
Defines functions sim.data.calculate.posteriors sim.data.for.mod.selection sim.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection fit.nnet.multinomial.regression calculate.posteriors.for.datasets summarize.posteriors.on.simulated.dataset sim.partial.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection

Documented in calculate.posteriors.for.datasets fit.nnet.multinomial.regression sim.data.calculate.posteriors sim.data.for.mod.selection sim.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection sim.partial.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection summarize.posteriors.on.simulated.dataset

#' Simulate data from priors then use to calculate posterior probability of models given data
#' @param fit.smry \code{fit.smry} contains the R^2 and P values for all models and is generated in \code{\link{fit.models}}
#' @param data Dataset to fit
#' @param analysis.name Make up some unique name. Simulate data is saved into inst directory
#' @param coes.prior A vector with the lower and upper bounds on the coefficients
#' @param sig.prior A vector with the lower and upper bound on sigma
#' @param d.range Interval of d to search for maximum over
#' @param d.adj.max Factor to increase observed distant to max fitness by for ad hoc d estimate (when other estimators fail)
#' @param wts Weights when estimating coefficients and d.
#' @param n.samps.per.mod The number of datasets to simulate per model
#' @param min.R2 Minimum R^2 value. Suggest -1.
#' @param print.interval Outputs progress of simulation.
#' @param outdir Specify a directory for outputting results and temporary files. default=tempdir()
#' @return List:\cr
#' \code{$posteriors} Posterior probability of each epistasis model. \cr
#' \code{$multinomial.model} Multinomial model fit to the simulated data used to assign posterior probabilities.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fit.results <- fit.models(Chou.data, c(0.1, 10), 1.1, c(2,1))
#' sim.data.calculate.posteriors(fit.results$fit.smry,
#'                            Chou.data,
#'                            "Test",
#'                            c(0.05, 0.5),
#'                            c(0, 0.25),
#'                            c(0.1, 10),
#'                            1.1,
#'                            c(2,1),
#'                            50,
#'                            -1,25,
#'                            outdir="~/Desktop")
#'  }
#' @export

sim.data.calculate.posteriors <- function(fit.smry, data, analysis.name, coes.prior, sig.prior, d.range, d.adj.max, wts, n.samps.per.mod, min.R2, print.interval=NA,outdir=tempdir()){

  n.genos <- length(data[,1])
  n.muts <- length(data[1,])-1
  geno.matrix <- data[,seq(1, n.muts)]
  fit.matrix <- as.matrix(data[,(n.muts+1)])
  simdata.file.name <- paste("simulated_data_from_priors_", analysis.name, ".txt", sep="")
  simdata.outpath <- paste(outdir, simdata.file.name, sep="/")

                                                 mods.to.sim=c("stick", "mult", "add"),

  print("Fitting multinomial model to simulated data")
  data <- read.table(file=simdata.outpath, header=TRUE)
  data$R2.stick[which(data$R2.stick<min.R2)] <- min.R2
  data$R2.mult[which(data$R2.mult<min.R2)] <- min.R2
  data$R2.add[which(data$R2.add<min.R2)] <- min.R2
  mod.formula <- as.formula(model ~ R2.stick + R2.mult + R2.add + P.stick + P.mult + P.add)
  mod <- fit.nnet.multinomial.regression(data, mod.formula)
  posteriors <- predict(mod, newdata=fit.smry, type="probs")
  return(list(posteriors=posteriors, multinomial.model=mod))

