
Defines functions plot_df_yield_curve

# plot_df_yield_curve.R
#' Plot a fishery yield curve data for demersal fish.
#' Plot demersal fish yield curve data generated by the function generate_df_yield_curve_data(). 
#' In the function generate_df_yield_curve_data(), the baseline for the sequence of runs (harvest ratio multiplier = 1.0) is a model name and variant as loaded my the e2e_read() function.
#' The function generates a set of biomass, landings and discards data for multiples of demersal fish harvest ratios relative to this baseline. This is done for a given value of
#' planktiviorous harvest ratio (also a multiple of the the baseline). Data returned from the generate_df_yield_curve_data() are in form of a dataframe, and optionally saved to a csv file.
#' This function plots two graphs - the annual average demersal fish biomass (mMN/m2) as a function of demersal fish harvest ratio multiplier, and the yield curve, ie the annual catch (and discards) (mMN/m2/y) as functions of the multiplier.
#' The yield curve represents the catch that would be generated from the stationary state of the model attained with long-term repeating annual cycles of all driving data.
#' Arguments for this function permit the input data to be drawn from an existing data object generated by the function generate_df_yield_curve_data(), a previously generted csv file, or example data
#' provided with the package for versions of the internal North Sea models.
#' @param model R-list object defining the baseline model configuration used to generate the data and compiled by the e2e_read() function.
#' @param use.saved Logical. If TRUE use pre-computed data saved from a prior run of the function rather than user-generated dataframe object (default=FALSE)
#' @param use.example Logical. If TRUE use pre-computed example data from the internal North Sea model rather than user-generated data (default=FALSE)
#' @param results Dataframe generated by the function generate_df_yield_curve_data() (default = NULL)
#' @param title Free text (enclosed in "") to be added as a header for the plot (default = "")
#' @return Dataframe of results from which the plot is created, graphical display in a new graphics window.
#' @importFrom graphics text
#' @noRd
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

plot_df_yield_curve <- function(model,use.saved=FALSE, use.example=FALSE, results=NULL ,title="" ) {

start_par = par()$mfrow
on.exit(par(mfrow = start_par))

if(use.saved==TRUE & use.example==TRUE){
        stop("use.saved and use.example cannot both be TRUE ! \n")

if(use.saved==TRUE & is.data.frame(results)==TRUE){
        stop("use.saved is TRUE but a dataframe object has also been specified ! \n")

if(use.example==TRUE & is.data.frame(results)==TRUE){
        stop("use.example is TRUE but a dataframe object has also been specified ! \n")

if(use.saved==FALSE & use.example==FALSE & is.data.frame(results)==FALSE){
        stop("no source of data has been specified ! \n")

	model.name 	<- elt(model, "setup", "model.name")
	model.variant 	<- elt(model, "setup", "model.variant")
	datastore <- get.example.results(model.name, model.variant, "Yield_curve_data_DFHRmult")
	if(title=="") title<-paste("Example data for ",model.name," ",model.variant," model")

if(use.saved==TRUE) {
	resultsdir	<- elt(model, "setup", "resultsdir")
	model.ident	<- elt(model, "setup", "model.ident")
	datafile	<- csvname(resultsdir, "Yield_curve_data_DFHRmult", model.ident)
	print(paste("Using data held in a file ",datafile," from a past model run"))

if(use.saved==FALSE & use.example==FALSE & is.data.frame(results)==TRUE) datastore<-results


#Plot results of DFHR set

	mtext("Demersal fish harvest ratio multiplier",cex=1,side=1,line=2)
	mtext("Demersal fish biomass",cex=1,side=2,line=3)

	mtext("Demersal fish harvest ratio multiplier",cex=1,side=1,line=2)
	mtext("Demersal fish catch",cex=1,side=2,line=3)
        mtext(bquote("mMN.m"^-2 ~ ".y"^-1),cex=0.7,side=3,line=-0.05,adj=-0.18)
legend("topright",  bg="transparent", c("Catch","Landings"), lty=c("solid","solid"),lwd=c(3,1),cex=0.8)




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StrathE2E2 documentation built on Jan. 23, 2021, 1:07 a.m.