
Defines functions doJk

Documented in doJk

#' Jackknife Test
#' Run the Jackknife test for variable importance removing one variable at time.
#' @param model \linkS4class{SDMmodel} or \linkS4class{SDMmodelCV} object.
#' @param metric character. The metric used to evaluate the models, possible
#' values are: "auc", "tss" and "aicc".
#' @param variables vector. Variables used for the test, if not provided it
#' takes all the variables used to train the model.
#' @param test \linkS4class{SWD}. If provided it reports the result also for the
#' testing dataset. Not used for **aicc** and \linkS4class{SDMmodelCV}.
#' @param with_only logical. If `TRUE` it runs the test also for each variable
#' in isolation.
#' @param env \link[terra]{rast} containing the environmental variables, used
#' only with "aicc".
#' @param return_models logical. If `TRUE` returns all the models together with
#' the test result.
#' @param progress logical If `TRUE` shows a progress bar.
#' @return A data frame with the test results. If `return_model = TRUE` it
#' returns a list containing the test results together with the models.
#' @export
#' @author Sergio Vignali
#' @examples
#' \donttest{# Acquire environmental variables
#' files <- list.files(path = file.path(system.file(package = "dismo"), "ex"),
#'                     pattern = "grd",
#'                     full.names = TRUE)
#' predictors <- terra::rast(files)
#' # Prepare presence and background locations
#' p_coords <- virtualSp$presence
#' bg_coords <- virtualSp$background
#' # Create SWD object
#' data <- prepareSWD(species = "Virtual species",
#'                    p = p_coords,
#'                    a = bg_coords,
#'                    env = predictors,
#'                    categorical = "biome")
#' # Split presence locations in training (80%) and testing (20%) datasets
#' datasets <- trainValTest(data,
#'                          test = 0.2,
#'                          only_presence = TRUE)
#' train <- datasets[[1]]
#' test <- datasets[[2]]
#' # Train a model
#' model <- train(method = "Maxnet",
#'                data = train,
#'                fc = "lq")
#' # Execute the Jackknife test only for the environmental variables "bio1" and
#' # "bio12", using the metric AUC
#' doJk(model,
#'      metric = "auc",
#'     variables = c("bio1", "bio12"),
#'     test = test)
#' # The same without testing dataset
#' doJk(model,
#'      metric = "auc",
#'      variables = c("bio1", "bio12"))
#' # Execute the Jackknife test only for the environmental variables "bio1" and
#' # "bio12", using the metric TSS but without running the test for one single
#' # variable
#' doJk(model,
#'      metric = "tss",
#'      variables = c("bio1", "bio12"),
#'      test = test,
#'      with_only = FALSE)
#' # Execute the Jackknife test only for the environmental variables "bio1" and
#' # "bio12", using the metric AICc but without running the test for one single
#' # variable
#' doJk(model,
#'      metric = "aicc",
#'      variables = c("bio1", "bio12"),
#'      with_only = FALSE,
#'      env = predictors)
#' # Execute the Jackknife test for all the environmental variables using the
#' # metric AUC and returning all the trained models
#' jk <- doJk(model,
#'            metric = "auc",
#'            test = test,
#'            return_models = TRUE)
#' jk$results
#' jk$models_without
#' jk$models_withonly}
doJk <- function(model,
                 variables = NULL,
                 test = NULL,
                 with_only = TRUE,
                 env = NULL,
                 return_models = FALSE,
                 progress = TRUE) {

  metric <- match.arg(metric, c("auc", "tss", "aicc"))

  .check_args(model, metric = metric, test = test, env = env, is_do_jk = TRUE)

  if (is.null(variables))
    variables <- colnames(model@data@data)

  n <- length(variables)

  if (with_only) {
    tot <- n * 2
  } else {
    tot <- n

  if (!is.null(env)) {
    # TODO: Remove with version 2.0.0
    if (inherits(env, "Raster")) {

    if (!inherits(env, "SpatRaster"))
        "!" = "{.var env} must be a {.cls SpatRaster} object",
        "x" = "You have supplied a {.cls {class(env)}} instead."

  if (progress)
      name = "Jk Test",
      type = "iterator",
      format = "{cli::pb_name} {cli::pb_bar} {cli::pb_percent} | \\
                ETA: {cli::pb_eta} - {cli::pb_elapsed_clock}",
      total = tot,
      clear = FALSE

  models_without <- vector("list", length = n)
  models_withonly <- vector("list", length = n)

  res <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 5)

  if (metric == "auc") {
    labels <- c("Variable", "Train_AUC_without", "Train_AUC_withonly",
                "Test_AUC_without", "Test_AUC_withonly")
  } else if (metric == "tss") {
    labels <- c("Variable", "Train_TSS_without", "Train_TSS_withonly",
                "Test_TSS_without", "Test_TSS_withonly")
  } else {
    labels <- c("Variable", "AICc_without", "AICc_withonly", "-", "-")

  old_model <- model

  if (inherits(model, "SDMmodelCV"))
    t <- TRUE

  for (i in 1:n) {
    data <- old_model@data
    data@data[variables[i]] <- NULL

    if (metric != "aicc" & !inherits(model, "SDMmodelCV") & !is.null(test)) {
      t <- test
      t@data[variables[i]] <- NULL

    settings <- list("data" = data)

    jk_model <- .create_model_from_settings(model, settings)

    res[i, 2] <- .get_metric(metric, jk_model, env = env)

    if (metric != "aicc" & !is.null(test))
      res[i, 4] <- .get_metric(metric, jk_model, test = t)

    models_without[[i]] <- jk_model

    if (progress)

    if (with_only) {
      data <- old_model@data
      data@data <- data@data[variables[i]]

      if (metric != "aicc" & !inherits(model, "SDMmodelCV") & !is.null(test)) {
        t <- test
        t@data <- t@data[variables[i]]

      settings <- list("data" = data)

      jk_model <- .create_model_from_settings(model, settings)

      res[i, 3] <- .get_metric(metric, jk_model, env = env)

      if (metric != "aicc" & !is.null(test))
        res[i, 5] <- .get_metric(metric, jk_model, test = t)

      models_withonly[[i]] <- jk_model

      if (progress)

  jk_test <- as.data.frame(res, stringAsFactor = FALSE)
  colnames(jk_test) <- labels
  jk_test[1] <- variables

  jk_test <- Filter(function(x) !all(is.na(x)), jk_test)

  if (return_models) {

    if (with_only) {
      output <- list(results = jk_test, models_without =  models_without,
                     models_withonly = models_withonly)
    } else {
      output <- list(results = jk_test, models_without = models_without)

  } else {
    output <- jk_test


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SDMtune documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:03 p.m.