
Defines functions plot_tree

Documented in plot_tree

#' Tree Plot: Tree Structure, Subgroup-specific treatment estimates
#' For partykit or rpart based tree models, visualize tree structure and subgroup (node)
#' specific treatment estimates. Plots (ggparty) can include other node-specific information, 
#' see below for details. 
#' @param object PRISM or submod_train object
#' @param plots Type of plots to include in each node of the "tree" plot. Default="outcome". 
#' For non-survival data, if the fitted PRISM object (x) does not include patient-level 
#' estimates (ple="None"), or if param="lm", this will plot the observed outcomes (Y) by the 
#' treatment assignment (A). If the fitted PRISM object includes patient-level estimates 
#' (ex: ple="ranger"), this includes box-plots of the model-based (if param="ple") or double-robust
#' based (if param="dr") counter-factual estimates of E(Y|X,A=a) for continuous outcomes or 
#' Prob(Y=1|X,A=a) for binary outcomes (truncated to 0,1). For survival data, Kaplan-Meier 
#' based survival estimates are plotted by treatment group. For "density", the estimated 
#' probability density of the treatment effects is shown (normal approximation, unless resampling is used). 
#' "both" include the "outcome" and "density" plots. If tree.plots = "none", then only the 
#' tree structure is shown.
#' @param prob.thres Probability threshold, ex: P(Mean(A=1 vs A=0)>c. Default=NULL, 
#' which defaults to using ">0", unless param="cox", which  "P(HR(A=1 vs A=0))<1". 
#' If a density plot is included, setting prob.thres=">c" will use green colors 
#' for values above c, and red colors for values below c. If tree.thres="<c", the 
#' reverse color scheme is used.
#' @param nudge_out Nudge tree outcome plot (see ggparty for details)
#' @param nudge_dens Nudge tree density plot
#' @param width_out Width of tree outcome plot (see ggparty for details)
#' @param width_dens Width of density tree outcome plot
#' @param ... Additional arguments (currently ignored).
#' @return Plot (ggplot2) object
#' @export
plot_tree = function(object, prob.thres = ">0", plots="outcome",
                        nudge_out=0.1, width_out=0.5,
                        nudge_dens=ifelse(plots=="both", 0.3, 0.1),
                        width_dens=0.5, ...) {
  # Set up treatment estimate data #
  if (inherits(object, "PRISM")) {
    if (is.null(object$param.dat$est0)) {
      object <- default_trt_plots(obj=object)
  if (inherits(object, "submod_train")) {
    object$param.dat <- object$trt_eff
    object$family <- object$list_args$family
    object$alpha_s <- object$list_args$alpha_s
    object$alpha_ovrl <- object$list_args$alpha_ovrl
    object$submod.fit <- object$fit
    object$ple <- object$list_args$ple
    object$param <- object$list_args$param
    object$param.dat$est0 <- object$param.dat$est
    object$param.dat$SE0 <- object$param.dat$SE
    object$param.dat$LCL0 <- object$param.dat$LCL
    object$param.dat$UCL0 <- object$param.dat$UCL
    object <- prob_calculator(object, thres=prob.thres)
  # Extract #
  n <- dim(object$out.train)[1]
  family <- object$family
  prob.label <- paste("Prob(",prob.thres, ")", sep="")
  if (family=="survival"){
    n.events <- object$param.dat$events[object$param.dat$Subgrps==0] 
  alpha_s <- object$alpha_s
  resample <- ifelse(is.null(object$resample), "None", object$resample)
  ct <- object$submod.fit$mod
  if (is.null(object$trt_assign)) {
    Subgrps_num <- as.numeric(unique(object$out.train$Subgrps))
  if (!is.null(object$trt_assign)) {
    Subgrps_num <- as.numeric(unique(object$trt_assign$Subgrps))
  param.dat <- object$param.dat
  # Convert logHR to HR (if cox) #
  if (family=="survival") {
    if (object$param=="cox") {
      param.dat$est0 = exp(param.dat$est0)
