Defines functions print.CSIsamples plot.summary.CSIsamples plot.CSIsamples summary.CSIsamples CSIsamples.default CSIsamples.SpatialVx CSIsamples MakeClusterList plot.summary.clusterer plot.clusterer summary.clusterer print.clusterer clusterer.default clusterer.SpatialVx clusterer

Documented in clusterer clusterer.default clusterer.SpatialVx CSIsamples CSIsamples.default CSIsamples.SpatialVx MakeClusterList plot.clusterer plot.CSIsamples plot.summary.clusterer plot.summary.CSIsamples print.clusterer print.CSIsamples summary.clusterer summary.CSIsamples

clusterer <- function(X, Y=NULL, ...) {
    UseMethod("clusterer", X)
} # end of 'clusterer' function.

clusterer.SpatialVx <- function(X, Y=NULL, ..., time.point = 1, obs = 1, model = 1, xyp = TRUE, threshold = 1e-8,
    linkage.method="complete", stand=TRUE, trans="identity", verbose=FALSE) {

    if(!missing(Y) && !is.null(Y)) warning("clusterer.SpatialVx: Y argument is ignored.")

    a <- attributes(X)

    ## Begin: Get the data sets
    dat <- datagrabber(X, time.point = time.point, obs = obs, model = model)

    X <- dat$X
    Xhat <- dat$Xhat
    ## End: Get the data sets

    out <- clusterer.default(X=X, Y=Xhat, ..., xloc=a$loc, xyp=xyp, threshold=threshold,
				linkage.method=linkage.method, stand=stand, trans=trans, a=a, verbose=verbose)

    attr(out, "time.point") <- time.point
    attr(out, "model") <- model

    attr(out, "data.name") <- c(a$data.name, a$obs.name[ obs ], a$model.name[ model ] )


} # end of 'clusterer.SpatialVx' function.

clusterer.default <- function(X, Y=NULL, ..., xloc=NULL, xyp=TRUE, threshold=1e-8, linkage.method="complete",
    stand=TRUE, trans="identity", a=NULL, verbose=FALSE) {

    out <- list()
    if(!is.null(a)) {

	if(!is.null(a$names)) a$names <- NULL
	attributes(out) <- a
	xdim <- a$xdim

    } else {

	data.name <- c(as.character(substitute(X)), as.character(substitute(Y)))
        names(data.name) <- c("verification","forecast")
        attr(out, "data.name") <- data.name
	xdim <- dim(X)
	attr(out, "xdim") <- xdim


    out$data <- list(X=X, Xhat=Y)

    out$linkage.method <- linkage.method
    out$trans <- trans
    N <- prod(xdim)
    out$N <- N

    if(is.null(xloc)) {
	xloc <- cbind(rep(1:xdim[1],xdim[2]),rep(1:xdim[2],each=xdim[1]))
	goodloc <- !logical(N)
    } else goodloc <- !is.na(xloc[,1]) & !is.na(xloc[,2])
    if(is.null(a$loc)) attr(out, "loc") <- xloc

    if(length(threshold)==1) u <- c(threshold, threshold)
    else u <- threshold 
    attr(out, "threshold") <- u

    idX <- !is.na(c(X)) & c(X) >= u[1] & goodloc
    idY <- !is.na(c(Y)) & c(Y) >= u[2] & goodloc

    if(xyp) {
	tmpX <- cbind(xloc[idX,], c(X)[idX])
   	tmpY <- cbind(xloc[idY,], c(Y)[idY])
	tmpX[,3] <- c(do.call(trans, list(x=tmpX[,3])))
	tmpY[,3] <- c(do.call(trans, list(x=tmpY[,3])))
    } else {
	tmpX <- xloc[idX,]
	tmpY <- xloc[idY,]
    NCx  <- dim(tmpX)[1]
    NCy  <- dim(tmpY)[1]
    out$NCo <- NCx:1
    out$NCf <- NCy:1
    if(verbose) {
	cat("\n", NCx, " initial clusters in verification field.\n")
	cat("\n", NCy, " initial clusters in forecast field.\n")
	cat("\n", "Performing cluster analysis on verification field.\n")
    if(NCx < 2 | NCy < 2) stop("clusterer: Less than two initial clusters in one or both fields.\n")
    if(stand) {
        tmpX <- (tmpX - colMeans(tmpX, na.rm=TRUE))/sqrt(apply(tmpX,2,var,na.rm=TRUE))
        tmpY <- (tmpY - colMeans(tmpY, na.rm=TRUE))/sqrt(apply(tmpY,2,var,na.rm=TRUE))

