
Defines functions sampleNMultilevelMultinomialFixed sampleNMultilevelMultinomial rmultinom1 rMyMultinomialSubarea rMyMultinomial rStratifiedMultnomialBySubarea rStratifiedMultnomial getSortIndices getExpectedNperEA simPopCustom areaPopToArea aggPixelPreds pixelPopToArea simPopSPDE

Documented in aggPixelPreds areaPopToArea getExpectedNperEA getSortIndices pixelPopToArea rmultinom1 rMyMultinomial rMyMultinomialSubarea rStratifiedMultnomial rStratifiedMultnomialBySubarea sampleNMultilevelMultinomial sampleNMultilevelMultinomialFixed simPopCustom simPopSPDE

# Functions for simulating populations

#' Simulate populations and areal prevalences
#' Given a spatial risk model, simulate populations and population prevalences at the 
#' enumeration area level (represented as points), and aggregate to the pixel and 
#' administrative areal level.
#' @param nsim Number of simulations
#' @param easpa data.frame of enumeration area, households, and target population per area stratified by urban/rural with variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{area}{name of area}
#'   \item{EAUrb}{number of urban enumeration areas in the area}
#'   \item{EARur}{number of rural enumeration areas in the area}
#'   \item{EATotal}{total number of enumeration areas in the area}
#'   \item{HHUrb}{number of urban households in the area}
#'   \item{HHRur}{number of rural households in the area}
#'   \item{HHTotal}{total number of households in the area}
#'   \item{popUrb}{total urban (target) population of area}
#'   \item{popRur}{total rural (target) population of area}
#'   \item{popTotal}{total (general) population of area}
#' }
#' @param popMat Pixellated grid data frame with variables `lon`, `lat`, `pop`, `area`, `subareas` (if subareaLevel is TRUE), `urban` (if stratifyByUrban is TRUE), `east`, and `north`
#' @param targetPopMat Same as popMat, but `pop` variable gives target rather than general population
#' @param poppsub data.frame of population per subarea separated by 
#' urban/rural using for population density grid normalization or urbanicity 
#' classification. Often based on extra fine scale population density grid. Has variables:
#' @param spdeMesh Triangular mesh for the SPDE
#' @param margVar Marginal variance of the spatial process, excluding cluster effects. 
#'          If 0, no spatial component is included
#' @param effRange Effective spatial range for the SPDE model
#' @param beta0 Intercept of logit model for risk
#' @param gamma Effect of urban on logit scale for logit model for risk
#' @param sigmaEpsilon Standard deviation on the logit scale for iid Gaussian EA level random effects in the risk model
#' @param seed Random number generator seed
#' @param inla.seed Seed input to inla.qsample. 0L sets seed intelligently, 
#'            > 0 sets a specific seed, < 0 keeps existing RNG
#' @param nHHSampled Number of households sampled per enumeration area. Default is 25 to match DHS surveys
#' @param stratifyByUrban Whether or not to stratify simulations by urban/rural classification
#' @param subareaLevel Whether or not to aggregate the population by subarea
#' @param doFineScaleRisk Whether or not to calculate the fine scale risk at each aggregation level in addition to the prevalence
#' @param doSmoothRisk Whether or not to calculate the smooth risk at each aggregation level in addition to the prevalence
#' @param doSmoothRiskLogisticApprox Whether to use logistic approximation when calculating smooth risk. See 
#' \code{\link{logitNormMean}} for details.
#' @param min1PerSubarea If TRUE, ensures there is at least 1 EA per subarea. If subareas are particularly unlikely to 
#' have enumeration areas since they have a very low proportion of the population in an area, then setting this to TRUE may be 
#' computationally intensive.
#' @param logitRiskDraws nIntegrationPoints x nsim dimension matrix of draws from the pixel leve risk field on logit scale, leaving out 
#' potential nugget/cluster/EA level effects.
#' @param sigmaEpsilonDraws nsim length vector of draws of cluster effect logit scale SD (joint draws with logitRiskDraws)
#' @param validationPixelI CURRENTLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY a set of indices of pixels for which we want to simulate populations (used for pixel level validation)
#' @param validationClusterI CURRENTLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY a set of indices of cluster for which we want to simulate populations (used for cluster level validation)
#' @param clustersPerPixel CURRENTLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY Used for pixel level validation. Fixes the number of EAs per pixel.
#' @param returnEAinfo If TRUE, returns information on every individual EA (BAU) for each simulated population
#' @param epsc nEAs x nsim matrix of simulated EA (BAU) level iid effects representing fine scale variation in 
#'       risk. If NULL, they are simulated as iid Gaussian on a logit scale with 
#'       SD given by sigmaEpsilonDraws
#' list(pixelPop=outPixelLevel, subareaPop=outSubareaLevel, areaPop=outAreaLevel, logitRiskDraws=logitRiskDraws)
#' @return The simulated population aggregated to the enumeration area, 
#' pixel, subarea (generally Admin2), and area (generally Admin1) levels. Output includes:
#' \item{pixelPop}{A list of pixel level population aggregates}
#' \item{subareaPop}{A list of `subarea` level population aggregates}
#' \item{areaPop}{A list of `area` level population aggregates}
#' Each of these contains population numerator and denominator as well as prevalence and risk 
#' information aggregated to the appropriate level.
#' @details For population simulation and aggregation, we consider three models: smooth  
#' risk, fine scale risk, and the fine scale prevalence. All will be described in detail 
#' in a paper in preparation. In the smooth risk model, pixel level risks are integrated 
#' with respect to target population density when producing areal estimates on a prespecified 
#' set of integration points. The target population may be, for example, neonatals rather 
#' than the general population. In the fine scale models, enumeration areas (EAs) are simulated as 
#' point locations and iid random effects in the EA level risk are allowed. EAs and populations are dispersed conditional on the (possibly 
#' approximately) known number of EAs, households, and target population at a particular 
#' areal level (these we call `areas`) using multilevel multinomial sampling, first 
#' sampling the EAs, then distributing households among the EAs, then the target population 
#' among the households. Any areal level below the `areas` we call `subareas`. For instance, 
#' the `areas` might be Admin-1 if that is the smallest level at which the number of EAs, 
#' households, and people is known, and the `subareas` might be Admin-2. The multilevel 
#' multinomial sampling may be stratified by urban/rural within the areas if the number of 
#' EAs, households, and people is also approximately known at that level.
#' Within each EA we assume a fixed probability of an event occurring, which is the fine scale `risk`. 
#' The fine scale `prevalence` is the empirical proportion of events within that EA. We assume EA 
#' level logit scale iid N(0, sigmaEpsilon^2) random effects in the risk model. When averaged 
#' with equal weights over all EAs in an areal unit, this forms the fine scale risk. When 
#' instead the population numerators and denominators are aggregated, and are used to 
#' calculate the empirical proportion of events occurring in an areal unit, the resulting 
#' quantity is the fine scale prevalence in that areal unit.
#' Note that these functions can be used for either simulating populations for simulation 
#' studies, or for generating predictions accounting for uncertainty in EA locations 
#' and fine scale variation occurring at the EA level due to EA level iid random effects. 
#' Required, however, is a separately fit EA level spatial risk model 
#' and information on the spatial population density and the population frame.
#' @author John Paige
#' @references In preparation
#' @seealso \code{\link{simPopCustom}}, \code{\link{makePopIntegrationTab}}, \code{\link{adjustPopMat}}, \code{\link{simSPDE}}.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' ## In this script we will create 5km resolution pixellated grid over Kenya, 
#' ## and generate tables of estimated (both target and general) population 
#' ## totals at the area (e.g. Admin-1) and subarea (e.g. Admin-2) levels. Then 
#' ## we will use that to simulate populations of 
#' # download Kenya GADM shapefiles from SUMMERdata github repository
#' githubURL <- paste0("https://github.com/paigejo/SUMMERdata/blob/main/data/", 
#'                     "kenyaMaps.rda?raw=true")
#' tempDirectory = "~/"
#' mapsFilename = paste0(tempDirectory, "/kenyaMaps.rda")
#' if(!file.exists(mapsFilename)) {
#'   download.file(githubURL,mapsFilename)
#' }
#' # load it in
#' out = load(mapsFilename)
#' out
#' adm1@data$NAME_1 = as.character(adm1@data$NAME_1)
#' adm1@data$NAME_1[adm1@data$NAME_1 == "Trans Nzoia"] = "Trans-Nzoia"
#' adm1@data$NAME_1[adm1@data$NAME_1 == "Elgeyo-Marakwet"] = "Elgeyo Marakwet"
#' adm2@data$NAME_1 = as.character(adm2@data$NAME_1)
#' adm2@data$NAME_1[adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Trans Nzoia"] = "Trans-Nzoia"
#' adm2@data$NAME_1[adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Elgeyo-Marakwet"] = "Elgeyo Marakwet"
#' # some Admin-2 areas have the same name
#' adm2@data$NAME_2 = as.character(adm2@data$NAME_2)
#' adm2@data$NAME_2[(adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Bungoma") & 
#'                    (adm2@data$NAME_2 == "Lugari")] = "Lugari, Bungoma"
#' adm2@data$NAME_2[(adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Kakamega") & 
#'                    (adm2@data$NAME_2 == "Lugari")] = "Lugari, Kakamega"
#' adm2@data$NAME_2[(adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Meru") & 
#'                    (adm2@data$NAME_2 == "Igembe South")] = "Igembe South, Meru"
#' adm2@data$NAME_2[(adm2@data$NAME_1 == "Tharaka-Nithi") & 
#'                    (adm2@data$NAME_2 == "Igembe South")] = "Igembe South, Tharaka-Nithi"
#' # The spatial area of unknown 8 is so small, it causes problems unless its removed or 
#' # unioned with another subarea. Union it with neighboring Kakeguria:
#' newadm2 = adm2
#' unknown8I = which(newadm2$NAME_2 == "unknown 8")
#' newadm2$NAME_2[newadm2$NAME_2 %in% c("unknown 8", "Kapenguria")] <- 
#'   "Kapenguria + unknown 8"
#' admin2.IDs <- newadm2$NAME_2
#' newadm2@data = cbind(newadm2@data, NAME_2OLD = newadm2@data$NAME_2)
#' newadm2@data$NAME_2OLD = newadm2@data$NAME_2
#' newadm2@data$NAME_2 = admin2.IDs
#' newadm2$NAME_2 = admin2.IDs
#' temp <- terra::aggregate(as(newadm2, "SpatVector"), by="NAME_2")
#' library(sf)
#' temp <- sf::st_as_sf(temp)
#' temp <- sf::as_Spatial(temp)
#' tempData = newadm2@data[-unknown8I,]
#' tempData = tempData[order(tempData$NAME_2),]
#' newadm2 <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(temp, tempData, match.ID = F)
#' adm2 = newadm2
#' # download 2014 Kenya population density TIF file
#' githubURL <- paste0("https://github.com/paigejo/SUMMERdata/blob/main/data/", 
#'                     "Kenya2014Pop/worldpop_total_1y_2014_00_00.tif?raw=true")
#' popTIFFilename = paste0(tempDirectory, "/worldpop_total_1y_2014_00_00.tif")
#' if(!file.exists(popTIFFilename)) {
#'   download.file(githubURL,popTIFFilename)
#' }
#' # load it in
#' pop = terra::rast(popTIFFilename)
#' eastLim = c(-110.6405, 832.4544)
#' northLim = c(-555.1739, 608.7130)
#' ## Construct poppsubKenya, a table of urban/rural general population totals 
#' ## in each subarea. Technically, this is not necessary since we can load in 
#' ## poppsubKenya via data(kenyaPopulationData). First, we will need to calculate 
#' ## the areas in km^2 of the areas and subareas
#' # use Lambert equal area projection of areas (Admin-1) and subareas (Admin-2)
#' midLon = mean(adm1@bbox[1,])
#' midLat = mean(adm1@bbox[2,])
#' p4s = paste0("+proj=laea +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +lon_0=", midLon, 
#'              " +lat_0=", midLat, " +units=km")
#' adm1_sf = st_as_sf(adm1)
#' adm1proj_sf = st_transform(adm1_sf, p4s)
#' adm1proj = as(adm1proj_sf, "Spatial")
#' adm2_sf = st_as_sf(adm2)
#' adm2proj_sf = st_transform(adm2_sf, p4s)
#' adm2proj = as(adm2proj_sf, "Spatial")
#' # now calculate spatial area in km^2