      param.dat$LCL0 = exp(param.dat$LCL0)
      param.dat$UCL0 = exp(param.dat$UCL0)
      param.dat$estimand = gsub("logHR", "HR", param.dat$estimand)
      param.dat$prob.est = 1-param.dat$`Prob(>0)`
  param.dat$label <- with(param.dat, paste( sprintf("%.2f", round(est0,2)),
                                            " [",
                                            sprintf("%.2f", round(LCL0,2)), ",",
                                            sprintf("%.2f", round(UCL0,2)), "]", sep=""))
  param.dat$prob.est <- with(param.dat, sprintf("%.2f", round(prob.est,2)))
  param.dat$id <- param.dat$Subgrps
  param.ovrl <- param.dat[param.dat$Subgrps=="ovrl",]
  param.subs <- param.dat[param.dat$Subgrps!="ovrl",]
  estimand <- unique(param.dat$estimand)
  # A levels (if not NULL) #
  if (!is.null(object$out.train$A)) {
    A_lvls <- with(object$out.train, unique(A)[order(unique(A))])
  ## Prep Data for Outcome Plots ##
  if (family!="survival") {
    if (!is.null(object$out.train$A)) {
      mu_A0 <- paste("mu", A_lvls[1], sep="_")
      mu_A1 <- paste("mu", A_lvls[2], sep="_")
      E_diff <- paste(mu_A1, "-", mu_A0, sep="")
      param.subs <- param.subs[param.subs$estimand==E_diff,]
      param.subs$estimand <- as.character(param.subs$estimand)
      estimand <- E_diff
      if (object$ple!="None") {
        mu_hat <- object$mu_train
        if (!(object$param %in% c("ple", "dr"))) {
          plot.dat <- object$out.train
          plot.dat <- plot.dat[,colnames(plot.dat) %in% c("Y", "A", "Subgrps")]
          plot.dat$estimand <- with(plot.dat, ifelse(A==A_lvls[1], mu_A0, mu_A1))
          plot.dat$est <- plot.dat$Y
          plot.dat <- plot.dat[,c("estimand", "est", "Subgrps")]
        if (object$param=="ple") {
          plot.dat <- rbind( data.frame(estimand=mu_A0, est=mu_hat[,mu_A0], 
                                        Subgrps = object$out.train$Subgrps),
                             data.frame(estimand=mu_A1, est=mu_hat[,mu_A1],
                                        Subgrps = object$out.train$Subgrps)) 
        if (object$param=="dr") {
          pi0 <- paste("pi", A_lvls[1], sep="_")
          pi1 <- paste("pi", A_lvls[2], sep="_")
          A_ind <- ifelse(A==A_lvls[2], 1, 0)
          eif_0 <-  ((1-A_ind)*object$out.train$Y + 
                       (A_ind-mu_hat[[pi1]])*mu_hat[,mu_A0]) / (mu_hat[[pi0]])
          eif_1 <-  (A_ind*object$out.train$Y -
                       (A_ind-mu_hat[[pi1]])*mu_hat[,mu_A1]) / (mu_hat[[pi1]])
          plot.dat <- rbind( data.frame(estimand=mu_A0, est=eif_0,
                                        Subgrps = object$out.train$Subgrps),
                             data.frame(estimand=mu_A1, est=eif_1,
                                        Subgrps = object$out.train$Subgrps)) 
        plot.dat$id <- as.character(plot.dat$Subgrps)
      if (object$ple=="None") {
        plot.dat <- object$out.train[,colnames(object$out.train) %in% 
                                       c("Y", "A", "Subgrps")]
        colnames(plot.dat)[1] <- c("est")
        plot.dat$estimand <- with(plot.dat, paste("mu",A,sep="_"))
        plot.dat$estimand <- factor(plot.dat$estimand, levels=c(mu_A0, mu_A1))
        plot.dat$id <- plot.dat$Subgrps
        plot.dat$id <- as.character(plot.dat$Subgrps)
    # If no Treatment #
    if (is.null(object$out.train$A)) {
      plot.dat <- object$out.train[,colnames(object$out.train) %in% 
                                     c("Y", "Subgrps")]
      colnames(plot.dat)[1] <- c("est")
      plot.dat$estimand <- "E(Y)"
      plot.dat$id <- plot.dat$Subgrps
      # plot.dat$id <- as.character(plot.dat$Subgrps)
  if (family=="survival") {
    # Create KM survival prediction data-set #
    out.train <- object$out.train
    pred.surv <- NULL
    for (s in unique(out.train$Subgrps)) {
