
Defines functions paramCheckOtherMods moduleCodeFiles bindrows setPaths getPaths .paths updateList .getOption

Documented in bindrows .getOption getPaths moduleCodeFiles paramCheckOtherMods .paths setPaths updateList

utils::globalVariables(c("newQuantity", "quantityAdj", "quantityAdj2"))

#' A slightly modified version of `getOption()`
#' This can take `x` as a character string or as a function that returns a character string.
#' @inheritParams base::getOption
#' @rdname getOption
#' @keywords internal
.getOption <- function(x, default = NULL) {
  optionDefault <- options(x)[[1]]
  if (is.null(optionDefault)) optionDefault <- default
  if (is.function(optionDefault)) {
  } else {

#' Update elements of a named list with elements of a second named list
#' Defunct. Use [utils::modifyList()] (which can not handle NULL) or
#' [Require::modifyList2()] for case with >2 lists and can handle NULL lists.
#' @param x   a named list
#' @param y   a named list
#' @return A named list, with elements sorted by name.
#'          The values of matching elements in list `y`
#'          replace the values in list `x`.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @export
#' @importFrom Require modifyList2
#' @rdname updateList
updateList <- function(x, y) {
  .Defunct("Require::modifyList2", "Require")
  # if (missing(x)) x <- list()
  # if (missing(y)) y <- list()
  # if (is.null(y)) y <- list()
  # if (is.null(x)) x <- list()
  # modifyList2(x = x, val = y)

#' Add a module to a `moduleList`
#' Ordinary base lists and vectors do not retain their attributes when subsetted
#' or appended. This function appends items to a list while preserving the
#' attributes of items in the list (but not of the list itself).
#' Similar to `updateList` but does not require named lists.
#' @param x,y  A `list` of items with optional attributes.
#' @return An updated `list` with attributes.
#' @author Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire
#' @export
#' @rdname append_attr
#' @examples
#' tmp1 <- list("apple", "banana")
#' tmp1 <- lapply(tmp1, `attributes<-`, list(type = "fruit"))
#' tmp2 <- list("carrot")
#' tmp2 <- lapply(tmp2, `attributes<-`, list(type = "vegetable"))
#' append_attr(tmp1, tmp2)
#' rm(tmp1, tmp2)
setGeneric("append_attr", function(x, y) {

#' @export
#' @rdname append_attr
          signature = c(x = "list", y = "list"),
          definition = function(x, y) {
            attrs <- c(lapply(x, attributes), lapply(y, attributes))
            out <- append(x, y)
            if (length(out)) {
              for (i in length(out)) {
                attributes(out[i]) <- attrs[[i]]
            dups <- duplicated(out) # unique strips names ... out[!dups] does not

#' Generate random strings
#' Generate a vector of random alphanumeric strings each of an arbitrary length.
#' @param n   Number of strings to generate (default 1).
#'            Will attempt to coerce to integer value.
#' @param len Length of strings to generate (default 8).
#'            Will attempt to coerce to integer value.
#' @param characterFirst Logical, if `TRUE`, then a letter will be the
#'        first character of the string (useful if being used for object names).
#' @return Character vector of random strings.
#' @export
#' @rdname rndstr
#' @author Alex Chubaty and Eliot McIntire
#' @examples
#' set.seed(11)
#' rndstr()
#' rndstr(len = 10)
#' rndstr(characterFirst = FALSE)
#' rndstr(n = 5, len = 10)
#' rndstr(n = 5)
#' rndstr(n = 5, characterFirst = TRUE)
#' rndstr(len = 10, characterFirst = TRUE)
#' rndstr(n = 5, len = 10, characterFirst = TRUE)
setGeneric("rndstr", function(n, len, characterFirst) {

#' @rdname rndstr
  signature(n = "numeric", len = "numeric", characterFirst = "logical"),
  definition = function(n, len, characterFirst) {
    if (!((n > 0) & (len > 0))) {
      stop("rndstr requires n > 0 and len > 0")

    unlist(lapply(character(as.integer(n)), function(x) {
      i <- as.integer(characterFirst)
      x <- paste0(c(sample(c(letters, LETTERS), size = i),
                    sample(c((0:9), letters, LETTERS),
                           size = as.integer(len) - i, replace = TRUE)),
                  collapse = "")