#' admin1Areas = as.numeric(st_area(adm1proj_sf))
#' admin2Areas = as.numeric(st_area(adm2proj_sf))
#' areapaKenya = data.frame(area=adm1proj@data$NAME_1, spatialArea=admin1Areas)
#' areapsubKenya = data.frame(area=adm2proj@data$NAME_1, subarea=adm2proj@data$NAME_2, 
#'                            spatialArea=admin2Areas)
#' # Calculate general population totals at the subarea (Admin-2) x urban/rural 
#' # level and using 1km resolution population grid. Assign urbanicity by 
#' # thresholding population density based on estimated proportion population 
#' # urban/rural, making sure total area (Admin-1) urban/rural populations in 
#' # each area matches poppaKenya.
#' # NOTE: the following function will typically take ~15-20 minutes. Can speed up 
#' #       by setting kmRes to be higher, but we recommend fine resolution for 
#' #       this step, since it only needs to be done once.
#' system.time(poppsubKenya <- getPoppsub(
#'   kmRes=1, pop=pop, domainMapDat=adm0,
#'   eastLim=eastLim, northLim=northLim, mapProjection=projKenya,
#'   poppa = poppaKenya, areapa=areapaKenya, areapsub=areapsubKenya, 
#'   areaMapDat=adm1, subareaMapDat=adm2, 
#'   areaNameVar = "NAME_1", subareaNameVar="NAME_2"))
#' # Now generate a general population integration table at 5km resolution, 
#' # based on subarea (Admin-2) x urban/rural population totals. This takes 
#' # ~1 minute
#' system.time(popMatKenya <- makePopIntegrationTab(
#'   kmRes=5, pop=pop, domainMapDat=adm0,
#'   eastLim=eastLim, northLim=northLim, mapProjection=projKenya,
#'   poppa = poppaKenya, poppsub=poppsubKenya, 
#'   areaMapDat = adm1, subareaMapDat = adm2,
#'   areaNameVar = "NAME_1", subareaNameVar="NAME_2"))
#' ## Adjust popMat to be target (neonatal) rather than general population 
#' ## density. First create the target population frame
#' ## (these numbers are based on IPUMS microcensus data)
#' mothersPerHouseholdUrb = 0.3497151
#' childrenPerMotherUrb = 1.295917
#' mothersPerHouseholdRur = 0.4787696
#' childrenPerMotherRur = 1.455222
#' targetPopPerStratumUrban = easpaKenya$HHUrb * mothersPerHouseholdUrb * 
#'   childrenPerMotherUrb
#' targetPopPerStratumRural = easpaKenya$HHRur * mothersPerHouseholdRur * 
#'   childrenPerMotherRur
#' easpaKenyaNeonatal = easpaKenya
#' easpaKenyaNeonatal$popUrb = targetPopPerStratumUrban
#' easpaKenyaNeonatal$popRur = targetPopPerStratumRural
#' easpaKenyaNeonatal$popTotal = easpaKenyaNeonatal$popUrb + 
#'   easpaKenyaNeonatal$popRur
#' easpaKenyaNeonatal$pctUrb = 100 * easpaKenyaNeonatal$popUrb / 
#'   easpaKenyaNeonatal$popTotal
#' easpaKenyaNeonatal$pctTotal = 
#'   100 * easpaKenyaNeonatal$popTotal / sum(easpaKenyaNeonatal$popTotal)
#' # Generate the target population density by scaling the current 
#' # population density grid at the Admin1 x urban/rural level
#' popMatKenyaNeonatal = adjustPopMat(popMatKenya, easpaKenyaNeonatal)
#' # Generate neonatal population table from the neonatal population integration 
#' # matrix. This is technically not necessary for population simulation purposes, 
#' # but is here for illustrative purposes
#' poppsubKenyaNeonatal = poppRegionFromPopMat(popMatKenyaNeonatal, 
#'                                             popMatKenyaNeonatal$subarea)
#' poppsubKenyaNeonatal = 
#'   cbind(subarea=poppsubKenyaNeonatal$region, 
#'         area=adm2@data$NAME_1[match(poppsubKenyaNeonatal$region, adm2@data$NAME_2)], 
#'         poppsubKenyaNeonatal[,-1])
#' print(head(poppsubKenyaNeonatal))
#' ## Now we're ready to simulate neonatal populations along with neonatal 
#' ## mortality risks and prevalences
#' # use the following model to simulate the neonatal population based roughly 
#' # on Paige et al. (2020) neonatal mortality modeling for Kenya.
#' beta0=-2.9 # intercept
#' gamma=-1 # urban effect
#' rho=(1/3)^2 # spatial variance
#' effRange = 400 # effective spatial range in km
#' sigmaEpsilon=sqrt(1/2.5) # cluster (nugget) effect standard deviation
#' # Run a simulation! This produces multiple dense nEA x nsim and nPixel x nsim 
#' # matrices. In the future sparse matrices and chunk by chunk computations 
#' # may be incorporated.
#' simPop = simPopSPDE(nsim=1, easpa=easpaKenyaNeonatal, 
#'                     popMat=popMatKenya, targetPopMat=popMatKenyaNeonatal, 
#'                     poppsub=poppsubKenya, spdeMesh=kenyaMesh, 
#'                     margVar=rho, sigmaEpsilon=sigmaEpsilon, 
#'                     gamma=gamma, effRange=effRange, beta0=beta0, 
#'                     seed=12, inla.seed=12, nHHSampled=25, 
#'                     stratifyByUrban=TRUE, subareaLevel=TRUE, 
#'                     doFineScaleRisk=TRUE, doSmoothRisk=TRUE, 
#'                     min1PerSubarea=TRUE)
#' # get average absolute percent error relative to fine scale prevalence at Admin-2 level
#' tempDat = simPop$subareaPop$aggregationResults[c("region", "pFineScalePrevalence", 
#'                                                   "pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk")]
#' 100*mean(abs(tempDat$pFineScalePrevalence - tempDat$pFineScaleRisk) / 
#'            tempDat$pFineScalePrevalence)
#' 100*mean(abs(tempDat$pFineScalePrevalence - tempDat$pSmoothRisk) / 
#'            tempDat$pFineScalePrevalence)
#' 100*mean(abs(tempDat$pFineScaleRisk - tempDat$pSmoothRisk) / 
#'            tempDat$pFineScalePrevalence)
#' # verify number of EAs per area and subarea
#' cbind(aggregate(simPop$eaPop$eaSamples[,1], by=list(area=popMatKenya$area), FUN=sum), 
#'       trueNumEAs=easpaKenya$EATotal[order(easpaKenya$area)])
#' aggregate(simPop$eaPop$eaSamples[,1], by=list(area=popMatKenya$subarea), FUN=sum)
#' ## plot simulated population
#' # directory for plotting 
#' # (mapPlot takes longer when it doesn't save to a file)
#' tempDirectory = "~/"
#' # pixel level plots. Some pixels have no simulated EAs, in which case they will be 
#' # plotted as white. Expected noisy looking plots of fine scale risk and prevalence 
#' # due to EAs being discrete, as compared to a very smooth plot of smooth risk.
#' zlim = c(0, quantile(probs=.995, c(simPop$pixelPop$pFineScalePrevalence, 
#'                                    simPop$pixelPop$pFineScaleRisk, 
#'                                    simPop$pixelPop$pSmoothRisk), na.rm=TRUE))
#' pdf(file=paste0(tempDirectory, "simPopSPDEPixel.pdf"), width=8, height=8)
#' par(mfrow=c(2,2))
#' plot(adm2, asp=1)
#' points(simPop$eaPop$eaDatList[[1]]$lon, simPop$eaPop$eaDatList[[1]]$lat, pch=".", col="blue")
#' plot(adm2, asp=1)
#' quilt.plot(popMatKenya$lon, popMatKenya$lat, simPop$pixelPop$pFineScalePrevalence, 
#'            zlim=zlim, add=TRUE, FUN=function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)})
#' plot(adm2, asp=1)
#' quilt.plot(popMatKenya$lon, popMatKenya$lat, simPop$pixelPop$pFineScaleRisk, 
#'            zlim=zlim, add=TRUE, FUN=function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)})
#' quilt.plot(popMatKenya$lon, popMatKenya$lat, simPop$pixelPop$pSmoothRisk, 
#'            zlim=zlim, FUN=function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)}, asp=1)
#' plot(adm2, add=TRUE)
#' dev.off()
#' range(simPop$eaPop$eaDatList[[1]]$N)
#' # areal (Admin-1) level: these results should look essentially identical
#' tempDat = simPop$areaPop$aggregationResults[c("region", "pFineScalePrevalence", 
#'                                                "pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk")]
#' pdf(file=paste0(tempDirectory, "simPopSPDEAdmin-1.pdf"), width=7, height=7)
#' mapPlot(tempDat, 
#'         variables=c("pFineScalePrevalence", "pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk"), 
#'         geo=adm1, by.geo="NAME_1", by.data="region", is.long=FALSE)
#' dev.off()
#' # subareal (Admin-2) level: these results should look subtley different 
#' # depending on the type of prevalence/risk considered
#' tempDat = simPop$subareaPop$aggregationResults[c("region", "pFineScalePrevalence", 
#'                                                   "pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk")]
#' pdf(file=paste0(tempDirectory, "simPopSPDEAdmin-2.pdf"), width=7, height=7)
#' mapPlot(tempDat, 
#'         variables=c("pFineScalePrevalence", "pFineScaleRisk", "pSmoothRisk"), 
#'         geo=adm2, by.geo="NAME_2", by.data="region", is.long=FALSE)
#' dev.off()
#' }
#' @name simPop
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @describeIn simPop
#' Simulate populations and population prevalences given census frame and population density 
#' information. Uses SPDE model for generating spatial risk and can include iid cluster 
#' level effect.
#' @export
simPopSPDE = function(nsim=1, easpa, popMat, targetPopMat, poppsub, spdeMesh, 
                      margVar=0.243, sigmaEpsilon=sqrt(0.463), 
                      gamma=0.009, effRange=406.51, beta0=-3.922, 
                      seed=NULL, inla.seed=-1L, nHHSampled=25, 
                      stratifyByUrban=TRUE, subareaLevel=TRUE, 
                      doFineScaleRisk=FALSE, doSmoothRisk=FALSE, 
                      min1PerSubarea=TRUE) {
  if(!is.null(seed))  {
    if(inla.seed < 0) {
      stop("seed specified, but not inla.seed. Set inla.seed to a positive integer to ensure reproducibility")
  if(nsim > 1) {
    warning("nsim > 1. eaDat will only be generated for first simulation")
  totalEAs = sum(easpa$EATotal)
  totalHouseholds = sum(easpa$HHTotal)
  ### generate Binomial probabilities from transformed logit scale GP
  # generate SPDE simulations
  pixelCoords = cbind(popMat$east, popMat$north)
  if(margVar != 0) {
    SPDEArgs = list(coords=pixelCoords, nsim=nsim, margVar=margVar, effRange=effRange, 
                    mesh=spdeMesh, inla.seed=inla.seed)
    simVals = do.call("simSPDE", SPDEArgs)
  } else {
    simVals = matrix(rep(0, nrow(pixelCoords)), ncol=1)
  # add in intercept
  simVals = simVals + beta0
  # add in urban effect
  simVals = sweep(simVals, 1, gamma*popMat$urban, "+")
  # simulate nugget/cluster effect
  epsc = matrix(stats::rnorm(totalEAs*nsim, sd=sigmaEpsilon), ncol=nsim)
  # transform back to original scale for the pixel level probabilities
  probsNoNug = expit(simVals)
  # simulate the enumeration areas
  logitRiskDraws = simVals
  sigmaEpsilonDraws = rep(sigmaEpsilon, nsim)
  print("Using SPDE model to simulate EA and pixel level populations")
  outPixelLevel = simPopCustom(logitRiskDraws=logitRiskDraws, sigmaEpsilonDraws=sigmaEpsilonDraws, easpa=easpa, 
                              popMat=popMat, targetPopMat=targetPopMat, 
                              stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, doSmoothRisk=doSmoothRisk, 
                              doFineScaleRisk=doFineScaleRisk, poppsub=poppsub, 
                              subareaLevel=subareaLevel, min1PerSubarea=min1PerSubarea, 
                              returnEAinfo=TRUE, epsc=epsc)
  eaPop = list(eaDatList=outPixelLevel$eaDatList, eaSamples=outPixelLevel$eaSamples)
  outPixelLevel$eaDatList = NULL
  outPixelLevel$eaSamples = NULL
  if(subareaLevel) {
    print("aggregating from pixel level to subarea level")
    outSubareaLevel = pixelPopToArea(pixelLevelPop=outPixelLevel, eaSamples=eaPop$eaSamples, 
                                     areas=popMat$subarea, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, 
                                     targetPopMat=targetPopMat, doFineScaleRisk=doFineScaleRisk, 
    print("aggregating from subarea level to area level")
    # get areas associated with each subarea for aggregation
    tempAreasFrom = popMat$subarea
    tempAreasTo = popMat$area
    areasFrom = sort(unique(tempAreasFrom))
    areasToI = match(areasFrom, tempAreasFrom)
    areasTo = tempAreasTo[areasToI]
    # do the aggregation from subareas to areas
    outAreaLevel = areaPopToArea(areaLevelPop=outSubareaLevel, areasFrom=areasFrom, areasTo=areasTo, 
                                 stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, doFineScaleRisk=doFineScaleRisk, 
  } else {
    outSubareaLevel = NULL
    print("aggregating from pixel level to area level")
    outAreaLevel = pixelPopToArea(pixelLevelPop=outPixelLevel, eaSamples=eaPop$eaSamples, 
                                  areas=popMat$area, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, 
                                  doFineScaleRisk=doFineScaleRisk, doSmoothRisk=doSmoothRisk)
  list(eaPop=eaPop, pixelPop=outPixelLevel, subareaPop=outSubareaLevel, areaPop=outAreaLevel, logitRiskDraws=logitRiskDraws)