      hold.dat <- out.train[out.train$Subgrps==s,]
      if (is.null(out.train$A)){
        km_mod <- survfit(Y ~ 1, data=hold.dat)
        pred.s <- data.frame(A = "",
                             time=c(0,km_mod$time), surv=c(1, km_mod$surv))
      if (!is.null(out.train$A)) {
        pred.s <- NULL
        for (a in 1:length(A_lvls)) {
          km_a <- survfit(Y ~ 1, data=hold.dat[hold.dat$A==A_lvls[a],])
          surv_a <- data.frame(A=A_lvls[a], time=c(0,km_a$time), 
                               surv=c(1, km_a$surv))
          pred.s <- rbind(pred.s, surv_a)
        pred.s$A <- factor(pred.s$A, levels = A_lvls)
      pred.s <- data.frame(id=s, pred.s)
      pred.surv <- suppressWarnings( dplyr::bind_rows(pred.surv, pred.s) )
    plot.dat <- pred.surv
    n.events <- sum(param.subs$events)
  ## Create density data ##
  post.prob <- object$resamp_dist
  gen_post <- FALSE
  if (is.null(object$resample)) {
    gen_post <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(object$resample)) {
    if (object$resample=="CV") gen_post <- TRUE
  if (!gen_post & object$param=="cox") {
    post.prob$estimand <- gsub("logHR", "HR", post.prob$estimand)
  if (gen_post) {
    post.prob <- NULL
    if (object$param=="cox") {
      param.subs$est0 <- log(param.subs$est0)
    for (s in unique(param.subs$Subgrps)) {
      dat.s <- rnorm(10000, mean = param.subs$est0[param.subs$Subgrps==s],
                     sd = param.subs$SE0[param.subs$Subgrps==s])
      dat.s <- data.frame(Subgrps=s, estimand=estimand, est=dat.s)
      post.prob <- rbind(post.prob, dat.s)
  post.prob <- post.prob[post.prob$Subgrps!="ovrl",]
  post.prob <- post.prob[post.prob$estimand==estimand,]
  if (family=="survival" & object$param=="cox") {
    post.prob$est <- exp(post.prob$est)
  dat.dens <- NULL
  for (s in unique(post.prob$Subgrps)){
    hold.s = post.prob[post.prob$Subgrps==s,]
    dat.s = with(density(hold.s$est, na.rm=T), data.frame(x, y))
    dat.s = data.frame(id = s, dat.s)
    dat.dens = rbind(dat.dens, dat.s)
  max.dens <- max(dat.dens$y)*1.05
  # If Applicable: Map "Pooled Subgroups" back to original tree #
  if (!is.null(object$trt_assign)) {
    pool.dat <- unique(object$trt_assign)
    colnames(pool.dat) <- c("Subgrps0", "Subgrps")
    # Merge with param #
    param.dat <- dplyr::left_join(param.dat, pool.dat, by="Subgrps")
    param.dat$Subgrps <- with(param.dat, ifelse(Subgrps=="ovrl", "ovrl",
    # Merge with plot datas #
    colnames(pool.dat) <- c("Subgrps0", "id")
    plot.dat <- dplyr::left_join(plot.dat, pool.dat, by="id")
    plot.dat$trt_assign <- plot.dat$id
    plot.dat$id <- plot.dat$Subgrps0 
    dat.dens <- dplyr::left_join(dat.dens, pool.dat, by="id")
    dat.dens$trt_assign <- dat.dens$id
    dat.dens$id <- dat.dens$Subgrps0
    param.subs <- dplyr::left_join(param.subs, pool.dat, by="id")
    param.subs$trt_assign <- param.subs$id
    param.subs$Subgrps <- param.subs$Subgrps0
  # Make sure id is numeric #
  plot.dat$id <- as.numeric(plot.dat$id)
  dat.dens$id <- as.numeric(dat.dens$id)
  # Change estimand labels (based on types) #
  if (family=="gaussian") {
    if (!is.null(object$out.train$A)) {
      plot.dat$estimand <- with(plot.dat, 
                                      sub(".*_", "", estimand), ")", sep=""))
      param.subs$estimand <- paste("E(Y|A=", A_lvls[2], ")-", 
                                   "E(Y|A=", A_lvls[1], ")", sep="")
      dat.dens$estimand <- paste("E(Y|A=", A_lvls[2], ")-", 
                                 "E(Y|A=", A_lvls[1], ")", sep="")
  if (family=="binomial") {
    if (!is.null(object$out.train$A)) {
      plot.dat$estimand = with(plot.dat, 
                                     sub(".*_", "", estimand), ")", sep=""))
      param.subs$estimand = paste("P(Y=1|A=", A_lvls[2], ")-", 
