
    .rx <- loadNamespace("RxODE")

    for (radi in 1:2) {
      radix <- switch(radi,
      context(sprintf("etTrans checks (radix: %s)", radix))

      mod <- RxODE("
a = 6
b = 0.6
d/dt(intestine) = -a*intestine
d/dt(blood)     = a*intestine - b*blood

      et <- eventTable()
        dose = 2 / 24, rate = 2, start.time = 0,
        nbr.doses = 10, dosing.interval = 1
      et <- et %>%
        et(0.05, evid = 2) %>%
        et(amt = 3, time = 0.5, cmt = out) %>%
        et(amt = 3, time = 0.1, cmt = intestine, ss = 1, ii = 3) %>%
        et(amt = 3, time = 0.3, cmt = intestine, ss = 2, ii = 3) %>%
        et(time = 0.2, cmt = "-intestine") %>%

      test_that("error for empty data", {
          .rx$etTrans(et, mod)

      ett1 <- .rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE)
      tmp1 <- sort(unique(ett1$EVID))

      et$cmt <- factor(et$cmt)
      ett2 <- .rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE)

      test_that("factor and character give same compartment information", {
        expect_equal(attr(class(ett2), ".RxODE.lst")$cmtInfo, attr(class(ett1), ".RxODE.lst")$cmtInfo)
        expect_equal(attr(class(ett2), ".RxODE.lst")$cmtInfo, c("intestine", "blood", "out"))

      test_that("factor and character give same evids", {
        expect_equal(ett1$EVID, ett2$EVID)

      et0 <- et

      et$cmt <- paste(et$cmt)
      et$cmt[1:2] <- NA_character_

      ett1 <- RxODE::etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE, addCmt = TRUE)

      test_that("string NA gives 1 for default compartment", {
        expect_equal(ett1$EVID, ett2$EVID)

      et <- et0
      et$cmt[1:2] <- NA_integer_
      ett2 <- .rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE, addCmt = TRUE)

      test_that("factor NA gives 1 for default compartment", {
        expect_equal(ett2$EVID, ett1$EVID)

      et$cmt <- as.integer(et$cmt)

      et$cmt[1:2] <- NA_integer_

      ett2 <- .rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE, addCmt = TRUE)

      test_that("factor NA gives 1 for default compartment", {
        expect_equal(ett2$EVID[1:2], ett1$EVID[1:2])

      et <- eventTable()
        dose = 2 / 24, rate = 2, start.time = 0,
        nbr.doses = 10, dosing.interval = 1
      et <- et %>%
        et(0.05, evid = 2) %>%
        et(amt = 3, time = 0.5, cmt = "-out") %>%

      test_that("error for negative non ODE compartments", {
        expect_error(.rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE))
        et$cmt <- factor(et$cmt)
        expect_error(.rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE))

      et <- eventTable()
        dose = 2 / 24, rate = 2, start.time = 0,
        nbr.doses = 10, dosing.interval = 1
      et <- et %>%
        et(0.05, evid = 2) %>%
        et(amt = 3, time = 0.25, cmt = "out") %>%
        et(amt = 3, time = 0.5, cmt = "-out") %>%

      test_that("error for negative non ODE compartments after defined compartment", {
        expect_error(.rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE))
        et$cmt <- factor(et$cmt)
        expect_error(.rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE))

      et <- et() %>% et(amt = 3, time = 0.24, evid = 4)

      test_that("EVID=4 makes sense", {
        expect_equal(expect_warning(.rx$etTrans(et, mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE)$EVID), c(3L, 101L))

