concprob <- function(data, coord, fitted, n.bins, add = FALSE, xlim = c(0, max(dist)),
ylim = c(min(0, concProb), max(1, concProb)), col = 1:2,
which = "kendall", xlab, ylab, block.size = floor(nrow(data)^(1/3)),
plot = TRUE, compute.std.err = FALSE, ...){
if (missing(xlab))
xlab <- "h"
if (missing(ylab))
ylab <- expression(p(h))
if (missing(fitted) && missing(data) && missing(coord))
stop("You must either specify a fitted model OR 'data' and 'coord'")
fit.curves <- FALSE
if (!missing(fitted)){
data <- fitted$data
coord <- fitted$coord
if ((fitted$model == "Smith") && !fitted$iso)
warning("The concurrence probability function is valid only for isotropic models. The fitted curves won't be plotted.")
else {
fit.curves <- TRUE <- fitted$conc.prob
if (is.null(dim(coord))){
if (length(coord) != ncol(data))
stop("'data' and 'coord' don't match")
else if (nrow(coord) != ncol(data))
stop("'data' and 'coord' don't match")
if (any(!(which %in% c("kendall", "emp", "boot"))))
stop("'which' must be either 'kendall', 'emp' or 'boot'")
n.obs <- nrow(data) <- ncol(data)
n.pairs <- * ( - 1) / 2
n.block <- floor(n.obs / block.size)
dist <- distance(coord)
std.err <- NA
## Compute p(x1, x2) for each pair of station
if (which == "kendall"){
dummy <- .C(C_concProbKendall, as.double(data), as.integer(,
as.integer(n.obs), concProb = double(n.pairs),
jack = double(n.pairs * n.obs), as.integer(std.err), NAOK = TRUE)
if (compute.std.err) {
jack <- matrix(dummy$jack, n.obs, n.pairs)
n.eff <- apply(!, 2, sum)
std.err <- sqrt(apply(jack, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE) * (n.eff - 1)^2 / n.eff)
concProb <- dummy$concProb
else if (which == "emp")
concProb <- .C(C_empiricalConcProb, as.double(data), as.integer(,
as.integer(n.obs), as.integer(block.size), as.integer(n.block),
concProb = double(n.pairs), NAOK = TRUE)$concProb
concProb <- .C(C_empiricalBootConcProb, as.double(data), as.integer(,
as.integer(n.obs), as.integer(block.size),
concProb = double(n.pairs), NAOK = TRUE)$concProb
concProb <- pmax(0, concProb)
if (!missing(n.bins)){
bins <- c(0, quantile(dist, 1:n.bins/(n.bins+1)), max(dist))
concProbBinned <- rep(NA, length = n.bins + 1)
for (k in 1:(n.bins + 1)){
idx <- which((dist <= bins[k+1]) & (dist > bins[k]))
if (length(idx)>0)
concProbBinned[k] <- mean(concProb[idx])
concProb <- concProbBinned
dist <- (bins[-1] + bins[-(n.bins+2)])/2
if (plot){
if (add)
points(dist, concProb, col = col[1], ...)
plot(dist, concProb, ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab,
xlab = xlab, xlim = xlim, col = col[1], ...)
if (!missing(fitted)){
## Plot the theoretical extremal concurence probability function
curve(, from = xlim[1], to = xlim[2], add = TRUE, col = col[2], ...)
return(invisible(cbind(dist = dist, conc.prob = concProb, std.err = std.err)))
concurrencemap <- function(data, coord, which = "kendall", type = "cell", n.grid = 100,
col = cm.colors(64), plot = TRUE, plot.border = NULL,
compute.std.err = FALSE, ...){ <- nrow(coord)
if (!((type == "cell") || (is.numeric(type) && (type >= 1) && (type <=
stop("'type' must be either 'cell' for expected concurrence cell areas or an integer giving the station used as reference point.")
## Get the pairwise concurrence probability estimate
dummy <- concprob(data, coord, which = which, plot = FALSE, compute.std.err = compute.std.err)
est <- dummy[,"conc.prob"]
std.err <- dummy[,"std.err"]
## Form a matrix that contains all pairwise concurrence probabilities
conc.prob.mat <- matrix(NA,,
conc.prob.mat[upper.tri(conc.prob.mat)] <- conc.prob.mat[lower.tri(conc.prob.mat)] <- est
diag(conc.prob.mat) <- 1
if (compute.std.err){
## Form a matrix that contains the associated standard errors
std.err.mat <- matrix(NA,,
std.err.mat[upper.tri(std.err.mat)] <- std.err.mat[lower.tri(std.err.mat)] <- std.err
diag(std.err.mat) <- 1e-6
if (type == "cell"){
mesh.size <- diff(range(coord[,1])) * diff(range(coord[,2])) / n.grid^2
conc.area <- rep(NA,
for (i in{
row <- conc.prob.mat[i,]
fit <- fields::Tps(coord, logit(row))
pred <- fields::predictSurface(fit, nx = n.grid, ny = n.grid)
pred$z <- logit(pred$z, inv = TRUE)
conc.area[i] <- sum(pred$z, na.rm = TRUE) * mesh.size
## Get prediction for E[|C(s)|], s in X
fit <- fields::Tps(coord, conc.area)
pred <- fields::predictSurface(fit, nx = n.grid, ny = n.grid)
else {
row <- conc.prob.mat[type,]
fit <- fields::Tps(coord, logit(row))
pred <- fields::predictSurface(fit, nx = n.grid, ny = n.grid)
pred$z <- logit(pred$z, inv = TRUE)
if (compute.std.err){
row <- std.err.mat[type,]
fit2 <- fields::Tps(coord, row)
pred2 <- fields::predictSurface(fit2, nx = n.grid, ny = n.grid)
pred2$z <- pmax(pred2$z, 0)
if (plot){
if (compute.std.err)
layout(matrix(c(3,1,4,2), 2), heights = c(0.1, 1))
layout(matrix(2:1, 2), heights = c(0.1, 1))
add <- FALSE
if (!is.null(plot.border)){
plot.border(add = add)
add <- TRUE
z.range <- range(pred$z, na.rm = TRUE)
breaks <- seq(z.range[1], z.range[2], length = length(col) + 1)
image(pred$x, pred$y, pred$z, add = add, breaks = breaks, col = col, ...)
if (!is.null(plot.border))
plot.border(add = add)
if (compute.std.err){
## Do the same plot but with the std. err.
add <- FALSE
if (!is.null(plot.border)){
plot.border(add = add)
add <- TRUE
z.range2 <- range(pred2$z, na.rm = TRUE)
breaks2 <- seq(z.range2[1], z.range2[2], length = length(col) + 1)
image(pred2$x, pred2$y, pred2$z, add = add, breaks = breaks2, col = col, ...)
if (!is.null(plot.border))
plot.border(add = add)
## Do the color bar
par(las = 1, pty = "m", mar = c(0, 2, 0, 2))
plot.window(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = range(breaks), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
rect(breaks[-length(breaks)], 0, breaks[-1], 1, col = col, border = NA)
axis(1, at = pretty(breaks))
if (compute.std.err){
## Do the color bar
plot.window(ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = range(breaks2), xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i")
rect(breaks[-length(breaks2)], 0, breaks2[-1], 1, col = col, border = NA)
axis(1, at = pretty(breaks2))
if (!compute.std.err)
pred2 <- NULL
return(invisible(list(x = pred$x, y = pred$y, z = pred$z, std.err = pred2$z)))
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