#' Aggregate populations to the specified areal level
#' Takes simulated populations and aggregates 
#' them to the specified areal level. Also calculates the aggregated risk and prevalence.
#' @param pixelLevelPop pixel level population information that we want aggregate. In the same format as output from \code{\link{simPopCustom}}
#' @param eaSamples nIntegrationPoint x nsim matrix of the number of enumeration areas per pixel sampled in the input pixel level population
#' @param areas character vector of length nIntegrationPoints of area names over which we 
#'        want to aggregate. Can also be subareas
#' @param stratifyByUrban whether or not to stratify simulations by urban/rural classification
#' @param targetPopMat pixellated grid data frame with variables `lon`, `lat`, `pop` (target population), `area`, `subareas` (if subareaLevel is TRUE), `urban` (if stratifyByUrban is TRUE), `east`, and `north`
#' @param doFineScaleRisk whether or not to calculate the fine scale risk in addition to the prevalence. See details
#' @param doSmoothRisk Whether or not to calculate the smooth risk in addition to the prevalence. See details
#' @param areaLevelPop output of \code{\link{simPopCustom}} containing pixel level information 
#'               about the population of interest
#' @param areasFrom character vector of length equal to the number of areas from which 
#'            we would like to aggregate containing the unique names of the areas. 
#'            Can also be subareas, but these are smaller than the "to areas", and 
#'            each "from area" must be entirely contained in a single "to area"
#' @param areasTo character vector of length equal to the number of areas from which 
#'          we would like to aggregate containing the names of the areas containing 
#'          with each respective `from' area. Can also be a set of subareas, 
#'          but these are larger than the "from areas".
#' @author John Paige
#' @references In Preparation
#' @return A list containing elements `fineScalePrevalence` and `fineScaleRisk`. Each 
#' of these are in turn lists with aggregated prevalence and risk for the area of 
#' interest, containg the following elements, were paranethesis indicate the elements 
#' for the fineScaleRisk model rather than fineScalePrevalence:
#' \item{p}{Aggregated prevalence (risk), calculated as aggregate of Z divided by 
#' aggregate of N}
#' \item{Z}{Aggregated (expected) population numerator}
#' \item{N}{Aggregated (expected) population denominator}
#' \item{pUrban}{Aggregated prevalence (risk) in urban part of the area, calculated 
#' as aggregate of Z divided by aggregate of N}
#' \item{ZUrban}{Aggregated (expected) population numerator in urban part of the area}
#' \item{NUrban}{Aggregated (expected) population denominator in urban part of the area}
#' \item{pRural}{Aggregated prevalence (risk) in rural part of the area, calculated 
#' as aggregate of Z divided by aggregate of N}
#' \item{ZRural}{Aggregated (expected) population numerator in rural part of the area}
#' \item{NRural}{Aggregated (expected) population denominator in rural part of the area}
#' \item{A}{Aggregation matrix used to aggregate from pixel level to areal level}
#' \item{AUrban}{Aggregation matrix used to aggregate from pixel level to urban part of the areal level}
#' \item{ARural}{Aggregation matrix used to aggregate from pixel level to rural part of the areal level}
#' @seealso \code{\link{areaPopToArea}}
#' @name aggPop
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ##### Now we make a model for the risk. We will use an SPDE model with these 
#' ##### parameters for the linear predictor on the logist scale, which are chosen 
#' ##### to be of practical interest:
#' beta0=-2.9 # intercept
#' gamma=-1 # urban effect
#' rho=(1/3)^2 # spatial variance
#' effRange = 400 # effective spatial range in km
#' sigmaEpsilon=sqrt(1/2.5) # cluster (nugget) effect standard deviation
#' # simulate the population! Note that this produces multiple dense 
#' # nEA x nsim and nIntegrationPoint x nsim matrices. In the future 
#' # sparse matrices will and chunk by chunk computations may be incorporated.
#' simPop = simPopSPDE(nsim=1, easpa=easpaKenyaNeonatal, 
#'                     popMat=popMatKenya, targetPopMat=popMatKenyaNeonatal, 
#'                     poppsub=poppsubKenya, spdeMesh=kenyaMesh, 
#'                     margVar=rho, sigmaEpsilonSq=sigmaEpsilon^2, 
#'                     gamma=gamma, effRange=effRange, beta0=beta0, 
#'                     seed=123, inla.seed=12, nHHSampled=25, 
#'                     stratifyByUrban=TRUE, subareaLevel=TRUE, 
#'                     doFineScaleRisk=TRUE, 
#'                     min1PerSubarea=TRUE)
#' pixelPop = simPop$pixelPop
#' subareaPop = pixelPopToArea(pixelLevelPop=pixelPop, eaSamples=pixelPop$eaSamples, 
#'   areas=popMatKenya$subarea, stratifyByUrban=TRUE, 
#'   targetPopMat=popMatKenyaNeonatal, doFineScaleRisk=TRUE)
#' # get areas associated with each subarea for aggregation
#' tempAreasFrom = popMatKenya$subarea
#' tempAreasTo = popMatKenya$area
#' areasFrom = sort(unique(tempAreasFrom))
#' areasToI = match(areasFrom, tempAreasFrom)
#' areasTo = tempAreasTo[areasToI]
#' # do the aggregation from subareas to areas
#' outAreaLevel = areaPopToArea(areaLevelPop=subareaPop, 
#'   areasFrom=areasFrom, areasTo=areasTo, 
#'   stratifyByUrban=TRUE, doFineScaleRisk=TRUE)
#' }

#' @describeIn aggPop Aggregate from pixel to areal level
#' @export
pixelPopToArea = function(pixelLevelPop, eaSamples, areas, stratifyByUrban=TRUE, targetPopMat=NULL, 
                          doSmoothRisk=!is.null(pixelLevelPop$smoothRisk$p)) {
  # fine scale prevalence aggregation model
  nSamples = pixelLevelPop$NFineScalePrevalence
  zSamples = pixelLevelPop$ZFineScalePrevalence
  zSamples[is.na(zSamples)] = 0 # must set to zero temporarily so matrix multiplication works
  out = aggPixelPreds(Zg=zSamples, Ng=nSamples, areas=areas, targetPopMat=targetPopMat, 
                      useDensity=FALSE, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, normalize=FALSE)
  aggregationResults = out$aggregationResults
  aggregationMatrices = out$aggregationMatrices
  names(aggregationResults)[-1] = paste(names(aggregationResults)[-1], "FineScalePrevalence", sep="")
  names(aggregationMatrices) = paste(names(aggregationMatrices), "FineScalePrevalence", sep="")
  # fine scale risk aggregation model
  if(doFineScaleRisk) {
    nSamplesFineScaleRisk = pixelLevelPop$NFineScaleRisk
    zSamplesFineScaleRisk = pixelLevelPop$ZFineScaleRisk
    zSamplesFineScaleRisk[is.na(zSamplesFineScaleRisk)] = 0 # must set to zero temporarily so matrix multiplication works out
    out = aggPixelPreds(Zg=zSamplesFineScaleRisk, Ng=nSamplesFineScaleRisk, areas=areas, targetPopMat=targetPopMat, 
                        useDensity=FALSE, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, normalize=FALSE)
    aggregationResultsFineScaleRisk = out$aggregationResults
    aggregationMatricesFineScaleRisk = out$aggregationMatrices
    names(aggregationResultsFineScaleRisk)[-1] = paste(names(aggregationResultsFineScaleRisk)[-1], "FineScaleRisk", sep="")
    names(aggregationMatricesFineScaleRisk) = paste(names(aggregationMatricesFineScaleRisk), "FineScaleRisk", sep="")
    # aggregationResults = merge(aggregationResults, aggregationResultsFineScaleRisk, by="region")
    aggregationResults = c(aggregationResults, aggregationResultsFineScaleRisk[-1])
    aggregationMatrices = c(aggregationMatrices, aggregationMatricesFineScaleRisk)
  if(doSmoothRisk) {
    # NOTE: although useDensity is set to FALSE, that's only because the density is already 
    # directly incorporated into nSamplesSmoothRisk
    nSamplesSmoothRisk = pixelLevelPop$NSmoothRisk
    zSamplesSmoothRisk = pixelLevelPop$ZSmoothRisk
    zSamplesSmoothRisk[is.na(zSamplesSmoothRisk)] = 0 # must set to zero temporarily so matrix multiplication works out
    out = aggPixelPreds(Zg=zSamplesSmoothRisk, Ng=nSamplesSmoothRisk, areas=areas, targetPopMat=targetPopMat, 
                        useDensity=FALSE, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, normalize=FALSE)
    aggregationResultsSmoothRisk = out$aggregationResults
    aggregationMatricesSmoothRisk = out$aggregationMatrices
    names(aggregationResultsSmoothRisk)[-1] = paste(names(aggregationResultsSmoothRisk)[-1], "SmoothRisk", sep="")
    names(aggregationMatricesSmoothRisk) = paste(names(aggregationMatricesSmoothRisk), "SmoothRisk", sep="")
    # aggregationResults = merge(aggregationResults, aggregationResultsSmoothRisk, by="region")
    aggregationResults = c(aggregationResults, aggregationResultsSmoothRisk[-1])
    aggregationMatrices = c(aggregationMatrices, aggregationMatricesSmoothRisk)
  list(aggregationResults=aggregationResults, aggregationMatrices=aggregationMatrices)

