
Defines functions measureError getmode triTrainingCombine predict.triTraining triTraining triTrainingG

Documented in predict.triTraining triTraining triTrainingCombine triTrainingG

#' @title Tri-training generic method
#' @description Tri-training is a semi-supervised learning algorithm with a co-training
#' style. This algorithm trains three classifiers with the same learning scheme from a
#' reduced set of labeled examples. For each iteration, an unlabeled example is labeled
#' for a classifier if the other two classifiers agree on the labeling proposed.
#' @param y A vector with the labels of training instances. In this vector the
#' unlabeled instances are specified with the value \code{NA}.
#' @param gen.learner A function for training three supervised base classifiers.
#' This function needs two parameters, indexes and cls, where indexes indicates
#' the instances to use and cls specifies the classes of those instances.
#' @param gen.pred A function for predicting the probabilities per classes.
#' This function must be two parameters, model and indexes, where the model
#' is a classifier trained with \code{gen.learner} function and
#' indexes indicates the instances to predict.
#' @details
#' TriTrainingG can be helpful in those cases where the method selected as
#' base classifier needs a \code{learner} and \code{pred} functions with other
#' specifications. For more information about the general triTraining method,
#' please see the \code{\link{triTraining}} function. Essentially, the \code{triTraining}
#' function is a wrapper of the \code{triTrainingG} function.
#' @return A list object of class "triTrainingG" containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{model}{The final three base classifiers trained using the enlarged labeled set.}
#'   \item{model.index}{List of three vectors of indexes related to the training instances
#'   used per each classifier. These indexes are relative to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{instances.index}{The indexes of all training instances used to
#'   train the three models. These indexes include the initial labeled instances
#'   and the newly labeled instances. These indexes are relative to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{model.index.map}{List of three vectors with the same information in \code{model.index}
#'   but the indexes are relative to \code{instances.index} vector.}
#' }
#' @example demo/TriTrainingG.R
#' @export
triTrainingG <- function(
  y, gen.learner, gen.pred
) {
  ### Check parameters ###
  # Check y
  if (!is.factor(y)) {
    if (!is.vector(y)) {
      stop("Parameter y is neither a vector nor a factor.")
    } else {
      y = as.factor(y)

  ### Init variables ###
  # Identify the classes
  classes <- levels(y)
  nclasses <- length(classes)

  # Obtain the indexes of labeled and unlabeled instances
  labeled <- which(!is.na(y))
  unlabeled <- which(is.na(y))
  ## Check the labeled and unlabeled sets
  if (length(labeled) == 0) {
    # labeled is empty
    stop("The labeled set is empty. All the values in y parameter are NA.")
  if (length(unlabeled) == 0) {
    # unlabeled is empty
    stop("The unlabeled set is empty. None value in y parameter is NA.")

  ylabeled <- y[labeled]
  ylabeled.map <- unclass(ylabeled)

  ### Tri-training algorithm ###

  # Init base classifiers
  Sind <- resample(y[labeled], N = 3)

  models <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)
  model.index <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)
  for (i in 1:3) {
    # Train classifier
    indexes <- labeled[Sind[[i]]] # vector of indexes
    models[[i]] <- gen.learner(indexes, y[indexes])
    model.index[[i]] <- indexes

  ePrima <- rep(x = 0.5, times = 3)
  lPrima <- rep(x = 0, times = 3)

  updateClassifier <- rep(x = TRUE, times = 3)
  Lind <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)
  Lcls <- vector(mode = "list", length = 3)

  iter <- 0
  while (any(updateClassifier)) {
    # At least one classifier was modified

    iter <- iter + 1
    updateClassifier[1:3] <- FALSE
    e <- c()

    for (i in 1:3) {
      # train every classifier
      # init L for i
      Lind[[i]] <- numeric()
      Lcls[[i]] <- numeric()

