
Defines functions gen_usms_xml2txt

Documented in gen_usms_xml2txt

#' @title Generating one or several usms directories from a javastics workspace
#' content
#' @description The function creates sets of input files for one or multiple
#' usms from usms data stored in a JavaSTICS workspace. For multiple usms,
#' sets will be generated into individual folders named with usm names.
#' Observations files will be also copied if they are named `[usm_name].obs`
#' For one usm, files will be generated either in the workspace directory
#' or in a subdirectory.
#' @param javastics Path of JavaSTICS. Optional (needed if the JavaSTICS
#' converter is used, java_converter set to TRUE in inputs)
#' @param workspace Path of a JavaSTICS workspace
#' (i.e. containing the STICS XML input files). Optional, if not provided
#' the current workspace stored in JavaSTICS preferences will be used.
#' @param out_dir The path of the directory where to create usms directories
#' (Optional), if not provided the JavaSTICS workspace will be used as root
#' @param usm List of usms to generate (Optional). If not provided, all
#' usms contained in workspace/usms.xml file will be generated.
#' @param stics_version the STICS files version to use (optional,
#' default to latest).
#' @param verbose Logical value for displaying information while running
#' @param dir_per_usm_flag logical, TRUE if one want to create one directory
#' per USM, FALSE if USM files are generated in the target_path
#' (only useful for usms_list of size one)
#' @param java_cmd For unix like systems, the java virtual machine command
#' name or executable path. Usefull only if the JavaSTICS command line
#' is used for generating files. "java" is the default system command,
#' but a full path to a java executable (other than the default one)
#' may be given
#' @param java_converter logical TRUE for using JavaStics command
#' (a JavaSTICS path must be set in the function inputs), FALSE otherwise
#' @param javastics_path `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `javastics_path`
#' is no longer supported, use `javastics` instead.
#' @param workspace_path `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `workspace_path`
#' is no longer supported, use `workspace` instead.
#' @param target_path `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `target_path` is no
#'   longer supported, use `out_dir` instead.
#' @param usms_list `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `usms_list` is no
#'   longer supported, use `usm` instead.
#' @return A list with named elements:
#' usms_path : created directories paths (for storing STICS input files),
#' files : generated files list (in JavaSTICS workspace origin),
#' copy_status : logical value vector, indicating if all files have been
#' generated for each usm
#' obs_copy_status : logical value vector, indicating if observation files
#' have been successfully copied in usms directories
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' javastics <- "/path/to/JavaSTICS/folder"
#' workspace <- "/path/to/workspace"
#' # For all usms
#' gen_usms_xml2txt(javastics, workspace)
#' # For an usms list
#' usm <- c("usm1", "usm2")
#' gen_usms_xml2txt(javastics, workspace, usm)
#' }
#' @export

gen_usms_xml2txt <- function(javastics = NULL,
                             workspace = NULL,
                             out_dir = NULL,
                             usm = c(),
                             stics_version = "latest",
                             verbose = TRUE,
                             dir_per_usm_flag = TRUE,
                             java_cmd = "java",
                             java_converter = FALSE,
                             javastics_path = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                             workspace_path = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                             target_path = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                             usms_list = lifecycle::deprecated()) {

  # javastics_path
  if (lifecycle::is_present(javastics_path)) {
      "1.0.0", "gen_usms_xml2txt(javastics_path)",
  } else {
    javastics_path <- javastics # to remove when we update inside the function
  # workspace_path
  if (lifecycle::is_present(workspace_path)) {
      "1.0.0", "gen_usms_xml2txt(workspace_path)",
  } else {
    workspace_path <- workspace # to remove when we update inside the function
  if (grepl("\ ", workspace_path)) {
    stop(paste0("Space into workspace is not supported. Please copy ",
                "the content of workspace folder in a path without space."))
  # target_path
  if (lifecycle::is_present(target_path)) {
      "1.0.0", "gen_usms_xml2txt(target_path)",
  } else {
    target_path <- out_dir # to remove when we update inside the function
  # usms_list
  if (lifecycle::is_present(usms_list)) {
      "1.0.0", "gen_usms_xml2txt(usms_list)",
  } else {
    usms_list <- usm # to remove when we update inside the function

  if (java_converter) {
    # javastics directory must be given
    if (is.null(javastics))
      stop("For using JavaSTICS commande line converter ",
           "the JavaSTICS directory must be set in function inputs !")