    args <- list(...)
    if(is.null(args$method)) metric <- "euclidean"
    else metric <- args$method

    if(is.element(linkage.method,c("ward","centroid","median")) & metric != "euclidean") stop(paste("clusterer: method must be eulcidean with ", linkage.method, " linkage.", sep=""))
    dX <- dist(tmpX, ...)
    XclustObj <- hclust(dX, method=linkage.method)
    XclustObj2 <- MakeClusterList(XclustObj)
    if(verbose) cat("\n", "Performing cluster analysis on forecast field.\n")
    dY <- dist(tmpY, ...)
    YclustObj <- hclust(dY, method=linkage.method)
    YclustObj2 <- MakeClusterList(YclustObj)
    out$cluster.identifiers <- list(X=XclustObj2, Y=YclustObj2)

    out$idX <- idX
    out$idY <- idY
    out$cluster.objects <- list()
    out$cluster.objects$X <- XclustObj
    out$cluster.objects$Y <- YclustObj
    zDiss <- matrix(NA, NCx, NCy)
    if(is.element(linkage.method,c("ward","median","centroid"))) {
	XclustObjent <- list()
	XclustObjent[[1]] <- NULL
	YclustObjent <- XclustObjent
    if(verbose) cat("\n", "Finding distances between verification and forecast clusters and sorting them out.\n")
    Indy <- 1:NCx
    for(i in 1:NCx) {
	if(verbose) cat(i, " ")
	if(metric == "euclidean") {
	   if(is.matrix(tmpY)) zDiss[i,] <- sqrt(rowSums((matrix(tmpX[i,], nrow=nrow(tmpY), ncol=ncol(tmpX), byrow=TRUE) - tmpY)^2, na.rm=TRUE))
	   else zDiss[i,] <- sqrt(rowSums((matrix(tmpX[i,], nrow=nrow(tmpY), ncol=ncol(tmpX), byrow=TRUE) - matrix(tmpY, ncol(tmpY)))^2, na.rm=TRUE))
	} else if(metric == "manhattan") {
	   if(is.matrix(tmpY)) zDiss[i,] <- rowSums(abs(matrix(tmpX[i,], nrow=nrow(tmpY), ncol=ncol(tmpX), byrow=TRUE) - tmpY), na.rm=TRUE)
	   else zDiss[i,] <- rowSums(abs(matrix(tmpX[i,], nrow=nrow(tmpY), ncol=ncol(tmpX), byrow=TRUE) - matrix(tmpY, ncol(tmpY))), na.rm=TRUE)
	} else stop("clusterer: metric can only be euclidean or manhattan.")
	if((i>1) & is.element(linkage.method,c("ward","median","centroid"))) {
	   mm <- matrix(XclustObj$merge[1:(i-1),], ncol=2)
	   if(linkage.method=="median") {
		if(mm[i-1,1] < 0 & mm[i-1,2] < 0) XclustObjent[[i]] <- matrix(colMeans(tmpX[XclustObj2[[i]][[1]],],na.rm=TRUE), nrow=1)
		else if(mm[i-1,1] < 0 & mm[i-1,2] > 0) XclustObjent[[i]] <- (tmpX[abs(mm[i-1,1]),] + XclustObjent[[mm[i-1,2]+1]])/2
		else if(mm[i-1,1] > 0 & mm[i-1,2] < 0) XclustObjent[[i]] <- (tmpX[abs(mm[i-1,2]),] + XclustObjent[[mm[i-1,1]+1]])/2
		else XclustObjent[[i]] <- (XclustObjent[[mm[i-1,1]+1]] + XclustObjent[[mm[i-1,2]+1]])/2
	   } else XclustObjent[[i]] <- matrix(colMeans(tmpX[XclustObj2[[i]][[1]],],na.rm=TRUE), nrow=1)
	} # end of if 'i>1' stmt.
    } # end of for 'i' loop.
    if(verbose) cat("\n", "Inter-cluster distances found.  Verification clusters sorted out.  Sorting out forecast clusters.\n")
    Indy <- 1:NCy
    for(i in 1:NCy) {
	if(verbose) cat(i, " ")
	if(i == 1) YclustObj2[[1]] <- as.list(1:NCy)
        else if(i < NCy)  {
	   mm <- matrix(YclustObj$merge[1:(i-1),], ncol=2)
	   if((i>1) & is.element(linkage.method,c("ward","median","centroid"))) {
              if(linkage.method=="median") {
                if(mm[i-1,1] < 0 & mm[i-1,2] < 0) YclustObjent[[i]] <- matrix(colMeans(tmpY[YclustObj2[[i]][[1]],],na.rm=TRUE), nrow=1)
                else if(mm[i-1,1] < 0 & mm[i-1,2] > 0) YclustObjent[[i]] <- (tmpY[abs(mm[i-1,1]),] + YclustObjent[[mm[i-1,2]+1]])/2
                else if(mm[i-1,1] > 0 & mm[i-1,2] < 0) YclustObjent[[i]] <- (tmpY[abs(mm[i-1,2]),] + YclustObjent[[mm[i-1,1]+1]])/2
                else YclustObjent[[i]] <- (YclustObjent[[mm[i-1,1]+1]] + YclustObjent[[mm[i-1,2]+1]])/2
              } else YclustObjent[[i]] <- matrix(colMeans(tmpY[YclustObj2[[i]][[1]],],na.rm=TRUE), nrow=1)
           } # end of if 'i>1' stmt.
	} # end of if 'i < NCy' stmts.
    } # end of for 'i' loop.

