
#' Bootstrapped Semantic Network Analysis
#' @description Bootstrap techniques to generate
#' semantic networks and compute global network characteristics
#' @param ... Matrices or data frames.
#' Cleaned response matrices (e.g., \code{responses$clean} from
#' \code{\link[SemNetCleaner]{textcleaner}}) or  binary response matrices
#' (e.g., \code{binary} output from \code{\link[SemNetCleaner]{textcleaner}})
#' @param method Character.
#' Network estimation method to use.
#' Current options include:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{\link[NetworkToolbox]{TMFG}}}
#' {Triangulated Maximally Filtered Graph}
#' \item{\code{\link[SemNeT]{CN}}}
#' {Community Network}
#' \item{\code{\link[SemNeT]{NRW}}}
#' {Naive Random Walk}
#' \item{\code{\link[SemNeT]{PF}}}
#' {Pathfinder}
#' }
#' @param methodArgs List.
#' A list of additional arguments for the network estimation function.
#' See links in argument \code{method} for additional arguments (see also Examples)
#' @param type Character.
#' Type of bootstrap to perform
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{node}}
#' {Generates partial networks based on dropping a certain
#' proportion of nodes (see argument \code{prop})}
#' \item{\code{case}}
#' {Samples with replacement the same number of participants
#' as in the original dataset}
#' }
#' @param prop Numeric.
#' \strong{Only} for \code{type = "node"}.
#' Proportion of nodes to remain in the network.
#' Defaults to \code{.50}
#' @param sim Character.
#' Similarity measure to use.
#' Defaults to \code{"cosine"}.
#' See \code{\link[SemNeT]{similarity}} for other options
#' @param weighted Boolean.
#' Should weighted ASPL and CC be used?
#' Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' Set to \code{TRUE} for weighted ASPL and CC
#' @param iter Numeric.
#' Number of iterations in bootstrap.
#' Defaults to \code{1000}
#' @param cores Numeric.
#' Number of computer processing cores to use for bootstrapping samples.
#' Defaults to \emph{n} / 2 total number of cores.
#' Set to any number between 1 and maximum amount of cores on your computer
#' (see \code{parellel::detectCores()})
#' @return Returns a list containing:
#' \item{dataMeas}{A matrix for the network input in the \code{data}
#' argument, where columns are the semantic network measures
#' from \code{\link[SemNeT]{semnetmeas}} and rows are their values from each
#' bootstrapped sample (results in a matrix with the dimensions \code{iter} by 3)}
#' \item{dataSumm}{Summary statistics across the bootrapped samples for the
#' network input in the \code{data} argument}
#' \item{prop}{Outputs the proportion used from the \code{prop} argument}
#' \item{iter}{Outputs the number of bootstrapped samples
#' used from the \code{iter} argument}
#' If a \code{paired} network is input, then also returns:
#' \item{pairedMeas}{A matrix for the network input in the \code{paired}
#' argument, where columns are the semantic network measures
#' from \code{\link[SemNeT]{semnetmeas}} and rows are their values from each
#' bootstrapped sample (results in a matrix with the dimensions \code{iter} by 3)}
#' \item{pairedSumm}{Summary statistics across the bootrapped samples for the
#' network input in the \code{paired} argument}
#' @examples
#' # Simulate Dataset
#' one <- sim.fluency(20)
#' \donttest{
#' # Run bootstrap node-drop (partial) networks
#' one.result <- bootSemNeT(one, prop = .50, iter = 100,
#' sim = "cosine", cores = 2, method = "TMFG", type = "node")
#' # Run bootstrap case-drop networks
#' ## Includes additional equating argument: minCase
#' one.result <- bootSemNeT(one, iter = 100, sim = "cosine",
#' cores = 2, method = "TMFG", type = "case", methodArgs = list(minCase = 2))
#' }
#' # Bootstrap case-wise networks
#' ## Get openness data
#' low <- open.clean[which(open.group == "Low"),]
#' high <- open.clean[which(open.group == "High"),]
#' \donttest{
#' ## Run
#' ### Inlcudes additional NRW argument: threshold
#' open <- bootSemNeT(low, high, iter = 100, cores = 2, method = "NRW", type = "case",
#' methodArgs = list(type = "num", threshold = 3))
#' }
#' @author Alexander Christensen <alexpaulchristensen@gmail.com>
#' @importFrom stats sd cor dist pnorm runif
#' @export
# Bootstrapped Semantic Network Analysis----
# Updated 16.08.2021
bootSemNeT <- function (..., method = c("CN", "NRW", "PF", "TMFG"),
                        methodArgs = list(),
                        type = c("case", "node"),
                        prop = .50, sim, weighted = FALSE,
                        iter = 1000, cores)
    ####Missing arguments####
    {sim <- "cosine"
    }else{sim <- sim}
    {cores <- parallel::detectCores() / 2
    }else{cores <- cores}
    ####Missing arguments####
    #Get names of networks
    name <- as.character(substitute(list(...)))