      mod <- RxODE("    CO = (187 * WT^0.81) * 60/1000
    QHT = 4 * CO/100
    QBR = 12 * CO/100
    QMU = 17 * CO/100
    QAD = 5 * CO/100
    QSK = 5 * CO/100
    QSP = 3 * CO/100
    QPA = 1 * CO/100
    QLI = 25.5 * CO/100
    QST = 1 * CO/100
    QGU = 14 * CO/100
    QHA = QLI - (QSP + QPA + QST + QGU)
    QBO = 5 * CO/100
    QKI = 19 * CO/100
    QRB = CO - (QHT + QBR + QMU + QAD + QSK + QLI + QBO + QKI)
    QLU = QHT + QBR + QMU + QAD + QSK + QLI + QBO + QKI + QRB
    VLU = (0.76 * WT/100)/1.051
    VHT = (0.47 * WT/100)/1.03
    VBR = (2 * WT/100)/1.036
    VMU = (40 * WT/100)/1.041
    VAD = (21.42 * WT/100)/0.916
    VSK = (3.71 * WT/100)/1.116
    VSP = (0.26 * WT/100)/1.054
    VPA = (0.14 * WT/100)/1.045
    VLI = (2.57 * WT/100)/1.04
    VST = (0.21 * WT/100)/1.05
    VGU = (1.44 * WT/100)/1.043
    VBO = (14.29 * WT/100)/1.99
    VKI = (0.44 * WT/100)/1.05
    VAB = (2.81 * WT/100)/1.04
    VVB = (5.62 * WT/100)/1.04
    VRB = (3.86 * WT/100)/1.04
    BP = 0.61
    fup = 0.028
    fub = fup/BP
    KbLU = exp(0.8334)
    KbHT = exp(1.1205)
    KbSK = exp(-0.5238)
    KbSP = exp(0.3224)
    KbPA = exp(0.3224)
    KbLI = exp(1.7604)
    KbST = exp(0.3224)
    KbGU = exp(1.2026)
    KbKI = exp(1.3171)
    S15 = VVB * BP/1000
    C15 = Venous_Blood/S15
    lnC15 = log(C15)
    d/dt(Lungs) = QLU * (Venous_Blood/VVB - Lungs/KbLU/VLU)
    d/dt(Heart) = QHT * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Heart/KbHT/VHT)
    d/dt(Brain) = QBR * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Brain/KbBR/VBR)
    d/dt(Muscles) = QMU * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Muscles/KbMU/VMU)
    d/dt(Adipose) = QAD * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Adipose/KbAD/VAD)
    d/dt(Skin) = QSK * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Skin/KbSK/VSK)
    d/dt(Spleen) = QSP * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Spleen/KbSP/VSP)
    d/dt(Pancreas) = QPA * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Pancreas/KbPA/VPA)
    d/dt(Liver) = QHA * Arterial_Blood/VAB + QSP * Spleen/KbSP/VSP + QPA * Pancreas/KbPA/VPA + QST * Stomach/KbST/VST + QGU * Gut/KbGU/VGU - CLint * fub * Liver/KbLI/VLI - QLI * Liver/KbLI/VLI
    d/dt(Stomach) = QST * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Stomach/KbST/VST)
    d/dt(Gut) = QGU * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Gut/KbGU/VGU)
    d/dt(Bones) = QBO * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Bones/KbBO/VBO)
    d/dt(Kidneys) = QKI * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Kidneys/KbKI/VKI)
    d/dt(Arterial_Blood) = QLU * (Lungs/KbLU/VLU - Arterial_Blood/VAB)
    d/dt(Venous_Blood) = QHT * Heart/KbHT/VHT + QBR * Brain/KbBR/VBR + QMU * Muscles/KbMU/VMU + QAD * Adipose/KbAD/VAD + QSK * Skin/KbSK/VSK + QLI * Liver/KbLI/VLI + QBO * Bones/KbBO/VBO + QKI * Kidneys/KbKI/VKI + QRB * Rest_of_Body/KbRB/VRB - QLU * Venous_Blood/VVB
    d/dt(Rest_of_Body) = QRB * (Arterial_Blood/VAB - Rest_of_Body/KbRB/VRB)")

      dat <- readRDS("etTrans1.rds")

      test_that("strange rate doesn't affect model", {
        expect_false(any(etTrans(dat, mod)$AMT < 0, na.rm = TRUE))

      theoSd <- readRDS("theoSd.rds")

      d <- theoSd[, names(theoSd) != "EVID"]

      mod <- RxODE({
        ka <- exp(tka + eta.ka)
        cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
        v <- exp(tv + eta.v)
        cp <- linCmt()

      t1 <- etTrans(theoSd, mod)
      t2 <- etTrans(d, mod)

      test_that("Missing evid gives the same results", {
        expect_equal(t1$ID, t2$ID)
        expect_equal(t1$TIME, t2$TIME)
        expect_equal(t1$EVID, t2$EVID)
        expect_equal(t1$AMT, t2$AMT)
        expect_equal(t1$II, t2$II)
        expect_equal(t1$DV, t2$DV)