    if(verbose) cat("\n", "Finding inter-cluster distances (NCf X NCo double loop within a double loop).\n")
    ICdists <- list()
    ICdists[[1]] <- list()
    ICdists[[1]][[1]] <- zDiss
    minICdists <- numeric(0)
    if(linkage.method=="mcquitty") {
	warning("clusterer: McQuitty linkage method not available for comparing clusters across fields.  Using average instead.")
	out$linkage.method <- c(linkage.method, "average")
	linkage.method <- "average"
    for(i in 1:NCx) {
	if(verbose) cat("\n", i, ":\n")
	lookX <- XclustObj2[[i]]
	nx <- length(lookX)
	for(j in 1:NCy) {
	   if(i==1 & j==1) next
	   if(verbose) cat(j, " ")
	      lookY <- YclustObj2[[j]]
	      ny <- length(lookY)
	      look <- matrix(NA, nx, ny)
	      for(kx in 1:nx) {
		nx2 <- length(lookX[[kx]])
		if(is.element(linkage.method,c("ward","median","centroid"))) xcen <- matrix(colMeans(matrix(tmpX[lookX[[kx]],],ncol=ncol(tmpX),byrow=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE), ncol=ncol(tmpX), byrow=TRUE)
		if(linkage.method=="ward") Fx <- sum(rowSums((matrix(tmpX[lookX[[kx]],],ncol=ncol(tmpX),byrow=TRUE) - matrix(rep(c(xcen),nx2),ncol=ncol(tmpX),byrow=TRUE))^2,na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)
		for(ky in 1:ny) {
		ny2 <- length(lookY[[ky]])
		if(is.element(linkage.method,c("ward","median","centroid"))) ycen <- matrix(colMeans(matrix(tmpY[lookY[[ky]],],ncol=ncol(tmpY),byrow=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE), ncol=ncol(tmpY), byrow=TRUE)
		if(linkage.method == "ward") {
		   Fy <- sum(rowSums((matrix(tmpY[lookY[[ky]],],ncol=ncol(tmpY),byrow=TRUE) - matrix(rep(c(ycen),ny2),ncol=ncol(tmpY),byrow=TRUE))^2,na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)
		   xycen <- matrix(colMeans(rbind(tmpX[lookX[[kx]],],tmpY[lookY[[ky]],]),na.rm=TRUE), ncol=ncol(tmpX), byrow=TRUE)
		   Fxy <- sum(rowSums((rbind(tmpX[lookX[[kx]],],tmpY[lookY[[ky]],]) - matrix(rep(c(xycen),nx2+ny2),ncol=ncol(tmpX),byrow=TRUE))^2,na.rm=TRUE),na.rm=TRUE)
		   look[kx,ky] <- Fxy - Fx - Fy
		} else if(is.element(linkage.method,c("median","centroid"))) {
		   if(linkage.method=="median") {
		      if(i>1 & kx == 1) xcen <- XclustObjent[[i]]
		      if(j>1 & ky == 1) ycen <- YclustObjent[[i]]
		   look[kx,ky] <- sqrt(sum((xcen - ycen)^2,na.rm=TRUE))
		} else if(is.element(linkage.method,c("single","complete","average"))) {
		   ind <- cbind(rep(1:nx2,ny2),rep(1:ny2,each=nx2))
		   adist <- zDiss[cbind(lookX[[kx]][ind[,1]],lookY[[ky]][ind[,2]])]
		   if(linkage.method=="single") look[kx,ky] <- min(adist,na.rm=TRUE)
		   else if(linkage.method=="complete") look[kx,ky] <- max(adist,na.rm=TRUE)
		   else if(linkage.method=="average") look[kx,ky] <- mean(adist,na.rm=TRUE)
		} # end of inner-inner for 'ky' double loop.
	      } # end of for 'kx' and 'ky' double loop.
	      if((i>1) & j==1) ICdists[[i]] <- list()
	      ICdists[[i]][[j]] <- look
	      minICdists <- c(minICdists, min(look,na.rm=TRUE))
	} # end of inner for 'j' loop.
    } # end of outer for 'i' loop.
    if(verbose) cat("\n")
    out$inter.cluster.dist <- ICdists
    out$min.intercluster.dists <- minICdists

