
Defines functions plot.spatbiasFS summary.spatbiasFS spatbiasFS is.sig sig.coverage CI.fun inside plot.EBS plot.LocSig fisherz sig.cor.Z sig.cor.t MCdof LocSig EBS

Documented in CI.fun EBS fisherz inside is.sig LocSig MCdof plot.EBS plot.LocSig plot.spatbiasFS sig.cor.t sig.cor.Z sig.coverage spatbiasFS summary.spatbiasFS

EBS <- function(object, model=1, block.length=NULL, alpha.boot=0.05, field.sig=0.05, bootR=1000, ntrials=1000, verbose=FALSE) {

    a <- attributes(object)
    out <- list()
    attributes(out) <- a

    X <- object[[1]]
    Xhat <- object[[2]]
    if(!is.array(Xhat)) {
	if(!is.numeric(model)) {
	    nf <- a$nforecast
	    dn <- a$data.name
	    if(length(dn) == nf + 2) mod.names <- dn[-(1:2)]
            else mod.names <- dn[-1]
            model <- (1:nf)[dn == model]
            if(is.na(model)) stop("datagrabber: invalid model argument.")
	Xhat <- Xhat[[model]]
    } # end of if 'Xhat' is not an array (i.e., if more than one model in object) stmts.

    X <- t(apply(X, 3, c))
    Xhat <- t(apply(Xhat, 3, c))
    loc <- a$loc

    if(!is.null(a$subset)) {
	id <- a$subset
	X <- X[,id]
	Xhat <- Xhat[,id]
	loc <- loc[id,]

    res <- spatbiasFS(X=X, Y=Xhat, loc=a$loc, block.length=block.length,
		    alpha.boot=alpha.boot, field.sig=field.sig, bootR=bootR,
		    ntrials=ntrials, verbose=verbose)

    out$block.boot.results <- res$block.boot.results
    out$sig.results <- res$sig.results
    sig.values <- c(res$field.significance, res$alpha.boot, bootR, ntrials)
    names(sig.values) <- c("field sig.", "alpha boot", "bootstrap replicates", "number of trials")
    attr(out, "arguments") <- sig.values
    attr(out, "which.model") <- model
    class(out) <- "EBS"
} # end of 'EBS' function.

LocSig <- function(Z, numrep=1000, block.length=NULL, bootfun="mean", alpha=0.05, bca=FALSE, ...) {
   if(bootfun=="mean") bootfun <- function(data) return(colMeans(data, na.rm=TRUE))
   else if(is.character(bootfun)) bootfun <- get(bootfun)
   zdim <- dim(Z)
   n <- zdim[1]
   m <- zdim[2]
   out <- data.frame(Lower = numeric(m), Estimate = numeric(m), Upper = numeric(m))
   if(is.null(block.length)) block.length <- floor(sqrt(n))
   if(block.length==1) booted <- boot(Z, bootfun, R=numrep, ...)
   else booted <- tsboot(Z, bootfun, l=block.length, R=numrep, sim="fixed", ...)
   out$Estimate <- booted$t0
   if((block.length==1) & bca) {
	for(i in 1:m) {
	   tmp <- boot.ci( booted, conf=1-alpha, type="bca", index=i)
	   out$Lower[i] <- tmp$bca[,4]
	   out$Upper[i] <- tmp$bca[,5]
	} # end of for 'i' loop.
   } else {
	if(bca) warning("LocSig: You chose to use the BCa method, but block.length != 1.  Using percentile method with circular block bootstrap instead.")
	for(i in 1:m) {
	   tmp <- boot.ci( booted, conf=1-alpha, type="perc", index=i)
	   out$Lower[i] <- tmp$perc[,4]
	   out$Upper[i] <- tmp$perc[,5]
	} # end of for 'i' loop.
   } # end of if else do "BCa" (IID bootstrap only) or percentile confidence limits.
   class(out) <- "LocSig"
} # end of 'LocSig' function.