      # get the two values in 1:3 different to i
      j <- i %% 3 + 1
      k <- (i + 1) %% 3 + 1

      # measure error
      probj <- gen.pred(models[[j]], labeled)
      colnames(probj) <- classes
      cj <- getClassIdx(
          prob = probj,
          ninstances = length(labeled),

      probk <- gen.pred(models[[k]], labeled)
      colnames(probk) <- classes
      ck <- getClassIdx(
          prob = probk,
          ninstances = length(labeled),
      e[i] <- measureError(cj, ck, ylabeled.map)

      if (e[i] < ePrima[i]) {

        probj <- gen.pred(models[[j]], unlabeled)
        colnames(probj) <- classes

        cj <- getClassIdx(
            prob = probj,
            ninstances = length(unlabeled),

        probk <- gen.pred(models[[k]], unlabeled)
        colnames(probk) <- classes

        ck <- getClassIdx(
            prob = probk,
            ninstances = length(unlabeled),
        agree <- (which(cj == ck))

        Lind[[i]] <- unlabeled[agree]
        Lcls[[i]] <- cj[agree]

        if (lPrima[i] == 0) {
          # is the first time
          lPrima[i] <- floor(e[i] / (ePrima[i] - e[i]) + 1)

        len <- length(agree)
        if (lPrima[i] < len) {
          if (e[i] * len < ePrima[i] * lPrima[i]) {
            updateClassifier[i] <- TRUE
          } else if (lPrima[i] > e[i] / (ePrima[i] - e[i])) {
            indexes <- sample(
              x = 1:len,
              size = ceiling(ePrima[i] * lPrima[i] / e[i] - 1)
            Lind[[i]] <- Lind[[i]][indexes]
            Lcls[[i]] <- Lcls[[i]][indexes]

            updateClassifier[i] <- TRUE
      #end if e < e'
    #end for every classifier

    for (i in 1:3) {
      if (updateClassifier[i]) {
        # Train classifier
        indexes <- c(labeled, Lind[[i]])
        models[[i]] <- gen.learner(
          factor(classes[c(ylabeled.map, Lcls[[i]])], classes)
        model.index[[i]] <- indexes

        # update values for i
        ePrima[i] <- e[i]
        lPrima[i] <- length(Lind[[i]])
  #end while

  ### Result ###

  # determine labeled instances
  instances.index <- unique(unlist(model.index))
  # map indexes respect to m$included.insts
  model.index.map <- lapply(
    X = model.index,
    FUN = function(indexes) {
      r <- unclass(factor(indexes, levels = instances.index))
      attr(r, "levels") <- NULL

  # Save result
  result <- list(
    model = models,
    model.index = model.index,
    instances.index = instances.index,
    model.index.map = model.index.map
  class(result) <- "triTrainingG"


#' @title General Interface for Tri-training model
#' @description Tri-training is a semi-supervised learning algorithm with a co-training
#' style. This algorithm trains three classifiers with the same learning scheme from a
#' reduced set of labeled examples. For each iteration, an unlabeled example is labeled
#' for a classifier if the other two classifiers agree on the labeling proposed.
#' @param learner model from parsnip package for training a supervised base classifier
#' using a set of instances. This model need to have probability predictions
#' (or optionally a distance matrix) and it's corresponding classes.
#' @details
#' Tri-training initiates the self-labeling process by training three models from the
#' original labeled set, using the \code{learner} function specified.
#' In each iteration, the algorithm detects unlabeled examples on which two classifiers
#' agree with the classification and includes these instances in the enlarged set of the
#' third classifier under certain conditions. The generation of the final hypothesis is
#' produced via the majority voting. The iteration process ends when no changes occur in
#' any model during a complete iteration.
#' @return A list object of class "triTraining" containing:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{model}{The final three base classifiers trained using the enlarged labeled set.}
#'   \item{model.index}{List of three vectors of indexes related to the training instances
#'   used per each classifier. These indexes are relative to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{instances.index}{The indexes of all training instances used to
#'   train the three models. These indexes include the initial labeled instances
#'   and the newly labeled instances. These indexes are relative to the \code{y} argument.}
#'   \item{model.index.map}{List of three vectors with the same information in \code{model.index}
#'   but the indexes are relative to \code{instances.index} vector.}
#'   \item{classes}{The levels of \code{y} factor.}
#'   \item{pred}{The function provided in the \code{pred} argument.}
#'   \item{pred.pars}{The list provided in the \code{pred.pars} argument.}
#'   \item{x.inst}{The value provided in the \code{x.inst} argument.}
#' }
#' @references
#' ZhiHua Zhou and Ming Li.\cr
#' \emph{Tri-training: exploiting unlabeled data using three classifiers.}\cr
#' IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 17(11):1529-1541, Nov 2005. ISSN 1041-4347. doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2005. 186.
#' @example demo/TriTraining.R
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
triTraining <- function(
) {
  ### Check parameters ###
  train_function <- function(x, y) {
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    y <- as.factor(y)

