
## This file is part of SimInf, a framework for stochastic
## disease spread simulations.
## Copyright (C) 2015 -- 2021 Stefan Widgren
## SimInf is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## SimInf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


## Specify the number of threads to use.

## For debugging

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(c(a + b ~ uniform(0, 5),
                                           c ~ uniform(0, 1), 4)))
check_error(res, "'priors' must be a formula or a list with formula items.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(4))
check_error(res, "'priors' must be a formula or a list with formula items.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(NULL))
check_error(res, "'priors' must be a formula or a list with formula items.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(mu ~ uniform(0, 1) + normal(0, 1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for distribution.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(mu ~ uniform[0, 1]))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for distribution.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(mu ~ unknown(0, 1)))
check_error(res, "Unknown distribution: 'unknown'.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(c(muR ~ uniform(0, 1),
                                           muR ~ uniform(0, 1))))
check_error(res, "'priors' must have non-duplicated parameter names.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ uniform(1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for uniform distribution.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ uniform(1, 0)))
check_error(res, "Invalid distribution: uniform bounds in wrong order.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ normal(1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for normal distribution.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ normal(0, -1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid distribution: normal variance must be >= 0.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ poisson(1, 2)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for poisson distribution.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ poisson(-1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid distribution: lambda must be >= 0.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ normal(0, gamma)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for 'priors'.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ gamma(1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for gamma distribution.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ gamma(-1, 1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid distribution: gamma hyperparameters must be > 0.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ gamma(1, -1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid distribution: gamma hyperparameters must be > 0.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ binomial(1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for binomial distribution.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ binomial(1, NA)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for binomial distribution.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ binomial(1, -1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid distribution: binomial hyperparameters must be >= 0.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ binomial(1.1, 0.1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid distribution: binomial size must be an integer >= 0.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ binomial(1, 1.1)))
check_error(res, "Invalid distribution: binomial probability must be <= 1.")

res <- assertError(SimInf:::parse_priors(~ uniform(1, 5)))
check_error(res, "Invalid formula specification for distribution.")

    SimInf:::parse_priors(beta ~ uniform(1, 5)),
    data.frame(parameter = "beta", distribution = "uniform",
               p1 = 1, p2 = 5, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))

res <- assertError(
                 SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
                     tspan = 1:100,
                     beta = 0.16,
                     gamma = 0.077),
                 data.frame(parameter = "delta",
                            distribution = "uniform",
                            p1 = 1,
                            p2 = 5)))
    "All parameters in 'priors' must be either in 'gdata' or 'ldata'.")

res <- assertError(
                 SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = c(99, 99), I = c(1, 1), R = c(0, 0)),
                     tspan = 1:100,
                     beta = 0.16,
                     gamma = 0.077),
                 data.frame(parameter = "beta",
                            distribution = "uniform",
                            p1 = 1,
                            p2 = 5)))
check_error(res, "The 'model' must contain one node.")

res <- SimInf:::match_priors(
                    SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
                        tspan = 1:100,
                        beta = 0.16,
                        gamma = 0.077),
                    data.frame(parameter = "beta",
                               distribution = "uniform",
                               p1 = 1,
                               p2 = 5))
stopifnot(identical(res, list(pars = 1L, target = "ldata")))

res <- SimInf:::match_priors(
                    mparse(transitions = c("S -> beta*S*I/(S+I+R) -> I",
                                           "I -> gamma*I -> R"),
                           compartments = c("S", "I", "R"),
                           gdata = c(beta = 0.16, gamma = 0.077),
                           u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
                           tspan = 1:10),
                    data.frame(parameter = "beta",
                               distribution = "uniform",
                               p1 = 1,
                               p2 = 5))
stopifnot(identical(res, list(pars = 1L, target = "gdata")))

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SimInf documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:27 a.m.