#' Simulate data at specified parameter values for doing model selection
#' @param n.muts Number of mutations to simulate. Vector of the form \code{c(3,4,5)}.
#' @param coes.to.sim Coefficient values to simulate. Vector of the form \code{c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5)}.
#' @param sigs.to.sim Sigma values to simulate. Vector of the form \code{c(0.02, 0.05, 0.08)}.
#' @param mods.to.sim Models to simulate under. Vector with model names of the form c("stick", "mult", "add").
#' @param d.true True value of d.
#' @param d.range Range of possible values for d. If estimate is outside this, estimate is not considered valid.
#' @param w.wt Wild type fitness.
#' @param wts Weights when estimating coefficients and d.
#' @param outpath Full path including file name to write results
#' @param n.reps.ea Number of simulated-fit datasets per parametric condition
#' @param coe.sim.model Coefficient simulation model. Possible values: "identical" means all coefficients take same value-- from coe.v.
#' "uniform" indicates to  sample individual coefficients from a uniform with mean given by coe.v and distributed U(coe.v-coe.dist.par, coe.v+coe.dist.parm).
#' "normal" means sample coefficients from normal distribution with mean from coe.v and sigma given by coe.dist.par.
#' Default = "identical".
#' @param coe.dist.par Coefficient distribution parameter. If coe.sim.model=="uniform", then uniform is U(-coe.dist.par, +coe.dist.parm).
#' If coe.sim.model=="normal", then distributed normal with mean given by coe.v and sigma give by coe.dist.parm.
#' @return Nothing. Instead results are written to \code{outpath} file for later analysis.
#' @details Function loops over all parametric combinations and simulates datasets. For each dataset it
#' fits to each of the models and outputs a row of metrics that summarize the fits.
#' @export sim.data.for.mod.selection

sim.data.for.mod.selection <- function(n.muts, coes.to.sim, sigs.to.sim, mods.to.sim, d.true, d.range, w.wt, wts, outpath, n.reps.ea, coe.sim.model="identical", coe.dist.par=NA){
  geno.matrix <- generate.geno.matrix(n.muts)
  first.results <- TRUE
  for (mod.i in 1:length(mods.to.sim)){
    model <- mods.to.sim[mod.i]
    for (coe.i in 1:length(coes.to.sim)){
      if (coe.sim.model=="identical"){
        coes <- rep(coes.to.sim[coe.i], n.muts)
      } else if (coe.sim.model == "uniform"){
        coes <- runif(n.muts, coes.to.sim[coe.i]-coe.dist.par, coes.to.sim[coe.i]+coe.dist.par)
      } else if (coe.sim.model == "normal"){
        coes <- rnorm(n=n.muts, mean=coes.to.sim[coe.i], sd=coe.dist.par)

      for (sig.i in 1:length(sigs.to.sim)){
        sig.val <- sigs.to.sim[sig.i]

        for (rep.i in 1:n.reps.ea){
          if (model=="stick"){
            fit.matrix <- sim.stick.data(n.muts=n.muts, coes=coes, sigma=sig.val, d.true=d.true, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix
          } else if (model=="mult"){
            fit.matrix <- sim.mult.data(n.muts=n.muts, selcoes=coes, sigma=sig.val, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix
          } else if (model=="add"){
            fit.matrix <- sim.add.data(n.muts=n.muts, addcoes=coes, sigma=sig.val, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix

          # --- Fit data to each model ---
          # -- stickbreaking --
          d.hat.MLE <- estimate.d.MLE(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.range=d.range)
          d.hat.RDB <- estimate.d.RDB(geno.matrix, fit.matrix)$d.hat.RDB
          d.hat.max <- max(fit.matrix, na.rm=TRUE) - w.wt
          d.hat.seq <- estimate.d.sequential(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.hat.MLE, d.hat.RDB, d.range)
          fit.stick <- fit.stick.model.given.d(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.hat.seq, wts=wts, run.regression=TRUE)
          u.hat.mean <- mean(fit.stick$u.hats)
          fit.stick <- c(u.mean=u.hat.mean, d.hat=d.hat.seq, round(unlist(fit.stick[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.stick$regression.results$P,5))
          oldnames <- c("R2", "sig.hat", "logLike", "P")    # rename to include model
          newnames <- c("R2.stick", "sig.stick", "lnL.stick", "P.stick")
          names(fit.stick)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.stick)==x))] <- newnames
          # -- multiplicative --
          fit.mult <-fit.mult.model(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, wts)
          s.hat.mean <- mean(fit.mult$s.hats)
          fit.mult <- c(s.mean=s.hat.mean, round(unlist(fit.mult[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.mult$regression.results$P,5))
          newnames <- c("R2.mult", "sig.mult", "lnL.mult", "P.mult")
          names(fit.mult)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.mult)==x))] <- newnames
          # -- additive --
          fit.add <- fit.add.model(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, wts)
          w.hat.mean <- mean(fit.add$w.hats)
          fit.add <- c(w.mean=w.hat.mean, round(unlist(fit.add[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.add$regression.results$P,5))
          newnames <- c("R2.add", "sig.add", "lnL.add", "P.add")
          names(fit.add)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.add)==x))] <- newnames

