Smisc-package: Smisc: Sego Miscellaneous

Description Details Author(s) Examples


A collection of functions for statistical computing, data manipulation, and visualization


Package: Smisc
Type: Package
Version: 0.3.9
Date: 2017-11-20
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE


Landon Sego

Maintainer: Landon Sego <>


help(package = Smisc)

Example output

		Information on package 'Smisc'


Package:            Smisc
Title:              Sego Miscellaneous
Version:            0.3.6
Date:               2016-06-22
Authors@R:          c(person("Landon", "Sego", role = c("aut", "cre"),
                    email = ""))
Description:        A collection of functions for statistical computing
                    and data manipulation in R.  Includes routines for
                    data ingestion, operating on dataframes and
                    matrices, conversion to and from lists, converting
                    factors, filename manipulation, programming
                    utilities, parallelization, plotting, statistical
                    and mathematical operations, and time series.
NeedsCompilation:   yes
Imports:            parallel, utils, plyr, doParallel, methods
Suggests:           testthat, foreach
License:            BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
RoxygenNote:        5.0.1
Packaged:           2016-06-23 04:21:47 UTC; D3P423
Author:             Landon Sego [aut, cre]
Maintainer:         Landon Sego <>
Repository:         CRAN
Date/Publication:   2016-06-23 09:05:09
Built:              R 3.4.1; x86_64-pc-linux-gnu; 2017-09-22 14:58:42
                    UTC; unix


PowerData               An example of power data
Smisc-package           Smisc: Sego Miscellaneous
allMissing              Identifies missing rows or columns in a data
                        frame or matrix
as.numericSilent        Convert any vector to numeric, if possible
comboList               Produces all possible combinations of a set of
                        linear model predictors
cumMax                  Computes the maximum of the vector up to the
                        current index
cumsumNA                Computes the cummulative sum of a vector
                        without propagating NAs
cusum                   Calculates a sequence of Cusum statistics
dataIn                  A flexible way to import data into R.
df2list                 Row-wise conversion of a data frame to a list
dfplapply               Parallelized single row processing of a data
dframeEquiv             Examines the equivalence of two dataframes or
dkbinom                 Probability functions for the sum of k
                        independent binomials
doCallParallel          Call a function with a vectorized input in
factor2character        Converts all factor variables in a dataframe to
                        character variables
factor2numeric          A simple function for converting factors to
                        numeric values
findDepMat              Identify linearly dependent rows or columns in
                        a matrix
formatDT                Converts date or datetime strings into
                        alternate formats
getExtension            Get the extension of a vector of filenames
getPath                 Get the path of a vector of filenames
grabLast                Get the final set of characters after a
                        single-character delimeter
hardCode                Facilitate hard coding constants into R
hpd                     Calculate the highest posterior density
                        credible interval for a unimodal density
integ                   Simple numerical integration routine
linearMap               Linear mapping of a numeric vector or scalar
list2df                 Convert a list to a data frame
loadObject              Loads and returns the object(s) in one or more
                        ".Rdata" files
more                    Display the contents of a file to the R console
movAvg2                 Calculate the moving average using a 2-sided,
                        symmetric window
openDevice              Opens a graphics device based on the filename
padZero                 Pad a vector of numbers with zeros
parLapplyW              A wrapper for parLapply
parseJob                Parses a collection of elements into (almost)
                        equal-sized groups
pcbinom                 A continuous version of the binomial cdf
pddply                  Parallel wrapper for plyr::ddply
plapply                 Simple parallelization of lapply
plotFun                 Plot one or more functions on a single plot
pvar                    Prints the name and value of one or more
qbind                   Quickly row and column bind many objects
                        together at once
rma                     Remove all objects from the global environment
select                  Select rows or columns from data frames or
                        matrices while always returning a data frame or
                        a matrix
selectElements          Validate selected elements from a character
sepList                 Separate a list into distinct objects
signal                  Generic for 'signal'
smartFilter             Calculate a moving dot product (or filter) over
                        a numeric vector
smartRbindMat           Row bind matrices whose column names may not be
                        the same
smartTimeAxis           Produces a time axis with smart spacing
sourceDir               Sources all files with '.R' or '.r' extensions
                        in a directory
stopifnotMsg            Check multiple conditions and return
                        coresponding error messages
stripExtension          Remove the extension of a vector of filenames
stripPath               Remove the path from a vector of filenames
timeData                Generic data frame with a time variable
timeDiff                Subtracts two time series by matching irregular
                        time indexes             Four short time series
timeIntegration         Approximate the integral of a vector of data
                        over time
timeIt                  Times the execution of an expression.
timeStamp               Embeds the present datetime into a file name
umvueLN                 Computes UMVUEs of lognormal parameters
vertErrorBar            Draw vertical error bar(s) on a plot

Smisc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:46 a.m.