                                  "P(Y=1|A=", A_lvls[1], ")", sep="")
      plot.dat$est <- with(plot.dat, ifelse(est<0, 0, ifelse(est>1, 1, est)))
      dat.dens$estimand <- paste("P(Y=1|A=", A_lvls[2], ")-", 
                                 "P(Y=1|A=", A_lvls[1], ")", sep="")
  # Add estimates into tree (add in density/outcome data? Then can check if merged)#
  ct_node <- as.list(ct$node)
  for (s in Subgrps_num) {
    ct_node[[s]]$info$label <- param.subs$label[param.subs$Subgrps==s] 
    ct_node[[s]]$info$N <- param.subs$N[param.subs$Subgrps==s] 
    ct_node[[s]]$info$estimand <- param.subs$estimand[param.subs$Subgrps==s]
    ct_node[[s]]$info$prob.est <- param.subs$prob.est[param.subs$Subgrps==s]
    ct_node[[s]]$info$plot.dat <- plot.dat[plot.dat$id==s,]
    ct_node[[s]]$info$dat.dens <- dat.dens[dat.dens$id==s,]
    if (family=="survival") {
      ct_node[[s]]$info$events <- param.subs$events[param.subs$Subgrps==s] 
  # Round Edge Labels #
  for (ii in 1:length(ct_node)) {
    brk = ct_node[[ii]]$split$breaks
    if (!is.null(brk)){
      ct_node[[ii]]$split$breaks <- ifelse(is.numeric(brk), round(brk,2), brk)
  ct$node <- partykit::as.partynode(ct_node)
  ## Plot setup ##
  add_vars_list <- list(N = "$node$info$N", 
                        estimand = "$node$info$estimand", 
                        prob.est = "$node$info$prob.est",
                        label = "$node$info$label")
  if (family=="survival"){
    add_vars_list[["events"]] = "$node$info$events"
  plt <- ggparty::ggparty(ct, horizontal = TRUE, add_vars = add_vars_list) +
    ggparty::geom_edge() +
    ggparty::geom_edge_label() +
    ggparty::geom_node_label(line_list = list(ggplot2::aes(label = splitvar),
                                              ggplot2::aes(label = pval_convert(p.value))),
                             line_gpar = list(list(size = 8, col = "black", fontface = "bold"),
                                              list(size = 8)),ids = "inner")
  # Set up prob cutoff params #
  dir <- substr(prob.thres, 1, 1)
  thres <- substr(prob.thres, 2, nchar(prob.thres))
  if (suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(thres)))) {
    thres <- substr(prob.thres, 3, nchar(prob.thres))
  thres <- as.numeric(thres)
  fill_L <- ifelse(dir=="<", "green", "red")
  fill_R <- ifelse(dir==">", "green", "red")
  ## Continuous/Binary Plots ##
  if (family!="survival") {
    # Add Node Info #
    plt <- plt + 
        line_list = list(
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste("Node ", id) ),
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste("N = ", N, " (", round(N/n*100,1), "%)", sep="")),
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste(estimand, " [", (1-alpha_s)*100,"% CI]", sep="")),
          ggplot2::aes(label = label),
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste(prob.label, "=", prob.est))
        line_gpar = list(list(size = 8, fontface="bold"),
                         list(size = 8),
                         list(size = 8, fontface="bold"),
                         list(size = 8),
                         list(size = 8)),
        ids = "terminal", nudge_x = ifelse(plots=="none", 0.05, 0))
    # Outcome Plot #
    out_plot <- ggparty::geom_node_plot(
      gglist = list(ggplot2::geom_boxplot(data=plot.dat,
                                          ggplot2::aes(x=estimand, y=est, 
                    ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(expand=c(0.4, 0.4)), 
                    ggplot2::theme(axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_blank()),
      nudge_x = nudge_out, width = width_out,
      shared_axis_labels = TRUE,
      legend_separator = TRUE, scales = "fixed") 
    # Density Plot #
    dens_plot <- ggparty::geom_node_plot(