    class(out) <- "clusterer"
} # end of 'clusterer.default' function.

print.clusterer <- function(x, ...) {

    a <- attributes(x)
    if(!is.null(a$msg)) cat(a$msg, "\n")
    cat("\n", "Cluster Analysis performed.\n")

} # end of 'print.clusterer' function.

summary.clusterer <- function(object, ...) {
   out <- object
   args <- list(...)
   if(is.null(args$z)) z <- 1
   else z <- args$z
   if(is.null(args$sigma)) sigma <- sqrt(var(object$min.intercluster.dists,na.rm=TRUE))
   else sigma <- args$sigma
   if(is.null(args$silent)) silent <- FALSE
   else silent <- TRUE
   medio <- quantile(object$min.intercluster.dists,probs=0.5)
   u <- medio + z*sigma
   if(!silent) {
	a <- attributes(object)
        if(!is.null(a$msg)) cat(a$msg, "\n")
	cat("\n", "Matched clusters determined by clusters whose inter-cluster distance is < ", u, "\n")
   out$cutoff <- u
   NCf <- object$NCf
   NCo <- object$NCo
   if(!silent) {
	cat("\n", "Number of forecast objects at each iteration of CA:\n")
	cat("\n", "Number of verification objects at each iteration of CA:\n")
   NCf <- max(NCf)
   NCo <- max(NCo)
   HMFtab <- array(NA, dim=c(NCo,NCf,3))
   AvgErr <- matrix(NA, NCo, NCf)
   ICDs <- object$inter.cluster.dist
   for(i in 1:NCo) {
	for(j in 1:NCf) {
	   hold <- ICDs[[i]][[j]]
	   hdim <- dim(hold)
	   if(all(hold > u)) {
		HMFtab[i,j,1] <- 0
		HMFtab[i,j,2] <- hdim[1]
		HMFtab[i,j,3] <- hdim[2]
	   } else {
	      hit <- 0
	      xhold <- cbind(rep(1:hdim[1],hdim[2]),rep(1:hdim[2],each=hdim[1]))
	      hold <- cbind(xhold,c(hold))
	      look0 <- numeric(0)
	      done <- FALSE
	      while(!done) {
		if(is.null(dim(hold))) done <- TRUE
		else if(all(hold[,3]>u)) {
		   HMFtab[i,j,2] <- length(unique(hold[,1]))
		   HMFtab[i,j,3] <- length(unique(hold[,2]))
		   done <- TRUE
		} else {
		   hit <- hit+1
		   look0 <- c(look0, c(hold[hold[,3]==min(hold[,3]),3])[1])
		   hold2 <- (1:dim(hold)[1])[hold[,3]==min(hold[,3])]
		   hold <- hold[-hold2,]
	      } # end of while '!done' loop.
	      HMFtab[i,j,1] <- hit
	      AvgErr[i,j] <- mean(look0, na.rm=TRUE)
	   } # end of if else any small enough distances stmts.
	} # end of for 'j' loop.
   } # end of for 'i' loop.
   csifun <- function(x) x[1]/sum(x)
   csi <- apply(HMFtab,1:2,csifun)
   if(!silent) {
	cat("\n", "Critical Success Index for each number of verification (row) and forecast (column) objects:\n")
   out$csi <- csi
   out$HMF <- HMFtab
   out$AvgErr <- AvgErr
   class(out) <- "summary.clusterer"
} # end of 'summary.clusterer' function.

