
Defines functions bearing plot.FeatureMatchAnalyzer summary.FeatureMatchAnalyzer print.FeatureMatchAnalyzer FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.deltamm FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.centmatch FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched FeatureMatchAnalyzer summary.FeatureAxis plot.FeatureAxis FeatureAxis FeatureComps FeatureProps MergeIdentifier centmatch print.matched centdist plot.saller summary.saller print.saller saller disjointer plot.summary.features plot.features print.features summary.features summary.matched

Documented in bearing centdist centmatch disjointer FeatureAxis FeatureComps FeatureMatchAnalyzer FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.centmatch FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.deltamm FeatureProps MergeIdentifier plot.FeatureAxis plot.FeatureMatchAnalyzer plot.features plot.saller plot.summary.features print.FeatureMatchAnalyzer print.features print.matched print.saller saller summary.FeatureAxis summary.FeatureMatchAnalyzer summary.features summary.matched summary.saller

summary.matched <- function(object, ...) {

    x <- object
    class( x ) <- "features"
    out <- summary( x )

    invisible( out )

} # end of 'summary.matched' function.

summary.features <- function(object,...) {

    args <- list(...)
    a <- attributes(object)

    if(is.null(args$silent)) silent <- FALSE
    else silent <- args$silent

    X <- object$X.feats
    Y <- object$Y.feats

    out <- list()
    b <- a
    b$names <- NULL
    attributes(out) <- b

    n <- length(X)
    m <- length(Y)

    if(!is.null(object$Xhat)) {
	Im1 <- object$X
	Im2 <- object$Xhat
	holdX <- matrix(NA, n, 7)
        holdY <- matrix(NA, m, 7)
        colnames(holdX) <- colnames(holdY) <- c("centroidX", "centroidY", "area", "OrientationAngle", "AspectRatio",
                                                "Intensity0.25", "Intensity0.9")
	wpr <- c("centroid", "area", "axis", "intensity")
	do.int <- TRUE
    } else {
	Im1 <- Im2 <- NULL
	holdX <- matrix(NA, n, 5)
        holdY <- matrix(NA, m, 5)
        colnames(holdX) <- colnames(holdY) <- c("centroidX", "centroidY", "area", "OrientationAngle", "AspectRatio")
	wpr <- c("centroid", "area", "axis")
	do.int <- FALSE

    for(i in 1:n) {

      tmp <- FeatureProps(X[[i]], Im=Im1, which.props=wpr, loc = a$loc)
      holdX[i,1:2] <- c(tmp$centroid$x, tmp$centroid$y)
      holdX[i,3] <- tmp$area
      if(!is.null(c(tmp$axis$OrientationAngle$MajorAxis))) holdX[i,4] <- c(tmp$axis$OrientationAngle$MajorAxis)
      if(!is.null(tmp$axis$aspect.ratio)) holdX[i,5] <- tmp$axis$aspect.ratio
      if(do.int) holdX[i,6:7] <- c(tmp$intensity)


    for(i in 1:m) {

      tmp <- FeatureProps(Y[[i]], Im=Im2, which.props=wpr, loc = a$loc)
      holdY[i,1:2] <- c(tmp$centroid$x, tmp$centroid$y)
      holdY[i,3] <- tmp$area
      if(!is.null(c(tmp$axis$OrientationAngle$MajorAxis))) holdY[i,4] <- c(tmp$axis$OrientationAngle$MajorAxis)
      if(!is.null(tmp$axis$aspect.ratio)) holdY[i,5] <- tmp$axis$aspect.ratio
      if(do.int) holdY[i,6:7] <- c(tmp$intensity)


    if(!silent) {
	cat("\n", "Verification field (", object$data.name[1], ") feature properties:\n")
	cat("\n", "Forecast field (", object$data.name[2], ") feature properties:\n")
    out$X <- holdX
    out$Y <- holdY
    class(out) <- "summary.features"


} # end of 'summary.features' function.

print.features <- function(x, ...) {

    a <- attributes(x)

    print( a$call )


    if(length(a$data.name) == 3) {
	vxname <- a$data.name[2]
	fcstname <- a$data.name[3]
    } else {
	vxname <- a$data.name[1]
	fcstname <- a$data.name[2]


    cat("\n", length(x$X.feats), " ", vxname, " features identified.\n")
    cat(length(x$Y.feats), " ", fcstname, " features identified.\n")

    if( !is.null( x$thresholds ) ) {

	cat("Thresholds used are:\n" )
	print( x$thresholds )



} # end of 'print.features' function.

plot.features <- function(x, ..., type = c("both", "obs", "model")) {

    type <- tolower(type)
    type <- match.arg(type)

    if(type == "both") par(mfrow = c(1,2), oma = c(0,0,2,0))

    a <- attributes(x)
    loc.byrow <- a$loc.byrow

    if(length(a$data.name) == 3) {

        vxname <- a$data.name[2]
        fcstname <- a$data.name[3]

    } else {

        vxname <- a$data.name[1]
        fcstname <- a$data.name[2]


    X <- x$X.labeled
    Y <- x$Y.labeled
    m <- max(c(c(X),c(Y)),na.rm=TRUE)

    icol <- c("white", rainbow(m))
    zl <- c(0,m)

    domap <- a$map
    proj <- a$projection
    xd <- a$xdim

    if(domap) {

	locr <- apply(a$loc, 2, range, finite=TRUE)
	ax <- list(x=pretty(round(a$loc[,1], digits=2)), y=pretty(round(a$loc[,2], digits=2)))


    if(proj) loc <- list(x=matrix(a$loc[,1], xd[1], xd[2], byrow=loc.byrow),
		    y=matrix(a$loc[,2], xd[1], xd[2], byrow=loc.byrow))
    if(domap) {

	if(proj) {

	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "obs"))) {

	        map(xlim=locr[,1], ylim=locr[,2], type="n")
	        axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	        axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)

	        poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, X, col=icol, add=TRUE, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", zlim=zl)

	        map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
	        map(add=TRUE, database="state")


	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "model"))) {

	        map(xlim=locr[,1], ylim=locr[,2], type = "n")
	        axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	        axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)

                poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, Y, col = icol, add=TRUE, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", zlim=zl)

                map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
                map(add=TRUE, database="state")


	} else {

	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "obs"))) {

	        map(xlim=locr[,1], ylim=locr[,2], type="n")
	        axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	        axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)

	        image(as.image(X, nx=xd[1], ny=xd[2], x=a$loc), col = icol, add=TRUE,
		    xaxt="n", yaxt="n", zlim=zl)

	        map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
                map(add=TRUE, database="state")


	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "model"))) {

	        map(xlim=locr[,1], ylim=locr[,2], type="n")
	        axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	        axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)

	        image(as.image(Y, nx=xd[1], ny=xd[2], x=a$loc), col = icol, add=TRUE,
		    xaxt="n", yaxt="n", zlim=zl)

	        map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
                map(add=TRUE, database="state")



    } else {

	if(proj) {

	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "obs"))) {

	        poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, X, col = icol, main=vxname, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", zlim=zl)


	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "model"))) {

	        poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, Y, col = icol, main=fcstname, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", zlim=zl)


	} else {

	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "obs"))) {

                image(X, col = icol, main=vxname, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", zlim=zl)


	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "model"))) {

                image(Y, col = icol, main=fcstname, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", zlim=zl)



    image.plot(Y, col = icol, zlim=zl, legend.only=TRUE, ...)