#' Helper function of \code{\link{pixelPopToArea}}
#' Aggregates population from the 
#' pixel level to the level of the area of interest.
#' @param Zg nIntegrationPoint x nsim matrix of simulated response (population numerators) for each pixel and sample
#' @param Ng nIntegrationPoint x nsim matrix of simulated counts (population denominators) for each pixel and sample
#' @param areas nIntegrationPoint length character vector of areas (or subareas) 
#' @param urban nIntegrationPoint length vector of indicators specifying whether or not pixels are urban or rural
#' @param targetPopMat same as in \code{\link{simPopCustom}}
#' @param useDensity whether to use population density as aggregation weights. 
#' @param stratifyByUrban whether or not to stratify simulations by urban/rural classification
#' @param normalize if TRUE, pixel level aggregation weights within specified area are normalized to sum to 1. This produces an 
#' average of the values in Zg rather than a sum. In general, should only be set to TRUE for smooth integrals of risk.
aggPixelPreds = function(Zg, Ng, areas, urban=targetPopMat$urban, targetPopMat=NULL, useDensity=FALSE, 
                         stratifyByUrban=TRUE, normalize=useDensity) {
  if(useDensity && !normalize) {
    stop("if useDensity is set to TRUE, normalize must be set to TRUE as well")
  predsUrban = urban
  predsArea = areas
  # set NAs and pixels without any sample size to 0
  Ng[is.na(Ng)] = 0
  if(!useDensity) {
    # is useDensity is true, then Zg is really a set of probabilities, so no need to set to 0
    Zg[Ng == 0] = 0
  # function to aggregate predictions over the 
  # population density grid. Use the following function to get numerical 
  # integration matrix for a given level of areal aggregation. returned 
  # matrices have dimension length(unique(areaNames)) x length(areaNames)
  # areaNames: 
  # urbanProportions: DEPRACATED vector giving proportion of population urban for each unique area in areaNames. 
  #                   If specified, ensure that urban and rural parts of the full integration 
  #                   matrix have the appropriate relative weights for each area. Used for population 
  #                   density based integration
  # normalize: whether or not to normalize the rows of the matrices to sum to 1 or to instead 
  #            contain only binary values (or non-binary values based on the binary values if 
  #            urbanProportions is not NULL)
  getIntegrationMatrix = function(areaNames, urbanProportions=NULL, normalize=FALSE) {
    if(useDensity) {
      popDensities = targetPopMat$pop
      densities = popDensities
    } else {
      equalDensities = rep(1, nrow(Zg))
      densities = equalDensities
    uniqueNames = sort(unique(areaNames))
    getMatrixHelper = function(i, thisUrban=NULL, thisUseDensity=useDensity, thisNormalize=normalize) {
      areaI = areaNames == uniqueNames[i]
      if(thisUseDensity) {
        theseDensities = popDensities
      } else {
        theseDensities = equalDensities
      # make sure we only include pixels in the given area and, if necessary, with the given urbanicity
      theseDensities[!areaI] = 0
        theseDensities[predsUrban != thisUrban] = 0
      thisSum = sum(theseDensities)
      if(thisSum != 0 && thisNormalize)
        theseDensities * (1/thisSum)
      else if(thisSum == 0)
        rep(0, length(theseDensities))
    if(!stratifyByUrban) {
      integrationMatrix = t(matrix(sapply(1:length(uniqueNames), getMatrixHelper), ncol=length(uniqueNames)))
    } else {
      integrationMatrixUrban = t(matrix(sapply(1:length(uniqueNames), getMatrixHelper, thisUrban=TRUE), ncol=length(uniqueNames)))
      integrationMatrixRural = t(matrix(sapply(1:length(uniqueNames), getMatrixHelper, thisUrban=FALSE), ncol=length(uniqueNames)))
      if(!is.null(urbanProportions)) {
        integrationMatrix = sweep(integrationMatrixUrban, 1, urbanProportions, "*") + sweep(integrationMatrixRural, 1, 1-urbanProportions, "*")
      } else {
        integrationMatrix = t(matrix(sapply(1:length(uniqueNames), getMatrixHelper), ncol=length(uniqueNames)))
      rownames(integrationMatrix) = uniqueNames
      rownames(integrationMatrixUrban) = uniqueNames
      rownames(integrationMatrixRural) = uniqueNames
  # Use the following function to perform the
  # aggregations
  getIntegratedPredictions = function(areaNames) {
    # get numerical integration matrix
    A = getIntegrationMatrix(areaNames, normalize=normalize)
    # aggregate the prediction and denominator matrices (for whole areas and also urban/rural strata if necessary)
    if(!stratifyByUrban) {
      ZAggregated = A %*% Zg
      NAggregated = A %*% Ng
      pAggregated = ZAggregated / NAggregated
      pAggregated[NAggregated == 0] = NA
      aggregationResults = list(p=pAggregated, Z=ZAggregated, N=NAggregated)
      aggregationMatrices = list(A=A, AUrban=NULL, ARural=NULL)
    } else {
      AUrban = A$integrationMatrixUrban
      ARural = A$integrationMatrixRural
      A = A$integrationMatrix
      # first aggregate the numerator. The denominator will depend on the aggregation method
      ZAggregated = A %*% Zg
      ZAggregatedUrban = AUrban %*% Zg
      ZAggregatedRural = ARural %*% Zg
      if(useDensity) {
        # for population density aggregation, we integrate probabilities rather than aggregate 
        # empirical proportions
        NAggregated = NULL
        pAggregated = ZAggregated
        ZAggregated = NULL
        NAggregatedUrban = NULL
        pAggregatedUrban = ZAggregatedUrban
        ZAggregatedUrban = NULL
        NAggregatedRural = NULL
        pAggregatedRural = ZAggregatedRural
        ZAggregatedRural = NULL
      } else {
        # if we do not use density, we must also aggregate the denominator to calculate 
        # the aggregated empirical proportions
        NAggregated = A %*% Ng
        pAggregated = ZAggregated / NAggregated
        pAggregated[NAggregated == 0] = NA
        NAggregatedUrban = AUrban %*% Ng
        pAggregatedUrban = ZAggregatedUrban / NAggregatedUrban
        pAggregatedUrban[NAggregatedUrban == 0] = NA
        NAggregatedRural = ARural %*% Ng
        pAggregatedRural = ZAggregatedRural / NAggregatedRural
        pAggregatedRural[NAggregatedRural == 0] = NA
      aggregationResults = list(region=sort(unique(areas)), p=pAggregated, Z=ZAggregated, N=NAggregated, 
                                pUrban=pAggregatedUrban, ZUrban=ZAggregatedUrban, NUrban=NAggregatedUrban, 
                                pRural=pAggregatedRural, ZRural=ZAggregatedRural, NRural=NAggregatedRural)
      aggregationMatrices = list(A=A, AUrban=AUrban, ARural=ARural)
    list(aggregationResults=aggregationResults, aggregationMatrices=aggregationMatrices)
  areaResults = getIntegratedPredictions(predsArea)
  # return results

#' @describeIn aggPop Aggregate areal populations to another areal level
#' @export
areaPopToArea = function(areaLevelPop, areasFrom, areasTo, 
                         doSmoothRisk=!is.null(areaLevelPop$aggregationResults$pSmoothRisk)) {
  if(length(areasFrom) != length(unique(areasFrom))) {
    stop("areasFrom must contain only unique names of areas to which we want to aggregate")
  uniqueNames = sort(unique(areasTo))
  # construct row of the aggregation matrix given toArea index
  getMatrixHelper = function(i) {
    # get areasTo associated with this fromArea
    thisToArea = uniqueNames[i]
    thisFromAreas = unique(areasFrom[areasTo == thisToArea])
    areaI = areasFrom %in% thisFromAreas
  # construct the aggregation matrix from areasFrom to areasTo
  A = t(matrix(sapply(1:length(uniqueNames), getMatrixHelper), ncol=length(uniqueNames)))
  rownames(A) = uniqueNames
  colnames(A) = areasFrom
  ##### aggregate populations
  # fine scale prevalence aggregation model
  getaggregationResults = function(resultNameRoot="FineScalePrevalence") {
    if(! (paste("N", resultNameRoot, sep="") %in% names(areaLevelPop$aggregationResults))) {
      stop(paste0(resultNameRoot, " was not computed in input areaLevelPop"))
    nSamples = areaLevelPop$aggregationResults[[paste("N", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
    zSamples = areaLevelPop$aggregationResults[[paste("Z", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
    zSamples[is.na(zSamples)] = 0 # must set to zero temporarily so matrix multiplication works out
    ZAggregated =  A %*% zSamples
    NAggregated =  A %*% nSamples
    pAggregated = ZAggregated / NAggregated
    pAggregated[NAggregated == 0] = NA
    thisA=A %*% areaLevelPop$aggregationMatrices[[paste("A", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
    rownames(thisA) = uniqueNames
    if(stratifyByUrban) {
      nSamplesUrban = areaLevelPop$aggregationResults[[paste("NUrban", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
      zSamplesUrban = areaLevelPop$aggregationResults[[paste("ZUrban", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
      zSamplesUrban[is.na(zSamplesUrban)] = 0 # must set to zero temporarily so matrix multiplication works out
      nSamplesRural = areaLevelPop$aggregationResults[[paste("NRural", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
      zSamplesRural = areaLevelPop$aggregationResults[[paste("ZRural", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
      zSamplesRural[is.na(zSamplesRural)] = 0 # must set to zero temporarily so matrix multiplication works out
      ZAggregatedUrban =  A %*% zSamplesUrban
      NAggregatedUrban =  A %*% nSamplesUrban
      pAggregatedUrban = ZAggregatedUrban / NAggregatedUrban
      pAggregatedUrban[NAggregatedUrban == 0] = NA
      thisAUrban=A %*% areaLevelPop$aggregationMatrices[[paste("AUrban", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
      rownames(thisAUrban) = uniqueNames
      ZAggregatedRural =  A %*% zSamplesRural
      NAggregatedRural =  A %*% nSamplesRural
      pAggregatedRural = ZAggregatedRural / NAggregatedRural
      pAggregatedRural[NAggregatedRural == 0] = NA
      thisARural=A %*% areaLevelPop$aggregationMatrices[[paste("ARural", resultNameRoot, sep="")]]
      rownames(thisARural) = uniqueNames
    } else {
      ZAggregatedUrban = NULL
      NAggregatedUrban = NULL
      pAggregatedUrban = NULL
      ZAggregatedRural = NULL
      NAggregatedRural = NULL
      pAggregatedRural = NULL
    aggregationResults = list(region=uniqueNames, p=pAggregated, Z=ZAggregated, N=NAggregated, 
                             pUrban=pAggregatedUrban, ZUrban=ZAggregatedUrban, NUrban=NAggregatedUrban, 
                             pRural=pAggregatedRural, ZRural=ZAggregatedRural, NRural=NAggregatedRural)
    aggregationMatrices = list(A=thisA, AUrban=thisAUrban, ARural=thisARural)
    capitalResultNameRoot = resultNameRoot
    # capitalResultNameRoot = paste(toupper(substr(capitalResultNameRoot, 1, 1)), substr(capitalResultNameRoot, 2, nchar(capitalResultNameRoot)), sep="")
    names(aggregationResults)[-1] = paste(names(aggregationResults)[-1], capitalResultNameRoot, sep="")
    names(aggregationMatrices) = paste(names(aggregationMatrices)[-1], capitalResultNameRoot, sep="")
    list(aggregationResults=aggregationResults, aggregationMatrices=aggregationMatrices)
  # fine scale prevalence model 
  out = getaggregationResults("FineScalePrevalence")
  aggregationResults = out$aggregationResults
  aggregationMatrices = out$aggregationMatrices
  # fine scale risk aggregation model
  if(doFineScaleRisk) {
    out = getaggregationResults("FineScaleRisk")
    resFineScaleRisk = out$aggregationResults
    resAggregationMatrices = out$aggregationMatrices
    # aggregationResults = merge(aggregationResults, resFineScaleRisk, by="region")
    aggregationResults = c(aggregationResults, resFineScaleRisk)
    aggregationMatrices = c(aggregationMatrices, resAggregationMatrices)
  if(doSmoothRisk) {
    out = getaggregationResults("SmoothRisk")
    resSmoothRisk = out$aggregationResults
    resAggregationMatrices = out$aggregationMatrices
    # aggregationResults = merge(aggregationResults, resSmoothRisk, by="region")
    aggregationResults = c(aggregationResults, resSmoothRisk)
    aggregationMatrices = c(aggregationMatrices, resAggregationMatrices)
  list(aggregationResults=aggregationResults, aggregationMatrices=aggregationMatrices)

