitB_fit} objects or \code{data.frame}s of choice
#' probability.
#' @param reference
#' The reference alternative.
#' @return
#' No return value. Draws a plot to the current device.
#' @export

plot_roc <- function(..., reference = NULL) {
  D <- name <- NULL
  models <- as.list(list(...))
  model_names <- unlist(lapply(sys.call()[-1], as.character))[1:length(models)]
  pred_merge <- NULL
  for (m in 1:length(models)) {
    if (inherits(models[[m]], "RprobitB_fit")) {
      if (is.null(reference)) {
        reference <- models[[m]]$data$alternatives[1]
      pred <- predict.RprobitB_fit(models[[m]], overview = FALSE, digits = 8)
      true <- ifelse(pred$true == reference, 1, 0)
      if (is.null(pred_merge)) {
        pred_merge <- data.frame(true)
        colnames(pred_merge) <- paste0("d_", model_names[m])
      } else {
        pred_merge[, paste0("d_", model_names[m])] <- true
      pred_merge[, model_names[m]] <- pred[reference]
    } else {
      if (is.null(reference)) {
        reference <- colnames(models[[m]])[1]
      if (is.null(pred_merge)) {
        stop("Not implemented yet.", call. = FALSE)
      } else {
        pred_merge[, model_names[m]] <- models[[m]][, reference]
  if (length(models) > 1) {
    pred_merge <- plotROC::melt_roc(
      data = pred_merge, d = paste0("d_", model_names[1]), m = model_names
  } else {
    colnames(pred_merge) <- c("D", "M")
  if (length(models) > 1) {
    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(
      data = pred_merge,
        m = rlang::.data$M, d = rlang::.data$D, color = rlang::.data$name
  } else {
    plot <- ggplot2::ggplot(
      data = pred_merge,
      ggplot2::aes(m = rlang::.data$M, d = rlang::.data$D)
  plot <- plot + plotROC::geom_roc(n.cuts = 20, labels = FALSE) +
    plotROC::style_roc(theme = ggplot2::theme_grey) +
    theme(legend.position = "top") +
    theme(legend.title = ggplot2::element_blank())

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RprobitB documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:59 a.m.