      ## Test non-standard inputs
      tmp <- as.data.frame(et() %>% et(amt = 3, time = 0.24, evid = 4))
      for (col in c("ss", "evid", "dur", "amt", "addl", "dv", "mdv", "rate", "ii")) {
        et <- data.frame(col = "a", tmp[, names(tmp) != col], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        names(et)[1] <- col
        test_that(sprintf("Non-numeric inputs raise errors (%s)", col), {
          expect_error(etTrans(et, mod), col)

      ## Test dates
      d1 <- data.frame(DATE = c("10-1-86", "10-1-86", "10-2-86"), TIME = c("9:15", "14:40", "8:30"), stringsAsFactors = F)
      d1$DV <- 0

      d2 <- rbind(data.frame(ID = 1, d1, stringsAsFactors = F), data.frame(ID = 2, d1, stringsAsFactors = F))
      d2[d2$ID == 2, "DATE"] <- gsub("^10", "11", d2[d2$ID == 2, "DATE"])

      d3 <- d1
      d3$DATE <- c("10-1-1986", "10-1-1986", "10-2-1986")

      d4 <- d1
      d4$DATE <- c("10 1 1986", "10/1/86", "10-2-1986")

      test_that("DATE conversion works correctly", {
        tmp <- etTrans(d1, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d2, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25, 0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d3, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d4, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)

      ## Dat1= day month year
      d1 <- data.frame(DV = 0, DAT1 = c("1-10-86", "1-10-86", "2-10-86"), TIME = c("9:15", "14:40", "8:30"), stringsAsFactors = F)

      d2 <- rbind(data.frame(ID = 1, d1, stringsAsFactors = F), data.frame(ID = 2, d1, stringsAsFactors = F))
      d2[d2$ID == 2, "DAT1"] <- gsub("-10-", "-11-", d2[d2$ID == 2, "DAT1"])

      d3 <- d1
      d3$DAT1 <- c("1-10-1986", "1-10-1986", "2-10-1986")

      d4 <- d1
      d4$DAT1 <- c("1-10-1986", "1-10-86", "2-10-1986")

      test_that("DAT1 conversion works correctly", {
        tmp <- etTrans(d1, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d2, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25, 0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d3, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d4, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)

      ## Dat2 = year month day

      d1 <- data.frame(DAT2 = c("86-10-1", "86-10-1", "86-10-2"), TIME = c("9:15", "14:40", "8:30"), stringsAsFactors = F)
      d1$DV <- 0

      d2 <- rbind(data.frame(ID = 1, d1, stringsAsFactors = F), data.frame(ID = 2, d1, stringsAsFactors = F))
      d2[d2$ID == 2, "DAT2"] <- gsub("-10-", "-11-", d2[d2$ID == 2, "DAT2"])

      d3 <- d1
      d3$DAT2 <- c("1986-10-1", "1986-10-1", "1986-10-2")

      d4 <- d1
      d4$DAT2 <- c("1986-10-1", "86-10-1", "1986-10-2")

      test_that("DAT2 conversion works correctly", {
        tmp <- etTrans(d1, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d2, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25, 0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d3, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d4, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)

      ## DAT3 conversion
      d1 <- data.frame(DAT3 = c("86-1-10", "86-1-10", "86-2-10"), TIME = c("9:15", "14:40", "8:30"), stringsAsFactors = F)
      d1$DV <- 0

      d2 <- rbind(data.frame(ID = 1, d1, stringsAsFactors = F), data.frame(ID = 2, d1, stringsAsFactors = F))
      d2[d2$ID == 2, "DAT3"] <- gsub("-10$", "-11", d2[d2$ID == 2, "DAT3"])

      d3 <- d1
      d3$DAT3 <- c("1986-1-10", "1986-1-10", "1986-2-10")

      d4 <- d1
      d4$DAT3 <- c("1986-1-10", "86-1-10", "1986-2-10")

      test_that("DAT3 conversion works correctly", {
        tmp <- etTrans(d1, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d2, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25, 0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d3, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)
        tmp <- etTrans(d4, mod)
        expect_equal(c(0, 5.41666666666667, 23.25), tmp$TIME)

      d1 <- data.frame(DV = 0, DATE = c("10-1-86", "10-1-86", "10-2-86"), TIME = c("9:15", "14:40", "8:30"), stringsAsFactors = F)

      d2 <- d1
      d2$DAT1 <- d2$DATE

      d3 <- d1
      d3$DAT2 <- d3$DATE

      d4 <- d1
      d4$DAT3 <- d4$DATE

      test_that("Multiple DATE errors", {
        expect_error(etTrans(d2, mod))
        expect_error(etTrans(d3, mod))
        expect_error(etTrans(d4, mod))

      d1 <- data.frame(DV = 0, DATE = c("10-1-86", "10-1-86", "10-2-86"), TIME = c("9.15", "14:40", "8:30"), stringsAsFactors = F)

      test_that("Bad Date/Time combination", {
        expect_error(etTrans(d1, mod))