    if(type == "both" && !is.null(a$msg)) {

        mtext(a$msg, line=0.05, outer=TRUE)



} # end of 'plot.features' function.

plot.summary.features <- function(x, ...) {

   X <- x$X
   Y <- x$Y

   n <- dim(X)[1]
   m <- dim(Y)[1]
   k <- dim(X)[2]

   goodX <- sum(!is.na(X[,"OrientationAngle"]),na.rm=TRUE) > 2
   goodY <- sum(!is.na(Y[,"OrientationAngle"]),na.rm=TRUE) > 2

   if(k == 5) par(mfrow=c(2,2))
   else par(mfrow=c(4,2))
   hist(X[,"area"], col = "darkblue", breaks="FD", main="Verification \nFeature Area", xlab="area")
   hist(Y[,"area"], col = "darkorange", breaks="FD", main="Forecast \nFeature Area", xlab="area")

   if(goodX & goodY) {

	plot(X[,"OrientationAngle"], X[,"AspectRatio"], pch=19, col = "darkblue",
	    xlab="Major Axis Orientation Angle", ylab="Aspect Ratio")

   	points(Y[,"OrientationAngle"], Y[,"AspectRatio"], pch=19, col="darkorange")

   	legend("topright", legend=c("Verification", "Forecast"), pch=19, col=c("darkblue", "darkorange"), bty="n")

   if(k==7) {
	hist(X[,"Intensity0.25"], col="darkblue", breaks="FD", main="Verification Feature \nIntensity (lower quartile)",
	hist(X[,"Intensity0.9"], col="darkblue", breaks="FD", main="Verification Feature \nIntensity (0.9 quartile)",
	hist(Y[,"Intensity0.25"], col="darkblue", breaks="FD", main="Forecast Feature \nIntensity (lower quartile)",
        hist(Y[,"Intensity0.9"], col="darkblue", breaks="FD", main="Forecast Feature \nIntensity (0.9 quartile)",

    xl <- range(c(X[,"centroidX"],Y[,"centroidX"]), finite=TRUE)
    yl <- range(c(X[,"centroidY"],Y[,"centroidY"]), finite=TRUE)

    plot(X[,"centroidX"], X[,"centroidY"], pch=19, col="darkblue", xlim=xl, ylim=yl, xlab="", ylab="",
	main="Feature centroids")
    points(Y[,"centroidX"], Y[,"centroidY"], pch=19, col="darkorange")
    legend("topright", legend=c("Verification", "Forecast"), pch=19, col=c("darkblue", "darkorange"))

} # end of 'plot.summary.features' function.

disjointer <- function(x, method="C") {
   x[ x==0] <- NA
   if(any(!is.na(x))) {
	out <- as.im( x)
   	out <- connected(X=out, method=method)
   	out <- tiles(tess(image=out))
   } else out <- NULL
   return( out)
} # end of 'disjointer' function.

# threshfac <- function(object, fac=0.06666667, q=0.95, wash.out=NULL, thresh=NULL, idfun="disjointer",
#     time.point=1, model=1, ...) {
#     theCall <- match.call()
#     a <- attributes(object)
#     ## Begin: Get the data sets
#     if(!missing(time.point) && !missing(model)) dat <- datagrabber(object, time.point=time.point, model=model)
#     else if(!missing(time.point)) dat <- datagrabber(object, time.point=time.point)
#     else if(!missing(model)) dat <- datagrabber(object, model=model)
#     else dat <- datagrabber(object)
#     X <- dat$X
#     Y <- dat$Xhat
#     ## End: Get the data sets
#     xdim <- a$xdim
#     Ix <- Iy <- matrix(0, xdim[1], xdim[2])
#     if(is.null(thresh)) {
# 	if(is.null(wash.out)){
# 	   thresh <- quantile(c(X), probs=q)
# 	   thresh <- c(thresh, quantile(c(Y), probs=q))
# 	} else {
# 	   thresh <- quantile(c(X[X >= wash.out]), probs=q)
# 	   thresh <- c(thresh, quantile(c(Y[Y >= wash.out]), probs=q))
# 	}
# 	thresh <- thresh * fac
#     } else if(length(thresh) == 1) thresh <- c(thresh, thresh)
#     Ix[X >= thresh[1]] <- 1
#     Iy[Y >= thresh[2]] <- 1
#     X.feats <- do.call(idfun, c(list(x=Ix), list(...)))
#     Y.feats <- do.call(idfun, c(list(x=Iy), list(...)))
#     Xlab <- Ylab <- matrix(0, xdim[1], xdim[2])
#     if(!is.null(X.feats)) for( i in 1:length( X.feats)) Xlab[X.feats[[i]][["m"]]] <- i
#     else X.feats <- NULL
#     if(!is.null(Y.feats)) for( j in 1:length( Y.feats)) Ylab[Y.feats[[j]][["m"]]] <- j
#     else Y.feats <- NULL
#     # if(is.null(X.feats)) warning("threshfac: No values above threshold in verification field.")
#     # if(is.null(Y.feats)) warning("threshfac: No values above threshold in forecast field.")
#     out <- list()
#     attributes(out) <- a
#     out$X <- X
#     out$Xhat <- Y
#     out$X.feats <- X.feats
#     out$Y.feats <- Y.feats
#     out$X.labeled <- Xlab
#     out$Y.labeled <- Ylab
#     out$identifier.function <- "threshfac"
#     out$identifier.label <- "Threshold"
#     names( thresh ) <- c( "Observed", "Forecast" )
#     out$threshold <- thresh
#     attr(out, "time.point") <- time.point
#     attr(out, "model") <- model
#     if(length(a$data.name) == a$nforecast + 2) {
#         dn <- a$data.name[-(1:2)]
#         vxname <- a$data.name[1:2]
#     } else {
#         dn <- a$data.name[-1]
#         vxname <- a$data.name[1]
#     }
#     if(!is.numeric(model)) model.num <- (1:a$nforecast)[dn == model]
#     else model.num <- model
#     attr(out, "data.name") <- c(vxname, dn[model.num])
#     attr( out, "call") <- theCall
#     class(out) <- "features"
#     return(out)
# } # end of 'threshfac' function.

saller <- function(x, d=NULL, distfun = "rdist", ...) {

    out <- list()
    a <- attributes(x)
    if(!is.null(a$names)) a$names <- NULL
    attributes(out) <- a

    tmp <- x

    y <- tmp$Y.feats
    x <- tmp$X.feats

    binX <- im(tmp$X.labeled)
    binX <- solutionset(binX > 0)
    binY <- im(tmp$Y.labeled)
    binY <- solutionset(binY > 0)

    # The verification set (images).
    X <- tmp$X
    Y <- tmp$Xhat

    xdim <- dim(X)

    # Amplitude
    DomRmod <- mean(Y,na.rm=TRUE)
    DomRobs <- mean(X,na.rm=TRUE)
    A <- 2*(DomRmod - DomRobs)/(DomRmod + DomRobs)
    out$A <- A

    # Location
    if(is.null(d)) d <- max(xdim, na.rm=TRUE)

    num <- centdist(binY,binX, distfun = distfun, loc = a$loc, ...)

    cenX <- imomenter( tmp$X )$centroid
    cenXhat <- imomenter( tmp$Xhat )$centroid
    numOrig <- sqrt( (cenX[ 1 ] - cenXhat[ 1 ])^2 + (cenX[ 2 ] - cenXhat[ 2 ])^2 )