    name <- name[-which(name=="list")]
    #Create list of input
    datalist <- list(...)
    #Assign network function
    NET.FUNC <- switch(method,
                       "TMFG" = TMFG,
                       "CN" = CN,
                       "NRW" = NRW,
                       "PF" = PF)
    #Check for missing arguments in function
    form.args <- methods::formalArgs(NET.FUNC)[-which(methods::formalArgs(NET.FUNC) == "data")]
    #Get arguments
    if(any(!form.args %in% names(methodArgs))){
        #Find which arguments are needed
        need.args <- form.args[which(!form.args %in% names(methodArgs))]
        #Get default arguments for methods
        if(method == "CN"){
            if("window" %in% need.args){methodArgs$window <- 2}
            if("alpha" %in% need.args){methodArgs$alpha <- .05}
            if("enrich" %in% need.args){methodArgs$enrich <- FALSE}
        }else if(method == "NRW"){
            if("type" %in% need.args){methodArgs$type <- "num"}
            if("threshold" %in% need.args){methodArgs$threshold <- 0}
        }else if(method == "TMFG"){
            if("depend" %in% need.args){methodArgs$depend <- FALSE}
    #Number of nodes in full data
    full <- unique(unlist(lapply(datalist,ncol)))
    #### GENERATE DATA ####
    #Let user know data is being generated
    message("Generating data...", appendLF = FALSE)
    for(i in 1:length(name))
        #Initialize count
        count <- 0
        #Initialize new data list
        new <- list()
            #Increase count
            count <- count + 1
            if(type == "node")
                #Check that all data have same number of nodes
                {stop("bootSemNeT(): All datasets must have the same number of columns")}
                #Randomly sample nodes
                rand <- sample(1:full, (full*prop), replace=FALSE)
                #Input into data list
                new[[count]] <- get(name[i], envir = environment())[,rand]
            }else if(type == "case")
                #Randomly sample nodes
                rand <- sample(1:nrow(get(name[i], envir = environment())),
                               nrow(get(name[i], envir = environment())),
                #Input into data list
                new[[count]] <- get(name[i], envir = environment())[rand,]
            # Check for TMFG
            if(method == "TMFG"){
                # Check for binary matrix
                if(all(apply(new[[count]], 2, is.numeric))){
                    # Check for no variance
                    variance <- apply(new[[count]], 2, function(x){all(x == 1)})
                    # Reduce count if no variance in response
                    if(any(variance)){count <- count - 1}
            if(count == iter)
        #Insert data list
        assign(paste("dl.",name[i],sep=""),new, envir = environment())
    #Let user know data generation is finished
    #### EQUATING ####
    #Check for appropriate conditions
    if(method == "TMFG" && type == "case")
        #Let user know the samples are being equated
        message("Equating samples...", appendLF = FALSE)
        # If missing minCase
        if("minCase" %in% names(methodArgs))
        {minCase <- methodArgs$minCase
        }else{minCase <- 2}
        # Finalize each sample
        for(i in 1:length(name))
                lapply(get(paste("dl.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()),
                       FUN = finalize,
                       minCase = minCase),
                envir = environment()
        if(length(name) > 1)
            #Get data to equate into a single list
            eq.dat <- mget(paste("dl.",name,sep=""), envir = environment())
            #Initialize equating list
            eq <- vector("list", length = iter)
            for(i in 1:iter)
            {eq[[i]] <- equateShiny(lapply(eq.dat, function(x){x[[i]]}))}
            for(i in 1:length(name))
                    unlist(lapply(eq, function(x){x[paste("dl.",name[i],sep="")]}), recursive = FALSE),
                    envir = environment()
        #Let user know data generation is finished

    if(method == "TMFG")
        #Let user know simliarity is being computed
        message("Computing similarity measures...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
        #Parallel processing
        cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
        #Export datalist
        parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = c(),#paste("dl.",name,sep=""),
                                envir = environment())
        for(i in 1:length(name))
            #Compute similarity
            newSim <- pbapply::pblapply(X = get(paste("dl.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()),
