
test_that("timeunit works correctly", {

  times <- list(start = 0.0, end = 10)
  params <- list(
    .globals = list(burnStats = "npixelsburned", stackName = "landscape"),
    randomLandscapes = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA),
    caribouMovement = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA),
    fireSpread = list(.plotInitialTime = NA, .plotInterval = NA)
  modules <- list("randomLandscapes", "caribouMovement", "fireSpread")
  paths <- list(modulePath = getSampleModules(tmpdir))

  mySim <- simInit(times, params, modules, objects = list(), paths = paths)

  expect_equal(maxTimeunit(sim = mySim), "year")

  # Test for numerics, or character strings that are not recognized
  expect_message(timeunit(mySim) <- 1, "^unknown timeunit provided:")
  expect_message(timeunit(mySim) <- "LeapYear", "^unknown timeunit provided:")

  # check for new unit being put into simList
  assign("dfortnight", function(x) dday(14),
         envir = envir(mySim))
  expect_match(timeunit(mySim) <- "fortnight", "")
  expect_match(timeunit(mySim), "fortnight")
  expect_equivalent(as.numeric(mySim$dfortnight(1)), 1209600)
  rm(dfortnight, envir = envir(mySim))

  # test that NA_real_ gets coerced to NA_character_
  timeunit(mySim) <- NA_real_
  expect_identical(timeunit(mySim), NA_character_)

  # check that the minTimeunit captures one of the timestepUnits in the loaded modules
              sapply(depends(mySim)@dependencies, function(x) {

  # check that minTimeunit finds the smallest timeunit of the modules loaded
  whNotNA <- sapply(depends(mySim)@dependencies, function(x) !is.na(x@timeunit))
    text = paste0("d", minTimeunit(mySim), "(1)")))),
               function(x) {
                 eval(parse(text = paste0("d", x@timeunit, "(1)")))
  expect_equal(as.numeric(inSeconds(NA_character_)), 0)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(inSeconds(NULL)), 0)

  exampleTime <- 1:10
  attributes(exampleTime)$unit <- NA_character_
  expect_equal(as.numeric(convertTimeunit(exampleTime, "seconds")),
               rep(0, length(exampleTime)))

  exampleTime <- 1:10
  attributes(exampleTime)$unit <- "hour"
  expect_equal(as.numeric(convertTimeunit(exampleTime)), 1:10 * 3600)

  mySim <- simInit()
  expect_equal(maxTimeunit(mySim), NA_character_)

  st1 <- c("year", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "second")
  st2 <- c(st1, paste0(st1, "s"))
  expect_equal(st2, spadesTimes())

  expect_equal(as.numeric(dNA()), 0)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(dhour(1)), 60 * 60)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(dday(1)), 60 * 60 * 24)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(dweeks(1)), 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 / 52)
  expect_equal(as.numeric(dweek(1)), 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25 / 52)

test_that("timeunits with child and parent modules work correctly", {

  m <- testInit("ggplot2", smcc = TRUE, opts = list("spades.memoryUseInterval" = 0))

  newModule("grandpar1", tmpdir, type = "parent", children = c("child1", "child2", "par1"), open = FALSE)
  newModule("par1", tmpdir, type = "parent", children = c("child4", "child3"), open = FALSE)
  newModule("child1", tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  newModule("child2", tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  newModule("child3", tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  newModule("child4", tmpdir, open = FALSE)
  newModule("child5", tmpdir, open = FALSE)

  fileName <- "child2/child2.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'timeunit = "year"', replacement = 'timeunit = "day"') # nolint
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  fileName <- "child3/child3.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'timeunit = "year"', replacement = 'timeunit = "week"') # nolint
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  fileName <- "child5/child5.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'timeunit = "year"', replacement = 'timeunit = "second"') # nolint
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  fileName <- "par1/par1.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'timeunit = "year"', replacement = 'timeunit = "month"') # nolint
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  mySim <- simInit(modules = list("grandpar1", "par1"), paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))
  expect_equal(timeunit(mySim), "month")

  # If only listing the one module and it is a parent, then use it regardless of whether
  #  it is shortest or longest
  mySim <- simInit(modules = list("grandpar1"), paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))
  expect_equal(timeunit(mySim), "year")

  fileName <- "grandpar1/grandpar1.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'timeunit = "year"', replacement = 'timeunit = "hour"')
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  # If only listing the one module and it is a parent, then use it regardless of whether
  #  it is shortest or longest
  mySim <- simInit(modules = list("grandpar1"), paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))
  expect_equal(timeunit(mySim), "hour")

  mySim <- simInit(modules = list("grandpar1", "child5"), paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))
  expect_equal(timeunit(mySim), "second")

    newModule("grandpar1", tmpdir, type = "parent", children = c("child1", "child2", "par1"), open = FALSE)
  fileName <- "grandpar1/grandpar1.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'timeunit = "year"', replacement = "timeunit = NA") # nolint
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  # If parent has NA for timeunit, then take smallest of children
  mySim <- simInit(modules = list("grandpar1"), paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))
  expect_equal(timeunit(mySim), "day")

    newModule("grandpar2", tmpdir, type = "parent", children = c("child1", "child6", "par1"), open = FALSE)
  fileName <- "grandpar2/grandpar2.R"
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'timeunit = "year"', replacement = "timeunit = NA") # nolint
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  ## child6 is used for further module testing
  suppressMessages(newModule("child6", tmpdir, open = FALSE))
  fileName <- file.path(tmpdir, "child6/child6.R")
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  xxx1 <- gsub(xxx, pattern = 'timeunit = "year"', replacement = "timeunit = NA") # nolint
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  # If parent has NA for timeunit, then take smallest of children
  mySim <- simInit(modules = list("grandpar2"), paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))
  expect_equal(timeunit(mySim), "month") # because par1 is month, grandpar1 is NA

