Defines functions plotJACKLLZ

Documented in plotJACKLLZ

plotJACKLLZ<-function(hjack, sta, proj=NULL, PLOT=1  )
###  there are 2 possible plots created, each with a different default size
###  if plot = {0,1,2}
#######  plot the output of HiJACK
#### This will not work: if(DEST==FALSE) { DEST=NULL }

    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

    ##  if(length(width)<2) { width = c(width[1], 0.5*width[1]) }
    ##  if(length(height)<2) { height = c(height[1], height[1]) }

    L1 = as.vector( unlist( lapply(YEYE, "length") ) )
    Lw = which(L1>0)

    YEYEB = vector(mode="list")
    for(i in 1:length(Lw) )
        YEYEB[[i]] = YEYE[[Lw[i]]]

    names( YEYEB) = names(YEYE)[Lw]


    L1 = as.vector( unlist( lapply(XEYE, "length") ) )
    Lw = which(L1>0)

    XEYEB = vector(mode="list")
    for(i in 1:length(Lw) )
        XEYEB[[i]] = XEYE[[Lw[i]]]

    names( XEYEB) = names(XEYE)[Lw]
    L1 = as.vector( unlist( lapply(ZEYE, "length") ) )
    Lw = which(L1>0)

    ZEYEB = vector(mode="list")
    for(i in 1:length(Lw) )
        ZEYEB[[i]] = ZEYE[[Lw[i]]]

    names( ZEYEB) = names(ZEYE)[Lw]

    ##  boxplot.stats(x, coef = 1.5, do.conf = TRUE, do.out = TRUE)
    Blat = boxplot(YEYEB, plot=FALSE)
    Blon = boxplot(XEYEB, plot=FALSE)
    Bz = boxplot(ZEYEB, plot=FALSE)

        bxp(Blat, varwidth=TRUE)
        title("Station Influence Lat")

        bxp(Blon, varwidth=TRUE)
        title("Station Influence Lon")

        bxp(Bz, varwidth=TRUE)
        title("Station Influence Z")

    if(  PLOT==2)


        Gxy = GEOmap::GLOB.XY(  sta$lat   ,sta$lon , proj)
        plot(Gxy$x, Gxy$y, type='n', xlab="km", ylab="km", asp=1 )
        imageINFLUENCE(Blat, sta, proj)
        title("Station Influence Latitude")
        plot(Gxy$x, Gxy$y, type='n', xlab="km", ylab="km", asp=1 )
        imageINFLUENCE(Blon, sta, proj)
        title("Station Influence Longitude")
        plot(Gxy$x, Gxy$y, type='n', xlab="km", ylab="km", asp=1 )
        imageINFLUENCE(Bz, sta, proj)
        title("Station Influence Depth")

    return(list( X=XEYEB, Y=YEYEB, Z=ZEYEB   ) )

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Rquake documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:54 a.m.