                                        cl = cl,
                                        FUN = similarity,
                                        method = sim)
            #Insert similarity list
            assign(paste("sim.",name[i],sep=""),newSim, envir = environment())
        #Stop Cluster
        for(i in 1:length(name))
            #Insert similarity list
                   get(paste("dl.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()))
    #Let user know networks are being computed
    message("Estimating networks...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
    #Parallel processing
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
    #Export datalist
    parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = #c(paste("sim.",name,sep=""),
                            envir = environment())
    if(method == "TMFG")
        for(i in 1:length(name))
            #Compute networks
            newNet <- pbapply::pblapply(X = get(paste("sim.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()),
                                        cl = cl,
                                        FUN = NET.FUNC,
                                        depend = methodArgs$depend)
            #Insert network list
            assign(paste("Semnet.",name[i],sep=""), newNet)
    }else if(method == "CN")
        for(i in 1:length(name))
            #Compute networks
            newNet <- pbapply::pblapply(X = get(paste("sim.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()),
                                        cl = cl,
                                        FUN = NET.FUNC,
                                        window = methodArgs$window,
                                        alpha = methodArgs$alpha)
            #Insert network list
            assign(paste("Semnet.",name[i],sep=""), newNet)
    }else if(method == "NRW")
        for(i in 1:length(name))
            #Compute networks
            newNet <- pbapply::pblapply(X = get(paste("sim.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()),
                                        cl = cl,
                                        FUN = NET.FUNC,
                                        type = methodArgs$type,
                                        threshold = methodArgs$threshold)
            #Insert network list
            assign(paste("Semnet.",name[i],sep=""), newNet)
    }else if(method == "PF")
        for(i in 1:length(name))
            #Compute networks
            newNet <- pbapply::pblapply(X = get(paste("sim.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()),
                                        cl = cl,
                                        FUN = NET.FUNC)
            #Insert network list
            assign(paste("Semnet.",name[i],sep=""), newNet)
    #Stop Cluster
    #Let user know network measures are being computed
    message("Computing network measures...\n", appendLF = FALSE)
    #Parallel processing
    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
    #Export datalist
    parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl, varlist = c(),#paste("Semnet.",name[i],sep=""),
                                envir = environment())
    for(i in 1:length(name))
        #Compute network measures
        netMeas <- pbapply::pbsapply(X = get(paste("Semnet.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()),
                                     cl = cl,
                                     FUN = semnetmeas
        #Insert network measures list
    #Stop Cluster
    #Compute summary statistics
    summ.table <- function (data, n)
        stats <- list()
        stats$mean <- rowMeans(data, na.rm = TRUE)
        stats$stdev <- apply(data, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
        stats$se <- stats$stdev/sqrt(n)
        stats$lower <- stats$mean - (1.96 * stats$se)
        stats$upper <- stats$mean + (1.96 * stats$se)
    #Initialize bootlist
    bootlist <- list()
    #Insert results
    for(i in 1:length(name))
        bootlist[[paste(name[i],"Net",sep="")]] <- get(paste("Semnet.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment())
        bootlist[[paste(name[i],"Meas",sep="")]] <- get(paste("meas.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment())
        bootlist[[paste(name[i],"Summ",sep="")]] <- summ.table(get(paste("meas.",name[i],sep=""), envir = environment()), iter)
    #Insert proportion remaining and iterations
    if(type == "node")
    {bootlist$prop <- prop}
    bootlist$iter <- iter
    bootlist$type <- type
    class(bootlist) <- "bootSemNeT"

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SemNeT documentation built on Aug. 12, 2023, 5:06 p.m.