#' @describeIn simPop
#' Simulate populations and population prevalences given census frame and population density 
#' information. Uses custom spatial logit risk function and can include iid cluster 
#' level effect.
#' @export
simPopCustom = function(logitRiskDraws, sigmaEpsilonDraws, easpa, popMat, targetPopMat, 
                        stratifyByUrban=TRUE, validationPixelI=NULL, validationClusterI=NULL, 
                        doFineScaleRisk=FALSE, doSmoothRisk=FALSE, 
                        poppsub=NULL, subareaLevel=FALSE, 
                        returnEAinfo=FALSE, epsc=NULL) {
  if(is.null(poppsub) && subareaLevel) {
    stop("if subareaLevel is TRUE, user must specify poppsub")
  if(!is.null(validationPixelI) || !is.null(validationClusterI) || !is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
    stop("validationPixelI, validationClusterI, and clustersPerPixel not yet fully implemented")
  nDraws = ncol(logitRiskDraws)
  # set default inputs
  totalEAs = sum(easpa$EATotal)
  if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
    emptyPixels = clustersPerPixel == 0
    if(totalEAs != sum(clustersPerPixel))
      stop("sum(easpa$EATotal) != sum(clustersPerPixel)")
  # get area names
  areas = sort(unique(popMat$area))
  if(any(areas != easpa$area))
    stop("area names and easpa do not match popMat or are not in the correct order")
  # determine if we care about subareas (smallest areas we care about. No info of EAs per subarea)
  subareaLevel = !is.null(popMat$subarea)
  ##### Line 1 (of the algorithm): take draws from the binomial process for each stratum (each row of easpa)
  # get probabilities for each pixel (or at least something proportional within each stratum)
  print("drawing EAs")
  pixelProbs = popMat$pop
  # take draws from the stratified binomial process for each posterior sample
  if(is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
    if(subareaLevel) {
      eaSamples = rStratifiedMultnomialBySubarea(nDraws, popMat, easpa, stratifyByUrban, poppsub=poppsub, 
    } else {
      eaSamples = rStratifiedMultnomial(nDraws, popMat, easpa, stratifyByUrban)
  if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel) && !exists("eaSamples")) {
    eaSamples = matrix(rep(clustersPerPixel, nDraws), ncol=nDraws)
  # make matrix (or list) of pixel indices mapping matrices of EA values to matrices of pixel values
  if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
    pixelIndices = rep(1:nrow(popMat), times=clustersPerPixel) # this contains repetitions and has length == nEAs
    uniquePixelIndices = sort(unique(pixelIndices))
  } else {
    pixelIndexMat = matrix(rep(rep(1:nrow(popMat), nDraws), times=eaSamples), ncol=nDraws)
  # determine which EAs are urban if necessary
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    # urbanMat = matrix(rep(rep(popMat$urban, nDraws), times=c(eaSamples)), ncol=nDraws)
    if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
      urbanVals = popMat$urban[pixelIndices]
      uniqueUrbanVals = popMat$urban[uniquePixelIndices]
    } else {
      # urbanMat = matrix(popMat$urban[pixelIndexMat], ncol=nDraws)
      urbanMat = NULL # don't calculate here for memory's sake
  } else {
    urbanMat = NULL
  # determine which EAs are from which area
  if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
    areaVals = popMat$area[pixelIndices]
    uniqueAreaVals = popMat$area[uniquePixelIndices]
  } else {
    # areaMat = matrix(popMat$area[pixelIndexMat], ncol=nDraws)
    areaMat = NULL # don't calculate here for memory's sake
  ##### Line 2: draw cluster effects, epsilon
  # NOTE1: we assume there are many more EAs then sampled clusters, so that 
  #       the cluster effects for each EA, including those sampled, are iid
  print("simulating EA level risks, numerators, and denominators")
  if(is.null(epsc)) {
    epsc = matrix(stats::rnorm(totalEAs*nDraws, sd=rep(sigmaEpsilonDraws, each=totalEAs)), ncol=nDraws)
  ##### Line 3: draw EA population denominators, N
  if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
      stop("clustersPerPixel must only be set for validation, but validationPixelI is NULL")
    # in this case, every left out cluster has exactly 25 households. Simply sample target population 
    # with equal probability from each cluster/faux EA
    Ncs = sampleNMultilevelMultinomialFixed(clustersPerPixel, nDraws=nDraws, pixelIndices=pixelIndices, 
                                            urbanVals=urbanVals, areaVals=areaVals, easpa=easpa, popMat=popMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, 
  } else {
    if(returnEAinfo) {
      out = sampleNMultilevelMultinomial(pixelIndexMat=pixelIndexMat, easpaList=list(easpa), 
                                         popMat=popMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, verbose=TRUE, returnEAinfo=returnEAinfo)
      householdDraws = out$householdDraws
      Ncs = out$targetPopDraws
    } else {
      Ncs <- sampleNMultilevelMultinomial(pixelIndexMat=pixelIndexMat, easpaList=list(easpa), 
                                       popMat=popMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, verbose=TRUE, returnEAinfo=returnEAinfo)
      householdDraws = NULL
  ##### do part of Line 7 in advance
  # calculate mu_{ic} for each EA in each pixel
  if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
    uc = logitRiskDraws[pixelIndices,]
    muc = expit(uc + epsc)
  } else {
    uc = matrix(logitRiskDraws[cbind(rep(rep(1:nrow(logitRiskDraws), nDraws), times=c(eaSamples)), rep(1:nDraws, each=totalEAs))], ncol=nDraws)
    muc = expit(uc + epsc)
  # calculate Z_{ic} for each EA in each pixel
  Zc = matrix(stats::rbinom(n=totalEAs * nDraws, size=Ncs, prob=as.matrix(muc)), ncol=nDraws)
  ##### Line 4: Aggregate appropriate values from EAs to the grid cell level
  # function for aggregating values for each grid cell
  getPixelColumnFromEAs = function(i, vals, applyFun=sum, popWeightMatrix=NULL) {
    # calculate levels over which to aggregate
    if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
      indices = pixelIndices
    } else {
      indices = factor(as.character(pixelIndexMat[,i]))
    # in this case (the LCPb model), we calculate weighted means within factor levels using popWeightMatrix
    if(!is.null(popWeightMatrix)) {
      stop("using popWeightMatrix is no longer support, since this is much slower than calculating normalized 
           weights separately and multiplying values by them outside this function")
      # applyFun = function(x) {stats::weighted.mean(x, popWeightMatrix[,i], na.rm=TRUE)}
      Data = data.frame(v=vals[,i], w=popWeightMatrix[,i])
      out = sapply(split(Data, indices), function(x) stats::weighted.mean(x$v,x$w))
    } else {
      if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
        # out = tapply(vals[,i], factor(as.character(pixelIndices)), FUN=applyFun)
        out = tapply(vals[,i], indices, FUN=applyFun)
      } else {
        out = tapply(vals[,i], indices, FUN=applyFun)
    if(!is.null(clustersPerPixel)) {
      returnValues = out
    } else {
      indices = as.numeric(names(out))
      returnValues = rep(NA, nrow(logitRiskDraws))
      returnValues[indices] = out
  ##### Line 5: We already did this, resulting in logitRiskDraws input
  ##### Line 6: aggregate population denominators for each grid cell to get N_{ig}
  print("Aggregating from EA level to the pixel level")
  Ng <- sapply(1:ncol(Ncs), getPixelColumnFromEAs, vals=Ncs)
  Ng[is.na(Ng)] = 0
  ##### Line 7: aggregate response for each grid cell to get Z_{ig}
  Zg <- sapply(1:ncol(Zc), getPixelColumnFromEAs, vals=Zc)
  ##### Line 8: Calculate empirical mortality proportions for each grid cell, p_{ig}. 
  #####         Whenever N_{ig} is 0, set p_{ig} to NA as well
  pg = Zg / Ng
  pg[Ng == 0] = NA
  ##### calculate results for the other models if necessary
  if(doFineScaleRisk || doSmoothRisk) {
    nPerEA = getExpectedNperEA(easpa, targetPopMat)
  if(doFineScaleRisk) {
    fineScaleRisk = sapply(1:ncol(muc), getPixelColumnFromEAs, vals=muc, applyFun=function(x) {mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)})
    fineScaleRisk[!is.finite(fineScaleRisk)] = NA
    # in order to get valid count estimates, we also need the expected denominator per EA in each stratum:
    nSamplesFineScaleRisk = sweep(eaSamples, 1, nPerEA, "*")
    zSamplesFineScaleRisk = fineScaleRisk * nSamplesFineScaleRisk
    zSamplesFineScaleRisk[is.na(zSamplesFineScaleRisk)] = 0
  } else {
    fineScaleRisk = NULL
    zSamplesFineScaleRisk = NULL
    nSamplesFineScaleRisk = NULL
  if(doSmoothRisk) {
    # integrate out the cluster effect in the risk
    smoothRisk = matrix(SUMMER::logitNormMean(cbind(c(as.matrix(logitRiskDraws)), rep(sigmaEpsilonDraws, each=nrow(logitRiskDraws))), logisticApprox=doSmoothRiskLogisticApprox), nrow=nrow(logitRiskDraws))
    # get expected numerator and denominators
    nSamplesSmoothRisk = matrix(rep(targetPopMat$pop, nDraws), ncol=nDraws)
    zSamplesSmoothRisk = sweep(smoothRisk, 1, targetPopMat$pop, "*")
  } else {
    smoothRisk = NULL
    zSamplesSmoothRisk = NULL
    nSamplesSmoothRisk = NULL
  ##### Extra steps: collect draws at each level and generate:
  ##### areas, preds, 
  pixelLevelPop = list(pFineScalePrevalence=pg, ZFineScalePrevalence=Zg, NFineScalePrevalence=Ng, 
                       pFineScaleRisk=fineScaleRisk, ZFineScaleRisk=zSamplesFineScaleRisk, NFineScaleRisk=nSamplesFineScaleRisk, 
                       pSmoothRisk=smoothRisk, ZSmoothRisk=zSamplesSmoothRisk, NSmoothRisk=nSamplesSmoothRisk)
  if(!returnEAinfo) {
  } else {
    # return list of eaDat objects
    getEADat = function(i) {
      theseI = pixelIndexMat[,i]
      eaDat = data.frame(lon=popMat$lon[theseI], lat=popMat$lat[theseI], 
                         area=popMat$area[theseI], subarea=rep("temp", length(theseI)), 
                         urban=popMat$urban[theseI], east=popMat$east[theseI], north=popMat$north[theseI], 
                         popDensity=popMat$pop[theseI], popDensityTarget=targetPopMat$pop[theseI], pixelIs=theseI, 
                         nHH=householdDraws[,i], N=Ncs[,i], Z=Zc[,i], 
      if(doFineScaleRisk) {
      if(doSmoothRisk) {
      if(subareaLevel) {
        eaDat$subarea = popMat$subarea[theseI]
      } else {
        eaDat$subarea = NULL
      eaDat$pFineScalePrevalence[eaDat$N == 0] = NA
    print("Constructing list of simulated EA data.frames")
    eaDatList = lapply(1:nDraws, getEADat)
    c(pixelLevelPop, list(eaDatList=eaDatList, eaSamples=eaSamples))