      gglist = list( ggplot2::geom_area(data=dat.dens, 
                                        ggplot2::aes(x = ifelse(x < thres , x, thres),y=y), fill = fill_L),
                                        ggplot2::aes(x = ifelse(x > thres , x, thres),
                                                     y=y), fill = fill_R),
                     ggplot2::geom_line(data=dat.dens, ggplot2::aes(x=x,y=y)),
                     ggplot2::theme(plot.title = 
                                      ggplot2::element_text(size = 8, face = "bold")),
                     ggplot2::xlab("Density"), ggplot2::ylab("") ), shared_axis_labels = TRUE,
      width=width_dens, nudge_x = nudge_dens)
    # Different Plot Types #
    if (plots=="none") {
      plt.out <- plt
    if (plots=="outcome") {
      plt.out <- plt + out_plot 
    if (plots=="density") {
      plt.out <- plt + dens_plot
    if (plots=="both") {
      plt.out <- plt + out_plot + dens_plot
  ### Survival Plot ###
  if (family=="survival") {
    # Add Node Info #
    plt <- plt +
        line_list = list(
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste("Node ", id) ),
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste("N = ", N, " (", round(N/n*100,1), "%)", sep="")),
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste("Events = ", events,
                                     " (", round(events/n.events*100,1), "%)", sep="")),
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste(estimand, " [", (1-alpha_s)*100,"% CI]", sep="")),
          ggplot2::aes(label = label),
          ggplot2::aes(label = paste(prob.label, "=", prob.est))
        line_gpar = list(list(size = 8, fontface="bold"),
                         list(size = 8),
                         list(size = 8),
                         list(size = 8, fontface="bold"),
                         list(size = 8), 
                         list(size = 8)),
        ids = "terminal",
        nudge_x = ifelse(plots=="none", 0.05, 0))
    if (is.null(out.train$A)) {
      gg_line <- ggplot2::geom_line(data=plot.dat,ggplot2::aes(x=time, y=surv), size=1.5)
    if (!is.null(out.train$A)) {
      gg_line <- ggplot2::geom_line(data=plot.dat,ggplot2::aes(x=time, y=surv, col=A), size=1.5)
      plot.dat$A <- factor(plot.dat$A, levels = A_lvls)
    out_plot <- ggparty::geom_node_plot(gglist = list(gg_line,
                                                      ggplot2::ylab( "Survival Probability" ),
                                                      ggplot2::theme(legend.title = element_blank())),
                                        shared_axis_labels = TRUE,
                                        legend_separator = TRUE, scales = "fixed", 
                                        width=width_out, nudge_x=nudge_out)
    # Density #
    dens_plot <- ggparty::geom_node_plot(
      gglist = list( ggplot2::geom_area(data=dat.dens, 
                                        ggplot2::aes(x = ifelse(x < thres , x, thres),y=y), fill = fill_L),
                     ggplot2::geom_area(data=dat.dens, ggplot2::aes(x = ifelse(x > thres , x, thres),
                                                                    y=y), fill = fill_R),
                     ggplot2::geom_line(data=dat.dens, ggplot2::aes(x=x,y=y)),
                     ggplot2::theme_bw(), ggplot2::xlab("Density"), 
                     ggplot2::theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 8, face = "bold"))),
      shared_axis_labels = TRUE, width = width_dens, nudge_x = nudge_dens)
    if (plots=="none") {
      plt.out <- plt
    if (plots=="outcome") {
      plt.out <- plt + out_plot
    if (plots=="density") {
      plt.out <- plt + dens_plot
    if (plots=="both") {
      plt.out <- plt + out_plot + dens_plot

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