    L1.alt = num/d
    L1 = numOrig / d

    intRamt = function(id,x) return(sum(x[id$m],na.rm=TRUE))

    RnMod = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(y, intRamt, x=Y)))
    RnObs = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(x, intRamt, x=X)))

    xRmodN = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(y, centdist, y=binY)))
    xRobsN = as.numeric(unlist(lapply(x, centdist, y=binX)))

    RmodSum = sum( RnMod, na.rm=TRUE)
    RobsSum = sum( RnObs, na.rm=TRUE)

    rmod = sum( RnMod*xRmodN, na.rm=TRUE)/RmodSum
    robs = sum( RnObs*xRobsN, na.rm=TRUE)/RobsSum

    L2 = 2*abs(rmod - robs)/d

    out$L1 = L1
    out$L2 = L2
    out$L  = L1 + L2

    out$L1.alt = L1.alt

    # Structure
    Rmaxer <- function(id, x) return(max(x[id$m], na.rm=TRUE))
    RnMaxMod <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(y, Rmaxer, x=Y)))
    RnMaxObs <- as.numeric(unlist(lapply(x, Rmaxer, x=X)))
    VmodN <- RnMod/RnMaxMod
    VobsN <- RnObs/RnMaxObs
    Vmod <- sum(RnMod*VmodN, na.rm=TRUE)/RmodSum
    Vobs <- sum(RnObs*VobsN, na.rm=TRUE)/RobsSum
    out$S <- 2*(Vmod - Vobs)/(Vmod + Vobs)

    class(out) <- "saller"

} # end of 'saller' function.

print.saller <- function(x, ...) {

    a <- attributes(x)
    cat(a$msg, "\n")
    b <- c(x$S, x$A, x$L)
    names(b) <- c("S", "A", "L")


} # end of 'print.saller' function.

summary.saller <- function(object,...) {

   # args <- list(...)
    a <- attributes(object)

    cat("\n", "Structure Component (S): ", object$S, "\n")
    cat("\n", "Amplitude Component (A): ", object$A, "\n")
    cat("\n", "Location Component (L): ", object$L, "\n")


} # end of 'summary.saller' function.

plot.saller <- function(x, ...) {


} # end of 'plot.saller' function.

centdist <- function(x,y, distfun = "rdist", loc = NULL, ...) {

    # xcen <- centroid.owin(x)
    # ycen <- centroid.owin(y)

    xcen <- FeatureProps(x = x, which.props = "centroid", loc = loc)
    ycen <- FeatureProps(x = y, which.props = "centroid", loc = loc)

    x1 <- matrix(c(xcen$centroid$x, xcen$centroid$y), 1, 2)
    x2 <- matrix(c(ycen$centroid$x, ycen$centroid$y), 1, 2)

    out <- c(do.call(distfun, c(list(x1 = x1, x2 = x2), list(...))))

    # return(sqrt((xcen$x - ycen$x)^2 + (xcen$y - ycen$y)^2))

} # end of 'centdist' function.

# plot.matched <- function( x, ..., type = c("both", "obs", "model") ) {
#     if( !is.null( x$MergeForced ) && x$MergeForced ) {
# 	class( x ) <- "matched.mergeforced"
# 	UseMethod("plot", x)
#     }
#     a <- attributes(x)
#     loc.byrow <- a$loc.byrow
#     args <- list(...)
#     type <- tolower(type)
#     type <- match.arg(type)
#     matches <- x$matches
#     if(!is.null(x$implicit.merges)) mer <- x$implicit.merges
#     else mer <- x$merges
#     xdim <- dim(x$X.labeled)
#     # Need to fill in values for X and Xhat
#     # where integers correspond to the first n
#     # matched objects and n + 1 for all unmatched
#     # objects.
#     if(any(dim(matches) == 0)) {
# 	n <- 0
# 	X <- x$X.labeled
# 	X[X > 0] <- 1
# 	Xhat <- x$Y.labeled
# 	Xhat[Xhat > 0] <- 1
# 	icol <- c("white", "gray")
#     } else {
# 	X <- Xhat <- matrix(0, xdim[1], xdim[2])
#         if(is.null(mer)) { 
# 	    n <- dim(matches)[1]
# 	    for(i in 1:n) {
# 		k <- matches[i,"Observed"]
# 		j <- matches[i, "Forecast"]
# 		look <- x$X.feats[[ k ]]
# 		look <- look$m
# 		X[look] <- i
# 		look <- x$Y.feats[[ j ]]
# 		look <- look$m
# 		Xhat[look] <- i
# 	    } # end of for 'i' loop.
#         } else {
# 	    n <- length(mer)
# 	    for(i in 1:n) {
# 		mi <- mer[[i]] # mi is like matches.
# 		for(jj in 1:dim(mi)[1]) {
# 		    k <- mi[jj, "Observed"]
# 		    j <- mi[jj, "Forecast"]
# 		    look <- x$X.feats[[ k ]]
# 		    look <- look$m
# 		    X[look] <- i
# 		    look <- x$Y.feats[[ j ]]
# 		    look <- look$m
# 		    Xhat[look] <- i
# 		}
# 	    } # end of for 'i' loop.
#         } # end of if else 'implicit.merges/merges' stmts.
# 	oun <- x$unmatched$X
# 	unolen <- length(oun)
# 	fcun <- x$unmatched$Xhat
# 	unflen <- length(fcun)
# 	if(unolen > 0) {
# 	    for(i in 1:unolen) {
# 		look <- x$X.feats[[ oun[i] ]]
# 		look <- look$m
# 		X[look] <- n + 1
# 	    } # end of for 'i' loop.
# 	} # end of if any unmatched observed features stmt.
# 	if(unflen > 0) {
# 	    for(i in 1:unflen) {
# 		look <- x$Y.feats[[ fcun[i] ]]
# 		look <- look$m
# 		Xhat[look] <- n + 1
# 	    } # end of for 'i' loop.
# 	} # end of if any unmatched forecast features stmt.
# 	icol <- c("white", rainbow(n), "gray")
#     } # end of if no matches stmt.
#     if(!is.null(a$data.name)) {
#         dn <- a$data.name
#         if(length(dn) == 3) {
#             vxname <- dn[2]
#             fcstname <- dn[3]
#         } else {
#             vxname <- dn[1]
#             fcstname <- dn[2]
#         }
#         X.name <- paste(vxname, "\nFeature Field", sep="")
#         Xhat.name <- paste(fcstname, "\nFeature Field", sep="")
#     } else {
#             X.name <- "Verification\nFeature Field"
#             Xhat.name <- "Forecast\nFeature Field"
#     } # end of if '!is.null(a$data.name)' stmts.
#     if(type == "both") par(mfrow = c(1, 2), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
#     if (is.null(a$projection)) proj <- FALSE
#     else proj <- a$projection
#     if (is.null(a$map)) domap <- FALSE
#     else domap <- a$map
#     if(proj) loc <- list(x = matrix(a$loc[, 1], xdim[1], xdim[2], byrow = loc.byrow), 
#             		y = matrix(a$loc[, 2], xdim[1], xdim[2], byrow = loc.byrow))
#     zl <- c(0, n + 1)
#     if(domap) {
#         locr <- apply(a$loc, 2, range, finite = TRUE)
#         ax <- list(x = pretty(round(a$loc[, 1], digits = 2)), 
#             	   y = pretty(round(a$loc[, 2], digits = 2)))
# 	if(proj) {
# 	   if(is.element(type, c("both", "obs"))) {
# 	        map(xlim = locr[, 1], ylim = locr[, 2], type = "n")
#                 axis(1, at = ax$x, labels = ax$x)
#                 axis(2, at = ax$y, labels = ax$y)
#                 poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, X, add = TRUE, col = icol, zlim = zl)
#                 map(add = TRUE, lwd = 1.5)
#                 map(add = TRUE, database = "state")
#                 title(X.name)
# 	    }
# 	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "model"))) {
#                 map(xlim = locr[, 1], ylim = locr[, 2], type = "n")
#                 axis(1, at = ax$x, labels = ax$x)
#                 axis(2, at = ax$y, labels = ax$y)
#                 poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, Xhat, add = TRUE, col = icol, zlim = zl)
#                 map(add = TRUE, lwd = 1.5)
#                 map(add = TRUE, database = "state")
#                 title(Xhat.name) 
# 	    }
# 	} else {
# 	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "obs"))) {
# 	        map(xlim = locr[, 1], ylim = locr[, 2], type = "n")
#                 axis(1, at = ax$x, labels = ax$x)
#                 axis(2, at = ax$y, labels = ax$y)
#                 image(as.image(X, nx = xdim[1], ny = xdim[2], x = a$loc, na.rm = TRUE),
# 		    col = icol, zlim = zl, add = TRUE)
#                 map(add = TRUE, lwd = 1.5)
#                 map(add = TRUE, database = "state")
#                 title(X.name)
# 	    }
# 	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "model"))) {
#                 map(xlim = locr[, 1], ylim = locr[, 2], type = "n")
#                 axis(1, at = ax$x, labels = ax$x)
#                 axis(2, at = ax$y, labels = ax$y)
#                 image(as.image(Xhat, nx = xdim[1], ny = xdim[2], x = a$loc, na.rm = TRUE),
# 		    col = icol, zlim = zl, add = TRUE)
#                 map(add = TRUE, lwd = 1.5)
#                 map(add = TRUE, database = "state")
#                 title(Xhat.name)
# 	    }
# 	} # end of if else 'proj' stmt.
#     } else {
# 	if (proj) {
# 	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "obs"))) {
#                 poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, X, add = TRUE, col = icol, zlim = zl)
#                 title(X.name)
# 	    }
# 	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "model"))) {
#                 poly.image(loc$x, loc$y, Xhat, add = TRUE, col = icol, zlim = zl)
#                 title(Xhat.name)
# 	    }
#         } else {
# 	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "obs"))) {
#                 image(X, col = icol, zlim = zl, main = X.name)
# 	    }
# 	    if(is.element(type, c("both", "model"))) {
#                 image(Xhat, col = icol, zlim = zl, main = Xhat.name)
# 	    }
#         } # end of if else 'proj' stmt.
#     } # end of if else 'domap' stmts.
#     image.plot(X, col = icol, zlim = zl, legend.only = TRUE, ...)
#     if(!is.null(a$msg)) {
# 	title("")
# 	mtext(a$msg, line = 0.05, outer = TRUE)
#     }
#     invisible()
# } # end of 'plot.matched' function.