MCdof <- function(x, ntrials=5000, field.sig=0.05, zfun="rnorm", zfun.args=NULL, which.test=c("t", "Z", "cor.test"), verbose=FALSE, ...) {
   if(verbose) begin.time <- Sys.time()
   if(length(which.test)>1) which.test <- "t"
   xdim <- dim(x)
   tlen <- xdim[1]
   B.dof.test <- numeric(ntrials)
   if(which.test=="cor.test") cortester <- function(x,y,...) return(cor.test(x=x,y=y,...)$p.value)
   if(verbose) cat("\n", "Looping through ", ntrials, " times to simulate data and take correlations.  Enjoy!\n")
   for(i in 1:ntrials) {
	if(verbose & (i < 100 | i%%100==0)) cat(i, " ")
	z <- do.call(zfun, args=c(list(n=tlen), zfun.args))
	if(which.test=="cor.test") tmp <- apply(x, 2, cortester, y=z, ...)
	else {
	   cor.value <- abs(cor(x, z, use = "pairwise.complete.obs"))
	   if(which.test=="t") tmp <- sig.cor.t(cor.value, len=tlen, ...)
	   else if(which.test=="Z") tmp <- sig.cor.Z(cor.value, len=tlen, ...)
	B.dof.test[i] <- mean(field.sig > tmp, na.rm = TRUE)
   } # end of for 'i' loop.
   if(verbose) print(Sys.time() - begin.time)
   return(list(MCprops=B.dof.test, minsigcov=quantile(B.dof.test, probs=1-field.sig, na.rm=TRUE)))
} # end of 'MCdof' function.

sig.cor.t <- function(r, len = 40, ...)
  # A function to determine if a correlation is significantly different from x
  # Input -
  # r - the (unsigned) correlation coefficient
  # len - the length of the vectors used to generate the correlation (default = 40)
  # Alpha - the significance level (default = 0.05)
  # Output -
  # palpha.cor - the p-level of the correlation
  # v1.0
  # KLE 2/3/2009
  # Ported to R -- 03/30/2011
  t <- abs(r) * sqrt((len - 2)/(1 - r^2))
  palpha.cor <- 1 - pt(t, len - 2)
} # end of 'sig.cor.t' function.

sig.cor.Z <- function(r, len = 40, H0 = 0)
  # A function to find the significance of a correlation from H0 using Fisher's Z transform.
  # Input -
  # r - the correlation
  #  len - the length of the crrelated vectors
  # Ho0- the null hypothesis correlation default = 0
  # Output -
  # palpha.cor - the p-value of the correlation.
  # KLE 02/20/2009
  # Ported to R -- 03/30/2011
  W <- fisherz(abs(r))
  stderr <- 1/sqrt(len - 3)
  zscore <- (W - H0)/stderr
  palpha.cor <- 1 - pnorm(zscore)
} # end of 'sig.cor.Z' function.

fisherz <- function(r)
  # The sampling distribution of Pearson's r is not normally distributed. Fisher
  # developed a transformation now called "Fisher's z' transformation" that converts
  # Pearson's r's to the normally distributed variable z'.
  # A function to perfoem Fisher's Z transformation on a correlation value, allowing
  # a t-test for significant correlation.
  # Input -
  #  r - the correlation
  # Output -
  #  W - the transformed corelation
  # v1.0
  # KLE 2 Feb 2009
  # Ported to R -- 03/30/2011
  W <- 0.5 * (log((1 + r)/(1 - r)))

plot.LocSig <- function(x, loc=NULL, nx=NULL, ny=NULL, ...){
  n <- dim(x)[1]
  if(is.null(loc)) {
     if(is.null(nx) | is.null(ny)) stop("plot.LocSig: must specify either loc or both nx and ny")
     loc <- cbind(rep(1:nx, ny), rep(1:ny, each=nx))
  mean.i <- as.image(x$Estimate, x=loc)
  thk.i <- as.image((x$Upper - x$Lower), x=loc)
  output <- list(mean.i = mean.i, thk.i = thk.i)
  image.plot(mean.i, main="Mean of Estimate", ...)
  image.plot(thk.i, main="CI range of Estimate", ...)

plot.EBS <- function(x, ..., mfrow = c(1, 2), col, horizontal) {

    if(missing(col)) col <- c("gray", tim.colors(64))
    if(missing(horizontal)) horizontal <- TRUE

    op <- par()

    if( !is.null( mfrow ) ) par( mfrow = mfrow, oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0) )
    else par( oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0) )