#' @rdname rndstr
          signature(n = "numeric", len = "numeric", characterFirst = "missing"),
          definition = function(n, len) {
            rndstr(n = n, len = len, characterFirst = TRUE)

#' @rdname rndstr
          signature(n = "numeric", len = "missing", characterFirst = "logical"),
          definition = function(n, characterFirst) {
            rndstr(n = n, len = 8, characterFirst = characterFirst)

#' @rdname rndstr
          signature(n = "missing", len = "numeric", characterFirst = "logical"),
          definition = function(len, characterFirst) {
            rndstr(n = 1, len = len, characterFirst = characterFirst)

#' @rdname rndstr
          signature(n = "numeric", len = "missing", characterFirst = "missing"),
          definition = function(n) {
            rndstr(n = n, len = 8, characterFirst = TRUE)

#' @rdname rndstr
          signature(n = "missing", len = "numeric", characterFirst = "missing"),
          definition = function(len) {
            rndstr(n = 1, len = len, characterFirst = TRUE)

#' @rdname rndstr
          signature(n = "missing", len = "missing", characterFirst = "logical"),
          definition = function(characterFirst) {
            rndstr(n = 1, len = 8, characterFirst = characterFirst)

#' @rdname rndstr
          signature(n = "missing", len = "missing", characterFirst = "missing"),
          definition = function(n, len, characterFirst) {
            rndstr(n = 1, len = 8, characterFirst = TRUE)

#' Filter objects by class
#' Based on <https://stackoverflow.com/a/5158978/1380598>.
#' @param x Character vector of object names to filter, possibly from `ls`.
#' @param include   Class(es) to include, as a character vector.
#' @param exclude   Optional class(es) to exclude, as a character vector.
#' @param envir     The environment ins which to search for objects.
#'                  Default is the calling environment.
#' @return Vector of object names matching the class filter.
#' @note [inherits()] is used internally to check the object class,
#' which can, in some cases, return results inconsistent with `is`.
#' See <https://stackoverflow.com/a/27923346/1380598>.
#' These (known) cases are checked manually and corrected.
#' @export
#' @rdname classFilter
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @examples
#' ## from local (e.g., function) environment
#' local({
#'   e <- environment()
#'   a <- list(1:10)     # class `list`
#'   b <- letters        # class `character`
#'   d <- stats::runif(10)      # class `numeric`
#'   f <- sample(1L:10L) # class `numeric`, `integer`
#'   g <- lm( jitter(d) ~ d ) # class `lm`
#'   h <- glm( jitter(d) ~ d ) # class `lm`, `glm`
#'   classFilter(ls(), include=c("character", "list"), envir = e)
#'   classFilter(ls(), include = "numeric", envir = e)
#'   classFilter(ls(), include = "numeric", exclude = "integer", envir = e)
#'   classFilter(ls(), include = "lm", envir = e)
#'   classFilter(ls(), include = "lm", exclude = "glm", envir = e)
#'   rm(a, b, d, e, f, g, h)
#' })
#' ## from another environment (can be omitted if .GlobalEnv)
#' e = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
#' e$a <- list(1:10)     # class `list`
#' e$b <- letters        # class `character`
#' e$d <- stats::runif(10)      # class `numeric`
#' e$f <- sample(1L:10L) # class `numeric`, `integer`
#' e$g <- lm( jitter(e$d) ~ e$d ) # class `lm`
#' e$h <- glm( jitter(e$d) ~ e$d ) # class `lm`, `glm`
#' classFilter(ls(e), include=c("character", "list"), envir = e)
#' classFilter(ls(e), include = "numeric", envir = e)
#' classFilter(ls(e), include = "numeric", exclude = "integer", envir = e)
#' classFilter(ls(e), include = "lm", envir = e)
#' classFilter(ls(e), include = "lm", exclude = "glm", envir = e)
#' rm(a, b, d, f, g, h, envir = e)
#' rm(e)
setGeneric("classFilter", function(x, include, exclude, envir) {