print.matched <- function(x, ...) {

    a <- attributes(x)


    if(!is.null(x$criteria)) {
	if(x$criteria == 1) cat("Distance criteria based on sum of the object sizes.\n")
	else if(x$criteria == 2) cat("Distance criteria based on the average of the object sizes.\n")
	else if(x$criteria == 3) cat("Distance criteria based on a constant threshold given by ", x$const, "\n")


    cat("Matched objects.\n")

    cat("Unmatched Objects.\n")

    if(!is.null(x$implicit.merges)) {

	cat("Objects are not merged, but implicitly defined merges would be:\n")

	for(i in 1:length(x$implicit.merges)) {

	    cat("New object ", i, ":\n")




} # end of 'print.matched' function.

centmatch <- function(x, criteria = 1, const = 14, distfun = "rdist", areafac = 1,
    verbose = FALSE, ...) {

    if( !is(x, "features" ) ) stop( "centmatch: invalid object, x or y type." )

    if( is.null( x$X.feats ) && is.null( x$Y.feats ) ) stop( "centmatch: no features to match!" )
    if( is.null( x$X.feats ) ) stop( "centmatch: no features in verification field to match." )
    if( is.null( x$Y.feats ) ) stop( "centmatch: no features in model field to match." )

    out <- x

    out$match.message <- "Matching based on centroid distances using centmatch function."
    out$match.type <- "centmatch"

    out$criteria <- criteria
    if(criteria == 3) out$const <- const
    else out$const <- NULL

    a <- attributes(x)

    if( distfun == "rdist.earth" ) {

	loc <- a$loc
	if(is.null(loc)) warning("Using rdist.earth, but lon/lat coords are not available. Can pass them as an attribute to x called loc.")

    } else loc <- NULL

    xdim <- dim(x$X.labeled)

    # Get the list of "owin" class objects defining individual features
    # for each field.
    Y <- x$Y.feats
    X <- x$X.feats

    m <- length(Y)
    n <- length(X)

    if(criteria != 3) {

      Ax <- numeric(n)
      Ay <- numeric(m)


    # matrix to hold the centroid distances between each pair of m model and n observed objects.
    Dcent  <- matrix(NA,m,n)

    if(verbose) {

	if(criteria != 3) cat("\n", "Looping through each feature in each field to find the centroid differences.\n")
	else cat("\n", "Looping through each feature in each field to find the areas and centroid differences.\n")


    for(i in 1:m) {

	if(verbose) cat(i, "\n")

	if(criteria != 3) {

	   tmpy <- FeatureProps(x=Y[[i]], which.props=c("centroid", "area"), areafac = areafac, loc = loc)
	   Ay[i] <- sqrt(tmpy$area)

	} else tmpy <- FeatureProps(x=Y[[i]], which.props="centroid", areafac = areafac, loc = loc)

	ycen <- tmpy$centroid

	for(j in 1:n) {

	   if(verbose) cat(j, " ")
	   if(criteria != 3) {

		tmpx <- FeatureProps(x=X[[j]], which.props=c("centroid", "area"), areafac = areafac, loc = loc)
	   	Ax[j] <- sqrt(tmpx$area)

	   } else tmpx <- FeatureProps(x=X[[j]], which.props="centroid", areafac = areafac, loc = loc)

	   xcen <- tmpx$centroid
	   # Dcent[i,j] <- sqrt((xcen$x - ycen$x)^2 + (xcen$y - ycen$y)^2)
	   Dcent[i, j] <- do.call(distfun, c(list(x1 = matrix(c(xcen$x, xcen$y), 1, 2),
					    x2 = matrix(c(ycen$x, ycen$y), 1, 2), ...)))

	} # end of for 'j' loop.

	if(verbose) cat("\n")

    } # end of for 'i' loop.

    if(criteria != 3) {

	Ay <- matrix( rep(Ay,n), m, n)
   	Ax <- matrix( rep(Ax,m), m, n, byrow=TRUE)


    if(criteria == 1) Dcomp <- Ay + Ax
    else if(criteria == 2) Dcomp <- (Ax + Ay)/2
    else if(criteria == 3) Dcomp <- matrix(const,m,n)
    else stop("centmatch: criteria must be 1, 2 or 3.")