    Zest <- x$block.boot.results$Estimate
    ZciR <- x$block.boot.results$Upper - x$block.boot.results$Lower

    a <- attributes(x)
    loc.byrow <- a$loc.byrow
    xd <- a$xdim

    if(is.null(a$subset)) {
        if(!is.matrix(Zest)) Zest <- matrix(Zest, xd[1], xd[2])
        if(!is.matrix(ZciR)) ZciR <- matrix(ZciR, xd[1], xd[2])

    if(a$projection && is.null(a$subset)) {
	xloc <- matrix(a$loc[,1], xd[1], xd[2], byrow=loc.byrow)
	yloc <- matrix(a$loc[,2], xd[1], xd[2], byrow=loc.byrow)

    if(!is.null(a$subset)) {
	if(is.logical(a$subset)) Ns <- sum(a$subset, na.rm=TRUE)
	else Ns <- length(a$subset)
	Zest <- as.image(Zest, nx=ceiling(Ns/2), ny=ceiling(Ns/2), x=a$loc[a$subset,], na.rm=TRUE)
	ZciR <- as.image(ZciR, nx=ceiling(Ns/2), ny=ceiling(Ns/2), x=a$loc[a$subset,], na.rm=TRUE)
    } else if(!a$reg.grid) {
	Zest <- as.image(Zest, nx=xd[1], ny=xd[2], x=a$loc, na.rm=TRUE)
	ZciR <- as.image(ZciR, nx=xd[1], ny=xd[2], x=a$loc, na.rm=TRUE)

    if(a$map) {

	ax <- list(x=pretty(round(a$loc[,1], digits=2)), y=pretty(round(a$loc[,2], digits=2)))

	if(is.null(a$subset)) r <- apply(a$loc, 2, range, finite=TRUE)
	else r <- apply(a$loc[a$subset,], 2, range, finite=TRUE)

	map(xlim=r[,1], ylim=r[,2], type="n")
	# axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	# axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)
	if(a$projection && a$reg.grid && is.null(a$subset)) image.plot(xloc, yloc, Zest, add=TRUE, col=col, main="Mean of Estimate", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
	else if(a$reg.grid && is.null(a$subset)) image.plot(Zest, add=TRUE, col=col, main="Mean of Estimate", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
	else image.plot(Zest, add=TRUE, col=col, main="Mean of Estimate", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
	map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
	map(database="state", add=TRUE)

	map(xlim=r[,1], ylim=r[,2], type="n")
	# axis(1, at=ax$x, labels=ax$x)
	# axis(2, at=ax$y, labels=ax$y)
        if(a$projection && a$reg.grid && is.null(a$subset)) image.plot(xloc, yloc, ZciR, add=TRUE, col=col, main="CI Range", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
        else if(a$reg.grid && is.null(a$subset)) image.plot(ZciR, add=TRUE, col=col, main="Mean of Estimate", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
        else image.plot(ZciR, add=TRUE, col=col, main="CI Range", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
        map(add=TRUE, lwd=1.5)
        map(database="state", add=TRUE)

    } else {

	if(a$projection && a$reg.grid && is.null(a$subset)) image.plot(xloc, yloc, Zest, col=col, main="Mean of Estimate", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
        else if(a$reg.grid && is.null(a$subset)) image.plot(Zest, col=col, main="Mean of Estimate", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
        else image.plot(Zest, col=col, main="Mean of Estimate", horizontal=horizontal, ...)

	if(a$projection && a$reg.grid && is.null(a$subset)) image.plot(xloc, yloc, ZciR, col=col, main="CI Range", horizontal=horizontal, ...)
        else if(a$reg.grid && is.null(a$subset)) image.plot(ZciR, col=col, main="Mean of Estimate", ...)
        else image.plot(ZciR, col=col, main="CI Range", horizontal=horizontal, ...)

    } # end of if else 'map' stmts.

    if(length(a$data.name) == a$nforecast + 2) {
	msg <- paste(a$data.name[1], ": ", a$data.name[2], " vs ", a$data.name[a$which.model+2], sep="")
    } else msg <- paste(a$data.name[2], " vs ", a$data.name[a$which.model+1], sep="")
    if(a$field.type != "" && a$units != "") msg <- paste(msg, "\n", a$field.type, " (", a$units, ")", sep="")
    else if(a$field.type != "") msg <- paste(msg, a$field.type, sep="\n")
    else if(a$units != "") msg <- paste(msg, "\n(", a$units, ")", sep="")
    mtext(msg, line=0.05, outer=TRUE)

    par( mfrow = op$mfrow, oma = op$oma )


} # end of 'plot.EBS' function.

inside <- function(DF)
  # A function to determine if the mean error at a data point is
  # inside the confidence limits.
  # Input
  #    DF - data frame containing mean error values and upper and lower
  #  confidence limits
  # Output
  #    logical T if outside, F if inside.
  result <- !is.na(CI.fun(DF$Upper - DF$Lower, DF$Estimate))
} # end of 'inside' function.