#' @rdname classFilter
  signature(x = "character", include = "character", exclude = "character",
            envir = "environment"),
  definition = function(x, include, exclude, envir) {
    f <- function(w) {
      # -------------------- #
      # using `inherits` doesn't work as expected in some cases,
      #  so we tweak the 'include' to work with those cases:
      if (("numeric" %in% include) &
          (inherits(get(w, envir = envir), "integer")) ) {
        include <- c(include, "integer")
      # --- end tweaking --- #

      if (is.na(exclude)) {
        inherits(get(w, envir = envir), include)
      } else {
        inherits(get(w, envir = envir), include) &
          !inherits(get(w, envir = envir), exclude)
    return(Filter(f, x))

#' @rdname classFilter
  signature(x = "character", include = "character", exclude = "character",
            envir = "missing"),
  definition = function(x, include, exclude) {
    return(classFilter(x, include, exclude, envir = sys.frame(-1)))

#' @rdname classFilter
  signature(x = "character", include = "character", exclude = "missing",
            envir = "environment"),
  definition = function(x, include, envir) {
    return(classFilter(x, include, exclude = NA_character_, envir = envir))

#' @rdname classFilter
  signature(x = "character", include = "character", exclude = "missing",
            envir = "missing"),
  definition = function(x, include) {
    return(classFilter(x, include, exclude = NA_character_, envir = sys.frame(-1)))

#' Create empty `fileTable` for inputs and outputs
#' Internal functions.
#' Returns an empty `fileTable` to be used with inputs and outputs.
#' @param x  Not used (should be missing)
#' @return An empty data.frame with structure needed for input/output `fileTable.`
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname fileTable
setGeneric(".fileTableIn", function(x) {

#' @rdname fileTable
  signature = "missing",
  definition = function() {
    ft <- data.frame(
      file = character(0), fun = character(0), package = character(0),
      objectName = character(0), loadTime = numeric(0), loaded = logical(0),
      arguments = I(list()), intervals = numeric(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' @rdname fileTable
.fileTableInCols <- colnames(.fileTableIn())

#' @rdname fileTable
.fileTableInDF <- .fileTableIn()

#' @rdname fileTable
setGeneric(".fileTableOut", function(x) {

#' @rdname fileTable
  signature = "missing",
  definition = function() {
    ft <- data.frame(
      file = character(0), fun = character(0), package = character(0),
      objectName = character(0), saveTime = numeric(0), saved = logical(0),
      arguments = I(list()), stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' @rdname fileTable
.fileTableOutCols <- colnames(.fileTableOut())

#' @rdname fileTable
.fileTableOutDF <- .fileTableOut()