    DcompID <- Dcent < Dcomp

    any.matched <- any(DcompID)

    FobjID <- matrix( rep(1:m, n), m, n)
    OobjID <- t(matrix( rep(1:n, m), n, m))

    fmatches <- cbind(c(FobjID)[DcompID], c(OobjID)[DcompID])
    colnames(fmatches) <- c("Forecast", "Observed")

    if(dim(fmatches)[ 1 ] > 1) {

        # Check for multiple object pairs.
        pcheck <- paste(fmatches[,1], fmatches[,2], sep="-")
        dupID <- duplicated(pcheck)
        if(any(dupID)) fmatches <- fmatches[!dupID, , drop = FALSE]

        # Now, put the objects in order according to the forecast objects.
        oID <- order(fmatches[,1])
        fmatches <- fmatches[oID, , drop = FALSE]


    if(is.null(dim(fmatches)) && length(fmatches) == 2) fmatches <- matrix(fmatches, ncol = 2)
    out$matches <- fmatches

    if(any.matched) {

	funmatched <- (1:m)[!is.element(1:m, fmatches[,1])]
	vxunmatched <- (1:n)[!is.element(1:n, fmatches[,2])]

	# Find implicit merges.  That is, objects from one field
	# can be matched multiple times to objects in the other field.
	# While these are not to be considered merged, it might make
	# sense to consider them merged.  Defining those merges here
	# should make things easier later (e.g., when plotting) uses.

	matchlen <- dim(fmatches)[1]
	fuq <- unique(fmatches[,1])
	flen <- length(fuq)
	ouq <- unique(fmatches[,2])
	olen <- length(ouq)

	if(matchlen == flen && matchlen > olen) {

	    if(verbose) cat("Multiple observed features are matched to one or more forecast feature(s).  Determining implicit merges.\n")

	} else if(matchlen > flen && matchlen == olen) {

	    if(verbose) cat("Multiple forecast features are matched to one or more observed feature(s).  Determining implicit merges.\n")

	} else if(matchlen > flen && matchlen > olen) {

	    if(verbose) cat("Multiple matches have been found between features in each field.  Determining implicit merges.\n")

	} else if(matchlen == flen && matchlen == olen) {

	    if(verbose) cat("No multiple matches were found.  Thus, no implicit merges need be considered.\n")

	} # end of if else which fields have multiple matches stmts.

	implicit.merges <- MergeIdentifier(fmatches)

    } else {

	if(verbose) cat("No objects matched.\n")

	implicit.merges <- NULL

	funmatched <- 1:m
	vxunmatched <- 1:n


    out$unmatched <- list(X = vxunmatched, Xhat = funmatched)

    out$implicit.merges <- implicit.merges

    out$criteria.values <- Dcomp
    out$centroid.distances <- Dcent

    out$MergeForced <- FALSE

    class(out) <- "matched"

} # end of 'centmatch' function.

MergeIdentifier <- function(x) {
    if(any(dim(x) == 0)) return(NULL)

    matchlen <- dim(x)[1]
    fuq <- unique(x[,1])
    ouq <- unique(x[,2])

    flen <- length(fuq)
    olen <- length(ouq)

    out <- list()

    if(matchlen == flen && matchlen > olen) for(i in 1:olen) out[[ i ]] <- x[ x[,2] == ouq[ i ], , drop = FALSE]
    else if(matchlen > flen && matchlen == olen) for(i in 1:flen) out[[ i ]] <- x[ x[,1] == fuq[ i ], , drop = FALSE]
    else if(matchlen > flen && matchlen > olen) {

        if(matchlen > 1) {

            idx <- integer(matchlen) + NA
            idx[1] <- 1

            for(i in 2:matchlen) {

                idF <- x[1:(i - 1), 1] == x[i, 1]
                idO <- x[1:(i - 1), 2] == x[i, 2]

                if(any(idF)) idx[i] <- idx[ (1:(i - 1))[idF] ][1]
                else if(any(idO)) idx[i] <- idx[ (1:(i - 1))[idO] ][1]
                else idx[i] <- max(idx[1:(i - 1)], na.rm = TRUE) + 1

            } # end of for 'i' loop.

        } else return(NULL) # just in case...

        for(j in 1:max(idx, na.rm = TRUE)) out[[ j ]] <- x[ idx == j, , drop = FALSE]
    } else if(matchlen == flen && matchlen == olen) return(NULL)


} # end of 'MergeIdentifier' function.

FeatureProps <- function(x, Im = NULL, which.props = c("centroid", "area", "axis", "intensity"),
    areafac = 1, q = c(0.25, 0.90), loc = NULL, ...) {

    out <- list()

    if(is.element("centroid", which.props)) {

        if(is.null(loc)) {

            xd <- dim(x$m)
            loc <- cbind(rep(1:xd[1], xd[2]), rep(1:xd[2], each = xd[1]))


        xcen <- mean(loc[c(x$m), 1], na.rm = TRUE)
        ycen <- mean(loc[c(x$m), 2], na.rm = TRUE)
        centroid <- list(x = xcen, y = ycen)
        # out$centroid <- centroid.owin(x)

        out$centroid <- centroid

    } # end of if find centroid stmt.

    if(is.element("area", which.props)) out$area <- sum(colSums(x$m, na.rm=TRUE), na.rm=TRUE)*areafac

    if(is.element("axis", which.props)) out$axis <- FeatureAxis(x=x,fac=areafac, ...)

    if(is.element("intensity", which.props)) {

	ivec <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(q), nrow=1)
	colnames(ivec) <- as.character(q)
	ivec[1,] <- quantile(c(Im[x$m]), probs=q)
	out$intensity <- ivec



} # end of 'FeatureProps' function.

FeatureComps <- function(Y, X, which.comps=c("cent.dist", "angle.diff", "area.ratio",
					     "int.area", "bdelta", "haus", "ph", 
					     "med", "msd", "fom", "minsep", "bearing"),
		sizefac=1, alpha=0.1, k=4, p=2, c=Inf, distfun="distmapfun", deg=TRUE, aty="compass", loc = NULL, ...) {

   id1 <- is.element(c("cent.dist", "angle.diff", "area.ratio", "int.area", "bearing"), which.comps)
   if(any(id1)) {
	list1 <- character(0)
	if( any(is.element(c("cent.dist","bearing"), which.comps))) list1 <- c(list1, "centroid")
	if( any(is.element(c("area.ratio","int.area"), which.comps))) list1 <- c(list1, "area")
	if( is.element("angle.diff", which.comps)) list1 <- c(list1, "axis")
   id2 <- is.element(c("ph", "med", "msd", "fom", "minsep"), which.comps)
   if(any(id2)) list2 <- c("ph", "med", "msd", "fom", "minsep")[id2]

   if(any(id1)) {

	Xsingle.props <- FeatureProps(x=X, which.props=list1, areafac=sizefac^2, loc = loc)
	Ysingle.props <- FeatureProps(x=Y, which.props=list1, areafac=sizefac^2, loc = loc)


   if(any(id2)) {

	# Xim <- as.im(X)
        # Xim <- solutionset(X == 1)

	# Yim <- as.im(Y)
        # Yim <- solutionset(Y == 1)

	out <- locperf(X=X, Y=Y, which.stats=list2, alpha=alpha, k=k, distfun=distfun, ...)