plot.clusterer <- function(x, ..., mfrow = c(1, 2), col=c("gray", tim.colors(64)), horizontal=FALSE) {

    a <- attributes(x)
    loc.byrow <- a$loc.byrow

    if( !is.null( mfrow ) ) {

	op <- par()
	par( mfrow = mfrow, oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0) )


    X <- x$data$X
    Y <- x$data$Xhat

    X[X<x$threshold[1]] <- 0
    Y[Y<x$threshold[2]] <- 0

    zl <- range(c(c(X),c(Y)),finite=TRUE)

    if(!is.null(a$projection)) proj <- a$projection
    else proj <- FALSE

    if(!is.null(a$map)) domap <- a$map
    else domap <- FALSE

    xd <- a$xdim

    if(proj) {
	loc <- list(x=matrix(a$loc[,1], xd[1], xd[2], byrow=loc.byrow),
		    y=matrix(a$loc[,2], xd[1], xd[2], byrow=loc.byrow))

    if(domap) {
	locr <- apply(a$loc, 2, range, finite=TRUE)
	ax <- list(x=pretty(round(a$loc[,1], digits=2)), y=pretty(round(a$loc[,2], digits=2)))

    if(length(a$data.name) == 3) dn <- a$data.name[-1]
    else dn <- a$data.name

    mainX <- paste(dn[1], "\n(Threshold = ", a$threshold[1], ")", sep="")
    mainY <- paste(dn[2], "\n(Threshold = ", a$threshold[2], ")", sep="")

    if(domap) {

	if(proj) {
	    map(xlim=locr[,1], ylim=locr[,2], type="n")
	    axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	    axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)
	    poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, X, add=TRUE, col=col, zlim=zl, main=mainX)
	    map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
	    map(add=TRUE, database="state")

	    map(xlim=locr[,1], ylim=locr[,2], type="n")
	    axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	    axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)
	    poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, Y, add=TRUE, col=col, zlim=zl, main=mainY)
	    map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
            map(add=TRUE, database="state")
	} else {
	    map(xlim=locr[,1], ylim=locr[,2], type="n")
	    axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	    axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)
	    image(as.image(X, nx=xd[1], ny=xd[2], x=a$loc, na.rm=TRUE), add=TRUE, col=col, zlim=zl, main=mainX)
	    map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
            map(add=TRUE, database="state")

	    map(xlim=locr[,1], ylim=locr[,2], type="n")
	    axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	    axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)
            image(as.image(Y, nx=xd[1], ny=xd[2], x=a$loc, na.rm=TRUE), add=TRUE, col=col, zlim=zl, main=mainY)
            map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
            map(add=TRUE, database="state")

    } else {
	if(proj) {

	    poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, X, col=col, zlim=zl, main=mainX)
	    poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, Y, col=col, zlim=zl, main=mainY)

	} else {

	    image(X, col=col, zlim=zl, main=mainX)
      	    image(Y, col=col, zlim=zl, main=mainY)

    } # end of if else 'domap' stmts.  
   image.plot(Y, col=col, zlim=zl, legend.only=TRUE, horizontal=horizontal)

   plot(x$cluster.objects$X, xlab="")
   plot(x$cluster.objects$Y, xlab="")
   hist(x$min.intercluster.dists, col="darkblue", xlab="Minimum inter-cluster distances \n(between fields)", breaks="FD", main="")
   args <- list(...)
   if(is.null(args$silent)) res <- summary( x, silent = TRUE, ... ) 
   else res <- summary( x, ... )

   res$par.set <- TRUE

    if( !is.null( mfrow ) ) {

        if(!is.null(a$msg)) {

	    mtext( a$msg, line = 0.05, outer = TRUE)


	par( mfrow = op$mfrow, oma = op$oma )

    } # end of if 'mfrow' not null stmt.