#' Get and set default working directories
#' Wrapper functions to access the packages options for default working directories.
#' Note: there is an active binding made to `Paths`, so a user can use
#' `Paths$cachePath` for example instead of `getPaths()$cachePath`
#' @param cachePath   The default local directory in which to cache simulation outputs.
#'                    If not specified, defaults to `getOption("reproducible.cachePath")`.
#' @param inputPath   The default local directory in which to look for simulation inputs
#'                    If not specified, defaults to `getOption("spades.inputPath")`.
#' @param modulePath  The default local directory where modules and data will be
#'                    downloaded and stored.
#'                    If not specified, defaults to `getOption("spades.modulePath")`.
#' @param outputPath  The default local directory in which to save simulation outputs.
#'                    If not specified, defaults to `getOption("spades.outputPath")`.
#' @param rasterPath  The default local directory in which to save transient raster files.
#'                    If not specified, defaults to
#'                    `file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "raster")`.
#'                    *Important note:* this location may not be cleaned up automatically,
#'                    so be sure to monitor this directory and remove unnecessary temp files
#'                    that may contribute to excessive disk usage.
#'                     *This option will be deprecated in a future release.*
#' @param scratchPath The default local directory in which to save transient files.
#'                    If not specified, defaults to `getOption("spades.scratchPath")`.
#'                    *Important note:* this location may not be cleaned up automatically,
#'                    so be sure to monitor this directory and remove unnecessary temp files
#'                    that may contribute to excessive disk usage.
#' @param terraPath  The default local directory in which to save transient `terra` files.
#'                   If not specified, defaults to
#'                   `file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "terra")`.
#'                   *Important note:* this location may not be cleaned up automatically,
#'                   so be sure to monitor this directory and remove unnecessary temp files
#'                   that may contribute to excessive disk usage.
#' @return `getPaths` returns a named list of the user's default working directories.
#' `setPaths` is invoked for the side effect of setting these directories.
#' @author Alex Chubaty
#' @keywords internal
#' @name setPaths
#' @rdname setPaths
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' getPaths()                       ## returns the current default working paths
#' ## set individual custom paths
#' setPaths(cachePath = file.path(tempdir(), "cache"))
#' setPaths(inputPath = file.path(tempdir(), "inputs"))
#' setPaths(modulePath = file.path(tempdir(), "modules"))
#' setPaths(outputPath = file.path(tempdir(), "outputs"))
#' setPaths(scratchPath = file.path(tempdir(), "scratch"))
#' # NOTE: on loading and attaching SpaDES.core,
#' # an active binding is made to "Paths"
#' getPaths()
#' Paths ## same as getPaths() above
#' setPaths(outputPath = tempdir())
#' Paths # shows change
#' }
.paths <- function() {
  if (!is.null(.getOption("spades.cachePath"))) {
    message("option('spades.cachePath') is being deprecated. Please use ",
            "Setting option('reproducible.cachePath' = getOption('spades.cachePath'))")

    cachePath = .getOption("reproducible.cachePath"), # nolint
    inputPath = getOption("spades.inputPath"), # nolint
    modulePath = getOption("spades.modulePath"), # nolint
    outputPath = getOption("spades.outputPath"), # nolint
    rasterPath = file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "raster"), # nolint
    scratchPath = getOption("spades.scratchPath"), # nolint
    terraPath = file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "terra") # nolint

#' @export
#' @rdname setPaths
getPaths <- function() {

#' @export
#' @rdname setPaths
Paths <- .paths()

#' @param silent Logical. Should the messaging occur.
#' @export
#' @importFrom reproducible checkPath
#' @rdname setPaths
setPaths <- function(cachePath, inputPath, modulePath, outputPath, rasterPath, scratchPath,
                     terraPath, silent = FALSE) {
  defaults <- list(
    CP = FALSE,
    IP = FALSE,
    MP = FALSE,
    OP = FALSE,
    RP = FALSE,
    SP = FALSE,
    TP = FALSE
  if (missing(cachePath)) {
    cachePath <- .getOption("reproducible.cachePath") # nolint
    defaults$CP <- TRUE
  if (missing(inputPath)) {
    inputPath <- getOption("spades.inputPath") # nolint
    defaults$IP <- TRUE
  if (missing(modulePath)) {
    modulePath <- getOption("spades.modulePath") # nolint
    defaults$MP <- TRUE
  if (missing(outputPath)) {
    outputPath <- getOption("spades.outputPath") # nolint
    defaults$OP <- TRUE
  if (missing(rasterPath)) { ## TODO: deprecate
    rasterPath <- file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "raster") # nolint
    defaults$RP <- TRUE
  if (missing(scratchPath)) {
    scratchPath <- getOption("spades.scratchPath") # nolint
    defaults$SP <- TRUE
  if (missing(terraPath)) {
    terraPath <- file.path(getOption("spades.scratchPath"), "terra") # nolint
    defaults$TP <- TRUE

  allDefault <- all(unlist(defaults))

  originalPaths <- .paths()
  newPaths <- lapply(list(
    cachePath = cachePath,
    inputPath = inputPath,
    modulePath = modulePath,
    outputPath = outputPath,
    rasterPath = rasterPath,
    scratchPath = scratchPath,
    terraPath = terraPath
  ), checkPath, create = TRUE)
  newPaths <- as.list(normPath(newPaths))