   } else out <- list()

   if(is.element("cent.dist", which.comps)) {

	Xcent.x <- Xsingle.props$centroid$x
	Xcent.y <- Xsingle.props$centroid$y
	Ycent.x <- Ysingle.props$centroid$x
	Ycent.y <- Ysingle.props$centroid$y
	out$cent.dist <- sqrt( (Ycent.x - Xcent.x)^2 + (Ycent.y - Xcent.y)^2)*sizefac

   } # end of if do centroid distance stmt.

   if(is.element("angle.diff", which.comps)) {

	phiX <- Xsingle.props$axis$OrientationAngle$MajorAxis*pi/180
	phiY <- Ysingle.props$axis$OrientationAngle$MajorAxis*pi/180
	out$angle.diff <- abs(atan2(sin(phiX-phiY),cos(phiX-phiY))*180/pi)

   } # end of if do angle difference stmts.

   if(any(is.element(c("area.ratio","int.area"), which.comps))) {

	Xa <- Xsingle.props$area
        Ya <- Ysingle.props$area

   } # end of if do any area calculations stmt.

   if(is.element("area.ratio", which.comps)) out$area.ratio <- min(Xa,Ya)/max(Xa,Ya)

   if(is.element("int.area", which.comps)) {

	denom <- (Xa + Ya)/2
	XY <- intersect.owin(X,Y)
	XYa <- FeatureProps(XY, which.props="area", areafac=sizefac^2, loc = loc)$area
	out$int.area <- XYa/denom

   } # end of if do area ratio stmt.

   if(is.element("bearing", which.comps)) out$bearing <- bearing(cbind(Ysingle.props$centroid$x,Ysingle.props$centroid$y),
								deg=deg, aty=aty)

   if(is.element("bdelta", which.comps)) out$bdelta <- deltametric(X,Y, p=p, c=c)
   if(is.element("haus", which.comps)) out$haus <- deltametric(X,Y,p=Inf,c=Inf)

   class(out) <- "FeatureComps"

} # end of 'FeatureComps' function.

FeatureAxis <- function(x, fac=1, flipit=FALSE, twixt=FALSE) {

   out <- list()
   # out$feature.name <- as.character(substitute(x))
   if( flipit) x <- flipxy(x)
   out$z <- x
   ch <- convexhull(x)
   out$chull <- ch
   pts <- unname(cbind(ch$bdry[[1]][["x"]], ch$bdry[[1]][["y"]]))
   out$pts <- pts
   axfit <- sma(y~x, data.frame(x = pts[,1], y = pts[,2]))
   axis.x <- c(axfit$from[[1]], axfit$to[[1]])
   a <- axfit$coef[[1]][1,1]
   b <- axfit$coef[[1]][2,1]
   axis.y <- a + b * axis.x

   if(any(c(is.na(axis.x),is.na(axis.y)))) return(NULL)
   axwin <- owin(xrange=range(axis.x), yrange=range(axis.y))
   MajorAxis <- as.psp(data.frame(x0 = axis.x[1], y0 = axis.y[1], x1 = axis.x[2], y1 = axis.y[2]), window = axwin)

   theta <- angles.psp(MajorAxis)
   if((0 <= theta) & (theta <= pi/2)) theta2 <- pi/2 - theta
   else theta2 <- 3 * pi/2 - theta
   tmp <- rotate(ch,theta2)
   tmp <- boundingbox(tmp)
   l <- tmp$xrange[2] - tmp$xrange[1]
   theta <- theta * 180/pi

   if(twixt) {

	if((theta > 90) & (theta <= 270)) theta <- theta - 180
   	else if((theta > 270) & (theta <= 360)) theta <- theta - 360

   } # end of if force theta to be between +/- 90 degrees.

   MidPoint <- midpoints.psp(MajorAxis)

   r <- lengths_psp(MajorAxis) * fac

   phi <- angles.psp(rotate(MajorAxis, pi/2))

   MinorAxis <- as.psp(data.frame(xmid = MidPoint$x, ymid = MidPoint$y, length = l / fac, angle = phi), window = axwin)
   phi <- phi * 180/pi

   out$MajorAxis <- MajorAxis
   out$MinorAxis <- MinorAxis
   out$OrientationAngle <- list(MajorAxis=theta, MinorAxis=phi)
   out$aspect.ratio <- l/r
   out$MidPoint <- MidPoint
   out$lengths <- list(MajorAxis=r, MinorAxis=l)
   out$sma.fit <- axfit
   class(out) <- "FeatureAxis"

} # end of 'FeatureAxis' function.

plot.FeatureAxis <- function(x, ..., zoom = FALSE) {
   args <- list(...)
   if(!zoom) plot( x$z, col="darkblue", main="", ...)
   else {

	z <- x$z
	bb <- boundingbox(z)
	z <- rebound(z, rect = bb)
	plot(z, col="darkblue", main="", ...)


   plot( x$chull, add=TRUE)
   plot( x$MajorAxis, add=TRUE, col="yellow", lwd=1.5)
   plot( x$MajorAxis, add=TRUE, lty=2, lwd=1.5)
   plot( x$MinorAxis, add=TRUE, col="yellow", lwd=1.5)
   plot( x$MinorAxis, add=TRUE, lty=2, lwd=1.5)
   plot( x$MidPoint, add=TRUE, col="darkorange")


} # end of 'plot.FeatureAxis' function.

summary.FeatureAxis <- function(object, ...) {
   cat("\n", "Mid-point of Axis is at:\n")
   print(paste("(", object$MidPoint$x, ", ", object$MidPoint$y, ")", sep=""))
   cat("\n", "Major Axis length = ", object$lengths$MajorAxis, "\n")
   cat("\n", "Major Axis Angle = ", object$OrientationAngle$MajorAxis, " degrees\n")
   cat("\n", "Minor Axis length = ", object$lengths$MinorAxis, "\n")
   cat("\n", "Minor Axis Angle = ", object$OrientationAngle$MinorAxis, " degrees\n")
   cat("\n", "Aspect ratio = ", object$aspect.ratio, "\n")
   cat("\n\n", "sma fit summary (see help file for function sma from package smatr)\n\n")
} # end of 'summary.FeatureAxis' function.

FeatureMatchAnalyzer <- function(x, which.comps=c("cent.dist", "angle.diff", "area.ratio", "int.area",
                    "bdelta", "haus", "ph", "med", "msd", "fom", "minsep", "bearing"), 
		    sizefac=1, alpha=0.1, k=4, p=2, c=Inf, distfun="distmapfun", ...) {

    UseMethod("FeatureMatchAnalyzer", x)

} # end of 'FeatureMatchAnalyzer' function.

FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched <- function(x, which.comps=c("cent.dist", "angle.diff", "area.ratio", "int.area",
                    "bdelta", "haus", "ph", "med", "msd", "fom", "minsep", "bearing"),
                    sizefac=1, alpha=0.1, k=4, p=2, c=Inf, distfun="distmapfun", ...) {

    # class(x) <- paste(class(x), x$match.type, sep = ".")
    # UseMethod("FeatureMatchAnalyzer", x)
    get( paste( "FeatureMatchAnalyzer.", class( x ), ".", x$match.type, sep = "" ) )( x = x, which.comps = which.comps, sizefac = sizefac, alpha = alpha, k = k, p = p, c = c, distfun = distfun, ... )

} # end of 'FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched' function.

FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.centmatch <- function(x, which.comps=c("cent.dist", "angle.diff", "area.ratio", "int.area",
                    "bdelta", "haus", "ph", "med", "msd", "fom", "minsep", "bearing"), 
                    sizefac=1, alpha=0.1, k=4, p=2, c=Inf, distfun="distmapfun", ...) {

    a <- attributes(x)
    a$names <- NULL

    n <- dim(x$matches)[1]

    if(n > 0) {
        out <- list()
	attributes(out) <- a

	loc <- a$loc

	Xfeats <- x$X.feats
	Yfeats <- x$Y.feats

	for(i in 1:n) {

	    j <- x$matches[i, "Forecast"]
	    k <- x$matches[i, "Observed"]
	    out[[i]] <- FeatureComps(Y=Yfeats[[ j ]], X=Xfeats[[ k ]], which.comps=which.comps,
                                        sizefac=sizefac, alpha=alpha, k=k, p=p, c=c, distfun=distfun, loc = loc, ...)

