
Defines functions retrospective_spict profile_likelihood_spict rmd_spict_yield_header rmd_spict_FMSY rmd_spict summary_spict

summary_spict <- function(Assessment) {

  input_parameters <- data.frame()

  if (conv) {
    current_status <- data.frame(Value = c(F_FMSY[length(F_FMSY)], B_BMSY[length(B_BMSY)],
    rownames(current_status) <- c("F/FMSY", "B/BMSY", "B/B0")
  } else current_status <- data.frame()

  if (!is.character(SD)) {
    derived <- data.frame(Value = c(SD$value["r"], TMB_report$Bmsy, TMB_report$Fmsy, exp(SD$value["logalpha"]), exp(SD$value["logbeta"]),
                          Description = c("Intrinsic rate of population increase", "Fishing mortality at MSY", "Biomass at MSY",
                                          "Ratio of index and biomass standard deviations", "Ratio of catch and F standard deviations",
                                          "Depletion at MSY"),
                          stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    rownames(derived) <- c("r", "K", "BMSY", "alpha", "beta", "BMSY/B0")

    model_estimates <- sdreport_int(SD, "fixed")
    SD_exp <- cbind("Estimate" = exp(model_estimates[, "Estimate"]),
                    "Std. Error" = model_estimates[, "Estimate"] * model_estimates[, "Std. Error"])
    SD_exp <- cbind(SD_exp, "Gradient" = model_estimates[, "Gradient"]/SD_exp[, "Estimate"],
                    "CV" = SD_exp[, "Std. Error"]/SD_exp[, "Estimate"])
    rownames(SD_exp) <- vapply(rownames(model_estimates), function(x) substr(x, 4, nchar(x)), character(1))
    model_estimates <- rbind(SD_exp, model_estimates)
  } else {
    current_status <- derived <- model_estimates <- data.frame()

  output <- list(model = "SPiCT", current_status = current_status,
                 input_parameters = input_parameters, derived_quantities = derived,
                 model_estimates = model_estimates,
                 log_likelihood = matrix(NLL, ncol = 1, dimnames = list("Total", "Neg.LL")))

rmd_spict <- function(Assessment, ...) {
  ss <- rmd_summary("SPiCT")

  # Data section
  data_section <- c(rmd_data_timeseries("Catch", header = "## Data\n"), rmd_data_timeseries("Index"))

  # Assessment
  #### Pars and Fit
  assess_fit <- c(rmd_spict_FMSY(header = "## Assessment {.tabset}\n### Estimates and Model Fit\n"), rmd_MSY("logm"),
                  rmd_F_FMSY_terminal(), rmd_B_BMSY_terminal(),
                  rmd_assess_fit("Index", "index"), rmd_assess_resid("Index"), rmd_assess_qq("Index", "index"),
                  rmd_assess_fit("Catch", "catch"), rmd_assess_resid("Catch"), rmd_assess_qq("Catch", "catch"))

  #### Time Series
  ts_output <- c(rmd_F(header = "### Time Series Output\n"), rmd_F_FMSY(FALSE), rmd_B(), rmd_B_BMSY(FALSE),
                 rmd_B_B0(FALSE), rmd_Kobe("B_BMSY", xlab = "expression(B/B[MSY])", conv_check = FALSE))

  productivity <- c(rmd_spict_yield_header(), rmd_yield_F("SP", FALSE), rmd_yield_depletion("SP", FALSE), rmd_sp(FALSE))

  return(c(ss, data_section, assess_fit, ts_output, productivity))

rmd_spict_FMSY <- function(header = NULL) {
  fig.cap <- "Estimate of FMSY, distribution based on normal approximation of estimated covariance matrix."
  ans <- c(paste0("```{r, fig.cap=\"", fig.cap, "\"}"),
           "if(conv) plot_normalvar(FMSY, SE_FMSY, label = expression(hat(F)[MSY]))",
  if (!is.null(header)) ans <- c(header, ans)

rmd_spict_yield_header <- function(header = NULL) {
  c("### Productivity\n",
    "TMB_report <- c(TMB_report, list(K = B0, BMSY = BMSY, n = exp(SD$par.fixed[\"logn\"])))",

profile_likelihood_spict <- function(Assessment, ...) {
  stop("Profiling currently not supported for spict in SAMtool.", call. = FALSE)

retrospective_spict <- function(Assessment, nyr) {
  spict_test <- parse(text = "if (!requireNamespace(\"spict\")) stop(\"The spict package is needed.\")")

  ny <- length(Assessment@B)
  Year <- Assessment@B %>% names() %>% as.numeric()
  TS_var <- c("F", "F_FMSY", "B", "B_BMSY", "B_B0")

  spict_retro <- parse(text = "spict::retro(Assessment@info, nyr)$retro") %>% eval()

  lapply_fn <- function(i) {
    if (i == 0) {
      ret <- Assessment@info
    } else {
      ret <- spict_retro[[i]]
    bs <- parse(text = "spict::get.par(\"logB\", ret, exp = TRUE)[ret$inp$indest, 2]") %>% eval()
    bbs <- parse(text = "spict::get.par(\"logBBmsy\", ret, exp = TRUE)[ret$inp$indest, 2]") %>% eval()
    fs <- parse(text = "spict::get.par(\"logFnotS\", ret, exp = TRUE)[ret$inp$indest, 2]") %>% eval()
    ffs <- parse(text = "spict::get.par(\"logFFmsynotS\", ret, exp = TRUE)[ret$inp$indest, 2]") %>% eval()
    K <- parse(text = "exp(ret$par.fixed[names(ret$par.fixed) == \"logK\"])") %>% eval()

    ind <- match(Year, names(bs) %>% as.numeric())
    mNA <- matrix(NA_integer_, sum(is.na(ind)), 5)
    ind <- ind[!is.na(ind)]

    out <- cbind(fs[ind], ffs[ind], bs[ind], bbs[ind], bs[ind]/K)
    rbind(out, mNA)

  retro_ts <- lapply(0:nyr, lapply_fn) %>% simplify2array() %>% aperm(c(3, 1, 2)) %>%
    structure(dimnames = list(Peel = 0:nyr, Year = Year, Var = TS_var))

  retro <- new("retro", Model = Assessment@Model, Name = Assessment@Name, TS_var = TS_var, TS = retro_ts)
  attr(retro, "TS_lab") <- c("Fishing mortality", expression(F/F[MSY]), "Biomass", expression(B/B[MSY]), expression(B/B[0]))


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SAMtool documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 9:07 a.m.