} # end of 'plot.clusterer' function.

plot.summary.clusterer <- function(x, ...) {
   NCo <- max(x$NCo)
   NCf <- max(x$NCf)
   MF <- cbind(c(x$HMF[,,1]), c(x$HMF[,,2]),c(x$HMF[,,3]))
   colnames(MF) <- c("Hit", "Miss", "False \nAlarm")
   if(!is.null(x$trans)) {
	if(x$trans=="identity") m1 <- "Average Matched Object Error"
	else m1 <- paste("Average Error for matched objects \n(", x$trans, " transformed)", sep="")
   } else m1 <- "Average Matched Object Error"
   if(is.null(x$par.set)) par(mfrow=c(1,3))
   boxplot(MF, col="darkblue", notch=TRUE, main="Across Scales")
   image(x$csi, col=c("gray",tim.colors(64)), xlab="Number of Verification Objects", ylab="Number of Forecast objects", main="CSI", zlim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE) 
   axis(1, at=seq(0,1,,NCo), labels=1:NCo)
   axis(2, at=seq(0,1,,NCf), labels=1:NCf)
   image.plot(x$csi, col=c("gray",tim.colors(64)), legend.only=TRUE, zlim=c(0,1))
   image(x$AvgErr, col=c("gray",tim.colors(64)), xlab="Number of Verification Objects", ylab="Number of Forecast objects", main=m1, axes=FALSE)
   axis(1, at=seq(0,1,,NCo), labels=1:NCo)
   axis(2, at=seq(0,1,,NCf), labels=1:NCf)
   image.plot(x$AvgErr, col=c("gray",tim.colors(64)), legend.only=TRUE)
} # end of 'plot.summary.clusterer' function.

MakeClusterList <- function(x) {
   n <- dim(x$merge)[1]+1
   out <- list()
   for(i in 1:n) {
	look <- as.numeric(cutree(x,k=n-i+1))
	m <- length(unique(look))
	look <- cbind(1:n,look)
	out[[i]] <- list()
	for(j in 1:m) out[[i]][[j]] <- c(look[look[,2]==j,1])
   } # end of for 'i' loop.
} # end of 'MakeClusterList' function.

CSIsamples <- function(x, ...) {
    UseMethod("CSIsamples", x)
} # end of 'CSIsamples' function.

CSIsamples.SpatialVx <- function(x, ..., time.point=1, obs = 1, model=1, nbr.csi.samples = 100,
                   threshold = 20, k = 100, width = 25, stand=TRUE,
                   z.mult = 0, hit.threshold = 0.1, max.csi.clust = 100,
                   diss.metric="euclidean", linkage.method="average", verbose=FALSE) {

    a <- attributes(x)
    TheCall <- match.call()

    ## Begin: Get the data sets
    dat <- datagrabber(x, time.point = time.point, obs = obs, model = model)

    X <- dat$X
    Xhat <- dat$Xhat
    ## End: Get the data sets

    out <- CSIsamples.default(x=X, ..., xhat=Xhat, nbr.csi.samples=nbr.csi.samples,
				threshold=threshold, k=k, width=width, stand=stand,
				z.mult=z.mult, hit.threshold=hit.threshold,
				max.csi.clust=max.csi.clust, diss.metric=diss.metric,
				linkage.method=linkage.method, verbose=verbose)

    attr(out, "time.point") <- time.point
    attr(out, "model") <- model

    attr(out, "data.name") <- c(a$data.name, a$obs.name[ obs ], a$model.name[ model ] )

    attr(out, "xdim") <- a$xdim
    attr(out, "msg") <- a$msg
    out$call <- TheCall

    return( out )

} # end of 'CSIsamples.SpatialVx' function.