  ### Test dataPath and currentModule function, which is namespaced
  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  modName <- basename(dirname(fileName))
  initLine <- grep(xxx, pattern = "Init\\(sim\\)")
  xxx1 <- c(xxx[seq(initLine)], "  sim$dp <- dataPath(sim)",
            "  sim$cm <- currentModule(sim)", xxx[seq(length(xxx) - initLine) + initLine],
            "  cm1 <- currentModule(sim)", "  dp1 <- dataPath(sim)")
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")
  mySim <- simInit(modules = list(modName), paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir))
  expect_true(mySim@.xData$.mods[[modName]]$cm1 == file.path(modName))
  expect_true(mySim@.xData$.mods[[modName]]$dp1 == normPath(file.path(dirname(fileName), "data")))

  mySimOut <- spades(mySim)
  expect_true(mySimOut$cm == file.path(modName))
  expect_true(mySimOut$dp == normPath(file.path(dirname(fileName), "data")))

  theFile <- file.path(tmpdir, "test")
  write.table(x = data.frame(1), file = theFile)

  xxx <- readLines(fileName)
  modName <- basename(dirname(fileName))
  lineOfInterest1 <- tail(grep(xxx, pattern = "expectsInput"), 1)
  xxx1 <- c(xxx[seq(lineOfInterest1 - 1)], "  expectsInput(\"b\", \"character\", \"temp thing\"),",
            xxx[seq(length(xxx) - lineOfInterest1) + lineOfInterest1])
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  lineOfInterest <- grep(xxx1, pattern = ".inputObjects <- ")
  xxx1 <- c(xxx1[seq(lineOfInterest - 1)],
            "  .inputObjects <- function(sim, a = asPath(file.path(inputPath(sim), \"test\"))) {",
            "  sim$b <- a",
            xxx1[seq(length(xxx1) - lineOfInterest) + lineOfInterest])
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  cacheDir <- file.path(tmpdir, rndstr(1, 6)) |> checkPath(create = TRUE)
  try(clearCache(cacheDir, ask = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    mySim <- simInit(modules = list(modName),
                     paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir, inputPath = tmpdir, cachePath = cacheDir),
                     params = list("child6" = list(.useCache = ".inputObjects")))

  xxx1 <- c(xxx[seq(lineOfInterest1 - 1)], "  expectsInput(\"b\", \"character\", \"temp thing\"),",
            xxx[seq(length(xxx) - lineOfInterest1) + lineOfInterest1])
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  lineOfInterest <- grep(xxx1, pattern = ".inputObjects <- ")
  xxx1 <- c(xxx1[seq(lineOfInterest - 1)],
            "  .inputObjects <- function(sim) {",
            "  a = asPath(file.path(inputPath(sim), \"test\")) ",
            "  sim$b <- a",
            xxx1[seq(length(xxx1) - lineOfInterest) + lineOfInterest])
  cat(xxx1, file = fileName, sep = "\n")

  cacheDir <- file.path(tmpdir, rndstr(1, 6)) |> checkPath(create = TRUE)
  try(clearCache(cacheDir, ask = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
  msgGrep <- paste("Setting:", "Paths set to:", "Running .input",
                   "child6: module code: b is declared",
                   "child6: outputObjects: dp, cm are assigned",
                   "There is no similar item in the cachePath",
                   "child6: using dataPath",
                   sep = "|")
    mySim <- simInit(modules = list(modName),
                     paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir, inputPath = tmpdir, cachePath = cacheDir),
                     params = list("child6" = list(.useCache = ".inputObjects")))
  }, msgGrep))

  # pulls cached value
  a <- capture.output({
    mm1 <- capture_messages({
      mySim <- simInit(modules = list(modName),
                       paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir, inputPath = tmpdir, cachePath = cacheDir),
                       params = list("child6" = list(.useCache = ".inputObjects")))
  mm1 <- cleanMessage(mm1)
  fullMessage <- c(
    "Running .inputObjects for child6",
    "child6: module code: b is declared in metadata inputObjects, but is not used in the module",
    "child6: outputObjects: dp, cm are assigned to sim inside doEventchild6, but are not declared in metadata outputObjects"
  expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(fullMessage, function(x) any(grepl(mm1, pattern = x))))))
  expect_identical(mySim$b, asPath(normPath(theFile)))

  # Change the file that is in the arguments to .inputObjects
  write.table(x = data.frame(sample(1e6, 1)), file = theFile)
  # Cache should force a rerun -- i.e., not cached value
  a <- capture.output({
    mm1 <- capture_messages({
      mySim <- simInit(modules = list(modName),
                       paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir, inputPath = tmpdir, cachePath = cacheDir),
                       params = list("child6" = list(.useCache = ".inputObjects")))

  mm1 <- cleanMessage(mm1)
  expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(fullMessage, function(x) any(grepl(mm1, pattern = x))))))

  # pulls cached value
  a <- capture.output({
    mm1 <- capture_messages({
      mySim <- simInit(modules = list(modName),
                       paths = list(modulePath = tmpdir, inputPath = tmpdir, cachePath = cacheDir),
                       params = list("child6" = list(.useCache = ".inputObjects")))
  mm1 <- cleanMessage(mm1)
  expect_true(all(unlist(lapply(fullMessage, function(x) any(grepl(mm1, pattern = x))))))
  expect_true(any(grepl("Running .inputObjects", mm1)))

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