  ## set the new paths via options
    rasterTmpDir = newPaths$rasterPath,
    reproducible.cachePath = cachePath,
    spades.inputPath = inputPath,
    spades.modulePath = unlist(modulePath),
    spades.outputPath = outputPath,
    spades.scratchPath = scratchPath

  if (requireNamespace("terra", quietly = TRUE)) {
    terra::terraOptions(tempdir = terraPath)

  ## message the user
  modPaths <- if (length(modulePath) > 1) {
    paste0("c('", paste(normPath(modulePath), collapse = "', '"), "')")
  } else {

  if (!silent) {
    if (!allDefault) {
        "  options(\n",
        if (!defaults$CP) paste0("    reproducible.cachePath = '", normPath(cachePath), "'\n"),
        if (!defaults$IP) paste0("    spades.inputPath = '", normPath(inputPath), "'\n"),
        if (!defaults$OP) paste0("    spades.outputPath = '", normPath(outputPath), "'\n"),
        if (!defaults$MP) paste0("    spades.modulePath = '" , modPaths, "'\n"),
        if (!defaults$SP) paste0("    spades.scratchPath = '", normPath(scratchPath), "'\n"),
        "  )"

    if (any(unlist(defaults))) {
        "Paths set to:\n",
        "  options(\n",
        "    rasterTmpDir = '", normPath(rasterPath), "'\n",
        "    reproducible.cachePath = '", normPath(cachePath), "'\n",
        "    spades.inputPath = '", normPath(inputPath), "'\n",
        "    spades.outputPath = '", normPath(outputPath), "'\n",
        "    spades.modulePath = '", modPaths, "'\n", # normPath'ed above
        "    spades.scratchPath = '", normPath(scratchPath), "'\n",
        "  )\n",
        "  terra::terraOptions(tempdir = '", normPath(terraPath), "'"


#' Simple wrapper around `data.table::rbindlist`
#' This simply sets defaults to `fill = TRUE`, and
#' `use.names = TRUE`
#' @param ... 1 or more `data.frame`, `data.table`, or `list` objects
#' @return a `data.table` object
#' @export
bindrows <- function(...) {
  # Deal with things like "trailing commas"
  rws <- try(list(...), silent = TRUE)
  if (any(grepl("argument is missing|bind_rows", rws))) {
    ll <- as.list(match.call(expand.dots = TRUE))
    nonEmpties <- unlist(lapply(ll, function(x) any(nchar(x) > 0)))
  } else if (is(rws, "try-error")) {
  } else {
    rbindlist(rws, fill = TRUE, use.names = TRUE)

#' Extract the full file paths for R source code
#' This can be used e.g., for Caching, to identify which files have changed.
#' @inheritParams simInit
#' @return character vector of file paths.
#' @export
moduleCodeFiles <- function(paths, modules) {
  path.expand(c(dir(file.path(paths$modulePath, modules, "R"), full.names = TRUE),
    file.path(paths$modulePath, modules, paste0(modules, ".R"))))

#' Test and update a parameter against same parameter in other modules
#' This function is intended to be part of module code and will test whether
#' the value of a parameter within the current module matches the value of the
#' same parameter in other modules. This is a test for parameters that might expect
#' to be part of a `params = list(.globals = list(someParam = "test"))` passed to `simInit`.
#' It is considered a "fail" under several conditions:
#' 1. current module has a value that is not `NULL` or `"default"` and another module
#'    has a different value;
#' 2. there is more than one value for the `paramToCheck` in the other modules,
#'    so it is ambiguous which one to return.
#' Either the current module is different than other modules, unless it is "default" or NULL.
#' @param sim A `simList` object
#' @param paramToCheck A character string, length one, of a parameter name to
#'   check and compare between the current module and one or more or all others
#' @param moduleToUse A character vector of module names to check against. This can be
#'   `"all"` which will compare against all other modules.
#' @param ifSetButDifferent A character string indicating whether to `"error"` the default,
#'   or send a `"warning"`, `message` or just silently continue (any other value).
#' @param verbose Logical or Numeric, follows `reproducible.verbose` value by default.
#' @return If the value of the `paramToCheck` in the current module is either `NULL` or
#' `"default"`, and there is only one other value across all modules named in `moduleToUse`,
#' then this will return a character string with the value of the single parameter value
#' in the other module(s).
#' It will return the current value if there are no other modules with the same parameter.
#' @export
#' @rdname paramCheckOtherMods
paramCheckOtherMods <- function(sim, paramToCheck, moduleToUse = "all",
                                ifSetButDifferent = c("error", "warning", "message", "silent"),
                                verbose = getOption("reproducible.verbose")) {
  currentModule <- currentModule(sim)
  paramsInSim <- params(sim)
  paramInCurrentMod <- P(sim)[[paramToCheck]]
  if (identical(moduleToUse, "all")) {
    moduleToUse <- names(paramsInSim)
  paramInThisMod <- paramsInSim[[currentModule]][[paramToCheck]]
  params <- paramsInSim[setdiff(moduleToUse, currentModule)]