    # checking javastics path
    start_wd <- getwd()


    # Checking and getting JavaSTICS workspace path
    workspace_path <- check_java_workspace(javastics_path, workspace_path)
    if (base::is.null(workspace_path)) {

  # Setting the javastics workspace as root directory where to generate
  # usms files or directories (dir_per_usm_flag value is TRUE)
  if (base::is.null(target_path)) target_path <- workspace_path

  # Creating target dir if not exists
  if (!dir.exists(target_path)) {

  usms_file_path <- file.path(workspace_path, "usms.xml")
  usms_doc <- xmldocument(usms_file_path)

  # Retrieving usm names list from the usms.xml file
  full_usms_list <- get_usms_list(file = usms_file_path)

  # Do some usms have lai forcing? If so, read it accordingly:
  lai_forcing <- get_lai_forcing_xml_doc(usms_doc)

  lai_file_path <-
      get_param_value(usms_doc, param_name = "flai")$flai

  dominance <- get_param_value(usms_doc, param_name = "dominance")$dominance

  nbplantes <- get_param_value(usms_doc, param_name = "nbplantes")$nbplantes

  flai_usms <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(full_usms_list))
  names(flai_usms) <- full_usms_list
  usm_index <- 1 # This is equivalent of i, but tracks which usm we are doing in
  # the for loop below, because sometimes we have two lai files

  for (i in seq_along(lai_file_path)) {
    if (dominance[i] == 1) {
      flai_usms[[usm_index]] <- lai_file_path[i]
    } else if (nbplantes[usm_index] == 2) {
      # Here we provide the lai file for the second plant, but just if
      # nbplantes = 2 because it can still be parameterized or be =null when
      # nbplantes = 1 (but we don't want the 2nd file in this case)
      flai_usms[[usm_index]] <- c(flai_usms[[usm_index]], lai_file_path[i])

    # We increment the usm_index if we just treated plant 2 or if the dominance
    # of the next i is 1 (case were we only have lai file for plant 1)
    if (i < length(lai_file_path)) {
      if (dominance[i] == 2 || dominance[i + 1] == 1) {
        usm_index <- usm_index + 1

  if (length(usms_list) == 0) {
    usms_list <- full_usms_list
  } else {

    # Checking if the input usms_list is included in the full list
    usms_exist <- usms_list %in% full_usms_list

    # Error if any unknown usm name !
    if (!all(usms_exist)) {
      stop("At least one usm does not exist in usms.xml file : ",

  # getting files list
  all_files_list <- get_usms_files(
    workspace = workspace_path,
    javastics = javastics_path,
    usms_list = usms_list

  # Checking XML files existence, check_files
  all_files_exist <- unlist(
    lapply(all_files_list, function(x) return(all(x$all_exist))))

  if (!all(all_files_exist)) {
    unknown_files <-
               function(x) {x$paths[!x$all_exist]}),
        use.names = FALSE
    miss_files_mess <- paste(sprintf(fmt = "%s: %s \n", usms_list[!all_files_exist],
                               unknown_files), collapse = "")

    mess_length <- sum(nchar(miss_files_mess)) + 100L
    if (options("warning.length")$warning.length < mess_length)
      options(warning.length = mess_length)

    stop("Missing files have been detected for usm(s):\n",

  # removing usms with missing files
  all_files_list <- all_files_list[all_files_exist]

  if (java_converter) {
    # Getting javastics cmd line
    cmd_list <- get_javastics_cmd(javastics_path,
                                  java_cmd = java_cmd,
                                  type = "generate",
                                  workspace = workspace_path
    cmd_args <- cmd_list$cmd_generate
    cmd <- cmd_list$command
  } else {
    cmd_args <- NULL
    cmd <- NULL

  usms_number <- length(usms_list)

  # Fixing dir_per_usm_flag value if FALSE and there are
  # multiple usms. In that case files will be overwritten.
  # So fixing it to TRUE
  if (!dir_per_usm_flag && usms_number > 1) {
    warning("Generating files in the JavaSTICS workspace",
            " is not compatible with multiple usms !")
    dir_per_usm_flag <- TRUE

  # For storing if all files copy were successful or not
  # for each usm
  global_copy_status <- rep(FALSE, usms_number)
  obs_copy_status <- lai_copy_status <- global_copy_status

  # Full list of the files to copy

  files_list <- c(

  # Generating source files paths
  files_path <- file.path(workspace_path, files_list)

  # outputs definition files
  # Looking for them first in workspace_path, and then
  # in javastics_path for those that do not exist in
  # workspace_path
  out_files_def <- c("var.mod", "rap.mod", "prof.mod")
  out_files_java_path <- file.path(javastics_path, "config", out_files_def)
  out_files_work_path <- file.path(workspace_path, out_files_def)

  out_files_idx_path <- file.exists(out_files_work_path)
  out_files_path <- out_files_work_path[out_files_idx_path]
  if (!all(out_files_idx_path)) {
    out_files_path <- c(out_files_path,

  # For keeping target usms dir paths
  usms_path <- vector(mode = "character", usms_number)

  # Keeping execution status
  exec_status <- rep(TRUE, length = usms_number)

  for (i in 1:usms_number) {

    usm_name <- usms_list[i]

    # Removing all previous generated files, to be sure.

    #  dir creation for the curent usm, if needed
    if (dir_per_usm_flag) {
      usm_path <- file.path(target_path, usm_name)
      if (!dir.exists(usm_path)) dir.create(usm_path)
    } else {
      usm_path <- target_path

    if (java_converter) {
      # Generating text files
      ret <- system2(
        command = cmd, args = paste(cmd_args, usm_name),
        stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE
      # Get info returned by system2 for detecting errors
      exec_status[i] <- !any(grepl(pattern = "ERROR", ret))
      if (!exec_status[i]) {
        # displaying usm name
        if (verbose)
          cli::cli_alert_danger("USM {.val {usm_name}} creation failed")