CSIsamples.default <- function(x, ..., xhat, nbr.csi.samples = 100,
                   threshold = 20, k = 100, width = 25, stand=TRUE,
                   z.mult = 0, hit.threshold = 0.1, max.csi.clust = 100,
                   diss.metric="euclidean", linkage.method="average", verbose=FALSE) {

  ## Internal functions
    X <- x
    Y <- xhat
  out <- list()
  data.name <- c(as.character(substitute(X)),as.character(substitute(Y))) 
  names(data.name) <- c("verification","forecast")
  out$data.name <- data.name
  out$call <- match.call()

  ## convert and threshold the image
  convert.image <- function(raw.file, threshold = 0) {
        mat <- as.matrix(raw.file)
        dims <- dim(mat)
        res <- matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = dims[1]*dims[2])
        res[,1] <- rep(1:dims[2], rep(dims[1], dims[2]))
        res[,2] <- rep(1:dims[1], dims[2])
        res[,3] <- as.vector(mat)
        res <- res[res[,3] > threshold,]
        if(!is.matrix(res)) res <- matrix(res, ncol = 3)
   } # end of internal 'convert.image' function.

 ## standardize the two files, separately for each dimension
 ## return a list object with the revised data matrices
 stdize.xyz <- function(raw.file1, raw.file2, threshold = 0, stand=TRUE) {
        conv1 <- convert.image(raw.file1, threshold)
        conv2 <- convert.image(raw.file2, threshold)
        # nrows <- nrow(conv1)+nrow(conv2)
	if(stand) {
           stdze.mean <- colMeans(rbind(conv1, conv2))
           stdze.sd <- apply(rbind(conv1, conv2), 2, sd)
           for (i in 1:ncol(conv1)){
	      conv1[,i] <- (conv1[,i] - stdze.mean[i])/stdze.sd[i]
	      conv2[,i] <- (conv2[,i] - stdze.mean[i])/stdze.sd[i]
	} # end of if 'stand' stmt.
        return(list(std.table1 = conv1, std.table2 = conv2))
   } # end of internal 'stdize.xyz' function.

   ## Sample points from a single dataframe with cluster assignments
   sample.pts <- function(orig.pts, clust.assign, width) {
        n <- nrow(orig.pts)
        resample <- function(x, size, ...) {
           if(length(x) == 1) out <- rep(x, size)
           else out <- sample(x, size, ...)
        } # end of internal-internal 'resample' function.
        #Likely faster to use sapply, but less understandable
        new.data <- matrix(0, nrow = max(clust.assign), ncol = dim(orig.pts)[2]*width)
        for (i in 1:(max(clust.assign))){
           row.sample <- resample((1:n)[clust.assign == i], size = width, rep = T)
           new.data[i,] <- as.vector(orig.pts[row.sample,])
        } # end of for 'i' loop.
   } # end of internal 'sample.pts' function.

  generate.sample.csi <- function(nbr.clusts, orig.pts, clust.assign, width, source.lab, toss.out, diss.metric, linkage.method, verbose) {
        point.sample <- sample.pts(orig.pts, clust.assign, width)
        h <- dist(point.sample, method=diss.metric)
        sampled.cluster <- hclust(h, method=linkage.method)
        temp.cutree <- cutree(sampled.cluster, 1:nbr.clusts)
        point.count <- tapply(source.lab, list(clust.assign, source.lab), length)
        if (ncol(point.count) == 1) {
           if (source.lab[1] == 0) point.count <- cbind(point.count, 0)
           else point.count <- cbind(rep(0, nrow(point.count)), point.count)
        } else {
           point.count[is.na(point.count[,1]),1] <- 0
           point.count[is.na(point.count[,2]),2] <- 0
        csi.scores <- NULL
        for (i in 1:nbr.clusts){
           if(verbose) cat(i, " ")
           temp.sums <- t(sapply(1:i, function(m) if(sum(temp.cutree[,i] == m) == 1) point.count[temp.cutree[,i] == m,] else colSums(point.count[temp.cutree[,i] == m,]), simplify=TRUE))
           temp.raw.scores <- temp.sums[,2]/(temp.sums[,2]+temp.sums[,1])
           csi.scores <- c(csi.scores, mean(abs(temp.raw.scores-.5) < .5 - toss.out))
        } # end of for 'i' loop.
        if(verbose) cat("\n")
   } # end of internal 'generate.sample.csi' internal function.