          parm.row <- data.frame(model=model, n.muts=n.muts, coes=coes.to.sim[coe.i], sigma=sig.val)
          fit.row <- data.frame(cbind(t(fit.stick), t(fit.mult)), t(fit.add))

          one.row <- data.frame(cbind(parm.row, fit.row))

          if (first.results == TRUE){
            write.table(x=one.row, file=outpath, append=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
            first.results <- FALSE
          } else{
            write.table(x=one.row, file=outpath, append=TRUE, sep="\t", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
        } #next rep.i
      }  #next sig.i
    }  #next coe.i
  } #next model.i

#' Simulate data from priors for doing model selection
#' @param n.muts Number of mutations to simulate. Vector of the form \code{c(3,4,5)}.
#' @param coes.prior A vector with the lower and upper bounds on the coefficients
#' @param sigs.prior Range for uniform prior on sigma
#' @param mods.to.sim Models to simulate under. Vector with model names of the form c("stick", "mult", "add").
#' @param d.true True value of d.
#' @param d.range Range of possible values for d. If estimate is outside this, estimate is not considered valid.
#' @param d.adj.max Factor to increase observed distant to max fitness by for ad hoc d estimate (when other estimators fail)
#' @param w.wt Wild type fitness.
#' @param wts Weights when estimating coefficients and d.
#' @param outpath Full path including file name to write results.
#' @param n.samps.per.mod Number of datasets to simulate per model
#' @param coe.sim.model Coefficient simulation model. See details.
#' @param coe.dist.par Coefficient distribution parameter. If coe.sim.model=="uniform", then uniform is U(-coe.dist.par, +coe.dist.parm).
#' If coe.sim.model=="normal", then distributed normal with mean given by coe.v and sigma give by coe.dist.parm.
#' @param print.interval Every this many replicates, prints out replicate number. If NA (default) no printing is done.
#' @return Nothing. Instead results are written to \code{outpath} file for later analysis
#' @details This function generates datasets by drawing from priors. It generates \code{n.samps.per.mod}
#' per model. It then analyzes each dataset under all three models writes one row of summary statistics
#' to the output file (defined by \code{outpath}).
#' \code{coe.sim.model}: The expected coefficient is sampled from uniform prior (coes.prior): E[coe]
#' The coe.sim.model determines how the individual coefficients are generated.
#'  Possible values: "identical" means all coefficients take same value--E[coe].
#' "uniform" indicates to  sample individual coefficients from a uniform distribution: U(E[coe]-coe.dist.par, E[coe]+coe.dist.parm).
#' "normal" means sample coefficients from normal distribution with mean E[coe] and sigma given by coe.dist.par.
#' Default = "identical".
#' @examples
#'  n.muts <- 4
#'  n.muts <- length(Khan.data[1,])-1
#'  geno.matrix <- Khan.data[,seq(1, n.muts)]
#'  fit.matrix <- as.matrix(Khan.data[,(n.muts+1)])
#'  outdir <- system.file("extdata",package="Stickbreaker")
#'  file.name <- paste("Training_simulated_priors_fit_data_", n.muts, "muts.txt", sep="")
#'  outpath <- paste(outdir, file.name, sep="/")
#'  sim.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection(n.muts,
#'    c(0.05, 0.5),
#'    c(0, 0.25),
#'    c(4),
#'    1,
#'    c(0.1, 10),
#'    1.1,
#'    1,
#'    c(2,1),
#'    outpath,
#'    50,
#'    coe.sim.model="identical",
#'    coe.dist.par=NA,
#'    print.interval=NA)
#' @export sim.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection

sim.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection <- function(n.muts, coes.prior, sigs.prior, mods.to.sim, d.true, d.range, d.adj.max, w.wt, wts, outpath, n.samps.per.mod, coe.sim.model="identical", coe.dist.par=NA, print.interval=NA){
  geno.matrix <- generate.geno.matrix(n.muts)
  if (is.na(print.interval)==FALSE){
    print.pts <- c(1, seq(print.interval, n.samps.per.mod, by=print.interval))
  first.results <- TRUE
  for (mod.i in 1:length(mods.to.sim)){
    model <- mods.to.sim[mod.i]
    if (is.na(print.interval)==FALSE){
    for (rep.i in 1:n.samps.per.mod){

      if (is.na(print.interval)==FALSE){
        if (rep.i %in% print.pts){
      if (coe.sim.model=="identical"){
        coes.prior <- sort(coes.prior)
        coe.center <- runif(n=1,coes.prior[1], coes.prior[2])
        coes <- rep(coe.center, n.muts)
      } else if (coe.sim.model == "uniform"){
        coes <- runif(n.muts, coe.center-coe.dist.par, coe.center+coe.dist.par)
      } else if (coe.sim.model == "normal"){
        coes <- rnorm(n=n.muts, mean=coe.center, sd=coe.dist.par)

      sig.val <- runif(n=1, sigs.prior[1], sigs.prior[2])

      if (model=="stick"){
        fit.matrix <- sim.stick.data(n.muts=n.muts, coes=coes, sigma=sig.val, d.true=d.true, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix
      } else if (model=="mult"){
        fit.matrix <- sim.mult.data(n.muts=n.muts, selcoes=coes, sigma=sig.val, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix
      } else if (model=="add"){
        fit.matrix <- sim.add.data(n.muts=n.muts, addcoes=coes, sigma=sig.val, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix

      # --- Fit data to each model ---
      # -- stickbreaking --
      d.hat.MLE <- estimate.d.MLE(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.range=d.range)
      d.hat.RDB <- estimate.d.RDB(geno.matrix, fit.matrix)$d.hat.RDB
      d.hat.max <- max(fit.matrix, na.rm=TRUE) - w.wt
      d.hat.seq <- estimate.d.sequential(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.hat.MLE, d.hat.RDB, d.range, d.adj.max)
      fit.stick <- fit.stick.model.given.d(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.hat.seq, wts=wts,run.regression=TRUE)
      u.hat.mean <- mean(fit.stick$u.hats)
      fit.stick <- c(u.mean=u.hat.mean, d.hat=d.hat.seq, round(unlist(fit.stick[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.stick$regression.results$P,5))
      oldnames <- c("R2", "sig.hat", "logLike", "P")    # rename to include model
      newnames <- c("R2.stick", "sig.stick", "lnL.stick", "P.stick")
      names(fit.stick)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.stick)==x))] <- newnames
      # -- multiplicative --
      fit.mult <-fit.mult.model(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, wts)
      s.hat.mean <- mean(fit.mult$s.hats)
      fit.mult <- c(s.mean=s.hat.mean, round(unlist(fit.mult[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.mult$regression.results$P,5))
      newnames <- c("R2.mult", "sig.mult", "lnL.mult", "P.mult")
      names(fit.mult)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.mult)==x))] <- newnames
      # -- additive --
      fit.add <- fit.add.model(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, wts)
      w.hat.mean <- mean(fit.add$w.hats)
      fit.add <- c(w.mean=w.hat.mean, round(unlist(fit.add[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.add$regression.results$P,5))
      newnames <- c("R2.add", "sig.add", "lnL.add", "P.add")
      names(fit.add)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.add)==x))] <- newnames