#' Internal functions for population simulation
#' Functions for calculating valuable quantities and for drawing from important 
#' distributions for population simulation.
#' @param easpa Census frame. See \code{\link{simPopCustom}} for details
#' @param popMat data.frame of pixellated grid of population densities. See \code{\link{simPopCustom}} for details
#' @param i Index
#' @param urban If TRUE, calculate only for urban part of the area. If FALSE, for only rural part
#' @param stratifyByUrban whether or not to stratify calculations by urban/rural classification
#' @param validationPixelI CURRENTLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY a set of indices of pixels for which we want to simulate populations (used for pixel level validation)
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @param poppsub Population per subarea. See \code{\link{simPopCustom}} for details
#' @param min1PerSubarea Whether or not to ensure there is at least 1 EA per subarea. See \code{\link{simPopCustom}} for details
#' @param method If min1PerSubarea is TRUE, the sampling method for the truncated multinomial to use with rmulitnom1. rmultinom1 automatically 
#'         switches between them depending on the number of expected samples. The methods are:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{mult1}{rejection sampling from multinomial plus 1 in each category}
#'   \item{mult}{rejection sampling from multinomial if any category has zero count}
#'   \item{indepMH}{independent Metropolis-Hastings using multinomial plus 1 distribution as proposal}
#' }
#' @param minSample The minimum number of samples per `chunk` of samples for truncated multinomial sampling. Defaults to 1
#' @param easpsub This could either be total EAs per subarea, or subarea crossed with urban or 
#'          rural if stratifyByUrban is TRUE
#' @param size Multinomial size parameter. See \code{\link[stats]{rmultinom}}
#' @param prob Multinomial probability vector parameter. See \code{\link[stats]{rmultinom}}
#' @param maxSize The maximum number of elements in a matrix drawn from the proposal distribution per sample chunk. 
#' @param maxExpectedSizeBeforeSwitch Max expected number of samples / k, the number of categories, before switching method
#' @param init Initial sample if method is `indepMH`
#' @param burnIn Number of initial samples before samples are collected if method is `indepMH`
#' @param filterEvery Store only every filterEvery samples if method is i`indepMH`
#' @param zeroProbZeroSamples If TRUE, set samples for parts of prob vector that are zero to zero. Otherwise they are set to one.
#' @param allowSizeLessThanK If TRUE, then if size < the number of categories (k), returns matrix where each 
#'                     column is vector of size ones and k - size zeros. If FALSE, throws an error if size < k
#' @param clustersPerPixel CURRENTLY FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY a vector of length nIntegrationPoints specifying the number of clusters per pixel if they are fixed
#' @param pixelIndices A nEA x n matrix of pixel indices associated with each EA per simulation/draw
#' @param urbanVals A nEA x n matrix of urbanicities associated with each EA per simulation/draw
#' @param areaVals A nEA x n matrix of area names associated with each EA per simulation/draw
#' @param easpaList A list of length n with each element being of the format of easpa 
#'            giving the number of households and EAs 
#'            per stratum. It is assumed that the number of EAs per stratum is 
#'            the same in each list element. If easpaList is a data frame, 
#'            number of households per stratum is assumed constant
#' @param nDraws Number of draws
#' @param pixelIndexMat Matrix of pixel indices associated with each EA and draw. Not 
#' required by getExpectedNperEA unless level == "EA"
#' @param urbanMat Matrix of urbanicities associated with each EA and draw
#' @param areaMat Matrix of areas associated with each EA and draw
#' @param verbose Whether to print progress as the function proceeds
#' @param returnEAinfo Whether a data frame at the EA level is desired
#' @param minHHPerEA The minimum number of households per EA (defaults to 25, since 
#' that is the number of households sampled per DHS cluster)
#' @param fixHHPerEA If not NULL, the fixed number of households per EA
#' @param fixPopPerHH If not NULL, the fixed target population per household
#' @param level Whether to calculate results at the integration grid or EA level
#' @name simPopInternal

#' @describeIn simPopInternal Calculates expected denominator per enumeration area.
getExpectedNperEA = function(easpa, popMat, level=c("grid", "EA"), pixelIndexMat=NULL) {
  level = match.arg(level)
  # calculate the expected denominator per enumeration area in each stratum. 
  nPerEAUrban = easpa$popUrb / easpa$EAUrb
  nPerEARural = easpa$popRur / easpa$EARur
  # expanded the expected denominator values vector to be of length equal 
  # to the number of grid cells
  uniqueAreas = sort(unique(popMat$area))
  outUrban = numeric(nrow(popMat))
  outRural = numeric(nrow(popMat))
  for(i in 1:length(uniqueAreas)) {
    urbanI = getSortIndices(i, urban=TRUE, popMat=popMat, stratifyByUrban=TRUE)
    ruralI = getSortIndices(i, urban=FALSE, popMat=popMat, stratifyByUrban=TRUE)
    outUrban[urbanI] = nPerEAUrban[i]
    outRural[ruralI] = nPerEARural[i]
  out = outUrban + outRural
  if(level == "EA") {
    if(is.null(pixelIndexMat)) {
      stop("if level == EA, must specify pixelIndexMat")
    out = matrix(out[pixelIndexMat], ncol=ncol(pixelIndexMat))

#' @describeIn simPopInternal For recombining separate multinomials into the draws over all grid points
getSortIndices = function(i, urban=TRUE, popMat, stratifyByUrban=TRUE, validationPixelI=NULL) {
  # get area names
  areas = sort(unique(popMat$area))
  # determine which pixels and how many EAs are in this stratum
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    includeI = (popMat$area == areas[i]) & (popMat$urban == urban)
  else {
    includeI = popMat$area == areas[i]
  # include only indices included within validation if necessary
  if(!is.null(validationPixelI)) {
    # convert validationPixelI into a logical
    temp = rep(FALSE, length(includeI))
    temp[validationPixelI] = TRUE
    # include only indices we are interested in for the validation
    includeI = includeI & temp

#' @describeIn simPopInternal Gives nIntegrationPoints x n matrix of draws from the stratified multinomial with values 
#' corresponding to the value of |C^g| for each pixel, g (the number of EAs/pixel)
rStratifiedMultnomial = function(n, popMat, easpa, stratifyByUrban=TRUE) {
  # get area names
  areas = sort(unique(popMat$area))
  if(any(areas != easpa$area))
    stop("area names and easpa do not match popMat or are not in the correct order")
  # we will need to draw separate multinomial for each stratum. Start by 
  # creating matrix of all draws of |C^g|
  eaSamples = matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(popMat), ncol=n)
  # now draw multinomials
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    # draw for each area crossed with urban/rural
    urbanSamples = do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(areas), rMyMultinomial, n=n, urban=TRUE, 
                                           stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popMat, easpa=easpa))
    ruralSamples = do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(areas), rMyMultinomial, n=n, urban=FALSE, 
                                           stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popMat, easpa=easpa))
    # get the indices used to recombine into the full set of draws
    urbanIndices = unlist(sapply(1:length(areas), getSortIndices, urban=TRUE, popMat=popMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban))
    ruralIndices = unlist(sapply(1:length(areas), getSortIndices, urban=FALSE, popMat=popMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban))
    # recombine into eaSamples
    eaSamples[urbanIndices,] = urbanSamples
    eaSamples[ruralIndices,] = ruralSamples
  } else {
    # draw for each area
    stratumSamples = rbind(sapply(1:length(areas), n=n, rMyMultinomial, 
                                  stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popMat, easpa=easpa))
    # get the indices used to recombine into the full set of draws
    stratumIndices = c(sapply(1:length(areas), getSortIndices, popMat=popMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban))
    # recombine into eaSamples
    eaSamples[stratumIndices,] = stratumSamples
  # return results

#' @describeIn simPopInternal Gives nIntegrationPoints x n matrix of draws from the stratified multinomial with values 
# corresponding to the number of EAs in each pixel
rStratifiedMultnomialBySubarea = function(n, popMat, easpa, stratifyByUrban=TRUE, poppsub=NULL, 
                                          min1PerSubarea=TRUE, minSample=1) {
  if(is.null(poppsub)) {
    # use popMat to calculate poppsub
    stop("Calculating poppsub with popMat not yet implemented")
    # poppsub: a table with the following variables:
    # subarea
    # area
    # popUrb
    # popRur
    # popTotal
  # get area names
  areas = sort(unique(popMat$area))
  subareas = sort(unique(popMat$subarea))
  if(any(areas != easpa$area))
    stop("area names and easpa do not match popMat or are not in the correct order")
  # we will need to draw separate multinomial for each stratum
  # create temporary popMat, except with one row for each constituency
  popSubareaMat = popMat[1:length(subareas),]
  popSubareaMat$area = poppsub$area
  popSubareaMat$subarea = poppsub$subarea
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    popSubareaMat$urban = FALSE
    popSubareaMat = rbind(popSubareaMat, popSubareaMat)
    popSubareaMat$urban[1:length(subareas)] = TRUE
    popSubareaMat$pop[1:length(subareas)] = poppsub$popUrb
    popSubareaMat$pop[(length(subareas) + 1):(2 * length(subareas))] = poppsub$popRur
  } else {
    popSubareaMat$pop = poppsub$popTotal
  # now draw multinomials
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    # draw for each constituency in each area crossed with urban/rural
    urbanSamplesCon = do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(areas), rMyMultinomial, n=n, urban=TRUE, 
                                              stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popSubareaMat, easpa=easpa, 
                                              min1PerSubarea=min1PerSubarea, method="mult", 
    ruralSamplesCon = do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(areas), rMyMultinomial, n=n, urban=FALSE, 
                                              stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popSubareaMat, easpa=easpa, 
                                              min1PerSubarea=min1PerSubarea, method="mult", 
    # get the indices used to recombine into the full set of draws for the subareas
    urbanIndicesCon = unlist(sapply(1:length(areas), getSortIndices, urban=TRUE, popMat=popSubareaMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban))
    ruralIndicesCon = unlist(sapply(1:length(areas), getSortIndices, urban=FALSE, popMat=popSubareaMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban)) - length(urbanIndicesCon)
    # recombine into eaSamples for the subareas
    urbanSamplesCon[urbanIndicesCon,] = urbanSamplesCon
    ruralSamplesCon[ruralIndicesCon,] = ruralSamplesCon
    # draw for each pixel crossed with urban/rural
    urbanSamples = do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(subareas), rMyMultinomialSubarea, n=n, urban=TRUE, 
                                           stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popMat, easpsub=urbanSamplesCon))
    ruralSamples = do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(subareas), rMyMultinomialSubarea, n=n, urban=FALSE, 
                                           stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popMat, easpsub=ruralSamplesCon))
    # get the indices used to recombine into the full set of draws
    tempPopMat = popMat
    tempPopMat$area = tempPopMat$subarea
    urbanIndices = unlist(sapply(1:length(subareas), getSortIndices, urban=TRUE, popMat=tempPopMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban))
    ruralIndices = unlist(sapply(1:length(subareas), getSortIndices, urban=FALSE, popMat=tempPopMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban))
    # create matrix of all draws of |C^g| and recombine urban/rural draws into eaSamples
    eaSamples = matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(popMat), ncol=n)
    eaSamples[urbanIndices,] = urbanSamples
    eaSamples[ruralIndices,] = ruralSamples
  } else {
    # draw for each constituency in each area crossed with urban/rural
    samplesCon = do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(areas), rMyMultinomial, n=n, urban=TRUE, 
                                         stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popSubareaMat, easpa=easpa, 
                                         min1PerSubarea=min1PerSubarea, method="mult", 
    # get the indices used to recombine into the full set of draws for the subareas
    indicesCon = unlist(sapply(1:length(areas), getSortIndices, popMat=popSubareaMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban))
    # recombine into eaSamples for the subareas
    samplesCon[indicesCon,] = samplesCon
    # draw for each pixel in each constituency
    stratumSamples = rbind(sapply(1:length(subareas), n=n, rMyMultinomialSubarea, 
                                  stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban, popMat=popMat, easpsub=samplesCon))
    # get the indices used to recombine into the full set of draws
    tempPopMat = popMat
    tempPopMat$area = tempPopMat$subarea
    stratumIndices = c(sapply(1:length(subareas), getSortIndices, popMat=tempPopMat, stratifyByUrban=stratifyByUrban))
    # create matrix of all draws of |C^g|
    eaSamples = matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(popMat), ncol=n)
    eaSamples[stratumIndices,] = stratumSamples
  # return results