      ## Test mixed classic RxODE and NONMEM inputs
      context("Mix RxODE EVIDs and NONMEM EVIDs")
      test_that("mixed EVID/data gives a warning", {
        mod <- RxODE({
          d1 <- exp(td1 + eta.d1)
          cl <- exp(tcl + eta.cl)
          d / dt(center) <- -cl / v * center
          dur(center) <- d1
          cp <- center / v

        d <- structure(list(
          ID = c(1L, 1L, 1L), TIME = c(0, 0, 0.25),
          DV = c(0, 0.74, 2.84),
          AMT = c(319.992, 0, 0), EVID = c(101L, 0L, 0L),
          WT = c(79.6, 79.6, 79.6), RATE = c(-2, 0, 0)
        row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame"

        expect_warning(etTrans(d, mod), "'rate'")

        d <- structure(list(
          ID = c(1L, 1L, 1L), TIME = c(0, 0, 0.25),
          DV = c(0, 0.74, 2.84),
          AMT = c(319.992, 0, 0), EVID = c(101L, 0L, 0L),
          WT = c(79.6, 79.6, 79.6), DUR = c(-2, 0, 0)
        row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame"

        expect_warning(etTrans(d, mod), "'dur'")

        d <- structure(list(
          ID = c(1L, 1L, 1L), TIME = c(0, 0, 0.25),
          DV = c(0, 0.74, 2.84),
          AMT = c(319.992, 0, 0), EVID = c(101L, 0L, 0L),
          WT = c(79.6, 79.6, 79.6), SS = c(1, 0, 0),
          II = c(24, 0, 0)
        row.names = c(NA, 3L), class = "data.frame"

        expect_warning(etTrans(d, mod), "'ss'")

      context("DV=NA test, Issue #106")

      mod <- RxODE("    x1(0) = x10\n    d/dt(x1) = a * x1\n    Volume = x1;\ncmt(Volume);\n\n    nlmixr_pred <- Volume")

      test_that("DV=NA", {
        RawData2 <- data.frame(
          ID = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
          TIME = c(0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 5),
          DV = c(NA, 30, 80, 250, NA, 40, 150, 400)

        dat1 <- etTrans(RawData2, mod)

        RawData2a <- data.frame(
          ID = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
          TIME = c(0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 5),
          DV = c(NA, 30, 80, 250, NA, 40, 150, 400),
          AMT = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)

        dat1a <- etTrans(RawData2a, mod)

        RawData2b <- data.frame(
          ID = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
          TIME = c(0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 5),
          DV = c(NA, 30, 80, 250, NA, 40, 150, 400),
          AMT = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

        dat1b <- etTrans(RawData2b, mod)

        RawData2c <- data.frame(
          ID = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
          TIME = c(0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 5),
          DV = c(NA, 30, 80, 250, NA, 40, 150, 400),
          AMT = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
        dat1c <- etTrans(RawData2c, mod)

        expect_equal(dat1a$EVID, c(2L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 2L, 0L, 0L, 0L))
        expect_equal(dat1a$EVID, dat1b$EVID)
        expect_equal(dat1c$EVID, c(101L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 101L, 0L, 0L, 0L))

      RawData3 <- data.frame(
        ID = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
        TIME = c(0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 5),
        DV = c(0, 30, 80, 250, 0, 40, 150, 400),
        EVID = c(2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0)

      dat2 <- etTrans(RawData3, mod)

      RawData4 <- data.frame(
        ID = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
        TIME = c(0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 5),
        DV = c(0, 30, 80, 250, 0, 40, 150, 400),
        EVID = c(2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0),
        CMT = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

      dat3 <- etTrans(RawData4, mod)