  ## preserve list for parameters composed of several values - will this work with lists of lists?
  ## may need a Reduce(..., identical)?
  paramToUpdateValInOtherMods <- lapply(params, function(p) p[[paramToCheck]])
  ## remove NULLs
  paramToUpdateValInOtherMods <- paramToUpdateValInOtherMods[!sapply(paramToUpdateValInOtherMods, is.null)]
  paramInOtherMods <- unique(paramToUpdateValInOtherMods)  ## again, preserve list -- if there is only one entry, all definitions are identical

  messSuff <- paste0("); they should not. Perhaps pass params = list(.globals = list(",
                     paramToCheck, " = '", paramInOtherMods[1], "')) in the simInit call?")

  newVal <- paramInThisMod
  fail <- FALSE

  test <- if (is.list(paramInOtherMods)) {
    all(sapply(paramInOtherMods, function(x, paramInThisMod) identical(paramInThisMod, x),
           paramInThisMod = paramInThisMod))
  } else {
    identical(paramInThisMod, paramInOtherMods)

  if (!test) {
    if (is.null(paramInThisMod) || identical("default", paramInThisMod)) {
      if (length(paramInOtherMods) == 1) {
        newVal <- unlist(paramInOtherMods) ## can unlist here
        message(paramToCheck, " in ", currentModule," is set to 'default' or NULL;")
        message("... setting to '", newVal,
                "' to match value in ",paste(names(paramToUpdateValInOtherMods), collapse = ", ")," in the simList")
      } else if (length(paramInOtherMods) > 1) {
        mess <- paste0("Modules in this simList have multiple values for ", paramToCheck," (",
                       paste(paramInOtherMods, collapse = ", "),
        fail <- TRUE
    } else {
      if (length(paramInOtherMods) > 0) {
        mess <- paste0("Including this module, there are multiple values for ",paramToCheck," (",
                       paste(c(paramInThisMod, paramInOtherMods), collapse = ", "),
        fail <- TRUE
    if (isTRUE(fail)) {
      if (is.null(paramInThisMod)) {
        paramInThisMod <- "NULL"  ## avoid failure below due to 0 length

      # dfThis <- data.frame(module = currentModule, value = paramInThisMod, row.names = NULL)
      # dfOther <- data.frame(module = names(paramToUpdateValInOtherMods),
      #                       value = paramToUpdateValInOtherMods, row.names = NULL)
      ## this works better when the parameter has length()>1 :
      dfThis <- data.frame(modName = paramInThisMod, row.names = NULL)
      names(dfThis) <- currentModule
      dfOther <- as.data.frame(paramToUpdateValInOtherMods, row.names = NULL)
      messageVerbose("This module", verbose = verbose)
      messageDF(dfThis, colour = "green", verbose = verbose)
      messageVerbose("Other modules", verbose = verbose)
      messageDF(dfOther, verbose = verbose)

      if (identical(ifSetButDifferent[1], "error")) stop(mess)
      if (identical(ifSetButDifferent[1], "warning")) warning(mess)
      if (identical(ifSetButDifferent[1], "message")) message(mess)


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SpaDES.core documentation built on Nov. 10, 2023, 5:08 p.m.