      parm.row <- data.frame(model=model, n.muts=n.muts, coes=coe.center, sigma=sig.val)
      fit.row <- data.frame(cbind(t(fit.stick), t(fit.mult)), t(fit.add))

      one.row <- data.frame(cbind(parm.row, fit.row))

      if (first.results == TRUE){
        write.table(x=one.row, file=outpath, append=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
        first.results <- FALSE
      } else{
        write.table(x=one.row, file=outpath, append=TRUE, sep="\t", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
    } #next rep.i
  } #next model.i

#' Fit training data to multinomial regression using nnet package
#' @param data Dataset to fit
#' @param mod.formula Formula to pass to the multinom function in nnet
#' @return Regression fit results for later analysis
#' @importFrom nnet multinom
#' @export
fit.nnet.multinomial.regression <- function(data, mod.formula){
  mnet.fit <- multinom(data=data, formula = mod.formula)

#' Calculates posterior probabilities for each row of dataset given model
#' @param data Dataset as generated by \code{\link{sim.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection}}
#' or \code{\link{sim.data.for.mod.selection}}
#' @param mod Multinomial regression model from nnet package fit using the \code{\link{fit.nnet.multinomial.regression}} function.
#' @return dataset with the posterior probabilities of add, mult and stick models bound (using cbind)
#' to right edge of the supplied dataset.
#' @export

calculate.posteriors.for.datasets <- function(data, mod){

  posteriors <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(data[,1]), ncol=3))
  colnames(posteriors)=c("add", "mult", "stick")

  for (j in 1:length(data[,1])){
    posteriors[j,] <- predict(mod, newdata=data[j,], type="probs")
  dataset <- cbind(data, posteriors)

#'  Calculate classification performance on simulated data
#' @param data Dataset as generated by \code{\link{sim.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection}}
#' or \code{\link{sim.data.for.mod.selection}}
#' @param rej.cut Rejection cutoff point specifies at what posterior probability is a model rejected. Default is 0.05.
#' @param n.muts Vector of number of mutations to simulate
#' @return Dataframe with false rejection rate, correct and unique classification rate, and
#'  mean posterior probability for each parameter combination in the data.
#' @details If a model has posterior probability < \code{rej.cut}, it is rejected. If a model has posterior
#' probability \eqn{\ge}  1-\code{rej.cut}, it is considered uniquely accepted.
#' @export

summarize.posteriors.on.simulated.dataset <- function(data, rej.cut=0.05, n.muts){
  mods.to.lyze <- unique(data$model)
  coes.to.lyze <- unique(data$coes)
  sigs.to.lyze <- unique(data$sigma)
  parm.table <- expand.grid(model=mods.to.lyze, coes=coes.to.lyze, sigma=sigs.to.lyze)
  parm.table <- cbind(model=parm.table[,1], n.muts=rep(n.muts, length(parm.table[,1])), parm.table[,2:3])
  parm.strings <- apply(parm.table, 1, function(x) paste(x, collapse="_"))
  end.in.zero <- which(sapply(parm.strings, function(x) substring(x, nchar(x))=="0"))
  if (length(end.in.zero)>0){
    parm.strings[end.in.zero] <- sapply(end.in.zero, function(x) substring(parm.strings[x], 1, nchar(parm.strings[x])-1))