CI.fun <- function(CI.field, est.field, replacement = NA)
  test <- ifelse((0.5 * CI.field < abs(est.field)), est.field, replacement)
} # end of 'CI.fun' function.

sig.coverage <- function(DF)
  tmp <- inside(DF)
  out <- sum(tmp,na.rm=TRUE)/(length(tmp[!is.na(tmp)])) - sum(is.na(DF$Estimate))
} # end of 'sig.coverage' function.

is.sig <- function(X, blockboot.results.df, n = 3000, fld.sig = 0.05, verbose=FALSE)
  # Input -
  #  X - matrix of errors at gridpoints. n gridpoints by m days
  #  blockboot.results.df - dataframe of errors and CI at each
  #       gridpoint.
  #  n - number of Monte Carlo trials.
  #  field.sig - significnace alpha for field significance.
  # Output -
  #  List
  #   name - Name of the data beig tested
  #   results - The minimum amount of areal coverage needed for
  #        significance at
  #             the given fld.sig
  #   actual - The actual coverage of sigificant gridpoint
  #        results.
  #   issig - Logical variable: T for significant results, F for
  #     non-significant results.
  # KLE 01/2005
  # Remove missing rows
  sig.results <- MCdof(X, ntrials = n, field.sig = fld.sig, verbose=verbose)$minsigcov
  actual.coverage <- sig.coverage(blockboot.results.df)
  sig <- (actual.coverage > sig.results)
  output <- list(name = as.character(deparse(substitute(X))),
    required = as.numeric(sig.results), actual = as.numeric(
    actual.coverage), issig = as.logical(sig))

spatbiasFS <- function(X, Y, loc=NULL, block.length=NULL, alpha.boot=0.05, field.sig=0.05, bootR=1000, ntrials=1000, verbose=FALSE) {
   out <- list()
   if(!is.null(loc)) {
      data.name <- c(as.character(substitute(X)),as.character(substitute(Y)),as.character(substitute(loc)))
      names(data.name) <- c("verification","forecast","locations")
   } else {
      data.name <- c(as.character(substitute(X)),as.character(substitute(Y)))
      names(data.name) <- c("verification","forecast")
   out$data.name <- data.name
   errfield <- Y - X
   hold <- LocSig(Z=errfield, numrep=bootR, block.length=block.length, alpha=alpha.boot)
   res <- is.sig(errfield, hold, n=ntrials, fld.sig=field.sig, verbose=verbose)
   out$block.boot.results <- hold
   out$sig.results <- res
   out$field.significance <- field.sig
   out$alpha.boot <- alpha.boot
   out$bootR <- bootR
   out$ntrials <- ntrials
   class(out) <- "spatbiasFS"
} # end of 'spatbiasFS' function.

summary.spatbiasFS <- function(object, ...) {
   msg <- paste("Results for ", object$data.name[2], " compared against ", object$data.name[1], sep="")
   cat("\n", "\n")
   cat("Field significance level: ", object$field.significance, "\n")
   cat("Observed coverage of significant difference: ", object$sig.results$actual, "\n")
   cat("Required coverage for field significance: ", object$sig.results$required, "\n")
} # end of 'summary.spatbiasFS' function.

plot.spatbiasFS <- function(x, ...) {

# TO DO: Try to make a better plot (without using as.image).

   msg <- paste("Mean Error: ", x$data.name[2], " vs ", x$data.name[1], sep="")
   # X <- get(x$data.name[1])
   # Y <- get(x$data.name[2])
   if(length(x$data.name)==3) loc <- get(x$data.name[3])
   else stop("plot.spatbiasFS: No entry loc.  Must supply location information.")
   est.i <- as.image(x$block.boot.results$Estimate, x=loc)
   CIrange <- as.image(x$block.boot.results$Upper - x$block.boot.results$Lower, x=loc)
   image.plot(est.i, col=tim.colors(64), axes=FALSE, main=msg)
   # map(add=TRUE)
   # map(add=TRUE,database="state")
   image.plot(CIrange, col=tim.colors(64), axes=FALSE, xlab=paste("Req. Coverage: ", round(x$sig.results$required,digits=2), " vs Obs. coverage: ",
			round(x$sig.results$actual,digits=2),  sep=""),
			main=paste((1-x$alpha.boot)*100, "% CI range", sep=""))
} # end of 'plot.spatbiasFS' function.

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