    # Instance matrix case
    gen.learner <- function(training.ints, cls) {
      m <- learner %>% parsnip::fit_xy(x = x[training.ints,], y = cls)
    gen.pred <- function(m, testing.ints) {
      prob <- predict(m, x[testing.ints,], type = "prob")

    result <- triTrainingG(y, gen.learner, gen.pred)

    ### Result ###
    result$classes = levels(y)
    result$pred.params = c("class","raw")
    result$mode = "classification"
    class(result) <- "triTraining"


  args <- list(
    learner = learner

  new_model_sslr(train_function, "triTraining", args)

#' @title Predictions of the Tri-training method
#' @description Predicts the label of instances according to the \code{triTraining} model.
#' @details For additional help see \code{\link{triTraining}} examples.
#' @param object Tri-training model built with the \code{\link{triTraining}} function.
#' @param x A object that can be coerced as matrix.
#' Depending on how was the model built, \code{x} is interpreted as a matrix
#' with the distances between the unseen instances and the selected training instances,
#' or a matrix of instances.
#' @param ... This parameter is included for compatibility reasons.
#' @return Vector with the labels assigned.
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @method predict triTraining
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
predict.triTraining <- function(object, x, ...) {

  # Classify the instances using each classifier
  # The result is a matrix of indexes that indicates the classes
  # The matrix have one column per classifier and one row per instance
  ninstances = nrow(x)
  preds <- mapply(
      FUN = function(model) {

        prob <- model %>% predict(x, type = "prob")
        colnames(prob) <- object$classes


  # Get the mode of preds for every instance (by rows)
  pred <- apply(X = preds, MARGIN = 1, FUN = getmode)
  pred <- factor(object$classes[pred], object$classes)


#' @title Combining the hypothesis
#' @description This function combines the predictions obtained
#' by the set of classifiers.
#' @param pred A list with the predictions of each classifiers
#' @return A vector of classes
#' @export
triTrainingCombine <- function(pred) {
  # Check the number of instances
  ninstances <- unique(vapply(X = pred, FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
  if (length(ninstances) != 1) {
    stop("The length of objects in the 'pred' parameter are not all equals.")
      FUN = function(a, b, c) {
        getmode(c(a, b, c))
      pred[[1]], pred[[2]], pred[[3]]

#' @title Statistical mode
#' @noRd
getmode <- function(x) {
  ux <- unique(x)
  ux[which.max(tabulate(match(x, ux)))]

#' @title Measure the error of two base classifiers
#' @param cj predicted classes using classifier j
#' @param ck predicted classes using classifier k
#' @param y expected classes
#' @return The error of the two classifiers.
#' @noRd
measureError <- function(cj, ck, y) {
  agree <- (which(cj == ck))
  agreeCorrect <- which(cj[agree] == y[agree])
  error <- (length(agree) - length(agreeCorrect)) / length(agree)

  if (is.nan(error)) {
    #si no coinciden en ningun caso el error es maximo
    error <- 1

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