  result.cols <- c("n", "false.rej", "true.unq", "mean.post")
  results.table <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=length(parm.table[,1]), ncol=length(result.cols)))
  colnames(results.table) <- result.cols
  one.table <- cbind(parm.table, results.table)
  mod.cols <- sapply(c("add", "mult", "stick"), function(x) which(colnames(data)==x))
  for (mod.i in 1:length(mods.to.lyze)){
    for (coe.i in 1:length(coes.to.lyze)){
      for (sig.i in 1:length(sigs.to.lyze)){
        rows <- with(data, which(model==mods.to.lyze[mod.i] & n.muts==muts.to.lyze[mut.i] &
                                   coes==coes.to.lyze[coe.i] & sigma==sigs.to.lyze[sig.i]))
        pattern <- paste(as.character(data[rows[1],1:4]), collapse="_")
        nc <- nchar(pattern)
        if (substring(pattern, nc-1, nc)=="_0"){pattern <- paste(substring(pattern, 1, nc-2), "_0.0", sep="")}
        parm.row <- which(parm.strings==pattern)
        n <- length(rows)
        one.table$n[parm.row] <- n
        true.mod.col <- mod.cols[which(names(mod.cols)==mods.to.lyze[mod.i])]
        true.mod.probs <- data[rows, true.mod.col]
        one.table$false.rej[parm.row] <- length(which(true.mod.probs <= rej.cut))/n
        one.table$true.unq[parm.row] <- length(which(true.mod.probs >= 1-rej.cut))/n
        one.table$mean.post[parm.row] <- mean(true.mod.probs)
      } #next sig.i
    }  #next coe.I
  }  #next mod.i

#' Simulate partial data from priors for doing model selection
#' @param geno.matrix Matrix specifying which genotypes to simulate
#' @param coes.prior A vector with the lower and upper bounds on the coefficients
#' @param sigs.prior Range for uniform prior on sigma
#' @param mods.to.sim Models to simulate under. Vector with model names of the form c("stick", "mult", "add").
#' @param d.true True value of d.
#' @param d.range Range of possible values for d. If estimate is outside this, estimate is not considered valid.
#' @param d.adj.max Factor to increase observed distant to max fitness by for ad hoc d estimate (when other estimators fail)
#' @param w.wt Wild type fitness.
#' @param wts Weights when estimating coefficients and d.
#' @param outpath Full path including file name to write results
#' @param n.samps.per.mod Number of datasets to simulate per model
#' @param coe.sim.model Coefficient simulation model. See details.
#' @param coe.dist.par Coefficient distribution parameter. If coe.sim.model=="uniform", then uniform is U(-coe.dist.par, +coe.dist.parm).
#' If coe.sim.model=="normal", then distributed normal with mean given by coe.v and sigma give by coe.dist.parm.
#' @param print.interval Every this many replicates, prints out replicate number. If NA (default) no printing is done.
#' @return Nothing. Instead results are written to \code{outpath} file for later analysis
#' @details This function generates datasets by drawing from priors. It generates \code{n.samps.per.mod}
#' per model. It then analyzes each dataset under all three models writes one row of summary statistics
#' to the output file (defined by \code{outpath}).
#' \code{coe.sim.model}: The expected coefficient is sampled from uniform prior (coes.prior): E[coe]
#' The coe.sim.model determines how the individual coefficients are generated.
#'  Possible values: "identical" means all coefficients take same value--E[coe].
#' "uniform" indicates to  sample individual coefficients from a uniform distribution: U(E[coe]-coe.dist.par, E[coe]+coe.dist.parm).
#' "normal" means sample coefficients from normal distribution with mean E[coe] and sigma given by coe.dist.par.
#' Default = "identical".
#' @export sim.partial.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection

sim.partial.data.from.priors.for.mod.selection <- function(geno.matrix, coes.prior, sigs.prior, mods.to.sim, d.true, d.range, d.adj.max, w.wt, wts, outpath, n.samps.per.mod, coe.sim.model="identical", coe.dist.par=NA, print.interval){
  n.muts <- length(geno.matrix[1,])
  if (is.na(print.interval)==FALSE){
    print.pts <- c(1, seq(print.interval, n.samps.per.mod, by=print.interval))
  first.results <- TRUE
  for (mod.i in 1:length(mods.to.sim)){
    model <- mods.to.sim[mod.i]
    if (is.na(print.interval)==FALSE){
    for (rep.i in 1:n.samps.per.mod){
      if (is.na(print.interval)==FALSE){
        if (rep.i %in% print.pts){
      if (coe.sim.model=="identical"){
        coes.prior <- sort(coes.prior)
        coe.center <- runif(n=1,coes.prior[1], coes.prior[2])
        coes <- rep(coe.center, n.muts)
      } else if (coe.sim.model == "uniform"){
        coes <- runif(n.muts, coe.center-coe.dist.par, coe.center+coe.dist.par)
      } else if (coe.sim.model == "normal"){
        coes <- rnorm(n=n.muts, mean=coe.center, sd=coe.dist.par)

      sig.val <- runif(n=1, sigs.prior[1], sigs.prior[2])

      if (model=="stick"){
        fit.matrix <- sim.stick.data(n.muts=n.muts, coes=coes, sigma=sig.val, d.true=d.true, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix
      } else if (model=="mult"){
        fit.matrix <- sim.mult.data(n.muts=n.muts, selcoes=coes, sigma=sig.val, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix
      } else if (model=="add"){
        fit.matrix <- sim.add.data(n.muts=n.muts, addcoes=coes, sigma=sig.val, w.wt=w.wt, geno.matrix)$fit.matrix

      # --- Fit data to each model ---
      # -- stickbreaking --
      d.hat.MLE <- estimate.d.MLE(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.range=d.range)
      d.hat.RDB <- estimate.d.RDB(geno.matrix, fit.matrix)$d.hat.RDB
      d.hat.max <- max(fit.matrix, na.rm=TRUE) - w.wt
      d.hat.seq <- estimate.d.sequential(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.hat.MLE, d.hat.RDB, d.range, d.adj.max)
      fit.stick <- fit.stick.model.given.d(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, d.hat.seq, wts=wts,run.regression=TRUE)
      u.hat.mean <- mean(fit.stick$u.hats)
      fit.stick <- c(u.mean=u.hat.mean, d.hat=d.hat.seq, round(unlist(fit.stick[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.stick$regression.results$P,5))
      oldnames <- c("R2", "sig.hat", "logLike", "P")    # rename to include model
      newnames <- c("R2.stick", "sig.stick", "lnL.stick", "P.stick")
      names(fit.stick)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.stick)==x))] <- newnames
      # -- multiplicative --
      fit.mult <-fit.mult.model(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, wts)
      s.hat.mean <- mean(fit.mult$s.hats)
      fit.mult <- c(s.mean=s.hat.mean, round(unlist(fit.mult[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.mult$regression.results$P,5))
      newnames <- c("R2.mult", "sig.mult", "lnL.mult", "P.mult")
      names(fit.mult)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.mult)==x))] <- newnames
      # -- additive --
      fit.add <- fit.add.model(geno.matrix, fit.matrix, wts)
      w.hat.mean <- mean(fit.add$w.hats)
      fit.add <- c(w.mean=w.hat.mean, round(unlist(fit.add[1:4]),5), P=round(fit.add$regression.results$P,5))
      newnames <- c("R2.add", "sig.add", "lnL.add", "P.add")
      names(fit.add)[sapply(oldnames, function(x) which(names(fit.add)==x))] <- newnames

      parm.row <- data.frame(model=model, n.muts=n.muts, coes=coe.center, sigma=sig.val)
      fit.row <- data.frame(cbind(t(fit.stick), t(fit.mult)), t(fit.add))

      one.row <- data.frame(cbind(parm.row, fit.row))

      if (first.results == TRUE){
        write.table(x=one.row, file=outpath, append=FALSE, sep="\t", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE)
        first.results <- FALSE
      } else{
        write.table(x=one.row, file=outpath, append=TRUE, sep="\t", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
    } #next rep.i
  } #next model.i

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Stickbreaker documentation built on May 29, 2017, 9:01 a.m.