      RawData5 <- data.frame(
        ID = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
        TIME = c(0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 5),
        DV = c(0, 30, 80, 250, 0, 40, 150, 400),
        EVID = c(2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0),
        CMT = c(2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0)

      dat4 <- etTrans(RawData5, mod)

      test_that("dat2=dat4", {
        expect_equal(as.data.frame(dat2), as.data.frame(dat4))

      test_that("dat3 has evid w/amt 0", {
        expect_equal(dat3$EVID, c(101L, 2L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 101L, 2L, 0L, 0L, 0L))
        expect_equal(dat3$AMT, c(0, NA, NA, NA, NA, 0, NA, NA, NA, NA))

      context("X(0)=ini at zero or elsewhere (#105)")

      test_that("X(0) should be at time zero", {
        mod <- RxODE("    x1(0) = x10\n    d/dt(x1) = a * x1\n    Volume = x1;\ncmt(Volume);\n\n    nlmixr_pred <- Volume")

        RawData2 <- data.frame(
          ID = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2),
          TIME = c(3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5),
          DV = c(30, 80, 250, 40, 150, 400)
        dat1 <- expect_warning(etTrans(RawData2, mod))

        expect_equal(dat1$TIME, RawData2$TIME)

        dat1 <- etTrans(RawData2, mod)

        expect_equal(dat1$TIME, c(0, 3, 4, 5, 0, 3, 4, 5))
        expect_equal(dat1$EVID, c(9L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 9L, 0L, 0L, 0L))

      test_that("censoring checks", {
        mod <- RxODE("
a = 6
b = 0.6
d/dt(intestine) = -a*intestine
d/dt(blood)     = a*intestine - b*blood
        et <- eventTable()
          dose = 2 / 24, rate = 2, start.time = 0,
          nbr.doses = 10, dosing.interval = 1
        et <- et %>% et(0, 24, by = 0.1)

        tmp <- et
        tmp$cens <- 0
        tmp$cens[1] <- 2

        expect_error(.rx$etTrans(tmp, mod))

        tmp <- et
        tmp$cens <- 0
        tmp$dv <- 3
        tmp$cens[2] <- 1

        ret <- expect_warning(RxODE::etTrans(tmp, mod))
        expect_false(any(names(ret) == "CENS"))
        expect_equal(attr(class(ret), ".RxODE.lst")$censAdd, 0L)
        expect_equal(attr(class(ret), ".RxODE.lst")$limitAdd, 0L)

        tmp <- et
        tmp$cens <- 0
        tmp$dv[1] <- 2
        tmp$cens <- 0
        tmp$cens[1] <- 1

        ret <- RxODE::etTrans(tmp, mod)
        expect_true(any(names(ret) == "CENS"))
        expect_equal(attr(class(ret), ".RxODE.lst")$censAdd, 1L)
        expect_equal(attr(class(ret), ".RxODE.lst")$limitAdd, 0L)

        tmp$limit <- 0

        ret <- RxODE::etTrans(tmp, mod)
        expect_true(any(names(ret) == "CENS"))
        expect_true(any(names(ret) == "LIMIT"))
        expect_equal(attr(class(ret), ".RxODE.lst")$censAdd, 1L)
        expect_equal(attr(class(ret), ".RxODE.lst")$limitAdd, 1L)

      context("Constant infusion taken to steady state")

      test_that("RxODE constant infusion taken to steady state", {
        trn1 <- etTrans(et(amt = 0, rate = 10, ss = 1), mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE) %>% as.data.frame()
          ID = structure(1L, class = "factor", .Label = "1"),
          TIME = 0, EVID = 10140L, AMT = 10, II = 0, DV = NA_real_
        class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L)
        ), trn1)

        trn1 <- etTrans(et(amt = 0, rate = -1, ss = 1), mod, keepDosingOnly = TRUE) %>% as.data.frame()

          ID = structure(1L, class = "factor", .Label = "1"),
          TIME = 0, EVID = 90140L, AMT = 0, II = 0, DV = NA_real_
        class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -1L)
        ), trn1)

      ## etTrans example from xgxr + nlmixr + ggpmx
      test_that("etTrans", {
        lst <- readRDS(test_path("test-etTrans-1.rds"))
        events2 <- lst$events
        events2 <- events2[, names(events2) != "CENS"]

        t0 <- expect_warning(etTrans(events2, RxODE(lst$object), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL, character(0)))
        expect_true(inherits(t0, "rxEtTran"))

        t1 <- etTrans(events2, RxODE(lst$object), FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, NULL, character(0))
        expect_true(inherits(t1, "rxEtTran"))

      test_that("etTrans drop levels are correct", {
        dat <- readRDS(test_path("etTrans-drop.rds"))