	} # end of for 'i' loop.

    } else {

	out <- "No matches found"
	attributes(out) <- a


    class(out) <- "FeatureMatchAnalyzer"

} # end of 'FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.centmatch' function.

FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.deltamm <- function(x, which.comps=c("cent.dist", "angle.diff", "area.ratio", "int.area",
		    "bdelta", "haus", "ph", "med", "msd", "fom", "minsep", "bearing"),
    		    sizefac=1, alpha=0.1, k=4, p=2, c=Inf, distfun="distmapfun", ...,
    		    y=NULL, matches=NULL, object=NULL) {

    if(!is.null(matches)) obj <- matches
    else if(!is.null(y)) obj <- y
    else obj <- x

    loc <- attributes(obj)$loc

    Yfeats <- obj$Y.feats
    Xfeats <- obj$X.feats

    if(dim(obj$matches)[ 1 ] == 0) {
	# stop("FeatureAnalyzer: This function requires matches!")
	out <- "No matches found"
    } else {
        n <- dim(obj$matches)[1]

        out <- list()
        for(i in 1:n) out[[i]] <- FeatureComps(Y=Yfeats[[i]], X=Xfeats[[i]], which.comps=which.comps,
					sizefac=sizefac, alpha=alpha, k=k, p=p, c=c, distfun=distfun, loc = loc, ...)

    class(out) <- "FeatureMatchAnalyzer"

} # end of 'FeatureMatchAnalyzer.matched.deltamm' function.

print.FeatureMatchAnalyzer <- function(x, ...) {

    if(is.list(x)) {

        n <- length(x)
        hold <- x[[1]]
        m <- length(hold)
        cn <- names(hold)

        for(i in 1:n) {

	    l <- unlist(lapply(x[[i]], length))
	    if(any(l==0)) x[[i]][[(1:m)[l==0]]] <- NA

        } # end of for 'i' loop.

        out <- c(unlist(x))
        attributes(out) <- NULL
        out <- matrix(out, n, m, byrow=TRUE)
        colnames(out) <- cn


    } else {

	attributes(x) <- NULL


} # end of 'print.FeatureMatchAnalyzer' function.

summary.FeatureMatchAnalyzer <- function(object, ...) {

    if(is.list(object)) {

        args <- list(...)
        if(is.null(args$silent)) silent <- FALSE
        else silent <- args$silent
        n <- length(object)
        m <- length(object[[1]])
        res <- matrix(NA, n, m)
        colnames(res) <- names(object[[1]])

        for( i in 1:m) {

	    if(!silent) {

   	        if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "ph") cat("\n", "Partial Hausdorff Distance:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "med") cat("\n", "Mean Error Distance:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "msd") cat("\n", "Mean Square Error Distance:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "fom") cat("\n", "Pratt\'s Figure of Merit:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "minsep") cat("\n", "Minimum Separation Distance:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "cent.dist") cat("\n", "Centroid Distance:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "angle.diff") cat("\n", "Angle Difference:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "area.ratio") cat("\n", "Area Ratio:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "int.area") cat("\n", "Intersection Area:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "bdelta") cat("\n", "Baddeley\'s Delta Metric:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "haus") cat("\n", "Hausdorff Distance:\n")
   	        else if(names(object[[1]])[i] == "bearing") cat("\n", "Bearing:\n")

	    } # end of if '!silent' stmt.

	    hold <- numeric(n)+NA
	    for(j in 1:n) if(length(object[[j]][[i]])>0) hold[j] <- object[[j]][[i]]
	    res[,i] <- hold
	    if(!silent) print(hold)
       } # end of for 'i' loop.

   if(!is.null(args$interest)) {

	int <- args$interest
	a <- matrix(int, n, m, byrow=TRUE)

	if(!is.null(args$con)) {
	   con <- args$con
	   con <- match.fun(con)
	   a <- con(res, a, which.comps=names(object[[1]]))

	out <- list()
	out$match.properties <- res
	b <- rowSums(a*res, na.rm=TRUE)
	out$object.interest <- b 
	out$interest.values <- int
	if(!silent) {
	   cat("\n", "Matched object interest values.\n")
   } else out <- res
    } else print(object)
} # end of 'summary.FeatureMatchAnalyzer' function.

plot.FeatureMatchAnalyzer <- function(x, ..., type=c("all", "ph", "med", "msd", "fom", "minsep",
					"cent.dist", "angle.diff", "area.ratio", "int.area", "bearing",
					"bdelta", "haus")) {

    if(is.list(x)) {

        type <- tolower(type)
        type <- match.arg(type)

        a <- attributes(x)
        y <- summary(x, silent=TRUE)
        n <- dim(y)[2]

	if(is.null(n)) {
	    n <- 1
	    y <- matrix(y, ncol=1)

        if(type == "all") {

            if(!is.null(a$msg)) par(oma=c(0,0,2,0))
            for(i in 1:n) {

                if(is.element(colnames(y)[i], c("angle.diff","bearing"))) {

                    if(colnames(y)[i] == "angle.diff") t1 <- "Angle Difference"
                    else t1 <- "Bearing from Xhat to X\n obj. centroids (ref. = north)"
                    circ.plot(rad(y[,i]), main=t1, shrink=1.5)

    	        } else {

                    if(colnames(y)[i] == "ph") t1 <- "Partial Hausdorff \nDistance"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "medMiss") t1 <- "Mean Error Distance (Miss)"
		    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "medFalseAlarm") t1 <- "Mean Error Distance (False Alarm)"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "msdMiss") t1 <- "Mean Square Error \nDistance (Miss)"
		    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "msdFalseAlarm") t1 <- "Mean Square Error \nDistance (False Alarm)"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "fom") t1 <- "Pratt\'s Figure \nof Merit"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "minsep") t1 <- "Minimum Separation \nDistance"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "cent.dist") t1 <- "Centroid Distance"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "area.ratio") t1 <- "Area Ratio"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "int.area") t1 <- "Intersection Area"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "bdelta") t1 <- "Baddeley\'s Delta Metric"
                    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "haus") t1 <- "Hausdorff Distance"
                    barplot(y[,i], main=t1, ...)


            } # end of for 'i' loop.

        } else {

	    if(type=="ph") t1 <- "Partial Hausdorff \nDistance"
	    else if(colnames(y)[i] == "medMiss") t1 <- "Mean Error Distance (Miss)"
            else if(colnames(y)[i] == "medFalseAlarm") t1 <- "Mean Error Distance (False Alarm)"
            else if(colnames(y)[i] == "msdMiss") t1 <- "Mean Square Error \nDistance (Miss)"
            else if(colnames(y)[i] == "msdFalseAlarm") t1 <- "Mean Square Error \nDistance (False Alarm)"
            else if(type == "fom") t1 <- "Pratt\'s Figure \nof Merit"
            else if(type == "minsep") t1 <- "Minimum Separation \nDistance"
            else if(type == "cent.dist") t1 <- "Centroid Distance"
	    else if(type == "angle.diff") t1 <- "Angle Difference"
            else if(type == "area.ratio") t1 <- "Area Ratio"
            else if(type == "int.area") t1 <- "Intersection Area"
	    else if(type == "bearing") t1 <- "Bearing from Xhat to X\n obj. centroids (ref. = north)"
            else if(type == "bdelta") t1 <- "Baddeley\'s Delta Metric"
            else if(type == "haus") t1 <- "Hausdorff Distance"

	    i <- (1:ncol(y))[colnames(y) == type]

	    if(is.element(type, c("angle.diff", "bearing"))) circ.plot(rad(y[,i]), main=t1, shrink=1.5)
	    else barplot(y[,i], main=t1, ...)