#' @describeIn simPopInternal 
rMyMultinomial = function(n, i, stratifyByUrban=TRUE, urban=TRUE, popMat=NULL, easpa=NULL, min1PerSubarea=FALSE, 
                          method=c("mult1", "mult", "indepMH"), minSample=1) {
  method = match.arg(method)
  # get area names
  areas = sort(unique(popMat$area))
  if(any(areas != easpa$area))
    stop("area names and easpa do not match popMat or are not in the correct order")
  # determine which pixels and how many EAs are in this stratum
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    includeI = (popMat$area == areas[i]) & (popMat$urban == urban)
    nEA = ifelse(urban, easpa$EAUrb[i], easpa$EARur[i])
  else {
    includeI = popMat$area == areas[i]
    nEA = ifelse(urban, easpa$EAUrb[i], easpa$EATotal[i])
  # sample from the pixels if this stratum exists
  if(sum(includeI) == 0)
    return(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=n))
  thesePixelProbs = popMat$pop[includeI]
  if(any(thesePixelProbs > 0)) {
    if(!min1PerSubarea) {
      stats::rmultinom(n, nEA, prob=thesePixelProbs)
    } else {
      rmultinom1(n, nEA, prob=thesePixelProbs, method=method, allowSizeLessThanK=TRUE, minSample=minSample)
  } else {
    matrix(0, nrow=length(thesePixelProbs), ncol=n)

#' @describeIn simPopInternal 
rMyMultinomialSubarea = function(n, i, easpsub, stratifyByUrban=TRUE, urban=TRUE, popMat=NULL) {
  # get constituency names
  subareas = sort(unique(popMat$subarea))
  # determine which pixels and how many EAs are in this stratum
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    includeI = (popMat$subarea == subareas[i]) & (popMat$urban == urban)
  else {
    includeI = popMat$subarea == subareas[i]
  nEA = easpsub[i,]
  # sample from the pixels if this stratum exists
  if(sum(includeI) == 0){
    if(any(nEA != 0))
      stop(paste0("no valid pixels to put EAs in for subarea ", as.character(subareas[i]), " and urban level ", urban))
    return(matrix(nrow=0, ncol=n))
  thesePixelProbs = popMat$pop[includeI]
  nonZeroEAs = nEA != 0
  out = matrix(0, nrow=sum(includeI), ncol=n)
  if(any(nonZeroEAs)) {
    out[,nonZeroEAs] = sapply(nEA[nonZeroEAs], stats::rmultinom, n=1, prob=thesePixelProbs)

#' @describeIn simPopInternal Random (truncated) multinomial draws conditional on the number of each type being at least one
rmultinom1 = function(n=1, size, prob, maxSize=8000*8000, method=c("mult1", "mult", "indepMH"), verbose=FALSE, minSample=100, 
                      maxExpectedSizeBeforeSwitch=1000*1e7, init=NULL, burnIn=floor(n/4), filterEvery=10, zeroProbZeroSamples=TRUE, 
                      allowSizeLessThanK=FALSE) {
  method = match.arg(method)
  prob = prob*(1/sum(prob))
  if(zeroProbZeroSamples && any(prob == 0)) {
    zero = prob == 0
    out = matrix(0, nrow=length(prob), ncol=n)
    if(sum(!zero) > 0) {
      out[!zero,] = rmultinom1(n, size, prob[!zero], maxSize, method, verbose, minSample, maxExpectedSizeBeforeSwitch, init, burnIn, 
                               filterEvery, zeroProbZeroSamples, allowSizeLessThanK)
  k = length(prob)
  if(allowSizeLessThanK && (size <= k)) {
    return(replicate(n, as.numeric(1:k %in% sample(1:k, size, replace=FALSE))))
  } else if(size < k) {
    stop("size < k but rmultinom1 requires at least 1 sample per multinomial type")
  maxSamples = floor(maxSize / k)
  averageProbMult = prod((size/k)*prob)
  if(method != "indepMH")
    samples = matrix(NA, nrow=k, ncol=n)
    samples = matrix(NA, nrow=k, ncol=round(n*filterEvery))
  if(method == "mult1") {
    averagex = 1 + (size-k)*prob
    averageProb = (size-k) / (prod(averagex))
    while(any(is.na(samples))) {
      # calculate the number of remaining samples
      samplesLeft = sum(apply(samples, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))}))
      # approximate expected number of samples so that, after some are rejected, we will 
      # have the right number of samples. Kappa is approximated for when p_1=p_2=...=p_k
      expectedSamples = ceiling(samplesLeft/averageProb)
      # logMStar = lfactorial(size) - lfactorial(size-k) + sum(log(prob)) - log(size-k+1)
      # avgAcceptProb = exp(-logMStar)
      # logKappaApprox = lchoose(size + k - 1, k - 1) - lchoose(size - 1, k - 1)
      # logM = logMStar -logKappaApprox
      # avgAcceptProb = exp(-logM)
      # expectedSamples = ceiling(samplesLeft/avgAcceptProb)
      if(expectedSamples*k > maxExpectedSizeBeforeSwitch) {
        warning("too many samples expected with method=='mult1'. Switching to method=='indepMH'")
        return(rmultinom1(n, size, prob, maxSize, method="indepMH", verbose, minSample, 
                          maxExpectedSizeBeforeSwitch, init, burnIn, filterEvery, 
                          zeroProbZeroSamples, allowSizeLessThanK))
      # sample expectedSamples times a fudge factor, but make sure we don't get past memory limit
      thisNumberOfSamples = max(minSample, min(maxSamples, expectedSamples * 1.1))
        print(paste0("Sampling ", thisNumberOfSamples, ". Sampled ", n-samplesLeft, "/", n, ". Expected remaining samples: ", expectedSamples))
      thisSamples = matrix(1 + stats::rmultinom(thisNumberOfSamples, size-k, prob=prob), nrow=length(prob))
      # calculate accept probabilities
      thisProbs = exp(log(size-k) - apply(log(thisSamples), 2, sum))
      # thisProbs = (size-k) / apply(thisSamples, 2, prod)
      if(verbose) {
        print(paste0("Max sampled accept prob: ", max(thisProbs), ". Mean sampled accept prob: ", mean(thisProbs)))
        print(paste0("Expected number of samples based on avg sampled acceptance prob: ", ceiling(samplesLeft/mean(thisProbs))))
      # reject relevant samples
      u = stats::runif(thisNumberOfSamples)
      thisSamples = matrix(thisSamples[,u<thisProbs], nrow=length(prob))
      # remove excess samples if necessary
      totalSamples = ncol(thisSamples) + n - samplesLeft
      if(totalSamples > n) {
        thisSamples = matrix(thisSamples[,1:samplesLeft], nrow=length(prob))
      # add in accepted samples, if any
      if(ncol(thisSamples) > 0) {
        samples[,(n-samplesLeft+1):(n-samplesLeft+ncol(thisSamples))] = thisSamples
      } else {
        warning(paste0("no samples accepted this round out of ", thisNumberOfSamples, " total. Redrawing..."))
  } else if(method == "mult") {
    while(any(is.na(samples))) {
      # calculate the number of remaining samples
      samplesLeft = sum(apply(samples, 2, function(x) {any(is.na(x))}))
      # approximate expected number of samples so that, after some are rejected, we will 
      # have the right number of samples
      expectedSamples = ceiling(samplesLeft/averageProbMult)
      if(expectedSamples*k > maxExpectedSizeBeforeSwitch) {
        warning("too many samples expected with method=='mult'. Switching to method=='mult1'")
        return(rmultinom1(n, size, prob, maxSize, method="mult1", verbose, minSample, maxExpectedSizeBeforeSwitch, 
                          init, burnIn, filterEvery, 
                          zeroProbZeroSamples, allowSizeLessThanK))
      # sample expectedSamples times a fudge factor, but make sure we don't get past memory limit
      thisNumberOfSamples = max(minSample, min(maxSamples, expectedSamples * 1.1))
        print(paste0("Sampling ", thisNumberOfSamples, ". Sampled ", n-samplesLeft, "/", n, ". Expected remaining samples: ", expectedSamples))
      thisSamples = matrix(stats::rmultinom(thisNumberOfSamples, size, prob=prob), ncol=thisNumberOfSamples)
      # reject relevant samples
      accept = apply(thisSamples, 2, function(x) {all(x>0)})
      thisSamples = matrix(thisSamples[,accept], nrow=length(prob))
      # remove excess samples if necessary
      totalSamples = ncol(thisSamples) + n - samplesLeft
      if(totalSamples > n) {
        thisSamples = matrix(thisSamples[,1:samplesLeft], nrow=length(prob))
      # add in accepted samples, if any
      if(ncol(thisSamples) > 0) {
        samples[,(n-samplesLeft+1):(n-samplesLeft+ncol(thisSamples))] = thisSamples
      } else {
        warning(paste0("no samples accepted this round out of ", thisNumberOfSamples, " total. Redrawing..."))
  } else if(method == "indepMH") {
    # we use the mult1 method for independent proposals with independent Metropolis-Hastings
    # (https://www.statlect.com/fundamentals-of-statistics/Metropolis-Hastings-algorithm#hid9)
    # initialize at something reasonable, if not set by user
    if(is.null(init)) {
      init = 1 + floor(size*prob)
      while(sum(init) > size) {
        tooMuchBy = sum(init) - size
        numberReducible = sum(init > 1)
        reduceNumber = min(tooMuchBy, numberReducible)
        init[init > 1][1:reduceNumber] = init[init > 1][1:reduceNumber] - 1
    if(sum(init) != size)
      stop("sum(init) != size")
    # approximate target log-density
    lp <- log(prob)
    lf <- function(x) {
      if(any(x < 1) || sum(x) != size)
      sum(lp*x - lfactorial(x))
    # true proposal log-density
    lq = function(x) {
      if(sum(x) != size)
      sum(lp*(x-1) - lfactorial(x-1)) + lfactorial(size-k)
    # proposal function
    q <- function(x) {
      1 + stats::rmultinom(1, size-k, prob)
    # do the sampling
    tmp <- init
    ar <- 0
    for (i in 1:burnIn) {
      proposal <- q(tmp)
      p <- exp((lf(proposal) - lq(proposal)) - (lf(tmp) - lq(tmp)))
      if (stats::runif(1) < p) {
        tmp <- proposal
    for (i in 1:ncol(samples)) {
      proposal <- q(tmp)
      p <- exp((lf(proposal) - lq(proposal)) - (lf(tmp) - lq(tmp)))
      if (stats::runif(1) < p) {
        tmp <- proposal
        ar <- ar + 1
      samples[,i] <- tmp
    # calculated acceptance percentage
    if(verbose) {
      print(paste0("acceptance percentage: ", ar/ncol(samples)))
    # estimate autocorrelation in samples (if it is na then all samples have the same value there)
    calcCor = apply(samples, 1, function(x) {stats::cor(x[-1], x[-length(x)])})
    calcCor[is.na(calcCor)] = 1
    print(paste0("estimated mean (max) lag 1 correlation after filtering: ", mean(calcCor^filterEvery), " (", max(calcCor^filterEvery), ")"))
    # filter out samples to reduce autocorrelation
    samples = samples[,seq(from=1, to=ncol(samples), by=filterEvery)]