  #rough check of inputs
  stopifnot(is.data.frame(Y) || is.matrix(Y),
    z.mult >= 0, (hit.threshold >=0 || hit.threshold <= 0.5),
    max.csi.clust >= 1, max.csi.clust <= k)

  #check of dimension of the tables
  stopifnot(nrow(Y) == nrow(X) || ncol(Y) == ncol(X))

  #create standardized matrices; list object of length 2
  std.data <- stdize.xyz(Y, X, threshold, stand=stand)
  min.pts <- min(c(nrow(std.data[[1]]), nrow(std.data[[2]])))

  #check if there are at least enough rows for kmeans step
  if(min.pts <= k) stop(paste("CSIsamples: There may not be enough valid post-threshold points (", min.pts, ") compared to k (", k, ")",  sep=""))

  #warn if data guarantees misses for at least some clusters.
  if(verbose) {
  if (min.pts < max.csi.clust){
        if(verbose) cat("Note: the minimum number of points from the two files is less \nthan the max CSI cluster; this guarantees a zero CSI for some clusters.\n")
  } # end of if 'verbose' stmts.

  #calculation steps

  #create labels to identify the forecast and observation tables
  labs.fore <- rep(0, nrow(std.data[[1]]))
  labs.obs <- rep(1, nrow(std.data[[2]]))

  source.lab <- c(labs.fore, labs.obs)
  all.data <- rbind(std.data[[1]], std.data[[2]])

  if(verbose) cat("Applying scaling factor.\n")
  all.data[,3] <- all.data[,3]*z.mult

  if(verbose) cat("Finding K-means cluster assignments\n")
  init.assign <- kmeans(all.data, k)$cluster

  if(verbose) cat("Computing the appropriate number of CSI values.\n")
  results <- replicate(nbr.csi.samples, generate.sample.csi(max.csi.clust, all.data, init.assign,
                        width, source.lab, hit.threshold, diss.metric=diss.metric, linkage.method=linkage.method, verbose=verbose))
  results <- as.data.frame(results, row.names = 1:max.csi.clust)
  names(results) <- paste("sample", 1:nbr.csi.samples, sep = "")
  out$results <- results
  class(out) <- "CSIsamples"


} # end of 'CSIsamples.default' function.

summary.CSIsamples <- function(object, ...) {

   out <- object
   args <- list(...)
   if(is.null(args$silent)) silent <- FALSE
   else silent <- args$silent
   csi <- rowMeans(object$results, na.rm=TRUE)
   out$csi <- csi
   if(!silent) {
	cat("\n", "Sample average CSI by number of clusters:\n")
 	tmp <- matrix(csi, nrow=1)
	colnames(tmp) <- 1:length(csi)
   class(out) <- "summary.CSIsamples"
} # end of 'summary.CSIsamples' function.

plot.CSIsamples <- function(x, ...) {
    y <- summary(x, silent=TRUE)
    plot(y, ...)
} # end of 'plot.CSIsamples' function.

plot.summary.CSIsamples <- function(x, ...) {
    a <- attributes(x)
    if(!is.null(a$data.name) && length(a$data.name) == 2) m1 <- paste(a$data.name[1], " vs ", a$data.name[2], sep="")
    else if(!is.null(a$data.name) && length(a$data.name) == 3) m1 <- paste(a$data.name[2], " vs ", a$data.name[3], sep="")
    else if(!is.null(x$data.name)) m1 <- paste(x$data.name[1], " vs ", x$data.name[2], sep="")
    plot(x$csi, type="l", ylim=c(0,1), main=m1, xlab="Number of Clusters", ylab="CSI", lwd=1.5)
} # end of 'plot.summary.CSIsamples' function.

print.CSIsamples <- function(x, ...) {
    a <- attributes(x)
    if(!is.null(a$msg)) {
	cat("\n", a$msg, "\n")
    d <- dim(x$results)
    if(!is.null(d)) cat("\n", d[2], " samples of ", d[1], "\n")
} # end of 'print.CSIsamples' function.

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