    } # end of if 'is.list(x)' stmts. 

    if(!is.null(a$msg)) mtext(a$msg, line=0.05, outer=TRUE)


} # end of 'plot.FeatureMatchAnalyzer' function.

bearing <- function(point1, point2, deg=TRUE, aty="compass") {

   if(is.null( dim( point1)) & length( point1)==2) point1 <- matrix(point1, 1, 2)
   if(is.null( dim( point2)) & length( point2)==2) point2 <- matrix(point2, 1, 2)
   if(deg) {

      # convert latitudes to radians
      point1[,2] <- point1[,2]*pi/180
      point2[,2] <- point2[,2]*pi/180


   # compute difference in longitude
   # dlon <- (point1[,1] - point2[,1])
   dlon <- (point1[,1] - point2[,1])
   if( deg) dlon <- dlon*pi/180
   S <- cos( point2[,2])*sin( dlon)
   Cval <- cos( point1[,2])*sin( point2[,2]) - sin( point1[,2])*cos( point2[,2])*cos( dlon)
   out <- atan2( S, Cval)
   # convert to degrees
   if( deg) out <- out*180/pi
   # out[out < 0 ] <-  out[out < 0] + 360
   # out[ out > 360] <- NA
   # print( out)
   if(aty == "radial") {

       # convert to polar coordinate type angle
       out[ (out >= 0)  &  (out <= 45)]  <- abs(out[ (out >= 0)  &  (out <= 45)] - 45) + 45
       out[ out > 45] <- 90 - out[ out > 45]
       out[ out < 0] <- out[ out < 0] + 360

      } # end of if aty is "radial" stmts.

   return( out)

} # end of 'bearing' function.

# compositer <- function(x, ...) {
#     UseMethod("compositer", x)
# } # end of 'compositer' function.
# compositer.SpatialVx <- function(x, ..., time.point=NULL, model=1, identfun="threshsizer", verbose=FALSE) {
#     if(verbose) begin.tiid <- Sys.time()
#     theCall <- match.call()
#     a <- attributes(x)
#     ## Begin: Get the data sets
# #     if(!is.null(time.point)) {
# #         if(!missing(time.point) && !missing(model)) dat <- datagrabber(object, time.point=time.point, model=model)
# #         else if(!missing(time.point)) dat <- datagrabber(object, time.point=time.point)
# #         else if(!missing(model)) dat <- datagrabber(object, model=model)
# #         else dat <- datagrabber(object)
# # 
# #         X <- dat$X
# #         Xhat <- dat$Xhat
# #     } else {
# # 	X <- x[[1]]
# # 	if(is.list(x[[2]])) {
# # 	    if(is.function(model)) Xhat <- do.call(model, c(list(x[[2]]), list(...)))
# # 	    else if(length(model) == 1) Xhat <- x[[2]][[model]]
# # 	    else stop("compositer.SpatialVx: invalid model argument.")
# # 	} else Xhat <- x[[2]]
# #     }
#     ## End: Get the data sets
#     ## Internal function to apply compositing strategy to each
#     ## forecast model and to verification field(s).
#     cfun <- function(Z, ..., ifun, time.point, model) {
# 	o <- do.call(ifun, c(list(object=Z, time.point=time.point, model=model), list(...)))
# 	ff <- function(x, obj) {
# 	    y <- c(obj)
# 	    z <- as.logical(c(x$m))
# 	    y[ !z ] <- 0
# 	    return(y)
# 	} # end of internal-internal 'ff' function.
# 	X <- lapply(o$X.feats, ff, obj=o$X)
# 	Xhat <- lapply(o$Y.feats, ff, obj=o$Xhat)
# 	nobj1 <- length(X)
# 	nobj2 <- length(Xhat)
# 	out <- list()
# 	out$X <- matrix(unlist(X), nrow=nobj1, byrow=TRUE)
# 	out$Xhat <- matrix(unlist(Xhat), nrow=nobj2, byrow=TRUE)
# 	return(out)
#     } # end of internal 'cfun' function.
#     out <- list()
#     attributes(out) <- a
#     loop.through.time <- (length(a$xdim) > 2) && (is.null(time.point) || length(time.point) > 1)
#     if(loop.through.time) {
# 	if(is.character(time.point)) tlab <- time.point
#         else tlab <- NULL
#     }    
#     if(is.null(time.point) && length(a$xdim) == 3) time.point <- 1:a$xdim[3]
#     else if(is.null(time.point) && length(a$xdim) == 2) time.point <- 1
#     if(!is.numeric(time.point)) time.point <- (1:a$xdim[3])[time.point == a$time]
#     if(!loop.through.time) res <- cfun(Z=x, ..., time.point=time.point, model=model, ifun=identfun)
#     else {
# 	nvx <- dim(X)[3]
# 	res <- list()
# 	res$X <- numeric(0)
# 	res$Xhat <- numeric(0)
# 	if(verbose) cat("\n", "Looping through time.\n")
# 	for(i in 1:nvx) {
# 	    if(verbose) cat(time.point[i], "\n")
# 	    tmp <- cfun(x, ..., fun=identfun, time.point=time.point[i], model=model)
# 	    X <- tmp$X
# 	    Xhat <- tmp$Xhat
# 	    n1 <- dim(X)
# 	    if(is.null(n1)) n1 <- 1
# 	    n2 <- dim(Xhat)
# 	    if(is.null(n2)) n2 <- 1
# 	    if(!is.null(X)) rownames(X) <- paste(tlab[i], ".obj", 1:n1, sep="") 
# 	    if(!is.null(Xhat)) rownames(Xhat) <- paste(tlab[i], ".obj", 1:n2, sep="")
# 	    res$X <- rbind(res$X, X)
# 	    res$Xhat <- rbind(res$Xhat, Xhat)
# 	} # end of for 'i' loop.
#     } # end of if else more than one time point stmts.
#     # TO DO: Should now have matrices with rows corresponding to unique objects in each
#     # field.  Need to check this.  Next, need to center each object onto a new relative
#     # grid.  Will not worry about the relative grid size here.  Will allow for that in
#     # subsequent functions.
#     # out$X.composites <- res$X
#     # out$Xhat.composites <- res$Xhat
#     attr(out, "time.point") <- time.point
#     attr(out, "model") <- model
#     attr(out, "call") <- theCall
#     attr(out, "identifier.function") <- identfun
#     if(verbose) print(Sys.time() - begin.tiid)
#     class(out) <- "compositer"
#     return(out)
# } # end of 'compositer.SpatialVx' function.
# compositer.default <- function(x, ..., xhat, identfun="threshsizer") {
#     tmp <- make.SpatialVx(x, xhat, data.name=c(deparse(substitute(x)), deparse(substitute(xhat))))
#     res <- compositer.SpatialVx(tmp, ..., identfun=identfun)
#     return(res)
# } # end of 'compositer.default' function.

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SpatialVx documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:56 p.m.