#' @describeIn simPopInternal Take multilevel multinomial draws first from joint distribution of 
#' number of households per EA given the total per stratum, and then from the joint 
#' distribution of the total target population per household given 
#' the total per stratum
sampleNMultilevelMultinomial = function(nDraws = ncol(pixelIndexMat), pixelIndexMat=NULL, urbanMat=NULL, areaMat=NULL, easpaList, 
                                        popMat, stratifyByUrban=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, returnEAinfo=FALSE, 
                                        minHHPerEA=25, fixHHPerEA=NULL, fixPopPerHH=NULL) {
  if(length(easpaList) == 1) {
    easpaList = replicate(nDraws, easpaList[[1]], simplify=FALSE)
  areas = easpaList[[1]]$area
  if((is.null(areaMat) || is.null(urbanMat)) && is.null(pixelIndexMat)) {
    stop("user must either supply pixelIndexMat or both areaMat and urbanMat")
  if(is.null(areaMat)) {
    areaIs = match(popMat$area, sort(unique(areas))) # convert from character to indices to save memory
    areaMat = matrix(areaIs[pixelIndexMat], ncol=nDraws)
  if(is.null(urbanMat)) {
    urbanMat = matrix(popMat$urban[pixelIndexMat], ncol=nDraws)
  # start by drawing the totals, then divide households amongst EAs, then divide target population amongst households. 
  # Make sure there are at least 25 households per EA (only divide the rest randomly)
  ##### Draw the totals
  # get the total number of enumeration areas per stratum (this does not change between draws)
  areasIs = match(areas, sort(unique(areas))) # convert from character to indices
  totalEAsUrban = easpaList[[1]]$EAUrb
  totalEAsRural = easpaList[[1]]$EARur
  totalEAs = easpaList[[1]]$EATotal
  nEAs = sum(totalEAs)
  ##### draw the total target population per enumeration area
  targetPopDraws = matrix(nrow=nEAs, ncol=nDraws)
  if(returnEAinfo) {
    householdDraws = matrix(nrow=nEAs, ncol=nDraws)
  # Draw the number of households per stratum area that will be randomly distributed (total minus the minimum minHHPerEA)
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    totalHouseholdsUrban = sweep(matrix(sapply(easpaList, function(x) {x$HHUrb}), ncol=length(easpaList)), 1, -minHHPerEA*totalEAsUrban, "+")
    totalHouseholdsRural = sweep(matrix(sapply(easpaList, function(x) {x$HHRur}), ncol=length(easpaList)), 1, -minHHPerEA*totalEAsRural, "+")
    totalChildrenUrban = matrix(sapply(easpaList, function(x) {x$popUrb}), ncol=length(easpaList))
    totalChildrenRural = matrix(sapply(easpaList, function(x) {x$popRur}), ncol=length(easpaList))
  } else {
    totalHouseholds = sweep(sapply(matrix(easpaList, function(x) {x$HHTotal}), ncol=length(easpaList)), 1, -minHHPerEA*totalEAs, "+")
    totalChildren = matrix(sapply(easpaList, function(x) {x$popHHTotal}), ncol=length(easpaList))
  # distribute the households throughout the enumeration areas with multinomial distribution, then 
  # distribute the target population amongst the households, also with a multinomial distribution
  for(i in 1:length(areasIs)) {
    thisArea = areasIs[i]
    thisAreaL = areaMat==thisArea
    # print progress if in verbose mode
    if(verbose) {
      print(paste0("drawing Ns for each EA for area ", thisArea, " (", i, "/", length(areas), ")"))
    # draw households per EA (make sure there are any rural EAs)
    if(stratifyByUrban) {
      if(totalEAsUrban[i] != 0) {
        householdDrawsUrban <- matrix(sapply(totalHouseholdsUrban[i,], stats::rmultinom, n=1, prob=rep(1/totalEAsUrban[i], totalEAsUrban[i])), nrow=totalEAsUrban[i], ncol=nDraws) + minHHPerEA
      if(totalEAsRural[i] != 0) {
        householdDrawsRural <- matrix(sapply(totalHouseholdsRural[i,], stats::rmultinom, n=1, prob=rep(1/totalEAsRural[i], totalEAsRural[i])), nrow=totalEAsRural[i], ncol=nDraws) + minHHPerEA
      # if we must return EA info, we must return the household draws for each EA:
      if(returnEAinfo) {
        if(totalEAsUrban[i] != 0) {
          householdDraws[thisAreaL & urbanMat] = householdDrawsUrban
        if(totalEAsRural[i] != 0) {
          householdDraws[thisAreaL & !urbanMat] = householdDrawsRural
    } else {
      householdDraws = matrix(sapply(totalHouseholds[i,], stats::rmultinom, n=1, prob=rep(1/totalEAs[i], totalEAs[i])), nrow=totalEAs[i], ncol=nDraws) + minHHPerEA
    # drawing target population per EA
    if(is.null(fixPopPerHH)) {
      # draw target pop per EA with probability proportional to the number of households
      if(stratifyByUrban) {
        if(totalEAsUrban[i] != 0) {
          probsUrban = sweep(householdDrawsUrban, 2, 1 / colSums(householdDrawsUrban), "*")
          targetPopDraws[thisAreaL & urbanMat] = sapply(1:nDraws, function(j) {stats::rmultinom(1, totalChildrenUrban[i,j], probsUrban[,j])})
        if(totalEAsRural[i] != 0) {
          probsRural = sweep(householdDrawsRural, 2, 1 / colSums(householdDrawsRural), "*")
          targetPopDraws[thisAreaL & !urbanMat] = sapply(1:nDraws, function(j) {stats::rmultinom(1, totalChildrenRural[i,j], probsRural[,j])})
      } else {
        probs = sweep(householdDraws, 2, 1 / colSums(householdDraws), "*")
        targetPopDraws[thisAreaL] = sapply(1:nDraws, function(j) {stats::rmultinom(1, totalChildren[i,j], probs[,j])})
    } else {
      # set target pop per EA based on fixed number per household
      if(stratifyByUrban) {
        if(totalEAsUrban[i] != 0) {
          targetPopDraws[thisAreaL & urbanMat] = fixPopPerHH*householdDrawsUrban
        if(totalEAsRural[i] != 0) {
          targetPopDraws[thisAreaL & !urbanMat] = fixPopPerHH*householdDrawsRural
      } else {
        targetPopDraws[thisAreaL] = fixPopPerHH*householdDraws
  ##### Return results
  if(!returnEAinfo) {
  } else {
    list(householdDraws=householdDraws, targetPopDraws=targetPopDraws)

#' @describeIn simPopInternal Same as sampleNMultilevelMultinomial, except the number of EAs per pixel is fixed
sampleNMultilevelMultinomialFixed = function(clustersPerPixel, nDraws=ncol(pixelIndices), pixelIndices=NULL, 
                                             urbanVals=NULL, areaVals=NULL, easpa, popMat, stratifyByUrban=TRUE, 
                                             verbose=TRUE) {
  # set default inputs
  if((is.null(areaVals) || is.null(urbanVals)) && is.null(pixelIndices)) {
    stop("user must either supply pixelIndices or both areaVals and urbanVals")
  if(is.null(areaVals)) {
    areaVals = matrix(popMat$area[pixelIndices], ncol=nDraws)
  if(is.null(urbanVals)) {
    urbanVals = matrix(popMat$urban[pixelIndices], ncol=nDraws)
  # start by drawing the totals, then divide households amongst EAs, then divide target population amongst households. 
  # Make sure there are at least 25 households per EA (only divide the rest randomly)
  ##### Draw the totals
  # get the total number of enumeration areas per stratum (this does not change between draws)
  areas = easpa$area
  totalEAsUrban = easpa$EAUrb
  totalEAsRural = easpa$EARur
  totalEAs = easpa$EATotal
  nEAs = sum(totalEAs)
  if(nEAs != sum(clustersPerPixel)) {
    stop("sum(easpa$EATotal) != sum(clustersPerPixel)")
  ##### draw the total target population per EA
  targetPopDraws = matrix(nrow=nEAs, ncol=nDraws)
  # Draw the number of households per stratum area that will be randomly distributed (total minus the minimum 25)
  if(stratifyByUrban) {
    totalHouseholdsUrban = easpa$HHUrb -25*totalEAsUrban
    totalHouseholdsRural = easpa$HHRur -25*totalEAsRural
    totalChildrenUrban = easpa$popUrb
    totalChildrenRural = easpa$popRur
  } else {
    totalHouseholds = easpa$HHTotal - 25*totalEAs
    totalChildren = easpa$popHHTotal
  # distribute the households throughout the enumeration areas with multinomial distribution, then 
  # distribute the target population amongst the households, also with a multinomial distribution
  for(i in 1:length(areas)) {
    thisArea = areas[i]
    # print progress if in verbose mode
    if(verbose) {
      print(paste0("drawing Ns for each EA for area ", thisArea, " (", i, "/", length(areas), ")"))
    # draw households per EA (make sure there are any rural EAs)
    if(stratifyByUrban) {
      if(totalEAsUrban[i] != 0) {
        if(any(totalHouseholdsUrban != 0)) {
          householdDrawsUrban = stats::rmultinom(n=nDraws, size=totalHouseholdsUrban[i], prob=rep(1/totalEAsUrban[i], totalEAsUrban[i])) + 25
        } else {
          householdDrawsUrban = matrix(rep(25, totalEAsUrban[i]*nDraws), ncol=nDraws)
      if(totalEAsRural[i] != 0) {
        if(any(totalHouseholdsRural != 0)) {
          householdDrawsRural = stats::rmultinom(n=nDraws, size=totalHouseholdsRural[i], prob=rep(1/totalEAsRural[i], totalEAsRural[i])) + 25
        } else {
          householdDrawsRural = matrix(rep(25, totalEAsRural[i]*nDraws), ncol=nDraws)
    } else {
      if(any(totalHouseholdsRural != 0)) {
        householdDraws = stats::rmultinom(n=nDraws, size=totalHouseholds[i], prob=rep(1/totalEAs[i], totalEAs[i])) + 25
      } else {
        householdDraws = matrix(rep(25, totalEAs[i]*nDraws), ncol=nDraws)
    # drawing target population per EA, with probability proportional to the number of households
    if(stratifyByUrban) {
      if(totalEAsUrban[i] != 0) {
        probsUrban = sweep(householdDrawsUrban, 2, 1 / colSums(householdDrawsUrban), "*")
        targetPopDraws[areaVals==thisArea & urbanVals] = sapply(1:nDraws, function(j) {stats::rmultinom(1, totalChildrenUrban[i], probsUrban[,j])})
      if(totalEAsRural[i] != 0) {
        probsRural = sweep(householdDrawsRural, 2, 1 / colSums(householdDrawsRural), "*")
        targetPopDraws[areaVals==thisArea & !urbanVals] = sapply(1:nDraws, function(j) {stats::rmultinom(1, totalChildrenRural[i], probsRural[,j])})
    } else {
      probs = sweep(householdDraws, 2, 1 / colSums(householdDraws), "*")
      targetPopDraws[areaVals==thisArea] = sapply(1:nDraws, function(j) {stats::rmultinom(1, totalChildren[i], probs[,j])})
  ##### Return results

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SUMMER documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:31 a.m.