      # Copying generated files to the usm directory
      if (dir_per_usm_flag) {
        copy_status <- all(file.copy(
          from = files_path[file.exists(files_path)],
          to = usm_path, overwrite = TRUE

    } else {

      usm_data <- get_usm_data(usms_doc, usm_name, workspace_path)

      usm_files_path <- all_files_list[[usm_name]]$paths

      clim_files_path <- usm_files_path[grep(pattern = "\\.xml$",
                                             x = usm_files_path,
                                             invert = TRUE)]
      files_idx <- grep(pattern = "\\.xml$",
      xml_files_path <- usm_files_path[files_idx]

      # generation status vector for xml files and new_travail.usm
      # and climate.txt
      gen_files_status <- rep(TRUE, length(xml_files_path) + 2)
      plant_id_plt <- 0
      plant_id_tec <- 0
      plant_id <- 0
      for (f in seq_along(xml_files_path)) {
        file_path <- xml_files_path[f]

        found_plt <- grepl(pattern = "_plt", x = file_path)
        found_tec <- grepl(pattern = "_tec", x = file_path)

        if (found_plt) {
          plant_id_plt <- plant_id_plt + 1
          plant_id <- plant_id_plt

        if (found_tec) {
          plant_id_tec <- plant_id_tec + 1
          plant_id <- plant_id_tec

        # using a template and replacing nomsol in it
        # for generating sol2txt.xsl file
        if (grepl(pattern = "sols", x = file_path)) {
          # generate sol2txt.xsl
          ret <- gen_sol_xsl_file(usm_data$nomsol, stics_version)

          if (!ret)
            warning("Problem when generating soil xsl file !")

        gen_files_status[f] <- convert_xml2txt(file = file_path,
                                               stics_version = stics_version,
                                               out_dir = usm_path,
                                               plant_id = plant_id)


      # generating new_travail.usm
      gen_files_status[f + 1] <- gen_new_travail(usm_data,
                                                 usm = usm_name,
                                                 workspace = workspace_path,
                                                 out_dir = usm_path)

      # generating climat.txt file
      gen_files_status[f + 2] <- gen_climate(clim_files_path,
                                             out_dir = usm_path)

      # setting exec status result
      exec_status[i] <- all(gen_files_status)

      copy_status <- exec_status[i]

    # Copying default files for outputs definition
    # if they do not exist in usm_path
    to_copy_idx <- !file.exists(file.path(usm_path, basename(out_files_path)))

    if (any(to_copy_idx)) {
      out_copy_status <- all(file.copy(
        from = out_files_path[to_copy_idx],
        to = usm_path, overwrite = TRUE
    } else {
      out_copy_status <- TRUE

    # If only one usm, for exiting the loop if target_path
    # is the workspace path, no need to copy files
    if (!dir_per_usm_flag && target_path == workspace_path) {
      global_copy_status[i] <- TRUE

    # Copying observation files
    obs_path <- file.path(workspace_path, paste0(usm_name, ".obs"))
    if (file.exists(obs_path)) {
      obs_copy_status[i] <- file.copy(
        from = obs_path,
        to = usm_path, overwrite = TRUE
    } else {
      if (verbose)
        cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("Obs file not found for USM", "
                                      {.val {usm_name}}: {.file {obs_path}}"))

    # Copying lai files if lai forcing
    if (lai_forcing[usm_name]) {
      lapply(flai_usms[usm_name], function(x) {
        if (file.exists(x)) {
          lai_copy_status[i] <- file.copy(
            from = x,
            to = usm_path, overwrite = TRUE
        } else {
          if (verbose)
            cli::cli_alert_warning(paste0("LAI file not found for USM ",
                                          "{.val {usm_name}}: {.file ",
    # Storing global files copy status
    global_copy_status[i] <- copy_status & out_copy_status

    # displaying usm name
    if (verbose)
      cli::cli_alert_info("USM {.val {usm_name}} successfully created")

    # Storing the current usm target path
    usms_path[i] <- usm_path

  # Messages if failing copies
  if (!all(global_copy_status)) {
    failed_usms <- usms_list[!global_copy_status]
      "Errors occured while generating or",
      "copying files to usms directories for usms:\n",
      paste(failed_usms, collapse = ", ")

  # Message about execution errors
  if (!all(exec_status)) {
      "Errors have been detected for usm(s):",
      paste(usms_list[!exec_status], collapse = ", ")

  # Returning a list of created directories and files copy status
  # for each directory ( FALSE if any files copy error )
    usms_path = usms_path, files = basename(files_path),
    copy_status = global_copy_status,
    obs_copy_status = obs_copy_status,
    lai_copy_status = lai_copy_status

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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.