        mod <- RxODE({
          lka <- log(0.1) # log Ka
          lv <- log(10) # Log Vc
          lcl <- log(4) # Log Cl
          lq <- log(10) # log Q
          lvp <- log(20) # Log Vp
          eta.ka <- 0
          eta.v <- 0.1
          eta.cl <- 0.1
          ka <- exp(lka + eta.ka)
          cl <- exp(lcl + eta.cl)
          v <- exp(lv + eta.v)
          q <- exp(lq)
          vp <- exp(lvp)
          cp <- linCmt()

        tmp <- expect_warning(etTrans(dat, mod))
        lvls <- c(
          "32", "33", "35", "36", "37", "40", "41", "42", "43", "47",
          "48", "49", "50", "51", "54", "55", "57", "59", "61", "62", "63",
          "64", "65", "66", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71", "72", "73", "74",
          "75", "76", "77", "78", "79", "80", "81", "82", "83", "84", "85",
          "86", "87", "88", "89", "90", "91", "92", "93", "94", "95", "96",
          "97", "98", "99", "100", "101", "102", "103", "104", "105", "106",
          "107", "108", "109", "110", "111", "112", "113", "114", "115",
          "116", "117", "118", "119", "120", "121", "122", "123", "124",
          "125", "126", "127", "128", "129", "130", "131", "132", "133",
          "134", "135", "136", "137", "138", "139", "140", "141", "142",
          "143", "144", "145", "146", "147", "148", "149", "150", "151",
          "152", "153", "154", "155", "156", "157", "158", "159", "160",
          "161", "162", "163", "164", "165", "166", "167", "168", "169",
          "170", "171", "172", "173", "174", "175", "176", "177", "178",
          "179", "180"
        expect_equal(attr(class(tmp), ".RxODE.lst")$idLvl, lvls)
        expect_equal(levels(tmp$ID), lvls)


      mod <- RxODE({
        lka <- log(0.1) # log Ka
        lv <- log(10) # Log Vc
        lcl <- log(4) # Log Cl
        lq <- log(10) # log Q
        lvp <- log(20) # Log Vp
        eta.ka <- 0
        eta.v <- 0.1
        eta.cl <- 0.1
        ka <- exp(lka + eta.ka + sex + age + dvid)
        cl <- exp(lcl + eta.cl)
        v <- exp(lv + eta.v)
        q <- exp(lq)
        vp <- exp(lvp)
        sf <- (sex == "female")
        sm <- (sex == "male")
        d.cp <- (dvid == "cp")
        d.pca <- (dvid == "pca")
        cp <- linCmt()

      t <- rxSolve(mod, warfarin, keep = c("sex", "age", "dvid"))

      expect_equal(sort(unique(t$sf)), c(0, 1))
      expect_equal(sort(unique(t$sm)), c(0, 1))
      expect_equal(sort(unique(t$d.cp)), c(0, 1))
      expect_equal(sort(unique(t$d.pca)), c(0, 1))

      expect_true(inherits(t$sex, "factor"))
      expect_true(inherits(t$dvid, "factor"))

      expect_equal(as.double((t$sex == "male") * 1), t$sm)
      expect_equal(as.double((t$sex == "female") * 1), t$sf)

      t <- rxSolve(mod, warfarin, addCov = TRUE)

      expect_equal(as.double((t$sex == "male") * 1), t$sm)
      expect_equal(as.double((t$sex == "female") * 1), t$sf)
      ## expect_equal(as.double((t$dvid == "cp") * 1), t$d.cp)
      ## expect_equal(as.double((t$pca == "pca") * 1), t$d.pca)

      warfarin$sex <- paste(warfarin$sex)

      t <- rxSolve(mod, warfarin, keep = c("sex", "age", "dvid"))

      expect_equal(sort(unique(t$sf)), c(0, 1))
      expect_equal(sort(unique(t$sm)), c(0, 1))
      expect_equal(sort(unique(t$d.cp)), c(0, 1))
      expect_equal(sort(unique(t$d.pca)), c(0, 1))

      expect_true(inherits(t$sex, "factor"))
      expect_true(inherits(t$dvid, "factor"))

      expect_equal(as.double((t$sex == "male") * 1), t$sm)
      expect_equal(as.double((t$sex == "female") * 1), t$sf)

      t <- rxSolve(mod, warfarin, addCov = TRUE)

      expect_equal(as.double((t$sex == "male") * 1), t$sm)
      expect_equal(as.double((t$sex == "female") * 1), t$sf)
  test = "lvl2",
  silent = TRUE

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RxODE documentation built on March 23, 2022, 9:06 a.m.